1 | Aneesa | | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University Of Technology | No | 338 |
2 | MUNEEB | | muneeb_eme@yahoo.com | CONAUTOENG | No | |
3 | Vinayak | | votrix13@gmail.org | Mathematical Institute, University of | No | |
4 | Nabeel | | nabeel@cdac.in | CDAC India | No | |
5 | Naga Vara Aparna | | aparna.anv@gmail.com | CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation | No | |
6 | Felix | | felix.albu@valahia.ro | Valahia University of Targoviste | No | |
7 | Saad | | saldoihi@kacst.edu.sa | KACST | No | |
8 | Srilakshmi | | srilakshmialla94@gmail.com | San Diego State University | Yes | |
9 | André | | andre@gtel.ufc.br | Federal University of Ceará | No | |
10 | Tommy | | tsal@imm.dtu.dk | DTU Informatics, Technical University of Denmark | Yes | |
11 | Zaid | | zaid.alyasseri@uokufa.edu.iq | Oxford | No | |
12 | Zaid Abdi A. | | zaid.alyasseri@uokufa.edu.iq | School of Computer Sciences - University | Yes | |
13 | Ajeya | | ajeyaana@buffalo.edu | University at Buffalo | Yes | |
14 | Abhishek | | abhishek.ml@bmsce.ac.in | B.M.S. College of Engineering | No | |
15 | Vijendra Raj | | vijendra.raj@gmail.com | Samsung Research America | No | |
16 | Afsaneh | | afsaneh.asaei@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | No | |
17 | Afsaneh | | afsaneh.asaei@epfl.ch | Idiap Research Institute | Yes | |
18 | Afsaneh | | afsaneh.asaei@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | No | |
19 | Vijanth | | vijanth@gmail.com | Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS | No | |
20 | P. | | aswathyece2011@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Science and Technology | Yes | |
21 | Christopher | | cnathaide@yahoo.com | Cygnet Risk Group | No | |
22 | Ivan | | ivan_bajic@ieee.org | Simon Fraser University | No | |
23 | Iqbal | | iqbal.bawa@tektronix.com | Tektronix | No | |
24 | Ahmed | | bazeerahamed@gmail.com | Balaji Institute of Technology and Science | No | |
25 | Najib | | najib.benaoun@ieee.org | National School of Engineers of Sfax | No | |
26 | Najib | | najib.benaoun@ieee.org | REGIM-LAB | Yes | |
27 | Emmanouil | | emmanouil.benetos@qmul.ac.uk | Queen Mary University of London | No | |
28 | Girish | | N/A | Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru | Yes | |
29 | Sampurna | | sampurna-biswas@uiowa.edu | University of Iowa | Yes | |
30 | THARUN KUMAR REDDY | | tharun.reddy@ece.iitr.ac.in | IIT Roorkee, IEEE Signal Processing Society member | No | |
31 | Luigi | | luigi.borzi@polito.it | Politecnico di Torino | No | |
32 | Larbi | | larbi.boubchir@ai.univ-paris8.fr | University of Paris 8 | No | |
33 | Larbi | | larbi.boubchir@ai.univ-paris8.fr | University of Paris 8 | No | |
34 | Ali | | ali.boudaa@videotron.ca | UQAM | No | |
35 | Zois | | boukouva@american.edu | American University | No | |
36 | Herbert | | hb@buchner-net.com | Technical University of Berlin, Germany | No | |
37 | Dima | | dmitrby@ac.sce.ac.il | Shamoon College of Eneginering | No | |
38 | Rodrigo | | r.calderonr@ieee.org | Universidad de Guadalajara / Philips | No | |
39 | Jaime | | jaime.cardoso@ieee.org | University of Porto | No | |
40 | Charles | | charles@gtel.ufc.br | Federal University of Ceara | No | |
41 | Debejyo | | debejyo.chakraborty@gm.com | General Motors Company | No | |
42 | Debejyo | | debejyo.chakraborty@gm.com | General Motors | No | |
