1 | | Videos | In Progress - Actively being worked | High | (1) Videos not present in Lithium. (2) Errors when uploading video content to past posts. | Majority of videos have been re-uploaded. Videos (~500) that show errors are due to incompatible codec. Unsupported muxing format: mpegvideo. Per Lithium Support, "In summary - the video format and codec are not currently supported and will fail to upload during the processing phase when codes and file formats are checked. This is not all that uncommon due to how every device and software provider may use their own proprietary formats and codecs.
As for resolving the problem, the only options would be to re-shoot/recreate the video using a supported file format and codec, or to use a video editing program to convert and/or edit the video to force it to use a different codec." Next steps TBD. | | 08/30/17 4:18 PM |
2 | | UX | In Progress | High | Will need to improve header navigation | Scoping. | | 08/11/17 9:48 PM |
3 | | UX | In Progress - Actively being worked | High | Indenting comments: Following conversations in blogs and discussions is difficult (Nesting) | Possible design solution in testing. Targeting week of 8/28 for possible deployment. | | 08/25/17 7:37 PM |
4 | | Attachments | In Progress - Actively being worked | Medium | User reports she is unable to upload .arf files (WebEx recordings). After zipping her file, she receives a "maximum file size" warning on her zipped attachment. | Ticket open with LIthium support. | | 08/25/17 7:37 PM |
5 | | Groups | In Progress | High | PTC University content was merged with PTC Academic content during migration. These are two different business units that each need their own containers. | Week of 8/28 for content move. | | 08/25/17 7:38 PM |
6 | |  | 154 |
| Missing content | In Progress - Actively being worked | High | Multiple reports of missing links within migrated posts. Old Jive links are stripped out so redirect isn't in play. | Root cause identified: Jive markup language. Will be fixed by script. | | 08/30/17 4:21 PM |
7 | | Missing content | In Progress - Actively being worked | High | Lost all my links to Ideas in my own Blog: https://community.ptc.com/t5/Integrity-Blog/Integrity-LM-Administration-Configuration-Reports/ba-p/448669 https://community.ptc.com/t5/Integrity-Ideas/Integrity-Source-Subscribe-to-change-notification-email-on/idi-p/457526 | Root cause identified: Jive markup language. Will be fixed by script. | | 08/30/17 4:21 PM |
8 | | Missing content | In Progress - Actively being worked | High | Links in product idea to two other product ideas are missing. They were present before the migration but now are missing. Please fix. (Without the ability to look back at Jive, I don't remember which ideas I was referencing...) | Root cause identified: Jive markup language. Will be fixed by script. | | 08/30/17 4:21 PM |
9 | | Videos | In Progress - Actively being worked | High | Trying to attach a video from YouTube and told I need Adobe, but have it installed. For posts that contained YouTube videos, should they be re-uploaded?
Toby Case 00148132 has been opened to address this - Looks like this is happening in Chrome, but works in IE and Firefox
8/17 Case update - Lithium is checking to see if they correct the issue happening with Chrome - is there something PTC IT can do? The error does not seem to happen with IE or Firefox. | Case number 00148132 has been opened to diagnose Adobe needed error. | | 08/17/17 2:53 PM |
10 | | Missing content | Resolved | High | all FlexPLM Videos seem to be missing; various authors / various topics - Adobe Illustrator - new Versions - Windchill reporting Sorry, I do not have all topics / titles in mind. | Scoping | | 09/08/17 3:55 PM |
11 | | Missing content | Resolved | High | Request is to move FlexPLM blog, ideas, and questions out of Windchill and into the appropriate FlexPLM containers. | Script run on content and content moved. | 8/24/17 | 08/25/17 7:39 PM |
12 | | Missing content | Resolved | Low | the blog entries are missing. Please restore:
https://www.ptcusercommunity.com/people/Mat/blog/2016/03/09/combining-creo-and-zemax | This content exists in the community. Sent the following links to the user: https://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Combining-Creo-and-Zemax/td-p/480718 https://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Create-coordinate-systems-via-weblink/m-p/480701 https://community.ptc.com/t5/Additional-Creo-Questions/Enumeration-Values-in-Weblink/m-p/480687 | 8/23/17 | 08/30/17 4:25 PM |
13 | | Missing content | Resolved | High | Users are reporting that they cannot see their groups. Example: Developer Tools | PTC team searching source files from Jive. Manual process for each issue report. | 08/18/17 | 08/18/17 8:30 PM |
14 | | Labels | Resolved | Low | Within the additional creo questions area, there are labels for drawing, drawings, and drafting. These should all be merged in to one label, preferably DRAWING since that is the label that new content can be created under. | Posts were moved to the Drawing label. | 08/15/17 | 08/15/17 8:25 PM |
15 | | SSO | Resolved | Medium | Users have requested the ability to change their own username. Need to investigate: What is the relationship of username to SSO? The default setting is people cannot change their own username. Will changes break SSO relationship? | Community members can now change their usernames.
https://community.ptc.com/t5/Community-Announcements/Changing-Your-Username/ba-p/481589 | 08/15/17 | 08/15/17 3:18 PM |
16 | | Group | Resolved | High | Migration of all archived groups on production site | Completed. | 08/14/17 | 08/15/17 3:04 PM |
17 | | Labels | Resolved | Low | Can we restrict people to create Labels? | Labels are not user-generated. Issue reporter was contacted. | 08/14/17 | 08/15/17 3:04 PM |
18 | | Groups | Resolved | Low | Inconsistency in naming groups like
PTC Groups Reserved Groups Working Groups
What is the difference? Are not all Groups from PTC? Why do we accept such generic names, shoudn't be those much more concrete? | Issue reporter was contacted. | 08/14/17 | 08/15/17 3:02 PM |
19 | | Settings | Resolved | High | Attempting to save changes to my settings is throwing an error but Lithium isn't telling me what the error is or how to fix it. | 7/26 spoke with Tom - see screenshot - have it seems 50 topics per page and 50 posts per page throws the error. Is this a Lithium setting? | 08/14/17 | 08/15/17 3:02 PM |
20 | | Functionality | Resolved | Medium | When logged in on the eSupport Portal, on the very top is a group called "Communities". This group contains a subgroup "Networks" that contains a link to the "PTC Community". This link uses the obsolete URL https://www.ptcusercommunity.com/ and should use https://community.ptc.com/ instead. | Notified party responsible for support portal. | 08/14/17 | 08/14/17 3:20 PM |
21 | | Functionality | Resolved | Medium | Link to PTC Community on website of the Creo Performance Advisor is obsolete: At the top right corner of the website of the Creo Performance Advisor is a link (speech balloon symbol) to the corresponding PTC Community group. But the URL https://www.ptcusercommunity.com/groups/ptc-creo-performance-advisor is obsolete. It should use the new URL https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Performance-Advisor/gp-p/1781 instead. | Notified party responsible for support portal. | 08/14/17 | 08/14/17 3:20 PM |
22 | | SSL Security Warning | Resolved | High | User sees Security Certificate Warning. When clicking on Jive URL the user is presenting with a security warning when hitting the redirect. | PTC team working with IT and Lithium team. Next update week of 8/7. | 08/11/17 | 08/11/17 6:49 PM |
23 | | Search | Resolved | Medium | Finding personal Ideas that have been created / bookmarked - Is this a possible feature of Lithium? Widget? Work around? | We don’t have functionality within the tool to search/bookmark personal ideas that have been created. We will be closing out this issue. | 08/11/17 | 08/11/17 9:26 PM |
24 | | Ideas | Resolved | Medium | 1.) Status of idea should be visible for all ideas regardless of current status. At the moment it only seems like status shows up for ideas that have been declined. Compare these two ideas: -- https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Ideas/Shaded-cross-section-views/idc-p/477258#M9615 -- https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Ideas/Shaded-cross-section-views/idc-p/477258#M9615
If this is due to new ideas not having any status set, then maybe something could be adjusted so that by default they are "Open for voting".
