System Errors/Hub Updates
NameDateRequestor's NameUrgency LevelSystemWhat is the nature of your request?Outline the steps you took when the error occured.RequestAdvertiser/Agency/Customer #Campaign #Line IDPrice Change/Custom Price providedPrice Approved By (proof must be attached)Checked inAssigned ToStatusClassificationResultsOpen Tickets (Jira, Trello, Omeda, Naviga)Do we agree with urgency rating?Emma/Jenn/Marketing Notes
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07/11/24Brian GronowskiMinorProduct HubOtheraFrom here:
Examples are linking to wrong brand examples
White Paper example is Contract Manufacturing + Packaging
Video example is Healthcare Packaging
Product update is a video example, correct brand thought
Case Study is Packaging World
So on and so forth.
NAtrueEmma SatchellPARKEDHubHello Brian, we are updating eblasts in 2025 and the new template will be unveiled at the sales meeting. After the meeting, I'll be updating the hub with the new 2025 examples. At that time, I'll update the 2024 examples you've noted as well.Yes
06/06/24Courtney NicholsMediumLeadworksNotification IssueHi Jenn, if this is redundant please ignore. Regarding the LW notification we talked about last recap, reps are now only receiving notifications via the button, not automatically as intended when the metrics are complete. LMK if you have questions and thank you. - Courtney---trueJENNIFER BRINKPARKED
07/22/24Emma SatchellMinorLeadworksFeature RequestE-Blast Question Upgrade - Hook to LW

Please figure out how answers to the e-blast question upgrade form can automatically append leads in LW accordingly.

Once tested and working, please create a process for CSMs to follow to create the hook or who CSMs should contact for their creation.

Testing/process due: Sept 9
05/20/24Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubHub updatePlease create a PACK EXPO Southeast Showcase page for sales/ specs. The page should have the same info as the PACK EXPO East did this year. We are selling the exact same profile types and only full page ads.
Sales close- 1/9/25
Materials due- 1/13/25
This will polybag with the PW Jan/Feb 2025 issue.
Please let me know if any questions.
trueEmma SatchellPARKEDNot an errorAwaiting Jen's Feedback
02/13/24Riley PhoenixLeadworksReporting IssueWent into "Add Audience Network" to see there were no metrics pulled, went back and clicked "Update Audience Network", received the error in screenshot. BRINKPARKEDConnection is being built.
+In Progress - Not a ticket issue
Open Omeda Tickets
Trello Ticket
Open Sales Force Issue
+Open Jira Ticket
+Related to known Naviga Issue
07/23/24Courtney NicholsMinorProduct HubHub updateGood morning. Can we add language to the booth video page on the Hub that speaks to the recommended length of each video and the amount of time our photographer will spend at an advertisers booth (30-40 minutes max)? So far, we've sold 11 booth videos and the existing Hub description is vague or possibly just outdated because it specifically calls out pairing a booth video with a FB campaign but doesn't mention LinkedIn: Thanks very much, let me know if I can answer any process related questions about booth videos.trueAMBER MILLERResolvedHub
07/25/24Aleks ApkarianMediumNavigaOtherAttempted to create a Naviga order from this account: company has a big warning in Naviga:

I am unable to create any orders from Salesforce for this account. What is the reason?
AmeripentrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem BugFixed! Please try creating the campaign again. Thank you!Yes
07/25/24Liz CuneoMinorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssuePlease replace Keren Sookne's information here for mine:

As Editor-in-Chief for Healthcare Packaging, Liz Cuneo enjoys covering the latest news, products, and insights on topics driving the pharmaceutical/medical device packaging industry today: automation, supply chain, human factors, and sustainability. She has over 15 years of writing experience for B2B magazines in such industries as packaging, processing, and workplace safety. Cuneo is a graduate of Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Michigan. She now lives in Summerville, South Carolina with her husband, three daughters, and cat.

headshot here, but not the copy:
trueEmma SatchellResolvedBaseYes
07/25/24Jake BrockMediumNavigaOtherHi, bit of a custom request for an account I took over for Lee. He sold them something a bit odd which was two Leaders programs in PW this year. Everything is running and going fine but there seems to be some confusion on the resource guide as they will be getting two company profiles because they bought leaders twice. Talked with Lara and also got an approval from John (attached) to offer them a full page ad in the resource guide as opposed to a second profile page. Lara mentioned we will need this updated in Naviga so it all connects correctly to materials systems. Is someone able to go into this order and replace one of the resource guide profiles with a resource guide full page ad without changing any dollars? Happy to connect on a call to talk this one through if needed! Thanks!Rychiger1121875208.0John SchreitrueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingYes
07/25/24WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaMissing a date/Need a datetrying to add 2 Game plan categories and 1 Second Look category to Rennco's plan and getting an error message. See attached screenshot of message. Is this an error based on the recent changes, since I've never had problems adding GP/SL before? They are ready to sign contract. Thanks.Rennco11562trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorYes
07/25/24Kelly GreebyMediumProduct HubHub updateWe needed to bump back the launch date of the Connected Workforce Digital Intelligence Report. The new launch date and advertiser materials date are below.

Can we please get these dates updated on the hub.

Launch on - Nov. 22nd
Materials Due from Advertisers - Oct. 11th
trueAMBER MILLERResolved
07/23/24Jen KrepelkaMinorProduct HubHub updateI made an update to the Booth Video Product, but my updates to the Sales Info tab did not publish.Resolved
07/24/24Stephanie HaagMediumNavigaBilling IssuesChris swalm is pulling through as the billing contact even though he was deleted from the account and shouldn't be an option.jadexx12326trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorI have manually changed the billing contact in the Advertiser Record. There is an issue in the current version of Naviga that we are aware of and contacts are not being removed correctly. Now that I am out of Naviga's massive upload, I can vet and launch the next version of Naviga and Simone will be fixing all contacts that should have been removed.Jenn - I checked and he's no longer in Salesforce. Not sure why he is still showing up as a production contact. When you figure it out (no rush), can you tell me what I missed?
07/23/24Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubHub updatePls add the 2024 Women in packaging and processing digital edition link to the hub:
07/23/24Lara KriegerMediumProduct HubHub updateCan the 2024 EXPO PACK issue be added to the right rail pls:
trueAMBER MILLERResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
07/23/24Maria DruziukCriticalNavigaOtherAfter updating Naviga, it displayed a message (I`ll add it to the material). All fields have been cleared, and I am unable to reconfigure them as before. It doesn`t work for me.ALLallalltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis self resolved on its own.
07/19/24LEO GUENTHERMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentRanpak is upgrading from $15200 PW LIP plan to a $18180 Premium Plan. They would like their additional full page to run in Sept. They also get 3 additional categories, 10K more impressions and 2 more Product ads in the Resource Guide. What is the best way to handle this?Ranpak12404trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorYes
07/18/24Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksOtherSiemens would like the link to upload their mateirals for Game Plan.SiemenstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone
07/18/24Christy FloresMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueI originally created a CM+P Focus NL for Performance Packaging of Nevada. This is their free CPA member ad benefits for the year. They didn't submit materials by the deadline therefore they forfeited the ad benefit and I canceled the Naviga campaign on 7/16. However, LW didn't sync and delete the LW campaign #50649. (
The advertiser quickly submitted materials yesterday (7/17) so we accepted this and I created a new naviga campaign (ID: 12446) which then created a new LW campaign #52226 Should I transfer materials to the new LW campaign or leave as is, on the old one and delete LW #52226? Was this a Naviga/LW sync error or do I have to manually delete the LW campaigns when a Naviga campaign is canceled? There are 2 other advertiser campaigns that were canceled in Naviga but the LW campaigns are still in LW. Optima Products and 6 Degrees Collective. These are all for the 7/24 CM+P Services Focus Newsletter. See image attached.
Performance Packaging of Nevada12157 (old) & 12446 (new)83343 (old), 84696 (new)trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI moved the Campaign ID and Line Item ID of the new Naviga record to this LW record:

I have deleted the extra campagin for LW.
07/19/24PATRICK YOUNGCriticalNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease change price to $4,658. This is the new price for combo PEI media products that was discussed at our sales meeting.VAC-U-MAX12450PEI Show DailyJohn SchreitrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorUpdate has been completed. A reminder to please use this form for requests of this nature moving forward:
07/16/24Madysen FastMinorNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI am not able to access Naviga from Salesforce, and I need to create an opportunity for one of my sales reps.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorProcess established for the moment with Stephanie Haag creating opportunities in SF per request of the other CSMs.I asked Madysen and Reed to reach out to Andy for individual licenses. The shared login is what is causing the issue.
07/16/24Tracey LabovitzMajorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueAll of a sudden, SUPPLIER NEWS is missing from all the publications under the SCHEDULING taxonomy.trueJen KrepelkaResolvedHello Tracey, Supplier News has been moved to a label. You need to select what the piece is about in Scheduling Taxonomy and then tag with the Supplier News label.
07/12/24WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherWhen I create an insertion order, the campaign description says Sullair 2023-2024 Sullair instead of the actual campaign name. I don't want to send it like this because it will cause confusion. See attached. Thanks.Hitachi Global Air10711trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorYes
07/12/24WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentTried adding three full page ads for PFW for 2024 and got the attached error message. Hitachi is also a member company, so I'll need prices reduced 10% for the PFW items. Putting in a request to get the other items reduced now. I need to get this to their agency today please. Thanks.Hitachi Global Air10711trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorAdded Oct, Dec, and Feb 2025 to campaign.Yes
07/10/24Christine SmallwoodCriticalNavigaOtherJust noticing this issue in Naviga : date discrepancies for PW LinkedIn (regular) vs. PW LinkedIn (premium). Please see the attached image.PW LinkedIn Dates in Naviga (both Premium and Regular)n/an/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Christine, thank you for your request. We are not seeing this error when pulling reporting in Naviga. When you look up products in the date-based position availability report, you need to select the product in the dropdown and then click "Get Data". The report will not update if you only change the product selection in the drop down and do not click "Get Data". Please let me know if you have any other questions.Yes
07/03/24Christy FloresMinorOtherReporting IssueRegarding the monthly reporting files I receive from StackAdapt, there was a discrepancy in the number of rows this month. The Last Month report contained 1054 rows, yet the Lifetime report only contained 464 rows. Therefore, over half of the lifetime reporting metrics are missing from the report. Is this something in how it was set up in StackAdapt? Can this be adjusted and resolved for future reports I receive?trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThe two reports that should be used are "PAN - YTD reports - Creative breakdown" and "PAN reporting - Last Month". It appears Christy is referencing "Total Stats export - All Time". Sent a note with the correct reports, waiting on Christy's confirmation
07/08/24Joseph DerrMinorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssuePlease update the floating house ad at the top of to say PMMI ProSource instead of just ProSource (see attachment). Not urgent. Entered this as Jen in Requestor's Name because my name wasn't available in the dropdown as an option and it wouldn't let me go forward.Thanks!
Joseph Derr
trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedHi Joe! This has been updated on PW, PFW and HCP's sites.
06/28/24Emma SatchellMediumNavigaOthern/aRequest from Christine:

The DS Smith Naviga 11389 has been closed "lost" but the quotes still remain visible in the system.

Is that something that can be tweaked, i.e., when a sales rep marks a quote as "closed lost" those quoted slots are no longer visible? Or do we need to delete each item on the quote? It is nice to be able to go back and see what was quoted sometimes...if the client revives interest.

Or, could be that when you're looking at a quoted proposal, if you see it as closed/lost, you'll be aware....?
n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepNote in the comments explaining the correct way to handle closed lost campaigns.
07/02/24Bea GreanyMediumProduct HubHub updateHCP eblast page,
OEM eblast page,

Right rail 'Samples' and 'QUICK LINKS' include the 'Multi-Videos' sample and 'Multi-Video/Product' quick link however, the multi-video eblast product is only available for PFW and PW brands.
AMBER MILLERResolvedNot an error
07/03/24Claudia SmithMediumBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueIt seems our web sites aren't listing our upcoming webinars in chronological order. They are listing them with the most recent entered in the top position.

Can you switch these so they are listed chronologically by date?
trueEmma SatchellResolvedFeature RequestThis update has been completed. waiting on trello ticket
07/03/24PATRICK YOUNGMinorOtherOtherPlease zero out the Ross PFW print placement in August. The placement is for a make good from a reproduction error in PFW. JS has not approved but asking for the price change in Naviga.See aboveCharles Ross12408PFW Print August Issu eJohn SchreitrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Patrick, this request should be placed to the Custom Product/Price Request form. I've submitted your request to that form and it will be handled shortly. Here is a link to the form for future use:
07/03/24Bea GreanyMinorNavigaOtherEXAMPLES

MRP Solutions:
PW Sustainable Packaging Newsletter product 'Campaign Line Edit' – error message received, "(612): The workflow for "PWSPNL" has not been defined"

Cannot edit campaign line to change status, attach materials, enter production notes, etc.
N/AN/AN/AtrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorWorkflow should now be assigned, please test and resubmit if you encounter an error.
07/03/24Bea GreanyMinorOtherFeature RequestPlease update the 'Requestor's Name' drop-down list for this Smartsheet form to remove names of individuals no longer working for PMG and outdated contact info, including
• Dasha Maidanyk
• Hannah Cater (temp-cater) – outdated contact info for Hannah.

There are several names that can be removed which will shorten the list and make it easier for individuals to find their names.
trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an error
06/25/24Christy FloresMinorOtherOtherI created an opportunity in Salesforce for TNA North America, Inc.'s Free CM+P focus Newsletter. Salesforce shows Lee Ashcroft as the sales rep. However, when I created the opportunity, titled 'TNA North America, Inc. Free CM+P 2024 Newsletter' Lee Ashcroft's name doesn't appear as an option under the PMG Sales Rep dropdown.I can't add his name. Any assistance is appreciated. Also, everything was okay with Naviga when I created the campaign. So, it just seems to be a Salesforce issue. I've attached images for reference.Salesforce: TNA North America, Inc.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedLee has been let go, which is why he is no longer an option in the systemSent in a ticket to the SF team.
06/24/24Bea GreanyMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueRiley manually created LeadWorks campaigns for ExxonMobil's 6/25/2024 HCP Supplied HTML eblast and the 6/27/2024 PW supplied HTML eblast because Riley did not know that Naviga was automatically creating LeadWorks campaigns for supplied HTML eblasts. Riley is now aware of this update.

However, the Naviga-created campaigns and Riley's campaigns need to be merged so there is only 1 LeadWorks campaign for each eblast.

6/25 HCP Supplied:
LeadWorks campaign #51320 (created by Naviga) is empty.
All ad content is in campaign #51238 except Naviga Line Item ID 83254 is missing. (Naviga campaign ID 12077).

6/27 PW Supplied:
LeadWorks campaign #51327 (created by Naviga) is empty.
All ad content is in campaign #51297 except Naviga Line Item ID 83255 is missing (Naviga campaign ID 12134).

Labeling urgency as Medium because I don't want duplicate campaigns appearing on the advertiser's dashboard.
ExxonMobilmultiplemultipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
06/20/24Emma SatchellMediumOtherOthern/aRegarding the gated e-blast, I need a sample for the Hub.

Could you please create a form based on the image attached with content from the cartoning e-book once the form is filled out? This will just be for advertiser purposes.
n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedHi Emma, Here is the link to the sample form:
06/18/24Bea GreanyMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueThere are 2 LeadWorks campaigns for the same mailing. Please merge so there's only one campaign.

51311 shows in the upcoming Issues Dashboard but the campaign is empty.

51238 was created by Riley Phoenix and is being used for the eblast.

Naviga campaign 12077, line ID 83254
ExxonMobil51311 AND 51238trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
06/19/24Mikayala DelsonMinorBASE/WebsitesOtherLeo would like to know how many email addresses we have in the
packaging or product/marketing professionals in the hardware/tools or Pet Supply industries for email countsN/.
N/AN/AtrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHow many email addresses do we have of packaging or product/marketing professionals in the hardware/tools or pet supply industries (in general)? 3,486

How many email addresses do we have of packaging or product/marketing professionals in the hardware/tools or pet supply industries who would receive (are opted-into) a PW eblast? 611
06/19/24LEO GUENTHERMediumNavigaBilling IssuesMy Billing Contact will not pull through on the order. Rebecca RivardTotal ETO119688trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem BugRebecca has now pulled through as the billing contact in Naviga, but is showing up multiple times. This is a known bug, which Jenn is fixing with the salesforce team.Yes
06/19/24Joseph Derr ( IssueHello, I tried to make an update to
but it says Expired where Published or Draft usually appears.
I tried to change the date to today's date and it still says expired.
Is this a technical problem with the web page or a Joe Derr training problem?
trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Joe, this has been published! There was a date assigned to the "expired" field right below the "published" date. By removing the "expired" field date, I was able to publish. Hope you have a great rest of your day!Yes
06/18/24Mikayala DelsonMediumLeadworksTemplate IssueThis PW - Multipacking/Case Packing E-Book 2024 is not appearing in Leadworks.

Campaign 11194 Line 82426
trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Mikayla! Lauren Staley will reach out when it is time to create the E-book in leadworks. Just like with playbooks, you'll create your child campaigns under the primary leadworks campaign (which Lauren Staley creates). Please let me know if you have any questions!No
06/17/24WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherCan't add OEM Insider enhanced without an ad in the fall...I get the attached error message (says must set a valid issue date).Encoder11392trueEmma SatchellResolvedYes
06/14/24LEO GUENTHERMediumLeadworksOtherJust want Scout Added to Leadworks. Garvey CorpGarvey would like to be added to Scout. They do not have an ad spend via Garvey but are running ads under the Dorner Program. Contact is Lindsey Muchka - She has approved the becon for Garvey via email.GarveytrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Leo! Please contact your CSM regarding setting up Scout for your advertiser. They will be able to handle this for you and will let us know if they encounter any errors/issues.Yes
06/13/24WENDY SAWTELLMediumMDTOtherI'm unable to add PW LinkedIn Premium to a MDT checkbox. See attached screenshot below. Thanks.Proven PartnerstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
06/11/24Emma SatchellMinorNavigaOthern/aIs there a way for Tracey to be notified every time an E-book hits confirmed in Naviga?n/an/an/atrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/16/24Mikayala DelsonMinorLeadworksHelp with a viewUnder the Newsletter Campaign History tab, when entering the selections: focus under the name column, and 5/1/24 as the send date, only 3 advertisers appear in Liz's view while Courtney's view shows 6. Is there a reason for this or is this a Leadworks issue? See screenshots attached for both of their views.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been fixed. Liz should be able to see all advertisers in an issue now.
06/11/24Casey FlanaganMinorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHello, I finished setting up this article in Base before lunch and had no problem setting the schedules then, but now the schedules are gone and I'm seeing this error:

GraphQL error: Cannot return null for non-nullable field WebsiteSchedule.startDate. GraphQL error: Cannot return null for non-nullable field WebsiteSchedule.section. Retry?

I restarted chrome and also tried using Safari, but I still see the error on both. The "Retry" link doesn't seem to do anything.

Here's the Base Link:

Any tips to get past this?
Thank you!
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error
06/07/24Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueClient moved Webinar from 5/28 until October but it is showing in Leadworks. It says there are a 23 leads in it but when you click in you get a 500 error. Not sure if that live needs to be deleted or if they did get a few people who registered before it moved?
Revalize SoftwaretrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorStephanie and Claudia will move campaigns to the new date.This is from a webinar that was moved to October. I have emailed Claudia asking her if we are keeping these leads or starting fresh. Will let Stephanie and Claudia work it out before closing the ticket - Jenn.
06/05/24Bea GreanyMajorLeadworksLeadworks Issue'Submit materials' eblast template preview is fine.
Upcoming Issues dashboard: 'View Full Mailing' landing page is 'TypeError'. Screenshot attached.

app\components\MailingHtmlService::getMailingHtml(): Argument #1 ($campaignTemplate) must be of type app\models\CampaignTemplate, null given, called in /var/www/html/leadworks/protected/basic/controllers/CampaignController.php on line 695
HexagonPW Industry EventtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWe aren't able to reproduce the issue, seems like a glitch in the matrix :)
06/06/24Mikayala DelsonMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item 84273. Their last month's LinkedIn post (line 77483) needed to be rescheduled but it already got billed to them for May. I added a new line item (84273) which is the rescheduled date.Plexpack Corp.1054184273.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
06/06/24Mikayala DelsonMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentLeo tried to create an order for Optima's Full Page Show Daily but the completion rate did not show 100%. When I tried to create an order on my end, I got stuck at the Sales Rep Assignment screen and it did not let me press continue.OPTIMA Machinery Corporation101635trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugWas not able to replicate the issue. I was able to create the campaign without issue. here is the naviga campaign
06/03/24Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueAnastasia noticed there are 2 LW campaigns for 6/25 Exxon, should one be deleted?
empty -
with materials -
ExxontrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorsent a note to Stephanie asking which campaign should be kept.
04/11/24Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks Issue-Good morning, access to the EBA video metrics page isn't working: // Clicking the link leads to a page of code. See attached. Same error when trying to access the page through several advertisers.All--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugWe have fixed the ability to see the reports. However we are continuing to adjust the metrics for these campaigns. progress
05/31/24Bea GreanyMinorProduct HubHub updatePlease update audience distribution figures for Mundo EXPO PACK editorial newsletter, Destacado en EXPO PACK newsletter, and Cierre de EXPO PACK newsletter.
All should be 58,000.
Refer to attached screenshot
trueAMBER MILLERResolved
05/31/24Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherPls update:
Update Show DailytrueAMBER MILLERResolved
05/31/24Mikayala DelsonMediumBASE/WebsitesOtherLeo and Spee-Dee are requesting to have Spee-Dee's videos listed at the bottom of this page. This article talks about Spee-Dee but their videos are not listed under the videos from the advertiser. See screenshot for referenceSpee-Dee Packaging MachineryArticle: BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe YouTube channel ID was entered incorrectly. I updated it to with the correct ID and the videos are flowing as they should.
05/30/24Christy FloresMinorNavigaOtherI'm creating a CPA member Services Focus campaign. In Salesforce there's no assigned rep therefore this should show in Naviga as 'House Rep'. Normally, I'm able to choose the rep when I click on 'Product Group'. However this time the window to choose a rep didn't pop up. Jake Brock was automatically assigned. How can I change this to reflect 'House Rep'?Sales Rep should be 'House Rep' according to Salesforce.Maverick Packaging1231484134.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - GeneralI updated the rep to the house rep and let christy know how to handle this in the future.
05/28/24Lara KriegerMinorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssuePls remove Automation World from the list of magazines and all its content.
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/29/24Brian GronowskiMediumNavigaOthermProduct Contact, Cynthia Boyd is not pushing through

Trying to close out order
12309JENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe contact was added today. When needing to use a contact the same day they are added to SF, please make sure to Force Sync the contact. They are now synced with Naviga.
05/17/24MaryAnn CoyleMinorLeadworksOtherCan you get these two companies merged in Leadworks?

Merge companies in LeadworkstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThese have been merged :)
05/28/24Riley PhoenixMinorLeadworksReporting IssueI don't think LW is correctly collecting Facebook data when it comes to likes and shares, unless there are things (additional likes) I'm not able to see.

This Nercon says it had 40 likes & shares, but it has 30 likes and 3 shares when looking at the actual ads. Could the extra just be private or is there something else going on with the metrics?
trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionNot an error. The likes/shares is pulled from the "Post Reaction" column in Facebook. 40 is the count in the Facebook column for this post.
05/27/24Maria DruziukCriticalOmedaOmeda IssueI could not update my Omeda password, so I couldn't enter Omeda. I tried multiple times, but it didn't work.trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Maria, every few months Omeda requires you to create a new password to the site. The reason it was not accepting your old password is because it required a new one. Please try entering a new password if this happens again and you see the screen that says "Your Password has expired"
05/23/24Bea GreanyMediumNavigaNeed to move the datePlease change the Mundo Flexi banner campaign End Date to 5/24/2024 rather than the scheduled end date of 7/12/2024.

I will ask Anastasia to end the campaign in GAM.

We need to end the campaign since the structure of PACKEvolution Latinoamérica has changed to virtual event rather than in-person event.
PMMI Media Group1175680638.0trueEmma SatchellResolved
05/23/24LEO GUENTHERMinorNavigaNotification IssueCan you add to Feeding and Inserting?AT Information1297trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingAdded to campaign. Confirmed with Dominique they may have until 5/31 to turn in materials.Yes
05/21/24Mikayala DelsonMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would like to zero out this line item. This is a makegood send due to low performance. Liz said it was approved internally.Fortress Technology Inc.1142583912.0trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
05/21/24Mikayala DelsonMediumLeadworksReporting IssueHello, Leo is concerned about this recent MUNDO LinkedIn for Heat and Control:

The clicks and impressions from their recent campaign (60 clicks, 8001 impressions) are drastically smaller than their MUNDO LinkedIn from 2022 (858 clicks and 858 impressions):

I don't think the metrics are accurate for the 2022 campaign but I cannot locate it in LinkedIn.

These were both MUNDO audiences so shouldn't the results be similar?
trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem BugYou were correct, the older campaign was not correct. I've updated the campaign based on the original 2022 run. Please let me know if you have any questions!
05/21/24Tracey LabovitzMajorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHi, guys. A client submitted a QR code for a press release to post on Base, but now they want an image with a Play button that I am supposed to link to a url. But I can't figure out how to link an image to a url in Base. Can you please help? Thank you. It's not Critical (or probably even major), but the story is on hold until I fix this. Thanks.
Base ID: 22910471
trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorNo
05/21/24Mikayala DelsonMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueMetrics are pushed in this LW campaign when i entered them under Add/Update PAN Data for Campaign data but they are not synching on the audience network dash page:

The impressions delivered are not reflective of the metrics I inputted.
NCC AutomationLW 50302 SatchellResolvedNot an errorNot sure if LW needed a minute or what happened, but I clicked "save" on the update metrics page and now the page is reflecting the correct impression count. Again, not sure what fixed it (as I'm sure you clicked save), but the dashboard should now be correct!Yes
05/20/24Fil RielloMinorOtherFeature RequestHi Emma, this is the formal note to make the secondary fields for our Design Request Form optional rather than mandatory. No rush at all on this, there is no due date.

trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorUpdated!
05/14/24WENDY SAWTELLMediumMDTOtherNot sure if this is a Naviga or MDT issue, but noticed the account based linkedIn campaigns in MDT still say the broad categories instead of the new, simplified categories (maybe they haven't been updated in Naviga??). Also, I'm not seeing the two new Robotic e-books in MDT...just says robotic eBook, but I would think we'd have a line item for each one. Feel free to reach out with questions. Thanks.NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/16/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateplease move/create a new line for the 7/17 packaging focus. The client is paying per invoice from 2/21, therefore we may need to create a new line an 0 out. Slack me with questions.

They 2/21 packaging focus did not run but are choosing to pay per Janet.
newlight technologies1145477482.0trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
05/14/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease zero out this line item. Epac paid their previous order in full and did not run any content. Per Janet, we should zero out the line item as a credit from last years invoice.EPac1218983452.0trueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
05/08/24Yvonne SmyerMinorNavigaBase/Website IssueUnable to pull up campaigns

trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHoping the view we used earlier will solve this issue too
05/07/24Lara KriegerMinorNavigaOtherPage outdated

This shows 2023 data. Sales Close is July 19th. The materials close should be July 26th.
NonetrueAMBER MILLERResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
05/13/24Stephanie HaagCriticalLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe first ad is not showing even with information added. I have removed the materials and added different ones and then re-added the correct and it is still not showing.
WestrockMay 24th Weekly newslettertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFil fixed the issue in the codeReviewing with Hannah and Fil - Jenn
05/09/24WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherNaviga and MDT should have the same prices, but the HCP Focus ads show up @ $1,215, but in Naviga they show up as $1,260. Per Hub, iyt should be $1,215, so please adjust in Naviga. BRINKResolvedUser Error - GeneralWendy was grabbing the 2025 rateline because 2024 is set to package only. The HCP Focus NL is a package for 2024.
05/08/24Yvonne SmyerCriticalNavigaBase/Website IssueI'm unable to access the following campaigns:
Advertiser = Fortress Technology Inc.
Brand = Fortress Technology Inc.
Product = PE - PAN for EXPO PACK Mexico - Facebook (2 weeks prior)
Campaign = 11426
Line Id = 79064
Note = Mockups required!

Advertiser = All Packaging Machinery Corp.
Brand = All Packaging Machinery
Product = PW - Facebook
Campaign = 11317
Line Id = 76179
Note = @yvonne, mockups required!
trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWe couldn't reproduce the issue. I showed Yvonne a different view to access the needed ads. Christy also provided direct links.
05/08/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMediumNavigaOthertried to change the status of the campaign from "confirmed" to "canceled" and I no longer have the ability to change a campaign once it's been approved.tetra pak12234trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorIt seems to be cancelled. I can't give reps access to the ability to cancel campaigns based on rules defined by John and Dave.
05/08/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherI need help with two things. Sold them Leaders in Processing with a full page ad in October, so they will get digital stuff for the remainder of the year. Can you add the digital portion to the plan?

Please update LinkedIn targeted campaign to start on 11/22. It is not an option and should not be considered premium because the show is over. New advertiser and ready to approve plan. Thanks.
D&F Equipment12254Elizabeth KachoristrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorYesSent an email to Elizabeth, waiting on approval from request #1.

Request approved.
05/07/24Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaReporting IssuePlease take a look at the attached and note that the start, end and materials due dates appearing for each placement appear to be incorrect.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe dates on the insertion order appear to have adjusted to follow India's date format (DD/MM/YYYY). When I generate the confirmation PDF the dates are correct and the dates on the line items are correct.
05/07/24Mikayala DelsonMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueClient would like to know the following: On the homepage that lists names of previous campaigns it shows there were 84 leads produced with this newsletter ads, and when I click to view the performance of the campaign that section shows we have a total of 75 leads (readers who opened our ads), and then there is a chart section (that shows us the performance of each ad) within the portal that does not reflect that number it shows 98. Can you please clarify this for me?Tourmaline Enterprises BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe difference between the count on the main advertiser page includes "Company Leads". The 77 rows of leads are the leads with data we can share per our privacy policy and in compliance with spam laws. Here is their lead page with that breakdown:
05/06/24LEO GUENTHERMajorNavigaProduct IssueCan not add Sustainability Finder -Plan 12249 See Scrreen ShottrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFixed
05/06/24Brian GronowskiMediumNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateRunning into the same issue as date is not populating for F&I directory. Happened before tooMBW12248trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFixed
05/02/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueI accidentally deleted this campaign in LW, are we able to retrieve it? High Performance Doors1143082016.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMikayla created a new campaign
05/06/24Mikayala DelsonMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'm trying to locate Domino's 4/19 Account Based Buyer Intent LinkedIn to reschedule it but its not appearing in the line items of this order. It is in the signed proposal attached to this order.
Domino Amjet, Inc.10670 BRINKResolvedUser Error - GeneralAdded the new line! Please let me know if you need it adjusted.
05/03/24Mikayala DelsonMinorProduct HubOtherCan we have the Hub Specs updated? It does not specify the following number of ad creatives like all of the other brand's Facebook specs:

Please provide a minimum of 3 full sets of creative. We can accept up to 5 sets.

Mundo FacebooktrueAMBER MILLERResolved
05/02/24Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaOtherAdding three categories to the materials form and the 2nd, Capsules & Tablets/Soft Gelatin, is not sticking. Please see image attached.

Please get all three categories entered and saved:
1) Blister/Clamshells/Skin Packaging,
2) Capsules & Tablets/Soft Gelatin Equipment,
3) Life Sciences
Aylward12242Game Plan category selectionstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis should be fixed. I adjusted the text on the form.
05/02/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThis Supplied eblast is not appearing in Leadworks under upcoming campaigns. Can this be created? Branford Group1222983612.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorCSMs make the Supplied campaigns.
05/02/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherYikes...this seems to be a new issue I haven't seen in a while. A few prices are incorrect in Naviga, even though they are accurate in MDT (on Hub). PW eBlast should be $4,680 (member price) and shows up as $4,815. Show Daily Tabloid should be $7,785 (member price) and shows up as $7,920. Can someone fix the issue and pricing? Thanks.Anritsu11453trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoWendy realized her mistake and told us we can ignore this ticket
04/30/24Brian GronowskiMajorNavigaCustom Product RequestsNeed to add MIA profile to planFoss12239trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
03/20/24Bea GreanyLeadworksOtherno errorHannah Krause needs access to the backend of eBuilder so she can make template updates.n/an/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorSent Hannah a request to train!Training needed
04/30/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYCriticalNavigaMissing a date/Need a datewant to add the 5/8 enfoque for PDC but materials close has happened...they want to pick up materals we used in the past...pdc12237enfoque newslettertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
04/30/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherPlease add 5/7 mailing for PW daily newsletter. I'm waiting to get the ok from Madysen (kelly ok'd), but want to get this in the hopper because after it is added I need to submit a ticket for member rate change and they are ready to sign. If Madysen says it is not doable, I will delete and not send IO until I hear from her. Thanks.Brawn Mixer12225trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded.
04/30/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI tried to change this eblast from a product update to a video spotlight in ebuilder, so i saved the client materials that were submitted and re-uploaded them to the video spotlight template. when i uploaded the images, they show black around the white spaces. see screenshot and original image files.LW proof: Fill LLC. BRINKResolved
04/26/24Jake BrockMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentUnique situation with the Hexagon order. We originally booked them for a CPG Next Roundtable, after the brand discontinued we converted this to a PW supplier webinar. This means we charged them $2,300 more than they should have and John told me we can apply that difference on future media with the client this year. They decided to use it on a spotlight on PACK EXPO enewsletter which is about the same price as their surplus. This means we would need to add a line item for the newsletter ad to their order at $0. Can we add the 10/22 PW spotlight on PACK EXPO date to this order at $0 rate? Let me know if easier for me to create new campaign but I figured it all being on same order would be cleaner. I am attaching both John and client approval to this request. Thanks!Hexagon11760n/aJohn SchreitrueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCampaign updated - please double check to make sure it's been updated per your request
04/26/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentcan't add a full page in show daily to the media plan. see attached error.toss12227show dailytrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed & updated, so error should not occur again. Added product to campaign.
04/26/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentcan't add a full page in show daily to the media plan. see attached error.toss12227show dailytrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed & updated, so error should not occur again. Added product to campaign.
04/25/24Brian GronowskiMediumNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateaTrying to book a F&I program but it is not defaulting to issue date??CMC12224trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorUpdated! Thank you for catching this, Brian.Yes
04/25/24Stephanie HaagMajorLeadworksLeadworks Issuethe dates aren't showing up for the OEM LinkedIn. It is filled in everywhere it should be but still not pulling through.

Set to Major because Christine is meeting with the client tomorrow, Friday, Morning
RysontrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved campaign created. the wrong one was used when creating the campaign. The dev team needs to delete the old campaign.
04/25/24Riley PhoenixCriticalLeadworksLeadworks IssueLW links going to 504 Gateway time-outAlltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYevgeny fixed the issue!
04/24/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd lke to move this 4/19 Linkedin to 5/17 but I am unable to delete the 4/19.Domino Amjet, Inc.1076083279.1trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
04/24/24Jake BrockMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCreated order and added all line items but need the first time advertiser discount of 10% applied to each product. Each newsletter should be $1710 and the banner ads should be about $837. Thanks!Hiwin12217all linestrueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
04/24/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueBrian is asking why there is only 1 Ad column on the Leads reporting page when there are 4 ads for this Eblast. Are all of the leads defaulted under Ad 1? Or do the other ads not have any leads?LW: Solutions: Likwifier, Bematek & Automation DivisionstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUI ClarityThe fields were there, the field order was not saved. Updated the field order and the ads are now displaying.
04/22/24WENDY SAWTELLBASE/WebsitesBase/Website Issuen/aIt appears data cards on the bottom of leaders' pages are being cut off by the site footer. This is for all brands. Could this please be updated? When fixed, could you please let Wendy and Emma know? Attached to request is copy of email from client.n/an/an/atrueDominique CarmonaResolvedUI Clarity ticket filed - Due date 4/26/24
04/23/24Yvonne SmyerOtherBase/Website IssueCampaign vanished - unable to locate it. However, ad shows up in reviewer ; CarmonaResolvedUser Error - CST
04/19/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherLink for Facebook PAN for PACK EXPO doesn't work in media discovery tool.

Brawn MixertrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/22/24Mikayala DelsonOtherOtherI am trying to send an email to this client but I keep getting a "Message Failed to Send" error and it will not allow me to email the client back. See screenshot:Client's email: Sid Cabrera <>Tourmaline EnterprisesEMAILtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorForwarded issue to Ntiva - awaiting their advisement
04/22/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaOtherScout appears to be set up correctly but not displaying on leadworks. Would you be able to take a look and see why they are not showing up. I just asked the client when it was setup but have not heard back.

JAX Inc--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTMissing Scout Campaign and URL under the Advertiser profile.
04/22/24Mikayala DelsonOtherTemplate IssueI sent these LinkedIn mockups for the client to review but the Learn More button is not populating on her screen when she clicks on the mockup links. She needs to see the Learn More button on the ads to get approval from the client. I can see the Learn More button in all of the ads, but for some reason the client cannot. See screenshot of what the client sees. Packaging Machine Corp.LinkedIn Campaign 1119479282.1trueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - Client
04/22/24Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment,I sold a PFW leaders program that consists of the full digital package (6 product categories, digital profile and data card) along with a full-page print ad n October PFW. Can you adjust my plan for the following:

NC full-page ad in October
Invoice Leaders in full @ $4005 in April
If you divide Leaders up between digital and print in April, that is fine. Client is expecting one invoice for $4005 in April
Can you create the production form where I can add the 6 categories

Questions, please reach out.

