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1 | Zoning Code Amendment |
| Connor Musler and Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission / City Council | City initiated Zoning Code Amendment that includes anmendments to 23 different Zoning Code Sections. | City Initiated | Citywide | Scheduled for the December 5, 2024, Planning Commission Meeting. 12/5/24: PC Recommend Approval to City Council 1/28/25: City Council Conducted Public Hearing and Introduced for First Reading. Second Reading for Final Adoption Scheduled for February 4, 2025, City Council Meeting 2/4/25: Adopted by City Council | APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL | 02/04/25 | ||||
2 | Site Development Permit |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Establish a veterinary clinic in an existing 2,670 sq. ft. commercial tenant space. | Brianna Kim - ICNC | 23600 Rockfield Blvd., Suite 2F-G | Submitted 01-14-25. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 01/29/25 | 02/13/25 | |||
3 | Changed Plan |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Proposed modifications to the location, size and elevations for the Lake Pavilion building plans at the Sun and Sail Club. The building was originally approved by Site Development Permit 07-22-5552. | Miles Folsom, Architect for Lake Forest II Master HOA | 24752 Toledo Way | Submitted on October 7, 2024. Incomplete letter sent on October 25, 2024. Resubmitted on December 11, 2024. Approved on January 21, 2025. Appeal Period to end on February 6, 2025. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 01/21/25 | 02/06/25 | |||
4 | Changed Plan |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Removal of 4 parking stalls in the Target parking lot to accommodate new Drive-Up service area. | Jun Kim, Kimley-Horn & Associates | 26762 Portola Parkway | Submitted on November 4. 2024. Incomplete letter sent on November 14, 2024. Approved by the Director of Community Development on January 16, 2025. Appeal Period to end on January 31, 2025. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 01/16/25 | 01/31/25 | |||
5 | Minor Planned Sign Program |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Proposed parking lot signage for Target's Drive-Up service. | Jun Kim, Kimley-Horn & Associates | 26762 Portola Parkway | Submitted on August 28, 2024. Incomplete letter sent on September 23, 2024. Resubmitted on October 29, 2024. Incomplete letter sent on November 14, 2024. Resubmitted on December 11, 2024. Approved by the Director of Community Development on January 16, 2025. Appeal Period to end on January 31, 2025. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 01/16/25 | 01/31/25 | |||
6 | Changed Plan |
| Gabriela Aguirre | Administrative | Exterior façade modifications for the Chevron Extra Mile/Bake Express Wash to include paint color scheme changes and signage modifications | Tho Nguyen, Expedite the Diehl | 24571 Trabuco Rd | Submitted on December 5, 2024 Approved on 1/16/25. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 01/16/25 | 01/31/25 | |||
7 | Site Development Permit |
| Ron Santos | Planning Commission | Construction of a single-story (27,324 sq. ft. manufacturing, 19,848 sq. ft. office, 7,480 sq. ft. warehouse)building, parking, landscaping and associated site improvements on an undeveloped 3.7 ac. parcel | Ginger Shulman - LPA Design Studios | 19712, 19722 Pauling | Submitted April 23, 2024. Deemed incomplete May 14, 2024. Resubmittal received 8/9/24. Incomplete August 29, 2024. Resubmittal received 10-01-24. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 01/09/25 | 01/24/25 | |||
8 | Changed Plan |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Addition of a fence around an existing battery storage system. | Lauren Gomez, Power Flex | 80 Icon | Submitted on October 24, 2024. Incomplete letter sent on November 14, 2024. Resubmitted on December 20, 2024. Approved on January 7, 2025. Appeal Period to end on January 22, 2025. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 01/07/25 | 01/22/25 | |||
9 | Site Development Permit |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Establish religious institution use in an existing 26,086 sq. ft. office building. | Gang Li - ACEMD Corp. | 25351 Commercentre Drive | Submitted 07-09-24. Notice of Filing Status sent August 1, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 11/20/24 | 12/05/24 | |||
10 | Changed Plan |
| Marie Luna | Administrative | Convert a playground area into a picnic area by removing the playground equipment, pouring concrete, installing benches and extending the fence around the picnic area. | Amir Pakshir of Sunpeak Construction for Portola Hills II HOA | Portola Hills II, 28612 Ridge Lane | Submitted on 10-17-5743. Routed on 10/23/24. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 11/08/24 | 12/03/24 | |||
11 | Changed Plan |
| Marie Luna | Administrative | Request to install automatic security gate across a driveway | Freedom Village | 23442 El Toro Road | Submitted on 10/10/24. Routed on 10/15/24. Responses due on 10/28/24. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 11/08/24 | 11/22/24 | |||