43 | Hsun-Hsien (Shane) | | h.shanechang@gmail.com | nuTonomy Inc. | No | |
44 | Tsung-Hui | | tsunghui.chang@ieee.org | The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen | No | |
45 | Lap-Pui | | elpchau@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | No | |
46 | Muhammad | | cheema@bit.uni-bonn.de | University of Bonn, Germany | Yes | |
47 | Jia-Wei | | jawaechan@gmail.com | Xidian Univerisity | No | |
48 | Jiayu | | jiayu.chen@ieee.org | Wuhan University | Yes | |
49 | Wei | | weich@bjtu.edu.cn | Beijing Jiaotong University | No | |
50 | Li | | lcheng5@ualberta.ca | University of Alberta | No | |
51 | Jen-Tzung | | jtchien@nctu.edu.tw | National Chiao Tung University | No | |
52 | Philip | | pachou@microsoft.com | Microsoft Research | No | |
53 | Philip | | pachou@ieee.org | Microsoft Research | No | |
54 | Wei | | wei.w.chu@gmail.com | Sony Computer Entertainment America | No | |
55 | Danilo | | danilo.comminiello@uniroma1.it | Sapienza University of Rome | No | |
56 | Danilo | | danilo.comminiello@uniroma1.it | Sapienza University of Rome | No | |
57 | Sergio | | sergio@us.es | University of Seville | No | |
58 | Subhro | | subhro.das@ibm.com | MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, IBM Research | No | |
59 | Mohammad Mahdi | | mohammad.dehshibi@yahoo.com | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | No | |
60 | Mayur | | mayur.dhanaraj1994@gmail.com | Amazon | No | |
61 | Philip John | | dibujphilip@gmail.com | Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kerala, India | Yes | |
62 | Guoru | | dingguoru@gmail.com | PLA University of Science and Technology | Yes | |
63 | Michael | | michael.e.draugelis@gmail.com | University of Colorado, Lockheed Martin | Yes | |
64 | Leonardo | | leonardo.duarte@fca.unicamp.br | University of Campinas | No | |
65 | Anil | | anildudenish@ieee.org | Government Engineering College Ajmer | No | |
66 | Anil Kumar | | anildudenish@ieee.org | Poornima Institute of Engineering & Tech. Jaipur | No | |
67 | Harishchandra | | harishchandra.dubey@utdallas.edu | The University of Texas at Dallas | Yes | |
68 | Shiv Ram | | srdubey@iiita.ac.in | Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad | No | |
69 | Maha | | maha.el.choubassi@intel.com | Intel Corporation | No | |
70 | Mohammed Nabil | | m.elkorso@u-paris10.fr | Paris X University | No | |
71 | El-Sayed | | alfy@kfupm.edu.sa | King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals | No | |
72 | Khaled | | kelmaleh@qualcomm.com | Qualcomm Inc. | No | |
73 | Ahmet | | ahmetmelbir@gmail.com | Duzce University | No | |
74 | Alaa | | Alaa.Eleyan@aum.edu.kw | American University of the Middle east | No | |
75 | Osman | | oelgawi@gmail.com | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | No | |
76 | Hakan | | haerdogan@sabanciuniv.edu | Sabanci University | No | |
77 | Omer | | omerfarukertugrul@gmail.com | Batman | No | |
78 | Javier | | javier.escudero@ed.ac.uk | University of Edinburgh | No | |
79 | Mahdi | | mesfahan@fau.edu | Florida Atlantic University | No | |
80 | Slim | | slim.essid@telecom-paristech.fr | Telecom Paris | No | |
81 | Georgios | | gevang@mit.edu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | No | |
82 | Guoliang | | guoliang.fan@okstate.edu | Oklahoma State University | No | |
83 | Shaikh | | s.a.fattah@ieee.org | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | No | |