You will notice I attached the signed order.
The Austin Company12213trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/22/24Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment-Hello, please change the price on the LinkedIn campaign to $1000 per Dave Newcorn. This is a PMMI favor to a partner company. Email autorization is attached to the campaign. Thank you.F4SS12209trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/19/24Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueLeadWorks Upcoming Issues dashboard: I searched for PFW Spotlight on PEI NLs and in addition to the 2 PFW SOPE NLs that should exist, there's a 3rd newsletter with a start date of 11/15/2024 (after PEI). I determined it is supposed to be a PW PACK EXPO Wrap NL. The date and advertisers match theThe Nov 15 PW PACK EXPO Wrap NL is showing in the Upcoming Issues dashboard under "PFW Spotlight on PACK EXPO International NL" and "PW PACK EXPO International Wrap NL"multiplemultiplemultipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorIt looks like the template for the QAD Redzone was set to the PFW version of the NL. Since this was the first advertiser booked into the issue, Ebuilder was using the template and name for the issue. I have adjusted QAD to the correct NL and the issue is resolved. The other advertisers were set up correctly.
04/18/24Yvonne SmyerOtherMaterial Submission IssueLinkedIn will not allow me to add video/photos to adLinkedIn1153478284.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis is an issue with the LinkedIn platform. They are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possibleThis is known issue in LinkedIn. Their developers and engineers are working on a solution.
04/18/24Yvonne SmyerOtherMaterial Submission IssueLinkedIn allows me to create the campaign and ads - however, it will not allow me to add photos to the ads.I have been facing this issue since yesterday (4/17?LinkedIn1119479282.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis is an issue with the LinkedIn platform. They are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possibleDouble checked settings... everything looks correct. I have asked for the campaign and the images to see if I can load. JB
04/17/24Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateno error. We moved PFW Newsletters from Wednesdays to Thursdays but that results in 2 PFW mailings + 1 PFW PACK EXPO mailing on Oct 17 and zero PFW mailings on Oct 16; therefore I want to move the Oct 17 PFW Spotlight on PACK EXPO NL to Oct 16.Oct 17 PFW Spotlight on PACK EXPO currently has 4 advertisers1. MXD Process 2. Linde 3. Bepex 4. Yoran-Imaging1. 80728 2. 81772 3. 81911 4. 83352trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdate completed
04/17/24Lara KriegerNavigaOtherWe do not have a Tabloid size, those need to be moved to the full page entry plsShow DailytrueEmma SatchellResolved
04/16/24MaryAnn CoyleMajorOtherProduct IssuePW Native Article Ad not clicking through to article. When I click on ad on, I am sent to error page. Screenshots and urls in Notes field.Error Url:

NativeX Materials URL:
Asia PulptrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorP1 needed to make a change to allow the story to publish/function as needed. This is now resolved.
04/16/24Lara KriegerNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncThe item "Standard" needs to be renamed "Island" for Show DailyIt is island on the hub and in sma but Naviga lists this item as "Standard" which is confusing to customers and production.Show DailytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedStandard removed. Lines moved to 1/2 page island.
04/17/24Lara KriegerNavigaOtherThere is a 1/4 pg square and a 1/4 page option and l see clients booked in both. This needs to be corrected.We offer a 1/4 pg square for Show Daily, pls remove the 1/4 page and move the clients to the right size in Naviga.Show DailytrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration Error1/4 page line items deleted and replaced with 1/4 pg square on campaigns
04/16/24Lara KriegerProduct HubOtherUpdate page plsCan you please see what the materials due date is? Naviga shows Oct 8 but the hub says Oct 4. Also pls remove the link on the right rail titled "Detailed ad specs", these are outdated from 2021 and the specs page has current content.Show Daily pagetrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorUpdated!
04/26/23Stephanie HaagMajorNavigaOtherMade updates to contact information but it is not stickingWestrocktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
04/16/24Mikayala DelsonProduct HubOtherHello, I've updated the Process Document for Facebook Sponsored posts. Can you remove the current Specs in the Hub and use this link instead? We make sure to keep this doc up to date: Thanks!Facebook Sponsored PoststrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorUpdated!
04/16/24Jake BrockMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAdded line item. Will need 10% first time advertiser discount applied though. New total for the line item should be $5,562. Thanks!HD Hyundai Chemical1219083458.0trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
04/16/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherI got approval from Kelly to sell a facebook targeted post to Robotiq that runs from 4/23-4/30, but unable to add to the plan since the deadline has passed. Can someone add it for me please? Need it quickly because they have to submit ad materials now. Thanks.Robotiq12191trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingUpdated
04/16/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'm trying to move these line items that start in Feb and March to April start date but i am not able to delete them.Mamata Enterprises, Inc.1189881899, 81903, 81906trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingUpdated
04/15/24Bea GreanyOtherOthern/aplease add Yvonne Smyer - to the 'Requestor's Name' field as an optionn/an/an/atrueEmma SatchellResolved
04/15/24LEO GUENTHERMediumNavigaProduct IssueNeed to change all print ads to 1/2 page verticalMamata Enterprises11898trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingCompletedYes
04/15/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentIs there a faster way to changing all of the 1/2 horizontal ads in this campaign to 1/2 vertical without deleting and manually re-adding all of them? Theres about 7 line items that all need to be changed to 1/2 vertical.Mamata Enterprises, Inc. BRINKResolvedBillingupdated the 2 print ads to 1/2 page vertical.YesAsking if we need to update the showcase profile size as well.
02/21/24Riley PhoenixOtherOtherWhenever you go to create a mockup or edit one for PW in the Facebook Creative Hub, AW accounts are automatically selected under Facebook Page & Instagram Account.Low priorityN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
02/21/24Lara KriegerNavigaOtherPMMI member info is not listed and they are a member per salesforceElesa1151178116.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
04/08/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueThis is not a ticket that needs resolving but I wanted to share feedback that I got from a couple of clients regarding the new newsletter templates. I wanted to inform the product team that I've had a couple clients ask why the Logo Ads have been removed from the new newsletter templates. I would respond by saying: For our new PW Newsletter template, we do not have a designated ad for the logo. Although, you do have the option to use one of your 3 ad placements for the logo ad. Our new template improvements were made to boost performance and engagement. The enhancement includes: Ads are now positioned higher up on the template -Ads image size has been increased for improved visibility -A CTA has been added to each adPSSI and National Bulk EquipmenttrueEmma SatchellResolved
04/12/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueI'm trying to change the name of this campaign but i keep receiving this error that does not make sense. See screenshot:NorgrentrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
04/12/24Mikayala DelsonProduct HubTemplate IssueHi! We're working on updating the process for Facebook campaigns. Can someone confirm the budget for MUNDO Facebooks? In the Hub (which is super outdated) it shows Hard Cost $1,050 but we see some recent ones with $800 or $1100Hub outdated specs: Facebook CampaignstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedQuestion
02/29/24Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks Issue-Can you fix this? LW notifications sent to sales reps alerting them of completed LinkedIn campaigns are not pulling in all details. The email link takes you here: (details are missing), but when viewed directly in LW all content is present on this page: Thank you.various--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugSales Rep button has been fixed. Ian is reviewing the CMS notification. now know the issue... waiting for a sample email to come through Monday/Tuesday.
04/10/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherSeveral links don't work in MDT.
Leaders in HCP (all versions)
HCP Focus -
PFW Focus -
PW Focus -
Enfoque -
HCP Spotlight on PEI
PFW Spotlight on PEI
PFW PEI Wrap Newsletter

You can test with Anritsu's MDT if you want. Thanks.
AnritsuMDTtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/11/24LEO GUENTHERMinorLeadworksOtherNeed help getting scout sign upCan you get with Chastity Estrada to set her up with Scout. She has asked to have it added

Hi Leo,
Hope you are having a fantastic day. It was just brought to my attention that I’m not connected to Converge Leads. Can you help me with this? I will also need a code so our website people can install into our website to be able to see this information.

Thank you,
Chastity Estrada | Marketing Coordinator
Bartelt, a ProMach Product Brand
Bartelt | Kayat | Scandia
5501 N. Washington Blvd. / Sarasota / FL 34243
C 941-221-0795
BartelttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorSent to Mikayla to work with the client to setup their scout beacon.
04/10/24Emma SatchellMinorOtherOtherJenn - Could you please send me facebook ad performance for the Cartoning Ebook? I'm looking for total spent so far, clicks, impressions, and cost/click. Thank you!Emman/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
04/10/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherCan someone add the free 1/3 supplier profile for the June issue of PFW that comes with the purchase of a 1/2 page or larger ad? Thanks.Reiser12150trueResolvedNot an error
04/26/23Stephanie HaagMajorLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe leadworks says Facebook but it should be ABBI LinkedIn. ran on 3/22
fallasJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
04/09/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPatrick has requested the addition of a 1/3 page horizontal MIA supplier profile line to be added to this order.Please open the rateline for this client for this product addition or just simply add it. If there are any question or information feel free to slack me!Innovative Refrigeration12175n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
04/09/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentMatthew marking purchased too many eblast extension. They did not match with their eblast schedule. Client has asked and confirmed to transfer the 2 eblast extension into a regular PW pan banners on 3rd party campaign for $1494.Product switch approved by client from lee. Thanks,Matthew Marking System119648,233,782,335.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
04/08/24Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Issues-Good morning, can you please create a $0 line for this item. It was billed per our cancellation policy but is not yet active. Thank you.HB Fuller1193682159.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateNew line item 83424. This is sitting in december. it can move once the client sends in materials.
03/18/24Stephanie HaagMajorLeadworksOtherThis ABBI campaign currently says it is facebook and it can't be edited
rysontrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorCreated a new campaign for Fraizer. Ryson appeared to be ok... just changed the template from Static to Video.
04/08/24Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Issues-Ghost client - In accordance with out cancellation policy this eblast will be billed in April. Please create a $0 line for production (or if there is a better way let me know) End of year placeholder date. Thank you.HB Fuller1193682152.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateThe zero dollar line is 83423. The eblast is on 7/1 Not a popular date because of the proximity to the 4th. Can be moved if the client becomes responsive.
04/26/23Stephanie HaagMajorLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe leadworks says Facebook but it should be ABBI LinkedIn.
R.A JonesJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorNew Campaign:
04/05/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to get this newsletter zeroes out. This is a makegood approved by Wendy for their low performing newsletter on 2/18National Bulk1189583410trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake Good
04/04/24Reed SimonsisMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWas booked as facebook but needs to be Linked inPer courtney, it was approve through John to make a switch to linked in. Please keep same dates and change from facebook to linked in.ESI Group11439773,307,733,177,332trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
04/05/24Mikayala DelsonProduct HubTemplate IssueFor LinkedIn campaigns, the Hub specs say it is due 7 days before the campaign. Although in Naviga, we have it set to two weeks before the campaign (14 days), which we also tell the client. Can we have the Hub updated to: "Materials are due 14 days before the start date of your campaign."PMMI Audience Network: LinkedIn Sponsored PosttrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/03/24Kelly GreebyMinorProduct HubOtherOn this page

Can we change the Show Daily contacts from

Mary Thorne - or 571.485.8986
Tracey Labovitz or 312.205.7931


Lara Krieger (Ad Sales) -
Editorial Submissions -

N/AN/A CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/03/24Christine SmallwoodMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueSelected histories for the various media channels in the LW History Tab, but the LinkedIn channel is only showing three campaigns (all dates). Please see attached.

This doesn't seem correct. Can someone just check it out and get the fix in place if it is, indeed, an error? Or, please confirm that for all time, we've only had three MUNDO LinkedIn campaigns as shown in the query results. Thank you!
MUNDO channel - Leadworks History TabMUNDO channel - Leadworks History TabMUNDO channel - Leadworks History TabtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
03/29/24Christine SmallwoodMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe Leadworks History Tab for LinkedIn appears blank when I select this year (please see attached). I believe we must have 2024 campaigns, therefore, assuming this is a glitch. Please advise.History TabHistory TabHistory TabtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThere was a field in the filtering criteria that was keeping this off of the sales rep view. Yevgeny is applying the fix now.
03/29/24Riley PhoenixBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueIt seems my login credentials have expired and they need to be reset please.N/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
02/20/24Kelly GreebyProduct HubCan you please update the sales rep tab on the Show Daily product in the hub with the attached copy.

Here is a link to the page we want updated -

trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
03/28/24Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease zero out price in the following recently created house Naviga line item: zero out price in the following recently created house Naviga campaign (cartoning eBook): and 1175683260 and 83292trueEmma SatchellResolved
03/26/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the datecannot move due to pricePlease move eblast to the following monday 4/29. Thank you!ESI Group1143977327.0trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
03/26/24lee ashcroftCriticalNavigaOtherI need to add Silgan to the HCP Leaders Digital only - but Naviga will not let me do it.Silgan Systems12129trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorThis has been added to the campaign. Reminder that when adding a package after the initial close date, you'll need to change the start/end date on the line item to add the package.No
03/26/24Jake BrockMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAdded line item.This is a client who just got approved to be a member and was sent official application form this week. They want to buy media as members but the auto discount of 10% will not be reflected on salesforce/naviga until all paperwork is final. Can we apply 10% member discount for now since they are looking to book something in April. Screenshot attached of Brooke in membership confirming they were just sent the application to finalize membership. 10% discount would bring this line item to $3,780. Thanks!Vention1213683257.0trueEmma SatchellResolved
03/26/24Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOtherdI have a client interested in booking a 2025 Leaders in Processing package for PFW. Full-page in Feb 2025 with all the components. Want to strike why they still have interest.

Can you create a Leader package for 2025? Full page ad, profile and all digital components.

Paid in full February 2025
MSKTD12132trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingHello Brian, we've added the 2025 Leaders in Processing package to your client's proposal. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!YesCreated leaders in processing package type, but set package dates in the past after adding for Brian.
03/26/24Jake BrockCriticalNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateAdded both line items at a future date but need them moved still, along with pricing.Hi, a few things need to be done with this order. Need these sends moved to two different dates per approval from Bea. Mundo send should be 4/1 and PW send should be 4/13. The pricing will also need to be adjusted for each send per approval from John. Mundo send will be for $3,400 and PW send will be for $4,420. Total campaign being $7,820. Both approvals are attached, sounds like the 4/13 date is currently occupied by Courtney but she is moving that to a 4/1 PW date. Let me know if you have any questions, hoping to get this their way this morning, sorry this one is so complicated! - JakeMeadoworks12131Both linestrueEmma SatchellResolvedYes
03/25/24Madysen FastOtherSalesForce/Naviga syncI am unable to create Naviga proposals from opportunities in Salesforce.El Pinto FoodstrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorJenn will be creating campaigns in SF while Christy is outChristy is out this week and Madysen is covering for her in creating CM+P freebie campaigns. Madysen needs access to an account to create the freebies OR someone else with Naviga access handles OR freebie campaigns wait until Christy is back.
03/25/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateThis has been previously moved, was originally an eblast to promote webinar but will now be an on demand promotion.Please move to June 17th. Thanks!Hexagon1176082295.0trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingMove completed to 6/17Yes
03/25/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateClient went unresponsive on this campaign while working with others. Decided to move back a month.Please move to April 24th.PPM Technology980981788.0trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingApril 24th was not available, moved to April 29th.Yes
03/25/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaHelp with a viewCan we get a workflow added in Naviga for Webinars?Packsize International1204782741.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorAdded!
03/21/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan Brian add 10K impressions to this banner ad campaign at 0 charge? The campaign has been running without two sizes and we did not catch it until now.Hormann High Performance Doors1143082016.0trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMake Good
03/21/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksProduct IssueFox IV currently has the Scout beacon active on their website but metrics are not flowing into Leadworks.Website: LW: IV Technologies SCOUT CarmonaResolvedUser Error - CST
03/11/24Lara KriegerNavigaFeature RequestCan we have a form to capture PEI categories like we did in 2023. With the category additions, l wanted to get a jump start if possiblealltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis form as been created.
03/20/24Bea GreanyNavigaProduct Issuespot checked ratecards in Naviga. The external IDs are for PELV templates rather than PEI templatesNaviga ratecards contain the wrong External IDs for Spotlight and Wrap newsletters (all brands). Naviga and LeadWorks/eBuilder need to be updated.multiplemultipleNoticed the 2024 Spotlight & Wrap newsletters are in the wrong eBuilder templates.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been updated. I have updated all of the ratecards in naviga with the correct external ID and moved all existing ads to the correct LW template.
03/15/24Bea GreanyProduct HubProduct IssueRequesting update to “Footer Requirements for Supplied E-Blast Templates” page: to attached document for updates.Footer Requirements for Supplied E-Blast Templatespage updatetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
03/19/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateper lara, client wanted august deployment not april.Please move to August with same pricing. Thanks!Rychiger1121875212.0trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
03/18/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentClient was supposed to have a profile send in febuary but was scheduled for April. Instead we are giving an april full page and they got a make good eblast already added and approved in July.Please zero out the line item. This was approved by John.Burns & McDonnell1194183155.1John SchreitrueDominique CarmonaResolvedMake Good
03/13/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMediumBASE/WebsitesOtherneed available impressions projections for for April and May for OEM's website. If there's more than 2k available for OEM, can I sell more or are we still limited to 2k per month?fairlanetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedQuestionJenn sent Liz the counts, passing to Dominique to decide if Liz can sell the full 5K on OEM.
03/15/24Aleks ApkarianNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughconnected Accounts Payable at Vera Causa as billing contact for Heartland Polymers, Changed Billing Contact, saved and refreshed multiple times but "Accounts Payable" will not pull through as billing contact.Thank you!Heartland Polymers/Vera Causa Agency12098Billing ContacttrueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
03/01/24Stephanie HaagMinorNavigaBilling IssuesA billing contact was used that Christine and I can't confirm that we used but when we went to change it that contact (Louis) is showing up as blank in the history section. He also appears in older plans when Ken is the one listed in the invoicesRyson11267, 11266,11265, 7502trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorKen is the billing contact for all plans.YesHanded off to Jenn, who is investigating Monday
03/11/24Reed SimonsisMinorOtherSalesForce/Naviga synctried to ad Fred Walls as a materials contact to get him into leadworks.Contact will not sync to naviga. Could we get him as a contact in leadworks so i can get his login information?

Sparck Technologiesn/a-trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugFred is in Leadworks. The reason it isn't showing as linked in SF is because there is an issue with the link to Naviga. We have seen this before and I have asked Simone to work her magic.
03/12/24Riley PhoenixLeadworksReporting IssueWent into "Add Audience Network" to see there were no metrics pulled, went back and clicked "Update Audience Network", received the error in screenshot. Canada4927279118.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorCreated a new campaign with the correct brand:
03/14/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateClient was having trouble giving access to creatives in time for this fridays deployment. They agreed to move the eblast to allow them to fix their image sharing in time.Please move to next friday March 22nd.Slideways1191881993.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date3/22 wasn't an open date, so I moved the ad to the next open OEM date of 4/12.
03/13/24Jake BrockMajorNavigaNeed to move the dateSet up the order and added line items.March 26th date closed yesterday, client confirmed they will have materials in by deadline and Reed got approval to sell them the March 26th date so will need that eblast line item moved to that date. The 4/15 date is the placeholder right now so please move that line item. Final order should have two eblasts on the order one for 3/26 and one for 4/1. Looking to get over to them to sign before end of day, thanks!!IsoMetrix1211383143.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved :)
02/07/24Stephanie HaagMinorProduct HubOtherThe image for the Weekly Newsletter is super tiny and not helpful for clients for reference.Weekly NewslettertrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorExamples have been updated
03/07/24Stephanie HaagMajorLeadworksOtherall of these are ABBI campaigns but they currently say they are facebook and it can't be editedRonchi, blueprint, spantech,trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorCreated new campaigns.
03/12/24Yvonne SmyerLeadworksLeadworks Issue"Update Audience Network Campaign" error message. Will not automatically pull the LinkedIn metricsCan you please add me to the Systems Error Dropdown - ysmyer@pmmimediagroup.comLeadworkstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed. New campaign was created.
03/11/24Lara KriegerProduct Hub

Can the 2024 list of categories be listed on this page since there have been changes.
trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change2024 PEI categories have been added to showcase
02/21/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThere seems to be an image issue in Leadworks. When the client uploaded the images, there was a small black line appearing. See attached for the original image vs. the one uploaded to Ebuilder. We had the client send the original images and uploaded them manually in Omeda.Naviga: BRINKResolvedDeployment date passed, apologies for the delay.Deployment date passed, email went out
01/17/24Sharon TaylorMinorOtherFeature Requestn/aCould Sharon please have a auto Naviga report sent to her weekly of the CPG Next Digital Transformation Report inventory?n/an/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
03/07/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateEblast was for a pmg supplier webinar promtion which is not yet ready.Please move to April 1st. (cant move due to price)Hexagon1176082295.0trueEmma SatchellResolvedMoved to 4/1Yes
03/07/24Lee AshcroftMediumNavigaOtherNeed to move this line item from April to July/August. Thank you!Rychiger Canada1121875212.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/08/24LEO GUENTHERMinorNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughBilling contact shows up on the plan but not the PDFWaited over night in hopes the contact would sync but it did not. This is the 3rd time this week I have had this problem.Optima12102trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
03/08/24Christy FloresOtherOtherMarketing Ads are not showing up on the HCP website.NativeXtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHCP Marketing ads were intentionally left off of the home page.
03/07/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentMake Good neededPlease zero out this line as it was agreed by john for a make good.burns & Mcdonnell1194183047.0John SchreitrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodDone!
03/06/24Bea GreanyProduct HubProduct IssueJenn Brink reminded me that multi-video eblasts use the same image specs as the grid/Focus newsletters so that item needs to be revised. Refer to screenshto.Also noticed that 'pixels' or 'px' is missing from Industry Webinar eblast image specs. Please add for consistency.n/aeblast specsOne more revisiontrueEmma SatchellResolvedCompleted
03/06/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughThe billing contact is set to Chris Green in Naviga but is not populating as him on the IO.Packsize International12047trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe billing contact has been updated.
03/06/24WENDY SAWTELLMediumNavigaOtherThis is a wonky situation and we had to approve this plan for them, but he wants a copy of the IO and I can't download it. Can someone send me a copy? Thanks.Yaskawa11251trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorSent Wendy the confirmation PDF.
03/01/24tsmith@pmmimediagroup.comBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueAdded the webinarWe need to add Webinars to the navigation on OEM that points here: SatchellResolvedCompleted
03/04/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMediumNavigaBilling IssuesThe IO specifies the billing address should be :

4525 W. 100th Place,
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

But, I don't want to change the master company address or billing address and I don't think we should enter another MEPAX just for the new address. I proposed that we add a note to the order in the billing instructions but Courtney has informed me that Janet won't advance the order until the address has been updated (not in the billing notes).

Not sure how this gets resolved but the order is currently stuck in limbo. Thanks!
Emerson12060trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedAddress Issueadded the company to SF. because we needed both a new name and address, updating directly in Naviga was not an optionl
03/05/24MaryAnn CoyleNavigaOtherCan someone have a call with me to fix Alek's Dase-Sing orders? She and I discovered that the wrong tier was added and we need to adjust so they are in Mundo issue. I can explain further on a call. Sorry!Dase-SingtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepConnected with MaryAnn. Updated the plan together.
03/05/24lee ashcroftCriticalNavigaOtherThere's no error - we just need to add the product that I have attached a screenshot of here.

They need to sign today to have a hope of getting in.

Thank you so much!
Delta Modtech12096trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorAdded!
03/04/24Tracey LabovitzBASE/WebsitesWhen I search for an article on the ProFoodWorld website or press on any category, I get an error message. I have attached that error message. Thank you.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugI wasn't able to replicate the issue. Tracey confirmed when she goes to the search now, she is able to search as expected. Most likely happened during something updating and it was momentarily down.I can't reproduce the issue, I asked Tracey to send me a video of the issue.
03/04/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateClient did not have a print ad to run due to being the in process of a name change.Please move this full page ad to april. Thank you!cablevey conveyor1181981268.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/04/24Bea GreanyProduct HubProduct IssuePlease update product hub specs for Focus/Wrap (grid) multi-advertiser NLs. CM+P Focus newsletter now includes copy. The template image is correct however the bulleted specs do not include copy or the letters corresponding to the template image. The CMP Focus NL specs should looks the same as HCP, PFW, PW Focus NL specs. Also we're encouraging submission of a slightly larger image (250px min. width). Refer to screenshots.Please remove ".gif" as an accepted file type from ALL email image specs.allFocus & PE Wrap (grid) newsletterstrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorUpdated
03/04/24WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherHere's a weird one. I sent six proposals to Tom at Yaskawa on Saturday. He approved them and sent me an email that said, I think I approved all of them. I only got five approval emails, so I sent him the one that still says it is open. He responded and said, when he clicks the l ink to approve, it says it was already signed. See screenshots of my open opportunity and of the message he gets when he clicks on the link. Hoping someone can solve this exciting Monday morning mystery. Thanks.Yaskawa11251trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugPlan was approved manually and the client's email chain was added for proof.
03/04/24Lara KriegerProduct HubPlease update to 2024 on this page and remove 2023.
trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdated
03/04/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateNeed to align custom campaign. Due to packaging i cannot move.Please move the 3/22 facebook to 4/12. THank you!ESI Group1143977330.0trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCompletedYes
03/01/24Lara KriegerProduct HubHi,
The Mundo show issue materials due date is incorrect, materials are due by April 8th not the 28th. Pls update.
trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdated
02/29/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaHelp with a viewCan you please assign workflow to line item 82131.2 campaign 11933 and line item 82156.2 campaign 11939ACDO Manufacturing and PMI Kyoto PW Cartoning E-books11933, 11939trueEmma SatchellResolvedWorkflow has been added in Naviga.
02/29/24Jake BrockMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAdded each line to order.Looking to have first time advertiser discount applied for 10% off. Each line item would need 10% off. Eblast should be $4,680 and focus should be $1,935. I am off later this morning through the weekend so if any way to take care of this quickly so I can send them proposal before I leave would be great, thanks!Anser Coding12079John SchreitrueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingYes
02/28/24Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncSeems like I cannot get Mike Carpenter to sync:

Can you please get this to function so I can write the proposal?
Circular Actionn/an/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorGood Morning, Christine!! Mark Carpenter is now showing as a contact in Naviga when creating an order for Circular Action. I assume this means the ticket is complete. Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding your request. – EmmaYes
02/28/24Bea GreanyProduct HubOtherCouple of things: 1. The updated eblast specs page should be connected to all eblast product pages. Currently, CM+P eblast and Mundo EXPO PACK eblast display different spec pages. 2) In the hamburger menu there's no option for OEM - is this intentional? (refer to screenshot)n/atrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
02/28/24Lara KriegerNavigaProduct IssueNo full page listed for a 2 pg unitHeat and Control has a 2 pg unit but there is no full page ad listed in Naviga that should be included in this purchaseHeat and Control1136376520.1trueEmma SatchellResolvedThis has been added and CSMs will be reminded to add the profile movingforward.
02/27/24Bea GreanyProduct HubProduct IssueProdut Hub: Infographic & Event eblast specs contain an error.character count limit for the eblast copy should be 560 characters, including spaces (not 650)Eblast Specsn/an/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedHub has been updated
02/27/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the datealready billed out, need to move the zeroed out datePlease move deployment to March 23rd. Finally have video done.Paratherm1053580803.0trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingDate has been movedYes
02/27/24Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncAttempting to Create a Naviga Proposal. But get stuck since the sync does not appear to be functioning. I have synced the account. The contact does not appear to be syncing correctly and it's stuck on my end. Please see if you can get this function to work properly for me. I'll revisit tomorrow morning and see if it works.Circular Actionn/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThere was an error with the address. Salesforce has been updated and Naviga/SF are now in sync.
02/27/24Riley PhoenixLeadworksReporting IssueWent into "Add Audience Network" to see there were no metrics pulled, went back and clicked "Update Audience Network", received the error in screenshot. Products Company4765875932.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe wrong LI ID was in the campaign. I updated it to 679349603 and the data pulled in.
02/27/24Riley PhoenixLeadworksReporting IssueWent into "Add Audience Network" to see there were no metrics pulled, went back and clicked "Update Audience Network", received the error in screenshot. BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe wrong LI ID was in the campaign. I updated it to 671379314 and the data pulled in.
02/27/24Christine SmallwoodCriticalNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncTrying to connect a SF opportunity to Naviga in order to create a proposal. Stuck in a feedback loop (see attached).Accredotrying to create a Naviga campaignn/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Christine! I looked up the campaign in Naviga and it appears you were able to create the campaign. I'm marking this ticket as resolved, but please let me know if I'm missing something and this error is still active. - EmmaYes
02/26/24Jake BrockNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCreated orderBea gave approval to get one more advertiser in the March 5th Spotlight on PACK EXPO East newsletter. Deadline has passed for this date so will need inventory opened back up to have line item added for the client. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!Vention12066wont let me add since no dates availabletrueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
02/26/24Jake BrockMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAdded webinar line item to order.Had issue with their membership application so John approved giving them member rate for the webinar. Will need webinar line item changed to $13,680. Thanks!Vention1206582846.0John SchreitrueEmma SatchellResolved
02/26/24Lara KriegerSend My AdOtherFull page ad is not moving to SMACCL Heathcare1205382776.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorRe-pushed ad. it is showing now.
02/22/24Lara KriegerNavigaOtherPulling a sales report from Naviga for the PFW April issue and see a client with a Feb Leaders profile listed in here?There are no profils in the April issue of PFW. Was this supposed to run in the Feb issue?Burns & McDonnell1194182166.1JENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepWe are not sure how this was able to booked in April. the line and package both hold the required section. Rep/CSM should have made sure the correct month was selected.
02/22/24Bea GreanyProduct HubProduct Issuebased on current query sizes, please adjust the trade show newsletters audience distribution figures in the Product Hub. to Column E in the PACK EXPO tab of the Omeda Email Audience - Quarterly Updates spreadsheet. show newsletters audience distribution adjustmentstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
02/22/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the datecannot move date.please move date to apriil 25thESI Group1143977327trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
02/21/24Lara KriegerSend My AdOtherVerified Naviga was rightThis STEVANATO GROUP full page is right in Naviga BUT was pushed by the api to SMA ad a half horizontal. Manually changed it in SMA but pls check the API.STEVANATO GROUPtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
02/15/24Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks Issueclicking on ads in email test campaigns. For the past 2 hours, I've experienced links working as expected, then not working – I received “500 Internal Server Error” messages for multiple campaigns; now they seem to be working again.I clicked on ad links in PW-Supplied HTML-Digimarc-2/19/2024 (PMMICD240215007) PW-NL-Packaging Focus-2/21/2024 (PMMICD240213004) PW-White Paper-SEW-2/27/2024 (PMMICD240215004) BRINKResolvedNot an errorI am not able to replicate the issue. Parking this ticket and will watch the connection for the rest of the day.
02/19/24Christine SmallwoodMinorLeadworksReporting IssueSelected the Jan 2023 start date for Content Engagement report but the Leaders stats are not appearing for their 2023 HCP placement. Please see if this can be fixed...I just need the stats. Thank you!MGSLeadworks - Leaders 2023 reportingLeaders 2023 reporting in Content Engagement ReporttrueEmma SatchellResolvedI have reached out to Stephanie to connect with you on this order. It appears while this order was purchased, it was not fulfilled.YesStephanie out today, email scheduled to send at 6pm 2/20
02/14/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherLink to Robotics eBook does not work in Media Discovery Tool (not sure about other eBooks). Thanks.NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
02/16/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherIf john agrees that I can still sell Tempco a Pro Leaders plan, can you remove the profile and move the 1/2 horizontal ad to the summer issue. They will also get the digital stuff all year with one category. He's ready to sign today. Thanks.TempcotrueEmma SatchellResolved
02/01/24Emma SatchellLeadworksLeadworks IssueIn advertiser's reporting, shows as 0 leads, while when you click into reporting it shows 74. Technologies Holdings LLCn/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere is already a ticket running for this, so I am adding this example. Here is the link to the ticket:
02/02/24WENDY SAWTELLLeadworksOtherNot seeing Leaders impression numbers in Leadworks for January and hope we've captured that info. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI am seeing more activity.
02/14/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherI wanted to add PAN LinkedIn and Facebook for CPG Next audience, but not seeing the option in MDT. In-person meeting in Itasca at 10am, so I know it can't be done before then, since it takes 24 hours, so no hurry.
EllistrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
02/13/24Christy FloresLeadworksLeadworks IssueI am no longer able to change the LW template for a campaign. Is this something I need permission for or is it a glitch? The campaign is set as a video eblast but has to change to an HTML template. When I go to update the campaign in LW the option to change the template is no longer there.Advertiser is: James Alexander Corp. for 2/26/24 deployment date.LeadworkstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorAdjusted Christy's roles. She now has the ability to change templates.
02/13/24Riley PhoenixLeadworksReporting IssueWent into "Add Audience Network" to see there were no metrics pulled, went back and clicked "Update Audience Network", received the error in screenshot. & Son1114578993.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThese were created as brand PMG, LI needs to match the actual brand in the auto connection... so I deleted to OG campaign and moved everything to a new Campaign.
02/12/24Christy FloresLeadworksLeadworks IssueTried to adjust the logo image in LW for Syntegon eblast and the image became distorted when I uploaded it. The specs are correct. 2nd advertiser, NB Corporation of America, when the client submitted their main image with correct specs, LW distorted the image. This is also an eblast.See attached screenshots for both Advertisers mentioned.LeadworkstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - ClientThe client loaded an image that as below spec for NB. Syntegon was a bug.
02/12/24LEO GUENTHERMinorLeadworksOtherI can not find the link on the HUB to fill out the form to get Scout loaded on the Polypack websiteContact is Candace Watkins and her email is cwatkins@polypack.comPolypacktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThe form has been depreciated. The rep should work directly with their CSM to get scout installed on the client's website.
02/08/24Christine SmallwoodCriticalNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncConnecting to Naviga from SalesForce. Connecting to a proposal, creating a proposal.allallalltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedI am not seeing an issue in the connection between the two systems. I have requested that Christine restart her browser and re-login to Salesforce.
02/07/24Christy FloresOtherSalesForce/Naviga syncIt's me again. Salesforce is not syncing the advertiser's contacts. I tried a force sync to no avail. This is for the Advertiser The Vegan Co-Packer, LLCSalesforcetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CST
02/06/24Christy FloresOtherSalesForce/Naviga syncI'm getting an error message in Salesforce when trying to create a Naviga proposal for a CPA member's free CM+P Focus NL . See attached images of there error message I'm receiving. Any guidance is appreciated. Thank you!This is only happening for Hazelnut Growers of OregonSalesforcetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CST
02/08/24Lara KriegerNavigaOtherReportHi- can you ensure l am getting notified if the CPG Next digital report sells... How do l find it in Navia?N/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedI am building an informer report that will send Lara a list of all future sales each monday morning.
02/06/24Christy FloresLeadworksLeadworks IssueI need to change the campaign template and subtype from a Video eblast to a Product Update eblast but when I click on Edit Campaign, the option is no longer there. I've attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing when in the Edit Campaign window.LeadworkstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorClient submitted product materials in a video template. The system locked the template field for production (worked as intended). Admin needs to adjust the template. Before the switch is made, production needs to pull the materials out of ebuilder and reload when template is switched.
12/22/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherPlease note that I do not want anyone to worry about t his until we are back in the office in January, but want to get it off my plate. Brooke from Columbia wants copies of all her insertion orders, but I can't just provide her the ones she signed off on, because changes have been made since, and they don't reflect the changes on what she signed. Somehow, I need new invoices pulled for all four campaigns, so she has accurate information. Thanks.Columbia MachineFour campaigns. 11095, 11404, 11491 & 11552trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorEmailing PDFs to Wendy nowYes
02/05/24Madysen FastMinorNavigaOtherI need to change these two campaigns to 1/2 vertical instead of horizontal, but because they are attached to leaders and package only, I am not able to change the size and not mess up the pricing.client kept as is.ProSys1145577489 and 77490trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't Do
02/02/24Aaron HandBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueWhen you type "hpp" into the Tag field, there are two entries.Please delete Tag: HPP [3197937]. We have another HPP tag, and I've made sure everything is tagged with the other HPP tag already. NOTE: My email address above is incorrect and I will not receive those emails. It should be SatchellResolvedDuplicate tag has been deleted.
02/01/24MaryAnn CoyleNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI am unable to apply discount on any of the Focus Newsletters because there is no Line DescriptionReference Proce Request sheet: SatchellResolvedComplete!
02/01/24Jake BrockMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAdded line itemsWill need first time advertiser 10% discount applied to this order for all three products. PW eblast should cost $4680, PFW eblast should cost $3,960 and LinkedIn should cost $6,435. Thanks!Formic11965All three linesJohn SchreitrueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCampaign updated!
01/31/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House Adpmmi/1017261183182312trueEmma SatchellResolved
01/31/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House Ad. Thank you much!!pmmi/1017261102982311trueEmma SatchellResolvedUpdated
01/31/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House Adpmmi/1017261025582308trueEmma SatchellResolvedUpdated
01/31/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House Ad. Thank you!pmmi/1017261019682304trueEmma SatchellResolvedUpdated
01/31/24Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Good morning, Jenn (or Dominique), can you please move the full page ads for Schneider as follows - move to July/August and October (they are not running in Jan/Feb)Schneider, Phoenix1166979852-3trueEmma SatchellResolvedLine 79852 moved to July/August issue
01/30/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMajorNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI'm looking for a LinkedIn date in September as close to October as possible for the following audience:

bagging, pouching, wrapping; cartoning, multipacking and case packing; coding, labeling and printing equipment; filling, capping, and closing; tray, clamshell and blister packaging equipment in pharma, nutraceutical, medical device and cosmetics companies

mg america11961trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello Liz! There are no PW LinkedIn spots available in September, however, I was able to add a premium timing LinkedIn post for you for October. Let me know if that works or if you'd prefer a different available date.
01/30/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line items zeroed out for these House Ads. Thank you!!pmmi/1017261183182268, 82270, 82271, 82272, 82273, 82274, 82275, 82276, 82277, 82278, 82279, 82280, 82281, 82282, 83383trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCampaign has been updated
01/29/24Mikayala DelsonOtherOtherI noticed that HCP and OEM LinkedIn campaigns are coming in as Static or Video, whereas PW is Targeted or General (Targeted LinkedIn - $1,200 / General LinkedIn - $2,300). What are the budgets for HCP and OEM Static posts and Video posts?HCP LinkedIn and OEM LinkedIntrueEmma SatchellResolvedQuestionHi! This is noted in the Process tab of the hub, but OEM and HCP LinkedIn hard costs are $1,500. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this!
01/29/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the datecannot move dates,materials not yet inPlease move start date to 2/1/2024 with an end date of 12/31/2024 for billing purposes.