12 | Changed Plan |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Remove, and remove and replace, parkway trees along Finch, Heron, Lilac, Laurel, and Plumeria streets in Shea-Baker Ranch neighborhoods. | Corin Bemus - Bemus Landscape, Inc., on behalf of Baker Ranch Community Association. | Finch, Heron, Calliope, Hyacinth, Cress, Lilac, Laurel, and Plumeria streets in Shea-Baker Ranch neighborhood | Submitted 09-19-23. Resubmitted 10-31-24. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 11/04/24 | 11/19/24 | |||
13 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Installation of a Class 7 wireless communication facility (WCF) consisting of antennas behind screen walls on the roof of an existing self-storage building (that serves as a base station for other previously approved WCFs) and associated equipment inside a storage unit . | Peter J. Blied, Plancom, Inc., for Dish Wireless | 26390 Forest Ridge Drive | Submitted June 6, 2024. Deemed incomplete June 12, 2024. Resubmitted October 31, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 11/01/24 | 11/19/24 | |||
14 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Modification of an existing wireless communication facility. | Tom Williams - Mastec Network Solutions for AT&T | 27855 Glenn Ranch Road | Submitted 06-24-24. Notice of Filing Status transmitted 06-17-24. Resubmitted 10-31-24. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 11/01/24 | 11/19/24 | |||
15 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Connor Musler and Gabriela Aguirre | Administrative | Modification of an existing wireless communication facility. | Tyne Allaman, Smartlink LLC for AT&T Mobility | 23122 El Toro Road | Submitted September 26, 2024 10/10/24: First Screencheck Letter Sent to Applicant 10/18/24: Resubmittal Received. 10/28/24: Approved | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 10/28/24 | 11/08/24 | |||
16 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Exterior modifications to the existing Lamppost Pizza restaurant and neighboring tenant space to combine the two tenant suites and create a new patio dinng area | Tim Barro, Lamppost Pizza and Brewery | 22421 El Toro Road, Suite M | Submitted on September 3, 2024 9/10/24: Routed for interdepartmental review 9/26/24: First Screencheck Letter sent to Applicant 9/30/24: Resubmittal Received 10/4/24: Routed for interdepartmental review 10/22/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends November 6, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 10/22/24 | 11/06/24 | |||
17 | General Plan Amendment |
| Marie Luna | Planning Commission / City Council | Rehabilitate one existing single-family residence to be used as an office for the Great Scott Tree Care (GSTC) administrative functions, create parking areas for the tree service vehicles and equipment, and create a concrete pad for drying wood chips associated with GSTC tree cutting operations. Tentative Parcel Map (“TPM”) 2023-169 to merge three parcels. | Brian Prock on behalf of Great Scott Tree Care | Great Scott Tree Service located at 20865 Canada Road. | Submitted March 22, 2018. Incomplete on April 19, 2018. Resubmitted December 18, 2019. Screencheck sent January 16, 2020. Resubmitted plans on June 15, 2020. Screencheck sent July 8, 2020. Project description revised to include an additional parcel. 3rd submittal (1st with revised project) submitted on 11-6-20. Screencheck sent on 12-4-20. 4th applicant submittal (2nd with revised project) on 3-12-21. Screencheck sent on 4-6-21. 5th resubmittal on 5-25-21 (revised noise study only). 6th resubmittal on 7-9-21. Correction submittal included WQMP and drainage study sent on 7/23/21; clean site plan sent on 7/30/21.7th resubmittal on 9-3-21. 7th screencheck on 10-5-21. Applicant resubmitted revised plans (9th submittal) on October 2, 2023. Incomplete sent on 11-2-23. Resubmittal (10th) 12/21/23. 10th Screencheck comments sent to Applicant on 1/19/24. 11th submittal on 1/26/24. Routed on 2/1/24. Incomplete sent on 2/22/24. Applicant submitted revised building plans to building (described as the 12th submittal) on 2/6/24. Letter of Incomplete sent on 3-5-24. Applicant submitted revised plans on 3/22/24. Plans were routed on 3/25/24. Comments are due back to planning on 4/8/24. 13th Screencheck comments sent to Applicant on 4/17/24. Resubmittal (14th) on 5/9/24. Routed on 5/9/24. Applicant resubmittal (15th) on 5/28. ON AUGUST 8, 2024, PC RECOMMENDED STAFF RECOMMENDATION WITH CONDITIONS. CC Approved the Project on 10/15/24. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 10/15/24 | ||||
18 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Exterior modifications to the existing office building at 25550 Commercentre to include removal and replacement of windows with bifolding doors and landscape modifications | James Bucknam, PJHM Architects | 25550 Commercentre Drive | Submitted on August 25, 2024 9/11/24: First Screencheck Letter sent to Applicant 9/16/24: Resubmittal Received 10/1/24: Second Screencheck Letter sent to Applicant 10/1/24: Resubmittal Received 10/10/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends October 25, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 10/10/24 | 10/25/24 | |||