84 | Sajeer | | fazilsajeer@gmail.com | Qualcomm Technologies Inc | No | |
85 | Belkacem | | bfergani@gmail.com | USTHB | No | |
86 | Jesus | | jesusfbes@tsc.uc3m.es | Carlos III University of Madrid | Yes | |
87 | Pascal | | pascal.frossard@epfl.ch | EPFL | No | |
88 | Hsin | | hcfu99@gmail.com | HauQiao University | No | |
89 | Satish | | gaesathi@outlook.com | Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad | No | |
90 | Denis | | denis.garagic@baesystems.com | BAE Systems | No | |
91 | Israel D | | netisrael@gmail.com | Facebook Reality Labs | No | |
92 | PETER | | gerstoft@ucsd.edu | 1958 | No | |
93 | Muhammad Usman | | mughani@bu.edu | Boston University | Yes | |
94 | Antonio | | agsuper@aol.com | Sandia National Labs/University of New Mexico | Yes | |
95 | Eleonora | | eleonora.grassucci@uniroma1.it | Sapienza University of Rome | Yes | |
96 | Jia | | jia.gu12345@gmail.com | University of British Columbia | Yes | |
97 | Nikhil | | nikhil.gulati@drexel.edu | Drexel University | Yes | |
98 | Shivanand | | spg23@kent.ac.uk | University of Kent | Yes | |
99 | Nezihe Merve | | nezihemervegurel@gmail.com | Science Malaysia | Yes | |
100 | Dharmendra | | dgurve@ryerson.ca | Ryerson University | Yes | |
101 | Ricardo | | rgutier@cse.tamu.edu | Texas A&M University, Comp Sci and Engineering | No | |
102 | Dr. Prasantha | | prashanth_34@ieee.org | K.S.Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka | No | |
103 | Rubaiyat | | rubaiyat2009@gmail.com | International Islamic University Malaysia | Yes | |
104 | Abolfazl | | abolfazl@purdue.edu | Purdue University | No | |
105 | Yu Hen | | yhhu@wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin - Madison, Dept. ECE | No | |
106 | Yonghong | | catherine.huang@intel.com | Intel Labs, Intel Corporation | No | |
107 | Alexander | | ihler@ics.uci.edu | UC Irvine | No | |
108 | Donato | | d.impedovo@di.uniba.it | University of Bari | No | |
109 | Paul | | paul@irofti.net | University of Bucharest | No | |
110 | Jyoti | | jislam2@student.gsu.edu | Georgia State University | Yes | |
111 | Shruti | | shrutijadon812@gmail.com | Juniper Networks Inc, Brown University (Rhode Island Hospital) | No | |
112 | John | | johnjenkinson1@gmail.com | University of Texas at San Antonio | Yes | |
113 | Vijay | | ece.vijay@gmail.com | Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering | No | |
114 | Dr. Satish | | profsatishjondhale@gmail.com | Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India | No | |
115 | Ameet | | ameet.joshi@gmail.com | Microsoft Corp | No | |
116 | Alexander | | alex.jung@aalto.fi | Aalto University | No | |
117 | Yong Ju | | yjung@gachon.ac.kr | Gachon University | No | |
118 | Ugur | | ugurkadak@gmail.com | Gazi University | No | |
119 | Krishna | | krishnakamathk@gmail.com | Amazon | No | |
120 | Audhkhasi | | kaudhkha@us.ibm.com | IBM T. J. Watson Research Center | No | |
121 | Vikram | | vikram@ieee.org | Jaypee Institute of Information Technology | No | |
122 | Koray | | koray.kayabol@gtu.edu.tr | Gebze Technical University | No | |
123 | Amleset | | amlikelati@ieee.org | UTU | No | |
124 | Amleset | | amlesetk@yahoo.com | University of Turku | No | |
125 | Joseph | | jkeshet@ttic.edu | TTI-Chicago | No | |
126 | Rahul | | rahul2777@gmail.com | G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology | No | |
127 | Fadoua | | fadoua.khmaissia@nokia-bell-labs.com | Nokia Bell Labs | No | |
128 | Aykut | | aykut.koc@bilkent.edu.tr | Bilkent University | No | |
129 | Xiangwei | | kongxw@dlut.edu.cn | Dalian University of Technology | No | |
130 | Alec | | aekoppel314@gmail.com | U.S. Army Research Laboratory | No | |
131 | Margarita | | margarita.kotti@isti.cnr.it | ISTI | No | |
132 | Shruthi | | shruthi@alumni.purdue.edu | Berkeley Lights | No | |
133 | Kimaya | | kimayakulkarni1998@gmail.com | Vishwakarma Institute of Technology | Yes | |
134 | Bhuvnesh | | singh.bhuvneshkmr@gmail.com | Synopsys Inc. | No | |
135 | Bhuvnesh | | singh.bhuvneshkmr@gmail.com | Synopsys Inc. | No | |
136 | SY | | kung@princeton.edu | Princeton University | No | |
137 | Dana | | Dana@Lahat.org.il | (1) Tel Aviv University, Israel (2) University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA | No | |
138 | Marina | | m.lamprianidi@gmail.com | ATEITH | No | |
139 | Yingjie | | ylao@clemson.edu | Clemson University | No | |
140 | Yingjie | | ylao@clemson.edu | Clemson University | No | |
141 | Albera | | laurent.albera@univ-rennes1.fr | University of Rennes 1 | No | |
142 | Thi-Thu-Huong | | lehuong7885@gmail.com | Pusan National University | No | |
143 | Cheng Feng Gary | | garyleecf@gmail.com | MIT | Yes | |
144 | Heung-No | | heungno@gist.ac.kr | GIST, Korea | No | |
145 | Jong-Seok | | jong-seok.lee@yonsei.ac.kr | Yonsei University | No | |
146 | Yun-Ju | | yunjulee@ie.nthu.edu.tw | National Tsing Hua University | No | |
147 | Wai Yie | | waiyie@ieee.org | Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology | No | |
148 | Yuri | | yurilevsch@gmail.com | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | No | |
149 | Shujun | | shujun.li@surrey.ac.uk | University of Surrey | No | |
150 | Shujun | | Shujun.Li@surrey.ac.uk | University of Surrey | No | |
151 | Yanjun | | yanjun.li.thu@gmail.com | UIUC | Yes | |
152 | Chia-Wen | | cwlin@ee.nthu.edu.tw | National Tsing Hua University | No | |
153 | Charles Z. | | mr.z.l@ieee.org | Macquarie University | Yes | |
154 | Gang | | liugang.usa@gmail.com | University of Texas at Dallas | Yes | |
155 | Gang | | liugang.usa@gmail.com | Fortemedia | No | |
156 | Shengheng | | s.liu@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | No | |
157 | Xiaofeng | | xiaofeng.liu@yale.edu | Yale University | No | |
158 | yipeng | | yipengliu@uestc.edu.cn | UESTC | No | |
159 | Haiping | | hplu@ieee.org | Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore | No | |
160 | Yawen | | lu976@purdue.edu | Purdue University | Yes | |
161 | David | | luengod@ieee.org | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | No | |
162 | Emming | | adrianlem@gmail.com | Facebook, Inc. | No | |
163 | fei | | fei.ma@anu.edu.au | Australian National University | No | |
164 | Sreenivasulu | | maddurusrinu@gmail.co | Northwestern Polytechnic University | Yes | |
165 | Ioannis | | imademlis@hua.gr | Harokopio University of Athens | No | |
166 | Vishnu V. | | vishnu.makkapati@gds.ey.com | EY Global Delivery Services India LLP | No | |
167 | Hafiz | | hafiz.malik@gmail.com | University of Michigan -Dearborn | No | |
168 | Dr M V Rajesh | | mvrajeshihrd@gmail.com | Model Engineering College | No | |
169 | Dr. M V Rajesh | | mvrajeshihrd@gmail.com | Govt. Model Engineering College | No | |
170 | Rakesh | | rmalladi@linkedin.com | LinkedIn Corporation | No | |