Thank you!
Rychiger1159179122trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingDeleted original rateline, replaced with rateline 82247 (start date 2/1)Yes
01/29/24Mikayala DelsonProduct HubI would like to update the Processes for the following products in the hub (all brands)! I will include the links to the updated process documents.

PMMI Audience Network: LinkedIn Sponsored Post:

PMMI Audience Network: Banner Ads on Third-Party Sites:

Native ads (across the web):

PMMI Audience Network: Video Pre-Roll on Third-Party Sites:

Thank you!
trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an error
01/29/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House Adspmmi/1017261183182234, 82234, 82235, 82236, 82237, 82233, 82241, 82240trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
01/29/24Madysen FastMediumNavigaNeed to move the dateThis is a case study that needs to be moved to late February, but it is lot letting me change the date.Squid Ink1118975921trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingHi Mady! I had to delete the original rateline and create a new one (82232), as the start/end date had already passed on the original rateline. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
01/29/24Brian GronowskiMajorNavigaProduct IssueUnable to add line item for PFW Leaders digital only. Keep getting error message stating rate card need to be selectedCamfil11715trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration Error
01/29/24Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOtherWhat is this code:

Naviga Proposal Status

Plan can be deleted, it was replaced by 11949 under Exor International SpaExor America11948trueEmma SatchellResolvedQuestionAnswered by emailYes
01/29/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdPMG/1073711195782229trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
01/26/24Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks Issue-Hi Jenn, can you please update the best practices link in the Leadworks materials notifications and reminders so it clicks through to: Thank you!Internal--trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/26/24Brian GronowskiMajorNavigaNeed to move the dateUnable to close a OEM Leaders program. Digital closed date needs to be adjusted to be adjusted 2/8Exor11948trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
01/25/24Bea GreanyBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueA reader notified Matt Reynolds about a potential error in the Base article login process "The link took me to a page to add my work email. That prompted a one-time link. Which took me back to a page to add my work email." I also tried to login to view the full article and was unsuccessful.Sharing screenshots of the messages and landing pages I received when attempting to login to view the full article, CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error sent to P1
01/25/24Lee AshcroftMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlan IT simply want to add 1 additional category to their Leaders. So they would have 5 in total.Plan IT11565trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/25/24Lee AshcroftCriticalNavigaOtherRychiger would like to make a slight increase in one of their two agreements this year. They would like to swap their Show Daily purchase with a purchase for the Inside Back Cover of GamePlan. I have selected urgent because I don't want anyone else to snap it up in the meantime!Rychiger Canada1159179116trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't DoPosition is sold to Norgren.
01/25/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would like to change this to Inside Back Cover but I am receiving an error in Naviga.Leibinger11883trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/25/24Courtney NicholsProduct HubOtherBest practices PDFHi Dominique, after sending the last email I noticed something was left out. Attached is the final (interim) version. Please confirm the new URL so we can update LW and CSMs can add it to their emails. Thanks so much!Internal--trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/24/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherMadysen unable to change both of their LinkedIn video posts to Sponsored posts...can someone do that please? Thanks.Aagard11403trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/24/24WENDY SAWTELLMediumNavigaOtherWhen Aagard signed this contract, Account Based product on LinkedIn was $7,200, but then we changed it to $4,680, but $7,200 still shows up on the signed contract. She is requesting a revised contract with correct pricing. Can someone send me that please? Thanks.Aagard11403trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/24/24Bea GreanyOtherOtherThe Smartsheet System Errors form is generating an error message when I enter text in the 'Notes' field. Notes field error message: "Invalid email format" I'm not entering an email!N/AN/AN/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorField validation was set to email - now changed to no validation type
01/24/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueA-B-C is trying to locate their Upcoming New Issue Alert Newsletters in the Upcoming Campaigns in Leadworks, but they are not populating. I don't see them either.A-B-C Packaging Machine Corp.11194truetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWe didn't attach the external ID to the rateline because the re-designed template isn't ready. I have now added the external ID and created the adset for the client to use, however until the HTML is complete, there will not be a preview of the client's ad.
01/24/24Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateMay 8 is overbooked for PFW. Need to remove a PFW email. Patrick agreed to move the 5/8 PFW PPM Technologies eblast to May 15. Please 1) create a May 15 PFW eblast date 2) move the PPM Technologies PFW eblast (line ID 79940) in campaign 11666 from May 8 to May 15 3) DELETE the May 8 PFW eblast from Naviga inventory.PPM Technologies Holdings LLC / 1007191166679940trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
01/24/24Tracey LabovitzProduct HubPlease change the sales and ad close date for Show Daily in the Hub to 10/4. Thank you.trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/09/24Casey FlanaganBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHi, Stephanie just showed me that a CPG Next newsletter quiz made its way onto the site's What's Trending section (#6). I checked the quiz page in Base and I don't see a way to change that myself. Is there a way to remove that from the What's Trending selection?Here's the quiz in Base: ... I see it at the bottom of any eyebrow section on the site: ... Thank you!NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorTo get these to stop appearing on the home page/whats trending area, we need to select Quizzes for the intended site for the primary site/section. P1 is excluding based on items setup this way.
12/06/23Madysen FastMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueFor upcoming eblasts, in e-builder, there is not the option to repeat an ad, even though Columbia Machine has multiple past ads they could repeat. I have checked other advertisers, and they still have that option, but Columbia Machine does not.
Columbia MachinetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error on Yevgeny
01/23/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherI'm unable to change Harpak's Leaders in Packaging first print ad from January/February to March/April...can someone do that for me? They are approving ASAP. Thanks.Harpak11122trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone!
01/23/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherNBE wants to swap out their 6/19 PFW eBlast and replace with one of the new dates recently added. They would like the 4/17 deployment. Can you change the date on their approved plan? I'm only making this critical because I don't want another rep to snag that date. Thanks.National Bulk11895trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
01/23/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateaccidentaly had this scheduled in 2023Please move to march 25th 2024

PPM Technology980981788trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
01/22/24Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaReporting IssueAm noticing that the 2024 media spend totals are not appearing in my Salesforce view under, "My Accounts". Please see attached and confirm that this can be fixed.Syntegon (2 separate accounts) please see campaign numbers below11874 + 117952 campaignstrueRyan SharerResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis appears to be fixed. Please confirm you are seeing the numbers.This has been turned over to Andy's team. We do not adjust SF dasboards.
01/22/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherPlease change the second ad so it runs in October...I can't make the change and get an error message.Columbia Machine11917trueDominique CarmonaResolved
01/18/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherNone of the CM+P Newsletter links work in MDT. services and machinery version as well as the exclusive newsletter. Two of them are on this attached plan, so you'll have to fix the machinery one too. Thanks.Proven PartnerstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/22/24Aleks ApkarianMDTLeadworks IssueUsed MDT to build example list of media options, cross checked with Hub and pricing for LI and FB targeted campaigns don't match. Went into Naviga to create example proposal and pricing matches Hub, not MDT.Verdeco Recycling1192082000, 82001trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedThis isn't an error. It looks like 2023 ratelines were used in the MDT plan Naviga and hub are correct with the 2024 pricing.
01/22/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateBilled in 2023, rescheduling q1 2024. A new line has been created.Please zero out line 82004. Thank you!Steamericas - Optima Steamer102476,883,782,004.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/22/24Christine SmallwoodCriticalNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncAlthough I am checking the "Force Sync" button followed by 1) In Naviga & 2) In Leadworks, each of the contacts is not actually syncing over to Navig. Because of this, when I attempt to write a proposal from the Gummies opportunity, there is no "Order Contact" available in the drop down. Will you please help me Force Sync all three contacts in the Makat account?Makat Candy Technology GmbH (Syntegon)Naviga Account Number 116270creating a Naviga ProposaltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugHi Christine! There was an update in Naviga over the weekend that affected our connection between SF and Naviga. Their team has fixed the issue and you should be able to sync companies and contacts again. I force synced one of yours and it was successful. Please let me know if there are any additional issues. Thanks! Jenn
01/16/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherlink for OEM LinkedIn to hub not working.

NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorUpdated link, awaiting overnight change
01/19/24Jake BrockMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAdding line items.Per approval from John we will apply a discount to each of the line items on this order. Both digital report sponsorships should cost $5,500. Bringing total campaign total to $11,000.Power Central11911both linesJohn SchreitrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/18/24Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaAdding an AgencyActually, this is a problem with removing an agency. The change has been implemented several times but it never sticks. Universal Robots no longer has McCall Media. We've removed it and it has been escalated, but they are appearing again in the media campaign proposals. Please confirm and thanks!Universal Robots11902 and 11903 - please check the account overall (multiple fixes that did not stick/are not sticking)n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHI Christine, I have removed the agency connection in Naviga manually. Please let me know if this issues happens again. Thanks,
01/18/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThere was a mistake on a print ad.Was informed by Lara and patrick to add a make good pfw mag for april.

Please zero out the line.
Chales Ross & Son1159281916JENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodDone!
01/16/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House Ads. Thank you!!pmmi/1017261187881732, 81733trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
01/17/24Christy FloresNavigaOtherNaviga doesn't show a 2024 CPA campaign for Alek Apkarian or House Rep. I'm creating line items for the Free CM+P NL's that will be billed to CPA but becasue the two mentioned don't show in Naviga, I'm unable to create the line items.. I've attached an image showing a few of the reps that currently show up for reference to what I need created.100475trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone! I added house rep and turned Tom D's into Aleks. I moved Power Central from that plan to Jake's since Jake took over Tom's accounts.
01/18/24MaryAnn CoyleMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI am unable to adjust rate lines for Wendy since there is no Line Description for LIP items. 81725, 81726, 81727 should be reduced to $3000 as No override-New Advertiser.

81728 should be reduced to $3060 as No override-New Advertiser.
Pack Air, Inc.1179481725,81726,81727,81728trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/17/24MaryAnn CoyleNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNaviga shows HCP Asked & Answered price as $6800 but Hub says $6650. ot sure which is correct but I had to adjust price for one of Leo's orders to reflect Hub.NA CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe 2023 price is still on the hub... the hub will need to be updated to reflect the 6800 price. Thanks!
01/17/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThese FB and LI campaigns are not populating under the Audience Network Report for: Industrial Fumigant Co. Can we push these so they appear? Fumigant Co.1176980799.2 and 80800.2trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorCampaigns are still running. they won't hit the audience network view for the client until they are done running.
01/17/24LEO GUENTHERCriticalNavigaOtherCan you please ad a Pro Plan with 1/2 horizontals in May/June, September and OctoberIs there any way you can open LIP back up. I am guessing each rep has a prospect out there that have not confirmed LIP Yet. I know Shurtape is going to confirm tomorrow or Friday.ADCO11195trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepYou just need to move the digital dates forward and the plan will add as it should. The 1/15/2024 is what is throwing the closed error.
01/16/24Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThese two PAN campaigns are not loading under the advertiser's Audience Network Histroy tab. can we push these so that they appear? BRINKResolvedNot an errorThese will not pop onto the Audience Network tab for the client until there are impression counts added. If you mean our banner ad history tab, let me know and I will look into it.
01/17/24Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateplease move the 12/18 eblast to march 25th.
Billed but has not run.
please move the 12/18 eblast to march 25th.
Billed but has not run. Thanks!
PPM Technology980966949trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
01/12/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI quoted canon on the eb multichannel based on the pricing attached but the price is different in of these needs to be adjusted and then the price for canon's order needs to be adjusted in naviga to match the quoted price, please! thanks!canon usa11864trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Repextra LI ad was added.1/16 - Emailed Liz. I see an extra EBA LI ad. The package should be 1 banner ad line and 2 LI ads. There are 3 EBA LI ads on this plan.
01/17/24Brian GronowskiMajorNavigaOtherGenerated PDFPlease review order #11880 When you generate a PDF to send to client every line item has the same Package Name. PFW - Leaders in Processing - full-page - 2024.

Show stuff, PAN stuff
Linde11880trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepBrian added the non package products while adding the package. MaryAnn helped him correct this
01/16/24Bea GreanyNavigaOtherNaviga 'Due Date' field disappeared from the Production by Sales Rep dashboard view. I reconfigured the campaign lines to add back the Due Date field. After re-adding the 'Due Date' field, the date is formatted as Day, Month D, 2024 time rather than M/DD/YYYYallalln/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionWe can't adjust the date format in our settings, but I can send a request to see if its something that can be adjusted or an option they can expose
01/16/24Madysen FastMinorNavigaOtherThe due date tab on Naviga in the production by sales rep view is not there anymore. It only shows the start and end date. Is there a way to add the due date back?N/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionYou can add the due date field back to the view by clicking "configure output" and add the field back. We can't adjust the date format in our settings, but I can send a request to see if its something that can be adjusted or an option they can expose.
01/17/24LEO GUENTHERCriticalNavigaOtherCan you open up this plan for PXE Showcase. I need to Add the IFC to the issue and it said it closed Jan 9Lara approved we can get the ad in the issueLeibinger11883truetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThis has been added.
01/16/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherTrying to add a Leaders Pro plan for PW but it won't let me and says it closed on the 15th...we will be selling it for a while if the dates can be pushed back.
NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Repthe dates for the digital products were set to 1/15. issue was resolved by moving those lines to 2/1
01/12/24Jake BrockCriticalNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateAdded line item.Approval from production to sell January 19th start date for Linkedin campaign. Just need inventory opened up again for this date to be able to select it. Thanks!Boston Dynamics1185581455trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
01/12/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdPMG/1073711173181465trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/12/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line items zeroed out for these House Adspmmi/1017261185881461, 81462, 81463, 81464trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/12/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House Adpmmi/1017261185781460trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/12/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House Adpmmi/1017261185681459trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/12/24Christy FloresLeadworksHelp with a viewI need to provide client's with their Leadworks usernames when working with CPA Member's and their free CM+P Focus NLs. I go to Leadworks, Admin, and click on users, but get an error message stating I'm not allow to perform this action. See attached screenshot. Any assistance is appreciated.LeadworkstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionChristy sees the users now!
01/12/24Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughPlease help adjust this campaign's billing address. The correct address is in the order notes and in SF for the contactSignode11748trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionAn "agency" version of the company with the desired address needs to be added to Salesforce and pushed to Naviga. Then add the "agency" version of the company as the agency for this campaign.
01/11/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMajorNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI have a client who wants to run a LinkedIn campaign as a test for a potentially bigger campaign ASAP, but there isnt any inventory until Feb. 9th. Can we open something earlier than that for them? Target audience is food and bev engineers. Thanks!Integrity Staffing Solutions11852trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
01/09/24Stephanie NeilBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI can't get any products to show up on the CPG Next website because there is no primary section for "Products."Jen K. said I needed to start it as "Product" not "Article" but that didn't work either. I think the simplest solution is to add a primary category of "Products" in the SEO Fields section.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionTo get these to work, Jen is correct you need to use Product and not Article. To get them to appear under the product sections they need both a primary site & section AND a website schedule for these to appear as intended
01/10/24WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherTrying to book Formost PAN for PACK EXPO Facebook 1 week before and says it is sold out but only shows four items sold on Smartsheet. Can we still get them in for Bagging, pouching and wrapping? If so, can someone add it to the plan. She's ready to approve. Thanks.Formost11830trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
01/11/24Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaOtherIs it possible to give sales reps permission to delete a product on a proposal after that product close date has passed?allallalltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestion
01/10/24Kelly GreebyNavigaOtherCan Jenn look at the dates for webinars in Naviga -- per this Chatter post. @Trey Smith​ and thank you. Do we have the opportunity to expand the offering to a three-sponsor model and follow the same pattern as the other brands? In addition, will you please take a look at Naviga and note that the Brand Editorial Webinars are not drawing with specific drop-down dates. This does not allow for selection of a specific topic and date as per the SmartSheet.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
01/10/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House Adpmmi/1017261183181351trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
01/10/24Jake BrockMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentN/ANeed all three line items changed on this order per approval from John Schrei to match a previous quote Tom Duggan gave the prospect. Will need the roundtable to be priced at $17,500 and will need both enewsletter ads priced at $4,500.Hexagon11760All three linesJohn SchreitrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/09/24Madysen FastMinorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI am trying to approve updates to someones company page and it is not showing. Error attached.Columbia/OkuratrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/10/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line items zeroed out for these House Ads. Thank you!pmmi/10172611828, 1182981337, 81339trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingHouse ads zeroed out.
01/03/24Lara KriegerSend My AdOtherThis did not push to SMA- pls determine whyMDX Process1176180722.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis should now have pushed over, Jenn and I troubleshooted this earlier in the week.Steps taken - changed product type and then changed back to hopefully force it into SMA.
01/05/24MaryAnn CoyleMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueI am now a CSM for Aleks and I do ot have full permissions to Leadworks. Forbidden pages come up when trying to view LW Users: BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorChanged Aleks' CSM from Reed to MaryAnn.Jen, could you please teach me how to fix this one when you're back? - Emma
reached out to maryann, she is out so will connect with her when she returns - Jenn
01/09/24Mikayala DelsonNavigaHelp with a viewWhen I try to open any of the MUNDO Leaders line items, it goes to an error: (612): The workflow for "MUNLELPDIG" has not been defined. This happened with the HCP Leaders line items before which Jenn fixed.MUNDO Líderes in Latinoamerca Program - DigitaltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis is fixed. There is now a workflow attached.
01/09/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherI received a note that my latest issue with MDT was resolved, but links still not working. See attachment and click on enfoque or destacado. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
01/09/24WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherLinks from Media Discovery Tool to Hub are not working for Enfoque and destacado newsletters...might be other broken ones for Mundo, but those were the two I found today. Thanks.

NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/09/24PATRICK YOUNGCriticalNavigaOtherPlease change the closing date for PFW Feb. Leaders to January 22nd.The above request is time sensitive.Cablevey ConveyorstrueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeYes
01/05/24Hannah KrauseLeadworksLeadworks IssueTried to fix ad options for CM+P Industry webinar so that there was only one ad and one logo ad. However, this existing campaign still has an extra ad. Please remove the extra ad in this eBlast campaign if possible.Also, Please update my email and name in this system errors SmartSheet to "Hannah Krause" and ""Nulogy49726trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorRemoved the extra ad.
01/04/24Christy FloresOtherSalesForce/Naviga syncI am trying to create a free CM+P NL campaign for a client. Salesforce is saying I don't have access to Naviga. See attached screenshot.SalesforcetrueEmma SatchellResolvedPermission granted, let me know if you have any trouble accessing! placed to Salesforce team
01/08/24LEO GUENTHERCriticalNavigaOtherViking Masek tried to approve their plan today and said the link was expired. Also, Allied Flex and Viking have ZERO Campaign Production Forms that can be completed in their plans.

Should I just delete the Line Items in Viking Masek and start again because he wants to approve this afternoon.
Alled Flex Technologies and Viking Masek11196 and 11163Campaign Production FormstrueEmma SatchellResolvedCampaigns updatedYes
01/04/24Lara KriegerNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncThere is currently no sync from salesforce when an proposal is closed by a rep.It would be very helpful to have any proposals that are cancelled or closed in Salesforce to push that info to Naviga so l can actually see what may still come in for issues. This will help greatly in determing issue sizes.N/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUnfortunately, it is not possible for Salesforce to trigger Naviga automatically. We remind rep's consistently they need to close campaigns once lost, as that is their responsibility.Rep was supposed to cancel this.
12/20/23Brian GronowskiMediumLeadworksProduct Issuebuilding a plan, then selecting CPG Next intelligent reports, the selections had 4 options when there is one. there are no single page options anymoren/an/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem BugThis is an error in MDT. We do not offer full page ads anymore in the Digital Transformation Intelligence Report. If you'd like to potentially bring this back as a product, please send an email to John Schrei/Jen Krepelka. I am working to have the erroneous lines removed from MDT. placed to Dev team to remove deleted ratelines still showing in MDT
12/18/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThis Leaders 2023 retargeting campaign is not showing up on the advertiser's Audience Network Report.Can we add it on there so the advertiser can view metrics? Packaging Machine Corp.957263505trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
01/04/24Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdPMG/1073711175681009trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingZeroed out!
12/21/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherTrying to get a few orders signed today, but I'm getting a ratecard error for our Beta Newsletters for PW. Trying to add two of them to their plan. One on October 1st and the other on November 13th. Thanks.Brenton11772trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/20/23Casey FlanaganMediumOtherOtherHello,

I've lost access to Cyberduck, and I heard there was a password change for it.

Can you please share the new access key ID and Secret Access Key?

I need access to upload a BI report PDF for this week's article. If it'd be possible to sent the login by end of day today, that would be great. Tomorrow morning works as well.

Thank you!
NACyberducktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
12/21/23Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the dateMorrison would like to swap the October full page and the April ½ page so that the ½ page is in October and the full in April. Naviga is not allowing me to make the change since it's part of the Leaders packageThank youMorrison Container1153578298, 78299trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/21/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this order. Brian offered a FB and LI makegood to make up for their Webinar's poor performance.Industrial Fumigant Co.11769trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMake Good
12/21/23Reed SimonsisMediumNavigaNeed to move the dateClient missed send due to end of year, allowing for one reschedule into 2024.Since we are billing the client in December 2023. Please reschedule by creating 0 dollar line item in q1 of 2024.

Please contact me via slack if there are question on this!
PPM980966949trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
12/21/23Reed SimonsisMediumNavigaNeed to move the dateClients have been working on their technology minute for sometime but where not able to approve of content before year end.Per Patrick, we are billing both of these sends in 2023 but would like to reschedule the sends. For Paratherm - Please reschedule line item 70400 to Early Febuary. For Bepex, - please reschedule to mid March.

Please slack Reed with any questions.

Paratherm & Bepex1,023,210,535.007,040,068,684.00trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
12/21/23Casey FlanaganBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueSean first ran into this issue and alerted me to it. This scheduled article is showing an error message in the scheduling, unique from yesterday's. He did a hard refresh and still saw it. He was getting the error code on the bottom, and when I tried to add a new schedule, I got this second error code on top. He says he's also getting a 404 message when clicking on the article in a newsletter, but I think that's a result of it not being published yet.The newsletter Sean was looking at was for Jan 4, so no urgency to fix something already in peoples' hands. Anne Marie scheduled the story for Jan 2. I'm assuming this has to do with taxonomy updates again, so is it something we should just wait out? Thanks, sorry to dump this right before the holidays.NA CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error
12/20/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711175480600, 80601, 80602, 80603, 80604, 80605, 80606, 80607, 80608, 80614, 80616, 80617, 80618, 80619, 80620, 80621,trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/20/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse Adspmmi/10172611029, 10255, 1175980651, 80670, 80652, 80671, 80672trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/20/23Casey FlanaganBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueBase scheduling is giving me this error: "Network error: Failed to fetch Retry?" I refreshed, restarted Chrome, and sent it to Sean to see if it's just me, but the error stuck.Hi Dominique! Per the "Outline the steps..." section, Base isn't letting me schedule story. Do you know a way around this? Thank you!NA CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error
12/20/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711175680622, 80623, 80624, 80625, 80637, 80638, 80639, 80640, 80641, 80641trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/08/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan we bill QC for their December eblast and LinkedIn this month but reschedule them for Jan/Feb?QC Conveyors1045069878 + 73838trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionWorking on a process with Courtney
12/20/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaProduct IssueThe Leaders Category form is still not available on this contract - the issue is not resolved. I refreshed my screen twice.Graphic Packaging11234Leaders Categories - Campaign Custom Data FormstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/20/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaProduct IssueThe Leaders Category form is not available on 11148 (see attached). Please restore.Intralox11148Campaign Custom Data FormstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/20/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaProduct IssueThe Leaders Categories form is not available in the Campaign Custom Data Forms section of Naviga.Printpack11231Campaign Custom Data FormstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/13/23Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks IssueWeekly Wrap newsletters are not pulling through after being moved to R3 statusThank you!Syntegon11657, 11658trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Errorthe external ID wasn't on the rateline when plan was created.
12/20/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaProduct IssueSame as WestRock-the Leaders Category production form is not available in the Campaign Custom Data Forms.Frazier & Son11144Leaders Categories - Campaign Custom Data FormstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe form has been added
12/20/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaReporting IssuePlease note that Leaders Category form is unavailable in the "Campaign Custom Data Forms" section of this proposal. I need to be able to submit those categories in this contract/campaign. Please let me know when fixed.WestRock11076Campaign Custom Data FormstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe form has been added
12/18/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdPMG/1073711173180479trueDominique CarmonaResolved
12/15/23WENDY SAWTELLMediumNavigaOtherPlease apply member rate...OCME owned by Robopac/TopTier. Thanks.OCME11730trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCampaign has been updated!Yes
12/15/23Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the dateJames Alexander is changing to 3 full pages instead of 4 ½ pages. I'm having trouble changing it on my own. Can you please change the order to 3 full pages: Jan/Feb, May/June, and October PW?Thank youJames Alexander1148977860 through 77863trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCampaign has been updated!
12/14/23Courtney NicholsNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCan you help me move this HCP LinkedIn to 5/10? No dates are appearing for 2024.- Thank you!Plexpack1054170449trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingChange approved by John and implemented.
10/20/23Reed SimonsisMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssuePatrick and I tried to remove a few contacts from the Advertisers in leadworks. Please see attached for section I am refering to. When trying to remove these contacts, it gives an error saying they cannot be removed due to their relation to campaigns in the advertisers leadworks.

We are trying to remove:

Air Products
Kat Yesvetz

All-Fill, Inc
Matt Krohmer
Teresa Rivera

Please let me know if there are any questions.
Air Products, All-Fill--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorRequest completed sure how to fix - Emma This looks like a bug I have a ticket into Doug.
11/13/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherHi... Courtney changed the print primary name to Ambra Washington but l am not seeing that. l only see Anya.WestRock11076trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugGoing to be fixed when we have integration tools at our disposal early 2024.
12/05/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaOtherJanet Darnley has resigned from Syntegon.
I just set up Naviga 11657 and she is the default Billing Contact. I suspect this will continue until we nip it in the bud. Is there a way to remove her universally from the accounts - all Syntegon accounts - and make sure she does not default as the billing contact? Thank you!
All SyntegonallBilling ContacttrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorJanet Darley was made inactive in both Leadworks and Naviga. Courtney is meeting with Christine to determine actual billing contacts by Syntegon brand. Courtney will reach out if she needs additional help, but this ticket is closed for now.Yes
12/11/23Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueTried to create a Supplied HTML eblast and received an errorBishop Wisecarver990464324.7trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
12/07/23Aleks ApkarianMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentQuick Line Entry - Select a Product: (HCPNLF)
add an Ad Type: Flat Fee Digital
Add a Rateline: no ratelines available
thank you for your help!Weiler Engineering11684trueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
11/09/23Lara KriegerMinorSend My AdOtherThe position of page 1 did not transfer to SMA, came in as a reg full page ad.77926.111374trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTCSM missed adding the internal note on the item line.
12/06/23Madysen FastMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueWhen i try to view Linkedin Videos under the history dash, an error message pops up. The error message is attached.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
12/08/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughI'm trying to set the billing contact as the WESTMOUNT360 LIMITED Jackson House, Station Road, Chingford United Kingdom address, but it is not populating. The address is listed under the agency.METTLER TOLEDO11653trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe Agency was not set up correctly in SalesForce and it wasn't linked with Naviga. I have corrected the setup in SF, Synced to Naviga and attached the Agency to the plan.
12/04/23Tracey LabovitzNavigaTemplate IssueShow Daily Ad sizes have been updated. We want to make sure they are right on Naviga. I am not sure how and want to be sure.I have attached the correct specs here. We need to eliminate the 1/6 and 2/3 ads for Show Daily 2024. Thank you.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
12/08/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThere's no rate line for the HCP Focus newsletters and I need to send a proposal before noon if possible. see screenshot. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHi Wendy. All HCP Focuses for 2024 are under packages.No
12/08/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaProduct IssueNone of the 2024 Mundo e-blasts are in the system. I need a video e-blast added for this monday, the 11th. I spoke with Kelly and confirmed Madysen can handle if we get materials today. Thanks.Anritsu11600trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepYour overall Campaign end date is set to 12/31/2023. If you move it to 12/31/2024 you should see the dates.No
12/08/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherFor some reason I can't delete a Mundo Facebook Ad from this plan and it isn't an approved order. The reason I can't is because the date has already passed. This seems silly and should be able to delete anything on an order that hasn't been approved. Can someone please delete it and add to a list of things to ask Naviga? Making this critical because I need to get this approved now so we can receive materials for the other item I asked to add. Thanks.Anritsu11600trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI can review the security settings in Naviga, but I think this was an intentional setting. I have removed the ad.No
12/07/23Lara KriegerSend My AdOtherThe ad is not moving to SMA but the profile did... can you check plsMaterial Transfer1146577613.1trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
12/06/23Christine SmallwoodCriticalNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHello, please make the following adjustments to these proposals due to
a) PMMI Membership discount and b) Game Plan Six Categories Total (applied discount)

Please see below in "Notes"
Naviga 11657: Apply the 10% member discount + Adjust 3 Game Plans to $2,295 each

Naviga 11658: Apply the 10% member discount + Adjust 2 Game Plans to $2,295 each

Naviga 11659: Adjust 1 Game Plan to $2,295 total
All Syntegon (Three Separate Naviga Proposals)11657 + 11658 + 11659see notes belowWENDY SAWTELLtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
12/05/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaProduct Issuethe OEM Multi-Channel Package does not appear available in Naviga. Please see attached. Thank you!Rockwell Automation11650OEMMTPKGtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
12/04/23Lara KriegerProduct Hub

Please change:
Tabloid Page- to Full Page
Tabloid Spread- to Full Page Spread
Standard to - 1/2 Page Island can this not be next to 2024 at top and instead with rest of the items?
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/04/23Lara KriegerProduct HubPlease update the Show Daily page with the updated specs created by Dave Bacho.
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
12/01/23Madysen FastMinorNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI am trying to add Tim Kelley as a production contact for Encoder, so I changed his relationship in saleforce, but it is not properly syncing.Encoder10783 and 11341trueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorJenn and I connected, escalating to Simone for help on the issue. -DC
11/27/23Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks IssueHello, I am trying to remove Christina Rowland from the LOMA account because she now works for Frain and I need to send her an updated login. She has been added to Frain successfully but I need help making LOMA invisible to her: I think I covered all bases in SF.FrainNANAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error
11/27/23Christine SmallwoodMinorLeadworksReporting IssueThe lead download function in Leadworks (BW Flexibles account) is not functioning. I receive an Error 500; Here is the account: Flexible Systemsn/an/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - Sales RepEmail with solution incoming.YesI emailed Christine on this issue, giving her until Monday to respond.
11/30/23LEO GUENTHERMediumNavigaOtherAll four plans show Christine Smallwood as the Rep. Should be me.Massman Companies/EDL Packaging/Ideal Pace/DTM11289,11320,11287, 11288trueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - Sales RepSolved via emailNoNothing wrong with setup, these contracts were approved prior to Leo being assigned as the rep to the Naviga campaigns.
11/30/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdPMG/1073711162179328trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
11/29/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711161579261trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/29/23Madysen FastMinorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI am not able to log into base. It keeps saying invalid password even with my saved password.BasetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/28/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdPMG/1073711047679199trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't Do
11/29/23Madysen FastMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueThis campaign is not showing up in leadworks, the advertiser is not syncing to Leadworks.Winternitz1158179026.2trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
11/28/23Lara KriegerSend My AdOtherPage 1 for Intralox in Buyer's Guide did not move to SMAIntralox11148745721trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
11/28/23LEO GUENTHERMajorNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughI changed Stacie Eberly to Stacie McCormick months ago and for some reason, Naviga is pulling Eberly out of SF and onto Ossid Plans.both plans pulled through the wrong name. I just need to get her two proposals as soon as possible.Ossid - A promach Company11463 and 11603trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/28/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherAnritsu wants to buy a Mundo Facebook Sponsored post that starts on 12/8 and I'm unable to add the date. Madysen said we have time to do it if she can get us materials this week. They are buying it to promote a webinar they are doing on 12/13, so would we consider starting their ad a few days earlier? Thanks.Anritsu11600trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorNo
11/27/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan we get approved for a 12/5 standard eblast? Leo said he will give me materials by tomorrow afternoon to made the date.Viking Masek Packaging Technologies11595trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/27/23Jake BrockMediumNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateThis is for the contract packaging enewsletter free placement for the CPA sponsors. Nulogy has chosen the newsletter and would like to run in November issue, will need that item added to order. Thanks!Nulogy11596trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/27/23lee AshcroftNavigaPlease move all media elements that are not a part of the Leaders packages from campaign ID 11218 to campaign ID 11591.

Thank you!
Also, please add the attachment inclided here as the updated agreement for BOTH the above mentioned Campaign ID'strueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/21/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaNeed to move the datePlease change the start date to 12/1...I ran this by Kelly and the team.Winternitz11581trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
11/21/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNeed to edit a premium position program started internallyI have a signed order, Plan #11373 for SEW-EURODRIVE and the 2024 OEM OBC cover position. To make life simple, can we add Leaders to this program, change billing to flexible and set it up to invoice March, June, September and December 2024.SEW-EURODRIVE11373trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/21/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNeed to edit a premium position program started internallyI have a signed order, Plan #11058 for SEW-EURODRIVE and the 2024 ProFood World OBC cover position. To make life simple, can we add Leaders to this program, change billing to flexible and set it up to invoice February, April, June, August, October and December 2024.SEW-EURODRIVE11058trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/21/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherAdvertiser: Columbia Machine, Inc.
Campaign ID: 11552
Campaign Status: CO

Advertiser: Aagard
Campaign ID: 11403
Campaign Status: CO

These two campaigns were recently updated with new ABBIC pricing, but I'm unable to download a new copy of the insertion order and I'd like to send a copy to each customer. Can someone upload the revised contracts to each account and send me a copy of each please? Thanks. Wendy
NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/21/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would also like this LinkedIn zero'd out. Another make good.GEA1101079022trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMake Good
11/21/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this LinkedIn for 12/1. It is a make good approved by Kelly.GEA1101079017trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMake Good
11/20/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentsVDG is continuing the demo inserts using Packaging World in 2024. Plan #11576

Please add 2-page demo insert

Jan/Feb, May/June, September and Nov/Dec

$7090/insertion net – Flexible Billing

Include Packaging World Leaders on this plan

Divide payment equally in February, June, September and December
VDG11576trueDominique CarmonaResolvedCustom Product
11/20/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherCan someone add the Leaders components for PW and PFW please (zero dollars for each item). This one will have to be handled a little differently because their new fiscal starts April 1st, so their second ad will be purchased later. Thanks.10722trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingNoReached out to Wend for campaign ID of 2024-2025 items
11/20/23Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateForgot about thanksgiving weekend. Please move this back one more week. So sorry to ask for another move!ESI Group975578700trueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
11/20/23Lara KriegerSend My AdOtherFor JLS and New England, they are not pushing through to the Jan/Feb PW issue and rest of ordersJLS and New England MachinerytrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/17/23LEO GUENTHERMediumNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncDid not get confirmation emailHi - I moved these 4 accounts over from Christine Smallwood yesterday to my name. Naviga shows plans confirmed but I never got confirmation emails.Massman/EDL/Ideal Pase and DTM11320,11287,11289,11288trueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - Sales RepIndividual campaigns for 2024 needed to be moved over, in addition to Salesforce accounts. I have moved these for you and attributed 100% of the commision to you. Please let me know if this is incorrect.No
11/17/23Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateneed to push this facebook back by 1 week . please move to november 24th.ESI Group975563104trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCampaign updated accordinglyYes
11/17/23Tom DugganLeadworksLeadworks Issuequerry error on Linked metricssee attached picture, LinkedIn Metrics are showing error message, i tried full year and last qtr, still same error messagen/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis reporting has been fixed!
11/16/23PATRICK YOUNGMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease add Page Opposite TOC to this campaign for the months of February, April and June. The net rate is $3,750 which is an increase from 2023.Please remove the hold in Naviga. Gericke USA had this position in 2023.Gericke USA11563trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingApproved by John for 2024 and update made to campaign.No
11/16/23PATRICK YOUNGCriticalNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease schedule 1/2 page placements in February, May/June, September and october.Both Reed and I got an error message when trying to schedule the 3 remaining 1/2 page ads.FlexLink Systems11559trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
11/16/23PATRICK YOUNGMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease change product to PFW full page print Inside Front Cover positionFlexicon Corp11547trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
11/15/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherThe leadoff 1/3 ads came into SMA as fulls for the 2024 orderPMI Kyoto11412trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorWrong size code was used on the rateline. Should have used 1/3 vertical not Full page
11/14/23ELIZABETH TIERNEYMajorNavigaOtherI'm building a media plan in Naviga and the line items I'm adding aren't showing up as products listed. the $$ amount is going up, and when I generate a PDF the different items are in there, but I can't see what I'm adding in the plan. I've added 2 game plans, accidentally, because the 1st one didn't show up and now I can't remove it from the plan.bell-mark11542trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorEverything is there, it may have just been a small glitch.Deleted extra Game Plan category - As for the remaining issues, it seems like a bug?
11/15/23Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueHCP Asked & Answered LWorks campaign template is not named in 2023 Naviga rate card.Please add Naviga data to Honeywell's HCP Asked & Answered eblast campaign in LeadWorks #47687.Honeywell #47687 Line ID 73951.12 SatchellResolvedNot an errorThis has been completed
11/15/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOtherShowcase - OBC Premium PositionPatrick Young is releasing the OBC position (All-Fill) on Showcase for PEI and VDG will take that spot. Can you please add to order 11550VDG11550trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorCompletedYes
11/14/23lee ashcroftMediumNavigaOtherPlease take all non-leaders items from this campaign and move them to campaign ID 11540

BellaTrx11009trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
11/15/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNeed to edit a premium position program started internallyI have a signed order, Plan #11376 for the 2024 Munson ProFood World page opp editor program. To make life simple, can we add Leaders to this program, change billing to flexible and set it up to invoice Feb, April, June, August, October and December 2024Munson Machinery11376trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingCompleteYes
11/14/23LEO GUENTHERMinorNavigaProduct IssueTried to Add 3 Product AdsAre additional Product Ads no longer for sale for PW LIPMettler Toledo Prod Insp.11544trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorEmailed answer to Leo
11/14/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentbundled offer - Contract PackagingSpecialty Equipment11549Annual Product Guide - Contract PackagingtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/14/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDTOtherLink to Facebook - Facebook Video - Targeted Ad in Media Disovery Tool doesn't link to the hub.


NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/14/23ELIZABETH TIERNEYMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'm trying to change the months for print ads in a leaders campaign and I'm getting the error

The following Errors occurred while attempting to Save this Campaign Line:

When selecting off of a Ratecard, you must select a Line/Description
bell-mark11244trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/13/23Jake BrockMediumNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateThis is for booking FROR for the CPA annual sponsors. Peoria Production Solutions decided to go with the CM+P enewsletter option. Their preferred months in order are January, February, March. Can the zero dollar line item be added so I can secure the date for them? Thanks!Peoria Production Solutions11539n/atrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/13/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNeed Leaders added to a prior plan created by our internal teamI have a signed order, Plan #11375 for the 2024 VDG ProFood World Cover tip program. To make life simple, can we add Leaders to this program, change billing to flexible and set it up to invoice Feb, April, June, August, October and December 2024.VDG11375trueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
11/13/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNeed Leaders added to a prior plan created by our internal teamI have a signed order, Plan #11372 for the 2024 VDG OEM Cover tip program. To make life simple, can we add Leaders to this program, change billing to flexible and set it up to invoice March, June, September and December 2024?VDG11372trueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
11/13/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncThere are two accounts in Naviga for the advertiser contact Dylan Piccolo but only one contact in Salesforce. Can we remove the duplicate contact in Naviga?Dorner Mfg. Corp.N/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThere was an issue with the SF sync, we may see more of these. The issue has been fixed.
11/13/23PATRICK YOUNGCriticalNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease change price to $675. ESI is changing the FB campaign from FB to LI and the charge is the price difference.ESI Group USA11536trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoMoved this to the Price Adjustment request form, Madysen should reach out shortly.
11/13/23PATRICK YOUNGCriticalNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease change CPM in this campaign to 37. It is an increase from 2023.Charles Ross & Son11523trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoMoved this to the Price Adjustment request form, Madysen should reach out shortly.
11/13/23ELIZABETH TIERNEYMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentjust need to add a free CPA member CP newsletter.

March or April
morrison11488trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/13/23Brian GronowskiMinorMDTOthernF&I Directory is referenced as PELV in MDT. Should be for PEIPerfextrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/13/23Tom DugganProduct HubOtherAdding text to a descriptionsimple request, just updating a description on the report listing on the Intelligence Report listings. For March, update description to: March: Data Management, Artificial Intelligence and ERP --- CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/13/23tsmith@pmmimediagroup.comBASE/WebsitesPlease reset my password.trueDominique CarmonaResolved
11/13/23tsmith@pmmimediagroup.comBASE/WebsitesPlease reset my password.trueDominique CarmonaResolved
11/10/23Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the datePatrick made a mistake on schedule. Please turn the june half page to october. THanks,ESI Group1140976981trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/10/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherBoth companies are going to do Leaders Pro and want to do Leaders Pro with three 1/2 page ads instead of two full-page ads. Dekka wants 1/2 vertical in Mar/April. Jul/Aug & september. Wexxar wants 1/2 horizontal in Jan/Feb, May/June and October. I'd like to get these in her hands to approve today becuase she is out next week. Thanks.Dekka & Wexxar plans11259 & 11193trueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
11/10/23LEO GUENTHERMinorOtherOtherNo Charge CPA Member LinkedInPlease add a Linked in to the CPA audience for their no charge member send. April 3 or April 10 are preferred dates.Texrap11518trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/09/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711028778123trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
11/09/23LEO GUENTHERMinorOtherOtherNO Charge CPA Member NewsletterFirst choice is October, Second Choice is September, Third Choice is DecemberViking Masek11512trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI added the Oct NL to the plan
11/09/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherI need to re-work both of these plans and I'm unable to delete anything because the dates have past. Can both of these plans be deleted, so I can add fresh items for 2024? I have to get her everything today. Thanks.Hitachi10711 & 10722trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHi Wendy! I removed all past items!
11/08/23lee ashcroftMinorNavigaNeed to move the dateI need to have TNA’s PW Leaders print ad that’s currently running in April to be moved to run in the Jan/Feb issue. And then I need their PFW Full page print ad that’s currently running in June to be moved to the April issue. The campaign ID is 11026I need to have TNA’s PW Leaders print ad that’s currently running in April to be moved to run in the Jan/Feb issue. And then I need their PFW Full page print ad that’s currently running in June to be moved to the April issue. The campaign ID is 11026TNA Solutions11026trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
11/07/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherDelkor gets a free exclusive CP newsletter and would like the following choices...


11477trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
11/07/23Reed SimonsisMinorBASE/WebsitesOtherNuspark has changed their name to Rychiger and it needs to be updated in their company profile for leaders (base).Please proceed with the name change or let me know i am ok to change it myself without issues. Thanks!Nuspark/Rychiger,,trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
11/06/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherI’m trying to book the three palletizing/depalletizing package this videos for 2024 but they aren’t in Naviga. Can someone add them so I can get approval? Thanks.Columbia MachinetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/07/23Brian GronowskiMinorMDTOtherNot applying Member rates to MDT planThe Haskell CompanytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been resolved and I am now seeing the member pricing being applied. Please use the client "The Haskell Company" moving forward in all systems. Thanks!There were 2 companies in Leadworks. We merged them and made sure the correct Ids were used.
11/06/23LEO GUENTHERMediumOtherOtherNeed you to input the CPA date on the planADCO would like March (first pick)then February then January for their NO Charge CPA Member NewsletterADCO Mfg.11492trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/13/23Emma SatchellMinorNavigaOther@Jenn: The CPG Next Charter Sponsorship product includes a 10% discount on all other CPG Next product purchases for that advertiser (for the fiscal year).

We need to add an adjustment code for CPG Next to account for that 10% discount.

Zero rush, please let me know if you have any questions!
n/an/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorCPG Next
11/05/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherI'm only seeing 2023 Mundo Robotics Playbook in MDT, so I'm assuming the 2024 Playbook needs to be added to Naviga. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThere are no 2024 Playbooks in the works at this time.
11/06/23LEO GUENTHERMinorOtherOtherConverge - The notification below shows three hits from Harley Davidson but the contact email is BRINKResolvedNot an errorWe are updating the record in Omeda, this isn't an error, just a subscriber that changed companies.
11/03/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherEconocorp qualifies for a free exclusive CP+M Newsletter. These are their top three choices if someone can add to their plan.


Econocorp11476trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/02/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentMassman has requested a LinkedIn post in November 2024. Please confirm when the contract is ready to send.Massman11473CPA Membership CM+P Exclusive NewslettertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoYes
11/02/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentFrazier & Son would like January LinkedIn for their CPA Membership CM+P Exclusive Newsletter. Please confirm when the Naviga 11472 proposal is ready to send to the client.Frazier & Son11472Contract Packaging Free OffertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoYes
11/03/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherAll Exclusive Contract Packaging Newsletters for 2024 are reserved by "Test Company". Can those be removed so we can book newsletters? Thanks.NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
11/03/23Kelly GreebyMinorProduct HubProduct IssueHi! Can you please remove the specs page from the Show Daily product for now. We still list two of the ad sizes we have removed. I've asked Bacho to create a new page but it will take a bit.

N/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
11/02/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to cancel this PSSI Sponsored Quiz and replace it for line Item 77755, a PFW White Paper. I'm not able to delete the Sponsored Quiz. Is that because it was already invoiced?PSSI1048770104trueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
11/01/23Tom DugganMajorProduct HubOtherDescription clarification on digita reports page in the hub --, --- will all the changes we did on dates for the digital reports and language, i did not catch the header text was not updated from the slide. --- it call out only IIoT, that is misleadoing

Current: Be seen as a thought leader in the digitalization space, getting your solutions in front of a highly curated CPG Next audience looking for answers to their IIoT questions.

Change to: This report series covers trending digital transformation topics and technologies. Be seen as a thought leader in digitalization by getting your solutions in front of a highly curated CPG manufacturing audience with a thought leadership article and receive quality leads. (or similar text :)

this is what is on the Seismic presentation:
Align your business with key topics in digital transformation when you sponsor one of five 2024 digital reports. Sponsors receive editorial coverage and lead access

i attached the original slide that was sent on 10/3 email. thanks

N/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorNo
11/01/23Brian GronowskiMajorNavigaNeed to move the dateYou cannot book into the following issue(s) because they are closed:
PFW - ProFood World Magazine - Friday, December 1, 2023 - Closed on Monday, October 30, 2023 12:00 AM
Closing date for Dec PFW is wrong and not allowing us to confirm orders. Per Sharon it should be
Closing next week: 11/6 – 11/10
• 11/6 – OEM Winter
• 11/8 PFW December
BettchertrueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
10/30/23Jake BrockMediumNavigaNeed to move the dateTried to delete past due line item (75474) for October 20th but it will not let me change or delete the date. Added a new line item for Facebook ad in November (77444) but earliest I can do for a date is November 17th. With Thanksgiving holiday client does not want to do that far into the month. I checked with CSM and he said if client gets material this week we can do the November 10th start date. Would we be able to open that date back up on this order to sell them that spot? Just need one Facebook ad on this order to begin November 10th. Thanks!Nulogy11252both line itemstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
10/20/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaProduct IssueJust wondering why there are two forms for Leaders Categories; which one is the one we should fill out or why the double entry?Start on Chatter, Emma moving to system errors to keep track. Link to chatter: BRINKResolvedSystem Bug is not attached to ratelines, yet still showing up whenever package is added to a plan with those rateslines. Bug request placed to Naviga Friday 3:30pm. - Emma
10/27/23PATRICK YOUNGMajorNavigaOtherSee attached error message for booking OBC position for Ampco PumpsAmpco Pumps Expo Pack oBC11443trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis has been added to the plan. We had it held on a FROR holding plan.
10/25/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOtherWhy does Alice appear 4x See attachedHormanntrueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem BugHey Brian! There was an issue with the sync on the Salesforce side. The contact was pushing and Naviga was sending the user Id back, however SF was not saving the connection. It is now correctly synced and I have removed all the duplicate names. You should only see Alice one time moving forward. filed with Salesforce, seems to not be syncing.
10/26/23Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move the date to 11/17 as i am not able to move this date.

Steamaricas102476883.7trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/20/23Lara KriegerMediumProduct HubOtherPlease see the attached text file for updates to various brands. Also can we have this info NOT downloadable for clients? If a client grabs a pdf with the wrong date and 6 months from now tells me they did not know the dates was modified that is an issue.
Can we have a static webpage with dates?
Naviga updatedEditorial cal's for 2024trueAMBER MILLERResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
10/26/23Aleks ApkarianMinorMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)SalesForce/Naviga syncWhen testing MDT with Emma, an account I'm working with was showing up as being assigned to "Daniel Smith." We are guessing this is a disconnect from Salesforce, though I have assigned this account to myself on Monday, October 23rd.Thank you for your help!siegwerktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedHi Aleks! Salesforce does not automatically assign the sales rep in Leadworks (yet, there is an integration being laid out). So for now you would need to manually assign yourself to an account... Here is a quick video showing now to make that change.
10/04/23Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksLeadworks Issue This facebook says 0 leads but then if you click it shows three names that aren't actually supposed to be there.Chase-LogemantrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
10/25/23Christine SmallwoodMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssuePlease move the 2023 Leaders Stats (Content Engagement Report) from this Leadworks account (Syntegon Packaging Technology LLC):
to this Leadworks account (Kliklok LLC, a Syntegon Company):

In 2024, the Syntegon Content Engagement Report will go here:
(this might change, but that is the directive I have from the client to date)
SyntegontrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
10/25/23PATRICK YOUNGMajorNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI'm getting an error message when creating an opp for Messer Americas.Messer Americas11431 Opp #trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugHi Patrick! I wasn't able to recreate the error, but i was able to add the eblast to the plan. Can you please let me know if it happens again?Possible glitch? Couldn't recreate.
10/25/23Reed SimonsisMinorNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI am not able to move the datePlease move date to first week of december. Thank you!EPLAN1080472139trueDominique CarmonaResolvedYes
10/25/23MaryAnn CoyleMajorNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateClient signed Order for PW Pro Package but print dates were wrong. She wants May/June and October full pages ($5000 each). Madysen deleted out the incorrect print dates but can't add back in.STA, LLC11406trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/23/23Madysen FastMediumNavigaBilling IssuesThe contract price that is in the attachments does not have the same price as the overall cost in Naviga.Aagard11403trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
10/23/23Lara KriegerMediumProduct HubOtherWe are removing two sizes of ads and need to have them removed from the Hub. Thank you.Please remove the 1/6 and the 2/3 ads in the Show Daily book.
N/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/23/23Kelly GreebyMinorProduct HubOtherN/ACan you please update the sales/materials close dates for Show Daily

Sales Close = 10/14
Ad Close = 10/14

Same day :)

N/AN/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/19/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksOtherHexagon gained 103 leads but only received 19 clicks on their ad. Can we find the reasoning to this? Tom is requesting this is a priority. Here are the metrics from Hexagon’s recent CPG Newsletter on 10/18: · Total Send: 57,098 · Opens: 11,846 · Clicks: 96 · Clicks on the sponsor link (Hexagon): 19Preview: 47363trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem BugThis has been resolvedYes
10/19/23Reed SimonsisMinorLeadworksSalesForce/Naviga syncAdded contact Alex Haas into salesforce. After waiting and many tries, this contact will not sync over to leadworks users. Can you help with this user sync so i can provide login credentials?

feedscrew--trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorYesNot sure how to fix, Reed said could wait for Monday - Emma
10/20/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherColumbia Okura approved order number 11405, but I couldn't fill out the forms because Robotics didn't show up as an option. Can someone add it to the drop down list please? Thanks.Columbia Okura11405trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingThis has been coordinated outside of the system error doc.YesThis has been handled and approved by Joan. Wendy's customer will get Robotics AND another category, as robotics can not be it's own PAN for PEI category.
10/20/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherPls update the dates on this page:
Sales close should be- Sept 12th and materials Sept 19th
PACK EXPO Showcase pagetrueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
10/20/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherPls update the dates on this page:

Sales close for 2024 should be: 1/9 and materials due 1/12
PACK EXPO East pagetrueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
08/28/23Lara KriegerNavigaHi,
The OEM annual resource guide profiles are not showing up in Naviga under the winter issue of OEM.
There is only one currently listed in the system. Maybe that is right but there should be a lot more l think based on last years sales.
trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThis legit looks like we have 1 sold. We found a hub issue and Lara will add a ticket to the doc.
10/11/23Emma SatchellMinorNavigaOtherCould you please create me a Naviga report? Attached are details on what is needed in the report. Please let me know if you have any questions!n/an/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
08/21/23Lara KriegerOtherThe media kit for CM+P lists the wrong date for the Nov/Dec sales close of CM+P.
It should say Oct 20th with materials due Oct 27th. It shows Oct 27th for both dates right now.
trueAMBER MILLERResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
10/17/23Lara KriegerMediumNavigaOtherThe print ads for C+P all pushed through except for the Nov/Dec ad and Resource Guide. Can you see why?Econocorp1136076675.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorSMA and Naviga dates didn't match... they do now!
10/18/23ELIZABETH TIERNEYMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentcan't add a december linkedin page because of an error. See attached.All Packaging Machinery11317trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed, you can add the date now.
10/14/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOther.Please create a line for 6x page 1 PFW for GEA at an issue rate of $3885 net/issue

Please create a line for Craft Brew, IBC, for GEA at an issue rate of $2845 net

Both rates following historical rates with a 2024 factored rate increase.
GEA11374trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeBased on FROR sheet: from Emma:
PFW one page can be approved, as only 3% decrease and covered by "Profood World Discounting- authorized to approve discount for PFW for sales reps trying to catch up to usual pricing. Needs to be 5% or more, if not send it to John."

Craft Brew—I do not think this can be approved, unless @Jenn Brink knows something different? The current price he has listed is a 44% decrease from what we should be charging for the Craft Brew IBC. We should send to John for approval.
10/14/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOther.create premium position line, opp editor page, 6x PFW at a net rate of $3580/issue.

Historical rates with 2024 price increase
Munson Machinery11376trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeBased on FROR sheet: from Emma:
This is a 8.5% decrease, so does not follow "Profood World Discounting- authorized to approve discount for PFW for sales reps trying to catch up to usual pricing. Needs to be 5% or more, if not send it to John."

We should send this to John for approval.
10/14/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOther.Create line for 6x cover tip, PFW for VDG. All 2024 issues.VDG11375trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeBased on FROR sheet:
10/17/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubProduct IssueHi,
This page has the wrong close and materials date:

CM+P Nov/Dec closes on 10/27 and materials due 10/27.
CMP PagetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/16/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueFogg Filler's PAN campaign is not populating on their Audience Network dashboard in LW. Here is the PAN campaign: FillerLW #44038trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI see it showing. The dates were incorrect on the Audience data, I changed the end date to 8/15/2023... I see that change show through as well.
10/16/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261137976749trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/14/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOther.create premium position, OBC for VDG, PW on the following cycle.
Buyer's Guide

Create a second entry for VDG, OBC, Craft Brew 2024
VDG11377trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeBased on FROR sheet:
10/14/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOther.Please create a campaign, OEM, OBC position all issues for SEW-EURODRIVESEW-EURODRIVE11373trueDominique CarmonaResolvedBased on FROR sheet:
10/14/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOther,Please add Cover tip, all 2024 issues for VDGVDG11372Emma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeBased on FROR sheet:
10/13/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueCan we get Tom fully set up in Leadworks? I'm trying to add him as a rep to Hexagon's account but his name is not populating.Tom DuggantrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHe is in there... just under Thomas Duggan. If that needs to be changed, we just need to make the change in SF.
10/13/23Tom DugganMediumProduct HubOtherno errorOn the CPG Next product order on the hub, can you change the order of products. 1. Newsletters, 2. Digital Reports 3. Webinar. 4. Roundtable, 5. Charter. the rest of the digital product order is good at the end. thanks

n/atrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/13/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherTrying to add the agency as the billing for this Ingredion plan.

Please send the invoicing to our agency – contact info below

Ashleigh Bunjes
OvareGroup / Ad Cucina
400 West Market Street
Suite 1400
Louisville KY 40202
Ingredion11366trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe agency wasn't synced to naviga. I sycned the Agency company and the contact under the Agency record. I then changed the agency on the order .
10/13/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherHi
The example from ISSUU is missing on the page. Can you link to:
Buyer's Guide pagetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/13/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherHi,
Would it be possible to update this page:

To list "Digital online profile deadlines" above the Jan dates... it is confusing to me seeing those Jan dates and then the print dates.
Please let me know if this does not make sense.
GeneralGeneraltrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/12/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherWant to send a proposal to Econocorp, but unable to add the free CPM Resource Guide that comes with the purchase of all three issues of CPM. I'm not seeing it in Naviga, so maybe it needs to be added?? Thanks.Econocorp11360trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI added the zeroed out line. I will work with Emma on how we want to handle this morning forward.
10/12/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesThis June invoice is wrong, it should be $2125 per signed contract attached. My guess this happened when we migrated from a quarter page to a third page. Can you adjust on your end and send Brian an updated invoice?Cleveland Gear9288trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingCredit is there!
10/12/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesCan we get this invoice adjusted please? VDG's has it listed at $3,800 but the invoice they received has it listed at $3,915.VDG9919trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
10/11/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdPMG/1073711028776524trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/11/23LEO GUENTHERMajorNavigaNotification IssueTwo Issues, Can not Add the CM&P Resource Guide. Also no option to choose PFW Newsletter dates.Heat and Control11282Two IssuestrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorHi Leo! I have added the Resource Guide to your plan and you should be able to add PFW NLs now.
10/11/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherLenze has FROR for page 3 in the Spring issue of OEM and I couldn't add it to their plan. Can someone do it for me? Thanks.Lenze11162trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone!
10/11/23WENDY SAWTELLMediumNavigaOtherEconocorp has FROR for 1/2 page on TOC, but when I tried to add it to their plan, I got the error meesage below. Can someone add it for me? Thanks.Econocorp11360trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorAdded! Just a heads up, we have the FROR intentionally blocked so they aren't accidentally added to a plan. So feel free to reach out to us to release them when you are ready to send the advertiser their proposal.
10/11/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherI forgot to select page 3 for the Craft Brewing Supplement on their plan and they already approved it. Can someone change it for me please? Thanks.American Film & Machinery11090trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorupdated!
10/10/23Jen KrepelkaProduct HubOthernaCould you please update the pricing info for Custom Research for all brands to say "Starting at $15K"nananatrueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeRequest completed
10/10/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherAdded a few print ads to a PFW Leaders program but having a tough time changing dates. Also need price adjustments. I'd like the four ads in Feb, April, June and December and each print ad priced at $2,950 please. Thanks!Sterling11354trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone! Prices updated and dates moved.
09/28/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherThere are no LinkedIn dates available in November and December and I'd like to change the date to ID Technology's plan and put one in December. I'm trying to nail down her three plans today if possible. Last available date in 9/27 and I know they won't be there before the show. LIne item is 75904. Thanks.ID TechnologytrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/09/23Kim OverstreetMediumNavigaOtherPer Dave Newcorn, please remove the Feb. 20, 2024 PW webinar: Innovations Roundup: Machinery Trends for 2024
We are using the date for a new digital event, if you are able to keep it bookmarked for that. More info to come asap.
This webinar title should be removed from any other sales material too. Thanks!PWWebinartrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedLooks like Kim is requesting marketing collateral changes via this sheet, so please make sure to inform her that she needs to email marketing with the request. - Emma
10/09/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherSorry if this is a repeat, but the link in media discovery toll for the PW Newsletter doesn't go to the page in the hub. See attached MDT plan. Thanks.

PS. Might want to check the beta version too.
FormosttrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been updated and should be reflected in MDT first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you for catching this, Wendy!Yes
10/09/23MaryAnn CoyleMediumNavigaProduct IssueI thought OEM Premium package is 4200 nm/3780 member but in Naviga it comes up at a higher rate. Should I add this to price adjustment form?Encoder11283trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThe prices in the packages are correct. They are based off of the print ad sizes.
10/05/23Emma SatchellMajorNavigaMaterial Submission IssueThis is for Tom Duggan (me), approved by Emma.

a last minute order request by Hexagon. Material is coming in a day late for the 10/18 CPG Next Newsletter.

Client sent me the material knowing they had to rush. I will send material to Mikayla via email to upload into ebuilder and put in the order now.
HexagontrueMadysen FastResolvedMadysen and Mikayla hopped on a call with Tom.
10/06/23Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueUnable to login to LW. I logged out in order to test a client's login, but now I'm unable to log back into my own account. I've changed the password, I've had Reed change the password, and still I get "Incorrect username and/or password".N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorRiley is back in!
LEO GUENTHERMajorNavigaOtherI was told that Label-aire has FROR for Masthead Jan, May, Sept and Nov. I tried to add to Naviga and got errorCant Add PositionLabel-aire11321trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHi Leo! We have FROR items on hold until the rep reaches out to us for release. I have added these ads to you Label-Aire plan.
10/04/23Madysen FastLeadworksLeadworks IssueNothing is loading when I click on Content Engagement reports, but it works for other clients.VISIOTT TRACEABILITY SOLUTIONStrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThere was a letter missing in the long base code. its there now
10/04/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261067310673trueDominique CarmonaResolved
10/03/23Emma SatchellMediumNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease help Wendy figure out what campaign she wants her FROR Page 5 added to, belonging to ID Technology, for the issues of August + October + Buyer's Guide.

I added the other months to her leaders plans, which are confirmed, but there weren't enough spots for each of those additional months. Please notify both Lara and myself when this is complete.
Wendy's ID Technology??trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
10/02/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherLinks for Facebook don't go to the correct pages in the Hub. 404 Error message. Thanks.NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
09/28/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherHi- The links from PW Newsletters and PW Beta Newsletters in MDT, do not connect to the pages in the hub and takes to the home page. Thanks.

Sleeve SealtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/28/23Lara KriegerProduct HubPlease update this page with the sales and material due date:

Sales close- 9/12
Materials close- 9/19
trueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/28/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaNeed to move the dateGreydon is buying the intro leaders package for PW and I need their print ad to be placed on the November/December issue please. I get an error message when I try to delete and add the new date. Trying to get these plans for Pro Mach approved today. Thanks.Greydon11261trueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/27/23Brian GronowskiMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentnThe 3rd party banner ad rates for PFW are wrong in Naviga and MDT. All other brands are at 52/M while PFW is at 75/MALLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFixed in naviga. MDT will reflect the price after the overnight sync.
09/26/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711028775657trueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/25/23Lara KriegerProduct HubThe date of 2024 on this page is wrong.. should be 2025 everywhere you have 2024.

trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
09/26/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThis advertiser's engagement report is not populating in LW.Big-D ConstructionEngagement ReporttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe Long and Short base ids were missing from their LW profile. I have added them and the report is now populating.
09/19/23Kelly GreebyMediumProduct HubOtherCan we please make sure the "Contact Sales" button on the Hub goes to John Schrei's email and not Wendy'sNAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorRequest to change email address has been sent to Zesty Rep
09/22/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdPMG/1073711028775515trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
09/18/23Madysen FastNavigaNeed to move the datePlease delete this line ID, it was complimentary and they are moving dates.Addicted Beauty1059070648trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
09/25/23Lara KriegerNavigaProduct IssueMultiple entries showing for a half horizontal adColumbia Machine1109574201.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepWendy booked all 4 ads in Feb. Madysen will need to work with Wendy to update
09/21/23Lara KriegerNavigaSome items appear to not be hooked up to the PW Oct issue.
Campaign- 10023- Reed deleted this item, they moved out of Oct but still remain.
Campaign- 10083- This was a pick up in SMA and did not turn green in Naviga.
trueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/19/23LEO GUENTHERMinorOtherSalesForce/Naviga syncI cannot change the company name as I inputed it wrong. Needs to be turn SiGnal not Turn SigalTurn SignaltrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
09/18/23Lara KriegerNavigaCan the test company line items be removed from the Feb PW print issue?trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
09/13/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan we change this PFW Video eblast to a PFW Product Update eblast? I don't want to delete it and lose the date. Thanks!Atkore1017710177trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
09/20/23Lara KriegerProduct HubPlease update the following dates that needed to be modified on the hub and in Naviga. l have asked Amber to update Editorial Cals:

PW Buyer’s Guide:
Sales Close- Oct 7th
Materials due- Oct 14th

ProFood World reg issues and Showcase:
Feb Issue- Sales- 01/19/24 Materials- 01/26/24
April Issue- Sales- 03/07/24 Materials- 03/14/24
June Issue- Sales- 05/09/24 Materials- 05/16/24
August Issue- Sales- 07/08/24 Materials- 07/15/24
October Issue- Sales 9/5/24 Materials- 9/12/24
December Issue- Sales- 10/25/24 Materials-11/01/24

PACK EXPO Processing Zone Showcase:
Sales Close- 09/05/24 Materials- 09/12/24
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
09/08/23John SchreiMediumNavigaOtherI need an Informer report that provides me a revenue breakout by Brand, by Month and LOB (line of business) by Sales Rep for 2022 and 2023.I need a report that provides me a revenue breakout by Brand, by Month and LOB (line of business), by Sales Rep for 2022 and 2023.Not applicabletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
09/19/23Lara KriegerProduct HubDates for ProFood World Showcase:
Sales close- 9/5
Materials due- 9/12
trueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/19/23Kelly GreebyMinorProduct HubOtherhello, we need to remove all the links to the smartsheet forms on the sales tabs for the targeted direct mail product pages.
NAtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/14/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherFile attached with dates2024 ProFood World print datestrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/14/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherAttaching a file with the dates2024 Packaging World print datestrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/14/23Lara KriegerMinorNavigaOtherFile attached with dates2024 OEM print datestrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/14/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherFile attached2024 HCP print datestrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/14/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherFile attached with dates2024 CM+Pprint datestrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/14/23Lara KriegerMinorProduct HubOtherFile attached2024 WIPP print datestrueDominique CarmonaResolved
09/05/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaFeature Requestn

We do not have the ability to add LIP (PFW) categories to a naviga plan. the option does not exist.
We can add in notes section for the time being. Not sure if this impacts PW or other brandsFoodSafe Drains11172trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
09/05/23Kim OverstreetMinorNavigaOtherI need a report that shows EBA revenue to-date. Video: Package This and Sustainable Packaging Explained videos fulfilled. Webinar and PAN. Thanks!EBAAll EBA RevenuetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionKim approved the updated report.sent an update informer report to Kim. Waiting for her to approve - Jenn
09/05/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueIn the Engagement Report for FoodSafe Drains in LW, there are PW metrics underneath the Category. FoodSafe only has PFW Leaders. Do you know why PW is listed here? DrainstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorP1 answer: Here is their engagement report from January to May 2023

Here is their engagement report from June to December 2023

Here is their engagement report for May 2023

It looks like at some point the company might have been scheduled/assigned to Leaders 2023 on Pack World and as such has impression data available for that time. This doesn’t appear to be the case past May (hence June to December 2023 only show ProFood World categories) so these were likely removed at some point during May or prior.

Let us know if there are any further questions or issues regarding this or if you come across any other examples you’re questioning.
09/05/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherTrying to change billing type to Flexible, but get an error (see attached screenshot). Thanks.Piab10935trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThe system was looking for a GL code. Since our GLs live on the product level and there wasn't a product on the campaign, the system was throwing the error. Naviga is sending this to development, but the work around is to add any line item to the plan and then change the campaign type.
09/06/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThis 10/4 standard eblast is not being pushed to Leadworks. Should I manually create the campaign? Rexnord Corporation1093772766.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe eblast is under the correct client:
08/21/23Lara KriegerProduct HubThe following ad shapes should be the only ones running in 2024 for HCP, please update the hub for 2024 issues when ready.
Attaching specs that show what is running.
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorAwaiting new specs from Lara, should be in by Wednesday 9/6
08/21/23Lara KriegerProduct HubThe following ad shapes should be the only ones running in 2024 for CM+P please update the hub for 2024 issues when ready.
Attaching specs that show what is running.
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorAwaiting new specs from Lara, should be in by Wednesday 9/6
09/05/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherNeed to move the May/June issue to the July/August issue for Nercon and MCE. Wish I could do it, but I get an error message. Thanks.Nercon/MCEcampaign numbers 11166 and 11167trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone
09/06/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherFor Leaders in Processing, there's no 1/2 horizontal option and two 1/2 vertical options if one of them can be changed to horizontal. See screenshot. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe name wasn't updated, but the package
09/05/23Bea GreanyBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueKristin Longnecker reported receiving a 500: Sever Error message when clicking the audience banner link in the Friday, Sep 8 PW End-of-Line Strategies newsletter. I checked other PW subscription banner links as well as a selection of HCP and PFW subscription banner links. HCP & PFW are working, PW links are generating a landing page error message.all newsletter subscription banners run through NativeX. Here is the PW EOL Strategies NL subscription banner NativeX campaign link: HousePW audience subscription renewal campaigns - NativeX{encrypted_customer_id}@&pk=PW_NL_BANNERtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugPer Lauren - It was an Omeda Glitch. The link is working as intended now.
09/05/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI send the client his username and password but when we tested the username listed in LW it says the following error: Could not find user CHenneghanHere are the login credentials we tried to use: Username: CHenneghan Password: CHenneghanChangeMe23!Camfil APCtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - Client
09/05/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261117744885, 74886, 74898, 74899, 74907, 74908, 74909, 74910, 74918, 74919, 74921, 74922, 74923, 74924trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/16/23Bea GreanyProduct HubProduct IssueSupplied HTML specs are outdated. I'd like to get rid of all the blue boxes in favor or a format that is easier to maintain. this page, the sample eblast needs to be updated with a newer sample.EBlasts - SPECSn/an/atrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorBea provided specs to update.
09/04/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentplease zero out all charges in this house ad campaign.PMG 1073711028774806trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/11/23Reed SimonsisOmedaOtherclient informed us that when clicking on their eblast CTA "watch video" of their 8/11 eblast, it brings them to the attached error.Please let me know if i need to go back to the client on any questions on this. Thanks!key technology1030669376trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoThe links were functioning for everyone internally I asked to test.
08/24/23MATTHEW REYNOLDSBASE/WebsitesThis article,

And many other like it, have various different scheduled dates. New items aren't bumping this existing item off the top-spot of the home page because the last or latest scheduled date is far in the future (or something to that effect).

Can there be a guidance on how to schedule posts so that this doesn't happen?trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis isn't an error or system failure, but we are talking to base to see if this is something we can address/fix on a more permanent basis.
08/30/23Kelly GreebyMediumBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHi, we need the logo on CPG Next and Mundo updated as soon as possible. Like this week if at all possible.

We have registered these so we need the logos that have TM in place on the sites.
NANANAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorLogos have been updated. You may have to clear your cookies/cache for the sites to see them, but I confirmed they are there.
08/31/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherThese three companies get page 5, but I can't add the new page 5 line items because these are leaders packages. I looked at Emma's instructions on how to add, but I don't have the option to edit.ID Tech/Panther/EPI11150, 11151, 11151trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingThese have been adjusted/added as Page 5 lines. Please note, I pulled them off our hold account for FROR inventory, so please make sure the clients approve asap.
08/30/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueA Leadwork auto notification was sent to this client saying it was from Brian. It is a notification regarding a campaign all the way from 2019. Can we investigate why these emails are being sent to the client for really old campaigns? See screenshot attached:Dynamic Conveyor CorporationtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis was a legit lead
08/30/23Lara KriegerNavigaSpeciality Equipment has run in all 3 issues of CM+P and they should receive a resource guide profile, that is not listed in Naviga and not in SMA.
Can someone check pls.
trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changei added the guide.
08/29/23Lara KriegerNavigaChange date for Nov/Dec issue of PW. Have right now the date is 11/1, we think it should be listed as 12/1 in Naviga due to the in home start dates when clients will receive the issue.
Can this be updated?
trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoSince the material/close dates are in Oct. we will keep the Nov date to match 2023
08/29/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261019674641trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
08/29/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261025574640trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
08/29/23Jen KrepelkaMediumOtherBilling IssuesNaviga and the Hub.

Can we update the price for 2024 for the Product Reference Guide ( to $5,650

This is different from the request I put in this morning. I still want those updates made just note the price change for 2024 in this request.
nananatrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/29/23Natalie CamachoOmedaOtherNone.Hello, can you verify if I have set up an account for parameter 1. If so, can you help me reset the password. if not, would you please be able to set up an account. Thanks.PMMItrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorNatalie is looking for a login to idenityX. Bea will provide access.
08/29/23Jen KrepelkaMajorProduct HubProduct IssueWe need the price updated for this product in the Hub:

2023 - $4800
2024 - $4950

We also need close dates added...