19 | Use Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | A request to obtain a Type 85 Alcohol Beverage Control license to sell alcohol on-line from an existing office space. | Xiaochen Wang, Sakezen, LLC | 22772 Centre Drive, Suite 110 | Submitted on August 15, 2024. Incomplete letter sent on September 11, 2024. Resubmitted on September 11, 2024. Approved by Planning Commission on October 3, 2024. Appeal Period to end on October 21, 2024. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 10/03/24 | 10/21/24 | |||
20 | Use Permit |
| Marie Luna | Planning Commission | New Massage Establishment in a tenant suite at the Lake Forest Marketplace | Vincent Jiang | 23805 El Toro Road | Submitted June 21, 2024 Routed on 7/26/24. Deemed complete on 7/19/24. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 10/03/24 | 10/18/24 | |||
21 | Use Permit |
| Ron Santos | Planning Commission | Establish a commercial pickleball use in an existing 33,565 sq. ft. industrial building. | Chris Huaracha - Ware Malcomb | 25871 Atlantic Ocean Drive | Submitted August 14. 2024. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 10/03/24 | 10/21/24 | |||
22 | Site Development Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | Request for the operation of a retail automobile sales business (with 2 or fewer vehicles on-site) in an existing office building. | Moe Zohrehvand, Carmoe | 22471 Aspan St., Suite 239 | Submitted on September 5, 2024. Approved by Director of Community Development on September 17, 2024. Appeal period to end on October 2, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 09/17/24 | 10/02/24 | |||
23 | Site Development Permit |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Establish automobile retails sales with two or fewer for-sale vehicles on site at an existing light auto repair facility. | Caitlin Swann - Arcadis (on behalf of Rivian) | 26845 Vista Terrace | Submitted 08-23-24. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 09/12/24 | 09/27/24 | |||
24 | Minor Planned Sign Program |
| Gabriela Aguirre | Administrative | Minor amendment to an existing plannd sign program for "The Campus" to modify the maximum number of lines of sign copy allowed. | Per Asberg, Cogent Signs/Epic Signs | 27051 Towne Centre Dr | Submitted on July 24, 2024. 7/25/24: Routed for Interdepartmental Review 08/29/24: Approved by Director 09/03/2024: Mailed NOE and Memo | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 08/29/24 | 09/13/24 | |||
25 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Exteior color scheme and material modifications to previously approved Changed Plan (CP 02-23-5607) for Heavenly Plastic Surgery Center | Kevin Akrami, Armin Corp | 26572 Towne Centre Drive | Submitted on June 25, 2024 7/12/24: First Screencheck Letter sent to Applicant 8/2/24: Resubmittal Received 8/28/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends September 12, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 08/28/24 | 09/12/24 | |||
26 | Changed Plan |
| Marie Luna | Administrative | Parking lot improvements including the addition of solar panels, and a fenced parking space enclosure | Jennifer Walton, Symmetry 8 Studio | 25520 Commercentre Drive | Submitted on June 3, 2025. Screencheck 1 letter to applicant on 7/2/24. Applicant resubmitted plans on 7/17. Plans were routed on 7/19/24. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 08/27/24 | 09/10/24 | |||
27 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Modification of an existing wireless communication facility on the roof the of Courtyard Marriot | Tyne Allaman, Smartlink LLC for AT&T Mobility | 27492 Portola Parkway | Submitted on July 22, 2024. Deemed incomplete on July 25, 2024. Resubmitted on August 19, 2024. Approved on August 26, 2024. Appeal period ends on September 10, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 08/26/24 | 09/10/24 | |||
28 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Class 7 modification to an existing wireless communication facility consisting of antennas and ground equipment | Kate Hanstrom, Crown Castle for T-Mobile | 25751 Trabuco Road | Submitted on July 24, 2024 8/12/24: Approved. Appeal Period Ends August 27, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 08/12/24 | 08/27/24 | |||
29 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Landscape renovation for the Carlen Plaza Shopping Center | Laurie Martz, Site Design Studio | 23501 El Toro Road | Submitted on May 24, 2024 6/3/24: Routed for Interdepartmental Review 6/20/24: Screencheck Letter Sent to Applicant 7/10/24: Resubmittal received 7/11/24: Routed for Interdepartmental Review 7/29/24: Application deemed complete 8/7/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends August 22, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 08/07/24 | 08/22/24 | |||
30 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Exterior façade modifications for Del Taco, including paint and new siding | Drisa Dolin, SMS Architects | 22349 El Toro Road | Submitted on June 11, 2024 6/14/24: Routed for Interdepartmental Review 6/27/24: Screencheck letter sent to applicant 7/8/24: Resubmittal Received 7/26/24: Application deemed complete 7/30/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends August 14, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 07/30/24 | 08/06/24 | |||