171 | Kasra | | manshaei@ieee.org | University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany | Yes | |
172 | Kasra | | manshaei@ieee.org | University of Bonn | Yes | |
173 | Panos | | panos@rit.edu | Rochester Institute of Technology | No | |
174 | Luca | | luca.martino@urjc.es | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | No | |
175 | Efraín | | efrainmayhua@gmail.com | Universidad Católica San Pablo | No | |
176 | Ahmed | | ahmed.mazari@lip6.fr | Sorbonne Université | No | |
177 | Suleman | | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIK Institute | No | |
178 | Hongying | | hongying.meng@brunel.ac.uk | Brunel University London | No | |
179 | Richard | | r.metzger@ieee.org | SAIC, Inc. | No | |
180 | Carlos | | jmpiee@rit.edu | Rochester Institute of Technology | No | |
181 | Ali | | ali.milani@cirrus.com | Cirrus Logic Inc | No | |
182 | Ahmed | | mohame23@purdue.edu | Purdue University | Yes | |
183 | Narges | | nmohamm4@ur.rochester.edu | University of Rochester | Yes | |
184 | DEBI | | debi.m@samsung.com | SAMSUNG RESEARCH INSTITUTE - BANGALORE | No | |
185 | Aryan | | mokhtari@austin.utexas.edu | The University of Texas at Austin | No | |
186 | Anissa | | anissa.mokraoui@univ-paris13.fr | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord | No | |
187 | Poulastha | | poulasthamax01@gmail.com | Jorhat Institute of Science & Technology | Yes | |
188 | Andrea | | andmun@noc.ac.uk | National Oceanography Centre/SeeByte | No | |
189 | Sathyan | | sathyan.munirathinam@gmail.com | ASML Holding | No | |
190 | Munyaradzi | | mmunochiveyi@eng.uz.ac.zw | University of Zimbabwe | No | |
191 | Sundar Prakash Balaji | | balajiharshavardhini@gmail.com | Professor | No | |
192 | Gautham | | gautham@ccrma.stanford.edu | Advanced Technology Labs, Adobe Systems Inc. | No | |
193 | Venkateswaran | | venkateswarann@ssn.edu.in | Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering | No | |
194 | Shirish | | shirish.nagaraj@nsn.com | Nokia Solutions and Networks | No | |
195 | Lakshya | | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
196 | Rahul | | rahul.unair@yahoo.com | University | Yes | |
197 | Sriram | | narayanansp@gmail.com | Texas Instruments | No | |
198 | Mathan | | mathan.ieee@gmail.com | SATHYABAMA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | No | |
199 | Sridhar Krishna | | siris.krishna@gmail.com | Audience Inc | No | |
200 | Sridhar Krishna | | siris.krishna@gmail.com | Audience Inc | No | |
201 | Binh | | binhnguyens@live.ca | Ryerson University | Yes | |
202 | Søren | | sfvn@dtu.dk | Technical University of Denmark | No | |
203 | Vesna | | novakdn@ucmail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | No | |
204 | Ejay | | ennsugbe@yahoo.com | Nsugbe Research Labs | No | |
205 | Billy | | okal@cs.uni-freiburg.de | University of Freiburg | Yes | |
206 | Anders | | anoe@itu.dk | IT University of Copenhagen | Yes | |
207 | Zihyang | | zhiyang@ieee.org | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
208 | Zhijian | | ozj@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
209 | Damian | | owerko@seas.upenn.edu | University of Pennsylvania | Yes | |
210 | Tapio | | aatapa@utu.fi | University of Turku | No | |
211 | Hamid | | hamidpalangi@ieee.org | Microsoft Research | No | |
212 | Mario | | mparente@ecs.umass.edu | University of Massachusetts Amherst | No | |
