2016-17 Operational Plan
Operational StrategyExpected OutcomeLead Department(s)Person/Team ResponsibleCore ThemeBudgetStatusStatus/UpdateFinal OutcomeAnalysis of Outcome
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2016-17 Operational Planning
Increase hybrid/online course offerings to provide more flexible scheduling for students.
Increase online and hybrid enrollment from 27 % in 2015-16 to 32% by the end of 2017 academic year.InstructionVP for Instruction and dean team with support from eLearningDivision and eLearning budgetsGreenIn progress.2016-17: Online and hybrid enrollment represents 29.5% of total enrollment. This is 2 percentage points short of the goal. It does represent a 10.1% increase in the number of OL & HY FTE from 2015-16 (1202 FTE) to 2016-17 (1323 FTE)When we offer online and hybrid, students take it. We need to continue to be strategic, thoughtful, and grow our online and hybrid offerings. Anecdotally, specialized courses that struggled with face to face enrollments do well when put online.
Review and revise course scheduling to provide an annual schedule aligned with pathways.
More consistent, predictable and student focused course schedule to increase quarterly retention.InstructionVP of Instruction and dean teamGreenNew course schedule has been created and approved. Implementation will begin 2017-18 academic year.New course schedule has been created and approved. Implementation will begin 2017-18 academic year.The schedules seem to be working better for students, with more consistency.
Complete implementation of new Advising model
Increase in fall-to-fall retention. Increase 3% in the student retention rate by end of 2017.
CCSSE score improvement to national norm on students reporting frequency of academic advising/ planning.
Student ServicesDean of Enrollment ServicesYellowAll new students assigned by cohort. New Student Advising and Registration sessions revised and implemented for winter registration. Initial work with faculty to determine role of Ed Planners and Faculty Mentors has begun.
Target Completion of Fall 2017
General Retention F-F for FT DS: 2015: 64.8% and 2016 (prelim): 66.4%. IPEDS (CT1) 2015: 66% and 2016 (prelim) 63% / CCSSE: Advising Freq.: 2014 - SPSCC (1.58) and Medium Colleges [MC] (1.82). 2017 - SPSCC (1.38) and MC (1.55) [Note: CCSSE implemented new scale in 2017]. Gap is closing on advising frequencyDiscussion with faculty taught us that they feel comfortable advising around career choice and subject matter content, not specific classes to take and how they transfer to 4-year schools. The advising model has been built around student services focusing on advising around specific course work and program/transfer requirements.
Launch the updated HDEV Curriculm
Increase fall-to-winter retention by 2% for those in courseInstructionDean of Access ServicesGreenNew curriculum launched and being used fall quarter. On Course training provided to all instructors. Need to move goal to instructionNeed HDEV in Fall 2016 (N=359). Earned HDEV credit 1st quarter. 88, 78 returned, rate = 88.6%, No HDEV credit 1st qrtr 271, 198 returned, rate = 73.1%Taking HDEV seems to help those students who take it. Fall to winter retention doesn't take in to account that we allow students to take HDEV in their first two quarters. This data is not causal. The new policy, which will require HDEV for all students who test in to pre-college will help create a more causal relationship for data analysis.
Redesign incoming student model from admissions to registration for first quarter
Increase in enrollment by 3% (102 FTE) by end of 2017-18 year. Increase admissions conversions yield to 28% (from current rate of 25.8%) by Spring 2017Student ServicesDirector of RecruitmentYellowFoundation for support of new students is now in place: Regular Info Sessions, scheduled Admissions 1:1 appointments (no longer done by Advising for 1st time students), Start Here Drop In sessions, unified 5 Simple Steps and Paying for College brochures distributed, etc. Currently linking all 'Hot Prospect' email text into CRM.Annualized FTE: 2014-15 - 3,531, 2015-16 - 3,429, 2016-17 - 3,357. : Spring conversion yield is 30.5% (up 4.7 percentage points)Focus on 'hot prospects' within the enrollment cycle and the importance of returning students re-enrolling for the next quarter, too, as a simple baseline pool of FTE's.
Align/ Assign Financial Aid Advisors with Ed Planners and create a communication plan designed to support students and build support relationships.
CCSSE scores will improve to nationally comparative levels for support with financial aid.Student ServicesDean of Student Financial ServicesFA Advisors are being assigned by alpha. Soft launch in Spring/Summer to prepare for the implementation of the starfish launch in the fall.
One Stop & Contact Center will begin transferring students to FA staff based on Alpha
Targeted Completion: Fall 2017 FA staff based on Alpha available to students on Starfish
Increase Co-op/ Internships available to students
Increase the number of internship opportunities by 15 by Fall of 2017Student ServicesDean of Student Financial ServicesInstruction is changing the structure of the COOP/Internship courses. This may happen spring 2017, for sure by summer 2017. In addition to this change Sally & Mychael have increased pretentions for internships/COOP.
Next Steps: Sally & Mychael will continue to promote the internship/COOP opportunities.
Targeted Completion: Increase of opportunities for SPSCC students by Fall 2017
SU16: 32
FA16: 16
WI17: 34
SP17: 46
The total Internships enrolled did not increase for 1617.The administrative piece is very time consuming once it is moved to instruction it will allow Sally to increase the outreach component.
CRM Implementation
Phase 1: Data integration and scope assessment. International Application Go-Live Phase 2: Build Communication Plans, Create Self Service Center, Domestic student Go-Live. Phase 3: Special Admissions Go-Live, Training & Implementation of modules in daily work.Student ServicesDean of Enrollment ServicesData submitted for integration. Communication Plans 80% built. International Module went live December 2016. Phase 2 went live February 2017: Inquiry Forms, Domestic Communication Plans, Nursing Special Admissions Tool, On-Site Front Line user training (1/23-24, 2017). Next Steps: Hot Prospects Campaigns, Data Integration, Events Module, Remote Form Tool, Outlook Plugin. Phase 3 Completion Target: Launch remaining Special Admissions Application Modules, Data Integration & Self Service Center Launch, Continued implementation of targeted Communication Plans & ongoing training.On targetData integration takes more time than realize. Need help with testing data, to ensure system pulling it accurately. The importance of hands-on training for staff to embrace tool.
All faculty will have strategies, based upon best practices, in their 2016-17 work plan that will increase engagement with students.
Increase CCSSE for score related to faculty/student interactionsInstructionVP for Instruction and dean teamInstruction BudgetGreenIn progress. Faculty have selected strategies to pilot 2016 - 17 academic year. Review of progress deans will occur in late spring 2017.CCSSE: Internal benchmark for stu-fac interaction 2017 is .414 in 2014 it was .404When we pick an area of focus, and are intentional about developing interventions, we see a positive impact.
Develop three new instructional programs: Health Information Tech, Cider, Brewing and Distilling
Increase the number of professional and technical programs that provide wages above $15.00 per hour for students.InstructionVP for Instruction and dean teamInstructional Budget & Contingency FundsGreenCraft brewing and distilling program approved by SBCTC and SPSCC board. Coding and billing program approved by SBCTC, SPSCC board and NWCCU. Began implementing winter 2017.Craft brewing and distilling and billing and coding programs were approved by SBCTC, SPSCC board and NWCCU. IBEST is in progress and IT boot camp was offered but didn't have sufficient enrollments to run.We were overly ambitious in our timeframe for program implementation.
Implement eLearning Quality Rubric required for all faculty teaching online or hybrid by winter 2018.
Increase online pass rates from 77.9% to 81% and increase hybrid pass rates from 80% to 81% to match face-to face pass rates at 81%InstructionVP for Instruction and dean team and Teaching and Learning Center faculty/staffInstruction budgetGreenRubric implemented fall 2017 with all instructors meeting standards by end of spring 2018.2016-17 Online: 78.8%, Hybrid: 82.9%, F2F: 81.2%Although our pass rates improved, we need to continue to implement best practices and standards for online courses.