31 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Class 7 wireless communication facility consisting of a new emergency generator and modifications to the existing equipment enclosure area | Brian de La Ree of Butler America | 24251 Los Alisos Blvd | Submitted on July 2, 2024 7/23/24: Approved. Appeal Period Ends August 7 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 07/23/24 | 08/07/24 | |||
32 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Exterior modifications for Chevron Extra Mile convenience store, including paint and signage | Nichole Evans, Expedite the Dhiel, LLC. | 20731 Lake Forest Drive | Submitted on May 13, 2024 5/29/24: First Screencheck Letter sent to the Applicant 7/3/24: Resubmittal received 7/18/24: Application deemed complete 7/22/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends August 6, 2024 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 07/22/24 | 08/06/24 | |||
33 | Minor Planned Sign Program |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Proposal for a 7-foot tall apartment complex project identification monument sign for the Meadows Senior Apartments. | Debra Pember and Ramon Acuna, Meadows Seniors LP | 101 Lopala | Submitted on June 3, 2024. Incomplete lettter sent on June 17, 2024. Resubmitted on July 3, 2024. Approved on July 11, 2024. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 07/11/24 | 07/26/24 | |||
34 | Use Permit |
| Gabriela Aguirre Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | A request to operate an indoor golf training studio | Leslie Bai | 26834 Vista Terrace | 04/5/24 - Submitted/Received 05/07/24 - Deposit processed from Finance 05/07/24 - Routed for department review 05/22/24 - Screencheck letter sent to applicant 05/30/24 - Resubmittal Received Tentatively scheduled for July 11, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 07/11/24 | 07/26/24 | |||
35 | Site Development Permit |
| Marie Luna | Administrative | Install a temporary fuel generator and tube trailer within an existing enclosed private parking yard | Dean Walker | 25111 Arctic Ocean Drive | Submitted 4/12/24. First Screencheck Comments mailed to Applicant on 4/26/24. 2nd Submittal on 6/9/24. Routed to OCFA on 6/12/24; requested OCFA response by 6/26. Received OCFA response on 7/2/23. Approval letter sent to applicant on 7/11/24. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 07/11/24 | 07/26/24 | |||
36 | Site Development Permit |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Renovation of an existing 9,958 commercial/retail space into a new veterinary clinic for Mission Veterinary dba Lake Forest Animal Clinic. | Ryan McNutt, FMD Architects | 24270 Muirlands Blvd | Submitted April 25, 2024 5/17/24: First Screencheck Letter sent to Applicant 6/11/24: Resubmittal Received 6/25/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal period ends on July 10, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 06/25/24 | 07/10/24 | |||
37 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | A request to modify an existing wireless communication facility for T-Mobile to: remove 9 antennas and install 6 new antennas; remove 3 RRU's and install 6 new RRU's; install 6 new HCS cables; install 2 new cabinets; and install a 150 amp breaker. | Damien Pichardo, Coastal Business Group, Inc. for T-Mobile | 23011 El Toro Road | Submitted May 13, 2024 5/20/24: Screencheck Letter sent to Applicant 5/31/24: Resubmittal Received 6/14/24: Approved ministerially | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 06/14/24 | 07/01/24 | |||
38 | Site Development Permit |
| Marie Luna | Administrative | Class 1 Wireless Facility, including the installation of 6 panel antennae, 12 RRUs, and 1 cabinet. | Brian de La Ree of Butler America | 19432 Bake Parkway | Submitted on May 22, 2024. Approved on June 12, 2024. Appeal period over on June 27, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 06/12/24 | 06/27/24 | |||
39 | Entertainment Permit |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Entertainment Permit Renewal for Bigshots Billiards | Chance Betor, Bigshots Billiards | 23512 El Toro Road | Submitted May 14, 2024. 5/29/24: Routed to OCSD for Review 6/11/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends June 26, 2024 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 06/11/24 | 06/26/24 | |||
40 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Installation of back up generator with 9ft enclosure and operable gates. | Michael Parr, PSSC Labs | 20432 N Sea Circle Drive | Submitted October 23, 2023 11/13/23: First Screencheck Letter sent to applicant 12/22/23: Resubmittal Received 1/10/24: 2nd Screncheck comments sent to applicant/ architect 1/28/24: 3rd Submittal Received 2/2/24: 3rd Screencheck Letter sent to applicant 3/7/2024: 4th Submittal Received 3/12/2024: Routed for Department Review 4/1/2024: 4th Screencheck Letter Send to Applicant 4/22/2024: Resubmittal Received 5/16/2024: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal Period Ends June 3, 2024 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 05/16/24 | 06/03/24 | |||
41 | Use Permit |
| Connor Musler | Planning Commission | Verizon Wireless Modification and Sector Addition at an IRWD Water Tank | Peter J. Blied, Plancom, Inc. | 20696 Regency Lane | Submitted November 17, 2023 11/21/23: Project Routed for Department Review 12/12/23: Screencheck letter sent to applicant 3/6/24: Resubmittal Received Scheduled for May 9, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 05/09/24 | 05/28/24 | |||
42 | Use Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | Amendment to Use Permit 12-12-3025 to add a self-contained live fire range to the Artemis Defense Institute. | Sandy Sunu-Liberman, Artemis Defense Institute | 11 Spectrum Drive | Submitted on February 15, 2024. Deemed incomplete on 3/12/24. Resubmitted on 4/3/24. Approved at the 5/9/24 Planning Commission meeting. Appeal period ends on 5/28/24 | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 05/09/24 | 05/28/24 | |||
43 | Use Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | A request to operate a new baseball training facility in an existing tenant space at the Spectrum Pointe Business Park | Benjamin Oh, ADV Baseball | 21098 Bake Parkway, Suite 106 | Submitted on 4/1/24. Incomplete Letter sent on 4/29/24. Resubmitted on 5/13/24. Approved at the 6/6/24 Planning Commission meeting. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 05/09/24 | 05/28/24 | |||
44 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler Gabriela Aguirre | Administrative | Installation of a canopy and sunscreen for Bank of America ATM | Doreen Nicosia | 26660 Portola Parkway | Submitted March 28, 2024 4/28/2024: Deemed Complete 5/6/2024: Approved by the Director of Community Development | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 05/06/24 | 05/22/24 | |||
45 | Minor Planned Sign Program |
| Gabriela Aguirre | Administrative | Minor Planned Sign Program for shopping center on El Toro Rd. and Trabuco Rd. They are proposing to amend the current PSP to allow for a fourth monument sign to be added to the property. | Edgar Aceituno | 22477 El Toro Rd. | Submitted on March 11, 2024. Routed for screencheck review on 3/14/24. 1st screencheck letter sent to Applicant on 04/01/24. 2nd submittal on 04/18/24. Comments back from Traffic Engineering on 05/02/24. Notice of Decision complete on 05/06/24. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 05/06/24 | 05/22/24 | |||
46 | Changed Plan |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Replace the Bocce ball courts with 2 pickleball courts at the Meadows Senior Apartments | Debra Perber, Meadows Senior LP | 101 Lopala | Submitted on March 19, 2023. Approved by the Director of Community Development on May 2, 2024. Appeal period to end on May 17, 2024 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 05/02/24 | 05/17/24 | |||
47 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Marie Luna | Administrative | A request to revise Changed Plan 12-18-5239, and install a Class 7 AT&T Wireless Facility on an SCE Lattice Tower. | Alessandro Scolastra/AT&T, Eukon Group | 27855 Glenn Ranch Road | Submitted 5/1/24: Approval letter sent on 5-2-24 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 05/02/24 | 05/17/24 | |||
48 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | A request to install a new standby generator enclosed by a 6 foot tall chain link fence immediately adjacent to an existing AT&T equipment shelter | Bryan Tran, Brius Telecom Solutions | 26001.75 Dimension | Submitted February 15, 2024 2/21/2024: Screencheck letter sent to applicant 4/18/2024: Resubmittal Received 4/30/2024: Approved administratively. Appeal period ends May 15, 2024 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 04/30/24 | 05/15/24 | |||
49 | Changed Plan |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Construction of a carport surrounded by a 8-foot tall fence with a gate at the Baker Ranch Avalon Apartments. | Bernardo Rodriguez, GB Architecture | 1000 Lupine | Submitted on March 12, 2024. Approved by the Director of Community Development on April 11, 2024. Appeal period ends on April 26, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 04/11/24 | 04/26/24 | |||
50 | Use Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | A request to operate a massage establishment (King's 2 Spa Relax) | Mai Thi Dang | 25411 Trabuco Rd, Suite 223 | Submitted November 15, 2023. Incomplete letter sent on January 4, 2023. Resubmitted on February 7, 2024. Approved at April 4, 2024 Planning Commission Meeting. Appeal Period ends on April 22, 2024. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 04/04/24 | 04/22/24 | |||
51 | Changed Plan |
| Marie Luna | Administrative | Request to construct a central plan that includes pumps and cooling towers outside of the north side of the building resulting in the removal of 32 Parking Spaces | Dillon Rankin of ACCO Engineered Systems for Oakley | 1 Icon | Submitted on March 21, 2023 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 04/04/24 | 04/19/24 | |||
52 | Changed Plan |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Request to install a 250 kwh generator surrounded by a 12 ft tall chain link with privacy slats | Brandan Leach, West Coast Lighting & Energy | 20021 Lake Forest Drive | Submitted November 14, 2023. 11/21/23: Project routed for review 12/11/23: Screencheck letter sent to applicant 3/5/24: Resubmittal Received 3/14/24: Routed for Department Review 3/28/24: Approved by the Director of Community Development. Appeal period ends April 15, 2024 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 03/28/24 | 04/15/24 | |||
