| Future State: Every student is learning at their potential. Every student is College, Career, or Community Ready (CCCR). Achievement gap is narrowed or gone | PRIORITY | Julie and Kim | | 09/01/15 | 06/28/19 | 79% | | Net positive open enrollment, all standard learning measures | 999d | | | |
2 | |  | G1A Ensure teachers and curriculum can support a personalized learning environment |
| | Goal | Julie Conrad | | 09/01/15 | 06/28/19 | 98% | | | 999d | 1 | | |
23 | |  | G1B Ensure fairness and equity of instructional resources across the district |
| | Goal | David Gundlach | | 09/01/15 | 06/28/19 | 79% | | | 999d | 1 | | |
65 | |  | G1C Strengthen academic and behavioral supports for students |
| | Goal | Kim Brown | | 05/02/16 | 06/28/19 | 98% | | | 825d | 1 | | |
79 | |  | G1D Create programs of choice at all levels |
| | Goal | Julie Conrad | | 09/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 6% | | | 737d | 1 | | |
84 | |  | G1E Develop multiple methods to evaluate student data |
| | Goal | David Gundlach | | 05/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 826d | 1 | | |
| Future State: Communication is strategic and unified across the district | PRIORITY | Kim and Dave | | 06/01/15 | 07/31/19 | 92% | | | 1088d | | | |
100 | |  | G2A Allocate dedicated resources for district communications and marketing |
| | Goal | Kim Brown | | 05/01/16 | 01/31/17 | 100% | | | 198d | 1 | | |
113 | |  | G2B Understand needs, preferences, and perceptions of key stakeholders |
| | Goal | Kim Brown | | 08/01/16 | 12/16/16 | 100% | | | 100d | 1 | | |
119 | |  | G2C Develop OASD brand, communication, and marketing plan |
| | Goal | Kim Brown | | 04/04/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 845d | 1 | | |
127 | |  | G2D Improve district communication delivery channels |
| | Goal | David Gundlach | | 06/01/15 | 07/31/19 | 84% | | | 1088d | 1 | | |
| Future State: OASD is an employer of choice / destination District and staff are well trained, competent and satisfied with their work. | PRIORITY | Belynda, Kim, Andy | | 05/01/16 | 07/30/19 | 94% | | Achieve 95% staff retention rate | 848d | | | |
| | PRIORITY | Sue Schnorr | | 01/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 86% | | | 911d | | | |
238 | |  | G4A Annually update the 10 year facilities plan and communicate it with stakeholders |
| | Goal | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 781d | 1 | | |
239 | | | Annually communicate with building principals and head custodians to get their feedback on building needs |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 781d | | | |
240 | | | Annually communicate updated plan to the Facility & Finance Committee and/or the full school board |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 781d | | | |
241 | | | Post the updated 10 year plan on the District web page. |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/29/18 | 100% | | | 521d | | | |
242 | |  | G4B Establish and implement consistent standards for safety and security |
| | Goal | Andy Jones | | 01/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 96% | | | 911d | 1 | | |
243 | |  | Implement improved data privacy and security practices |
| | Action Steps | David Gundlach | | 07/01/16 | 06/29/18 | 88% | | | 521d | | | |
244 | | | Conduct a security audit and testing of district technology infrastrucuture |
| | Tasks | | | 07/01/16 | 12/30/16 | 100% | | | 131d | | | |
245 | | | Create PD resources for staff around data privacy, safety, and security |
| | Tasks | | | 11/01/16 | 12/30/16 | 100% | | | 44d | | | |
246 | | | Integrate data breach protocols into the OASD emergency response plans |
| | Tasks | | | 01/01/17 | 06/29/18 | 75% | | | 391d | | | |
247 | | | Update data privacy and security policies and procedures |
| | Tasks | | | 01/01/17 | 06/30/17 | 100% | | | 131d | | | |
248 | | | Integrate curricular resource approval process with updated data privacy procedures |
| | Tasks | | | 01/01/17 | 06/30/17 | 100% | | | 131d | | | |
249 | |  | Install security cameras at all sites |
| | Action Steps | David Gundlach | | 01/01/16 | 09/01/17 | 100% | | | 436d | | | |
250 | | | Create a rough estimate of costs and obtain resources via referendum |
| | Tasks | | | 01/01/16 | 04/05/16 | 100% | | | 68d | | | |
251 | | | Contract with outside vendor to do a detailed site study for camera quantity and placement |
| | Tasks | | | 06/01/16 | 09/30/16 | 100% | | | 88d | | | |
252 | | | Finalize scope of project and determine if system can be integrated or replace door access systems |
| | Tasks | | | 09/01/16 | 10/04/16 | 100% | | | 24d | | | |
253 | | | Use data from vendor study to create RFP |
| | Tasks | | | 10/01/16 | 11/30/16 | 100% | | | 44d | | | |
254 | | | Publish RFP and schedule site walkthroughs for vendors intending to respond |
| | Tasks | | | 12/01/16 | 12/15/16 | 100% | | | 11d | | | |
255 | | | Evaluate responses to RFP and select a vendor |
| | Tasks | | | 12/19/16 | 01/10/17 | 100% | | | 17d | | | |
256 | | | Work with vendor to install systems and assoicated infrastructure necesssary to support the new technology |