213 | Yuvraj | | yuvrajparkale@gmail.com | SVPM'S College of Engineering, Malegaon, Baramati, Maharashtra, Savitribai Phule Pune University, formerly University of Pune, India | No | |
214 | Sangram | | sangram@alumni.stanford.edu | Tesla Inc. | No | |
215 | Shashikant | | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKMs NMIMS Mumbai | No | |
216 | Shashikant | | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKMs NMIMS Mumbai, India | No | |
217 | Eanes | | eannes@gmail.com | UEPB/UFCG | Yes | |
218 | Dibu | | dibujphilip@gmail.com | Rajagiri School of Engineering And Technology | Yes | |
219 | Axel | | axel.plinge@iis.fraunhofer.de | International AudioLabs | No | |
220 | Mark | | m.plumbley@surrey.ac.uk | University of Surrey | No | |
221 | Venkata Tulasiramu | | emailtodrvenkat@gmail.com | Collins Aerospace | No | |
222 | Mohammad | | mpourho1@binghamton.edu | Binghamton University | Yes | |
223 | Fei | | qiaofei@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
224 | Kun | | qiukun.fudan@gmail.com | SAS Institute, inc. | No | |
225 | Tony | | tonyquek@sutd.edu.sg | Singapore University of Technology and Design | No | |
226 | Ajin | | rajendranshobha.ajin@unifi.it | University of Florence | Yes | |
227 | Alain | | alain.rakoto@insa-rouen.fr | Université de Rouen | No | |
228 | Sundaresh | | sundaresh2@gmail.com | University of Michigan | No | |
229 | Sundaresh | | ram@email.arizona.edu | The University of Arizona | Yes | |
230 | Sundaresh | | ram@email.arizona.edu | The University of Arizona | Yes | |
231 | Arvind | | ukarvind@cmu.edu | Lane Center-Computational Biology, Carnegie Mellon Univ. | No | |
232 | Spyros | | spy@ilsp.gr | Institute for Language and Speech Processing / Research Center "Athena" | No | |
233 | Ashish | | ashish.rauniyar@sintef.no | SINTEF Digital | No | |
234 | Dr.A | | ravigate117@gmail.com | PSCMR College of Engineering and Technology | No | |
235 | Jonas | | jonas.richiardi@epfl.ch | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland | No | |
236 | Ricardo | | ricardo_rodriguez@utcj.edu.mx | Technological University of Ciudad Juarez | No | |
237 | Estefany | | | University of Kansas | Yes | |
238 | Cristian | | crodriguezrivero@cardiffmet.ac.uk | Cardiff Metropolitan University | No | |
239 | Deepak | | deepak.y.rout@gmail.com | International Institute of Information Technology Bhubaneswar | No | |
240 | Tamoghna | | tamoghna.roy@gmail.com | DeepSig Inc. | No | |
241 | Alice | | arueda@ryerson.ca | Ryerson University | Yes | |
242 | Seungchul | | ryus01@yonsei.ac.kr | Yonsei University | Yes | |
243 | Dr Gandhiya Vendhan | | GANDHIYAVENDHAN@YAHOO.COM | Bharathiar University | No | |
244 | Sarath | | sarathsksofficial@ieee.org | Accenture Solutions Pvt Ltd | No | |
245 | Naoki | | saito@math.ucdavis.edu | University of California, Davis | No | |
246 | Unal | | sakoglu@uhcl.edu | Univ of Houston - Clear Lake | No | |
247 | Paul | | psalama@iu.edu | Indiana University | No | |
248 | Addisson | | asalazar@dcom.upv.es | Universidad Politecnica de Valencia | No | |
249 | Sajid | | sajid.saleem@skylineuniversity.ac.ae | Skyline University College | No | |
250 | Venkatesh | | srv@bu.edu | Boston University | No | |
251 | Aliaksei | | asandryh@andrew.cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | No | |
252 | Supheakmungkol | | mungkol@fuji.waseda.jp | Waseda University (Japan) | Yes | |
253 | Vladimir | | vladimir.savic@liu.se | Linkoping University | No | |
