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2 | |  | District |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3 | | 11/04/24 | Berkeley Heights School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Committee | Kevin Morra | Moderator | Alyssa Rush | Moderator | kmorra@bhpsnj.org | Kevin Morra | Director of Special Education | kmorra@bhpsnj.org | | https://www.bhpsnj.org/page/parent-advisory-group-parent-training | | |
4 | | 11/04/24 | Clark Township Public Schools | No group listed | | | | | | Dr. Heather Austin | Director of Special Education | haustin@clarkschools.org | | | | |
5 | | 11/06/24 | College Achieve Central Charter School (Plainfield) | No group listed | | | | | | Nick Fargione | Special Education Coordinator | nfargione@collegeachieve.org | | | | |
6 | | 11/04/24 | Cranford Public School District | Cranford PASE | | | | | PASEcranford@gmail.com | Kristin Szawan | Director | Szawan@cranfordschools.org | | https://www.cranfordschools.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1795742&type=d&pREC_ID=2314727 | https://www.facebook.com/CranfordPASE | |
7 | | 11/06/24 | Cresthaven Academy Charter School (Plainfield) | No group listed | | | | | | Hilary Beirne | Special Ed Coordinator | hbeirne@cresthavenacademy.org | | | | |
8 | | 11/06/24 | Elizabeth Public Schools | Elizabeth Special Education Parent Advisory Committee | Dr. Michael Ojeda | Director Special Services | | | sepac@epsnj.org | Dr. Michael Ojeda | Director Special Services | ojedami@epsnj.org | | https://www.epsnj.org/Page/3517 | https://www.facebook.com/ElizabethSEPAC | |
9 | | 11/18/24 | Garwood Boro | | | | | | | Christopher Kinney | Supervisor | ckinney@garwoodschools.org | | | | |
10 | | 11/06/24 | Hillside School District | No group listed | | | | | | Matthew Ricca | Supervisor of Student Services | MRicca@hillsidek12.org | | | | |
11 | | 11/18/24 | Kenilworth School District | No group listed | | | | | | Dawn Cuccolo | Director of Student Personnel Services | dawn_cuccolo@kenilworthschools.com | | | | |
12 | | 11/18/24 | Linden Public School District | | | | | | | Dr. Marie Stefanick | Director of Special Education | mstefanick@lindenps.org | | | | |
13 | | 11/06/24 | Morris-Union Jointure Commission (New Providence) | No group listed | | | | | | Dr. Janet Fike | Superintendent | jfike@mujc.org | | | | |
14 | | 11/06/24 | Mountainside School District | Mountainside SEPAG | Sue Tarulli | Facilitator | Kristina Quigley | Secretary | MountainsideSEPAG@gmail.com | Sheri Rouleau | Supervisor | srouleau@mountainsideschools.org | https://mountainsidespecialeducationparentadvisorygroup.com/ | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/702871796821101 | |
15 | | 11/06/24 | New Providence School District | New Providence SEPAG | Megan DiSabato | Parent Leader | | | NPSEPAG@gmail.com | Dr. Joseph Harvey | Director of Special Services | jharvey@npsdnj.org | | https://www.npsd.k12.nj.us/programsservices/special-services/sepag | https://www.facebook.com/groups/657013874713306/ | |
16 | | 11/06/24 | Plainfield Public Schools | Plainfield SEPAG | Charline Rivera | Parent Leader | | | plainfieldsepag@gmail.com | Dr. Elizabeth Filippatos | Assistant Superintendent | efilippatos@plainfield.k12.nj.us | https://linktr.ee/PlainfieldSEPAG | https://plainfieldpsnj.sites.thrillshare.com/o/pps/page/sepag | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565807409750 | https://www.instagram.com/plainfieldsepag/ |