| | Tasks | | | 01/12/17 | 09/01/17 | 100% | | | 167d | | | |
257 | | | Work with vendor to provide PD on the usage of the new camera system |
| | Tasks | | | 04/01/16 | 07/29/16 | 100% | | | 86d | | | |
258 | | | Begin using camera systems |
| | | | | 09/01/17 | 09/01/17 | 100% | | | 1d | | | |
259 | | | Continue to network and implement with entire EPCOT team |
| | Action Steps | Andy Jones | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 781d | | | |
260 | | | Implementation and continued PD of video system |
| | Action Steps | Andy Jones | | 05/01/17 | 08/31/17 | 100% | | | 89d | | | |
261 | | | Continue to research best practice with all security systems already in use |
| | Action Steps | Andy Jones | | 07/01/16 | 06/29/18 | 100% | | | 521d | | | |
262 | | | Conduct Safety Assessment |
| | Action Steps | Andy Jones | | 07/01/16 | 06/29/18 | 100% | | | 521d | | | |
263 | | | Work with Tech department to continue to maximize current system (Singlewire) |
| | Action Steps | Andy Jones | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 90% | | | 781d | | | |
264 | |  | G4C Conduct a facility capacity study/audit |
| | Goal | Sue Schnorr | | 01/02/17 | 06/28/19 | 55% | | | 650d | 1 | | |
265 | | | Conduct a 'Facilities Condition Assessment' to identify building deficiencies and provide a Facility Condition Index |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 01/02/17 | 08/04/17 | 100% | | | 155d | | | |
266 | | | Develop an evidence-based growth plan to replace aging schools |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 01/02/17 | 06/28/19 | 75% | | | 650d | | | |
267 | | | Analyze city demographics to determine areas of growth |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 01/01/18 | 06/28/19 | 75% | | | 390d | | | |
268 | | | Modify boundary lines to absorb growth |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/02/18 | 06/28/19 | 0% | | | 260d | | | |
269 | | | Evaluate transportation to other sites |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 01/01/19 | 06/28/19 | 0% | | | 129d | | | |
270 | | | Develop a schedule of building additions to accommodate growth |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 01/01/19 | 06/28/19 | 0% | | | 129d | | | |
271 | |  | G4D Continue to seek means to become more energy efficient |
| | Goal | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 86% | | | 781d | 1 | | |
272 | |  | Educate instructional staff on being more energy efficient in their work space |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 12/29/17 | 55% | | | 391d | | | |
273 | | | Provide energy efficiency awareness courses to staff |
| | Subtasks | | | 07/01/16 | 06/30/17 | 100% | | | 261d | | | |
274 | | | Become more aggressive with removal of personal appliances, not necessary for instruction |
| | Subtasks | | | 01/02/17 | 12/29/17 | 10% | | | 260d | | | |
275 | | | Educate custodial/maintenance staff on cost effective building usage strategies |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 75% | | | 781d | | | |
276 | | | Evaluate buildings for energy use and identify high energy usage buildings and evaluate reasons why |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 781d | | | |
277 | | | Continue to research and invest in higher energy efficient systems utilizing the energy efficiency exemption |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 781d | | | |
| | PRIORITY | | | 01/29/16 | 06/28/19 | 79% | | | 891d | | | |
279 | |  | G5A Enhance community partnerships to prepare our students to be College, Career, and Community Ready |
| | Goal | Julie Conrad | | 01/29/16 | 05/31/19 | 88% | | | 871d | 1 | | |
280 | | | Develop and foster community partnerships to propel Academic Career Plans (ACP). |
| | Action Steps | Julie Conrad | | 01/29/16 | 05/31/19 | 100% | | | 871d | | | |
281 | | | Develop and implement a communication plan for families and community partners on their role in supporting ACP. |
| | Action Steps | Julie Conrad | | 01/29/16 | 05/31/19 | 75% | | | 871d | | | |
282 | |  | G5B Expand and strengthen school-community partnerships |
| | Goal | Julie Conrad | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 56% | | | 781d | 1 | | |
283 | | | Maintain and strengthen current partnerships |
| | Action Steps | julie.conrad@oshkosh.k12.wi.us | | 07/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 781d | | | |
284 | | | Research evaluation tools for school-community partnerships |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 01/03/17 | 06/28/19 | 50% | | | 649d | | | |
285 | | | Develop an evaluation and monitoring system for partnerships at the classroom, program, school and district level. |
| | Action Steps | Julie Conrad | | 01/03/17 | 06/28/19 | 50% | | | 649d | | | |
286 | | | Implement evaluation and monitoring system tool. |
| | Action Steps | Julie Conrad | | 09/01/17 | 06/28/19 | 0% | | | 476d | | | |
287 | |  | G5C Strengthen the district partnership with Oshkosh4Education |
| | Goal | Kim Brown | | 05/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 92% | | | 826d | 1 | | |
288 | | | Explore the Collective Impact Framework with O4E, OCSC, and OASD leadership |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 05/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 75% | | | 826d | | | |
289 | | | Identify how O4E can support the 5 conditions of collective success including: common agenda, a shared measurement system, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support organizations. |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 05/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 826d | | | |
290 | | | Shift from encouraging more partnerships to supporting a systemic approach that focuses on relationships between community organizations and progress towards shared goals with common metrics. |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 06/01/16 | 06/28/19 | 100% | | | 803d | | | |
| | Resourcing | Dave | | 01/01/16 | 06/29/18 | 52% | | | 651d | | | |
292 | |  | G6A Educate the public on state and resulting district fiscal situation |
| | Goal | Sue Schnorr | | 02/01/17 | 08/31/17 | 50% | | | 152d | 1 | | |
293 | |  | Apply for the ASBO Meritorious Budget Award |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 02/01/17 | 08/31/17 | 50% | | | 152d | | | |
294 | | | Use Meritorious Budget Award as tool to communicate budget through various presentations |
| | Tasks | | | 02/01/17 | 08/31/17 | 50% | | | 152d | | | |
295 | |  | G6B Develop a referendum plan to sustain programs and facilities |
| | Goal | David Gundlach | | 01/01/16 | 04/05/16 | 100% | | | 68d | 1 | | |
296 | | | Organize and conduct budget committee meetings to establish cut list and obtain board approval |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 01/01/16 | 02/10/16 | 100% | | | 29d | | | |
297 | | | Create referendum recommendations and obtain board approval for referendum |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 01/01/16 | 02/10/16 | 100% | | | 29d | | | |
298 | | | Create referendum information materials and website |
| | Action Steps | David Gundlach | | 01/15/16 | 02/01/16 | 100% | | | 12d | | | |
299 | | | Create and conduct referendum informational presentations |
| | Action Steps | David Gundlach | | 02/11/16 | 04/04/16 | 100% | | | 38d | | | |
300 | | | Obtain voter approval for additional resources |
| | Action Steps | David Gundlach | | 04/05/16 | 04/05/16 | 100% | | | 1d | | | |
301 | |  | G6C Strengthen the Oshkosh Area School District Educational Foundation |
| | Goal | Kim Brown | | 04/04/16 | 06/29/18 | 73% | | | 585d | 1 | | |
302 | | | Conduct SWOT of current OASD Ed. Foundation |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 04/04/16 | 04/29/16 | 100% | | | 20d | | | |
303 | |  | Increase awareness of OASD |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 02/06/17 | 06/29/18 | 58% | | | 365d | | | |
304 | | | Create promotional materials |
| | Tasks | | | 02/06/17 | 06/06/17 | 100% | | | 87d | | | |
305 | | | Utilize school materials (music/sport programs) |
| | Tasks | | | 09/01/17 | 06/29/18 | 25% | | | 216d | | | |
306 | | | Create a social media presense |
| | Tasks | | | 02/20/17 | 06/20/17 | 100% | | | 87d | | | |
307 | |  | Increase contributions to OASD Education Foundation |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 07/11/16 | 06/29/18 | 77% | | | 515d | | | |
308 | | | Define story for ask and who the ask is |
| | Tasks | | | 09/01/17 | 06/29/18 | 100% | | | 216d | | | |
309 | | | Find a donor or business who will match funds |
| | Tasks | | | 07/11/16 | 09/30/16 | 100% | | | 60d | | | |
310 | | | Plan retiree event to talk about planned giving |
| | Tasks | | | 04/03/17 | 09/29/17 | 100% | | | 130d | | | |
311 | | | Tasks | | | 01/02/17 | 06/29/18 | 50% | | | 390d | | | |
312 | | | Ask: payroll deduction in August/September |
| | Tasks | | | 08/01/16 | 09/23/16 | 100% | | | 40d | | | |
313 | |  | Develop logo/identify for OASD Education Foundation |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 04/04/16 | 06/30/16 | 100% | | | 64d | | | |
314 | | | Tasks | | | 04/04/16 | 06/30/16 | 100% | | | 64d | | | |
315 | | | Tasks | | | 04/04/16 | 06/30/16 | 100% | | | 64d | | | |
316 | |  | Increase participation in the OASD Ed. Foundation Trivia Contest |
| | Action Steps | Kim Brown | | 09/05/16 | 10/31/16 | 100% | | | 41d | | | |
317 | | | Create sponsored solicitation letter |
| | Tasks | | | 09/05/16 | 09/30/16 | 100% | | | 20d | | | |
318 | | | Create flyers for Save the Date |
| | Tasks | | | 10/03/16 | 10/31/16 | 100% | | | 21d | | | |
319 | |  | G6D Seek alternative / non traditional means of preserving revenue |
| | Goal | Sue Schnorr | | 02/03/17 | 06/29/18 | 10% | | | 366d | 1 | | |
320 | | | Explore Community/Business Partnerships |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 02/03/17 | 06/29/18 | 10% | | | 366d | | | |
321 | | | Work with the City and County on other revenue sources |
| | Action Steps | Sue Schnorr | | 02/03/17 | 06/29/18 | 10% | | | 366d | | | |
322 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
323 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
324 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |