1 | | Voids certain regulations relating to the development and disposal of land in the Fort Mohave Valley. |
2 | | Revises provisions relating to state purchasing. |
3 | | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance. |
4 | | Increases the monetary threshold for mandatory nonbinding arbitration in civil actions |
5 | | Revises provisions relating to probation and lifetime supervision |
6 | | Establishes the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Treatment Assistance Program within the Aging and Disability Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services. |
7 | | Revises provisions relating to the Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission. |
8 | | Revises provisions governing the temporary conversion of agricultural water. |
9 | | Revises provisions relating to local improvement projects. |
10 | | Revises provisions governing the Department of Taxation. |
11 | | Revises requirements for obtaining judicial review of a decision of the Board of Review concerning a claim for unemployment benefits. |
12 | | Revises provisions relating to criminal justice. |
13 | | Revises provisions relating to certain public officers. |
14 | | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid fraud. |
15 | | Makes an appropriation to Mineral County for the construction of a new county jail. |
16 | | Revises provisions relating to the electronic filing of certain documents. |
17 | | Revises provisions relating to the Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group. |
18 | | AN ACT relating to offenders; revising requirements relating to the provision of certain medical services to women in the custody of the Department of Corrections; revising provisions relating to notarial acts performed for persons incarcerated in the state prison; eliminating the requirement that the Director of the Department establish and administer a program of regimental discipline; |
19 | | Revises provisions relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System. |
20 | | Revises provisions related to transportation. |
21 | | Revises provisions relating to records of defendants who have been found incompetent. |
22 | | Provides for certain Medicaid reimbursement of providers of nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services |
23 | | Directs the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Growth and Infrastructure to conduct a study during the 2025-2026 interim concerning the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V & T Railway of Carson City and Storey County. |
24 | | Creates the Nevada Office of the Inspector General. |
25 | | Revises provisions relating to certain crimes. |
26 | | Revises provisions relating to pornography involving minors. |
27 | | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid. |
28 | | Revises provisions related to housing |
29 | | Revises various provisions relating to housing |
30 | | Revises provisions governing charter schools |
31 | | Revises various provisions relating to environmental hazards. |
32 | | Revises provisions governing the adoption of regulations for the administration of certain programs of public assistance |
33 | | Revises provisions relating to public works. |
34 | | Revises the responsibilities of the Committee on Domestic Violence |
35 | | Revises provisions relating to privileges applicable to information obtained from records and other property of public utilities and certain other entities |
36 | | Revises provisions relating to the Education Stabilization Account. |
37 | | Revises provisions relating to bullying |
38 | | Revises provisions relating to victims of a mass casualty incident. |
39 | | Revises provisions relating to the payment of claims under policies of health insurance. |
40 | | Establishes provisions relating to outdoor recreational education. |
41 | | Revises penalties for failing to take certain precautions when approaching a traffic incident. |
42 | | Revises provisions relating to motor vehicle crashes. |
43 | | Revises provisions relating to the Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System. |
44 | | Authorizes the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County or any local government within Washoe County to establish a demonstration project for a certain toll road. |
45 | | Revises provisions relating to transferable tax credits for affordable housing |
46 | | Revises provisions relating to civil actions for wrongful conviction |
47 | | Revises provisions relating to public meetings. |
48 | | Revises provisions relating to guardianship |
49 | | Revises provisions relating to district courts. |
50 | | Removes the prospective expiration of the Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2007 |
51 | | Revises provisions related to energy. |
52 | | Revises provisions relating to notaries public and document preparation services. |
53 | | Establishes requirements for certain communications relating to an election |
54 | | Revises provisions relating to insurance. |
55 | | Revises provisions governing grants made by the State. |
56 | | Revises provisions relating to cannabis. |
57 | | Revises provisions governing tax abatements for certain businesses |
58 | | Revises provisions relating to licenses for the distribution of alcoholic beverages. |
59 | | Revises provisions relating to campaign finance. |
60 | | Establishes provisions relating to soil health |
61 | | Revises provisions relating to county roads. |
62 | | Authorizes the management of designated invertebrates |
63 | | Revises provisions relating to juvenile justice. |
64 | | Imposes certain requirements relating to unclothed searches of children at certain juvenile justice facilities. |