53 | Site Development Permit |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Façade remodel of an existing hotel | Shiv Talwar - Design Concepts | 23192 Lake Center Drive | Submitted July 8, 2022. Incomplete letter sent July 27, 2022. Informal resubmittal March 3, 2023. Deemed incomplete March 20, 2023. Resubmitted February 1, 2024. Deemed incomplete February 5, 2024. Resubmitted March 6, 2024. Approved March 13, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 03/14/24 | 03/28/24 | |||
54 | Wireless Communication Facility |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | A request to modify an existing wireless communication facility for AT&T consisting of removing an existing 2' microwave antennaat 11' and installing a new 3' microwave antenna at 14', along with other associated cable and equipment modifications | Linda Williams, MasTec Network Solutions | 26001.5 Dimension | Submitted January 18, 2024 1/29/2024: Screencheck letter sent to applicant 2/21/24: Resubmittal received 3/11/23: Approved administratively. Appeal period ends March 26, 2024 | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 03/11/24 | 03/26/24 | |||
55 | Site Development Permit |
| Marie Luna | Planning Commission | Site Development Permit for 57 new single-family homes ranging in size from 3,400 to 4,000 square-feet on lots 55' x 80' located at the former Meadows School Site. | Josh Dean on behalf of Toll Brothers | Homes to be located south of Bake Parkway, west of Emy Way, North of Lasen Street and east of Rancho Parkway, in the newly proposed Neighborhood 6. | Submitted October 6, 2023. Routed for 1st Screencheck Review on October 11, 2023. Staff comments due back on October 24, 2023. Notice of Decision (incomplete) sent to applicant on 11/6/23. Applicant to resubmit corrected plans. 2nd Submittal on 12-12-23. Second submittal routing on 12-14-23. 2nd Submittal on 12/12/23. 2nd Screencheck comments sent to Applicant on 1/9/24. 3rd submittal on 1/30. Routed on 2/6/24. Deemed Complete 2/12/24. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 03/07/24 | 03/25/24 | |||
56 | Tentative Parcel Map |
| Marie Luna | Planning Commission | Sequoias - Subdivide an 11-acre site into 57 single-family residential lots, each 55 feet x 80 feet. | Josh Dean on behalf of Toll Brothers | Lots to be located south of Bake Parkway, east of Emy Way, north of Lasen Street and west of Rancho Parkway, in the newly proposed Neighborhood 6. | Submitted on 10/6/23. Routed for 1st screencheck review on 10/13/23. Staff comments due back on 10/27/23. Notice of Incomplete sent to Applicant on 11/6/23. Applicant to resubmit corrected plans. 2nd Submittal on 12/12/23. 2nd Screencheck comments sent to Applicant on 1/9/24. 3rd Submittal on 1/30/24. Routed on 2/6/24. Deemed complete on 2/10/24. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 03/07/24 | 03/25/24 | |||
57 | Changed Plan |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Add wine service to existing beer service at existing indoor golf commercial recreation use / change ABC Type 40 license (on-sale beer - bar) to Type 41 (on-sale beer & wine - eating place) | Jonathan Lee - Onyx Golf | 20996 Bake Parkway, #100-106 | Submitted January 24, 2024. On hold through March 5, 2024 pending property owner authorization. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 03/05/24 | 03/20/24 | |||
58 | Planned Sign Program |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | Planned Sign Program to allow secondary signage and window graphics at the Island Pacific Grocery Store | Francis Rivera, Award Sign Company | 23811 El Toro Road, Suite C | Submitted on October 9, 2023. Deemed incomplete on November 8, 2023. Resubmitted on December 4, 2023. Approved by Planning Commission on February 8, 2024. Appeal Period to end on February 26, 2024. | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 02/08/24 | 02/26/24 | |||
59 | Use Permit |
| Ron Santos | Planning Commission | A request to establish a new massage establishment in a tenant suite within The Foothill Retail Center | Wen Hua Goo | 20651 Lake Forest Drive, Suite A111 | Submitted on October 10, 2024 10/17/24: Routed for interdepartmental review 11/7/24: First screencheck letter sent to applicant 12/5/24: Resubmittal Received Tentatively Scheduled for February 6, 2025, Planning Commission Meeting | APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION | 02/06/24 | 02/24/25 | |||
60 | Site Development Permit |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Revision to floor plan and parking tabulation approved in conjunction with SDP 06-22-5547 and SDP 10-21-5464 for a religious assembly/community center use. | David Bailey, architect | 27121 Towne Centre Dr. | Submitted 09-07-23. Deemed incomplete 09-28-23. Resubmitted 10-16-23. Deemed incomplete 12-19-23 (per OCFA memo). Resubmitted 01-24-24. Approved January 29, 2024. | APPROVED BY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT | 01/29/24 | 02/13/24 | |||
61 | Site Development Permit |