17 | | 11/06/24 | Rahway School District | No group listed | | | | | | James Fisher | Program Supervisor of Special Education | jfisher@rahway.net | | | | |
18 | | 11/06/24 | Roselle Park Public School District | Roselle Park SEPAG | Katy McDermott | Parent Leader | Jackie Garcia | Parent Leader | roselleparksepag@gmail.com | Heather Gilgallon | Director Special Services | hgilgallon@rpsd.org | | https://www.rpsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=2054322&type=d&pREC_ID=2257889 | https://www.facebook.com/groups/roselleparkpsda | |
19 | | 11/18/24 | Roselle Public Schools | Roselle SEPAG | Linda Galaretta | President | | | rosellesepag@gmail.com | Patrice Coleman | Director | pcoleman@roselleschools.org | | | | Instagram @rosellesepag |
20 | | 11/18/24 | Scotch Plains-Fanwood School District | SPF SEPAG | Peter Falco | Parent Leader | Suzanne Schneider | Parent Leader | spfsepagk12@gmail.com | Lisa Rebimbas | Director | lrebimbas@spfk12.org | https://spf-sepag.blogspot.com/ | https://www.spfk12.org/Page/5650 | https://www.facebook.com/share/g/14JaJJy4dd/ | |
21 | | 11/18/24 | Springfield Public School District | Springfield SEPAG | Lisa Afflitto | Representative | | | spssepag@gmail.com | Tiffany Boehm | Director | tboehm@springfieldschools.com | | https://www.springfieldschools.com/administration/student-support-services/special-education-parent-advisory-group-sepag | https://www.facebook.com/groups/387111546185433 | |
22 | | 11/18/24 | Summit Public School District | Summit SEPAC | | | | | | Gregory Margolis | Director | gmargolis@summit.k12.nj.us | | https://www.summit.k12.nj.us/district/special-services/sepac | https://www.facebook.com/groups/279791945411995 | |
23 | | 11/18/24 | The Barack Obama Green Charter High School (Plainfield) | No group info listed | | | | | | Jennifer Lippe | Special Ed Coordinator | jennifer.lippe@barackobamagcs.org | | | | |
24 | | 11/18/24 | The Queen City Academy Charter School (Plainfield) | No group info listed | | | | | | Madelyn Dullea | Special Ed Coordinator | mdullea@queencity.edu | | | | |
25 | | 11/18/24 | Township of Union School District | Union SEPAG | Carla Vicari | Co-Chair | Aracely DiGirolamo | Co-Chair | unionsepag@gmail.com | Kim Conti | Director | kconti@twpunionschools.org | | https://www.twpunionschools.org/departments_and_services/special_services/union_sepag | https://www.facebook.com/UnionSEPAG/ | |
26 | | 11/18/24 | Union County Educational Services Commission (Westfield) | No group info listed | | | | | | Stacy Beyer | Supervisor | sbeyer@ucesc.org | | | | |
27 | | 11/18/24 | Union County TEAMS Charter School (Plainfield) | No group info listed | | | | | | Nancy Greenfield | Director | ngreenfield@ucteams.org | | | | |
28 | | 11/18/24 | Union County Vocational Technical School District (Scotch Plains) | No group info listed | | | | | | Laura Reigelsperger | Director of Student Services | lreigelsperger@ucvts.org | | | | |
29 | | 11/18/24 | Westfield Public School District | Westfield NJ PTC - Special Education Committee | Violetta Guberman Watson | Co-Chair | Jennifer Grizmala-Liu | Co-Chair | WestfieldSpecialEdParents@gmail.com | Dr. Michael Weissman | Asst Superintendent | mweissman@westfieldnjk12.org | https://sites.google.com/westfieldnjk12.org/wps-ptc-ptso/ptc-special-education-committee | | https://www.facebook.com/westfieldspecialedparents | |
30 | | 11/18/24 | Winfield Township School District | No group info listed | | | | | | Rachel Holeman | | rholeman@winfieldschool.org | | https://www.winfieldschool.org/page/sepag | | |
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