65 | | providing certain rights to children detained in a regional facility for the treatment and rehabilitation of children; requiring the juvenile court to make certain findings before committing a child to the custody of a regional facility for the treatment and rehabilitation of children; |
66 | | authorizing the State Board of Parole Commissioners to grant second look parole to certain persons; making certain persons convicted of certain crimes committed when the person was less than 25 years of age eligible for parole after serving a certain number of years of incarceration |
67 | | requiring that rooms or spaces in public buildings be provided to certain political parties without charge for certain purposes |
68 | | Revises provisions relating to public employees. |
69 | | Revises provisions relating to public works |
70 | | Revises provisions relating to master plans |
71 | | Revises provisions relating to public safety |
72 | | Revises provisions relating to economic development of regional commercial air service in this State. |
73 | | Revises provisions governing health care. |
74 | | Revises provisions relating to emergency medical services. |
75 | | Revises provisions relating to housing authorities. |
76 | | Revises provisions relating to water. |
77 | | Ratifies the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact |
78 | | Revises provisions relating to water |
79 | | Revises provisions relating to domestic relations. |
80 | | Makes various changes relating to the confidentiality of certain information |
81 | | Revises provisions relating to public office |
82 | | Revises provisions relating to public bodies |
83 | | Creates the Office of Public Records Ombudsman in the Executive Department of State Government. |
84 | | Revises provisions relating to housing. |
85 | | Revises provisions governing public financial administration |
86 | | Revises provisions relating to certain tax exemptions for veterans and surviving spouses of veterans. |
87 | | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance |
88 | | Requires proof of identity to vote |
89 | | Revising the deadline for a county or city clerk to distribute sample ballots |
90 | | Revises provisions relating to public records. |
91 | | Creates the Nevada Office of the Inspector General. |
92 | | authorizing a court of this State to exercise general personal jurisdiction over certain business entities under certain circumstances |
93 | | Establishes the Hope Card Program for applicants who have been granted an extended order for protection against domestic violence. |
94 | | Establishes a statewide database and Internet website for certain criminal records relating to domestic violence. |
95 | | Enters into the Counseling Compact |
96 | | Revises provisions relating to the employment of minors. |
97 | | Revises provisions relating to the use of corrective room restriction. |
98 | | Requires that certain health insurance policies and health plans cover speech-language pathology for certain purposes. |
99 | | Providing for the licensure of associate physicians and associate osteopathic physicians. |
100 | | Revises provisions relating to judicial office. |
101 | | Revises provisions relating to reproductive health care |
102 | | Revises provisions relating to elections. |
103 | | Revises provisions relating to local governments |
104 | | Provides immunity from civil liability to persons returning a firearm under certain circumstances. |
105 | | Revises provisions relating to child care. |
106 | | Revises provisions relating to the Public Employees' Benefits Program |
107 | | Revises provisions relating to notaries public. |
108 | | Revises provisions relating to water. |
109 | | Revises provisions relating to collective bargaining. |
110 | | enacting the Uniform Easement Relocation Act; enacting the Uniform Mortgage Modification Act; |
111 | | Revises provisions relating to certain victims of crime |
112 | | Enacts provisions strengthening certain protections for certain activities under the First Amendment. |
113 | | Revises provisions relating to firearms |
114 | | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance. |
115 | | Revises provisions relating to the sealing of records for summary evictions |
116 | | Revises provisions relating to claims for dental care |
117 | | Repeals certain provisions which prohibit an insurer from issuing or renewing certain policies of liability insurance. |
118 | | Restricts the use of certain products by governmental entities and government-funded entities. |
119 | | Revises provisions relating to substandard properties. |
120 | | Revises provisions governing public works projects. |
121 | | revising provisions relating to the employment of children |
122 | | Revises provisions relating to domestic violence |
123 | | Requires the Court Administrator and each court in this State to establish a program to send certain communications regarding court proceedings by text message. |
124 | | Authorizes the issuance of identification cards by the Department of Health and Human Services to persons experiencing homelessness under certain circumstances. |
125 | | Revises provisions relating to public works |
126 | | Revises provisions relating to the habitability of rental property. |
127 | | Revises provisions governing adoption. |
128 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
129 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
130 | | Revises provisions relating to health care providers |
131 | | Revises provisions relating to housing |
132 | | Establishes certain partial tax exemptions for surviving spouses of members of the Armed Forces of the United States who were killed in the line of duty |
133 | | Revises provisions governing elections. |
134 | | Revises provisions relating to persons with disabilities |