254 | Simone | | simone.scardapane@uniroma1.it | Sapienza University of Rome | Yes | |
255 | Michele | | michele.scarpiniti@uniroma1.it | Sapienza University of Rome | No | |
256 | Christopher | | christopher.schymura@rub.de | Ruhr University Bochum | No | |
257 | Prabir | | p.sen@accenture.com | Accenture | No | |
258 | Nirmesh | | nirmesh.shah@sony.com | Sony Research India | No | |
259 | Alireza | | alireza.shams.shafigh@gmail.com | University of Oulu | Yes | |
260 | Mansi | | mansisharmaiitd@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | No | |
261 | Shruti | | shruti@ajou.ac.kr | Ajou University | No | |
262 | Cong | | cong@virginia.edu | University of Virginia | No | |
263 | Yanning | | yannings@uci.edu | University of California, Irvine | No | |
264 | David | | dshuman1@macalester.edu | Macalester College | No | |
265 | Dmitriy | | dshutin@gmail.com | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | No | |
266 | Anup | | anup.singh@ugent.be | Ghent University | Yes | |
267 | Manoj | | manoj.k.singh@ieee.org | Adama science & technology University, Ethiopia | No | |
268 | Sanjay | | sanjay.singh@ieee.org | Manipal University | No | |
269 | Karthik | | ks7585@g.rit.edu | Gen Nine Inc | No | |
270 | Christopher | | cbsmith@ieee.org | Southwest Research Institute | No | |
271 | Erfan | | erfan.s.m@gmail.com | Amazon Web Services | No | |
272 | Dr.China | | prof.cvsonagiri@gmail.com | Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA | No | |
273 | Houbing | | h.song@ieee.org | West Virginia University | No | |
274 | Jayesh | | jsoni@fiu.edu | Florida International University | No | |
275 | Suhas | | suhas@alumni.purdue.edu | Wells Fargo | No | |
276 | Umamahesh | | usrinivas@ieee.org | Apple Inc. | No | |
277 | Shunqiao | | shunqiao.sun@delphi.com | Delphi Electronics & Safety | No | |
278 | Kenji | | suzuki@uchicago.edu | University of Chicago | No | |
279 | Simo | | simo.sarkka@aalto.fi | Aalto University | No | |
280 | Zheng-Hua | | zt@es.aau.dk | Aalborg University | No | |
281 | Wee Peng | | wptay@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | No | |
282 | Khadeeja | | khadeejathahir@ieee.org | University of Sri Jayewardenepura | Yes | |
283 | Shreshang | | shreshangthakor27@ieee.org | Silver Oak University | Yes | |
284 | Sheebanancy | | sheebanancythangam@gmail.com | National Engineering College | Yes | |
285 | Dr. Rohit | | rohitthanki9@gmail.com | Detaction.ai | No | |
286 | Aurelio | | aurel@ieee.org | DIET - University of Rome | No | |
287 | Steven | | steven@gtas.dicom.unican.es | University of Cantabria (Spain) | No | |
288 | Lijin | | lijingvarghese@gmail.com | VIT UNIVERSITY | No | |
289 | Igor | | igor.vatolkin@cs.tu-dortmund.de | TU Dortmund | Yes | |
290 | Kirty | | kvedula@qti.qualcomm.com | Qualcomm | No | |
291 | Francesco | | f.verde@unina.it | University of Naples Federico II | No | |
292 | Javier | | jvia@gtas.dicom.unican.es | University of Cantabria | No | |
293 | Athira | | athiravijayan666@gmail.com | Calicut University, MES College of Engineering | Yes | |
294 | Ramana | | rvinjam1@umbc.edu | University of Maryland Baltimore County | No | |
295 | Svyatoslav | | svolos@unige.ch | University of Geneva | Yes | |
296 | Chakravarthy | | sameervedula@ieee.org | Raghu Institute of Technology | No | |
297 | Cheng | | dr.rer.nat.chengwang@gmail.com | NEC Labs Europe | No | |
298 | Ning | | n.wang@ieee.org | Dalian Maritime University | No | |
299 | Shih-Han | | hanswangshihhan@gmail.com | Intel | No | |
300 | Zhengdao | | zhengdao@iastate.edu | Iowa State University | No | |
301 | Bihan | | bihan.wen@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological Universirty | No | |
302 | Qingsong | | qingsongedu@gmail.com | Alibaba DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group U.S. | No | |
303 | Thanuka | | thanuka@uml.edu | University of Massachusetts Lowell | No | |
304 | Kevin | | kevin.wilkinghoff@ieee.org | Fraunhofer FKIE | Yes | |
305 | John | | wilsonjohnpat@hotmail.com | Lockheed Martin | Yes | |
306 | Vicki | | wu@oculus.com | Oculus | No | |
307 | Yik-Chung | | ycwu@ieee.org | The University of Hong Kong | No | |
308 | Jianwen | | jianwen@ucla.edu | Akool Research | No | |
309 | Pengtao | | p1xie@eng.ucsd.edu | University of California San Diego | No | |
310 | Ruiquin | | rqxiong@gmail.com | Peking University | No | |
311 | Chang | | changxu1989@gmail.com | University of Sydney | No | |
312 | WEIYU XU | | weiyu-xu@uiowa.edu | University of Iowa | No | |
313 | Peng | | peng.xue@samsung.com | Samsung Electronics | No | |
314 | Ming | | yiming@gdut.edu.cn | Guangdong university of technology | No | |
315 | Rongshan | | rongshanyu@ieee.org | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
316 | Ghada | | alzamzmiga@mail.nih.gov | National Library of Medicine, NIH | No | |
317 | Chongyang | | sunny_zhang@sjtu.edu.cn | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | No | |
318 | Huazi | | zhanghuazi@huawei.com | Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. | No | |
319 | Wenyi | | wenyizha@ustc.edu.cn | University of Science and Technology of China | No | |
320 | Xiao-Lei | | xiaolei.zhang@nwpu.edu.cn | Northwestern Polytechnic University | No | |
321 | Xinliang | | xzhang4@villanova.edu | Villanova University | Yes | |
322 | Yongxin | | yongxinzhang@hotmail.com | Qualcomm Inc | No | |
323 | You | | you.zhang@rochester.edu | University of Rochester | Yes | |
324 | Yunchuan | | yunchuan.zhang@kcl.ac.uk | King's College London | Yes | |
325 | Yunchuan | | yunchuan.zhang@kcl.ac.uk | King's College London | No | |
326 | Zhilin | | z4zhang@ucsd.edu | University of California, San Diego | Yes | |
327 | Ziping | | zipingzhao@shanghaitech.edu.cn | ShanghaiTech University | No | |
328 | Haiyong | | zhenghaiyong@ouc.edu.cn | Ocean University of China | No | |
329 | Yicong | | yicongzhou@um.edu.mo | University of Macau | No | |
330 | Yin | | zhouyin@udel.edu | University of Delaware | Yes | |
331 | Daphney-Stavroula | | dzois@albany.edu | Big Data Special Interest Group | No | |
332 | | | | | | |
333 | Jinhua | | jinhua.guo@ieee.org | Southern University of Science and Technology | No | |
334 | Kumar Vijay | | kvm@ieee.org | United States DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory | No | |
335 | Hatef | | hatef.otroshi@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | No | |
336 | Harshal | | harshalshah40@gmail.com | General Motors | No | |
337 | Medhavi | | medhavib1000@gmail.com | Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Kashmere Gate, New Delhi, India | Yes | |
338 | Shiva | | shiva.akbari@utoronto.ca | University of Toronto/ KITE Research Institute | No | |
339 | Md Rakibul | | Rakibul.Hasan@curtin.edu.au | Curtin University | Yes | |