| Connor Musler | Planning Commission | Demolition of the existing Arby's/The Pub Restaurant building to construct a new 5-level residential building with 165 units, approximately 3,275 square-feet of retail, and a 5-level parking garage. Conversion of the existing Chase Bank building into a hotel with surface parking and construction of a four-story hotel connected via a passageway/patio to the existing Chase Bank building. | Bryan Tessner, Architects Orange | 23861 El Toro Road | Submitted 7/30/24. 8/1/24: Routed for Interdepartmental Review 8/29/24: First Screencheck Letter Sent to Applicant 10/31/24: Resubmittal Received 11/1/24: Routed for Interdepartmental Review 11/26/24: Second Screencheck Letter Sent to Applicant | INCOMPLETE | |||||
62 | Use Permit |
| Connor Musler | Planning Commission | A request to upgrade from a Type 20 ABC License to a Type 21 License at the existing 7-Eleven Convenience Store | R. Bruce Evans, SSJ Law | 24386 Muirlands Boulevard | Submitted on October 15, 2024 10/21/24: Routed for interdepartmental review 11/13/24: First screencheck letter sent to applicant 2/24/25: Resubmittal received. Under Review | INCOMPLETE | |||||
63 | Use Permit |
| Connor Musler | Planning Commission | A request to operate a minor recycling collection facility at a property previously occupied by a single-family residence in the El Toro Light Industrial Area | Nallely Zuiga, Pink Recycling California | 24953 Whisler Drive | Submitted on November 27, 2024 12/3/24: Routed for interdepartmental review 12/19/24: First screencheck letter sent to applicant | INCOMPLETE | |||||
64 | Pre-Application |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Proposed legalization of unpermitted expansion of a towing facility to include additional towing yard space and caretakers quarters | William Dunstan, DSEA, Inc. | 25101 Front Street | Submitted on February 7, 2025 2/13/25: Routed for interdepartmental review | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
65 | Pre-Application |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Proposed residential community with 197 attached homes at the southeast corner of Commercentre and Civic Center Drive. | Andrew Han, Great Lawn Analytics LLC for Lennar Homes | 26000 Commercentre Drive | Submitted on February 6, 2025 2/7/25: Routed for interdepartmental review | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
66 | Pre-Application |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Proposed demolition of the former movie theater and construction of a new wholesale membership warehouse and fueling station | Kimberly Coronel, Kimley-Horn | 26602 Towne Centre Drive | Submitted on January 10, 2025 1/10/25: Routed for interdepartmental review 1/24/25: Letter sent to applicant | COMPLETED | |||||
67 | Pre-Application |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Proposed demolition of existing building and construction of a new +- 1,000 square foot drive-through only restaurant with no interior seating or on-site food preparation. | Francisco Hernandez, Kimley-Horn | 22401 El Toro Rd | Submitted March 5, 2024 3/12/24: Routed for Department Review 4/3/24: Pre-application response letter sent to applicant | COMPLETED | |||||
68 | Entertainment Permit |
| Connor Musler | Administrative | Renewal of Entertainment Permit for "M Cafe and Grill" | Martin Karimi, M Cafe and Grill | 22611 Lake Forest Dr, Suite C2 | Submitted on February 4, 2025 2/18/25: Email sent to applicant requesting complete application | INCOMPLETE | |||||
69 | Changed Plan |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Exterior modifications to the roof line of the existing "America Tires" building. | Steve Appel, Kinetic Design | 22765 Aspan Street | Submitted on November 20, 2024. Incomplete letter sent on December 16, 2024. Resubmitted on February 20, 2025. | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
70 | Site Development Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | Site Development Permit for demolition of existing 144,906 square foot building and construction of new 165, 803 square foot industrial building on a 8.83 ac site (previously occupied by Panasonic). | Chris Sanford, IPT Enterprise Business Center, LLC | 26200 Enterprise Way | Submitted June 17, 2021. Deemed incomplete on July 15, 2021. Resubmitted on September 23, 2021. Deemed incomplete on October 20, 2021. Resubmitted on December 21, 2021. Deemed incomplete on January 20, 2021. Resubmitted on February 9, 2022. Deemed incomplete on March 7, 2022. Resubmitted on December 6, 2022. Deemed incomplete on January 5, 2022. Resubmitted on March 9, 2023. Deemed incomplete on April 6, 2023. Resubmitted on May 8, 2023. Deemed incomplete on June 6, 2023. Resubmitted on June 9, 2023. Deemed Complete on July 5, 2023. Environmental Impact Report being prepared. Applicant submitted revised plans on August 29, 2024. City comment letter on revised plans was sent to applicant on September 25, 2024. The applicant resubmitted plans on October 24, 2024. City comment letter on revised plans was sent to applicant on November 21, 2024.The applicant resubmitted plans on January 15, 2024. On January 21, 2025, the City had no further comments on the revised plans. | PENDING ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW | |||||
71 | Pre-Application |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Proposed expansion of Irvine Subaru Dealership | Kirk Nelson, Design Intervention, Inc. | 23663 Rockfield Blvd, 22865 Lake Forest Drive, 22861 Lake Forest Drive, 22859 Lake Forest Drive | Submitted on October 21, 2024. Pre-Application letter sent to applicant on November 21, 2024. | COMPLETED | |||||