135 | | Enacts certain provisions governing the confidentiality of certain personal information of a donor, member or volunteer of a nonprofit organization |
136 | | Establishes provisions governing prescription drugs. |
137 | | Revises provisions relating to voter registration |
138 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
139 | | Revises provisions relating to water |
140 | | Makes revisions relating to breastfeeding |
141 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
142 | | Revises provisions relating to tobacco |
143 | | Revises provisions relating to billing for health care |
144 | | Revises provisions relating to elections. |
145 | | Revises provisions relating to prior authorization for medical or dental care under health insurance plans |
146 | | Revises provisions relating to records of criminal history |
147 | | Revises provisions relating to health insurance |
148 | | Revises provisions relating to general improvement districts |
149 | | Requires certain projects to comply with provisions governing public works |
150 | | Revises provisions governing public works |
151 | | Revises provisions related to elections. |
152 | | Revises provisions governing the taxation of sales of cannabis and cannabis products |
153 | | Revises provisions relating to certain taxes assessed at the registration of a motor vehicle |
154 | | Revises provisions relating to the governance of school districts |
155 | | Provides for the establishment of a program by a county or city to provide certain housing facilities to assist persons experiencing homelessness |
156 | | Revises provisions related to criminal justice |
157 | | Revises provisions relating to offenders |
158 | | Revises provisions relating to artificial intelligence |
159 | | Requires health insurance to cover certain screenings, assessments and diagnoses |
160 | | Makes revisions relating to health care. |
161 | | Revises provisions relating to the judiciary |
162 | | Makes revisions relating to health care |
163 | | Revises provisions relating to cemeteries |
164 | | Revises provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court over certain offenses |
165 | | Revises provisions relating to businesses. |
166 | | Revises provisions relating to background checks |
167 | | Proposes to exempt sales of certain coins, currency and bullion from sales and use taxes and analogous taxes upon approval by the voters |
168 | | Revises provisions relating to testing for sexually transmitted diseases |
169 | | Makes various changes relating to public mass transportation |
170 | | Provides for taxes on the sale or transfer of a controlling interest in an entity which possesses an interest in real property |
171 | | Makes various changes related to language access in elections. |
172 | | Revises provisions relating to voting. |
173 | | Revises provisions relating to intoxicating liquor |
174 | | Revises provisions relating to real property |
175 | | Revises provisions relating to health insurance coverage for biomarker testing. |
176 | | Revises provisions relating to juvenile justice. |
177 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
178 | | Revises provisions governing guardianship of minors |
179 | | Revises provisions relating to employment |
180 | | Enacts provisions relating to task workers. |
181 | | Revises provisions relating to interlocal agreements and contracts with tribal governments |
182 | | Revises provisions relating to services to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. |
183 | | Revises provisions relating to housing |
184 | | Requires certain health insurance to cover certain health care related to severe obesity. |
185 | | Proposes to exempt from sales and use taxes the amount of any allowance against the selling price given by a retailer for the value of a used portable electronic taken in trade on the purchase of another portable electronic. |
186 | | |
187 | | Revises provisions relating to victims of crime |
188 | | Revises provisions relating to occupational safety and health |
189 | | Revises provisions relating to public safety |
190 | | Revises provisions relating to animals. |
191 | | Revises provisions relating to applications concerning water |
192 | | Revises provisions relating to business |
193 | | Makes various changes relating to parentage |
194 | | Requires certain health plans to include coverage for fertility preservation services |
195 | | Revises provisions relating to natural resources. |
196 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
197 | | Revises provisions relating to firearms |
198 | | Provides for the establishment of the Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan |
199 | | Revises provisions relating to nonemergency medical transportation |
200 | | Revises provisions concerning the purchase or acquisition of certain unmanned aerial vehicles or other related equipment and services under certain circumstances |
201 | | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance |
202 | | Revises provisions relating to real property |
203 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
204 | | Revises provisions relating to libraries |
205 | | Revises provisions relating to transportation |
206 | | Provides for a partial abatement of the property taxes levied on certain residential rental dwellings |
207 | | Revises provisions relating to insurance for vision care |
208 | | Revises provisions governing public utilities |
209 | | Revises provisions relating to taxation |
210 | | Revises provisions governing property taxes |
211 | | |
212 | | Revises provisions relating to prior authorization |
213 | | Revises provisions relating to forensic mental health |
214 | | Revises provisions relating to labo |
215 | | Revises provisions relating to prior authorization for medical or dental care under health insurance plans |
216 | | Revises provisions relating to the counting of incarcerated persons for purposes of the apportionment of the population for certain election districts |
217 | | Revises provisions governing construction times in certain counties and cities. |
218 | | Revises provisions relating to the taxation of agricultural real property |
219 | | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid |
220 | | Provides for priority review of certain applications for licensure to practice health professions |
221 | | Revises provisions relating to the collection of data concerning providers of health care |
222 | | Revises provisions relating to water |
223 | | Revises provisions relating to criminal convictions of certain victims |
224 | | Revises provisions relating to civil actions |
225 | | Revises provisions related to courts |
226 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
227 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
228 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
229 | | Provides for the licensure and regulation of payments banks |
230 | | Revises provisions relating to public works |
231 | | Revises provisions relating to utility wire |
232 | | Revises provisions relating to public utilities and similar entities |
233 | | Revises provisions relating to health care. |
234 | | Authorizes the installation and use of school bus infraction detection systems on school buses |
235 | | Revises provisions relating to property tax abatements for certain buildings and structures which meet certain energy efficiency standards. |
236 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
237 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
238 | | Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise certain provisions relating to property taxes. |
239 | | Urges Congress to enact the Protecting the Right to Organize Act |
240 | | Revises provisions relating to collective bargaining |
241 | | Revises provisions relating to public contracts. |
242 | | Revises provisions relating to presentence investigations and reports |
243 | | Revises provisions relating to certain reports |
244 | | Revises provisions relating to the Office of the Chief Information Officer within the Office of the Governor |
245 | | Revises provisions relating to exoneration of bail. |
246 | | Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. |
247 | | Revises various provisions relating to governmental administration. |
248 | | Revises provisions relating to contractors |
249 | | Revises provisions relating to specialty courts |
250 | | Authorizes the Governor to enter into certain interstate fire compacts. |
251 | | Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. |
252 | | Revises provisions relating to outdoor recreation |
253 | | Revises provisions related to the use of cellular telephones and other handheld wireless communications devices by minors while operating a motor vehicle. |
254 | | Provides for the certification and regulation of emergency medical responders |
255 | | Revises provisions relating to fire protection. |
256 | | Revises provisions authorizing certain entities to obtain information relating to the records of criminal history of certain persons responsible for the safety and well-being of children, elderly persons or persons with disabilities. |
257 | | Revises provisions relating to municipalities |
258 | | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid |
259 | | Revises provisions relating to the adjudication of vested water rights. |
260 | | Revises provisions relating to certain providers of health care. |
261 | | Revises provisions governing certain offenses relating to prisoners. |
262 | | Establishes provisions relating to the conservation of groundwater. |
263 | | Prohibits engaging in road rage |
264 | | Revises provisions relating to emergency management. |
265 | | Creates the Medicaid Health Care Workforce Account. |
266 | | Revises provisions relating to environmental protection |
267 | | Revises provisions relating to educational programs. |
268 | | Provides for a study of certain issues relating to insurance |
269 | | Revises provisions relating to planning and zoning |
270 | | Revises provisions relating to consumer protection |
271 | | Revises provisions relating to the additional penalty for certain crimes committed against an older person or a vulnerable person. |
272 | | Provides for reimbursement of cities and counties for reductions or subsidies of certain fees for affordable housing projects |
273 | | Establishes certain requirements relating to notices of road hazards and road closures. |
274 | | Requires Medicaid to provide coverage of certain services for persons experiencing homelessness. |
275 | | Establishes provisions relating to agricultural tourism. |
276 | | Revises provisions relating to driving a vehicle or operating a vessel under the influence. |
277 | | Revises provisions relating to portable event recording devices. |
278 | | Revises provisions relating to the powers and duties of certain cities relating to the annexation and detachment of territory |
279 | | Revises provisions relating to social media platforms |
280 | | Revises provisions relating to certain records of investigations of deaths. |
281 | | Revises provisions governing certain postconviction petitions for a writ of habeas corpus. |
282 | | Revises provisions relating to certain actions and proceedings. |
283 | | Revises provisions relating to behavioral health |
284 | | Revises provisions relating to economic development. |
285 | | Makes an appropriation to the City of Fernley for continued construction and development at the Fernley Community Response and Resource Center. |
286 | | Revises provisions relating to purchasing. |
287 | | Revises the Charter of the City of Henderson. |
288 | | Revises provisions relating to elections. |
289 | | Revises provisions relating to elections. |
290 | | Revises provisions relating to boards, commissions, councils and similar bodies |
291 | | Revises certain provisions governing motor vehicles. |
292 | | creating the Office of Early Childhood Services within the Office of the Governor; prescribing the duties of the Office of Early Childhood Services and the Director of the Office; requiring the Office to conduct an interim study relating to early childhood services |
293 | | Requires the issuance of bonds for environmental improvement projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin. |
294 | | revising provisions relating to programs for the treatment of persons who commit domestic violence |
295 | | removing the prospective expiration of certain requirements relating to the recording, retention and review of information concerning traffic stops made by law enforcement officers; revising certain reporting requirements for law enforcement agencies; |
296 | | providing immunity from liability to a provider of health care who performs a forensic medical examination or strangulation forensic medical examination under certain circumstances |
297 | | Revises provisions relating to forensic medical examinations |
298 | | Authorizes a proposed increase or decrease in a rate for certain kinds and lines of insurance to be implemented pending approval or disapproval by the Commissioner of Insurance |
299 | | Authorizes, under certain circumstances, certain governing bodies of a city or county to impose linkage fees on certain developers. |
300 | | Revises provisions relating to elections. |
301 | | Revises provisions relating to mail ballots |
302 | | Revises provisions governing legislative measures that are authorized to be requested for a regular legislative session |
303 | | Revises provisions relating to the compensation of elected county officers |
304 | | Revises provisions relating to the administration of justice. |
305 | | Prohibits local governments from enacting rent control |
306 | | Makes changes related to health care |
307 | | Requires the establishment of a program relating to medical emergencies |
308 | | Revises provisions governing financial disclosure statements filed by certain public officers and candidates for public office |
309 | | Provides for the increase of certain rates of reimbursement under Medicaid |
310 | | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance. |
311 | | Establishes provisions relating to the environment. |
312 | | Prohibits the use of latex in certain circumstances |
313 | | Revises provisions relating to child welfare. |
314 | | Establishes procedures to assist certain persons with limited English proficiency in accessing health care in certain circumstances |
315 | | Revises provisions governing regional planning |
316 | | Revises provisions relating to the administration of justice |
317 | | Revises provisions relating to certain training for first responders |
318 | | Revises provisions governing financial disclosure statements filed by certain public officers and candidates for public office |
319 | | Revises the qualifications for membership on certain town advisory councils and boards |
320 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
321 | | Revises provisions governing public works |
322 | | Revises provisions governing local governments |
323 | | Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise provisions relating to elections involving incumbent justices or judges who are unopposed. |
324 | | Revises provisions relating to public health |
325 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
326 | | Authorizes a heavy equipment rental company to charge a recovery fee to offset taxes levied on certain heavy equipment. |
327 | | Enacts provisions relating to artificial intelligence systems |
328 | | Revises provisions relating to the statewide voter registration list. |
329 | | Revises provisions governing certain surcharges imposed by a county |
330 | | Revises provisions relating to fees collected by constables and sheriffs for certain services. |
331 | | Makes revisions relating to reproductive health care |
332 | | Establishes provisions relating to the collection and destruction of unused drugs |
333 | | Makes revisions relating to Medicaid |
334 | | Revises provisions relating to real property |
335 | | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid |
336 | | Revises provisions relating to juvenile probation |
337 | | Provides for health notes to be requested and prepared for certain legislative measures by the Research Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau |
338 | | Revises provisions relating to health care records |
339 | | Revises provisions relating to autism |
340 | | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance |
341 | | Revises provisions relating to taxation |
342 | | Revises provisions relating to air quality |
343 | | Revises provisions relating to housing |
344 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
345 | | Revises provisions relating to law enforcement |
346 | | Revises provisions relating to insurance coverage for certain dental services |
347 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
348 | | Revises provisions governing the confidentiality of the personal information of certain civilian employees of law enforcement agencies. |
349 | | Revises provisions relating to domestic relations |
350 | | Revises provisions relating to water |
351 | | Revises provisions relating to child welfare |
352 | | Establishes provisions relating to tribal communication, cooperation and consultation when engaged in certain planning processes. |
353 | | Establishes certain requirements relating to areas in which the risk of fire is high. |
354 | | Revises provisions relating to local governments |
355 | | Revises provisions relating to regional transportation commissions |
356 | | Revises provisions relating to personal information |
357 | | Revises provisions relating to Medicare supplemental policies. |
358 | | Revises provisions related to food establishments |
359 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
360 | | Revises provisions relating to law enforcement |
361 | | Revises provisions relating to civil liability to persons using certain premises for recreational activity under certain circumstances. |
362 | | Revises provisions relating to mental health services for children |
363 | | Revises provisions relating to insurance. |
364 | | Revises provisions relating to industrial insurance |
365 | | Establishes provisions relating to county fire protection districts |
366 | | Revises provisions relating to crosswalks |
367 | | Requires certain counties and cities and certain nonprofit organizations to establish a program relating to the adoption of certain animals |
368 | | Requires certain persons to complete training on dementia and cognitive impairments |
369 | | Revises provisions relating to the employment of offenders. |
370 | | Revises provisions relating to opioids |
371 | | Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. |
372 | | Revises provisions relating to water |
373 | | Requires certain health insurance to cover certain screenings for certain genetic disorders |
374 | | Revises provisions relating to associations of self-insured employers |
375 | | Makes various changes relating to guardianship |
376 | | Revises provisions relating to mental health crisis holds |
377 | | Makes revisions relating to health care |
378 | | Revises provisions relating to the death penalty |
379 | | Revises provisions relating to health care |
380 | | Revises provisions relating to health insurance coverage of prescription drugs |
381 | | Revised provisions regarding tax abatements for agrivoltaics and ecovoltaics |
382 | | Requires certain units of government of this State to accept certain forms of payment |
383 | | Makes various changes relating to traffic offenses |
384 | | Imposes requirements relating to the safety of hotels. |
385 | | Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. |
386 | | Revises provisions governing civil actions. |
387 | | Revises provisions relating to economic development |
388 | | Revises provisions relating to Medicaid |
389 | | Revises provisions relating to manufactured housing |
390 | | Establishes requirements relating to regional business licenses |
391 | | Revises provisions governing industrial insurance |
392 | | Establishes provisions relating to health insurance |
393 | | Makes revisions relating to health care |
394 | | Revises provisions relating to autism spectrum disorders |
395 | | Revises provisions relating to governmental administration |
396 | | Revises provisions governing juvenile justice |
397 | | Revises provisions relating to deputy marshals in certain courts. |
398 | | Revises provisions relating to the prevention and early detection of lung cancer |
399 | | Revises provisions relating to the administration of pharmacy benefits under Medicaid and certain other health plans |
400 | | Revises provisions relating to real property |
401 | | Imposes a tax on the retail sale of certain digital products |
402 | | Revises provisions relating to health insurance |
403 | | Provides for the creation of restoration improvement districts for building restoration projects |
404 | | Creates the Transit-to-Trails Task Force |
405 | | Revises provisions relating to the reporting and investigation of child abuse or neglect |
406 | | Revises provisions relating to public employees |
407 | | Revises provisions relating to public office |
408 | | Authorizes the installation and use of an automated traffic enforcement system under certain circumstances |
409 | | Revises provisions relating to the collection of delinquent contributions by the Public Employees' Retirement System |
410 | | Authorizes the creation of business improvement districts |
411 | | Revises provisions relating to elections |
412 | | Revises provisions relating to voting |
413 | | Revises provisions governing public health |
414 | | Requires an assessment to be imposed on private emergency medical transport providers |
415 | | Makes revisions relating to health professions |
416 | | Making various changes relating to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact |
417 | | Revises provisions relating to public office |
418 | | Revises provisions relating to social work. |
419 | | Revises provisions relating to taxation |
420 | | Revises provisions relating to privacy |
421 | | Revises provisions governing common-interest communities |
422 | | Revises provisions relating to nicotine products |
423 | | Provides for the licensure and regulation of merchant acquirer limited purpose banks |
424 | | Revises provisions relating to public works |
425 | | Revises provisions concerning policies governing the use of certain electronic devices in schools |
426 | | Revises provisions relating to the privacy of data concerning pupils |
427 | | Revises provisions relating to work-based learning programs |
428 | | Revises provisions relating to public works |
429 | | Revises provisions relating to public safet |
430 | | Revises provisions relating to bailiffs and deputy marshals in certain courts |
431 | | |
432 | | Workers Comp Changes |
433 | | Propulsion battery disposal |
434 | | Revising boundaries of petition districts, verification of signatures,etc. |
435 | | State Cyber Security |