Continue to implement a five-year plan for Universal Design so that 75% of all full-time faculty have imbedded UDL strategies in the classroom.
Increase overall pass rate of students from 81% to 83%. Increase underrepresented student pass rates as follows: Af. Am from 71.7% to 74%; Pac. Is. from 79.2% to 81%; Latino from 77.1% to79%; Multi-racial from 76.6% to 79% by the end of 2018.InstructionVP for Instruction, dean team and Teaching and Learning Center faculty/staffGreenIn progress. Year-long faculty series begins fall 2017.As of Spring 2017: Overall Pass Rates: 80.8%, Af. Amer. 70.9%, Pac. Isln. 75.2%, Latino 75.6%, MR. 78.1%There was no change in pass rates for all students and African American. We had pass rates decline for Pacific Islanders and Latinos.
Scale up Pathways model college-wide
Increase in student quarterly retention.InstructionVP for Instruction, dean team, in consultation with VPSS and Dean of Enrollment ServicesYellowFour workgroups created: (1) curriculum integration and contextualization, (2) scheduling, (3) communication and marketing, and (4) student support services. Plan completed for College Spark Washington.4 workgroups created: (1) curriculum integration and contextualization, (2) scheduling, (3) communication and marketing, and (4) student support services. Plan completed for College Spark WashingtonWe haven't fully implemented pathways, so quarterly retention data is premature.
-College full and part time faculty to use Canvas in online, face-to-face and hybrid courses
70% of faculty will use Canvas for timely reporting of grades in 16-17 academic year in preparation for Starfish software which will support early intervention.InstructionVP for Instruction and dean teamGreenIn progress.216 out of 280 have used canvas in 2016-17: 77%Our goal is that some disciplines are using other management systems other than canvas, such as WAMAP for math.
Increase funding and scholarships for underrepresented students and target funds to students with the greatest unmet need.
Increase funding to underrepresented students by 10%. Measured by # of scholarships over baseline (link to diversity funding)FoundationExec. Director of FoundationGreenIn 2016 we awarded 3 DEC Scholarships, 3 FIRE summit scholarships, 5 Latino Youth Summit scholarships, 1 CYS scholarship, 4 Boys and Girls Club scholarships and 1 Together scholarship. The 2017 MLK event was a sell out event with increased sponsorship revenue from $5,000 to $9,500, over a 90% increase!Fire Summit = $3,000
3 awarded for 17-18 @ $1,000

LGBTQ = $3,000
4 @ $750 ea. to be added to Fall Cycle

MLK = $3,750
5 @ $750 ea. to be added to Fall Cycle

Latinx Youth Summit = $3,000
3 @ $1,000 ea. to be added to AW as an apply-to award after November event.

Diversity & Equity Center Scholarship = $750
1 @ $750 to be added to Fall Cycle
$200 projected from payroll deductions by December
$550 from Diversity Equity Program account (current balance $1,635)

$13,500 Total That’s a 50% increase over last year!!!!!
Targeting funding to underrepresented students through providing scholarships with community partners led to a solid bridge for students to walk from an organization they trust to SPSCC. This helped these students enroll at SPSCC. Increasing sponsorship revenue at the MLK was successful and led to more scholarships for the DEIC.
Create an Ed Planner Position that works specifically with underrepresented populations
Increase retention of underrepresented populations by 5% and reduce achievement gap by 3%. 44% of underserved populations will achieve 35-45 credits.Student ServicesAssoc Dean of T3 & FYEPosition created and filled with the hiring of Charlie Ensminger. With Charlie's shift to the Interim DEC Director he will still provide advising services to DEC students when available.Position fill Fall 2017 by Christina SantosDEC students were more comfortable seeing an advisor located in DEC. Many students saw an advisor for the first time since starting at SPSCC when an advisor was located in the DEC.
Increase International Student enrollment.
Increase International Student enrollment by 3%.Student ServicesDean of Student Engagement & RetentionFall and Winter recruitment cycles complete; Spring 2017 recruitment in progress. Hobson's CRM international application live January 2017.International high school completion/dual degree program complete. More next steps include international housing model and international pathway program; both are underway.3% increase was not achieved due in part to the continued loss of students from Saudi Arabia as a result of SACM scholarship reductions and changes. Political climate is also impacting recruitment and visa approvals. Had a significant increase in the diversity of countries represented. We had students from 20 different countries Spring 2016, and now have students from 26 different countries as of Spring 2017.
Increase access to counseling services for students enroll at Lacey Campus.
Increase to six workshops offered per quarter at Lacey. Mid-winter change: Develop workshops that can be presented in the classroom as part of Lacey PathwaysStudent ServicesDean of Enrollment ServicesMeeting scheduled with Erica and Anne to discuss ideas for Spring Quarter. Goal to provide sessions during spring class visits2016-17: Fall and winter 4 workshops were offered each quarter. Additional workshops served similar numbers on a quarterly basis.Additional workshops did not lead to more students attending workshops. Midway through the year the counselors adjusted strategy to focus on providing sessions during specific classes to provide information to more students.
Target scholarship funds to highest unmet-need students
System to be developed between FA & Foundation for identifying and awarding fundsStudent ServicesDean of Student Financial ServicesWorking with foundation and Academic Works to utilize scholarship system options. Provided foundation with proposal for funding model mirroring the husky promise.
Next Steps: Academic Works updated completed Spring 2017 & Presenting to Board April 2017
Targeted Completion: Create a funding model to better meet the unmet needs of our most vulnerable populations.
Continuing into next year
Increase number of Safe Zone Trainers qualified to deliver Safe Zone Trainings; increase total number of designated Safe Zones available on campus.
5 or more trainers by June 30, 2017; increase in Safe Zone participants.Student ServicesDean of Student Engagement & RetentionSafe Zone Network: Training - 37 participants enrolled in Safe Zone Network competency workshops in fall quarter 2016. Session 1 and Fall quarter data was unavailable; therefore, status updates will utilize current data (session 2 and spring/winter). Session 2 Safe Zone/Space training had 14 attendees. Safe Zones - Currently, the college supports 45 web-site identified Safe Zones.Same as updateUtilized the Campus Pride Train the Trainer program to ensure that a climate focused adaptation of safe zone/space training curriculum is uniform.
Identify Diversity Criteria- AA Voluntary Reporting data
Identified and presentedHuman ResourcesChief Human Resources OfficerDiversity data is collected and reported using the Voluntary Affirmative Action Reporting Form. Categories include: Sex, Hispanic, Race, Disability and Veterans PreferenceIt is complicated to determine 'categories' of diversity. The data will not be complete as this is self-reporting and is voluntary
Establish procedures to align sexual assault reporting and Title IX investigations
working with HR, Student Services and Student LifeAdministrative ServicesDean of Student Engagement & RetentionContinue to work with HR and students servicesDeveloped web page 10/10/16. Utilize lawroom.com trainingContinue to communicate the process and inform staff & faculty of the reporting requirements and forms
Cultural competency integrated into all professional development plans and activities across all divisions of the campus. NOTE: Original plan stated, "Integrate anti-biased and culturally inclusive curriculum campus" which has been rolled into the strategy.
Increased retention rates for African American, Latino, Native American and low SES students. See percentage increase in #18 above.ALLLeadership TeamInstruction will continue ongoing professional development in cultural competency through the Teaching and Learning Center. Need an update here from Ken and the DEC Committee.Underserved population: 2015: F-W 87.1%, F-F 61.8%. 2016: F-w 87.3% F-F 61.5%Our efforts didn't impact this outcome..
Train and educate Faculty, Staff and Students about the needs of underrepresented students
Increase overall pass rate of students from 81% to 83%. Increase underrepresented student pass rates as follows: Af. Am from 71.7% to 74%; Pac. Is. from 79.2% to 81%; Latino from 77.1% to79%; Multi-racial from 76.6% to 79% by the end of 2018.ALLWe created three intentional communities of practice, that can be attended by any employee, specifically focusing on equity, power, and justice. We gave a faculty member one third release to coordinate these and to support faculty needs.As of Spring 2017: Overall Pass Rates: 80.8%, Af. Amer. 70.9%, Pac. Isln. 75.2%, Latino 75.6%, MR. 78.1%We needed to provide more opportunities for faculty to learn about equity, power, and social justice.
Continued review and implementation of Innovation Box suggestions from faculty and staff
Implement as many innovations as are feasible and recognize successful implementationsInformation TechnologyCIO & Leadership TeamImplemented 6 innovations from suggestion box and otherwise - to be recognized at Spring event.Recognized 6 innovations: listing in hand-outWill continue to monitor the innovation box through the end of this strategic plan
Simplify and automate workflow processes across all divisions of the college
For 2016-17: Student portal improvements, new class schedule including process changes for population of course information, simplification of registration process (reduced clicks), new Library system, Starfish implementation, CRM implementationALLExecutive Team: Lead CIOGreenStudent portal improvements are continuous. The new class schedule was implemented Fall quarter and enhancements continue. Registration process simplified Fall quarter. New Library system complete. CRM and Starfish implementations ongoing - and on track.Student portal improvements are continuous. The new class schedule was implemented Fall quarter and enhancements continue. Registration process simplified Fall quarter. New Library system complete. CRM and Starfish implementations ongoing - and on track.Continue with Starfish (re-branded Compass) implementation. Continue to monitor student portal and enhance functionality as a result of IT and Student Service collaboration to better serve students.
Expand web functionality and content with a focus on improved student and prospective student information and engagement opportunities
Implement improvements to overall site information architecture; re-develop Areas of Study section on web to re-focus from Program Planning Guides orientation to areas of interest orientation; and expand capabilities of the Student Portal to better communicate student financial / business responsibilities and communicate important student informationPublic RelationsPublic Relations Office & CIOAreas of Study pages published and ready for updates/edits; Direct transfer content was developed and published; Web information architecture was updated; and portal content is improved on an ongoing basis. Beginning in Fall quarter 2017, Web Team meetings will focus on Portal and student experience to upgrade branding and usability of portal to replace "Current Students" page.Same as updateProgram-related traffic increased after the new structure was launched. Through feedback from students and our Outreach team, we learned that prospective students like the information contained in Areas of Study, but struggle to recognize the difference between an Area of Study (drama, for example) and the degrees or certificates offered. The assumption is that if we talk about Drama, we offer a drama degree. We also learned that neither students nor faculty cared for the functionality that was designed and an alternate structure would help with user experience.
Increase total giving to College Foundation
Increase internal community giving (campus giving) by 3% increase in number of employees giving. Increase overall Foundation revenue by 5%.FoundationExec Director of the Foundation & Development TeamGreenFoundation increased revenue in several categories this year, specifically; sponsorships for A&E, scholarships specifically focused on diversity, and athletics fundraising. In 2015 we were fortunate to receive a substantial planned gift which we did not receive in 2016. 2017 is off to a great start, campus giving is up from 36% to 41% and revenue up 9% over the same time period last year.2016 Revenue (w/o investment rev) = $929,185 down 14.5%2016 was a very good fundraising year but we did not receive an estate gift or naming gift. Useful to set goals off of baseline date from LY - not including estate gifts because we cannot anticipate when they will come in.
Increase awareness of Clipper Athletics to community audiences with active fundraising efforts.
Increase fundraising revenue by 10% toward athletic excellence funds, and athletic scholarships.FoundationDean of Student Engagement & Retention, FoundationGreenFoundation met with Athletics staff monthly for a year to develop athletics fundraising plan and collateral. Secured several new sponsorships for athletics, hosted 2 house parties, indigogo campaign for men's basketball, increase scholarships distributed to athletics from funds raise at the Clipper Scramble.Student Services: 2015 fundraising revenue: $13,517, 2016 fundraising revenue $23,377, a 73% increase. From the foundation scholarships increased by 400% with additional funds allocated from Foundation.This process was very time consuming with smaller results than we would have liked. Reasons: staff turnover in Athletics needing to start at the beginning again, less of a donor base for Athletic fundraising than we anticipated. Sponsorship levels and outreach materials are now created to launch awareness campaign.
Increase awareness for the Arts and Entertainment offerings at the college through increasing fundraising and community building
Host 4 VIP receptions, increase sponsorship revenue by 10%FoundationExec Director of the Foundation, Public Relations, Music, student lifeDeveloped friends of the arts fundraising materials, hosted several VIP receptions, increases sponsorships for the A&E series. Increase attendance and sponsorship for the MLK event. Taiko Project VIP reception raised $8,500 for the new Learning Seed scholarship.VIP reception cohosted with The Learning Seed Foundation = $8,500 for scholarship, VIP reception cohosted with Pizza Klatch raised enough funding for a new LGBTQ and Ally scholarshipPartnering with friends who are willing to invite and host VIP receptions resulted in increased revenue.
Develop and Implement Micro-Lending (Angel) Fund
Defined application, award and marketing process by Jan 2017. Raise $50,000 to start fund to total $250,000 over 4 yearsFoundationExecutive Director of the FoundationCommunityDeveloped process including application, partnership with participating financial institution, three major gift asks, $15,000 raised to date.$30,000 secured in funding. Loan application, committee and marketing in place. First award winter 2018Steep learning curve with this new initiative. Partnerships with local lenders and the CB&I really helped it move from idea to reality.
Complete a climate survey by Winter 2017
Conduct the Great Colleges to Work For survey in March 2017.ALLLeadership Team: Lead CHROIn Process. Great Colleges to Work For survey (Chronicle of Higher Ed), data gathering almost complete, begun communication of upcoming survey, survey scheduled for March 2017survey completedHigh response rate
Increase engagement among administration, staff, faculty and students: quarterly campus forums, meetings with student leaders and celebrations.
Participate in Great Colleges to Work For survey in Winter Quarter.ALLExecutive Team: Lead CHRO & Dir. of Pub. Relations/EventsGreenOngoing. Building Community w/Fall kickoff garden party, Annual chili cook-off, Annual holiday party, Mardi Gras 2/2016, May Annual Employee Appreciation Event. Quarterly forums held each Quarter; Fall quarter forums with staff, faculty and diversity students completed.Continue annual forumsStaff request that we continue forums, it is a good way to share information and invite questions.
Improve employee awareness of available communication resources, calendars and engagement with available networks
Complete Strategic Internal Communication PlanPublic RelationsPublic Relations Office & CIOProject communication plan completed; working on followup document that is a "roadmap" for all employees outlining where and when they can find important informationSame as updateThere was a high level of frustration and employee dissatisfaction with current communication practices--the data from the Great Colleges to Work For survey confirmed this. Creating a 'standard' will be difficult and will not be a quick fix, but there are easy initial steps that can be taken for noticeable improvement.
Strengthen community partnerships through increased strategic partnership planning and sponsorship of partner organizations and events
Increase survey respondents from 52 in 2016 to at least 75 in 2017. With that increase, maintain or improve survey average response of 4.71.Public RelationsPublic Relations Office & Exec Director of the FoundationThe partnership satisfaction survey was sent to 78 community partners. There were 28 respondents for a 35.9% response rate. Of those that responded, the overall experience partnering with SPSCC has a 96% positive rating. 95% of respondents have developed a positive relationship with SPSCC and when asked if their partnership raised awareness regarding the value of SPSCC, there as a 97% agreement level. Most partners (95%) would recommend SPSCC to another community partner. All questions in this survey had a slightly more positive return that the prior year.Same as UpdateAs we have learned over the last two years, partnership satisfaction is very hard to measure with a survey. Overall our partners seem very satisfied, but with such a small sample size the integrity of these responses is not overly meaningful.