2.) It would be good to change the "look and feel" of product ideas to make it really obvious that this isn't just another post. Not sure if this is something Lithium would have to do or if your internal UI team can do something, but it needs to be blatantly obvious that you're not just looking at a post. The only way to really tell at the moment is to look at the bread crumb links at the top of the page or the dropdown on the left. It would be better if the actual post itself looked completely different. Different banner, different buttons, different color, something. Here's a decent picture of what we used to have: https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Community-Help/What-are-Product-Idea-stages/gpm-p/450665 | Issue 1: We will not be changing/updating the status of any ideas. We will be closing this issue. Issue 2: We agree that this needs to be updated. We are in the process of making a number of UX changes such as the look and feel of product ideas so that it doesn’t look like just another post. This will be rolling out shortly. | 08/11/17 | 08/11/17 9:27 PM |
25 | | | Resolved | Medium | Missing a personal blog called New Village Crier. | Export of personal blog content and emailed to user. | 08/11/17 | 08/11/17 8:56 PM |
26 | | Missing content | Resolved | High | Missing groups. Because of migration issue - cannot see the group at all | Related to issue #2. | 08/10/17 | 08/10/17 5:18 PM |
27 | | Missing content | Resolved | Medium | Performance blog with very helpful information from ptcusercommunity.com is no longer accessible after the recent migration to a new platform. | Content identified and moved the post to Windchill blog. Sent a note informing the issue reporter. | 08/10/17 | 08/11/17 9:19 PM |
28 | | Federated Search | Resolved | Medium | Search results in esupport portal returned that relate to the community are not found. They need to be readdressed to the new community | Enterprise search engine has not indexed the new community. Once this indexing is done, the URLs will point to the new community. | 08/10/17 | 08/11/17 8:53 PM |
29 | | Ideas | Resolved | Medium | Updating idea numbers for TS - 7/24 Toby, another example can we find / link to the new idea from the Jive #? https://www.ptcusercommunity.com/ideas/9040 | Old idea numbers in Jive do not translate to Lithium idea numbers. | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:05 PM |
30 | | Ideas | Resolved | Medium | Integrity Ideas: Can not update an idea anymore after someone replyed. | Administrators can update statuses of an Idea. | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:12 PM |
31 | | Groups | Resolved | Medium | Exporting and status of product ideas from Groups | Topic is covered in the training video sent to group admins. | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:29 PM |
32 | | Missing Content | Resolved | Medium | This Idea was migrated as a discussion. Once Lithium ran their tagging script, you can see it is actually an idea. https://community.ptc.com/t5/Windchill-Customization/Add-objects-to-workspace-from-promotion-request-page/gpm-p/467570#_ga=2.152308665.1805130734.1500642868-927593458.1500642868 | We have updated the content and it is now an idea: here is the link to it. https://community.ptc.com/t5/Windchill-Ideas/Add-objects-to-workspace-from-promotion-request-page/idi-p/467570#_ga=2.152308665.1805130734.1500642868-927593458.1500642868 We have closed out this issue as Resolved. | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:31 PM |
33 | | Missing content | Resolved | Medium | There is a link missing from this discussion (see comment from Chris3), a link to an idea is mentioned, but no link provided. Within the discussion, Stephen Williams provides the correct link, but it is to an Idea and is not tagged as one. | Link to original discussion https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Modeling-Questions/How-to-move-repeat-region-bom-balloons-to-the-view-which-is/m-p/478025#M111472 Link added by Stephen that connects to the idea https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Modeling-Questions/Create-a-BOM-index-between-Simplified-reps/m-p/62383 | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:04 PM |
34 | | Groups | Resolved | Medium | Existing links to groups are not working. Looks like Lithium needs to do a system wide remapping of any URL containing old group numbers to the new groups (or categories once Toby makes that change for groups.) Take a look at the last link on this page: https://community.ptc.com/t5/Reporting/Windchill-Reporting-Working-Group/gpm-p/229716#M41 | This will be resolved with new categories | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:09 PM |
35 | | Missing content | Resolved | Medium | At the old PTC Community there existed ideas for the Performance Advisor, e.g.: https://www.ptcusercommunity.com/ideas/8353 and https://www.ptcusercommunity.com/ideas/6078 At the new PTC Community these ideas are no "real" ideas anymore: https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Performance-Advisor/Add-quot-ModelCHECK-quot-in-the-report-of-quot-Functionality/gpm-p/470559 and https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Performance-Advisor/Enable-Performance-Advisor-to-show-the-real-Login-Name-and-Host/gpm-p/466304 | Related to Group issues. Ideas are not a feature in Lithium Groups. This issue will be resolved once Groups are migrated to new Categories. | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:35 PM |
36 | | Groups | Resolved | Medium | I am unable to access the following link. I get an error page telling me that my access is denied. https://community.ptc.com/t5/Reporting-Ideas/How-to-automatically-pass-log-on-credentials-in-an-Excel-report/idc-p/318028#M76 | Confirmed access and role. | 08/09/17 | 08/11/17 9:14 PM |
37 | | Missing content | Resolved | High | Missing Windchill blog posts. | Posts identified and moved to Windchill blog. | 08/07/17 | 08/11/17 8:50 PM |
38 | | URL Redirect | Resolved | Medium | Links to help.ptc.com within this discussion are turning up 404 errors | The post referred to in the issue ticket is from 2015. Since that time, the domain “help.ptc.com” is now https://support.ptc.com/apps/help_center/help/. Referred the issue reporter to this new URL and closed this ticket. | 08/07/17 | 08/07/17 9:31 PM |
39 | | Rank Names | Resolved | High | Rank Names do not imply hierarchy, and the names themselves are silly/not useful. | New rank levels coming 8/7. Announced to community at https://community.ptc.com/t5/Community-Issues/New-Rank-Names-Coming-Next-Week/m-p/479034 | 08/07/17 | 08/07/17 3:50 PM |
40 | | Missing content | Resolved | High | Personal blog missing - called Liz Fraley's Blog
- Similar to issue #85
Resolved 8/4 with manual moving of content to Arbortext blog. | Personal blogs are not a feature offered in Lithium. PTC team searching source files from Jive to find the content. Manual process for each issue report. | 08/04/17 | 08/04/17 5:55 PM |
41 | | Missing content | Resolved | High | Missing content https://ptcusercommunity.com/people/Mat/blog/2016/03/09/combining-creo-and-zemax
- Similar to issue #127 | Personal blogs are not a feature offered in Lithium. PTC team searching source files from Jive to find the content. Manual process for each issue report. | 08/01/17 | 08/02/17 4:02 PM |
42 | | Groups | Resolved | High | Can emails be sent to Group? | New messaging feature under testing. | 07/31/17 | 07/25/17 9:24 PM |
43 | | Ideas | Resolved | Medium | Ideas cannot be seen unless logged in. Clicking a link in an email for an idea takes me to a "Idea Not Found" page. If I login and reload the page the idea becomes visible. This is different from the behavior before.
Users without maintenance (PTC subscription) should still be able to view the ideas, they just shouldn't be allowed to vote on them (give them Kudos.) [At least this is how it worked previously. I would prefer everyone be able to vote, but this is more a PTC management decision.] | Correct settings have been applied and verified. | 07/26/17 | 07/26/17 10:50 PM |
44 | | Groups | Resolved | High | Toby to do end to end process of creating a category with 3 nodes, content and membership in STAGE | Possible solution identified and under testing. | 07/21/17 | 07/26/17 10:53 PM |
45 | | Groups | Resolved | High | Labeling content within Groups | Lithium has run a script to tag content based on source files. This is the first step before addressing Groups issues. | 07/25/17 | 07/27/17 3:36 PM |
46 | | Groups | Resolved | Resolved | Floating Content (pinned to top) seems to duplicate the post.
Resolution: Works as designed Pinning the content does not remove it from it's position on the page. | N/A | 07/20/17 | 07/21/17 8:59 PM |
47 | | Groups | Resolved | Resolved | Labeling content within Groups | N/A | 07/25/17 | 07/27/17 3:36 PM |
48 | | | Resolved | Resolved | What means "New solutions", its a search link. | N/A | | 07/21/17 9:00 PM |
49 | | | Resolved | Resolved | Product Idea submission redirect gives 404 error | N/A | | 07/21/17 9:00 PM |
50 | | | Resolved | Resolved | Fetch content through REST API | N/A | | 07/21/17 9:00 PM |
51 | | | Resolved | Resolved | Stopping Jive Notification emails | N/A | | 07/21/17 9:00 PM |
52 | | | Out of scope | | Change or hide usernames based on type of view. | | | 08/11/17 9:54 PM |
53 | | | Out of scope | | Users want to add more labels to product areas. | | | 08/11/17 9:55 PM |
54 | | | Out of scope | | Copy/Paste is not working correctly on Lithium using the rich text editor with the Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows 10). | | | 08/11/17 9:56 PM |
55 | | | Out of scope | | Delete the "New Solutions" sections on the overview pages. | | | 08/11/17 9:58 PM |
56 | | | Out of scope | | Finding New Posts | | | 08/11/17 9:59 PM |
57 | | | Out of scope | | Integrity Questions: Titles cut after 40 (?) characters | | | 08/11/17 9:59 PM |
58 | | | Out of scope | | Everything looks the same. When I scroll down a litte bit, I dont know anymore if I am in Blog, in the Questions or in the Ideas | | | 08/11/17 9:59 PM |
59 | | | Out of scope | | Three clicks needed to move from Integrity questions to Integrity Blog | | | 08/11/17 9:59 PM |
60 | | | Out of scope | | Blog and Ideas and Questions should have a different bar color, not green only | | | 08/11/17 9:59 PM |
61 | | | | | Large PTC Logo after my name | | | 08/11/17 9:59 PM |
62 | | | Out of scope | | Ideas Implementation Status lost | | | 08/11/17 9:59 PM |
63 | | | Out of scope | | Exisiting Idea redirects not working, gives 404 error | | | 08/11/17 10:00 PM |
64 | | | Out of scope | | Blog & Documents - migrated but redirects not working | | | 08/11/17 10:00 PM |
65 | | | Out of scope | | Blog post link is broken. If there's one, there's probably a bunch more...
Original Jive Location: https://www.ptcusercommunity.com/community/creo/blog/2017/06/02/did-you-know-enhanced-datum-feature-symbols-available-in-creo-40?et=watches.email.blog
New Lithium Location (found after searching): https://community.ptc.com/t5/Creo-Blog/Did-You-Know-Enhanced-Datum-Feature-Symbols-Available-in-Creo-4/ba-p/444159
The original Jive email with link is attached. | | | 08/11/17 10:00 PM |
66 | | | Out of scope | | Broken link within Windchill application. | | | 08/11/17 10:00 PM |
67 | | | Out of scope | | Email messages are losing basic list formatting. | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
68 | | | Out of scope | | Spell Checker | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
69 | | | Out of scope | | Blog feature missing: Had the option to say "minor update", this option is gone now | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
70 | | | Out of scope | | "My Subscriptions" and "Private Messages" are displayed on the bottom of every page (tab) of the "My Settings" pages. | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
71 | | | Out of scope | | Broken Link | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
72 | | | Out of scope | | Videos - can they be sorted, can we identify videos that were embedded (PTC created in YouTube) (Lithium Search) Videos need to be uploaded | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
73 | | | Out of scope | | Group Personalization | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
74 | | | Out of scope | | Organizing Windchill by labels | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
75 | | | Out of scope | | Ability to vote for your own idea | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
76 | | | Out of scope | | Ability to insert pictures via cut and paste | | | 08/11/17 10:01 PM |
77 | | | Out of scope | | Utilization of tags to follow content - adding the tags widget to the front screen of a product area | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
78 | | | Out of scope | | Can we have more attributes for Integrity Ideas? | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
79 | | | Out of scope | | When I drag-drop a Blog link into my post, it is no more expanded and automatically replaced by the blog summary as before | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
80 | | | Out of scope | | Links in the titles are not identified as links (not blue like in all other Web Apps) | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
81 | | | Out of scope | | Change My Image - in my profile | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
82 | | | Out of scope | | User View: Can't see the full name and profession anymore | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
83 | | | Out of scope | | Rich Text Editor: can not expand the Rich Text Editor (I am using Chrome, in the old Community it worked) | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
84 | | | Out of scope | | what are "hot ideas" | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
85 | | | Out of scope | | Product idea statuses will need to be updated. | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
86 | | | Out of scope | | In addition to the logo - change all employees Rank to "PTC Employee" | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |
87 | | | Out of scope | | User view: Can't see the email address anymore | | | 08/11/17 10:02 PM |