Ad close- Oct 25th
Materials due- Nov 1st
nananatrueDominique CarmonaResolved
08/28/23Lara KriegerProduct HubThis page needs to have the price updated to $4800 from $4500.
It needs a related link as well to reference.
Spoke with Jenn and she ok'd this.
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
08/29/23Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentKelly approved a last minute eblast purchase for 9/7 but the line is not open.Please change the date to 9/7 and the product type to an event eblast if possible. If you cannot change the eblast type then it should be fine as is. Date is the important part as i can change template on back end. Thank you!Trinity Packaging Supply1114974638trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Dateupdated the date. there isn't an event line.
08/29/23Christy FloresLeadworksLeadworks IssueCampaigns were created in Naviga last week but have still not shown up in leadworksPMG/1073711110774326, 74327, 74328trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorLeadworks campaigns will not kick out until the campaign is in confirmed status. The campaign is still in R3
08/28/23Stephanie HaagCriticalLeadworksLeadworks IssueWhen viewing the proof and trying to click the links they are taking forever to load, not loading, or finally loading to a 504 error page. The link itself works from the client when just put into a browser.
Graphic Packaging International, WeimatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis should be fixed. Yevgeny put in a temporary fix and will look for a permanent fix and apply asap.Yes
08/28/23Lara KriegerProduct Hub
Can we please list my name here and remove George.
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/25/23Madysen FastProduct HubProduct IssueThe specs for facebook posts need to include that youtube links are NOT allowed.N/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/28/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksOtherLinks are opening slow from prospector. Possibly lower lead count?Please help and fix any issues there may be with links on this send.Vac-U-Max971761739trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugWe have fixed the prospector issue. The lead count reflects what is in Omeda, so we will watch it the next few days to determine if it under performed.
08/27/23Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the datesee notesHI Jenn - this start date should be 9/8 - the campaign is supposed to run simultaneously with the 9/8 Facebook campaign. When Liz sold this, the 9/8 HCP date in Naviga had just been blacked out and there was a chatter exchange with Dominique that I think was taken off line and long story short, since it's an HCP campaign and FB went through it was decided that the LI 9/8 date could stick. Sorry, I'm fuzzy on the details but you can reach out to Liz this week in my absence if necessary. Anyway, can you please change the 9/1 LI o 9/8. I want to make sure it doesn't launch on 9/1 - I'm out this week. Thank you.Selig965872498trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved.
08/24/23cfranko@pmmimediagroup.comBASE/WebsitesOtherCopy errorPlease capitalize the "c" in community located at the footer of the CPG Next website. See attached screenshot.CPG NexttrueEmma SatchellResolvedUpdated!Ticket placed in Trello:
08/23/23Madysen FastMinorBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI need my login for Base/Mundo Base reset.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
08/24/23PATRICK YOUNGCriticalNavigaOtherThe PFW Leaders print profile page needs to be moved/changed to February.Acrison, Inc1112474458trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepFixed
08/23/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaOtherAttempting to add an OEM LinkedIn campaign to Naviga 11129; error message received that the 9/15 date closed on 3/8 (please see attached); this is "minor" since we're at the end of day; however if this could be fixed before lunch on 8/24, that would enable me to get a proposal to the cilent who is ready to sign. Thx!AutomationDirect11129OEM LinkedIntrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe line item has been added to the plan.
08/23/23Lara KriegerProduct Hub
This page is very outdated... with a lot of folks who are no longer with PMMI listed.
George, Jeremy, Laura Clairmont... can it be updated?
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedAwaiting Marketing to update the page
08/23/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherI'm not seeing Mundo Leaders in Media Discovery Tool (except for the Digital only version), so that tells me it isn't in Naviga yet. Can someone let me know when it will be added? I need to add a Pro version to Festo's MDT plan for a call tomorrow around noon. Thanks.Added a package level line for MDT use only.FestotrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
08/23/23Jen KrepelkaProduct HubProduct IssuenaCould you add this line to all PAN Facebook Sponsored Posts and Video products in the hub. "Your campaign will run across all Meta channels – Facebook and Instagram." Could be on the details or overview tab. Please read the description and insert it in a place that seems logical.nananatrueDominique CarmonaResolved
08/22/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711110774403trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
08/23/23PATRICK YOUNGMajorNavigaOtherHow do I enter a 1/2 page H PFW Leaders Program in Naviga? I'm not seeing that as an option. I need to get this order confirmed and sent over to the client for approval.Acrison, IncNaviga Proposal # 11124trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorWe didn't add in the 1/2 page packages. The packages are now available to the reps.Yes
08/22/23LEO GUENTHERMajorNavigaNotification IssueNaviga says the issue is closed. I can still get an ad in.Quadrel11119trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded and adjusted by Madysen
08/22/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261097474402trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
08/21/23Lara KriegerProduct HubWomen in Packaging page on hub lists the wrong month for the polybag.
Should be polybagged with PW Sept NOT July.

trueDominique CarmonaResolved
08/16/23Bea GreanyNavigaOtherPW Sep full-page print was added to this campaign to promote PELV 2023, however they learned the publication will not be available until after PELV, therefore they decided to run a PXE 2024 ad. I'd like to correctly account for the ad by removing this line item and adding it to the PMMI PXE 2024 attendee registration campaign – which needs to be created in Naviga.Advertiser decided to change the topic of the Sep PW print ad from PELV 2023 to PXE 2024. I did not delete the line item because the PXE 2024 print ad was provided to and placed by Lara in PW Sep.101726 PMMI10473 BRINKResolvedBillingPutting this on hold until Lara gets back from vacation. Will have her adjust it on Monday. Hey Bea. this has been moved to plan 11116. I sent the plan ID to Christy... is there somewhere else this should be noted?
08/18/23Christy FloresNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateTrying to create a Native campaign to begin running Aug 21, however Aug is not a selection under the campaign start date.Can't manually type in the Aug date either. It automatically changes to 9/1/23. See image for the options I'm shown.PMG/10737111107trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe ad has been added. The campaign start date was 8/16. I moved it to 8/1 and I was then able to add the ad. Please review and let me know if anything needs to be adjusted.
08/18/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711110774326, 74327, 74328trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedDone
08/17/23Stephanie HaagMediumLeadworksLeadworks Issuethe images from the banners are not pulling over and the numbers for the clicks and impressions is completely different in the audience network view than what I have added.
Best CodetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe two links are for two different campaigns. I clicked save on the 2023 campaign and they are now both showing on the audience network screen. Everything appears as they should.
07/25/23Madysen FastOtherOtherI am trying to pull metrics from National Bulks leaders banners, but adaptive will not load to pull metrics from May, and then from June.National Bulk Equipment, Leaders BannersPW_64009_National_Bulk_Leaders_BulkHandlFillEquip_010123_thru_123123PW_64009_National_Bulk_Leaders_BulkHandlFillEquip_010123_thru_123123trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugAdDaptive was able to fix the reportingWorking with Omar to figure out why the reporting isn't reflecting the activity AdDaptive shows is happening on the main order dash. I have nudge Omar again to see if he has any information. We have moved this campaign into StackAdapt so we can still provide impressions.
07/24/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksLeadworks IssueWhen a old order recieves a lead, the sales rep is not adjusted to currently sales rep despite the order being updated.Please update sales reps for previous send when possibleFristam PumpsN/AN/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedIf a rep is made in active, the reps is not removed from all old sends and replaced with the rep at the advertiser level.
07/17/23Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks IssueN/AHello, can we please add the Notify Sales Rep / Notify Advertiser buttons to the 3rd Party Banner and 3rd Party Pre-roll campaigns in Leadworks? No immediate urgency but let me know what is doable.AlltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
08/10/23David NewcornMinorNavigaReporting IssuePlease create a new informer report modeled on the existing informer reports for Newcorn, but with a subset of the reports. See notes.YTD Sales Rep by Month

YTD Sales Rep by Brand

YTD Sales Rep by Ad Type (new report)

YTD PE Major Products (only Game Plan, Showcase, Second Look, Show Daily, Processing Showcase, F&I Directory)
n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
08/16/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711110774305trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
08/16/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueUrschel's Second Look is approved but is still appearing under the Pending Ads view and the proof status says Not Started. Can we move it to the approved ads? LooktrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
08/15/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI was trying to add Viking's 2 Second Look categories to Media Planner but accidentally created 2 Game Plan categories. Can I have the Game Plan categories deleted? I didn't see an option to delete them in MP: Masek Global Packaging TechnologiestrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
08/13/23David NewcornMediumNavigaReporting IssueNeed a report that returns a list of accounts with non-AW items sold by Powers and Belisle. Can be Naviga or Salesforce. Need a separate report that returns a list of accounts with items sold by Roxsy. Place in Exec reports > Newcorn > 2023 folder.n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWaiting for Dave's feed back.
08/14/23Brian GronowskiCriticalNavigaMissing a date/Need a datenI received an approval to sell an ad in PW September and need it opened with a new closing date of 8/15International Molded Fiber Association11081trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
08/14/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711028774093trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
08/11/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse AdsPMG/1073711060674014, 74015trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/10/23Reed SimonsisBASE/WebsitesBase/Website Issueframing of head for first person cut offTNA north americatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoThis is a system limitation... can't change
08/09/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueIs it possible to reclassify McCownGordon and Barry-Wehmiller Design Group, Inc. under the Suppliers list? They are currently under End Users. Here is the Scout view: Plan EnglineeringSCOUTtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
08/09/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueIs it possible to reclassify the following names in Stellar's Scout activity from End User to Suppliers?: Stellar Group, The Haskell Company, Kesi CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
08/10/23Madysen FastLeadworksLeadworks IssueIn Media Planner, where you can push notify for second look materials, when I click the notify button for Delkor, nothing happens and it does not show if it actually notified/sent.DelkorSecond LookSecond LooktrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
08/10/23Maria DruziukOtherOtherI try to enter Smartsheets but see this message: access denied. As a result, I can`t enter the Quality log, Addaptive reporting, or any other Smartsheet docs.The problem with SmartsheettrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/10/23Lara KriegerProduct HubHello! The specs for the Craft Brewing Supplement are from 2023, can we please update the specs from PW's magazine?

Craft Brew:

PW for reference:

The only difference is that CB only has the sizes, Full Page, 1/2 Page Horizontal, 1/2 Page Vertical and 2 page spread. They offer the IBC, OBC and IFC as well, but those match the FP specs. Thanks,
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/10/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse AdsPMG/1073711106674007, 74008, 74009, 74010trueDominique CarmonaResolvedBilling
08/10/23PATRICK YOUNGMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease zero out Opp # 11071I made a mistake in scheduling the PELV ENL for KTI. The timing of the ENL conflicted with the timing of the product launch. I'll call JS with more details. PEYKey Technology, Inc11071trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodYes
08/08/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI've had a couple clients come to me saying that the link for creating passwords expired. This is one of the links within the Leadworks automatic email: "Please complete your Leadworks account setup"I think this is the link they are saying keeps expiring: Complete your account setup by creating a strong password here: CarmonaResolved
08/08/23Bea GreanyProduct HubProduct IssuePer Jenn Brink, the image specs on the 'Native Ads on our website' product page are incorrect. Per Jenn, we require a 3:2 ratio with 600x400 being the suggested sizePlease confirm other details regarding this product are correct and update the Hub page as needed. Please let me know if other specifications have changed because Christy Flores and I are handling a request in the House Ads Smartsheet for a PW native ad campaign. P.S. can this form be updated to allow multiple email addresses to be entered (to receive a copy of the submission).n/an/a CarmonaResolved
08/09/23Stephanie HaagMajorNavigaProduct IssueGeorgia Pacific is wondering if they could purchase either the 3 week prior Facebook ads if they get materials in soon.

Or if they can still purchase the web sponshorship ads knowing they are late to start.
georgia pacifictrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionYes to Web Sponsorship. Yes to FB IF we can get the materials by Noon 8/10.
08/08/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI believe QC was already billed for this original LinkedIn campaign that did not run on its original date of May 26th. I just got a new date to reschedule this to and added it to Naviga: October 13th. I just want to make sure that they do not get charged twice! ThanksQC Conveyors1045069877trueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - CST
08/07/23Stephanie HaagMediumLeadworksLeadworks Issueadded all the stats information, saved, everything looks fine until you check Audience Network for Kliklok. All of the July stats for LinkedIn have been added and saved but are not showing up. They even appear filled out in the Master Pan history tab (screenshot attached)

Here is a link to one that is filled out and should be showing but is not.
LinkedIn stats - KlikloktrueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - CST
08/07/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherThese two ads for the Dec HCP issue are in IS and have not moved to SMAHeat and Control and Formulated Solutions have moved over. CSS International now occurring the same issue.Heat and control and formulated solutions and CSS International1037669557trueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - CSTGlitch moved CSS International as Material Approved in Naviga. When I moved to a different status (material requested), history of line item now is showing that *I* marked materials as approved 8/7. - ES
08/03/23Stephanie HaagMinorProduct HubOtherThe line talking about the number of required ads is confusing and needs to be edited. "Supply a minimum of 3 full sets of creative (can accept up to 4) is required"FacebooktrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/08/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711106673836trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
08/08/23LEO GUENTHERCriticalNavigaOtherAdvertiser can not approve the planI made sure all the dates were on there and not expired and they were fine. I resent him the plan then he said that the Link was not active at all. This plan was created before the merge then updated after the mergeNCC Automated Systes11041trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Client
08/04/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261102973792trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
08/03/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueADCO's Second Look is added to Media Planner but is not populating on the dashboard. I even uploaded a PDF to the plan and it is not showing up on my view. ManufacturingtrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration Error
08/02/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorProduct HubOtherwhen we send the special link to customers so they can see pricing and examples page, it doesn't work and they can't see any of that info.NAtrueEmma SatchellResolvedYes
08/02/23Kelly GreebyMinorProduct HubOtherLooking at the hubCan you please change some copy on this page -- this copy -- *Advertisers and PACK EXPO exhibitors who run a full or half page in the show issue of HCP (Fall) qualify for a free full-page company profile in the Premier Suppliers issue -- needs to read -- *Advertisers and PACK EXPO exhibitors who run a full or half page in the show issue of HCP (Fall) qualify for a free full-page company profile in the PACK EXPO Show IssueNANAtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
07/28/23Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksOtherthese clients have had scout appeared without being added by me (csm). They also don't have scout added to their sites so I am unsure where the lead is coming from, haver&boeckertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThese are scout campaigns for Map Your Show pages. These were intentionally created. The team was notified on Monday!
08/01/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaProduct IssueI can't add PW Intro Leaders Program and get an error message. See attached screenshot. Want to close this plan ASAP. Thanks.AdvanSix11051trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeRequest completedYes
07/28/23Mikayala DelsonProduct HubI'd like to request to update the first example listed in the PMMI Audience Network: Video Pre-Roll on Third-Party Sites on PW:

The first example video listed for FANUC America Corporation is 30 second long, which contradicts our specs that list 10-15 sec video.

Can we replace this example with a more recent and successful video pre-roll campaign that fits within the specs?

Example has been updated! Thank you for sending this request over!trueEmma SatchellResolved
07/28/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease zero pricing - this is a house ad. 1073711028773560trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
07/26/23Stephanie HaagMinorOtherOtherAbout how many people will receive the game plan ad for controls/machine component/software group?b&rtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
07/27/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueDoes BASE allow us to paste in content into the MUNDO Leaders digital online profile? The client and I are trying to copy content from a word doc and paste it into the fields but BASE is not allowing us to paste the content in. Is there some sort of magic workaround to this? I attached the word document. Neither me or the client want to retwype everything into BASE since it is in Spanish and we don't want to make the risk of typing an errors. Plus there's a lot of content/fields to be filled out.Link to online profile: and ControlLeaders MUNDOtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorIssue was length of text.
07/27/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherCO in Naviga but not in SMAEpson72535.110637trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepWrong rateline used
07/26/23Stephanie HaagMediumNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateSyntegon is moving this to 8/4 and that date needs to be added.Kliklok1077071603trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI had to create a new line item 73543
07/27/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherCO in Naviga but not in SMATNA North America72683.110908trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepWrong rateline used
07/27/23MaryAnn CoyleNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan you add a Full page for Fall OEM 2023 for SMC Corp. Approval received from Lara Krieger and ad already sent from client.SMC Corp11035.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone
07/25/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksLeadworks IssueVentions spotlight on pelv is in naviga but not showing in leadworks.Please see below image. Can we fix this?Vention1089372639.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis pushed during a period when the multi position wasn't working correctly. Re-pushed lines and they attached.
07/25/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI11029trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
07/24/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease zero out the recently added line items (house ads – no billing)PMMI 10172610733: BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
07/24/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksMaterial Submission IssueMaterials were submitted late, then rescheduled the eblast. When the reschedule was made, the materials were delated from ebuilder.Is there a way these materials can be retrieved? THanks,Cablevey Conveyors951573006.3trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - GeneralI was able to pull the materials from the Dev Site. They are loaded now... the headline is cut off.
07/21/23Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentclient purchased pan banners on 3rd when they wanted ROSPlease convert this line form 3rd party banner ads to Banner ads on site but keeping the rate the same. The client is aware the impressions will change as there is a difference in CPM. Thank you!Chep USA1083472579trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe change was made. Waiting on the client approval to close this line
07/20/23Lara KriegerNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncNeeds to push to SMA- 1 pg unit known issueDouglas1056370546.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Repwrong rateline was used. Moved to correct line and now the ad is in SMA
07/20/23Madysen FastLeadworksLeadworks IssueWhen clicking "Notify Sales Rep" on the metrics under a campaign in the Audience Network History dash, Wendy Sawtell is not getting any of the notifications, but the other sales reps are.Nercon BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis is fixed, The system was pulling from an inactive user. Doug fixed the back end to look only active users.
07/19/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would like to change this to a PEI Product Update eBlast. I tried to do it on my end but it says that there is no inventory.Fogg Filler1013967751trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone
07/17/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueIt appears that there is a duplicate PFW Banner Ads 3rd Party underneath the Audience Network Report for: Industrial Magnetics, Inc.The top campaign that was updated today should be the correct campaign: Magnetics, Inc. CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error
07/18/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOthertrying to add PACK EXPO Direct Mail but it says it closed June 1st and that makes no sense. Trying to close today.Dispense Works10766trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHad the wrong date and wrong product. Good now.No
07/18/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot move dateplease move date to 8/1Cablevey Conveyors951561995trueDominique CarmonaResolved
07/14/23Lara KriegerProduct HubThe Targeted Cover page is all wrong... these are old specs. Please ensure the new full page specs are listed:
Please remove Automation World image
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
07/13/23Brian GronowskiMediumNavigaNeed to move the datenThe material due date for August PFW is not correct in Naviga, should be 7/21UhdetrueDominique CarmonaResolvedMoving Date
07/12/23Bea GreanyCriticalOtherOtherEmail on Acid now requires two-factor authentication for every login. PMG shares a single-user plan with everyone at PMG, therefore when someone now logs into Email on Acid, an email is sent to me, with a code that I need to share with the person trying to log in.Can this be completed today? I will not be available Thursday or Friday. Please create a new email address: and have all emails sent to that address forwarded to the following individuals: Riley Phoenix, Christy Flores, Hannah Krause, Kristin Longnecker, Kathy Travis, Fil Riello, and me (Bea Greany)PMG Media OpsN/AN/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
07/11/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueStellar has the beacon running on their website and I added the campaign to LW but it is not populating under the Scout Campaigns view in LW: BRINKResolvedNot an error
07/12/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksLeadworks IssueStats are not going into audience network section despite being entered. Please see attached. - please help sync over to audience network if possible. Thank you!Kawasaki911456757trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe subtype on the campaign needs to be Pre-Roll and then the campaign will show. I updated this one for you!
06/30/23Maria DruziukLeadworksLeadworks IssueHello there! I have noticed that Leadworks does not track my online activity again. I tested this on three advertisers, and it appears that Leadworks cannot detect me. Despite trying to log out and log back in, the issue persists. Could you please assist me with resolving this problem? Thank you!I appreciate you including my name in the Requestor's Name field.ALLtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorCould not get response from Maria regarding if she is still encountering this issue?
07/10/23Bea GreanyProduct HubOtherPlease provide Tracey with login credentials for the Product Hub.tlabovitz@pmmimediagroup.comTracey Labovitzn/an/atrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
07/10/23Madysen FastProduct HubProduct IssueThe video specs for PW facebook posts are not correct, the video size needs to be 1080x1080 to run on all ad types, and 1920x1080 for full HD.PW FacebooktrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
07/10/23Kelly GreebyProduct HubFinal thing -- can you change this bullet point

• Purchased list can be used up to three times in a 12-month period.

to this

• Purchased show lists are one-time use

On this page again
trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
07/10/23Reed SimonsisBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueWas informed there is an issue with click through for featured products.When on a company profile( if you try to click through any of the featured products it shows as blocked.material transfer and storange--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - ClientClient didn't add URLS. Reed is reaching out.
07/10/23Kelly GreebyProduct HubHello, can you please remove any reference to the direct mail product being only available post-show on this page? It is available to pre-registrants prior to the show and post-show. Also, can you remove the quick links items.

trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
06/29/23Lara KriegerProduct HubPFW Processing Zone page Why is the close date after the materials date?trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorNeed to figure out the close date.
07/07/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711028772882trueEmma SatchellResolved
07/05/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueFor some video pre-rolls, they are populating in the LW History dash but when I go to the advertiser's LW campaign and click on Audience Network Report, the metrics are not populating in this view. For example, SEW-EURODRIVE, Inc. does not show up on the Audience Network Report: I checked a couple other Pre-Rolls like Spee-Dee and it also does not populate under the Audience network report.SEW-EURODRIVE, Inc.trueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Bug submitted, needs testing.
07/05/23Reed SimonsisNavigaLeadworks Issueproof generator is not working, just constantly loading. systems--trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Bug on Jira ticket.
07/05/23Lara KriegerNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncThe full page moved to SMA but the profile has notEncoder1087371660.1trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem BugDone!
07/05/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261097472866trueEmma SatchellResolved
07/05/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueDougla's Leaders performance is not populating under the Content Engagement Reports tab in LW Machines Corp.trueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - CSTHi Mikayla, turns out the company did not have LIProcessing categories assigned to them. I've assigned them to their categories, but results are 0 since they were just added to Leaders.
06/29/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaOtherChristy and I are trying to figure out the sales rep/csm that this advertiser belongs to. In Naviga it shows House Rep and Courtney is the CSM, is that correct? Then in Leadworks it shows Leo is the sales rep. Can someone confirm?Hello! This is a barter agreement, so that is why its house rep!Andina Pack10491trueMadysen FastResolvedMadysen entered the plan, so I sent Mikayla and Christy her way!
06/28/23Riley PhoenixLeadworksReporting IssueFB leads csv won't upload. I went through the process as normal, and usually after you click "Upload" it will tell you it uploaded however many leads, but that isn't popping up and the leads are not registered in the Audience Network. BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
06/14/23Stephanie HaagMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe dates for May LinkedIn ads are in the middle and not in date order.KlikloktrueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Bug
07/05/23Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHello, Domino has to moved one category from GP to Sustainability Finder at no-charge. I have switched GP order to only 2 categories from 3. Can you please adjust the SF pricing so the two products combined total what 3 GP categories would have cost, or as you best see fit considering we initiated the change?Domino Amjet1060472859trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
07/01/23Lara KriegerNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncIn R3, pls move to Completed so it moves to SMAROTZINGER Group, Inc1095672802.1trueEmma SatchellResolved
06/30/23Lara KriegerNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncNeeds to push to SMAWeber Inc.1054370453.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThe connection is still not live for the ad type 1 page profile (no ad). I will email Kai.
06/30/23Lara KriegerNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncVerified this is in Confirmed status for days and has not moved to SMAMembrane Process & Controls1085372480.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI see the ad in SMA.
06/30/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI'm trying to enter this GP to MP but the billing and production contacts are not showing up. This is the materials contact destinee.bradleybrown@mxdprocess.comMXD Process - Game PlantrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepDone. Rep didn't assign Billing or material contacts to any contact in salesforce, so nothing pushed to LW.
06/30/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI've had two clients not able to log into Media Planner. When i send them links to upload materials this is what one of the clients said: I am unable to log in to this page. I do not get an error or anything, just hit submit and nothing happens. The words username never go away either, the email and password seem to type over top of this. There is no option to cancel, forgot username, anything. I am not sure what to do.See attached for what another client saw on their screen.VDG, A.B. SealertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
06/30/23Kelly GreebyProduct HubUpdate FB and LinkedIn main pages and specs pagesTop o' the mornin'. Can we please add "Minimum of 3 full sets of creative (can accept up to 4) is required" to all the Facebook and LinkedIn Sponsored Post spec pages? Similar to what we have on this page -- thankstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
06/27/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCan't add basic or Pro lideres because date missing.Piab10935trueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - Sales RepNo
06/29/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksMaterial Submission IssueClient, myself, and Jenn all have tried generating proof but the proof just keeps loading.See attached for reference. Thank you!Simco-Ion--trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
06/28/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to remove all of Regal Rexnord Corporation's Game Plan and Second Looks in Media Planner. They canceled last minute. See screenshot for confirmation from Leo.Regal Rexnord CorporationtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone!
WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaProduct IssueCan't add Mundo Conveying Playbook because it says it needs a date. Closes tomorrow.Piab10935trueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
06/28/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesOtherQC Conveyors is not on the PELV website but they are participating in Game Plan.QC Conveyors's Game Plan on PE WebsitetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoLooks like they aren't an exhibitor. They shouldn't be in GP
06/27/23Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateJune ad did not show in SMA. Ad did not run.Please move June 1st ad to October printEmerson automation solutions (NJ)1006871799trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - GeneralThere shouldn't have been a June issue at all. I deleted the line.
06/27/23Reed SimonsisProduct HubProduct IssueClient bought intro Leaders in processing packageHow many categories does the intro leaders in processing package get?BFR SystemstrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
06/08/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueI reset this client's password and we both got the following error. See screenshot.Username: ERydholt Password: ERydholtChangeMe23!Plan IT PackagingtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
06/19/23Madysen FastLeadworksLeadworks IssueNomaste Baking Co. Is not in leadworks under the 6/26 CM+P Focus Newsletter, even though that is the date it is scheduled for in Naviga.Nomaste Baking Co1052070300.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedThis is now showing and the issue has been resolved. is working on this one. It looks like in LW the campaign isn't approved. It is approved in Naviga. Doug is looking into why.
06/16/23Lara KriegerProduct HubExtra "w" on Healthcare pkg spec pageOn this page , there is an extra "w" after the word calendar- CarmonaResolved
06/23/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711028772722trueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/22/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaTemplate IssueI QC'd and moved this order to R3 yesterday but Lara is claiming it is stuck in R1. Can we push this?Dorner9990trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepOld rate line used. Updated and the ad pushed to SMA
06/21/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261078872654trueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/20/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261073372642trueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/20/23LEO GUENTHERMinorProduct HubProduct IssueCan you add 2022 Show Dailies to the Sales page on the hub?Sunday – Monday – Tuesday- Wednesday – AdditionstrueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/19/23LEO GUENTHERMajorNavigaOtherCan not delete items from the plan, screen just goes gray.Everything from plan needs to be deleted except Game Plan, Second Look and Show Daily (1/2 page horizontal)ADCO10820trueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/13/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksLeadworks Issueadding an end date to a campaign causes leadworks to give an errorwhen i enter an expire date, the program gives an error. Please see the 2 images attached.starviewtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/16/23Stephanie HaagMediumNavigaCustom Product RequestWestrock bought a Sustainability Category for Game Plan and is switching to Sustainability Finder.approved by Dave to give them the same price.westrock BRINKResolved
06/15/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse Adspmmi/1017261067572553trueJENNIFER BRINKResolved
06/14/23Stephanie HaagMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueThere are two leads in there but one on them is from Anastasia but she/ no one else added it to be uploaded. Not sure how she is there. BRINKResolvedThis has been resolved. It looks like that lead came in via cookies/web. See ticket for full explanation:
WENDY SAWTELLCriticalLeadworksOtherLeadworks is downNAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSite should be back upYes
06/14/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaTemplate IssueFor Second Look, the materials due date on the order does not reflect the date listed in the Hub. I confirmed with Courtney and the Second Look closing date and materials due date is 8/15. In the orders created in Naviga such as this one, the materials due date shows 9/1. Can we get those dates changed to 8/15 in this order and all Second Look orders moving forward?The Austin Company10858trueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/14/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI'm trying to create an order in MP for this Game Plan, but the billing contact/print contacts are not populating so it won't let me continue to save the plan. See screenshotsFlex Plus Pak10835 (Game Plan Media Planner)trueDominique CarmonaResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThis is now approved in Media Planner there wasn't a billing or print contact designated in Salesforce.
06/15/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherIn R1, not moving to Send my Ad and has client name in field- pls helpWeidmüller, USA108527248.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis one was signed on the protal. It won't push to SMA until it hits r2. I manually moved to R2 and back to R1 to push it out for you.
06/13/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksOtherClient requested to use 2022 gameplan materials for 2023Can we pull 2022 gameplan materials for flexlink to use for 2023 gameplan? Thanks!Flexlink systems1039669646trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
06/14/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaNotification IssueAttempting to add this product to the proposal and seeing a June 1 close notification.The product closes on June 15; can you update Naviga so I can add the product to this proposal?A&E Conveyor10859Trends in Sanitary Design - PFW Webinar publish date 7/13; closing 6/15trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
06/14/23Brian GronowskiProduct HubProcessing Zone HubEditorial submission due date needs to be changed to July 21 per Morgan SmithtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
06/13/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherNot moving to SMA- wong line code?Teledyne Tapdone1085172476.1trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
06/12/23Bea GreanyOtherCustom Product RequestRequesting some new PMG eblast products1) Kelly recently approved a CMP Supplied HTML eblast which is not an official product but should be. 2) A customer wanted to send an OEM Case Study eblast, however we don't have it as a product option – but we should! In my opinion, PW, CMP, HCP, OEM, PFW brands should all offer the following eblast products: Video Spotlight, White Paper, Product Update, Event, eBook, Case Study, CoBranded, Infographic, Industry Webinar, Supplied HTML, Technology Minute (HCP currently has Asked & Answered but maybe change to Tech Minute)None.N/AN/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
06/09/23Lara KriegerProduct HubPlease update print specs pages to my name versus GeorgeCM+P, PFW, OEM, HCP and Mundo/Lideres pages pleasetrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorUpdates completed!
06/08/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncCan we push this Norgren order through? Its in Naviga but not moving to SMA. Thanks.Norgren1074971449.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedthe ad is now in SMA
06/08/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherWe had an issue like this last week that I thought Simone fixed. If you look at Digimarc's ad spend it shows they are spending 8k in 2023. They haven't bought anything and the proposal that's been created is for $6,650. Really messes things up when it shows as spend. SatchellResolvedNot an errorCompany purchased LIP for 2023, but the sales closed in 2022 - leading to the confusion. Salesforce and Naviga are correct, no changes needed.No
06/08/23LEO GUENTHERMediumNavigaNotification IssueTried to book a Mundo Lideres and all the dates said they closed May 31Heat and Control10841trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangePackage added and point of contact updated!Yes
06/07/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan we get the June month for this PFW 3rd Party Banner Ad campaign to be zeroed out? We had an internal miscommunication and Brian wants to run the June ads as a make-good.PSG, a Dover Company71041trueEmma SatchellResolvedApproved by Courtney & zeroed out.Yes
06/05/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueMulti-Conveyor would like to re-run last year's Game Plan with the new booth # C-1718. When I try to manually save the images from last year's Game Plan and upload them to the 2023 template, I receive an error. What is the process for repeating GP materials this year? Is Yevgeny still doing those or are the CSMs responsible for that? If the CSMs are responsible, can we get a little tutorial on how to properly repeat materials? Thanks!Multi-Conveyor Game PlantrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorYevgeny pulled the ads!
06/07/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaTemplate IssueWhen creating Game Plan line items in Naviga, the Production Form automatically adds the 2022 Game Plan Production form. Brian is requesting if we can have it automatically load the current 2023 Game Plan Production Form since the categories are different than the 2022 Form. Thanks.General - Creating Game Plan Orders in NavigatrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorForms have been updated!Yes
06/07/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherCan't ad PW intro Leaders package since it says iyt needs a rate line for Packaging World. See screenshot.Intro package has been addedRaque10840trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingYes
06/07/23Stephanie HaagMediumNavigaCustom Product RequestThe client would like to push back their ProSource LinkedIn date to start 6/23 SatchellResolvedThis has been completedYes
06/05/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueThis beacon is currently active but we are not seeing anything populate in Leadworks: SupplySCOUTtrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorFixed! Please let us know if you have any questions. out that leads currently in there were over a month old, thus LW was not reporting them on scout page.
06/05/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueThe booth number in Media Planner shows C-1655, which is what the correct booth number should be. When I generate the proof, the booth number changes to: S-1655. Can we it read C-1655?Quadrel CarmonaResolved
06/05/23FLAVEL SHURTLEFFMediumProduct HubOtherI no longer have access to ZESTY to update digital editions for PFW, OEM and HCPtrueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - GeneralComplete
05/24/23PATRICK YOUNGProduct HubProcessing Zone Hub UpdatesPlease see below. Processing Zone File UploadtrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorRequest completed
06/02/23Stephanie HaagMediumProduct HubOtherthe description of the specs is not super clear and looks like clients need to send 1 image ad and 1 video ad when in reality we can't have both running at the same time,linkedintrueEmma SatchellResolvedQuestionUpdated for clarity
06/02/23KEREN SOOKNEBASE/Websitestwo articles are gated by an email request (base items 22724479 and 22671425)I'm not sure if it's just these two, but so far that's all I've seen after clicking on a few HCP articles.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - GeneralFixed! A soft break was used in the caption. Solution is to use a <br> when a line break is needed.
06/02/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse Adspmmi/1017261067372339, 72340trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeRequest complete
05/24/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaTemplate IssueCan we add a Rescheduling status for this LinkedIn campaign? I'm not sure if other LI campaigns have them already but I don't see the status on this campaign. Thanks!QC Conveyors1045069877.2trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestThe status has been added.
06/01/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksReporting Issuethe stats are located in the line item in leadworks but will not show in audience networkPlease see: Can we get this fixed so the stats pull through to the companies audience network tab? Thank you!Real Time Automation959360485trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe campaign was missing an end date on the main screen and the Matched Audience wasn't filled in. Once I added both, it popped onto the audience screen. Please check the match rate, because I just used 10,000 to make the campaign hit the screen.
06/01/23David NewcornMinorNavigaReporting Issuenot an errorIs it possible to pull a report from Naviga that shows how much Wendy had on the books as of April 12, 2023?n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionDone!
06/01/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherThis account shows that they are "active" and spect 39k with us this year, but they haven't bought anything. LomaskyResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorSimone has fixed this issue
05/31/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need the line item zeroed out for this House AdHouse AdsPMG/1073711028772293trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedDone
05/31/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse Adspmmi/1017261019672291trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedDone
05/31/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse Adspmmi/1017261025572290trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedDone
05/31/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse Adspmmi/1017261019672289trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedDone
05/31/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse Adspmmi/1017261025572288trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedDone
05/25/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI'm trying to get the Kondracki group added to Linmot USA, Inc. in Leadworks but Ray Kondracki is unable to see Linmot USA, Inc. under his advertisers although I added his name in LW.Linmot USA, Inc.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedRay is able to see the client.waiting for Mikalya to confirm Ray can see the advertiser profile on his list
05/31/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot change due to pricing, client has not submitted materialPlease adjust campaign to move out of May billing. Either extending or compressing the campaign. Thank you!Nothum Food Processing1066571351trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoReed figured it out!
05/12/23Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueReviewed the client’s eBuilder campaign, Omeda mailing PMMICD230503003, and our Email on Acid test. The two ad images not rendering for client are due to the image files in eBuilder being file type “.webp” (rather than .jpg or .png). Not sure how the client was able to submit an unaccepted file type. I’m guessing client uses a desktop PC running an Outlook email app. Mac users do not see this rendering issue. Readers who use a web browser email client on a PC or Mac or view on a mobile device do not see this error – only Windows Desktop Outlook email clients cannot translate the file type. The rendering error is displayed in the Email on Acid test but the image rendering issue was not caught during QA review. (Aagard) notified Madysen and Christy "two images of our videos are not showing in the email for Packaging Insights."all41855N/AtrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe type of image is being blocked by the system.LW-1108
05/30/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to change the following Video Eblasts to White Paper Eblasts without accidentally losing the date. I tried to do it manually but I ran into inventory errors. Here are the Eblasts that I would like to change to White Papers: Mundo 6/13, PFW 7/19, and PW 10/4. Thanks!Eagle Product Inspection10259trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/24/23Brian GronowskiProduct HubPlease update SL Hub example to a 2022 exampletrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorGame Plan has been updated. Awaiting SL from Fil.-Dom
05/24/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherI've noticed several times that Naviga shows zero dollar value when there's actual value. This plan says zero and it's about 6k. Just thought I'd mention.Kirk-Rudy10798trueDominique CarmonaResolved
05/24/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaTemplate IssueOn my view, there is only one banner ad on our site 5/1-10/31 (line item 68122). Although on Christy's view, it shows 6 different line items, one for each month and the statuses are automatically set to Pending Materials. Can Christy's view look like mine so that the Product is under one Line No? Its a lot less confusing for Christy and less redundant so that she does not have to submit the same set of materials in 6 different Line items.CRB1016368122trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
05/24/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaNeed to move the dateCan I get this LinkedIn date moved to this Friday, May 26th?Heat and Control986768572.2trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
05/23/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out.PMMI Silent Auction Winnerpmmi/1017261079972043trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
05/20/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaMissing a date/Need a datenWe need to adjust the material due date for the July 13 PFW editorial webinar. It has the original date when the webinar was on June 6. Claudia or Trey can give you a good dateSaniCretetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
05/22/23Anastasia CherniakLeadworksLeadworks IssueWhen I try to open PAN Campaigns Master report - I get an error. BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis has been fixed. You should now see the dashboard!
05/19/23PATRICK YOUNGMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease add Leaders in Processing to this media plan, no full page profile. The billing months and rates are unchanged and have been approved by WSSee abovePowder Solutions, Inc10763WENDY SAWTELLDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
05/19/23Stephanie HaagMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueThere is a an error message every time we try to add stats. Says the campaign is not found? CarmonaResolvedUser Error - CST
05/19/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherIf you look at plan 9595 it looks like they bought a 1 page unit AND a 2-page unit in the PELV Showcase. If you look at the signed order (attached), it only shows one, and the prices match for both plans. Very confusing.ID Technology9595trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't DoNo
05/18/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherJust need to add the word Robotics to the 3rd Party Pre-roll for PAN for PACK EXPO Product (the way it is done for Banner Ads). See screenshots. Thanks.SchmalztrueDominique CarmonaResolved
05/18/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out for these House AdsHouse Adspmmi/1017261025571329trueDominique CarmonaResolved
05/18/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out.House Adspmmi/10172610254trueDominique CarmonaResolved
05/18/23Christy FloresNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out.House Adspmmi/10172610788trueDominique CarmonaResolved
05/17/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAll line items should be zeroed (these are house ads).Campaign Description: Packaging Robotics Live - Orange CountyPMG / Customer 10737110624trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/17/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThere should currently be 1 full page ad in this PMMI PXSE 2025 Save the Date campaign. The ad was incorrectly entered for Sprint/March OEM but it should have been entered for Summer/June OEM.Please zero line 71644. Please delete line 69072 if possible.PMMI / Customer 10172610290trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/17/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAll lines need to be $0 (this is a house ad campaign)PMMI / Customer 10172610675trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/17/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentneed all line items to be $0 (this is a house ad campaign)PMMI / Customer 10172610180trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/18/23Lee AshcroftMajorOtherOtherEmails are not always logging in Salesforce - even when I send straight through salesforce. This is critical fro knowing what happened last when I next enter a lead.Moved to email with Ryan, Lee and AndyFlexopack SAtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
05/12/23Bea GreanyOtherOtherPlease update the 'Requestor's Name' dropdown list in this Smartsheet. Please add Christy Flores and Mariia Druziuk. It would be wonderful if you would remove names of people who no longer work with us!Thank you.N/AN/AN/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/25/23Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks IssueStephanie, Courtney, and Madysen are all encountering errors when trying to add PAN metrics to LW. Sample error uploaded. Also, for video pre-roll, multiple "bad request" errors when entering dataMultiple--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugEveryone now is able to enter PAN metrics
05/11/23Stephanie HaagMediumNavigaProduct IssueThe client needs their 1/2 page islands switched to 1/2 page horizontal with the zeroed out pricing.Sidel: Novembal: and NovembaltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
05/11/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe need these line items zeroed out.House Ads. Please add Christy Flores ( to the Requestor's Namepmmi/1017261073371549, 71550, 71551trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
05/09/23Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe Facebook campaign for 3/24 is not showing up on the clients audience network tab. EquipmenttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThe FB ID was missing and the End date was not set. I added both and repulled the stats. Its there now.
05/09/23Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateline 70347: no change
line 70364: Start date 5/10
Line 70347: End date should be 5/16/2023. Line 70364: Start date should be 5/17/2023.PMMI / 10172610524line 70347: no change line 70364: Start date 5/10trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
05/10/23Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateWe need to change the date of PW New Issue Alert for May due to content that cannot be published until after May 20.Need to change send date for May PW New Issue Alert NL and all advertisers . New Date: May 25.1. Enercon Industries 2. A-B-C Packaging 3. Exair CorporationEnercon: 9537 A-B-C: 9572 Exair: 9838Enercon: 61244.2 A-B-C: 6022.1 Exair: 63153.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
05/10/23LEO GUENTHERMinorNavigaOtherNot an error, just need Leo's order for Serpa updatedKelly approved the Serpa placements for a 1/3 square ad in July Sept and Nov to be upgraded to a 1/2 horizontal - one time!SerpatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdated!
05/05/23Stephanie HaagMediumLeadworksLeadworks IssueI made an edit to the Facebook campaigns and now the CTR isn't showing.KlikloktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis has been fixed
05/08/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateThis line has april as a billable month when it should not be.Please adjust the line item to bill a total of 5000 equally between may -dec. Thank you!Nothum1066571351trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedDone
05/04/23Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueThis is missing from/not in LW.Sterling Contract Packaging Inc.1051570282.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI see the campaign?
05/02/23Bea GreanyProduct HubOtherproviding updated audience distribution figures to update the Hub as needed.Column E of the Omeda Email Audience - Quarterly Updates sheet contains the audience size to be posted in the Hub. Figures highlighted in yellow definitely changed from the prior update.trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
05/02/23Reed SimonsisLeadworksOtherFound a type on leadworks pan metricsPlease see typo in image attached in audience network dashboard for metrics.all--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed
05/03/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOtherYikes! Lara just noticed that Aagard was scheduled for a 1/2 page and full-page ad in August PW. Depending where you look in Naviga, you will see two different things. I'll attach the signed order that seems correct, but if you look at the spend, it is different than the signed order. See attachments.Aagard9875trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTA PFW ad was removed from the plan and a PW ad was accidentally added in its place. This has been corrected. The overall price of the plan is different than the original plan because there were 3 PFW eblasts and 3 PFW eblast extensions removed on March 24th.YesLooks like a PFW ad was deleted and a PW ad was added. Waiting on Wendy/Madysen to confirm. IF that is the case I will delete the PW ad and add the correct PFW ad.
05/03/23Stephanie HaagMajorLeadworksLeadworks IssueI was trying to login to leadworks on Firefox because I have stats that are needed asap but it kept saying that I had the wrong information. I reset my password twice so I know that is correct. I then went back into Chrome Leadworks and clicked update so that I could make sure my username was correct. It then logged me out and will not let me back in saying either the username/password is incorrect.all leadworkstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bugwe updated Stephanie's browser and the issue was resolved. She is able to get into leadworks in both Chrome and Firefox.Yes
05/03/23MaryAnn CoyleProduct HubOtherCa you fix the spelling of Machinery on this page? CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/26/23Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksOtherMost of the scout are in the red and even after visiting the sites they still are red and are not updating in leadworksscouttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugScout is back up and Running!
04/28/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherFYI...the Supplier Webinar links are not directing to the hub from MDT. I'm assuming for all brands...doesn't work for OEM and PFW.NAtrueEmma SatchellResolvedNaviga has been updated and it will be reflected on MDT tomorrow morning.
04/27/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherIt's a little confusing when we add an intro package to MDT because it shows up as two #1 installments. Can one of them be called installment #2? See screenshot. Thanks.NAtrueEmma SatchellResolvedNaviga has been updated and it will be reflected on MDT tomorrow morning.
04/27/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like these house orders zeroed out, thanks!PMMO10733, 10734, 10735trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingThese house ads have been zeroed out.
04/25/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentneed $ zeroed (current total is $0.35) in this PMG Webinar campaign Media Group1028770595, 70634, 71279trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingComplete
04/25/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI'm trying to click on Add Audience Network Campaign to this LinkedIn campaign but I am receiving the following error. See attached. Rexnord Automation SolutionsLeadworks ID: 45032trueEmma SatchellResolvedUI ClarityWe now have the video report template available for LinkedIN. You now need to select a subtype on the campaign level in order to add Audience Network Data.
04/25/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaOtherThese two opps were just created for Sullair. They are no longer using ad agnecy Z2 and now using Ivor Andrew. I'm unable to change billing contact on the two plans to Brian Kelly at Iror Andrew and I can't send these to the customer with the wrong billing contact. She made it very clear in her RFP to not invoice the old agency. Madysen tried to update with no luck. I'd love it updated and would also like myself and Madysen to learn what we were doing wrong. Thanks.Sullair10722 and 10711trueEmma SatchellResolvedRequest completed and instructions shared with Madysen on how to update this in the future.Yes
04/24/23LEO GUENTHERMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueClicked on SKA FAB's Audience Network and got an error messageSame with Heat and ControlSKA FABViewing Audience Network ProductstrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorAccess granted.Yes
04/25/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10721trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingRequest complete! - Emma Satchell
04/24/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueThe client and I keep trying to upload this speaker image but it keeps uploading horizontally. Product InspectionLIP ProfiletrueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - GeneralThis has been remedied. Please let me know if you continue to encounter an issue!
04/24/23Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCannot change due to pricingPlease move to May 26th. Thank you!SEW Eurodrive970761687trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingRequest completed! - Emma Satchell
04/21/23WENDY SAWTELLMajorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'm unable to add Lideres Pro to a plan and all the dates for each product are in the future. Need to get back to client with their RFP filled out. See attached screenshot.Sullair10711trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingResolved!YesNeed to Check on the basic package
04/24/23Lara KriegerProduct HubUpdates to specs for HCP, CM+P and Craft BrewDave Bacho created these, pls update the Hub with the new specstrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHub updates have been completed.
04/19/23Emma SatchellOtherOtherCould you please set me up with a login to AdDaptive?trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorreached out to AdDaptive to have Emma added as a user.
04/21/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out these house orders. thanks!PMMI10713 and 10714trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/21/23Lara KriegerProduct HubOtherPlease update word on PW spec pageHi, Noticed the word "of" should be "or" Can you make that change on the PW spec page? Advertising production questions can be directed to Lara Krieger, Print Production Manager at 1-312-205-7924 of Lkrieger@pmmimediagroup.comDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
03/09/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueThere are 2 Big D Constructions in Leadworks. Can we remove the empty one? Constructionid/5870trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
04/20/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to change the price for this 1/2 horizontal to 2,100.00, the same price as the 1/4 page for PFW (line 56989). Then I would like line 56989 removed. This was approved by Leo and Dave N. was cc'd.Uline914671267trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
04/20/23Anastasia CherniakLeadworksLeadworks IssueClicked 'View Full Mailing' or 'Submit Materials' from a certain campaign.Email preview is not visible. Shows an errors instead.Kuraray America Inc. , FOCKE & CO#44101 and #40404trueDominique CarmonaResolvedSystem Configuration Error
04/19/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI'm trying to figure out why in Salesforce this says close not won but it is confirmed in Naviga.Placon10569trueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't Do
04/19/23Kim OverstreetBASE/WebsitesOtherCould you please give Kim access to ProSource on Base?trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorEmailed Kim about her access view
04/19/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksReporting IssueHey Jenn, I have another issue with Scout reporting. Leo is asking if we're able to see Scout data past 30 days. Right now, there's data from March 20 but nothing before that, although the multi-touch leads date all the way back to last year. Is this something we can do? Or is there a reason why we can only see data from the last 30 days?A-B-C Packaging Machine Corp.SCOUTtrueDominique CarmonaResolvedWon't DoThread in Chatter should resolve Leo's questions
04/18/23Courtney NicholsProduct HubOtherHello, we are retiring the Scout interest form. Can you please remove it from the Hub: // Thank you.Do we remove the workflow process as well?trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an error
04/18/23Mikayala DelsonProduct HubOtherThe work "characters" under ORGANIC LINKEDIN POST SPECS is spelled incorrectly: CarmonaResolvedNot an errorSpelling updated and corrected
04/17/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaProduct IssueUpdated max ad slot positions to 3.I think we need to update and change inventory available to 3x per editorial webinarFood PlantResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAd slots have been updated!Yes
04/17/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorOtherOtherPlease update Smartsheet so Dave receives price change requests. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone
04/17/23MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesOtherPlease update PMG address at bottom of Privacy policy: policy updated!N/AtrueDominique CarmonaResolved
04/07/23Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueLooked at 4/19 Mundo Perspectivas HTML in eBuilder.Reported by Anastasia Cherniak. In eBuilder, Mundo Perspectivas newsletter ad headline HTML does not contain the target URL for the ad. Ad options templates are programmed for each newsletter ad to have the image, headline and call-to-action linked to the target URL provided by the advertiser when materials are submitted in eBuilder. Mundo Perspectivas newsletter ad headlines are no longer pulling in the target URL. Ad image and CTA are working as expected. Example campaign: BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorSent to Kathy for updates. Waiting to hear back.
04/11/23Kelly GreebyProduct HubOtherUpdate to print specsWe need to update the print specs on the hub for some (most) of our magazines. Attached are the new files. You'll see at the top of each file which brand they belong to - we have standardized across most of the books. Can you please put this on each brand page and replace what is there now with these .pdfs?trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
04/14/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentJuly 20 PW PELV video eblast PACK EXPO pricing $5,355, needs to be adjusted to standard PW eblast pricing, $4545. The July 16 PW video eblast date originally selected by the advertiser has been removed from inventory due to webinar newsletters being included in the count of mailings allowed per day.ID Technology 101305959471169trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingAdjusted the price to match the OG price.
04/13/23Courtney NicholsProduct HubOtherLinkedIn specsGood morning, CSMs frequently get this question about LinkedIn image specs. can you clarify the image specs on the Linkedin page. Says 1080X1080 (square) but aspect ratio is 1.91:1 to 1:1. Does the 1080 get cropped? Below are LinkedIn sponsored business post image specs - note I left out the vertical version because it has limitations. When time allows, can we update the specs pages accordingly? Image Design Recommendations File Type: jpg, png, or gif File Size: 5 MB Image Size: 1080 x 1080 - aspect ratio 1:1 (square, desktop and mobile) or 1200 x 628 - aspect ratio 1.91:1 (horizontal, desktop and mobile) Thank you, let me know if you have any questions.trueDominique CarmonaResolvedQuestion
04/07/23Stephanie HaagBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueThe white paper does not load to anything. It says 404 errorN/A BRINKResolvedQuestionThe page is from 2008 and the white paper is no longer downloadable. Per Jen K, we removed the page from our site. The client should be able to find similar information on the ProSource site.
04/11/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10675trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
03/22/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueThe client and I keep trying to put the speakers in a specific order but after trying multiple variations, once its saves, BASE places them in random order.Here is the order and attached are the images: George Doan- Product Manager David Alan- Southwest Regional Manager Brock Fossnight- Midwest Regional Sales Manager Tadd Wolff- Applications - North East USA Nestor Jaimes- LATAM Sales Manager Brett Winkle- Applications EngineerAxiflow Technologies, Inc.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorYes
04/10/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10673trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
04/06/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaOthertried reducing the price of the women in packaging supplement to $5,760 and got the attached error.Ryson10663trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorHi Wendy, The size has been added and you should be able to adjust the price.
03/14/23Stephanie HaagLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe stats and information aren't showing in the audience network tab for the client. This is both PW and PFW Banners on 3rd party. Natured productstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorDoug was able to fix the issue preventing these from hitting the audience network dash.
04/01/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherCan Kurt's open opps be cancelled or closed/lost? Looks like he has 20 or so. No rush.NAtrueHannah KrauseResolvedNot an errorThis is done... Ryan removed the proposals that hadn't reached the Naviga stage and I went in and removed the remaining 4 or 5! Please let me know if any additional campaigns pop up!YesReached out to wendy to make sure she wants all old ops removed or does the new rep want to review and revisit the sales.
04/03/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksReporting IssueHi Jenn, are we able to find metrics for Scout beyond less than 30 days? In leadworks it only shows metrics from the last 30 days and I was wondering if there's some way we can see metrics from earlier. SupplytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionWorked directly with Brian.Asking Brian for reasons the extra data is needed.
04/06/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueIn the Targeted Branding view, it shows that this LW campaign (44019) is active. But in the Master Dash campaign, I have the stop date to 2/28/23. Can we change the status in the Targeted Branding campaign to Inactive?Perfex Corporation999770346trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTHi MiKayla! I went ahead and adjusted this one for you. You have to change the date in two places. The main campaign and where the Stats are loaded. This is the one that actually affects the dashbaord.
04/05/23LEO GUENTHERMinorNavigaNotification Issuetried to add a profile and got alertglenroy10656trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHey Leo! I was able to fix this... your campaign dates ended on 6/30 and the issue is 7/1.
01/09/23Stephanie HaagLeadworksLeadworks IssueWhen in the PAN Campaign master page none of the normal Facebook or Leadworks show up. Only banners and PE social.alltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere is a ticket open to see if this is on PMG's side. If not I will need to go to Naviga. I can't get test ads to flow.
01/04/23MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksProduct IssueI do not see any 2023 Facebooks in Leadworks. is this by design since there are now 2 different tiers? No big deal since CSMs are able to manually create the campaigns; just need to know one way or another.alltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere is a ticket open to see if this is on PMG's side. If not I will need to go to Naviga. I can't get test ads to flow.
01/11/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueI'm trying to find this LW campaign in the PAN Master Campaign dash and it has not been automatically created. When I tried to manually create the campaign, there are two LW advertisers for Big-D. Which one do I create a campaign in? Or are you able to see why the PAN campaign did not auto pull through? Thanks!Big-D Construction959060836trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere is a ticket open to see if this is on PMG's side. If not I will need to go to Naviga. I can't get test ads to flow.
12/22/22LEO GUENTHERLeadworksLeadworks Issuejust logged inHome PageNo CampaignHome PagetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
03/21/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI'd like to change this username to KLofy instead of KSnyder. Her last name got changed to Lofy which is updated in LW although I am not authorized to change the username.Pattyn North America, Inc.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
07/11/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks Issuechecked recent webinar eblasts (standard HTML) and found 3 eBuilder examples where the hero image is too tallwebinar eblast hero image is too tall. Max height is 450 pixels, max width is 600 pixels but the HTML coming out of eBuilder does not contain a max height element. The HTML displays: height: auto; border: none; width: 100%; max-width: 600px;multiplemultipletrueZanzy BegounResolvedUI Claritycreated a ticket for yevgeny
12/03/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherIn MDT, Second Look shows price of $3,639, but in Naviga it is correct and priced $3,780. Maybe has something to do with our discounts we used to provide in the past if a company bought Showcase, GP and SL?EasteytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
12/20/22David NewcornNavigaFeature RequestNot applicableCan you create an "alias" for all product groups EXCEPT aw? Kind of like you did with emerging brands? It would be enormously helpful. Call it "PMG minus AW" if possible. Thanks.Not applicabletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature Request
09/06/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaProduct IssueIn Lideres 2023 EXPO PACK package is missing Destacado newsletter, and the full page for profile (there is only one for the Ad). Also it is not allowing me to add a webinar for the date shown on August 2023.Please, update the date for Lideres with August 2023 how we ran this year instead April.Cablevey Conveyors9517trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangePackage has been updated. What webinar are you referring to? There is no webinar in the EXPO PACK leaders package? Waiting on date confirmation Looks like plan was cancelled.
02/27/23Christine SmallwoodLeadworksLeadworks Issueclick on Audience Network tab and get an errorKliklok - SYNTEGONLeadworks BRINKResolvedSystem BugDoug fixed the error.
03/06/23Bea GreanyOtherTemplate IssueEoA tests. This problem has been over a week now. I checked the EoA test earlier by reloading it 5 times, but it no longer works. Some tests aren't even visible to me now.This is Mariia Druziuk. I used Bea’s name because I couldn’t find mine.AllThis is Mariia DruziuktrueBea GreanyResolvedQuestion
03/17/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like these house orders zeroed out, thanks!PMMI / PMG10587 and 10598N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone.
03/08/23WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherThis time of year we start working with different fiscal years that will bleed into the following calendar year. Because of this, I'd like the Leaders issues added for all brands (probably safe to add 3% for now). We'll have to manually adjust these programs when we figure out the pieces, etc., but need to be able to book stuff. We can have a conversation if needed.I've brought this question to the attention of Jen Krepelka and Elizabeth Kachoris, with plans of having an answer to you next week.NAtrueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
03/16/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out these house orders. thanks!PMMI Media Group10580 and 10579trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone.
03/16/23Brian GronowskiNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncReached out to JennNot sure what is happening but will not let me save naviga plan and is not pre populating campaign nameHixsonNot allowing me to get to this stagetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been fixed. The SF password the API integration used was expired. We updated it and everything is working now.
03/14/23AMBER MILLERNavigaReporting IssuePlease pull a report that shows all advertisers with an ad in PW July and August AND an ad in Showcase.N/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionSent attached spreadsheet to Amber
03/13/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueHi Emma, I believe you looked into my previous ticket on Friday regarding Haskell's Scout data not populating in Leadworks. I checked this morning and noticed there is still no data populating in Leadworks. Are you able to look into this again? Thanks!Haskell website: LW: BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe beacon is live on the site and firing. The site may not be a heavy traffic site. This is on a playbook asset not on their main site. For more activity, they should add the beacon to their home page.
03/14/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesI'm trying to switch the agency to this order to O'Keeffe Agency. I am not seeing it as an option in Naviga. It is in Salesforce and I tried to do a force sync but is still not showing up in Naviga.Regal Rexnord10018N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
03/13/23MaryAnn CoyleNavigaOtherIs it possible to move a Naviga order from one company to another? For billing purposes only, Thermo Fisher needed me to create a parent company in SF but still retain their membership.exhibitor info under the child. Can I get the existing Naviga proposal moved to this company: Fisher Scientific10204trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionMaryAnn will set the billing company as an agency in Salesforce.
03/10/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueHaskell has the Scout beacon running on their website but when I look into their LW Scout campaign, there is no leads/data population.Haskell website: LW: SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorHi Mikayla, this issue should now be fixed. However, please take a look after a few days to see if you see any leads start coming in again. If not, please reach out so we can double-check everything.
03/31/23ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaMissing a date/Need a datetrying to add a full page premier suppliers ad and free company profile in the spring issue but need help because deadline is passed. George and Jonathan OK'dpackworld usa10561trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
03/09/23PATRICK YOUNGNavigaBilling IssuesPlease invoice in full starting in March for the balance of the two campaignsPlease invoice in full starting in March for the balance of the two campaigns.Fristam Pumps987163816; 63814trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepFixed. These should be setup as flexible.
03/08/23Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks Issue March 20 CM+P Services Focus is not showing in LeadWorks advertiser or in Upcoming Issues dashboardLooking for the 3/20 CM+P Focus - Services NL in LeadWorks. Line item appears in Naviga production with a confirmed date of 3/2/2023. Today I changed Naviga campaign statuses for 3 other advertisers in the same NL to R3 and those campaigns now show up in LeadWorks.110698 Manna Foods, LLCNaviga ID 1051370278trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugI deleted and re-added the line item. It looks like this was created successfully. I think this is part of the same issue we had with PFW Focus. This one just flat out didn't create.
03/08/23ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaNeed to move the dateI can't add the Spring issue of HCP to the plan. I need premier suppliers + a full page ad + the free profile added.weiler engineering10550trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
03/07/23LEO GUENTHERNavigaMissing a date/Need a datetried to add plan and error popped upwants two 1/2 horizontals. In May and AugustEagle Prod Inspection10259JENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepMoved the PFW eblast date that was sold out and was able to add the print ads.
03/07/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI Media Group10544trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingThis house ad has been zeroed out. Thanks! - ES
03/02/23FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdSalesForce/Naviga syncI was checking CM+P April ads in SMA vs. NAVIGA today and ChemBlend of America LLC is in NAVIGA, but not in SMA. All other ads are accounted for.ChemBlend of America LLC1049270152.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThis was sitting in r1 status. When a client approves the campaign via the link provided, the system won't send it to SMA until it hits R2 or later. I manually pushed this one over for you. It should have been qc'd by 3/1, so I am marking it as an error.Hi Jenn, I'm a total newbie to SMA. Any tips on where to begin? Will check in with you about this first thing Friday morning.
01/03/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaNeed to move the datetried to add a newsletterhermatrueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
01/03/22Madysen FastLeadworksTemplate IssueThe tracking URL for Ad 1 is not working, even though it works when pasted into a seperate tab. I have tried using a different link but the same error message pops up.Asked Madysen for more infoMartin Automatic3645545734.1trueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem BugCreated a ticket LW-787
01/03/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncNaviga not pulling in the leading zero in their zip code and Janet cannot process credit card because zips don't match. Zip code is 08550 (correct in Salesforce) but in Naviga, it pulls through as 8550.I know Jenn has mentioned something about this in the past but I emailed Simone to see if she can helpCopa-Data USA6623trueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an errorJenn fixed it. For future reference, the solution is just to reenter the address in SF and save
01/03/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaNeed to move the dateI need to add AW January Leaders in Automation to the media planPlease open up the close date for the AW January Leaders so I can add the issue to their media North AmericaOpp# 8264trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving DateI had to create a new 1/5 publish date. Last week, I extended the CLOSE to 1/5 but the PUBLISH stayed at 1/1 and now I can't do anything since it's passed 1/1.
01/03/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateTried to move date and was unable do to pricingNeed this item moved from 1/4 to 1/6HighByte814051008trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
01/04/23Reed SimonsisNavigaOtherN/APlease fix the LIA error so we can enter orders - see screen shot thanksalltrueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeHello, thank you for your request! This has been completed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
01/04/22Brian GronowskiNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughNote to ZanzyAgency issue - waiting for Jenn to get backErieztrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI see agency and billing contact.
01/04/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueIn Base under Pending (, when I tried to click on the companies pages listed and publish it, I received this error: Error: invalid json response body at reason: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0Looks like Jenn already has a Trello ticket in for this issue. I've attached some more examples to the ticket and asked for an update.SMC Corporation of America, METTER TOLEDO, Multi-ConveyortrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
01/04/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueWhen I try to enter in the Leaders categories into Base, I receive this error: GraphQL error: invalid json response body at reason: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0King Plastic CorporationBASE ID 13368381trueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem BugMade a trello ticket
01/04/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueClients unable to reset and log into their LWs accounts. Zanzy put in a ticket LW-789trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Clientno resolution. Riley wasn't able to get clear steps from the client so Doug is unable to troubleshoot any further. We are closing out the ticket for now
01/05/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaProduct Issuetried to add additional LIP categories to an order and am getting an error as illustrated in the screenshot attached.LIP is closed so nothing new can be added to print, but we might be able to get them into digital. Waiting on Liz to confirm if that's what she wants.pregistrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changeadded the categories for digital
01/05/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateNeed to move date from 1/10 to 1/12 for now.. may have to move again to 1/14. Not able to moveNeed to move date to 1/12 for now.. may have to move again to 1/14husky615150483trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date1/12 was taken. moved to 1/14
01/05/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaCustom Product RequestPlease to add the production cost of $350Cablevey Conveyors779552155ALICIA PETTIGREWtrueZanzy BegounResolvedWon't Dofalse alarm. nothing to do here
01/05/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaCustom Product RequestPlease to add the production cost of $600This is for video editingCablevey Conveyors779552164ALICIA PETTIGREWtrueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThis is already a product. I showed Roxsy where to find it
01/05/22Stephanie HaagSalesForceSalesForce/Naviga syncThis client account doesn't seem to be syncing in salesforce to naviga even after force sync is clicked. also it looks like there is a duplication - Fullscope is now part of AlithyatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugStephanie said the correct info did sync overnight but I am still seeing 5 records in Naviga (pic attached)
01/06/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the datePlease help asap - This is an older order, I am not able to change the 1/18 eblast date to 2/23 asap so we don't lose it. Thank you!Central States666743027trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Datedate updated
01/06/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaAdding an AgencyI followed all the correct steps in SF yet the agency is not appearing in the Bill-to locationsPlease make Strategic America the billing location for this order. They are entered in SF as the ad agency, I have the correct person entered as the billing contact.Goodway TechnologiesOpp #8208trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugStrategic is now the Agency. The Agency is set up correctly in SF, but didn't connect in Naviga.
01/06/22Zanzy BegounNavigaJust keeping track of product changes made. I've deactivated the pre-roll video editing product and added a rate line to each brand's content creation product instead.trueResolvedNot an error
01/06/22Bea GreanyLeadworksNeed to move the dateI need to combine the Jan 13 & Jan 20 Packaging Focus newsletters and send only one Packaging Focus on Jan 13 (Jan 20 is overbooked for PW). I asked CSM Mikayla Delson to change the Packaging Focus NL date in the client's Naviga campaign from Jan 20 to Jan 13. Mikayla changed the date as requested. Enercon materials were approved in eBuilder for their Jan 20 NL date. Naviga production is updated but LeadWorks is not updated. Upcoming Issues dashboard and Enercon's individual campaign continue to hold the Jan 20 date (did not update to Jan 13).Enercon IndustriesLeadWorks #35010; Naviga #749843926trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Errormanually handledcreated ticket -
01/07/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the dateGeorge allowed Softing to get into January AW Print and January LIA but product is no longer available. Can you adjust the closing date for a moment so we can adjust the order?Softing830752403trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving DateAdded LIA to plan
01/07/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaReporting IssueI added four 1/2 page ads for Patrick and it gives them the 3x discount. It should be $3,415 but the ads came out to $3,400. I manually updated them, but thought I would mention in case something needs to be adjustedAerzen8302trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error$3400 is 5% of the rate card, so system was calculating correctly.
01/10/22Madysen FastLeadworksLeadworks IssueWhile trying to add metrics/data to a leadworks Facebook post campaign, I was unable to click the date completed or click that there were leads. There was not an option to state if there were leads for the campaign either.DelkortrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorAdjusted Madysen's role and she is able to see what she needs.
01/10/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the dateDiscount exceeds my allowance--please move date from 1/12 to 1/26Econocorp802049782trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datemoved! please check LW to make sure the change is reflected there.
01/10/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCould you add 7/26 for a Mundo Webinar Date?QAD Inc832152476trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/10/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateOverbooking for this eblast dateNeed the 10/11 eblast moved to 10/18 if still available by time of date change.PI North America819651594trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
01/10/22Zanzy BegounNavigaDocumenting a price change. Alicia/Wendy requested to have all banner ads (on our site) updated to make more sense. Some brands had leaderboards as their most expensive product, some had sky, etc. I made it more consistent while still taking into account impressions available per site. Keeping this line item open until I get the official approval from Wendy and Alicia that my prices are fine.trueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an error
01/11/22Courtney NicholsNavigaLeadworks IssueNaviga is not pushing the Quick Hits campaign to Leadworks - it is a 1/14 date and we are running out of time.Can you push this to Leadwoks?? BRINKResolvedNot an error
01/11/22Courtney NicholsLeadworksMissing a date/Need a dateOtherThe Quick Hits I submitted earlier is now there, but the other newsletters from 7917 are not in leadworks.MHI7917trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugAdded this to Jira ticket LW-795
01/11/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmenttried to delete print items from proposal. won't let me delete because close date has passed.nvenia7569trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorReps can't adjust old dates, not an error.
01/11/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueHoneywell's PW 3rd Party campaign is not showing up in Leadworks PAN Master Campaign dashboard.Honeywell Intelligrated829952348trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe campaign won't show up until it is moved to R3, right now it is sitting in R2.
01/11/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueHeat and Control's 1/3/2022 PW 3rd Party Banner ad is not pushing to LeadworksHeat and Control778749595trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis is fixed... Line was moved to a Mundo and API connection pushed the new campaign over.Ticket created: is on the Naviga side
01/11/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI need the webinar for 07/26/22Update the date.QAD832152476trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeMAC already submitted a request and I've taken care of ir
01/11/22senochs@automationworld.comNavigaProduct IssueAdded the Leaders in Automation Profile (digital only) product to various orders and get the below errorDigital LIA profile product cannot be added to an order see attachment for errorVarioustrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeProduct didn't have 2022 dates yet, so I added them.
01/11/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmenttried to delete all PAN items on the proposal at client's request. getting same "past the close date" error messagenvenia7569trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeRemoved lines as requested.
01/12/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaCustom Product RequestPlease add 2 PW Content Creation: Print Ad for $500 for MarchCreate rate line and added to Daniel's plan. Both Alicia and Bacho have approvedHigh Tek8347trueZanzy BegounResolvedCustom Product
01/12/22Zanzy BegounNavigaAdding 5 new products to Naviga and documenting here. These are for PAN for EXPO PACK, so there will be 3 Facebooks and 2 LinkedIns. I'll close this line item out once I'm finished.trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone. 5 new products added. Jenn/I made the decision to change FB positions from 5 per week to 4 per week like LinkedIn. Wait on marketing to finish the hub pages but Naviga is ready.
01/13/22Sharon EnochsNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentN/ACan you put the correct rate in Naviga for Show Daily island. See email from Mary Thorne attached . Thank youVarioustrueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an errorConfirm with Alicia and Joe. Joe said Naviga prices are correct and will communicate that to Mary. No change needed.
01/14/22Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the dateWe need Feb PFW close date extended to 1/21Can you please extend the close date of February PFW to January 21? We have some last minute ads coming in and we want to avoid asking you to extend for each advertiser.VerdertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateApproved by George. Done.
01/14/22Eric AshbrookNavigaBilling IssuesHI Jenn, Christine sent me a report I had pulled showing some CP accounts. One of the accounts, Printpack, shows over $250k in 'Media Spend Current' and Christine asked if I could look into this. I'm wondering if something maybe got duplicated in Naviga? I don't have a specific order number, but she thinks their Media Spend Current is oddly high and asked me to investigate. I'll drop the report below. Let me know if you find anything that looks off! Thanks, Eric., BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe spend seems right now.This is related to the Naviga Media spend issue Wendy discovered last week: What is happening is the system is pulling the Banner ad line items (or any CPM product really) per month (so jan – dec as individual line items), but instead of pulling the revenue by month for each line… it is pulling the entire year’s amount to each line. So 11,844.00 x 12 instead of $987 x 12.
01/14/22MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueWhen a client submits changes/edits through Company Update Link, the messaging is spelled incorrectly. The word received is wrong. Subject Line: Your requested updates have been recievedgeneraltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorAdding to Trello
01/14/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesHi Jenn, could you zero out the price for this supplement ad?Mold-Rite Plastics73737373trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingZeroed out free ad per hub
01/14/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Need date moved to 2/4 AF slot.Mitsubishi813651110trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved... LW didn't adjust we will need to move it.
01/14/22Reed SimonsisNavigaBilling IssuesPer conversation in office hours.Need these 4 leadership Items price adjust to match value added amounts of 0.00. This only if approved per conversations with Jenn.Murrelektronik, Inc., Temposonics, Laird Connectivity, Pilz Automation Safety LP8,300,832,783,208,266Leadership in Automation - Digital OnlytrueWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
01/14/22Kelly GreebyNavigadeactivate the additional 250 names for purchase on targeted covers because paper is too expensivetrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/17/22Brian GronowskiNavigaProduct IssueWent to add a Craft Brew Supplement Cover ad to a plan and i don't see the coversJoe approved the price of $2655 - Lara was involved in the discussion.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/17/22Kurt BelisleNavigaCustom Product RequestLara Kriegerr approved an inside back cover ad placement for the PEE Showcase. Wendy approved a price increase of $2,556 for the ad. This includes a 10% premium for the placement and a 10% discount for their membership.Please add this line to the above listed campaign so I can get it approved by the client today.1016778386Pack Expo East showcaseWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changeline added
01/17/22NavigaAlicia requested to remove the smaller leads package for PW and PFW playbooks. I've deactivated those ratecard linestrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/17/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksNotification IssueI received a zero leads email from LW for a campaign that launches at 1:00pm today. This shouldn't go out until 2:40 if there are still 0 leasesHere is the text of the email: This is a note to indicate the following campaign has not been sent as of 2:40 p.m. Central: Advertiser: Systech - Dover Europe SARL Campaign: HCP Case Study eblast How Boehringer Ingelheim deployed Send date: 2022-01-17 Sales rep(s): Christine Smallwood - Dover Europe SARLLeadworks Campaign : 36662n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis was the result of a blip when they were working on the site.Jira ticket:
01/19/22Bea GreanyNavigaProduct IssuePW eblasts are overbooked on Feb 10 (refer to attached screenshotReed needs to move Matthews.Matthews MarkingtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved the date to 2/9. Let me know if that doesn't work.
01/19/22Kurt BelisleLeadworksLeadworks IssueCan you add their engagement report?DELMIA WORKStrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTadded ids to activate the engagement reports. for this client are used by another advertiser. Yevgeny will find out who is using them for me.
01/19/22MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueUnable to approve company updates: Attached error appears.Created a Trello ticketCC-LinktrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem BugThis should be resloved. The trello ticket is still open until base can find a way of blocking this from happening again.
01/19/22Reed SimonsisLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe client tried to ad a PDF to Ad 4. He made a mistake by adding a JPG image where the PDF should be. When he tried to fix it, it would not allow him to remove the image.I went ahead and tried to make the change myself but I recieved the same error. Please see screenshots and PDF that needs to be added as well. ThanksCarlo Gavazzi824051940trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - ClientFixed!
01/19/22Zanzy BegounNavigaCreated new 2022 form for GP & SL categoriestrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/19/22Zanzy BegounNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCP Print prices updated. See screenshot for new prices and approvaltrueALICIA PETTIGREWtrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/19/22MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueThe company update listing area doesn't seem to be working for Mundo Pmmi: BRINKResolvedUser Error - Clientthis issue is because the the client (somehow) managed to directly include a large image within the body copy, which caused some errors when saving to Base. I've manually changed the image out for an actual embedded image and saving (in Base) works as expected.
01/20/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHey Jenn, I build this reg page and filled out the form but I am not receiving it in my email. Also Automate has two Wufoo forms with the same title so can you check if I am using the correct one? page: Automate: BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTHi Mikayla, I have the right form and automate tied together... just waiting for the lead to show in LW.
01/20/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentLeadership in automation digital only was supposed to be added and rate changed to 0 for added item. Instead 2 digital only items were added and neither are 0'd outI have deleted one of these line item. The remaining needs to be price adjusted to 0 per conversations last week with jenn. item (52702)Pilz Automation Safety LP82665,268,552,702.00trueWENDY SAWTELLtrueZanzy BegounResolvedBillingJenn said this was approved by Wendy so I zeroed it out - ZB
01/20/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateRestricted due to pricingNeed 4/29 moved to May 2nd due to overbooking issue.Rockwell Automation835552621trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
01/20/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingNeed 1/29 eblast moved to 2/7Xometry Inc825852024trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
01/20/22Stephanie HaagBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueThe client is frustrated with not knowing specs and the images coming out blurry and having to play around with this to get it to look correct.Jenn, I'll let you handle this one but just FYI, I've asked in the past and they say they have no specsPrintpacktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUI ClaritySpec were provided
01/20/22Zanzy BegounNavigaUpdated Print prices. Covers must be 10% increase from Full Page ads. Remove any belly band, insert, or gatefold. I exported the changes from Naviga (attached) and gave to Amber to update the hub.ALICIA PETTIGREWtrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/20/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks Issuetried to manually add sales rep, Kurt Belisle, after he was added at the advertiser level. campaign #35360 Sales Rep field = unknownAVEVA35360trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
01/21/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'm trying to delete all the items in this plan to start from scratch and it won't let meDeleted items for LizIMA S.p.A.8234trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
01/21/22Kim OverstreetBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHCP “Sustainability” index page stopped updating in June:, but there are quite a few newer items with that taxonomy. Here is one example, but you can do a search in Base for a full list: Keren pointed out that there are two Sustainability checkboxes in the HCP taxonomy, so we suspect this is where the problem lies. Can you please have these two consolidated and populated to the one index page that is currently on the site? Thanks!Created Trello ticketHCPtrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
01/21/22Lara KriegerNavigaNeed to move the dateResource Guides for Contract Pkg only run in the Dec issue and this is in AprilThe guide is a rateline under the magazine, so we can't limit it to just the Dec date. I manually moved it but how should we account for this in the future, Jenn?Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery52814.17972trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThey should only be able to select December with that rate line moving forward.
01/21/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesHello, can you please zero out this January date and move them to February 14th? They already paid in December. thanks!Rexnord747450144trueZanzy BegounResolvedBilling
01/21/22Stephanie HaagNavigaProduct IssueThere is no Medical Device Packaging Category for HCP leaders in Naviga. Can we please have it added.confirming with Claudia because I don't see it on the 2021 list eitherVeritivtrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/24/22Bea GreanyNavigaProduct IssueAutomation Focus NL + AW provisional eblast slot reserved by Test Co-PMG + AW Standard eblast slot reserved by Test Co-PMG + 2 AW Standard eblsats slots sold to advertisers ServiceNow and PI North AmericaBedrock Automation, ServiceNow, PI North America8404, 7087, 8237, 8181, 8196refer to attached screenshottrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Generalcancelled 8404... it was for testing iventory
01/24/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHello, I am trying to switch this PW 3rd party banner ad to a Mundo 3rd party. When I try to create the Mundo, there is not rateline. Also, Heat and Control is asking to be billed for January in full for all of their banner ad products. How should I go about this?Mundo rateline added to 3rd party banner ad productHeat and Control77877787truetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changefixed :) I created a new line because you can't switch brands for PAN products.The 3rd party banner ads need a rate line if we offer them. I see native ads on the hub, but not banner ads.
01/24/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCannot price adjustPer conversations approved by Jenn. Digital only LIA to be 0'd out to be used as value added item. Thanks.Laird Connectivity832053024trueWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
01/25/22Reed SimonsisNavigaProduct Issue.Need all White paper eblasts changed to Supplied HTML Eblasts per the IO in naviga attachments. Thanks,PI North America8196all EblaststrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom Productcreated custom rate card and moved dates.
01/25/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaCustom Product RequestPlease to add the date of April 5th 2022 for the webinar on Mundo PMMIDUPONT8436trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/26/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssuePW Additional LIP Categories Product. Can this be made into year-round availability as far as dates since clients sometimes purchase later for more online exposure?DelkortrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/26/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move to 3/4Yaskawa643038169trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/26/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move to 2/11Novanta616136715trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/26/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move to 4/8Profol577352002trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/26/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move to 2/11Domino651552005trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/26/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentUnified flex had an eblast on 1/21 that had HTML and Click count errors. This error was not on our end and is being investigated. Need to give another eblast.Informed by Maryann in the screenshot. This item is a make good. Needs to be adjusted to a 0 dollar rate. Thanks,unified flex packagin technologies820653075trueMaryAnn CoyletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodFixed!
01/27/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateNeed moved into Januaryplease change 2/4 to Saturday 1/29PI North America819653076trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/28/22Kurt BelisleNavigaCustom Product RequestI'm trying to find podcast with article to add to this plan. I can't find it in the drop down menu.I'm trying to find the AW podcast product with article - I'd like to add this to this plan in MarchBishop Wise Carver8447trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI see it as a menu option so I emailed Kurt to confirm
01/31/22Sharon EnochsNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateNo dates are in the date field for the Voice of the Customer ProductPlease add datesVarioustrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/01/22Brian GronowskiNavigaReporting Issuenothing yetNaviga inventory shows all months available for PFW Native but not true when you try to add to campaign. Not showing the space I sold prior tooShick EstevetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis was inventory related and should be resolved
02/01/22Kurt BelisleNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI selected the AW IIoT outside back cover product but there aren't any dates for me to select.I need this for the March IIOTOpto228463trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/01/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHi Jenn, I turned this registration page on demand but Reed accidentally gave the wrong webinar to turn on demand so I removed the on demand code in wufoo. Now when I test and submit the webinar form, the screen it leads to is blank and does not. say "Thanks for registering! ..." See attachedReg page: RobotstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTFixed. The form rule was still active, you just needed to delete the entire thing by clicking the red button!
02/01/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksBilling Contact not pulling throughLeo added the client name Don Redding to the related contacts in Salesforce but we are not seeing his name synch in Leadworks. Do I have to create a user?Baumer hhstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Repcontact would have fully synced overnight. I forced it to sync and added it to the plan.
02/01/22Reed SimonsisNavigaProduct IssueLooked for custom question on naviga. There was no line item for AW.Need rate line added for custom question for AW.Custom Question Line Item for AWN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductAdded the AW custom question product for Reed/Sharon
02/02/22senochs@automationworld.comNavigaAdding an AgencyN/APlease attach Intracon Marketing Solutions, S.L. as agency for this order only. Can you also add my name to this smartsheet as a requester so I don't have to enter it as Reed? ThanksHP 3D8459trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe agency is attached, but there isn't a billing contact associated with the client. Jim/Sharon will need to add one for invoicing
02/02/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCan we get 2023 Leaders programs and print dates if not in for all brands entered into Naviga? I'm starting to work with customers with fiscals starting in March and April. Thanks.NAtruetrueALICIA PETTIGREWResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/03/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueCampaign there, but looks like it was created manually and doesn't have the Naviga IDs in addition to not being connected to the rest of the CP focus -Maple Mountain Co-Packers835052604.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugFixed - this was part of the API issue with Naviga. Was fixed too!
02/03/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueNo record in LW/Not connectedEcono-PAK795248636.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugFixed - this was part of the API issue with Naviga. Was fixed too!
02/03/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueNo record in LW/Not connected Express Inc808750400.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugFixed - this was part of the API issue with Naviga. Was fixed too!
02/03/22Stephanie HaagNavigaNotification IssueClients are getting an error message when they try to approve their plans. They get the PDF from the Sales rep and then when they click it gives an error.Sidel/ RonchitrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugNaviga Fixed the errorOpened a ticket with Naviga - The token given for portal proposals is broken.
02/04/22Kurt BelisleNavigaAdding an AgencyThe drop down above doesn't provide an option to "remove the agency" I do not want to add one.Billing address3131 Katella Avenue Los Alamitos, California 90720 United States - Also the El Robotics sales page doesn't say anything about a print ad is one included with this purchase?Epson8483Need to remove agency and bill to the Los Alamitos address belowtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionAnswered Naviga Agency question and included zanzy on the email to answer the playbook question.
02/04/22Kurt BelisleNavigaTemplate Issueclient can't approve order when clicking on link in pdf. File not found 404 notification was received by them and mesee above. client can approve order.Interact Analysis8480ProposaltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugNaviga Fixed the error
02/07/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datedigital edition link will not be ready for the 2/10 PFW New Issue Alert NL so I need to move the NL date to 2/19need to move PFW New Issue Alert NL and its two advertisers from Feb 10 to Feb 19Festo Corporation & Lorenz Conveying Products8110 & 756850694.1 & 44464.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI moved ALL the orders (Quotes and Confirmed) to 2/19.
02/07/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaProduct IssueI am trying to switch the production form to the PACK EXPO 2022 Categories, but when I save I am receiving an error. See screenshot attached.A-B-C Packaging Machine Corp.737250113trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTI was able to swap the form. Please let me know if it happens again.
02/07/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot change date due to pricingneeds to be moved from 2/14 to 2/21. Thanksinductive autoamtion820451716trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date2/21 wasn't open, so I moved it to 2/20. If you need it moved again, please let me know.
02/07/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Need the 10/12/2022 move to 3/2/2022 Thanks,aerotech800449621trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDate was moved
02/08/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueThere are two Duplicate LeadWorks advertiser campaigns #37477 and #37492This is Mariia Druziuk. I used Bea’s name because I couldn’t find mine.Domino Printing Mexico#37492 and #37477trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - GeneralMoved the Naviga IDs to the correct LW account
02/08/22Brian GronowskiNavigaBilling Issuesnothing yetNot pulling through the correct billing address. 6885 E. 1225 North Huntsville, UT 84317Perfex8501trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe address that pushes through to Naviga doesn't reflect the requested address.
02/08/22Courtney NicholsNavigaMissing a date/Need a datecan't change myselfcan you change the date from 2/23 to 4/24? Thanks!Central States6667 - BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeMoved Date
02/09/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaBilling IssuesThe line item will be deleted and another order will be created in Naviga.Please issue a credit memo for the attached invoice. I'll enter a new order so the client can be billed in one lump sum.Fristam Pump Opp 7426#7426trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingRemoved the remaining billings for the line and added a negative line in Feb to balance out the Jan Invoice.
02/09/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingneed the 3/8 webinar eblast changed to 3/24.. if 3/24 is taken please change to 3/25. Thanks ,Universal Robots801149509trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved date to 3/25
02/09/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueNo record in LW/Not connected / Exlar Automation836252649.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis was pushed to the system
02/09/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueNo record in LW/Not connected Corporation848553416.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis hasn't hit R3 yet, so the campaign wouldn't have kicked out
02/09/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueNo record in LW/Not connected + Fuchs847953404.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis hasn't hit R3 yet, so the campaign wouldn't have kicked out
02/09/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueNo record in LW/Not connected Group848753419.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis hasn't hit R3 yet, so the campaign wouldn't have kicked out
02/09/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueNo record in LW/Not connected Inc849253429.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis hasn't hit R3 yet, so the campaign wouldn't have kicked out
02/10/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaCustom Product RequestMissing - Inside Front Cover Ad for Game PlanPlease add the IFC product position for Game Plan - exclusive to ProMach Corporation @ $8,750 netProMach (Naviga Account# 102178)#7999N/AtrueWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded IFC as a size and rateline to 2022 GP
02/10/22Kelly GreebyBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueLooked at Content Engagement Reportsif you sort reports from 2021 - 2022 Leaders data for 2022 shows but if you just sort by 2022 they do not show. Krepelka thinks Base needs to hook up the hoses so we get current year stats correctlyN/AN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
02/10/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan you change this to 1/2 horizontal with price adjustment? Sharon claimed there was only a horizontal spread rateline available but there is 1/2 horizontal for IIoTPepperl + Fuchs847953398trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepCorrect rate line was added. Price still 2,000
02/10/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaNeed to move the dateHello, I would like to move Rexnord's Tech Minute to Monday March 7th. Thank you!Rexnord747450144.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone,
02/10/22Reed SimonsisLeadworksLeadworks IssueHas not synced over to leadworks campaginPlease force through to leadworks to create a lw campaign for ebuilder. I am not able to resave and force the line item due to price.Trend Micro82965,233,652,335.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThese aren't auto created LW campaigns
02/15/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the dateunable to move itHere is the line ID - please changed hand picked date to 11/21: 53436Mettler849453436trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateThe date was moved to 11/21!
02/16/22Courtney NicholsNavigaMissing a date/Need a datecan't change datePlease change date to March 29th. Thanks!Standard Knapp788151367trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDate was moved!
02/16/22Kurt BelisleNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateThe only AW handbook is April there should be another one in October.I also want to ad Leaders In Automation online only to this program. How do I do that?ADLINK8544trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe Campaign had an end date of 9/30/22. Just need to extend the campaign to see the October issue.
02/16/22Kurt BelisleLeadworksLeadworks IssueI am trying to log in to the sponsorship hub and my user name and PW is not working. I tried to reset the password for the PEI sponsorship hub but it still isn't letting me log in to see pricingsee aboveHubLog intrueEric AshbrookResolvedSystem Configuration Error
02/16/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaOtherKimberly Stover <> is having problems logging into Naviga. She said that it says Invalid Login Credentials when trying to log in with Account ID: 102482 as the password. She is not associated with any other account, that I can see and I do see her listed in Naviga as a Pepperl contact.Pepperl + FuchstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugI deleted and re-added Kim's email address with the Naviga ID as her password. I was able to log in as Kim.
02/16/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueJust an FYI that the EXPO PACK Packages for 2022 do not have any size options for the showcase--they are all 'no ad'. I am working with Lara and I am updating the existing orders but maybe for 2023, if there are packages, add the size options. Thanks.expo pack peepstrueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an errorWe can't unlock sizes for a package (it's a Naviga thing not an us thing). The reps were instructed to just X out the size they don't want and add the size they do want. The only other solution would be to create a separate package for every single size (which isn't a good solution).
02/16/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dategiving me some rate line error and cannot move dateNeed the april mini directory moved to july. Thanks,Nita Labeling Systems761044939trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved :)
02/16/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe client is trying export leads and is getting an error 500. This is happening to both Janet and Steve and also not just in the computers using their system.SyntegontrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
02/17/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueWe need to move already approved OEM LIP and March Print to 8541 but date has passed so unable to add to the above order. Already approved order (8457) will be cancelled once this one is fixed. MAC moved this to In Progress because it stills need March Print ad added.Novanta8541trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/17/22Daniel SmithLeadworksLeadworks IssueError message when I look at Converge/Scout in any advertiser account: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON datan/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis has been fixed. You should be able to see the reports now!
02/17/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueI believe Jenn reached out to Naviga already about this order concerning the overbookings..should Reed find new dates in this order?Beckhoff8467trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYes... please fine new dates. Naviga now sees the issue and is fixing it
02/18/22Bea GreanyNavigaOtherMarch 8, 2022 is overbooked for PW. In addition to the above 3 PW eblasts there's a PW MAI NL1 PW eblast needs to be moved.Specialty Equipment / Syntegon Packaging767,076,537,697.0045714.1 45468.1 45942.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugSent a spreadsheet with all that needed to be moved for all overbooked dates.
02/18/22Bea GreanyNavigaOtherNaviga bug? Problem in Naviga with inventory. 5/22 date has 4 PW eblast reservations (3 PMG test company status R1) + 1 for KHS (R2) and the product allows for 4 positions so there’s no reason for a line item to be red (indicating insufficient inventory). Sun. Mar 20 contains 5 reservations: 1 FlexLink (Q3) in addition to 3 PMG Test company (R1) and 1 KHS status R2). The PMG Test company plan also has a lot of dates in red to indicate there’s not enough inventory. All 3/20 and 5/22 PW eblast dates are red in the PMG plan. In order to allow the KHS campaign to move forward in the approval process I had to delete PW eblast lines from the Test Company - PMG campaign. I deleted 1 PW eblast on 3/20 and 1 PW eblast on 5/22. This allowed removed the red/overbook warning from the KHS plan so it could move from R2 to R3. The PMG test company placeholder reservations need to be added back to the Test Company - PMG campaign but I'm waiting for the KHS campaign to move to Confirmed status.Test Company - PMG7088trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis has been resolved. The issue was in Navgia's system and has been fixed on their end.
02/18/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaOthertrying to add leaders in packaging 2023 to a plan and it won't let me...screenshot attached.You'll need to extend your campaign end date if you're trying to book 2023 products. - Zus tsubaki8650trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
02/18/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueThis line item is red but I don't know why! Does the date need to be removed from the Test company order?I don't know what is going on with inventory! Jenn is going to investigate when she's back because we've had a lot of these issues reported today. I'm looking on the back end and only see Novanta booked for 10/5 so I don't know why it's redNovanta855253811trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis was resolved with the patch.
02/18/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move to May 23, 2022Cama776150514trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
02/18/22PATRICK YOUNGLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe detailed results for CSS Int'l Content Engagement Reports are missing for the OEM product categoriesCSS Int'ltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWe started Collecting data in Feb/Mar 2021, so 2020 won't be in LW.
02/18/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease change date to tuesday march 8th. Thanks,Emerson Automation Solutions844053090trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
02/18/22Stephanie HaagNavigaOtherThe plan is in R2 and the only one that is other than Test Company. They were okay when the plan was created but now bother PW e-blast dates are red and say they aren't available.KHS AG8502trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Buganother inventory issue... Bea & I don't see any overbooking fo r5/22, there are a total of 4 reservations.
02/21/22PATRICK YOUNGLeadworksOtherCSS International ran in OEM Leaders in 2020 but their category information isn't showing even when the date range is adjust correctly. Please see screen grab. This is Kelly reporting this for Patrick by the way so can you just cc me on whatever the response is please ~ thanks! InternationalN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWe started Collecting data in Feb/Mar 2021, so 2020 won't be in LW.
02/21/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datered line itemsneeds to be moved or fixed. Thanks,Beckoff84675,324,253,264.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/21/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksLeadworks IssueI am unable to view any Scout data under any companies in Leadworks. Here are some examples: datatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugWith Yevgeny
02/22/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI am unable to change the production form to PACK EXPO Showcase 2022.Yamato Corporation758844689.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded rateline and correct form.
02/22/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan you switch the production form to the 2022 Showcase form? I am unable to save this. I will add the categories once it is switched. Thanks!CTM Labeling Systems Inc.754144215.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded rateline and correct form.
02/22/22Mikayala DelsonOtherOtherI can't get into Slack and I have not seen this error before. "Something’s gone awry, and we’re having trouble loading your workspace."SlacktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorSlack was down - service was restored.
02/22/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease change the 3/4 to 3/25. Thanks,Rockwell Automation for MAVERICK Technologies817151327.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
02/22/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherno an error-Can the 2023 rates show up after the 2022 rates in Naviga, so we don’t select them by accident? -I just added a 2023 Showcase to a plan to test it and it doesn’t show up as an ad for 2023…shows up as the Showcase for this October. -Are all 2023 rates supposed to be in Naviga? I’m not seeing Game Plan.NAtrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
02/22/22Courtney NicholsBASE/WebsitesReporting Issuechecked all the wiresCan you identify why this article isn't appearing on the client's content report in LW: ?KOCHtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe article wasn't showing because there is a % in the title. Base has adjusted the code so these articles will flow to the report.added to trello ticket
02/22/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datenoneplease move their 3/4 Auto Focus NL to 3/25Mavercik8171trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDuplicate
02/22/22Sharon EnochsNavigaNotification IssueN/APLEASE add my name/email to requestor's name field on this sheet: Sharon Enochs, senochs@automationworld.comHP 3D8459trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHI Sharon! I have you on the list... let me know if you still can't see your name.
02/23/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the datecan't move it myselfCan you please change the date to something in mid April? Thanks!US Tsubaki662251567.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
02/24/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFNavigaProduct IssueConfirmed that Opto ad was scheduled for the issue—they areOpto22 is scheduled as a March 22 "AW-IIOT Supplement" Product (inactive) when all other March IIOT ads are under AW - Automation World MagazineOpto 22846353409.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeMoved to AW Maga as IBC.
02/24/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the dateFor Feb billing: please move this to 3/25Novanta616153093.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved date - had to create a new line item.
02/24/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the dateFor Feb billing: Please move this FB to 5/20/22Profol577352003.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedate moved
02/24/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice adjustment preventing change.Needs to be moved from 3/3 to 3/11. Thanks,GE Digital823251894.0trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
02/25/22Brian GronowskiNavigaBilling Issuesn, can you adjust the rates on this confirmed plan, Paxton ITW is now a PMMI member. Leo and I agreed we will need to offer updated rates once they rejoin. Print 2590 - 2331 Digital 1615 - 1453.50Paxton ITW7849trueWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingPrices updatedreached out for Wendy's approval.
02/25/22Courtney NicholsNavigaProduct IssueProduct not in NavigaHello - the PFW print size 1/3 horizontal is not in naviga, only a 1/3 horizontal spread. Can we add this? The price is the same as a 1/3 square - $2755 - thanks!PFWtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded the size.
02/25/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaTemplate Issuegenerated proposal PDF and the PDF doesn't include the e-sign link. have tried 4 different times.ess technology,8595trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepReady to sign wasn't checked.
02/28/22NavigaBilling IssuesI need the grandfathered pricing adjusted. Last year they paid $6,388 per page. I also need to add the custom poly bag to this orderThey will supply brochures that will be poly bagged to the Sept issue 10,000 audience. Lara provided a quote of $930.57 to do the same thing this year. They paid $14384 for this in 2021 Naviga Proposal 7290Paxiom Group8526trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductWendy approved the pricing and added the polybag rateline - price approved by Alicia.
02/28/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaOtherPlease open the the last PACK EXPO East Spotlight close date so I can enter the order.ParityFactoryOpp#8603trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI moved the close date to 3/1
02/28/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaOtherPlease change rate to $2,585 for each placement. This rate was approved by WS, after the approval we needed to change the size of the 1/3 page placementAssured AutomationOpp# 8589trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeChanged the size to 1/3 horizontal.
03/01/22Brian GronowskiBASE/WebsitesBase/Website Issueheadshots and logoIs there anything we can do with base and the circles around the logo and headshots? It is like putting a square into a round hole and most logos and head shots get chopped. Customers have issues with both especially when their logo gets cut violating their logo standards.LIP AdvertiserstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestWe can't change the design at the moment. I sent Jen K Brian's suggestions and mentioned Courtney could help make the images look better on our site.
03/01/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaBilling Contact not pulling througha billing contact always pulls through for me, but in many cases it is the wrong contact. Syntegon buys several programs and they get billed to different people. Can we get a drop down in order to pick from the list of billing recipients from the company? Wastes our time and the CSMs because they have to fix it. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUI ClarityShowed Wendy where to change the billing contact
03/02/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the dateplease move to 3/4Im not able to move this to 3/4 - can you help?MHI8601trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved!
03/02/22Kurt BelisleOtherOtherCustom list countCustomer would like to target the process industry segment. What is our count after you exclude system integrators, consultants and solutions providers like Capstone?Dataparcnone yettrueStephanie HaagResolvedQuestionList created - stephanie to inform kurt
03/02/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaProduct Issuetried to add expopack showcasesaid discount exceeded me.Tri-Tronics8615trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugAdded the packageWaiting to see exactly what Leo is adding
03/02/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaBilling IssuesJanet told me that the client would like to be billed for the line item all in March. Am I allowed to adjust the remaining amount due to the month of March?Aveva772548528trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingUpdated
03/02/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesOtherHi Jenn, this is another webinar registration page for PackHub that shows no registrants coming through. Can you help me with this? Automate: BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTre-attached automate bot
03/02/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaBilling IssuesPlease can you check if this product is the Native ads 3rd party? for Mundo to target Spanish audience?Please, can you also help me to adjust the campaign to six months only? The 90,000 impressions?United Barcode Systems861654137trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductAdded the Mundo line to the 3rd Party native ad product.
03/02/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI'm unable to add the Labeling Playbook because there's no date attached. BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeI added it to your plan. we hadn't moved the date yet, but May is now in the system.
03/03/22Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks IssueNANeither of the webinar eblasts made it to Leadworks, can you push so I can get production going o them? Thanks!ServiceNow81815,143,151,432.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThese are manually created campaigns.
03/03/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move this blast to 3/29Inductive820451717trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datemoved
03/03/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaBilling IssuesJanet says that the client wants to know if he can be billed quarterly for his banners ads in campaign 7915. He is currently being billed $548.34 per month and wants to change it to bill every 3 months going forward.DAK Americas791547961trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
03/03/22Kurt BelisleNavigaCustom Product RequestContract Packagers NewsletterTopTier is interested in securing placement in contract packaging newsletter but it is sold out for 2022. The would like to know when the 2023 inventory will be available and if they can purchase the entire year in 2023 or what the first rights of refusal process looks like.TopTiernonetrueBea GreanyResolvedQuestionNo remaining NLs in 2022 and Members get first crack at 2023
03/04/22Courtney NicholsNavigaOtherchecked and tested email addressesKarl Seidel of Cablevey is unable to log into the naviga client portal. Account: 100652 // - can you check or reset his credentials? Secondary email is k.seidel@cablevey.comCablevey ConveyorsNANAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Clientchange Karl's password back to the account number. I tested logging in with his credentials and was able to get into the system.
03/04/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueShow Daily Materials Due is wrong; should be Sept 2, I believe.Naviga matches the hub!All Show dailytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
03/07/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFNavigaProduct IssuePulled a Production Report for ProFood World's April Print IssueAll Clients are listed as "250 Sponsorship" when this is only in the October issue (and only max of 5)April ProFood Magazine Production PulltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
03/08/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherFanuc sends insertion orders throughout the year for different products vs. one insertion order. I'm unable to add more attachments, and I'm assuming it is a permissions thing, because MAC can do so. If possible, it would be nice if all reps could add as many attachments as they want.Fanuc8115trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionnaviga is all or nothing for editing ability. I would have to open all editing to reps and that wouldn't be my call! POs go on the individual line items, so Janet or the CSM would need to take care of them anyway... this way the CSM knows they are there vs you just attaching.
03/08/22MaryAnn CoyleOtherOtherI am trying to grab a list of websites where a 3rd party banner ad campaign has served but I am unable to find the correct matrix with this new addaptive version.N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionsent a list to MaryAnnOmar said to use this list as a sample of sites:
03/08/22Daniel SmithLeadworksHelp with a viewclick to look at the audience network tabforbidden #403 is the error message, thanks for the help!alltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorYou should be able to see the view nowticket open
03/08/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherSyntegon approved plan 7697 months ago and the billing contact was Laura F. I added Jana Reichardt to Salesforce about three weeks ago because she handles advertising for a different division. Somehow Jana became the billing account after this order was approved with the correct billing contactSyntegon7697trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThis is a limitation of the system, we are sending a workaround to the reps. We will work with Andy and Simone to make some updates to the contact sync between SF and Naviga... this most likely won't happen until mid-may.Ticket open with Naviga
03/09/22Kurt BelisleNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI don't see Leader in Automation 2023 available in the drop down. I see the LIP but not LIA. Thanks!LIA is now availableAVEVA8648Need Leaders in Automation package for 2023trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
03/09/22Kurt BelisleNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateIt's not giving me an option to select a date/monthI want to two programs one in April and one in JulyAVEVA8648Syndicated contenttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeHi Kurt, there is just the package now. Each component has revenue attached so we can make sure the items are counted correctly. Let me know if you don't see it.
03/09/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateEncoder's fiscal year starts soon and I need to add Leaders in Automation for 2023, including the profile. Can this and all 2023 Leaders products be added to Naviga for our prospects/customers that have different fiscals? Thanks.Encoder8645trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAW and OEM 2023 leader packages are available now.
03/09/22Kurt BelisleNavigaBilling IssuesI'm trying to figure out how to change it from Performance billing to Flexible Campaign billing.The billing box on campaign set up age is greyed out and I cannot change it. They want to be billed in full upon approval.AVEVA8648trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Repshowed Kurt how to change the campaign type
03/09/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaCustom Product RequestJust need lines added that are not productsI need to Add Custom Lines ELC Full Page Ad $2,000, Insert with highlighted Listings and Full Page ad $3000, One Page Unit 1/2 page Island $3,500, One Page Unit 1/2 page island $1,100 Program similar to Domino Amjet last yearPolypack8263Joe AngeltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductLines added to plan.asked leo for email showing pricing is approved
03/09/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI already sent in a ticket to add AW 2023 Leaders and I also need OEM Leaders for 2023 for Encoder. I had an issue when I added PW 2023 Leaders to Encoder's plan. It wouldn't let me remove the full-page ads and add four 1/2 page ads instead. I'd like to put it in as a "package" if that can be fixed. Thanks.Encoder8645trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAW and OEM 2023 leader packages are available now.
03/10/22Reed SimonsisNavigaOthernoneThe February, March, and October Automation Focus amounts need to be changed to $975, per PO (attached). Also, client was invoiced for $1,050 for February AF, a credit will need to be issued to the agency: Mepax Backstory: Anna @ Mepax was sent the Naviga IO back in early December to approve. She told me she changed the pricing on the order, but clearly only changed a couple itemsNord Gear8055trueResolvedBillingAdjusted the line items to 975 and added a -75 line item to offset the billing in Feb.
03/11/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI'd like to move this Leadworks campaign to the correct Leadworks campagin that contains the Naviga Campaign/ID #. Correct campaign: Systems Inc.596542564.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
03/11/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI am trying to move the content of this leadworks campaign ( to the correct Leadworks campaign ( but I am unable to access the first Leadworks.Naviga: Systems Inc.596542565.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
03/11/22Brian GronowskiLeadworksLeadworks Issuenothing yetUnable to access Audience Network data Get error Forbidden (#403)alltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorYou should be able to see the view nowticket open
03/14/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherCan PFW Leaders in Processing be added for 2023 please? Need to submit a proposal for Anritsu...their fiscal starts April 1st and runs through March 2023. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded!
03/14/22WENDY SAWTELLSalesForceOtherIn SF, Anritsu is showing zero media spend in 2021 and 2022 and they've spent a bunch with us. BRINKResolvedNot an errorData is there... May have looked when Simone was updating the code.
03/14/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentLeo would like the price of the profile back to $3,916.80. He said that he had Wendy change the wrong program.. Thanks!Mamata775649872.0trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingFixed
03/14/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaBilling IssuesBoth the PAN OD and Pre-roll have start/stop dates in March. Is this ok to leave as is even though they will be running for 12 months and are on installment billing? They dont want to start their Pre-roll until October so maybe we should at least move that? OD is starting March.Novanta85415,367,553,677.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
03/15/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaOtherI'm trying to generate a proposal in naviga and I can't get past the campaign set up screen. When I hit "save", nothing happens.morrisontrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis is fixed and I added the CP NL to the order for you.There is a connection issue between SF and Navgia. Roxsy deleted lines yesterday. will watch to see what happens when connection is restored.
03/15/22Daniel SmithSalesForceSalesForce/Naviga syncCreated an opportunity and then when I created a new Naviga proposal, it wouldn't save so there is no proposal sticking in Naviga.ActionpaqtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis should be fixed and you should see a proposal attached.Sent an email to Simone to investigate on the SF side. will go to Naviga if needed.
03/15/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI was looking at a plan that Roxsy mentioned was going to be approved soon. She mentioned they were going to spend about 11k with us. When I went into the plan, it says the Naviga net value is $19,860, but when I click into the details, it's actually $11,275. Thought I should mention in case this is a bug.Bepensa8640trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThe correct price is now showing.There is a connection issue between SF and Navgia. Roxsy deleted lines yesterday. will watch to see what happens when connection is restored.
03/16/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaProduct IssueIs the CM+P Eblast product added into Naviga?PPM TechnologiestrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThese live under the PW ebalst product.
03/16/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaOthertrying to add leaders 2022 to a plan for a late add and am getting an error "One or more lines is missing a Start Date or Issue Selection".duravant8670trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changeadded the January line item
03/17/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingneed to move the 3/25 eblast to 4/11 fpr webinar.Universal Robots801149509trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
03/17/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateprice issueNeed 3/15 moved to 4/5 for webinarUniversal Robots801149510trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
03/17/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueHi Jenn, I was trying to add this company’s privacy policy to their webinar form which was approved by Andy but it includes checkboxes. Do you know how to add these?wufoo: Industrial Automation814451060.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorUpdated the form:
03/17/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNeither Courtney nor I could remove August PFW print from the order. We both got an error message.Please remove the August print placement in this order. They want to run in April and June only.Clayton IndustriesOPP #8416trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeFixed!
03/17/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaNeed to move the dateHello, I would like to move this 3/18 Eblast and Extension to Thursday March 31st. Thank you!Regal Rexnord Corporation820351703.1 and 51704.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateResolved
03/17/22Kurt BelisleNavigaOtherI'm trying to find the contract packaging focus for a memberI can't find this product or inventory.Propack8711trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe member lines are under the CM+P Focus products.
03/18/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingneed the 3/22 moved to 3/25ATS Industrial Automation814451058trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datemoved.
03/18/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaBilling IssuesJoe is giving JLS a credit for both 3D tours--they have been invoiced but haven't paid yet so please add credit lines for these items.JLS72754,285,743,035.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingCredits added, please let Janet know those offset the invoice. Thanks,
03/18/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe 2022 Weightpack video pre-roll and banners are not showing up in leadworks anywhere. They aren't in the history tab, master content tab, or anywhere.WeightpacktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugRatecard was removed from the line item... caused the LW campaign to delete.
03/18/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherThere's some misc ad revenue under Ricky and Joe if it can be placed under the correct rep. Joe's stuff is related to international and here are the accounts and reps associated with Ricky's stuff: Digimarc, Allied Electronics and Husky are Kurt's. Hammer is Christine's. Emerson is Powers. One of the Emerson ones is a negative number...see attached screenshot. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingMoved what I couldMoved the Joe items. Waiting on Janet for the Ricky items.
03/21/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.need to be changed to july and september for these pw print adsEmerson Automation Solutions83168,245,552,753.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
03/21/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaOtherShouldn't multiple eblast purchases be entered on their own line item? I see that brian entered 3 on this order but they way he did it means that all 3 have the same materials id which I assume will cause problems.Spraying Systems847253329trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepFixed
03/22/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI'd like to request a showcase profile to be added in October at no charge.added the line itemUniversal Labeling Systems, Inc.7754trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
03/23/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease change automation focus from 3/25 to april 8thWinsted861954147trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datemoved
03/23/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaBilling IssuesPlease change rate on MP to $3,604, rate was approved by WSRate is incorrect on the Feb. invoice and needs to be corrected for prompt payment.Flexicon Corp Opp# 8170Opp 8170trueWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingUpdated!Emailed Patrick to see how he would like Feb handled
03/23/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Need the 3/25 and 3/29 moved to 4/13 and 4/28 for webinar promotion schedule. Thanks,ATS Industrial Automation81445,105,851,061.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateEmailed Reed
03/24/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI opened and closed opp # 8306 for Paratherm PFW LIP and now it does not appear as an Opportunity in SFPlease make sure the Opp # 8306 appear in SF as a closed OpportunityParatherm#8306trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI see the op in SF, sent patrick an email
03/24/22Brian GronowskiNavigaMissing a date/Need a datenothing yet54728 is populating a 12/31/21 due dateFox IV8732trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changeupdated the date in the system
03/24/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaBilling IssuesThe order is closed I can't make any changes to the plan.Please send all future invoices to for this account to Lisa Simon at Publitek Ltd. The agency has been added to the account.Coperion K-TronOpp #7745trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingagency has been added
03/24/22Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the datenothing yetI need to add an additional ad to April PFW, can you open the close date please. George has the ad in the layout, just need to enter campaignCentral States Industrial8731trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorissue is open until April 1, waiting to hear back from brian.
03/24/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Need the 3/23 moved to 3/31. Everything is already prepared just need the naviga change. Thanks,Rockwell Maverick846153208trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
03/24/22Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks Issuecompared view with csmBrian is unable to view scout leads or campaign and Converge (Beta) appears twice on his view. He has sales rep permissionThermOmegananatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThis doesn't appear to be a permission error. I logged in as a rep and was able to see converge for SquidInk. Thermo hasn't had activity since Sept 2021.
03/24/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaCustom Product RequestWe need to create a product in Naviga under PFW Print. The product should say/be: June MIA Profile. The cost is 0 and has been approved by WS. The product will apply to roughly 16-20 companies for our June issue only. Last year we tracked theNaviga part is done. Jenn is working on SMA partMesser Americas#8733WENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductOn our mapping in SMA
03/28/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the dateClient wants to run Facebook on 4/8 and I can't move the date because of package discount.Yaskawa643053092trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
03/28/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move to 8/5, unable to move because of discountProfol577352004trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
03/28/22Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueThere is no LW record for the 4/6 Wago video eblastWago604053188.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugI had to manually add and attach t naviga.Tried to push it out, waiting on system.
03/29/22Madysen FastNavigaBase/Website IssueMy naviga will not load and will not filter by start date. I have it open on chrome so that it works better , but it will not filter by start date even after waiting an hour for it to load.AlltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorMadysen updated her computer and the issue resolved.Not able to replicate, reached out to madysen.
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateReached out to the company twice while letting them know the deadline. No answer after 2 times reaching out.Need moved to april. April is the last month we can do these so might be cancelled if i get 0 answer within time.plan It7743463524635346360trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePromotion for 3d tour that was just sent from materport. Need moved into aprilplease move into aprilNita Labeling Systems761044954trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateIn contact with the client and is in the process. Has not been finished. Moving billing to be safe. Facebook post is to promot the case study.please move into april or mayInductive Automation8204517665184051768trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateneed moved for billing(53146,53144,53143) - this package is a webinar brief that is currently being worked on with the client and havent recieve the full materials. Needs to be moved into april if possible or later. The Webinar Eblast needs to be changed to a white paper industry webinar eblast as it was not entered correctly. (53138) - supplied html just needs to be moved into april, the client didnt have materials ready. (53145) - This is a random eblast extension with no correlating eblast. Should we move this untill i figure out what its there for? (53158) - Currently being worked on but not finished, please move to date out of billing.Bishop-Wisecarver Corp844753143 53144 53138 53158 53146 53145trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateThis is the ongoing video creation that has been moving for almost a year. Still no progress made from erik.Please move into next month. Kurt may cancel.AVEVA6271373,654,989,737,366trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateThought this was up and running but it looks like it is missing material.please move/ extend the pan natives. These will be uploaded for billingWago798649084trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to past dateNeed the webinar brief moved into april as it has not been created yet. Webinar launched yesterday.ServiceNow818151492trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
03/30/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingFor billing, Please move date into april/may as client did not upload materials.HP 3D Printing845953206trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved to May 2
03/30/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the date2023 Mini directory should be moved to July 2023--can't move it because of discount. Do you want me to re-add the 2023 LIP package and delete out existing?Domino847054652trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed the package to have the correct rate line. and fixed wendy's plan,
03/31/22Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the datenothing yetCan you open/remove/extend the due date for the LIP (Package Only). We offer to some new folks who start their program with us late and it only includes the digital portionFreudenberg-NOK Sealing Technologies8080trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAlicia said to confirm with Wendy since this is not currently a product offered in Naivga. Waiting on Wendy's response...
03/31/22Brian GronowskiNavigaProduct Issuenothing yetCan we add a Product Details link for Global 250 and link to here BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAll set. You'll need to re-add the product if you want to see the udpate
03/31/22Brian GronowskiLeadworksLeadworks IssueBrian is seeing a double line for Converge in his right rail for his customers (Aptean, Industrial Magnetics, Urschel). I am not seeing that so I think it may be a permissions thing. -- KellyDuplicate... Ticket open. BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been fixed!
03/31/22Brian GronowskiLeadworksLeadworks Issuenothing yetWhy do we have Converge Beta listed 2x in LW?ThermOmegaTechtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been fixed!
03/31/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksOtherWhat is the correct way to remove a user from Leadworks or detach from a company? I am unable to remove Justin Kirkpatrick's Econocorp's relationship in Salesforce but he is marked for deletion and we unchecked the Active box in Leadworks user. Anything else we need to do?EconocorptrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHe should cycle out in the overnight sync.
03/31/22MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesBase/Website Issue has some errors in categories and I narrowed it down to GE Digital. I removed youtube and uploaded new broken image but still not fixedZanzy & MAC narrowed the issue down. Images from a couple companies (GE digital,
IntervalZero) are broken in Base and we're unsure why. As long as the primary image is working, the site works. So we fixed it for the time being, but Jenn can you please put a ticket in with Base to see if they can figure out why the images broke and restore them?
GE DigitaltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
04/01/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease change 4/6 to 4/28. Thanks,Wago604054830trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
04/04/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease move to April 26th. Thanks,Cognex866854483trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
04/04/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the datecan't move it myselfplease move to ~ 5/15Inductive820451758trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
04/05/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaCustom Product RequestnaNeed to add item for show daily outside back cover. The price should be $12,257, which is 3% more than the client paid last year.MG america8737trueALICIA PETTIGREWtrueZanzy BegounResolvedCustom ProductAdded new rateline & position
04/05/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the datenaplease move supplied html to 5/26. Thanks.Inductive820451719trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone!
04/05/22Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling IssuesformHi Jenn, I noticed a billing issue this morning for Shick Esteve - they did not make their March native campaign, but we did bill for it, and they have opted not to reschedule it for later in the year. Can we put a credit through? Line 45437 Order 7655Shick Esteve765545437trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingWe are able to open and remove the invoice all together. Waiting on Janet to release the line item. Deleted!
04/06/22MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueTrying very hard to get the contacts to appear in the following order on Soft Robotics profile page: Top: Jeff Beck (, Middle: Mark Chiapetta ( last: Mike Welborn ( RoboticstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThe contacts will now be ordered by Published Date!
04/06/22Brian GronowskiNavigaBilling Issuesnothing yetWhen I updated a production contact the system automatically changed the billing contact too. I only need to update production contactErieztrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugPut the billing contact back to Matt. For some reason Naviga didn't have Matt on the list for billing contact. I put him there and made him the default in Naviga.
04/06/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease change date to 4/15 or later.Cognex866854533.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
04/06/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCannot change date due to pricingNeed 4/1 moved to 4/15WAgo798349068.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
04/07/22Brian GronowskiNavigaProduct Issuenothing yetUnable to add show daily to plan, get error messageATS Engineering8792trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorMandatory positions was selected. I adjusted it to Positions "Yes". Not all line require positions.Need size... i don't see an issue with the order set up, so asked for more details about the error. Waiting on Brian.
04/08/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmenttrying to add a 1/2 horizontal showcase ad to a plan and getting a "must select a position" errormorrison7617trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bugsuccessfully added the ad to the order. Waiting for liz to confirm it is correct.
04/08/22Reed SimonsisNavigaOtherReed tried to force sync the twoI'm trying to enter an order for RIA and agency and contact is not pulling through. There is an opportunity in SFRobotic Industries Assn. and their agency: Mosaic MediatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepCompany is not synced with Naviga as needed.
04/11/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueI would like to find the correct Leadworks Username for Jim Gildea. There are currently 3 usernames in LW and I don't know which one is correct. Is there a way to delete the additional usernames?Sika CorporationtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThis is the right one:
04/11/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueHi Jenn, I'm trying to enter a phone number field for Universal's registration page. On my end, it shows only one phone number slot but Bea is seeing two phone number slots. I tried deleting one slot in Wufoo, but then both phone numbers slots were gone on the reg page.WuFoo: RobotstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTRemoved extra state field and need fixed it so the Phone number field should only show once.
04/12/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksOtherClient's Scout Beacon 'fell off' on their end and will re-add it. Brian is asking if they can have the old data which is a conflict. The email addresses all live in their Scout campaign ( BUT the suppression because of privacy laws is not evident so not sure how to go about getting data to rep.Central StatestrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThe converge/scout data will only display data from the last 6 months… so we wouldn’t be able to pull old data into their view.

HOWEVER, they have access to the campaign as an advertiser and the data that is there does have suppression applied. LW will never show Canada email addresses or add anyone from Mexico or the EU without explicit consent.
04/12/22Kurt BelisleNavigaCustom Product RequestPer Alicia's memo on 4/5 under PMG productsOpto22 has the inside back cover for all of their print ads but when they purchase the IIoT supplement their ad still goes on the inside back cover of the print magazine and the outside back cover of the ebook. I've been noting this in the notes area of Naviga. I'm not sure if this is still okay or if there needs to be a new product added to naviga.Opto22MonthlytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThere is a Rate line called "IIoT - Outside Back Cover Digital" This would give Opto22 the digital cover.
04/12/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdHelp with a viewReceived an email from a client saying they had already submitted April AW ad materials, I went into SMA and all my April AW ads had been duped into new files and clients notified, even though material had already been submitted.These ads have run correctly, it's just that clients are being asked to submit ads they've already submitted.Duplicate Handbook Entries for April and Clients are beiing alertedtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTGeorge had manually entered the ads... not an error just need to delete the dups.Sent email to Simone to see if the view can remove cancelled items
04/12/22Christine SmallwoodSalesForceHelp with a viewn/aPlease let me know if a "cancelled" Naviga opportunity can be removed from my sales "opportunities" view: 7909 + Veritiv 77477909 and 7747 BRINKResolvedNot an error
04/12/22Mikayala DelsonSalesForceOtherJust a question, but is it possible if we were to add the URL to CSI's advertiser settings to allow for data to flow for both websites? Or would Brian have to create a separate company in Leadworks/Salesforce for this?Central States IndustrialtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestion
04/12/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFNavigaOtherSharon Enochs requested a 2/3 Vertical print size for AW Handbooks in Naviga. We have the size in SMA.ASCO LLPtbdtbdtrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
04/13/22Brian GronowskiNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentTried to change dates and impression levelI need to change flighting month to May 1 - may 31 and adjust the impressions level to 25,000. Client is ready to approvePPG8671trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThis looks complete, waiting for Brian to confirm.
04/13/22Christine SmallwoodSalesForceHelp with a viewrefresh Opportunities ViewThis is a 2023 Leaders approval; and it is approved; however remains in my Opportunities view. Any chance it can be moved off of that view?Meler - Naviga 8537Naviga 8537 BRINKResolvedQuestionThis will fall off after the order is moved to confirmed in Naviga.
04/13/22Stephanie HaagNavigaOtherNeed to add Robotics to the list of Categories for Lidres.Naviga still had 2021 categories. 2022 form created and addedLidrestrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
04/14/22Brian GronowskiNavigaBilling Contact not pulling through nCan you force an update. Not updating billing informatoinFreudenberg-NOK Sealing Technologies8080trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionI seeing Lena there!
04/14/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI'd like to confirm that the revenue from the free CP+M newsletters (Focus and exclusive) are being included in our numbers, because I'm seeing the value as zero. I think there's something happening on the backend, and want to confirm. I'd also love to see a report of the "free" stuff with the PMG value if possible. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestSent Wendy the numbers and explained where they live.
04/15/22MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesOtherWondering if I would be able to allowed access to google analytics for our sites? It is helpful when filling out RFPs and zigma does not always provide all metrics requested.N/AtrueJoan JacintoResolvedQuestion
04/18/22Sharon EnochsNavigaProduct IssueN/AHi, when loading an order for Syndicated Content I want to charge $6500 and deliver the higher end package, this error message appears after I try to save the rate change. Also, no elements appear to choose dates. Here's the error message when trying to save rate change: This Product requires the selection of a Ratecard.ServiceNow8828trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales RepWasn't using the package.
04/18/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueWhen trying to add a pfw site native ad to a plan, naviga says June has no inventory available, but when I go to the inventory view for that product (attached screenshot), every month is shown as available.Native AdstrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeSomehow the position disappeared, but I added it back to the rateline and now it works fine
04/18/22Reed SimonsisNavigaBilling IssuesEblast was a make good. The line item was billed to the client for the current amount in naviga.Please create a negative line item for the line ID mentioned per Janets request. See file for email confirmation.unified flex packagin technologies820653075truetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingCreated a negative line item, but want Jenn to confirm when she's back before I close this out
04/19/22MaryAnn CoyleOtherOtherI know we allow 3rd party ad tags for the .com banner ads but do we accept vast tags?N/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoWe can't use VAST Tags in GAM. we don't support video
04/19/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datelooking at upcoming PW mailings in Naviga Production by Sales Rep I noticed too many PW mailings on several dates. I confirmed overbooking of PW eblasts using've found several overbooked dates for PW. Too many eblasts are confirmed. Naviga should only allow 2 eblasts & 1 NL per weekday (or 4 eblasts). May 11, May 12, May 17, May 18, May 19 - all have too many eblastsmultiplemultiplemultipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThese were sent to the CSMs to move in Feb... System isn't broken, YAY!
04/19/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesHey Jenn, could you please take a look at the notes under these two orders? What is supposed to happen in terms of billing with these two?It states: Do not invoice, $1000 rate will be an internal transfer to PMG from PMMI for Cold Pressure Council sponsorshipUniversal Pure and Avure Technologies, Inc.8800 and 8819trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionExplained the process.
04/19/22Kurt BelisleNavigaOtherThe client wants a 1/2 page ad combo with their profile in the Platinum EXPO PACK showcase package. How do I do that in Naviga?BellaRx8842trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdated the size and sent kurt instructions.
04/19/22Hannah CaterBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueAfter scheduling articles to April 30 (Template testing) I could not create a campaign in BaseHCP: Logistic for the Life Sciences New Details schedulingtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUI Claritythis is part of an integration project. Bea is already handling.
04/20/22Kurt BelisleNavigaOtherI'm trying to find the newsletter product that is free to CPA membersI'd also like to understand how to tell in SF if a company is a CPA member.ProPack8711trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionSent Kurt an email.
04/20/22Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks IssueNAHi Jenn, can you add the custom question fields to leadworks for this form? Thank you! RobotstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionAdded 2 custom question columns.
04/21/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesHi Jenn, I tried to change this PW LinkedIn to a Mundo LinkedIn post. Upon creating the Mundo LI, the price did not match the original PW LI. I confirmed with Leo and we would like the Mundo price to match the original PW price.Heat and Control801849737 and 55458trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changeremoved pw line and updated MP pricing.
04/22/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaOtherThe line item in this order got canceled so I deleted it. How can I remove the entire order?PPG8671trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionthe cancel this campaign is in the same drop down menu as the status change. I cancelled the order for you
04/22/22Courtney NicholsLeadworksLeadworks IssueNAHi Jenn, can you please add two custom questions columns to this webinar lead report: // Thank you!URtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded custom fields
04/22/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI am trying to force enter in metrics for these two PAN campaigns but whenever I try to save them, they do not save in Leadworks: and Cutting Edge873954759 and 54760trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTJust needed to add the numbers without commas and the stats stayed!Sent Mikayla an email asking for some more detials.
04/25/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaTemplate IssueI'd like to switch this PACK EXPO showcase form to the 2022 Production Form but I am receiving an error.Enercon Industries749843929trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeForm changed - Discount was preventing change.
04/25/22MaryAnn CoyleOmedaOmeda IssueDaniel wants to target Europe for some banner ads. Is this Omeda query still valid for a PAN retargeting campaign: Retargeting_Europe - No VCTNAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionyes... still valid.
04/26/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePrice change preventing move.Please move 5/17 to 5/16 since it is overbooked.fabco-air816151229trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
04/27/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease move to May 30th tuesday. Allowing more production time for the tactical brief.wago798649073trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
04/27/22PATRICK YOUNGOtherCustom Product RequestCreate a Product for Companies in the PEI Processing ZoneCan we create a product/package that includes a Showcase Page in the PZ PFW PEI issue and PFW Spotlight on PEI. Something similar to the Silver Package that was created for Expo Pack For a one page profile and eblast we would recommend a pricing of $3,625 before member discountProXES, IncTBDTBDtrueALICIA PETTIGREWResolvedCustom ProductNo longer creating packages.
04/27/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateBanner ads have not startedPlease adjust monthly pricing and impressions. Impression total is 60,000. Please distribute cost and impressions starting in May to the end of the year. Thanks,schneider electric804950138trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone - There are still 2 oversold lines on this one, you will need to move the NL issues to another date.
04/27/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingplease change 2/11 to june 30thschneider electric804950139trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
04/28/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease move to may 10th as the date was missed due to production time.NSK796848792trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone
04/28/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-please move aveva FB date to 5/6 and sk FB date to 5/13sk and aveva7881 and 627151361 and 49897trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
04/28/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentChanged joyces voice to hand picked's.Please match the pricing of the 2 Joyces voice to the hand picked's and delete the joyces voices. Thank you!schneider electric80495,013,650,137.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
04/28/22Jake BrockNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateTried grabbing date, error message it was closed.I am hoping you can help me out with a proposal. I am trying to grab the 5/25 HCP webinar date for a client but it has already closed since its less than four weeks out. I have already communicated with the client the immediate turnaround and they are ready to get materials over right away and have already received the specs to work on. Wendy gave me approval as long as production is good with it. Would you be able to help with the Naviga order to put the 5/25 date in for me? Right now I just have a place holder but I have the correct eblast dates. They are looking to approve order ASAP and start working on materials. Thanks!AutoStore AS888855648trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changedone
04/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot change datePlease move the webinar brief into may as it has not been started. Thanks,HP 3D Printing845953385trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
04/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease move eblast to a future date to remove out of april billing. Also, this eblast does not show up in leadworks. Is there some way to force it into leadworks?Thanks,wago604054830trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
04/29/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you please zero out these three line items?House Ads - No approval neededPMMI8891556,535,565,455,655trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
05/02/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherwant to confirm we didn't overbook CM+P newsletters...numbers don't look right. 8 advertisers. See attachedNAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionWe allow 8 advertisers in the CM+P Focus.
05/02/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the dateI know you worked so hard on separating the FB/LI combos into separate line items but now we are unable to move dates because there is no Description filled in. I am just showing the Brenton ones as an example. Woudl you be able to add the descriptions so you won't have to be bogged down by moving dates for csms?Brenton et al74435,517,855,179.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateUpdated the Dates. Rate line is hidden for package use, admin will need to update
05/02/22Kelly GreebyLeadworksLeadworks IssueUploading materials to sendWhen uploading materials to a customers send for this script creation I noticed that the move ad function isn't working properly. Can you please submit a high priority ticket.N/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
05/03/22Kurt BelisleNavigaOtherRoxy sold the Mundo portion for $3,900 and the AW portion was sold by me. I want to make sure the commission is paid accordingly.AVEVA7725Commission SplittrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThis is set up as it should be. I see Kurt on the AW lines.
05/03/22Kurt BelisleNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughI removed the agency from the account but can't get naviga to just bill directly to HuskyPlease help as soon as possible. They need to approve the order soon to keep dates.husky injection8714Change billing to Husky and not the agencytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe agency didn't fully remove. Peter at Husky is now the Billing Contact.
05/03/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWent to add an order to the house campaign as i do with all of the orders. Nothing was pulling through in the rate lines.I have attached the view i see when trying to go through an select a rate card.CPA Billing Use Only house campagin7733N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorNaviga changed the way clients are attached to rate cards and I missed this one! Sorry! It should work now.
05/03/22Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment-can you please adjust the 8/11 eblast cost to $4000 and the 8/11 extension to $500. AVEVA gets discounted AW priicing per Kurt - thanks!AVEVA86485,568,555,687.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
05/03/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFNavigaReporting IssuePrint a NAVIGA Tableau report for McKenna and the team, but the report isn't coming through completed.Only the Product ID of PANBANADS shows up on my output report. Missing print, etc.TABLEU Reporting PulltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTDoneWill meet with George to help export
05/04/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI am trying to add Crystal Packaging (8898) to Leo's CP Billing campaign (8247) but there is no Rateline showing up so I cannon add that line item.Crystal Packaging, Inc.8247trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorNaviga changed the way clients are attached to rate cards and I missed this one! Sorry! It should work now.
05/04/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaOtherWhy is CPC details appearing on the PFW Eblast Inventory list. This is very confusing and not needed.TBDNAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUI ClarityWorked with Brian to resolve the issue and remove the confusion
05/06/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateThis is a scheduling error. Ali Cruz asked that we move the send dates for Destacado en EXPO PACK NLs from Tuesday to Thursday., except for Tue 5/31 because there's also a NL that week on Thursday.Additional advertisers also hold these NL dates in orders. Orders named above are status R1, R2, R3, CO, ISmultipleMAY 17: 7681 Valco Melton; 8466 Sidel, 8875 Ampco, 8897 TC Packaging. AND MORE.MAY 17: 47392 Valco; 53230 Sidel; 55537 Ampco, 55680 TC Packaging. AND MORE.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductDone
05/06/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateContinued edits to tech minute. Price change.please move to 5/20NSK796848,792.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
05/10/22Mikayala DelsonSend My AdTemplate IssueHey Jenn. GEA should have automatically “integrated” into Send My Ad for the June issue of ProFood World but George says it is not appearingGEA8303trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugWorking with Erick to find the root cause.
05/10/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease change rate in MP to $3,915. This rate will match their full page rate in February.Fristam Pumps USAOpp# 8944trueWENDY SAWTELLResolvedBillingDone
05/10/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdProduct IssueCompared NAVIGA's PFW June 2022 print ads to SMA. SMA is missing 20 clients.I recently submitted a similar request on the Healthcare Packaging May/June NAVIGA/SMA system.ProFood World June 2022 print ads are missing on SMA versus NAVIGAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
05/10/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdProduct IssueI was double-checking SMA ads to NAVIGA ads for May/June 2022 HCP print.Compared May/June HCP print NAVIGA ad report to SMA ads for, 5 ads did not transfer over to SMA from NAVIGAMissing SMA entries for May/June 2022 HCP PrinttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Buglooking into this.
05/11/22Bea GreanyNavigaOtherHCP video eblast make good. Need 5/13 HCP video eblast $ zeroed out.5/13 HCP Video eblast is a make-good from the 5/3 eblast and needs to be zeroed out. Due to an Omeda error in the sending query, the 5/3 eblast only deployed to a small portion of the audience list. The 5/13 eblast will be deployed to the rest of the HCP 3rd party list.Antares Vision, Advertiser ID 100323866155,874.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodDone
05/12/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease change to FB campaign to $500In 2020 and 2021 the FB campaign was part of merchandising and was done at no charge. The $500 fee will cover our costs per AP.ESI Group USAOpp # 8954trueWENDY SAWTELLResolvedBilling
05/12/22Kurt BelisleNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI'm getting the "this custoerm is not set up as an advertiser" notification but I see in their profile, they are set up.I need June 1st AW eblast for this client.100199trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
05/12/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdProduct IssueSimilar to my issues ProFood and Healthcare, missing ads when comparing two reports from SMA and Naviga13 out of 24 ads missing from SMA that are in NAVIGA for Summer OEMOEM Summer 2022 NAVIGA ads vs. SMAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere was an issue on the Naviga side. Erick has pushed the ads and is addressing the problem.
05/13/22Bea GreanyNavigaOtheradded a MAKE GOOD May 15 PFW Webianar eblast to the campaignPlease zero out the cost of the May 15 PFW webinar eblast, line ID 55954. This is a make-good for a date error in the May 13 webinar eblast.Aptean 101335865955,954.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodDone
05/13/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you please zero out these two line items?PMMI8956 and 895755951 and 55952trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
05/16/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateI just noticed the CM+P Services Focus NL set for Nov 2 is supposed to be Nov 22.I had the CP Focus on the calendar for Nov 22 but in one of my docs created for the reassignment to the 2 NL versions, I entered the date as Nov 2 (my mistake).multiplemultiplemultipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
05/16/22Bea GreanyNavigaOtheris the overbooking happening because the PMG placeholder campaign status is Q1? There may be other overbooked dates.observing overbooked PW PACK EXPO eblast dates: Sep 15: 1 Packaging Focus NL plus 4 confirmed PACK EXPO eblasts; Sep 20: 1 PW Shelf Impact NL plus 4 confirmed PACK EXPO eblasts. Refer to screenshot.multiplemultiplemultipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorWe went through and fixed the overbooked dates. CSMs will alert clients/Reps.
05/16/22Bea GreanyNavigaOtherobserving overbooked PW PACK EXPO eblast date Sep 13, 2022. Currently 1 MAI NL plus 3 PW PACK EXPO eblasts – refer to screenshot.multiplemultiplemultipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe order reserving inventory for this product is in the q1 status. To pull the PMG hold items from inventory the order needs to be moved to R1
05/17/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingThis Eblast did not run and they were billed. Please move this eblast to 8/11 and 0 out to balance the order. Slack me if thats confusing or we need to confirm with janet!Thanks,OPC Foundation824351,980.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
05/17/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueHi Jenn, having issues accessing my Base password for the Mundo account: is no forget password option, only says "Contact your site administrator if you need a new account created, or if you're having trouble remembering your login information. " are you able to reset?MundotrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionUpdated password and sent it for use.
05/17/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi Jenn, this is a barter that was postponed and now needs to be fulfilled quickly due to a date change. Can you adjust or create a new line for the banners starting today?Thank you!ARC Industry (barter)7612trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone... this is the new line item 56076
05/18/22Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the dateCan you move close date of OEM SummerNeed a new close date for OEM summer, have a last minute ad coming in. GS said ok and can take adReid Supply8966trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
05/18/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueHi Jenn, I added a phone number field in Wufoo but for some reason I cannot see it on the registration page. It only appears when I start typing in the name and info etc. --- BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe form is set to only show the phone number when the country is USA. The form was functioning as it was set up to do. I removed the rule to restrict the phone number to only show when USA is selected.
05/19/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datewe had an email discussion on April 6–7 about moving the PW SOPE newsletter from Monday, Oct 10 to Tuesday, Oct 11. We’ll send the same newsletter two days in a row.Please move PW SOPE newsletter (and all the advertisers) from Monday, Oct 10 to Tuesday, Oct 11PE - Spotlight on PACK EXPO newsletter inventory datesN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
05/19/22Reed SimonsisNavigaBilling IssuesFacebook did not run. They were billed for the facebook ad and do not have content to fulfill in the future.Please issue a negative line item as they were already billed and cancel this facebook ad. Thanks!Carlton Bates792848189trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
05/19/22Kurt BelisleNavigaOtherIt won't let me approve the order. All documentation is approved and attached.AVEVA8636trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepOrder looks approved.
05/19/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYSalesForceReporting IssueI have a report in SF called LT_Digital_printing and the list isn't correct...there are digital printing companies that I've tagged in SF that aren't showing up on the list. Can someone look at the inquiry and see if there's a problem, please? Thanks!nonetrueAMBER MILLERResolvedSystem Configuration Error
05/20/22Bea GreanyNavigaFeature Requestnot an error. Requesting a change to a status description. Fee Digital - Naviga materials status options. I want to change “Waiting on subject/preheader/editorial” to “Waiting on subject/preheader”. Naviga is used to manage advertiser materials, not editorial. CSM teams should not have to investigate editorial NL content status. If ADVERTISER materials for an editorial NL product are in and ready, the campaign status should change to RFP.N/AN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThis is on my to do list and will be complete by 6/17
05/23/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueLeadWorks ad clicks are non-responsive, generating a 504 Gateway timeout message.I experienced mixed issues with the LeadWorks platform loading but mostly the platform opens and operates. I checked a sampling of sent mailings, test mailings, ad links in eBuilder campaigns – none of the ad links are directing to the target landing page.allallN/AtrueElizabeth KachorisResolvedSystem Bug
05/23/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueThis advertiser has two names in LW. I would like to remove this username drobinson0 (Dave Robinson) and keep drobinson (David Robinson) as the only LW account.Lubriplate LubricantstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugDone
05/24/22Reed SimonsisNavigaOthernoneWe have an order for Mitsubishi that I need to enter for 4 eblasts, 2 of which the dates fall into next year. Reed told me that 2023 dates won’t be available until July. This is a big project for Mitsubishi and we’re trying to secure dates now to coordinate with other sends they are doing (in addition to sending them a completed order). Please advise if there is anything we can do to accommodateVarious but near term Mitsubishi8994trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionThe dates will be open on August 1. We are not opening dates prior to release.waiting on guidance from Kelly/Alicia
05/25/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Need this eblast changed from 5/31 to June 1st. Pretty please! Thank you.Siemens892355750trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
05/25/22Lara KriegerNavigaOtherThis company should not be showing in this view for mini LIPs- status is Q1, pls look into thisPACKR50221.18064trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTHad the quote box checked. No issue
05/26/22Christine SmallwoodSalesForceOtherwhen viewing the account recordThe 2022 media spend total is appearing as zero, although this client has a 2022 media spend total spend showing in Naviga of $68,950 net. Here is the SF account link: / Naviga #102518Account RecordCurrent Year Media SpendtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugResovled. I see media spend.Sent an email to Simone to look into why the numbers aren't showing.
05/26/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaProduct Issuewe don't have a naviga line item for 4 categories of Second Look...need for a proposalN/AtrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
05/26/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateLead generation for Siemens dunhillNeed June 24 automation focus slot added. Thanks,Siemens8543NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changedone
05/26/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncOrder contact box is not showing the name when I'm trying to build the proposalARANOWtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Repjust needed to force sync for immediate use.
05/26/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you please zero out these three new line items?PMMI854,986,058,604.00561,985,620,856,210trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
05/27/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaProduct IssueWhen I try to add the Conveying & Handling playbookIt says it is closed and doesn't allow me.Layton Systems7858trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeI added it to the plan.
05/27/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateBoth webinars have been reschedule. Cannot move due to pricing.Please change 52617 and 52619 to dates: June 30th and July 7th. Please change 52620 and 52621 to dates: August 1st and August 8th. Working with zanzy.Rockwell Automation for MAVERICK Technologies835552617,52619,52620,52621trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
05/27/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateWhen I try to add the Sustainability playbook productIt is asking for a dateAranow9013trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDate added for August
05/27/22Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughHi Jenn - sorry if I already submitted a form about this earlier this month, but we need Peter Fox's address (Somic America, Inc. 500 Lone Oak Rd # 200 St. Paul, MN 55121-1524) to pull through as the billing contact on this order, not Scott Drucker's. Can you help? According to Liz, everything is correct in SF.Somic America7879trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe agency was attached which was blocking the billing contact/address from being updated.
05/31/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueStephanie is working with client who wants to repeat an ad from May 19, 2021 but the ad can't be selected. It's not an option in the 'Use Previous Ad' drop down. After looking at several other advertiser campaigns, I wonder if the reason is that the date of the previous ad is more than one year ago. If this is the reason, can this parameter be change to allow advertisers to choose prior ads that ran as far back as 2 years ago? Can34785N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestYou can now pull ads up to 2 year old.This is with devteam.
05/31/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi Jenn, can you please move this FB campaign to Jun 17th for May billing? Thank you!Inductive820454852trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved - needed a new line number.Working with Janet to see if a move is ok.
06/01/22Reed SimonsisNavigaBilling IssuesNeed both of these campaigns zeroed out.Due to lead promise by Jim for this order. We are required to meet a lead count. These types of promotions were approved by the team. If these dont get the number of leads we need we will switch to phone leads if needed and approved.Siemens industry software85435,627,956,280.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodWendy only approved an additional eblast at this time. I have zeroed out the line item for the eblast.
06/01/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move the LinkedIN to 6/10Nercon777055157trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved
06/01/22MaryAnn CoyleOtherOtherCan I have access to Mundo LinkedIN?N/AtrueJoan JacintoResolvedQuestionJoan gave Mac access
06/02/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe eblast and Facebook have not come over to Leadworks and I can't get the information/upload materials.Veritiv9007trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThese are now in LW
06/02/22Lara KriegerNavigaOtherNot synching to SMA Rand-Whitney Container Corporation902556313.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI see the ad in SMA
06/02/22Lara KriegerNavigaOtherThe size for 1/2 horizontal are wrong, showing over 0.5All902556313.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed.
06/03/22Kurt BelisleNavigaFeature RequestLIA only - It's not giving me a start date. Client wants to start ASAP.I added the line... you just need to price it down.Allied9037trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
06/03/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaHelp with a viewwhen I try to generate proposal under "generate proposal/confirmation", the option to do that doesn't show up. Attaching screenshot.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHey Liz, I see this in confirmed. My suggestion would have been to make sure "ready to sign" was checked on the campaign setup screen.
06/03/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesHi Jenn can you please remove their Aug, Oct and Dec print ads from running until payment is made? (Janet's request). We need to put their plan on hold. The client said they are have cash flow problems and is not making an attempt to pay us we should probably put a hold on their account. They currently owe $15,144 with ads schedule in June, Aug, Oct and Dec.Allied Technology LLC8006494894949049491trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDeleted the future ads.
06/06/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateIt is not showing price and date for Mundo Lideres package 20232023 packages now in NavigaValco Melton8986trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
06/06/22Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment-Hi Jenn, can you please change the price to $2,688.20 - the order is closed so Kurt isn't able to do it himself. Thanks!aveva858256374trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
06/06/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueLeadWorks clicks are non-responsive, generating a 504 Gateway timeout message. Dashboard is fine was fine; was fine - now it is not loading for me.checked links in sent mailings, test mailings, and prospector trackiing URLs within a LeadWorks campaign.allallN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYevgeny put in a short term fix and is working on a long term fix.
06/07/22MaryAnn CoyleOmedaOmeda IssueThe count is 0 under PAN Buying Interest: Cartoning Multipacking Case Packing. Are we changing things?n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTLooks like someone adjusted the q skittle instead of saving and creating a new query.
06/07/22Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the dateTried to change PAN dates and calendar does not populateReid SupplytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateBrian was able to get this to work!
06/09/22Reed SimonsisNavigaLeadworks IssueDate was changed but did not communicate the change to leadworks.Please sync this campaign in naviga so riley can reach out for materials.Thanks!Motion883155299trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYou have to manually Adjust LW. This might have been during out dead spot?
06/09/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePricing6/10 to move to 6/17 pretty please.Siemens industry software854356332trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datemoved
06/09/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCan someone make one of the PW July Native ads for June? Obviously unable to add June at this point.NBE9052trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone. I had to adjust the start date of the campaign to 6/1/2022. I hope that is ok!
06/09/22Brian GronowskiNavigaTemplate Issue nIs there a way for a media plan to flow in chronological order? Plans tend to flow in order products were entered and not by start date. Makes it more difficult to follow closing dates.by8938trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionUnfortunately, we can't control the order of the dates. Naviga uses the line item number vs. the date.
06/09/22Reed SimonsisNavigaOtherI tried to change the price but I got an error saying I need to add a rate line (see upload image)Please change the rate for both FAQ's to $7,100Mitsubishi904656445 & 56452truetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
06/10/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice adjustment preventing change.Please move to the June 30th slot. Thanks,Emerson ASCO LLP881055196trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datemoved
06/10/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksHelp with a viewIn case no one has reported this, the Converge/Scout dash for clients has an error: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON dataCama and otherstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugShould be fixed!
06/13/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaNotification Issuecreated an Opp, went to start the new plan and the mean guy showed upTrying to create a Naviga OrderNorgrenWill not allow me to create a plantrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepAccount wasn't synced.
06/14/22Stephanie HaagNavigaOtherIn the campaign production form section it says the second look instead of Gameplan 2022Meler8529JENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorSL has one more category than GP, so we had to split the forms and this one looks like this was reserved before we made the change. I added the right form and category.
06/14/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueHi Jenn, I entered in metrics for Sidedrive's Linkedin post on 5/13 but for some reason the client is unable to view it on their end. See attached. Conveyor Co.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe Matched Audience was missing.
06/14/22PATRICK YOUNGBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueMorgan Smith tagged the Mark Anthony Brewing articles on the PFW website for Liquid Processing, Beverage and Facilities, Design and Infrastructure. I'm not seeing them tagged when viewing the articles on the PFW webasiteAlso, when viewing the LIP categories on the PFW home page the company datacards are not popping up.ProFood World LIPtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepEditor didn't tag the articles correctly. I fixed the sample provided and sent instructions to Morgan to correct the rest.
06/15/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi Jenn, can you move this 6/10 (did not run) date to 8/12? Thanks!Inductive Automation820451767trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
06/15/22senochs@automationworld.comNavigaOthernoneWhen I try to enter the PE Showcase, I get an error message when I go to create the line. There are no "start" dates in the dropdown. Please advise thanksvariousnone yettrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepWas looking at the wrong productReed to connect with sharon for clarification
06/15/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI noticed that our revenue dropped 100k since yesterday and curious to know the reasons since it's a big chunk.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI see the correct number in naviga. I doln't see the rev loss.Not seeing the same numbers wendy provided...waiting on wendy
06/16/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice adjustment preventing change.Please change to July 5th. Thank you!Siemens Industry Software892355751trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved!
06/16/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaLeadworks IssueHi Jenn, PSSI has a Hand-Picked NL for 7/18, which I can see on my production by sales rep view. Although when i click into the campaign, it shows the 2/21 handpicked with an end date of 7/18. It is also not in Leadworks.PSSI799349247trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe Rep somehow placed both issues on the same rate line. I moved the 7/18 NL to its own line and it should now flow to LW.
06/17/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherSame thing happened with Leo's account...tried to change rate to 3714.66 but it saved a different rate. Could it have anything to do with the fact I'm in Mexico? Can someone update and mark the smartsheet completed so Leo knows. Thanks.9084trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI was able to get the discount to apply. location shouldn't matter. Can we do the next one together so I can sew what you are doing?
06/17/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherJake sent a request for me to update price to $5,171 and when I do it it comes up as $5200 and change. So bizarre. Can someone look into it, update it and mark Jake's request complete so he knows when it is done? Thanks.9080trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepFixed.
06/20/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYLeadworksSalesForce/Naviga syncthe email address for Clair Frain is wrong in leadworks, but it says that you need to update it in salesforce. the address is correct in saleforce, but isn't syncing with leadworks and I don't know how to update it so that it's correct.FraintrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThe email is updated. It looks like when the change was initially made, it didn't push to LW. I re-entered the correct email and it updated this time.
06/21/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateWebinar selectionI need set up date 08/ 24/23 for a webinarValco Melton8986trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changedate added.
06/21/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you adjust the price on these two to 3,627.00 so they match the others? It currently says 4,032.00 but in the PDF attached to the record the prices are consistent.GEA83035,237,152,372.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingdone
06/22/22Stephanie HaagNavigaOtherYou add the categories in the campaign production form but it says the form not started even with information saved.TAPPI, BUSCH,trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThese are fixed. I re-added the product and filled out the new form. It saved. Opening a ticket with Naviga
06/22/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCierre EXPO PACK newsletter 2023 is not showing a dateValco Melton8986trueBea GreanyResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone!
06/22/22Bea GreanyNavigaProduct IssueNo Error. Due to Joyce's retirement on 7/31, the decision has been made to end Joyce’s Voice at the end of July and switch JV newsletters to Hand Picked beginning in August.We need to work together to 1) create PFW Hand Picked NLs in Naviga (Bea), 2) Jenn will move advertisers from the same date JV product to Hand Picked and 3) delete the Aug-Dec JV NLs from inventory. PFW Joyce’s Voice Advertisers 8/1/2022–12/31/2022 – Box Excel file: BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe JV have been moved to HP.
06/24/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherThis is the third time I've tried to update a price in Naviga and it just makes up a different price. Besides fixing the price I'd love to know why this is happening. I tried to change price to $2,762.10 and it ended up as $2792.79. Thanks.9113trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepNeed to delete the old adjustment before adding the new. Sent Wendy and Zanzy an email showing where this should happen.Jenn - I'm having the same issue as Wendy and can't figure out why. Let's investigate when you're back next week
06/24/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePlease update with date September 6th 2022Webinar for 09/06/22TNA North America910056695trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changedate added to calendar
06/27/22Daniel SmithNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI double checked i had the Naviga syn and force sync boxes well as with the decision maker!LogisticktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepIt is synced now. The SF record didn't have a complete mailing address. I googled the company and added the address and the account synced right away. