1 | Abiqua School | Sheri Pilgrim | Director | N/A | sheri.pilgrim@abiquaacademy.org | 503-399-9020 | Both |
2 | Adel SD 21 | Laurie Renfrow | Clerk | N/A | lrenfrow@lakeesd.k12.or.us | 541-947-3371 x135 | Both |
3 | Adrian SD 61 | Brian Wise | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | brian.wise@adriansd.org | 208-695-5361 | Both |
4 | Alsea SD 7J | Keenan Elbers | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | keenan.elbers@alsea.k12.or.us | 541-487-4305 | Both |
5 | Alsea SD 7J | Roxie.Smallwood | Transportation Secretary | N/A | roxie.smallwood@alsea.k12.or.us | 541-487-4305 | Both |
6 | Amity SD 4J | Julie Horn | District Data Coordinator/Student Services Secretary | N/A | julie.horn@amity.k12.or.us | 503-835-2171 | Both |
7 | Amity SD 4J | Jeff Clark | Superintendent | First Student | jeff.clark@amity.k12.or.us | 503-835-2171 | Both |
8 | Amity SD 4J | Lonnie Hughes | Location Manager | First Student | lonnie.hughes@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 | Both |
9 | Amity SD 4J | Suzanne Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | School Bus Drivers |
10 | Amity SD 4J | Teresa McLeod | Location Safety Manager | First Student | teresa.mcleod@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 x108 | Both |
11 | Annex SD 29 | Kelly Biddinger | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | kelly.biddinger@annexsd.org | 541-262-3280 | Both |
12 | Annex SD 29 | Kim Voile | Superintendent | N/A | Kim.voile@Annexsd.org | 541-262-3280 | Both |
13 | Annex SD 29 | Kim Voile | Superintendent | N/A | Kim.voile@Annexsd.org | 541-262-3280 | Both |
14 | Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon | Ammar Transportation LLC | Transport Special Needs from Home to School | N/A | hashiabdul36@gmail.com | 503-660-5280 | Activity Drivers |
15 | Arlington SD 3 | Mariah Shandy | Administrative Assistant | N/A | mshandy@arlington.k12.or.us | 541-454-2632 | Both |
16 | Arlington SD 3 | Mark Davidson | Facilities/Transportation | N/A | mdavidson@arlington.k12.or.us | 541-340-9667 | Both |
17 | Arock SD 81 | Vicki McConnell | Head Teacher | N/A | vickijomcconnell@msn.com | 541-586-2325 | Both |
18 | Ashland SD 5 | Stacey Cheshire | Transportation Director | N/A | stacey.cheshire@ashland.k12.or.us | 541-482-3174 | Both |
19 | Ashwood SD 8 | Lynnsay Jacobs | District Clerk | N/A | ljacobs@ashwood.k12.or.us | 541-489-3297 | Both |
20 | Ashwood SD 8 | Lynnsay Jacobs | Transportation Supervisor/District Clerk | N/A | clerk@ashwood.k12.or.us | 541-777-1118 | Both |
21 | Astoria SD 1 | Mindy Landwehr | Business Manager | N/A | mlandwehr@astoria.k12.or.us | 503-325-6441 | Both |
22 | Astoria SD 1 | Rhonda Hageman | Transportation Director | N/A | rhageman@astoria.k12.or.us | 503-325-4550 | Both |
23 | Athena-Weston SD 29RJ | Julie Schroeder | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | julie.schroeder@athwest.k12.or.us | 541-566-3551 | Both |
24 | Baker SD 5J | Rachelle Lemmon | Driver Trainer | N/A | rachelle.lemmon@bakersd.org | 541-523-5443 | Both |
25 | Baker SD 5J | Wayne Paxton | Supervisor | N/A | wayne.paxton@bakersd.org | 541-523-5443 | Both |
26 | Bandon SD 54 | Chris Trevisiol | Director of Operations/Transportation | N/A | ctrevisiol@bandon.k12.or.us | 541-580-7550 | Both |
27 | Bandon SD 54 | Doug Ardiana | Superintendent | N/A | dardiana@bandon.k12.or.us | 541-347-4411 | None |
28 | Bandon SD 54 | Jeffrey Rupert | Director of Transportation Bandon School District 54 | N/A | jrupert@bandon.k12.or.us | 541-551-9211 | Both |
29 | Bandon SD 54 | Shauna Schmerer | Superintendent | N/A | sschmerer@bandon.k12.or.us | 541-347-4411 | Both |
30 | Banks SD 13 | LaBeth Dudley | Location Manager | MidCo | labeth.dudley@midcobus.com | 503-324-2736 | Both |
31 | Banks SD 13 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
32 | Banks SD 13 | Molly Herbst | Office Manager | MidCo | mollyh@banks.k12.or.us | 503-324-8591 | Both |
33 | Beaverton SD 48J | Cliff Harrell | Transportation Maintenance Supervisor | N/A | clifford_harrell@beaverton.k12.or.us | 503-356-4236 | None |
34 | Beaverton SD 48J | Craig Beaver | Administrator of Transportation | N/A | craig_beaver@beaverton.k12.or.us | 503-356-4221 | Both |
35 | Beaverton SD 48J | James "JD" Russell | Operations Supervisor | N/A | james_russell@beaverton.k12.or.us | 503-356-4275 | Both |
36 | Beaverton SD 48J | Joel Feldhan | Operations Supervisor | N/A | joel_feldhan@beaverton.k12.or.us | 503-356-4207 | None |
37 | Beaverton SD 48J | Jorge Rivera | Training Coordinator | N/A | jorge_rivera@beaverton.k12.or.us | 503-356-4224 | Both |
38 | Beaverton SD 48J | Rusty Bingham | Operations Supervisor | N/A | rusty_bingham@beaverton.k12.or.us | 503-356-4255 | Both |
39 | Bend-LaPine Administrative SD 1 | Chris Mather | Supervisor - La Pine | N/A | chris.mather@bend.k12.or.us | 541-355-5756 | Both |
40 | Bend-LaPine Administrative SD 1 | Justin Kohler | Training Coordinator | N/A | justin.kohler@bend.k12.or.us | 541-355-5712 | Both |
41 | Bend-LaPine Administrative SD 1 | Kim Crabtree | Director of Transportation | N/A | kim.crabtree@bend.k12.or.us | 541-355-5705 | Both |
42 | Bend-LaPine Administrative SD 1 | Tina Bandy | Assistant Director | N/A | tina.bandy@bend.k12.or.us | 541-355-5714 | Both |
43 | Bend International School | Meera Rupp | School Director | N/A | meera@bendinternationalschool.org | 541-797-7038 | School Bus Drivers |
44 | Bethel SD 52 | Ashleigh Barley | Driver Trainer | N/A | Ashleigh.Barley@bethel.k12.or.us | 541-844-9846 | School Bus Drivers |
45 | Bethel SD 52 | Krista Larson | Special Transportation Supervisor | N/A | krista.larson@bethel.k12.or.us | 541-514-1128 | Both |
46 | Bethel SD 52 | Krista Larson | Transportation Director | N/A | krista.larson@bethel.k12.or.us | 541-607-1499 | Both |
47 | Bethel SD 52 | Remie Calalang | H.R./Transportation | N/A | remie.calalang@bethel.k12.or.us | 541-689-3280 | Both |
48 | Bethel SD 52 | Amie Huyck | Location Manager | First Student | amie.huyck@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 | Both |
49 | Bethel SD 52 | Amie Huyck | Location manager | First Student | amie.huyck@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 | Both |
50 | Bethel SD 52 | Andrea Belz | Director of Business Services | First Student | Andrea.Belz@Bethel.K12.or.us | 541-607-1406 | None |
51 | Bethel SD 52 | Kathleen Mooney | Location Safety Manager | First Student | kathleen.mooney@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 x4 | Both |
52 | Bethel SD 52 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
53 | Blachly SD 90 | Dennis Boyd | Transportation Director | N/A | dboyd@blachly.k12.or.us | 541-925-3262 | Both |
54 | Blachly SD 90 | Molly Rust | Business Manager | N/A | mrust@blachly.k12.or.us | 541-925-3262 | Both |
55 | Black Butte SD 41 | Kirstin Anglea | District Administrator | N/A | kanglea@blackbutte.k12.or.us | 414-550-9520 | School Bus Drivers |
56 | Blanchet Catholic School | Ron Miller | Facilities Director | N/A | ronmiller@blanchetcatholicschool.com | 503-580-9670 | Both |
57 | Brookings-Harbor SD 17C | Michael Knight | Director of Transportation | N/A | michaelk@brookings.k12.or.us | 541-469-2666 | Both |
58 | Burnt River SD 30J | Austin Tibbetts | Location Manager | MidCo | austin.tibbetts@midcobus.com | 541-963-6119 | Both |
59 | Burnt River SD 30J | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
60 | Butte Falls SD 91 | Julie Freeman | Administrative Assistant | N/A | jfreeman@buttefalls.k12.or.us | 541-865-3563 x223 | Both |
61 | Butte Falls SD 91 | Rex Squires | | N/A | squiresr@eaglepnt.k12.or.us | 541-830-6384 | Both |
62 | Camas Valley SD 21J | Tina Fisher | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | tina.fisher@camasvalley.k12.or.us | 541-445-2131 | Both |
63 | Canby SD 86 | Amanda Beyer | Operation Manager | STA | abeyer@ridesta.com | 503-263-1007 | Both |
64 | Canby SD 86 | MaryAnn Derby | Safety & Training Supervisor | STA | mderby@ridesta.com | 503-263-1007 | Both |
65 | Cascade SD 5 | Scott Pillar | Business Manager/ Transportation | N/A | spillar@cascade.k12.or.us | | Both |
66 | Cascade SD 5 | Krista Andrade | Location Manager | MidCo | k.andrade@midcobus.com | 503-749-1353 | Both |
67 | Cascade SD 5 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
68 | Catlin Gabel School | Helen Romero | Transportation Manager | N/A | romeroh@catlin.edu | 503-820-1059 | Both |
69 | Centennial SD 28J | Cathy Rosenthal | Special Needs Coordinator | N/A | cathy_rosenthal@csd28j.org | 503-762-7521 | None |
70 | Centennial SD 28J | Erin Sherry | Transportation Department Secretary | N/A | erin_sherry@csd28j.org | 503-762-3674 | None |
71 | Centennial SD 28J | Sambo Tep | Mechanic | N/A | sambo_tep@csd28j.org | 503-705-9358 | None |
72 | Centennial SD 28J | Sean Schroeder | Director of Transportation | N/A | sean_schroeder@csd28j.org | 503-953-3162 | Both |
73 | Centennial SD 28J | Shel (Michelle) Sanders | GT Routing Coordinator | N/A | michelle_sanders@csd28j.org | 503-762-3674 | None |
74 | Centennial SD 28J | Suzanne Cummings | Assistant Director of Student Transportation | N/A | suzanne_cummings@csd28j.org | 503-762-7525 or 971-712-6808 | Both |
75 | Central Curry SD 1 | Allen Walz | Transportation Director | N/A | awalz@ccsd.k12.or.us | 541-247-7241 | Both |
76 | Central Curry SD 1 | Eric Milburn | Superintendent | N/A | emilburn@ccsd.k12.or.us | 541-247-2003 x224 | None |
77 | Central Linn SD 552 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
78 | Central Linn SD 552 | Shelly Polk | Location Manager | MidCo | rpolk@midcobus.com | 503-767-2480 | Both |
79 | Central Point SD 6 | Gemma Trompeter | Location Manager | First Student | Gemma.Trompeter@firstgroup.com | 541-494-6931 | Both |
80 | Central Point SD 6 | Melanie Rennels | Location Safety Manager | First Student | melanie.rennels@firstgroup.com | 541-772-1114 | School Bus Drivers |
81 | Central Point SD 6 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
82 | Central SD 13J | James "Mike" Cook | Transportation Manager | N/A | jcook1@central.k12.or.us | 503-838-2309 / 503-606-2309 | Both |
83 | Central SD 13J | John Kerr | Dispatcher | N/A | jkerr@central.k12.or.us | 503-838-1621 | Both |
84 | Central SD 13J | Kevin Suppes | Mechanic | N/A | ksuppes@central.k12.or.us | 503-606-2308 | None |
85 | Central SD 13J | Laura Winkler | Trainer | N/A | lwinkler@central.k12.or.us | 503-838-1621 | None |
86 | Central SD 13J | Nate Young | Mechanic | N/A | nyoung@central.k12.or.us | 503-838-1621 | None |
87 | Chemawa Indian School | Jose Rodriguez | Recreation Specialist | N/A | jose.rodriguez@bie.edu | 503-779-7211 | Activity Drivers |
88 | Chemawa Indian School | Rachenda Reynosa | Business Manager/Student Transportation | N/A | rachenda.reynosa@bie.edu | 503-399-5721 x1229 | Both |
89 | Clackamas ESD | Jeff Fish | Director of Human Resources | N/A | hr@clackesd.k12.or.us | 503-675-4000 | Activity Drivers |
90 | Clatskanie SD 6J | Yvonne Krause | Supervisor/BTW Trainer | N/A | ykrause@csd.k12.or.us | 503-728-2422 | Both |
91 | COIC | Josh Lagalo | Youth Employment & Training Manager | N/A | jlagalo@coic.org | 541-815-3312 | None |
92 | COIC | Todd Lafrenz | Youth Employment Counselor | N/A | tlafrenz@coic.org | 458-231-4739 | Activity Drivers |
93 | Colton SD 53 | Chris Gibb | Director of Operations | N/A | businessmanager@colton.k12.or.us | 503-824-3535 | Both |
94 | Colton SD 53 | Jody Ogden | Dispatcher | N/A | ogdenj@colton.k12.or.us | 503-824-3534 | Both |
95 | Columbia Christian School | David Rude | Bus Driver | N/A | drude@columbiachristian.com | 503-816-2089 | Both |
96 | Columbia Christian School | Joel B Davis | Principal | N/A | jdavis@columbiachristian.com | 503-252-8577 | Both |
97 | Community Action Head Start of Marion & Polk Counties | Eva Pignotti | Head Start & Early Head Start Director | N/A | eva.pignotti@mwvcaa.org | 503-581-1152 | Both |
98 | Community Action Head Start of Marion & Polk Counties | George Shay | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | george.shay@mwvcaa.org | 971-304-8581 | School Bus Drivers |
99 | Community Action Head Start of Marion & Polk Counties | Tristin Sutton | Transportation Assistant | N/A | tristin.sutton@mwvcaa.org | (503) 510-6846 | School Bus Drivers |
100 | Community Action Head Start of Washington County | Rachel Ley | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | rley@caowash.org | 503-693-3234 | Both |
101 | Community Transitional School | Aldin Porcic | Transportation and Maintenance Coordinator | N/A | aldin.p@comcast.net | 503-249-8582 | School Bus Drivers |
102 | Condon SD 25J | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
103 | Condon SD 25J | Marlene Newlun | Location Manager | MidCo | marlene.newlun@midcobus.com | 541-481-7551 | Both |
104 | Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon | Shelley Clift | ERSEA/Transportation Coordinator | N/A | shelley.clift@grandronde.org | 503-879-2161 | School Bus Drivers |
105 | Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon | Tracy Howerton | Transportation and Facilities Coordinator | N/A | Tracy.howerton@grandronde.org | 503-879-2285 | Both |
106 | Confederated Tribes of Siletz | Lori Case | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | siletzhs@hotmail.com | 541-444-8350 | School Bus Drivers |
107 | Coos Bay SD 9 | Amy Scoville | Human Resource Assistant | First Student | amys@coos-bay.k12.or.us | 541-267-1306 | Activity Drivers |
108 | Coos Bay SD 9 | Becki Mascarenas | Location Manager | First Student | becki.mascarenas@firstgroup.com | 541-888-9131 | Both |
109 | Coos Bay SD 9 | Dennis Goodwin | Location Safety Manager | First Student | dennis.goodwin@firstgroup.com | 541-888-9131 | School Bus Drivers |
110 | Coos Bay SD 9 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
111 | Coquille SD 8 | Nathan Marshall | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | nmarshall@coquille.k12.or.us | 541-396-2723 | Both |
112 | Corbett SD 39 | Carrie Evans | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | cevans@corbett.k12.or.us | 503-261-4249 | Both |
113 | Corbett SD 39 | Leandra Walker | Driver Trainer | N/A | lwalker@corbett.k12.or.us | 503-442-6826 | None |
114 | Corbett SD 39 | Robin Lindeen-Blakeley | Deputy Clerk | N/A | rlindeen@corbett.k12.or.us | 503-261-4211 | Both |
115 | Corbett SD 39 | Todd Williams | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | twilliams@corbett.k12.or.us | 503-261-4265 | Both |
116 | Corvallis SD 509J | Becky Weeks | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | becky.weeks@corvallis.k12.or.us | 541-757-3850 | Activity Drivers |
117 | Corvallis SD 509J | Duane Vanselow | Driver Trainer | STA | dvanselow@ridesta.com | 541-730-6269 | Both |
118 | Corvallis SD 509J | Shannon Etheridge | Safety Supervisor | STA | shannon.etheridge@ridesta.com | 971-409-5606 | School Bus Drivers |
119 | Cove SD 15 | Kathaleen Maley | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | kathaleen.maley@covesd.org | 541-910-3939 | Both |
120 | Creswell SD 40 | Sarah Hanson | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | shanson@creswell.k12.or.us | 541-895-6009 | Both |
121 | Crook County SD | Heather Hurita | Driver Training Coordinator | N/A | heather.hurita@crookcountyschools.org | 541-447-7789 | Both |
122 | Crook County SD | Lynda Swaney | Transportation Secretary | N/A | lynda.swaney@crookcountyschools.org | 541-447-7789 | None |
123 | Crook County SD | Michelle Williams | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | michelle.williams@crookcountyschools.org | 541-447-7789 | Both |
124 | Crook County SD | Shannon Scott | Dispatcher | N/A | shannon.scott@crookcountyschools.org | 541-447-7789 | None |
125 | Crosshill Christian School | Ashley Zuidema | Transportation Director | N/A | azuidema@crosshillchristian.com | 503-302-8038 | Activity Drivers |
126 | Crosshill Christian School | Molly Cotter | Transportation Director | N/A | mcotter@crosshillchristian.com | 503-391-9082 | Both |
127 | Crosspoint Christian School | Candy Todd | Asst. Business Administrator | N/A | candy.todd@crosspointchristian.org | 541-882-7732 | Activity Drivers |
128 | Crow-Applegate-Lorane SD 66 | Donna Willits | District Manager | N/A | dwillits@cal.k12.or.us | 541/935-2100 | Both |
129 | Culver SD 4 | Garry Noy | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | gnoy@culver.k12.or.us | 541-546-7514 | Both |
130 | Dallas SD 2 | Danielle Landis | Athletic Secretary/Admin Assistant | MidCo | danielle.landis@dsd2.org | 503-831-1976 | Activity Drivers |
131 | Dallas SD 2 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
132 | Dallas SD 2 | Michael Watson | Location Manager | MidCo | michael.watson@midcobus.com | 503-623-7245 | Both |
133 | David Douglas SD 40 | Abdi Snyder | Transportation Shop Supervisor | N/A | abdi_snyder@ddsd40.org | 503-256-6500 x5228 | None |
134 | David Douglas SD 40 | April Turner | Dispatch/Router Specialist | N/A | april_turner@ddsd40.org | 503-256-6500 x5219 | None |
135 | David Douglas SD 40 | Hayley Hessler | Transportation Assistant | N/A | hayley_hessler@ddsd40.org | 503-256-6500 x8409 | None |
136 | David Douglas SD 40 | Jim Hughes | Supervisor | N/A | james_hughes@ddsd40.org | 503-256-6500 x4449 | None |
137 | David Douglas SD 40 | Melissa McCrary | Dispatch/Router Specialist | N/A | melissa_mccrary@ddsd40.org | 503-256-6500 x5282 | None |
138 | David Douglas SD 40 | Paula King | Transportation Manager | N/A | paula_king@ddsd40.org | 503-256-6526 | Both |
139 | Dayton SD 8 | Janice Umbenhower | Fiscal Specialist | First Student | janice.umbenhower@dayton.k12.or.us | 503-864-2215 | None |
140 | Dayton SD 8 | Lonnie Hughes | Location Manager | First Student | lonnie.hughes@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 | Both |
141 | Dayton SD 8 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
142 | Dayton SD 8 | Teresa McLeod | Location Safety Manager | First Student | teresa.mcleod@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 x108 | Both |
143 | Dayville SD 16J | Greg Pinkal | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | pinkalg@grantesd.k12.or.us | 541-987-2412 | Both |
144 | De La Salle North Catholic High School | Jamie Alberts | Transportation | N/A | jalberts@dlsnc.org | 503-285-9385 x122 | Activity Drivers |
145 | De La Salle North Catholic High School | Jessica Hanson | President's Assistant & HR Coordinator | N/A | jhanson@dlsnc.org | 503-285-9385 x122 | Both |
146 | Douglas County SD 15 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | School Bus Drivers |
147 | Douglas County SD 15 | Wendy Jarvis | Location Manager | First Student | wendy.jarvis@firstgroup.com | 541-863-3038 | Both |
148 | Douglas County SD 4 | Dennis J. "Denny" Austin | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | daustin@roseburg.k12.or.us | 541-440-4048 | Both |
149 | Douglas County SD 4 | Lanette Hill | Safety | First Student | Lanette.Hill@firstgroup.com | 541-672-4191 | Both |
150 | Douglas County SD 4 | Suzanne Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | School Bus Drivers |
151 | Douglas County SD 4 | Tonji Lewis | Location Manager | First Student | Tonji.Lewis@firstgroup.com | 541-672-4191 | Both |
152 | Dufur SD 29 | Josie Turner | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | josie.turner@dufur.k12.or.us | 541-467-2509 | Both |
153 | Eagle Point SD 9 | Rex Squires | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | SquiresR@eaglepnt.k12.or.us | 541-830-1245 | Both |
154 | East Linn Christian Academy | Kim Bates | Elementary Principal / Transportation Director | N/A | kimbates@eastlinnchristian.org | 541-259-2304 | Both |
155 | East Linn Christian Academy | Lisa Faught | Administrative Assistant | N/A | lfaught@eastlinnchristian.org | 541-259-2324 | Both |
156 | Echo SD 5 | Kristi Armstrong | Transportation Director | N/A | karmstrong@echo.k12.or.us | 541-376-8436 | Both |
157 | Eddyville Charter School | Chris Carley | Lead Trainer/Tester | First Student | mary.carley@firstgroup.com | 541-336-5101 | Activity Drivers |
158 | Elgin SD 23 | Daniel Bolen | Transportation Trainer | N/A | daniel.bolen@elginsd.org | 541-437-2021 | Both |
159 | Elgin SD 23 | Kerry Eckstein | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | kerry.eckstein@elginsd.org | 541-437-1211 | Both |
160 | Elkton SD 34 | Kara Wolfe | Transportation Manager | N/A | kara.wolfe@elkton.k12.or.us | 541-804-2590 | Both |
161 | Emerald Christian Academy | Kaitlin Hewlett | Director of Family Services & Finance | N/A | katiehewlett@emeraldchristianacademy.com | 541-746-1708 | School Bus Drivers |
162 | Emerald Christian Academy | Nelita Davamony-Crawford | Teaching Principal | N/A | principal@emeraldchristianacademy.com | 541-746-1708 | Both |
163 | Enterprise SD 21 | Candi Willis | Executive Secretary | Moffit Brothers | cwillis@enterprise.k12.or.us | 541-426-4733 | Both |
164 | Enterprise SD 21 | Cassie Moffit | Bookkeeper | Moffit Brothers | moffit@eoni.com | 541-569-2284 | School Bus Drivers |
165 | Estacada SD 108 | Mike Waer | Director of Operations | N/A | waerm@estacada.k12.or.us | 503-630-8606 | School Bus Drivers |
166 | Estacada SD 108 | Pam Wohl | Dispatcher | N/A | wohlp@estacada.k12.or.us | 503-630-8606 | Both |
167 | Estacada SD 108 | Sara Lawson | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | lawsons@estacada.k12.or.us | 503-630-8606 | Both |
168 | Eugene SD 4J | Arthur Hart | Director of Transportation | N/A | hart_a@4j.lane.edu | 541-790-7481 | Both |
169 | Eugene SD 4J | Carla Tysor | Supervisor - SPED Routes | N/A | tysor_c@4j.lane.edu | 541-790-7486 | None |
170 | Eugene SD 4J | Linda Thiesfeld | Supervisor - General Education | N/A | thiesfeld_l@4j.lane.edu | 541-790-7480 | None |
171 | Eugene SD 4J | Lisa Deevers | Training Coordinator | N/A | deevers_l@4j.lane.edu | 541-790-7485 | Both |
172 | Eugene SD 4J | Mindy Parsons | Dispatcher | N/A | parsons_m@4j.lane.edu | 541-790-7471 | None |
173 | Eugene SD 4J | Nathan Misner | Transportation Manager | N/A | misner_n@4j.lane.edu | 541-790-7474 | School Bus Drivers |
174 | Eugene SD 4J | Trish Perrier | Routing Coordinator - Regular | N/A | perrier_t@4j.lane.edu | 541-790-7483 | None |
175 | Faith Bible Christian School | Nicole Penney | Transportation Director | N/A | npenney@fbcs.school | 503-919-0690 | Both |
176 | Falls City SD 57 | Raymond J. Morley | Transportation Director | N/A | ray.morley@fallscityschools.org | 541-990-8639 | Both |
177 | Family Building Blocks | Pamala David | Facilities and Transportation Supervisor | N/A | pdavid@familybuildingblocks.org | 503-507-5582 | Both |
178 | Fern Ridge SD 28J | Amie Huyck | Location Manager | First Student | amie.huyck@firstgroup.com | 541-935-1969 | Both |
179 | Fern Ridge SD 28J | Kathleen Mooney | Location Safety Manager | First Student | kathleen.mooney@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 x4 | Both |
180 | Fern Ridge SD 28J | Quanah Bennett | Business Manager | First Student | qbennett@fernridge.k12.or.us | 541-935-2253 | Both |
181 | Fern Ridge SD 28J | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
182 | Forest Grove SD 15 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
183 | Forest Grove SD 15 | Mary Eldred | Assistant Manager | MidCo | marye@midcobus.com | 503-992-7167 | Both |
184 | Forest Grove SD 15 | Melissa Castle | Location Manager | MidCo | melissac@midcobus.com | 503-992-7167 | Both |
185 | Fossil SD 21J | Colin Neuburger | BTW/CORE/Advanced Instructor | N/A | bustrainer24@gmail.com | 541-604-9791 | None |
186 | Fossil SD 21J | Michele McMurray | Office Manager | MidCo | mmcmurray@fossil.k12.or.us | 541-763-4146 | Both |
187 | Four Rivers Community School | Chelle Robins | Superintendent | Guerri Transportation | chelle@4riverscs.org | 541-889-3715 | Activity Drivers |
188 | Four Rivers Community School | Michelle Clinton | Director of Business and Operations | Guerri Transportation | michelle.clinton@4riverscs.org | 541-889-3715 | Activity Drivers |
189 | Gaston SD 511J | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
190 | Gaston SD 511J | Mary Eldred | Assistant Manager | MidCo | marye@midcobus.com | 503-992-7167 | Both |
191 | Gervais SD 1 | Diana Bartch | Location Manager | MidCo | diana.bartch@midcobus.com | 503-997-1365 | Both |
192 | Gervais SD 1 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
193 | Gervais SD 1 | Rita Armstrong | Location Manager | MidCo | ritaa@midcobus.com | 503-792-5776 | Both |
194 | Gladstone SD 115 | Bobbi Jo Richlick | Location Manager | First Student | bobbi.richlick@firstgroup.com | 503-655-9528 | Both |
195 | Gladstone SD 115 | Natika Trinh | Location Manager | First Student | Natika.Trinh@firstgroup.com | 503-655-9528 | School Bus Drivers |
196 | Gladstone SD 115 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
197 | Glendale SD 77 | Nena Stewart | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | nena.stewart@glendale.k12.or.us | 541-832-1801 x3850 | Both |
198 | Glide SD 12 | Brent Harvey | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | bharvey@glide.k12.or.us | 541-496-3544 | Both |
199 | Glide SD 12 | Kristin J Moyers | Classroom Trainer/Office Manager | N/A | kmoyers@glide.k12.or.us | 541-496-3544 | Both |
200 | Glide SD 12 | Ron Oakley | Mechanic/Driver Trainer | N/A | roakley@glide.k12.or.us | 541-496-3544 | Both |
201 | Grants Pass SD 7 | Greg Smith | Field Coordinator | N/A | gsmith@grantspass.k12.or.us | 541-474-5785 | Both |
202 | Grants Pass SD 7 | Jeremy Carnes | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | jcarnes@grantspass.k12.or.us | 541-474-5785 | Both |
203 | Greater Albany Public SD 8J | Cindy Moran | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | cindy.moran@albany.k12.or.us | 541-967-4626 | Both |
204 | Greater Albany Public SD 8J | Helen Jacobs | Driver Development Coordinator | N/A | Helen.Jacobs@Albany.k12.or.us | 541-924-3763 | Both |
205 | Greater Albany Public SD 8J | LeeAnne Poris | Operations Supervisor | N/A | LeeAnne.Poris@Albany.k12.or.us | 541-967-4626 | Both |
206 | Gresham-Barlow SD 10J | Jennifer Roche | Location Safety Manager | First Student | jennifer.roche@firstgroup.com | 503-665-8193 | Both |
207 | Gresham-Barlow SD 10J | Patrick Phillips | Safety Manager | First Student | patrick.phillips@firstgroup.com | 503-665-8193 | Both |
208 | Gresham-Barlow SD 10J | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
209 | Harney County SD 3 | Wade Peasley | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | wadepeasley@hcsd3.k12.or.us | 541-573-2163 | Both |
210 | Harney County SD 4 | Jim Kelley | Supervisor | N/A | jkelley@craneedu.org | 541-493-2641 | Both |
211 | Harney County SD 4 | Marjorie Bowden | Bus Trainer | N/A | mbowden@craneedu.org | 541-493-2641 | Both |
212 | Harney County SD 4 | Matthew Hawley | Superintendent | N/A | mhawley@craneedu.org | 541-493-2641 | Both |
213 | Harney County Union High SD 1J | Jim Kelley | Supervisor | N/A | jkelley@craneedu.org | 541-493-2641 | Both |
214 | Harney County Union High SD 1J | Marjorie Bowden | Bus Trainer | N/A | mbowden@craneedu.org | 541-493-2641 | Both |
215 | Harney County Union High SD 1J | Matthew Hawley | Superintendent | N/A | mhawley@craneedu.org | 541-493-2641 | Both |
216 | Harper SD 66 | Wade Johnson | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | wade.johnson@harpersd.org | 541-358-2473 | Both |
217 | Harrisburg SD 7J | Amy Traw | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | amy.traw@harrisburg.k12.or.us | 541-995-6544 x267 | Both |
218 | Head Start of Lane County | Jim Barrowcliff | Transportation Manager | N/A | jbarrowcliff@hsolc.org | 541-614-6953 | Both |
219 | Head Start of Yamhill County | Ryan Miller | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | rmiller@yamhillheadstart.org | 503-472-2000 x304 | School Bus Drivers |
220 | Head Start of Yamhill County | Suey Linzmeier | Executive Director | N/A | slinzmeier@yamhillheadstart.org | 503-472-2000 x312 | Both |
221 | Head Start of Yamhill County | Tara Gray | Education Coordinator | N/A | tgray@yamhillheadstart.org | 503-472-2000 x314 | Both |
222 | Helix SD 1 | Christie Livingston | Location Manager | MidCo | christie.livingston@midcobus.com | 541-567-0551 | Both |
223 | Helix SD 1 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
224 | Hermiston SD 8 | Tricia Mooney | Superintendent | N/A | tricia.mooney@hermistonsd.org | 541-667-6013 | None |
225 | Hermiston SD 8 | Olivia Furstenberg | Location Manager | First Student | olivia.furstenberg@firstgroup.com | 409-238-1191 | Both |
226 | Hermiston SD 8 | Rhonda Lorett | Location Safety Manager | First Student | rhonda.lorett@firstgroup.com | Direct Line 541-656-1261 Cell 503-490-1217 | Both |
227 | Hermiston SD 8 | Katie Saul | Director of Business Services | MidCo | katie.saul@hermistonsd.org | 541-667-6067 | None |
228 | Hermiston SD 8 | Larry Usher | Athletic, Activities Director | MidCo | larry.usher@hermistonsd.org | 541-667-6117 | Both |
229 | High Desert ESD | Kristen Johns | HR Specialist | N/A | kristen.johns@hdesd.org | 541-693-5625 | Activity Drivers |
230 | Hillsboro SD 1J | Carol Hatfield | Executive Director | N/A | hatfielc@hsd.k12.or.us | 503-844-1123 | Both |
231 | Hillsboro SD 1J | Debbie McFalls | Supervisor | N/A | mcfallsd@hsd.k12.or.us | 503-844-1123 | Both |
232 | Hillsboro SD 1J | Heidi Giese | Administrative Assistant | N/A | gieseh@hsd.k12.or.us | 503-844-1109 | None |
233 | Hillsboro SD 1J | Jason Wildenborg | Manager | N/A | wildenbj@hsd.k12.or.us | 503-844-1123 | None |
234 | Hillsboro SD 1J | Mike Fornshell | Manager | N/A | fornshem@hsd.k12.or.us | 503-844-1123 | None |
235 | Hillsboro SD 1J | Tod Reese | Supervisor | N/A | reeset@hsd.k12.or.us | 503-844-1123 | None |
236 | Hood River County SD | Cindy Beth | Operations Office Manager | N/A | cindy.beth@hoodriver.k12.or.us | 541-354-5112 | Both |
237 | Hood River County SD | Nancy Rowley | Driver Trainer/Core instructor | N/A | Nancy.rowley@hoodriver.k12.or.us | 541-354-5112 | Both |
238 | Horizon Christian School - Hood River | Carol Yates | Business Manager | N/A | cyates@horizonchristianschool.org | 541-387-3200 | Both |
239 | Huntington SD 16J | Charles Guerri | Owner | Guerri Transportation | chuck.guerri@huntingtonsd.org | 541-709-0120 | Both |
240 | Imbler SD 11 | Andrew Williams | Transportation supervisor | N/A | drew.williams@imblersd.org | 541-786-3172 | Both |
241 | Imbler SD 11 | Daniel Bolen | Trainer | N/A | daniel.bolen@elginsd.org | 541-437-2021 | Both |
242 | Ione SD R2 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
243 | Ione SD R2 | Marlene Newlun | Location Manager | MidCo | marlene.newlun@midcobus.com | 541-481-7551 | Both |
244 | J Bar J | Crystal Mooney | Academic Director | N/A | cmooney@jbarj.org | 541-389-1409 | Activity Drivers |
245 | Jefferson County SD 509J | Devini Pankey | Driver Trainer | N/A | dpankey@509j.net | 541-905-5696 | None |
246 | Jefferson County SD 509J | Eddie Adams | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | jeadams@509j.net | (541) 475-3536 | Both |
247 | Jefferson County SD 509J | Kip Morris | Instructor | N/A | kmorris65@msn.com | 541-475-3536 | None |
248 | Jefferson County SD 509J | Larry Sandstrom | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | lsandstrom@509j.net | 541-475-3536 x2102 | Both |
249 | Jefferson SD 14J | Jennifer Wollersheim | Administrative Secretary | N/A | jennifer.wollersheim@jefferson.k12.or.us | 541-327-3337 x1051 | Both |
250 | Jefferson SD 14J | Melody Rossiter | Location Manager | First Student | melody.rossiter@firstgroup.com | 541-327-9654 | Both |
251 | Jefferson SD 14J | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
252 | Jewell SD 8 | Joan Layman | Transportation Director | N/A | joanl@jewellk12.org | 503-755-2451 x2416 | Both |
253 | John Day SD 3 | Gary VanderStelt | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | vandersteltg@grantesd.org | 541-704-8588 | Both |
254 | John Day SD 3 | Sharon Flory | Transportation Manager | N/A | florys@grantesd.org | 541-575-1280 x3029 | Both |
255 | John Day SD 3 | Wayne Saul | School Bus Technician | N/A | saulw@grantesd.org | 541-575-1280 | None |
256 | Jordan Valley SD 3 | Jamie Collins | District Secretary | N/A | jamie.collins@jordanvalleysd.org | 541 586-2213 | Both |
257 | Joseph SD 6 | Tim Kiesecker | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | tim.kiesecker@josephcharter.org | 541-432-7311 | Both |
258 | Junction City SD 69 | Kathleen Mooney | Location Safety Manager | First Student | kathleen.mooney@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 x4 | Both |
259 | Junction City SD 69 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
260 | Junction City SD 69 | Terry Jeffers | Location Manager | First Student | terry.jeffers@firstgroup.com | 541-998-8222 x101 | Both |
261 | Juntura SD 12 | Randi Johnson | Head Teacher | N/A | kristia.simmons@malesd.org | 541-473-4833 | Both |
262 | Kidco Head Start | Angie Passmore | Operations Coordinator | N/A | apassmore@kidcoheadstart.org | 971-361-4878 | School Bus Drivers |
263 | Kids Unlimited Academy | Buddy Hull | Facilities and Transportation Manager | N/A | buddy.hull@kuaoregon.org | 541-841-4565 | Both |
264 | Kings Valley Charter School | Sharon Payne | Transportation Manager | N/A | spayne@kvschool.org | 541-929-4531 x297 | Both |
265 | Klamath County SD | Darryl Haney | Assistant Supervisor | N/A | haneyd@kcsd.k12.or.us | 541-883-5013 | None |
266 | Klamath County SD | Melinda Downing | Driver Trainer | N/A | downingm@kcsd.k12.or.us | 541-883-5013 | Both |
267 | Klamath County SD | Sheryl Lane | Driver Trainer | N/A | lanes@kcsd.k12.or.us | 541-883-5013 | Both |
268 | Klamath Falls City Schools | Marvin Babb | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | BabbM@kfalls.k12.or.us | 541-883-4700 x7310 | Both |
269 | Klamath Falls City Schools | Wesley (Buddy) Mueller | Asst. Supervisor/Head Mechanic | N/A | muellerw@kfalls.k12.or.us | 541-883-4716 | None |
270 | Klamath Family Head Start | Deana Grant | Transportation Specialist | N/A | deana.grant@KFheadstart.org | 541-882-5988 | Both |
271 | Knappa SD 4 | Sharon Olson | Transportation Manager | N/A | olsons@knappak12.org | 503-458-5993 | Both |
272 | La Grande SD 1 | Austin Tibbetts | Location Manager | MidCo | austin.tibbetts@midcobus.com | 541-963-6119 | Both |
273 | La Grande SD 1 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
274 | Lake County SD 7 | Janet Melsness | Business Manager | N/A | melsnessj@lakeview.k12.or.us | 541-947-3347 | Both |
275 | Lake Oswego SD 7J | Jennifer Ellenwood | Operations Manager | STA | jellenwood@ridesta.com | 503-387-5078 | Both |
276 | Lake Oswego SD 7J | Robert Krausert | Safety Supervisor | STA | Robert.Krausert@RideSTA.com | 503-724-7947 | Both |
277 | LaSalle Catholic College Preparatory | Chris George | Athletic Director | N/A | cgeorge@lsprep.org | 503-353-1415 | Activity Drivers |
278 | Lebanon Community SD 9 | Hylah Moncy | Driver-Trainer | N/A | hylah.moncy@lebanon.k12.or.us | 541-451-8485 | Both |
279 | Lebanon Community SD 9 | Maggi Estes | Director | N/A | maggi.estes@lebanon.k12.or.us | 541-259-8931 | Both |
280 | Lincoln City Career Technical High School | Sean Larsen | Operations Manager | N/A | slarsen@communityservices.us | 541-758-2649 | Activity Drivers |
281 | Lincoln County SD | Brenda Porter | Location Safety Manager | First Student | Brenda.Porter@firststudentinc.com | 541-336-5101 | Both |
282 | Lincoln County SD | Darleen Van Riper | Location Manager | First Student | darleen.vanriper@firstgroup.com | 541-336-5101 | Both |
283 | Lincoln County SD | Mary Christine Carley | Lead Trainer/Tester | First Student | mary.carley@firstgroup.com | 541-336-5101 | Both |
284 | Lincoln County SD | Sheila Morris | Assistant Location Manager | First Student | sheila.morris@firstgroup.com | 541-336-5101 | Both |
285 | Lincoln County SD | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
286 | Livingstone Adventist Academy | Yesenia Ortega | Office Manager | N/A | yorterga@laaonline.org | 503-363-9408 | Both |
287 | Long Creek SD 17 | Austin Tibbetts | Location Manager | MidCo | austin.tibbetts@midcobus.com | 541-963-6119 | Both |
288 | Long Creek SD 17 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
289 | Lowell SD 71 | Jason Pickett | Transportation Director | N/A | jpickett@lowell.k12.or.us | 541-937-5070 | None |
290 | Lowell SD 71 | Jessica Pelroy | Maintenance, Operations and Transportation Secretary | N/A | jpelroy@lowell.k12.or.us | 541-937-5070 | Both |
291 | Lowell SD 71 | Mark Kintzley | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | mkintzley@lowell.k12.or.us | 541-937-5070 | None |
292 | Luckiamute Valley Charter School | Daniel Shimek | Principal | MidCo | D.SHIMEK@LVCS.K12.OR.US | 503-623-4837 | Activity Drivers |
293 | Malheur County Child Development Center OPP Head Start Site 1 | Becky Padilla | Program Manager | N/A | bpadilla@mccdc.org | 541-889-2393 | Both |
294 | Malheur County Child Development Center OPP Head Start Site 1 | Darrell Wilson | Transportation Director | N/A | dwilson@mccdc.org | 541-889-2393 | Both |
295 | Malheur County Child Development Center OPP Head Start Site 1 | Eddie Melendrez | Transportation and Maintenance Specialist | N/A | emelendrez@mccdc.org | 541-889-2393 | Both |
296 | Mannahouse Christian Academy | Lynden Evans | Superintendent/Athletic Director | N/A | levans@mannahouseacademy.com | 503-252-5207 x5566 | Both |
297 | Mapleton SD 32 | Randy Duval | Transportation/Maintenance Supervisor | N/A | rduval@mapleton.k12.or.us | 541-999-1880 | Both |
298 | Marcola SD 79J | Bill Watkins | Superintendent | N/A | bwatkins@marcola.k12.or.us | 907-942-3171 | None |
299 | Marcola SD 79J | Jeff Litle | Transportation and Facilities Director | N/A | jlitle@marcola.k12.or.us | 541-933-2512 or 541-844-9248 | Both |
300 | Marist High School | Rick Gardner | Athletic Director | N/A | rgardner@marisths.org | 541-686-2234 | Activity Drivers |
301 | McKenzie SD 68 | Lane Tompkins | Superintendent | N/A | lane.tompkins@mckenziesd.org | 541-822-3338 | Both |
302 | McKenzie SD 68 | Niki Jones | Transportation Secretary | N/A | niki.jones@mckenziesd.org | 541-822-3338 | Both |
303 | McMinnville SD 40 | Brian Crain | Director of Operations | First Student | bcrain@msd.k12.or.us | 503-565-4000 | Both |
304 | McMinnville SD 40 | Katie Morris | Transportation Specialist | First Student | kamorris@msd.k12.or.us | 503-565-4024 | None |
305 | McMinnville SD 40 | Lonnie Hughes | Location Manager | First Student | lonnie.hughes@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 | Both |
306 | McMinnville SD 40 | Samantha Nelson | Finance Director | First Student | snelson@msd.k12.or.us | 503-565-4005 | Both |
307 | McMinnville SD 40 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
308 | McMinnville SD 40 | Teresa McLeod | Location Safety Manager | First Student | teresa.mcleod@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 x108 | Both |
309 | Medford SD 549C | Brad Earl | Assistant Superintendent, Operations | N/A | brad.earl@medford.k12.or.us | | None |
310 | Medford SD 549C | Jennifer Byrne | Administrative Assistant | First Student | jennifer.byrne@medford.k12.or.us | 541-842-3837 | Activity Drivers |
311 | Medford SD 549C | Julie Clemence | Location Manager | First Student | Julie.Clemence@firstgroup.com | 541-772-1114 | Both |
312 | Medford SD 549C | Melanie Rennels | Location Safety Manager | First Student | melanie.rennels@firstgroup.com | 541-772-1114 | Both |
313 | Medford SD 549C | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
314 | Mid-Columbia Children’s Council Inc. | Freddy Gonzalez | IT/Facilities/Transportation Director | N/A | freddygonzalez@mcccheadstart.org | 541-386-2010 x245 | School Bus Drivers |
315 | Mid-Columbia Children’s Council Inc. | Wendy Wells | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | wendywells@mcccheadstart.org | 541-420-3139 | School Bus Drivers |
316 | Milo Adventist Academy | Kim Miller | Transportation Director | N/A | kim.miller@miloacademy.org | 541-825-3200 x3321 | Both |
317 | Milton-Freewater Unified SD 7 | Aaron Duff | Superintendent | N/A | aaron.duff@miltfree.k12.or.us | 541-938-3551 | None |
318 | Milton-Freewater Unified SD 7 | Ben Silva | Mechanic | N/A | bensilva88@yahoo.com | 509-520-7386 | None |
319 | Milton-Freewater Unified SD 7 | Bryon Carson | Mechanic | N/A | bryon.carson@milton-freewater-or.gov | 541-938-8275 | None |
320 | Milton-Freewater Unified SD 7 | Dave Waliser | Core and BTW Trainer | N/A | david.waliser@miltfree.k12.or.us | 509-540-0874 | None |
321 | Milton-Freewater Unified SD 7 | Shane Nelson | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | shane.nelson@miltfree.k12.or.us | 541-938-3551 | Both |
322 | Milton-Stateline Adventist School | Becky Rae | Office Manager | N/A | raebe@miltonstateline.org | 541-938-7131 | School Bus Drivers |
323 | Milton-Stateline Adventist School | Jeanne Goodhew | Principal | N/A | goodje@miltonstateline.org | 541-938-7131 | Both |
324 | Mitchell SD 55 | Crystal Frandsen | Executive Assistant and School Board Secretary | N/A | cfrandsen@mitchell.k12.or.us | 541-462-3311 | Both |
325 | Mitchell SD 55 | Lonnie McGheyhey | Bus Supervisor | N/A | lmcghehey@mitchell.k12.or.us | 541-462-3311 | None |
326 | Molalla River SD 35 | Adrienne O'Hara | Clerk | First Student | adrienne.ohara@firstgroup.com | 503-829-2512 | Both |
327 | Molalla River SD 35 | Sabrina Luttrell | Trainer | First Student | dizziblondemarlow@yahoo.com | 503-502-5759 | Both |
328 | Molalla River SD 35 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
329 | Monroe SD 1J | Bill Crowson | Superintendent | Crowson Bus Co | bill.crowson@monroe.k12.or.us | 541-847-6292 | Both |
330 | Monroe SD 1J | Hilary Irwin | Business Manager | Crowson Bus Co | hilary.irwin@monroe.k12.or.us | 541-847-6292 | Both |
331 | Monroe SD 1J | Jerry Crowson | Crowson Bus Co. | Crowson Bus Co | christine.manley@monroe.k12.or.us | 541-847-5967 | Both |
332 | Monument SD 8 | Charles Thomas | Bus Supervisor | N/A | thomasc@grantesd.k12.or.us | 541-934-2646 | Both |
333 | Morrow SD 1 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
334 | Morrow SD 1 | Marlene Newlun | Location Manager | MidCo | marlene.newlun@midcobus.com | 541-481-7551 | Both |
335 | Mt Angel SD 91 | Darla Boen | Director of Transportation | N/A | darla.boen@masd91.org | 971-718-3477 | Both |
336 | Multnomah ESD | Rich Wehring | Facility Manager | N/A | rwehring@mesd.k12.or.us | 503-257-1630 | None |
337 | Multnomah ESD | Dan Cohnstaedt | Vice-Principal | First Student | dcohnsta@mesd.k12.or.us | 503-262-4166 | Activity Drivers |
338 | Myrtle Point SD 41 | Daniel Whittaker | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | danielwhittaker@mpsd.k12.or.us | 541-572-1220 x2211 | Both |
339 | Neah-Kah-Nie SD 56 | Ronda Flye | Transportation Location Manager | First Student | ronda.flye@firstgroup.com | 503-355-2008 | Both |
340 | Neah-Kah-Nie SD 56 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | | Both |
341 | NeighborImpact Head Start | Diane Clinkscales | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | dianec@neighborimpact.org | 541-323-6524 | Both |
342 | Nestucca Valley SD 101J | Chad C. Holloway | Administrator of Facilities and Alternative Education | N/A | chadh@nestucca.k12.or.us | 503-392-3194 x427 | Both |
343 | Nestucca Valley SD 101J | Grant Graves | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | grantg@nestucca.k12.or.us | 503-392-3194 x131 | Both |
344 | Nestucca Valley SD 101J | Ken Richwine | NJSH Principal | N/A | kenr@nestucca.k12.or.us | 503-392-3435 x101 | Both |
345 | Newberg SD 29J | Bobbie Jo Richlick | Location Manager | First Student | bobbi.richlick@firstgroup.com | 503-863-2633 | Both |
346 | Newberg SD 29J | Melissa Lewin | Safety Manager | First Student | melissa.lewin@firstgroup.com | 503-863-2633 | Both |
347 | North Bend SD 13 | Michelle Collicott | Human Resources | N/A | mcollicott@nbend.k12.or.us | 541-751-6784 | None |
348 | North Bend SD 13 | Bill Yester | Superintendent | MidCo | byester@nbend.k12.or.us | 541-751-6797 | None |
349 | North Bend SD 13 | Cathleen Hubbard | Location Manager | MidCo | cathleen.hubbard@midcobus.com | 541-756-2341 | Both |
350 | North Bend SD 13 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
351 | North Bend SD 13 | Sherri O'Connor | Business Manager | MidCo | soconnor@nbend.k12.or.us | 541-756-7321 | Both |
352 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Bethiah Gunderson | Driver Trainer | N/A | gundersonb@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-353-7797 | None |
353 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Cheryl Crosgrove | Associate Director | N/A | crosgrovec@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-353-6149 | None |
354 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Christina Day | Driver Trainer/Stand By Driver | N/A | dayti@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-997-1474 | School Bus Drivers |
355 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Denise Newton | Training and Safety Lead | N/A | newtonde@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-353-5382 | Both |
356 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Dianna Newton | Assistant Trainer | N/A | newtond@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-960-2022 | None |
357 | North Clackamas SD 12 | James Prichard | Associate Director | N/A | prichardj@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-353-5380 | None |
358 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Jennifer Carmichael | Executive Administrative Assistant | N/A | carmichaelj@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-353-6152 | Both |
359 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Kathy Calkins | Director | N/A | calkinsk@nclack.k12.or.us | 971-404-8930 | Both |
360 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Keith Garrett | Driver-Trainer | N/A | garrettk@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-780-9701 | Both |
361 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Nate Moore | Driver/Trainer | N/A | mooren@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-353-7787 | Both |
362 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Pamela Braun | Assistant Trainer | N/A | braunp@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-353-6150 x37788 | None |
363 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Suzanne Cummings | Trainer | N/A | cummingss@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-249-3864 | None |
364 | North Clackamas SD 12 | Tina Day | Driver Trainer/Stand By Driver | N/A | dayti@nclack.k12.or.us | 503-997-1474 | None |
365 | North Douglas SD 22 | Dwayne Bull | Location Manager | MidCo | dwayne.bull@midcobus.com | 541-804-2590 | Both |
366 | North Douglas SD 22 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
367 | North Lake SD 14 | Jubal Pierson | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | jpierson@nlake.k12.or.us | 5415762121 | Both |
368 | North Marion SD 15 | Alice James | Location Manager | First Student | alice.james@firstgroup.com | 503-462-1993 | Both |
369 | North Marion SD 15 | Amy Pine | Dispatcher | First Student | amy.pine@firstgroup.com | 503-462-1993 | Both |
370 | North Marion SD 15 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
371 | North Powder SD 8J | Austin Tibbetts | Location Manager | MidCo | austin.tibbetts@midcobus.com | 541-963-6119 | Both |
372 | North Powder SD 8J | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
373 | North Santiam SD 29J | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
374 | North Santiam SD 29J | Shelly Polk | Manager | MidCo | rpolk@midcobus.com | 503-767-2480 | Both |
375 | North Wasco County SD 21 | Audrey Stephens | Driver Trainer/Core Instructor | N/A | stephensa@nwasco.k12.or.us | 541-506-3430 | None |
376 | North Wasco County SD 21 | Lisa M. Kaseberg | Director of Transportation | N/A | kasebergl@nwasco.k12.or.us | 541-506-3430 | Both |
377 | Northwest Regional ESD | Sharon Meeuwsen | Facilities Support Specialist | N/A | sharonm@nwresd.k12.or.us | 503-686-5726 | Activity Drivers |
378 | Nyssa SD 26 | Phil Torres | Supervisor | N/A | ftorres@nyssasd.org | 541-372-2275 | Both |
379 | Oak Hill School | McRae Naayers | Registrar | N/A | mnaayers@oakhillschool.net | 541-744-0954 | Both |
380 | Oakland SD 1 | Mike Reece | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | mike.reece@oakland.k12.or.us | 541-459-4712 | Both |
381 | Oakridge SD 76 | Amie Huyck | Location Manager | First Student | amie.huyck@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 | Both |
382 | Oakridge SD 76 | Bret Wright | Location Manager | First Student | bret.wright@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 | Both |
383 | Oakridge SD 76 | Kathleen Mooney | Location Safety Manager | First Student | kathleen.mooney@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 x4 | Both |
384 | Oakridge SD 76 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
385 | OCDC- Central Office (Wilsonville) | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
386 | OCDC- Central Office (Wilsonville) | Tim Iba | Driver Supervisor | N/A | tim.iba@ocdc.net | 503-367-1680 | School Bus Drivers |
387 | OCDC- Hood River/Wasco Co. | Debbie Park | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | debbie.park@ocdc.net | 541-296-0100 | None |
388 | OCDC- Hood River/Wasco Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
389 | OCDC- Hood River/Wasco Co. | Robin Short | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | robin.short@ocdc.net | 541-296-0100 | None |
390 | OCDC- Jackson Co. | Angel Alvarez | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | angel.alvarez@ocdc.net | 541-488-6919 | None |
391 | OCDC- Jackson Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
392 | OCDC- Jefferson Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
393 | OCDC- Klamath Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
394 | OCDC- Klamath Co. | Marian Banes | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | marian.banes@ocdc.net | 541-723-3067 | None |
395 | OCDC- Malheur Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
396 | OCDC- Malheur Co. | Ronnie Gonzales | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | ronnie.gonzales@ocdc.net | 541-889-5325 | None |
397 | OCDC- Marion Co.& Clackamas Co | Casey Santos | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | casey.santos@ocdc.net | 503-304-7119 | Both |
398 | OCDC- Marion Co.& Clackamas Co | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
399 | OCDC- Multnomah | Elizabeth (Beth) Dudley | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | elizabeth.dudley@ocdc.net | 503-663-0896 | School Bus Drivers |
400 | OCDC- Multnomah | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
401 | OCDC- Polk Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
402 | OCDC- Polk Co. | Jessie Howard | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | jessie.howard@ocdc.net | 503-485-0890 | None |
403 | OCDC- Umatilla Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
404 | OCDC- Umatilla Co. | Timothy Best | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | timothy.best@ocdc.net | 541-567-5676 | None |
405 | OCDC- Washington Co. | Ginger Stowell | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | ginger.stowell@ocdc.net | 503-359-4435 | None |
406 | OCDC- Washington Co. | Jennie Skellenger | Transportation Specialist | N/A | jennie.skellenger@ocdc.net | 503-570-1110 x1026 | School Bus Drivers |
407 | Ontario SD 8C | Shannon Widmer | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | swidmer@ontario.k12.or.us | 541-889-6199 | Both |
408 | Oregon City SD 62 | Angie Barlow | Training and Safety Lead | N/A | angela.barlow@orecity.k12.or.us | 503-785-8709 | Both |
409 | Oregon City SD 62 | Kent Chapman | Assistant Transportation Supervisor | N/A | kent.chapman@orecity.k12.or.us | 503-785-8536 | Both |
410 | Oregon City SD 62 | Rebecca Rivas | Safety and Training Lead | N/A | rebecca.rivas@orecity.k12.or.us | 503-785-8537 | School Bus Drivers |
411 | Oregon City SD 62 | Sabrina Boeckel | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | sabrina.boeckel@orecity.k12.or.us | 503-785-8715 | Both |
412 | Oregon Episcopal School | Eric Kristich | Driver Trainer/Mechanic | N/A | kristiche@oes.edu | 503-416-9389 | Both |
413 | Oregon School for the Deaf | Brian Marshall | Maintenance and Operations Supervisor | N/A | brian.marshall@osd.k12.or.us | 503-991-1313 | School Bus Drivers |
414 | Oregon Trail SD 46 | Bill NIeman | Operations Manager | STA | BNIeman@ridesta.com | 360-624-5116 | Both |
415 | Oregon Trail SD 46 | Daenna Bless | Safety Coordinator | STA | dbless@ridesta.com | 503-668-8855 | Both |
416 | Oregon Youth Challenge Program | Mark R. McDonald | Logistics Coordinator | N/A | Mark.MCDONALD@mil.state.or.us | 541-317-9623 x227 | Activity Drivers |
417 | Paisley SD 11 | Travis Way | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | t.way@paisleyschooldistrict.com | 541-280-7823 | Both |
418 | Parkrose SD 3 | Rob Stickland | Transportation Lead | N/A | rob_stickland@parkrose.k12.or.us | 503-408-2130 | Both |
419 | Parkrose SD 3 | Teresa Hooper | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | teresa_hooper@parkrose.k12.or.us | 503-408-2149 | Both |
420 | Pendleton SD 16 | Patrick Phillips | Location Manager | First Student | Patrick.Phillips@firstgroup.com | 503-867-4927 | Both |
421 | Pendleton SD 16 | Rhonda Lorett | Interim Safety Manager | First Student | rhonda.lorett@firstgroup.com | 458-213-5287 | Both |
422 | Pendleton SD 16 | Suzanne Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | School Bus Drivers |
423 | Perrydale SD 21 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
424 | Perrydale SD 21 | Michael Watson | Location Manager | MidCo | michael.watson@midcobus.com | 503-623-7245 | Both |
425 | Philomath SD 17J | Autumn Thompson | Location Manager | MidCo | autumn.thompson@midcobus.com | 541-929-5474 | Both |
426 | Philomath SD 17J | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
427 | Phoenix-Talent SD 4 | Jonel Todd | Location Manager | First Student | jonel.todd@firstgroup.com | 541-201-3153 | School Bus Drivers |
428 | Phoenix-Talent SD 4 | Melanie Rennels | Location Safety Manager | First Student | melanie.rennels@firstgroup.com | 541-772-1114 | School Bus Drivers |
429 | Phoenix-Talent SD 4 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
430 | Phoenix-Talent SD 4 | Tiffany Britton | Executive Assistant of HR | First Student | tiffany.britton@phoenix.k12.or.us | 541-535-1517 | Activity Drivers |
431 | Pilot Rock SD 2 | Michelle Hoeft | Administrative Assistant | N/A | michelle.hoeft@pilotrocksd.org | 541-443-8291 | School Bus Drivers |
432 | Pine Eagle SD 61 | Craig D Jackson | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | cjackson@pineeaglesd.org | 541-742-6100 or 541-235-5095 | Both |
433 | Pinehurst SD 94 | John Elder | Office Manager | N/A | john@pinehurst.k12.or.us | 541-482-1910 | Both |
434 | Pleasant Hill SD 1 | Becky Johnson | Accounts Payable Specialist | N/A | bjohnson@pleasanthill.k12.or.us | 541-736-0799 | Activity Drivers |
435 | Pleasant Hill SD 1 | Amie Huyck | Location Manager | First Student | amie.huyck@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 | Both |
436 | Pleasant Hill SD 1 | Bret Wright | Location Manager | First Student | bret.wright@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 | Both |
437 | Pleasant Hill SD 1 | Kathleen Mooney | Location Safety Manager | First Student | kathleen.mooney@firstgroup.com | 541-688-0454 x4 | Both |
438 | Pleasant Hill SD 1 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
439 | Plush SD 18 | Chandra Cahill | Deputy Clerk/Transportation Head | N/A | plushschoolclerk@gmail.com | 541-947-2259 | Both |
440 | Port Orford-Langlois SD 2CJ | Chad Berry | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | chad.berry@2cj.k12.or.us | 541-348-2176 cell 541-290-7316 | Both |
441 | Port Orford-Langlois SD 2CJ | Deana Bussmann | Transportation Dispatcher/ Driver Trainer | N/A | deana.bussmann@2cj.k12.or.us | 541-348-2176 cell 541-290-3707 | Both |
442 | Portland Adventist Academy | Steve McFeters | Plant Manager | N/A | smcfeters@paasda.org | 503-407-7676 | Both |
443 | Portland Adventist Elementary School | Ronald J Sulzle | Plant Service Director | N/A | ron.sulzle@paes.com | 503-661-1411 | School Bus Drivers |
444 | Portland Forest School of the Pacific Northwest | Ian Abraham | Head of School | N/A | ian@portlandforestschool.org | 503-679-4017 | Activity Drivers |
445 | Portland SD 1J | Amber Gallagher | Training Consultant | N/A | agallagher@pps.net | 971-480-2425 | Both |
446 | Portland SD 1J | Lonna Barber | Driver Trainer Consultant | N/A | Lbarber@pps.net | 503-916-6901 | Both |
447 | Portland SD 1J | Massimiliano Bruschi | Training Consultant | N/A | mbruschi@pps.net | 503-446-7897 | Both |
448 | Portland SD 1J | Angelique LaDuke | Master Trainer | First Student | angelique.laduke@firstgroup.com | 503-284-6466 | Both |
449 | Portland SD 1J | Norah Martin | Location Manager | First Student | Norah.Martin@firstgroup.com | 503-284-6466 x 225 | Both |
450 | Portland SD 1J | Santiago Bautista | Charter Coordinator | First Student | santiago.bautista@firstgroup.com | 503-284-6466 x221 | Both |
451 | Portland SD 1J | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
452 | Portland SD 1J | Allen Thournburgh | Maintenance Manager | STA | cthornbugh@ridesta.com | 503-468-5448 | None |
453 | Portland SD 1J | Jolene Gibson | Operations Manager | STA | jgibson@ridesta.com | 503-468-5448 | Both |
454 | Portland SD 1J | Shaileen Brannon | Lead Dispatcher | STA | sbrannon@ridesta.com | 503-468-5448 | None |
455 | Portland Village School | Barbara Nunez | Head Secretary | First Student | office@portlandvillageschool.org | 503-445-0056 | Both |
456 | Powers SD 31 | Peggy Stallard | Transportation Director | N/A | pstallard@powersschools.com | 541-439-2291 | Both |
457 | Prairie City SD 4 | N. Lee Teague | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | teaguel@grantesd.k12.or.us | 844-820-3314 | Both |
458 | Prospect SD 59 | Melanie Rennels | Location Safety Manager | First Student | melanie.rennels@firstgroup.com | 541-772-1114 | Both |
459 | Rainier SD 13 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
460 | Rainier SD 13 | Teresa Fox | Location Manager | MidCo | teresa.fox@midcobus.com | 503-556-9140 | Both |
461 | Redmond Proficiency Academy | Brett Hudson | Facilities Manager | N/A | brett_hudson@rpacademy.org | 541-410-9976 | Both |
462 | Redmond SD 2J | Loree Bowers | Transportation Secretary | N/A | loree.bowers@redmondschools.org | 541-923-8237 | None |
463 | Redmond SD 2J | Matthew Kutcher | Driver Trainer/3rd Party Examiner | N/A | matt.kutcher@redmondschools.org | 541-923-4891 | Both |
464 | Redmond SD 2J | Michelle Currier | Supervisor | N/A | michelle.rainville@redmondschools.org | 541-923-4891 | Both |
465 | Redmond SD 2J | Tina Brusha | Bus Driver | N/A | tina.brusha@redmondschools.org | 541-923-4891 | None |
466 | Reedsport SD 105 | Myles Brewster | Mechanic | Lewis Transportation | lewismechanic@yahoo.com | 541-252-1360 | None |
467 | Reedsport SD 105 | Trish A. Hoffman | Driver Supervisor, Office Manager | Lewis Transportation | lewistransportation2@yahoo.com | 541-707-0216 | Both |
468 | Region 18 ESD | Shawn Donarski | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | sdonarski@r18esd.org | 541-426-7600 | Both |
469 | Regis High School | Gina Keudell | District Office Manager | N/A | ofcmanager@regisstmary.org | 503-769-2159 | Activity Drivers |
470 | Reynolds SD 7 | Chris Ellison | Director of Transportation | N/A | cellison@rsd7.net | 503-492-4921 x3310 | Both |
471 | Reynolds SD 7 | J.R. Rice | Head Mechanic | N/A | wrice@rsd7.net | 503-492-4921 x3312 | None |
472 | Reynolds SD 7 | Joe Cabeza | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | jcabeza@rsd7.net | 503-492-4921 x3442 | Both |
473 | Reynolds SD 7 | Pam Streater | Transportation Admin Assistant | N/A | pstreater@rsd7.net | 503-492-4921 x3318 | Both |
474 | Reynolds SD 7 | Patti Stevenson | Training and Safety Lead | N/A | pstevenson@rsd7.net | 503-492-4921 x3316 | Both |
475 | Riddle SD 70 | Karinda Rainwater | District Liason with First Student | N/A | karinda.rainwater@riddle.k12.or.us | 541 874-2226 | Activity Drivers |
476 | Riddle SD 70 | Russell Hobson | Athletic Director | N/A | russell.hobson@riddle.k12.or.us | 541 874-2251 | Activity Drivers |
477 | Riddle SD 70 | Wendy Jarvis | Location Manager | First Student | wendy.jarvis@firstgroup.com | 541-863-3038 | Both |
478 | Riverdale SD 51J | Nicole Bassen | Business Manager | N/A | businessmanager@riverdale.k12.or.us | 503-262-4840 | Both |
479 | Riverdale SD 51J | Chrisie Patrick | Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent | First Student | cpatrick@riverdale.k12.or.us | 503-262-4840 | Both |
480 | Rogue River SD 35 | Rene Nevin | HR Administrative Assistant | N/A | rnevin@rogueriver.k12.or.us | 541-582-3235 | Activity Drivers |
481 | Rogue River SD 35 | Christina Churchill | Location Safety Manager | First Student | christina.churchill@firstgroup.com | 541-476-7733 | Both |
482 | Rogue River SD 35 | Suzanne Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | School Bus Drivers |
483 | Rogue River SD 35 | Tanya Kerr | Location Manager | First Student | tanya.kerr@firstgroup.com | 541-476-7733 | Both |
484 | Sacred Heart Catholic School | Terry Fry | Business Manager | N/A | tfry@shcs.org | 541-772-4105 | Activity Drivers |
485 | Salem Academy | Tami Burrell | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | tburrell@salemacademy.org | 503-409-7955 | Both |
486 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Amanda Stover | Field Coordinator | N/A | stover_amanda@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
487 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Brian Clarke | Trainer | N/A | clarke_brian@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
488 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Christianne Wigington | Field Coordinator | N/A | wigington_christianne@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
489 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | David Jorgenson | Operations Manager | N/A | jorgenson_david@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
490 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Fred Puentes | Driver Trainer | N/A | puentes_fredrick@salkeiz.k12.or.us | | Both |
491 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Kevin Baker | Lead Router | N/A | baker_kevin@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
492 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Kevin Conover | Trainer | N/A | conover_kevin@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
493 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Kimberly Mclain | Trainer | N/A | mclain_kimberly@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
494 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Leslie Hargrove | Administrative Assistant to Director of Transportation | N/A | hargrove_leslie@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 949-689-9838 | Both |
495 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Lisa Puentes | Field Coordinator | N/A | puentes_lisa@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-339-6705 | Both |
496 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Maureen Linn-Medici | Field Coordinator | N/A | linn-medici_maureen@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
497 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Michael Cape | Field Coordinator | N/A | cape_michael@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
498 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Mitchell Hamilton | Operations Manager | N/A | hamilton_mitchell@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
499 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Nicholas Scott | Fleet Manager | N/A | scott_nick@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
500 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Rita Schneider | Field Coordinator | N/A | schneider_rita@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
501 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Robine Splonski | Field Coordinator | N/A | splonski_robine@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
502 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Roger Contreras | Field Coordinator | N/A | contreras_roger@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
503 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Shane Theis | Shop Foreman | N/A | theis_shane@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
504 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Stephanie Malherbe | Field Coordinator | N/A | malherbe_stephanie@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
505 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | T.J. Crockett | Director | N/A | crockett_tj@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
506 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Tonia Brechtel | Field Coordinator | N/A | brechtel_tonia@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | None |
507 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Vincent Robert Zollner | Driver Trainer | N/A | zollner_vincent@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-7107 | None |
508 | Salem-Keizer SD 24J | Wayne Bradley | Trainer | N/A | bradley_wayne@salkeiz.k12.or.us | 503-399-3100 | Both |
509 | Sand Ridge Charter School | Scott Richards | Facilities and Transportation | N/A | srichards@piecharters.org | 541-231-3812 | Both |
510 | Santiam Canyon SD 129J | Lisa Follis | District Secretary | First Student | lisa.follis@santiam.k12.or.us | 503-897-2321 | Both |
511 | Santiam Canyon SD 129J | Melody Rossiter | Location Manager | First Student | melody.rossiter@firstgroup.com | 541-327-9654 | Both |
512 | Santiam Canyon SD 129J | Nichole Cooper | Administrative Secretary | First Student | nichole.cooper@santiam.k12.or.us | 503-897-2321 | Both |
513 | Santiam Christian Schools Adair Village | Kelsey Cordier | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | cordierk@santiam.org | 541-760-1316 | Both |
514 | Santiam Christian Schools Adair Village | Tim Buhrkuhl | Fleet Manager | N/A | buhrkuhlt@santiam.org | 209-715-8727 | Both |
515 | Scappoose SD 1J | Lisa Kelley | Location Manager | First Student | Lisa.Kelley@firstgroup.com | 971-290-4023 | Both |
516 | Scappoose SD 1J | Paige Mulcahy | Location Safety Manager | First Student | Paige.Mulcahy@firstgroup.com | 971-290-4020 | Both |
517 | Scappoose SD 1J | Suzanne Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | School Bus Drivers |
518 | Scio SD 95 | Darren Buettner | Transportation Manager | N/A | buettnerd@sciok.org | 503-394-3350 | Both |
519 | Scio SD 95 | Nicole Dirks | Transportation Manager | N/A | dirksn@sciok12.org | 503-394-3350 | Both |
520 | Seaside SD 10 | Anna Borges | Supervisor | N/A | aborges@seasidek12.org | 503-738-7150 | Both |
521 | Seaside SD 10 | Chris Peters | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | cpeters@seasidek12.org | 503-738-7150 | Both |
522 | Sheridan SD 48J | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
523 | Sheridan SD 48J | Michael Watson | Location Manager | MidCo | michael.watson@midcobus.com | 503-623-7245 | Both |
524 | Sherwood SD 88J | Casey Jebens | Director of Transportation | N/A | cjebens@sherwood.k12.or.us | 503-825-5910 | Both |
525 | Sherwood SD 88J | Casey Jebens | Director | N/A | cjebens@sherwood.k12.or.us | 503-825-5910 | Both |
526 | Siletz Valley Schools | Chris Carley | Lead Trainer/Tester | First Student | mary.carley@firstgroup.com | 541-336-5101 | Activity Drivers |
527 | Silver Falls SD 4J | Heather Johnson | Route Coordinator | N/A | johnson_heather@silverfalls.k12.or.us | 503-873-5303 x1125 | Activity Drivers |
528 | Silver Falls SD 4J | Charles Guido | Driver/Trainer | First Student | chuck_guido@yahoo.com | 503-573-7050 | Both |
529 | Silver Falls SD 4J | Darcelle Brace | Safety Manager | First Student | darcelle.brace@firstgroup.com | 503-874-6424 | Both |
530 | Silver Falls SD 4J | Laura Satrum | Location Manager | First Student | laura.satrum@firstgroup.com | 503-874-6424 or 971-343-1004 | School Bus Drivers |
531 | Silver Falls SD 4J | Suzanne Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | School Bus Drivers |
532 | Sisters SD 6 | Ryan A. Stock | Director of Operations | N/A | ryan.stock@sisters.k12.or.us | 541-549-8521 x4017 | None |
533 | Sisters SD 6 | Tony Steele | Transportation Operations Manager | N/A | tony.steele@ssd6.org | 541-549-9681 | Both |
534 | Siuslaw SD 97J | Tammy Trenholm | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | ttrenholm@siuslaw.k12.or.us | 541-997-3816 | Both |
535 | South Coast ESD | Brandie Monroe | Director Operations / HR | N/A | brandiem@scesd.k12.or.us | 541-266-4046 | Activity Drivers |
536 | South Coast Head Start | Kendra McCasland | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | kmccasland.schs@orcca.us | 541-435-7080 x210 | Both |
537 | South Harney SD 33 | Hollie Henricks | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | southharney@gmail.com | 541-589-0993 | School Bus Drivers |
538 | South Harney SD 33 | Sara Ugalde | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | southharney@gmail.com | 541-602-2863 | School Bus Drivers |
539 | South Lane SD 45J3 | John Dahl | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | john.dahl@slane.k12.or.us | 541-942-2803 x1 | Both |
540 | South Lane SD 45J3 | Kathy Asquith | Driver Trainer | N/A | kathy.asquith@slane.k12.or.us | 541-514-4901 | Both |
541 | South Umpqua SD 19 | Shy Chapman | Director of Fiscal Services | First Student | shy.chapman@susd.k12.or.us | 1541-863-3115 | Both |
542 | South Umpqua SD 19 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
543 | South Umpqua SD 19 | Wendy Jarvis | Location Manager | First Student | wendy.jarvis@firstgroup.com | 541-863-3038 | Both |
544 | South Wasco County SD 1 | Robin Austin | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | robina@swasco.net | 541-395-2225 | Both |
545 | South Wasco County SD 1 | Ryan Wraught | Superintendent | N/A | ryanw@swasco.net | 541-460-1643 | Both |
546 | South Wasco County SD 1 | Sheri Olson | Admin Assistant | N/A | sherio@swasco.net | 541-980-5684 | Both |
547 | Southern Oregon ESD | Earl Laughlin | Purchasing/Warehouse | N/A | earl_laughlin@soesd.k12.or.us | 541-858-6729 | Both |
548 | Southern Oregon Head Start | Ashley Clayton | Business Services Manager | N/A | ashley.clayton@socfc.org | 541-734-5150 x1001 | Both |
549 | Spray SD 1 | Colin Neuburger | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | cneuburger@spray.k12.or.us | 541-468-2226 | Both |
550 | Spray SD 1 | Colin Neuburger | BTW Instructor; CORE/Advanced Trainer | N/A | bustrainer24@gmail.com | 541-604-9791 | None |
551 | Spray SD 1 | Linda Donnelly | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | ldonnelly@spray.k12.or.us | 541-468-2226 | Both |
552 | Springfield SD 19 | Brett Yancey | Chief Operations Officer | N/A | brett.yancey@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-726-3206 | None |
553 | Springfield SD 19 | Carla tysor | Assistant Supervisor | N/A | carla.tysor@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | Both |
554 | Springfield SD 19 | Elden Julien | Transportation Technician, Routing & Software Support | N/A | elden.julien@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | None |
555 | Springfield SD 19 | Eric Getchell | Transportation Technician, Special Services Routes | N/A | eric.getchell@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | None |
556 | Springfield SD 19 | Lesley Reeves | Driver Trainer | N/A | lesley.reeves@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | Both |
557 | Springfield SD 19 | Michael Schlosser | Transportation & Operations Manager | N/A | mike.schlosser@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | Both |
558 | Springfield SD 19 | Pattie Smith | Transportation Technician, General Education Routes | N/A | pattie.smith@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | None |
559 | Springfield SD 19 | Ranelle Culp | Administrative Secretary | N/A | raenelle.culp@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | None |
560 | Springfield SD 19 | Tammie Prock | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | tammie.prock@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | Both |
561 | Springfield SD 19 | Tammy Bocanegra | Bilingual Administrative Secretary | N/A | tammy.bocanegra@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | None |
562 | Springfield SD 19 | Tim Stephens | Assistant Supervisor, General Education Routes | N/A | tim.stephens@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | School Bus Drivers |
563 | Springfield SD 19 | Tyna Julian | Assistant Trainer | N/A | tyna.julian@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | Both |
564 | Springfield SD 19 | Veronica Vaca | Assistant Trainer | N/A | veronica.vaca@springfield.k12.or.us | 541-744-6373 | Both |
565 | St Helens SD 502 | Jessica Seay | Business Manager | N/A | jessicapi@sthelens.k12.or.us | 503-366-7225 | Both |
566 | St Helens SD 502 | Diane Fischer | Safety Trainer | Durham | dfischer@durhamschoolservices.com | 503-397-9072 | Both |
567 | St Helens SD 502 | Michelle Aberle-Hoyt | General Manager | Durham | mhoyt@durhamschoolservices.com | 503-397-9072 | Both |
568 | St Helens SD 502 | Suzanne Weber | BTW Tester | Durham | sweber@durhamschoolservices.com | 503-397-9072 | None |
569 | St Mary’s School | Christopher Johnson | Chief Operating Officer | N/A | cjohnson@smschool.us | 541-773-7877 | Both |
570 | St Mary’s School | Verna Jones | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | vjones@smschool.us | 541-773-7877 | Both |
571 | St Paul SD 45 | Amy Chisman | Business Manager | N/A | amy.chisman@stpaul.k12.or.us | 503-540-1672 | Both |
572 | St Paul SD 45 | Oralia Vargas | Secretary | N/A | oralia.vargas@stpaul.k12.or.us | 503-633-2691 | Both |
573 | Stanfield SD 61 | Beth Burton | Superintendent | N/A | beth.burton@stanfieldsd.org | 541-449-2204 | Both |
574 | Stanfield SD 61 | Kurtis Woods | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | kurtis.woods@stanfieldsd.org | 541-449-8766 | Both |
575 | Sunny Wolf Charter School | Christna Churchill | Location Safety Manager | First Student | christina.churchill@firstgroup.com | 541-476-7733 | Both |
576 | Sunstone Montessori School | Cathy Newman | Head of School | N/A | cnewman@sunstonemontessori.org | 503-768-3847 | Both |
577 | Sutherlin SD 130 | Sheri Moothart | Transportation Manager | N/A | smoothart@sutherlin.k12.or.us | 541-459-2785 | Both |
578 | Sweet Home SD 55 | Darel Bidwell | Supervisor | N/A | darel.bidwell@sweethome.k12.or.us | 541-367-7116 | Both |
579 | Sweet Home SD 55 | Michelle Jewell | Driver Trainer | N/A | michelle.jewell@sweethome.k12.or.us | 541-367-7116 | Both |
580 | Sweet Home SD 55 | Tyanne Pickle | Dispatcher/Router | N/A | tyanne.pickle@sweethome.k12.or.us | 541-367-7116 | None |
581 | The Children’s Learning Center | Robert Cajahuanca | Bus Driver | N/A | robertc@madrastclc.org | 541-475-3628 | School Bus Drivers |
582 | The Children’s Learning Center | Teresa Martin | Executive Director | N/A | teresam@madrastclc.org | 541-475-3628 | Both |
583 | The Delphian School | Danaea Jackman | Facilities Director | N/A | danaea.jackman@delphian.org | 503-843-5889 | None |
584 | The Delphian School | Kaellagh Bennett | Business Manager | N/A | kbennett@delphian.org | 503-843-3521 | Both |
585 | The Delphian School | Linda Siegel | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | lindas@delphian.org | 503-434-3925 | Both |
586 | Three Rivers/Josephine County SD | Christina Churchill | Location Safety Manager | First Student | christina.churchill@firstgroup.com | 541-476-7733 | Both |
587 | Three Rivers/Josephine County SD | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
588 | Three Rivers/Josephine County SD | Tanya Kerr | Location Manager | First Student | tanya.kerr@firstgroup.com | 541-476-7733 | Both |
589 | Tigard-Tualatin SD 23J | Geoff Smoke | Transportation Manager | N/A | gsmoke@ttsd.k12.or.us | 503-431-4043 | Both |
590 | Tigard-Tualatin SD 23J | Jean Devenport | Demographics Router | N/A | jdevenport@ttsd.k12.or.us | 503-431-4046 | None |
591 | Tigard-Tualatin SD 23J | Robert ODell | Lead Driver - Trainer | N/A | rodell@ttsd.k12.or.us | 503-431-4196 | Both |
592 | Tigard-Tualatin SD 23J | Robert Ripperger | Transportation Manager | N/A | rripperger@ttsd.k12.or.us | 503-431-4043 | Both |
593 | Tigard-Tualatin SD 23J | Susan Vorseth | Dispatcher | N/A | sadamsvorseth@ttsd.k12.or.us | 503-431-4086 | School Bus Drivers |
594 | Tigard-Tualatin SD 23J | Amber Morklampkin | Safety Supervisor | STA | amorklampkin@ridesta.com | 503-964-2426 | Both |
595 | Tigard-Tualatin SD 23J | Ashley Rinker | Operations Manager | STA | Arinker@ridesta.com | 503-372-5704 | School Bus Drivers |
596 | Tigard-West Linn Charter Center | Alice James | Location manager | First Student | alice.james@firstgroup.com | 503-462-1993 | School Bus Drivers |
597 | Tigard-West Linn Charter Center | Amy Pine | Dispatcher | First Student | amy.pine@firstgroup.com | 503-462-1993 | School Bus Drivers |
598 | Tigard-West Linn Charter Center | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
599 | Tillamook SD 9 | Gail Levesque | Executive Assistant | N/A | levesqueg@tillamook.k12.or.us | 5038424414 x1015 | Both |
600 | Tillamook SD 9 | Jay Marugg | Transportation Director | N/A | maruggj@tillamook.k12.or.us | 503-812-0861 | Both |
601 | Tillamook SD 9 | Jerry Dorland | Director of Transportation | N/A | dorlandj@tillamook.k12.or.us | 5038424414 x1155 | Both |
602 | Tualatin Valley Junior Academy | Christina Orozco-Acosta | Principal | N/A | principal@tvja.org | 503-648-5518 | Both |
603 | Tualatin Valley Junior Academy | Karen Stiltner | Treasurer | N/A | treasurer@tvja.org | 503-649-5518 | Both |
604 | Twin Rivers Charter School | Jay Breslow | Principal | N/A | jaybreslow@twinriverscharter.org | 541-349-7511 | Activity Drivers |
605 | Ukiah SD 80R | Laura Orr | Superintendent | N/A | LOrr@ukiahsd.org | 541-427-3744 | None |
606 | Ukiah SD 80R | Linda Kerr | Board/School Administrative Secretary | N/A | LKerr@ukiahsd.org | 541-427-3732 | None |
607 | Umatilla SD 6R | Christie Livingston | Location Manager | MidCo | christie.livingston@midcobus.com | 541-567-0551 | Both |
608 | Umatilla SD 6R | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
609 | Umatilla-Morrow Co Headstart | Barbara Mathis | Transportation Fleet Manager | N/A | bmathis@umchs.org | 541-571-0003 | School Bus Drivers |
610 | Umpqua Valley Christian School | George Graham | Principal | N/A | ggraham@uvcs.org | 541-679-4964 | Both |
611 | Umpqua Valley Christian School | Julie Cherry | Superintendent | N/A | jcherry@uvcs.org | 541-679-4964 | School Bus Drivers |
612 | Union SD 5 | Austin Tibbetts | Location Manager | MidCo | austin.tibbetts@midcobus.com | 541-963-6119 | Both |
613 | Union SD 5 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
614 | United Community Action Network | Angela VanBuren | Transportation Services Supervisor | N/A | angela.meixner@ucancap.org | 541-673-6306 | Both |
615 | Vale SD 84 | Alisha McBride | Superintendent | N/A | alisha.mcbride@valesd.org | 541-473-0201 | Both |
616 | Vale SD 84 | Julie Holt | Transportation Supervisor | N/A | julie.holt@valesd.org | 541-473-0209 | Both |
617 | Vernonia SD 47J | Shelley Hennessy | Supervisor/Manager | Curl Transportation | shelleylh64@hotmail.com | 503-429-0507 | Both |
618 | Wallowa SD 12 | Cassie Moffit | Bookkeeper | Moffit Brothers | moffit@eoni.com | 541-569-2284 | Both |
619 | Warrenton-Hammond SD 30 | Cindy Kirby | Director of Transportation | N/A | kirbyc@warrentonk12.org | 503-861-2278 | Both |
620 | Warrenton-Hammond SD 30 | Leanna Glover | Trainer | N/A | gloverl@warrentonk12.org | 503-861-2278 | Both |
621 | Warrenton-Hammond SD 30 | Richard Menefee | Driver/Trainer/Mechanic | N/A | menefeer@warrentonk12.org | 503-801-3150 | School Bus Drivers |
622 | Wellsprings Friends School | Dawn Meckelson | Operations Manager | N/A | dawn@wellspringsfriends.org | 541-686-1223 | Activity Drivers |
623 | West Linn-Wilsonville SD 3J | Daniel Lee | Location Manager | First Student | Daniel.Lee@firstgroup.com | 503-570-8604 | Both |
624 | West Linn-Wilsonville SD 3J | Silvio Sales | Location Assitant Manager | First Student | Silvio.Sales@firstgroup.com | 503-570-8604 | Both |
625 | West Linn-Wilsonville SD 3J | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
626 | West Linn-Wilsonville SD 3J | Thomas Hodgson | Safety Manager | First Student | thomas.hodgson@firstgroup.com | 503-570-8604 | Both |
627 | West Linn-Wilsonville SD 3J | Todd Barnes | Location Safety Manager | First Student | Todd.Barnes@firstgroup.com | 503-570-8604 | School Bus Drivers |
628 | Western Christian School | Rich Martin | Transportation Coordinator | N/A | rmartin@wcspioneers.org | 503-363-2000 | School Bus Drivers |
629 | Westside Christian High School | Jeff Cox | Director of Campus Operations | N/A | cox@wchsonline.org | 503-697-4711 | Activity Drivers |
630 | Willamette ESD | Brad McDougal | Lead Maintenance | N/A | brad.mcdougal@wesd.org | 503-385-4717 | Activity Drivers |
631 | Willamette ESD | Jeff Easter | Director of Facilities and Operations | N/A | jeff.easter@wesd.org | 503-385-4717 | Activity Drivers |
632 | Willamette ESD | Staci Stormer | Administrative Assistant | N/A | staci.stormer@wesd.org | 503-385-4698 | Activity Drivers |
633 | Willamette Leadership Academy | Sheryl Moss | Financial Manager | N/A | smoss@wlacademy.org | 541-246-2840 | None |
634 | Willamina SD 30J | Lonnie Hughes | Location Manager | First Student | lonnie.hughes@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 | Both |
635 | Willamina SD 30J | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
636 | Willamina SD 30J | Teresa McLeod | Location Safety Manager | First Student | teresa.mcleod@firstgroup.com | 503-434-5631 x108 | Both |
637 | Winston-Dillard SD 116 | Kim Shigley | Business Manager | N/A | shigleyk@wdsd.org | 541-679-30 x3406 | Both |
638 | Winston-Dillard SD 116 | Lanette Hill | Dispatch Safety | First Student | Lanette.Hill@firstgroup.com | 541-672-4191 | Both |
639 | Winston-Dillard SD 116 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
640 | Winston-Dillard SD 116 | Tonji Lewis | Manager | First Student | Tonji.Lewis@firstgroup.com | 541-672-4191 | Both |
641 | Woodburn SD 103 | Casey Woolley | Director of Safety and Operations | N/A | cwoolley@woodburnsd.org | 503-981-2702 | Activity Drivers |
642 | Woodburn SD 103 | Aaron Eidinger | Operation Clerk | First Student | aaron.eidinger@firstgroup.com | 503-982-1427 | School Bus Drivers |
643 | Woodburn SD 103 | Sue Bonds | ASM | First Student | suzanne.bonds@firstgroup.com | 971-287-0130 | Both |
644 | Woodburn SD 103 | Tammy Clifford | Location Manager | First Student | tammy.clifford@firstgroup.com | 503-982-1427 | School Bus Drivers |
645 | Yamhill Carlton SD 1 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |
646 | Yamhill Carlton SD 1 | Mary Eldred | Assistant Manager | MidCo | marye@midcobus.com | 503-992-7167 | Both |
647 | Yoncalla SD 32 | Dwayne Bull | Location Manager | MidCo | dwayne.bull@midcobus.com | 503-804-2590 | Both |
648 | Yoncalla SD 32 | Lisa Castle | Regional Administrative Assistant | MidCo | lisac@midcobus.com | | Both |