72 | Pre-Application |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Proposed development of a new 50-unit affordable housing apartment complex with | Luis Rodriguez, National CORE | 22471 Aspan Drive | Submitted on November 8, 2024. Pre-Application letter sent to applicant on December 5, 2024. | COMPLETED | |||||
73 | General Plan Amendment |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission / City Council | Amendment to General Plan Mobility Element to modify Figure M-1: Mobility Network to change classification of a portion of Santiago Canyon Road/El Toro Road to be consistent with Orange County's Master Plan of Arterial Highways. | City Initiated | Being Drafted by City Staff. | UNDER REVIEW | ||||||
74 | Changed Plan |
| Jennifer Mansur | Administrative | Request to install an outdoor above ground propane tank and related equipment | Primo/Sparkletts | 20712 Civic Center Drive | Submitted on November 13, 2023. Incomplete letter sent on December 6, 2023. Resubmitted January 19, 2024. Incomplete letter sent on February 14, 2024. , Applicant resubmitted on October 24, 2024. Incomplete Letter sent on November 12, 2024. | INCOMPLETE | |||||
75 | Streamline Housing Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Ministerial | Demolition of existing office building and replace with 50-unit affordable housing apartment complex with 15 supportive housing units. | Luis Rodriguez, National Community Renaissance of California | 22471 Aspan St | Submitted January 30, 2025. | SUBMITTED | |||||
76 | Entertainment Permit |
| Gabriela Aguirre | Administrative | Entertainment permit renewal for Center Bar & Grill | Huong Khau | 26612 Towne Centre Dr. | 02/03/25 - Submitted 02/06/25 - Routed | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
77 | Planned Sign Program |
| Ron Santos | Planning Commission | Sign Program for new warehouse building - includes tenant wall signage, addressing and directional signs | Gary Edwards | 26110 Enterprise | Submitted 6/22/21. Routed for screencheck review on 6/28/21. 1st screencheck letter sent to Applicant on 7/21/21. 2nd submittal 9/10/21. 2nd SC comments 10/11/21. 3rd submittal on 12/7/21. 3rd screencheck comments sent to applicant on 1/7/22. Additional comments sent 1/19/23 based on plan redesign. Resubmitted on 4/4/23. 5th Screencheck letter sent on 5/4/23. Resubmitted on 7/18/24. Routed on 7/19/24. 12 submittal plans were received from the applicant on 10/2/24, and routed on 10/3/24. Responses are due on 10/18/24. PSP is under review but is tied to SDP 08-23-5643 for industrial building project which is incomplete. | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
78 | Changed Plan |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Stripe 4 curb-adjacent/parallel parking spaces on a private street within a condominium complex. | David CruzOcampo - Du Mont Engineering | Cortona Way, approx. 100 ft. south of Malabar (Portola Hills) | Submitted 12-18-24. | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
79 | Site Development Permit |
| Ron Santos | Planning Commission | Demolition of a 76,978 square foot two-story office building and construction of a 77,000 square foot single-story + mezzanine building for warehouse and office use. | Tina Prater - T&B Planning, Inc. | 26250 Enterprise Way | Submitted 07-20-21. Deemed incomplete 08-19-21. Resubmitted plans 10-05-21, 11-15-21. Truck tracking exhibits submitted 11-18-21, 11-23-21. Select revised tech. studies submitted 01-06-22. Revised Noise, AQ & GHG studies submitted 03-08-22. Revised plans/docs submitted 04-06-23. Deemed incomplete 05-03-23. Plans resubmitted September 8, 2023. Deemed complete 12-13-23. Environmental Review and application processing pending submittal of info. corresponding to separate but related project. | COMPLETED | |||||
80 | Use Permit |
| Ron Santos | Planning Commission | Establish a massage establishment in an existing commercial tenant space | Yeping Deng - Hypnotiq Wellness | 23811 Bridger Road, #100 | Submitted November 25, 2024 | SCHEDULED FOR PLANNING COMMISSION | |||||
81 | Pre-Application |
| Ron Santos | Administrative | Add beer and wine sales to existing hookah lounge. | Gus Wahid - Blufig LLC | 20672 Lake Forest Drive | Submitted 06-14-24. Comment letter transmitted 06-24-24. REVIEW COMPLETE. | COMPLETED | |||||
82 | Use Permit |
| Ron Santos | Planning Commission / City Council | (1) Legalize landscape planter converted to patio without permits; (2) establish hookah lounge on patio to be operated in conjunction with an existing restaurant. | Max Ahmadi | 20770 Lake Forest Dr., Suite A | Submitted November 26, 2024. Incomplete letter sent December 20, 2024. Resubmitted on February 18, 2025. | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
83 | Site Development Permit |
| Jennifer Mansur | Planning Commission | The construction of a new 7,200 square foot one-story self-storage building at the existing Aspan Self-Storage facility. | David Meinecke, Jordan Architects | 22535 Aspan Street | Submitted on 11/26 | UNDER REVIEW | |||||
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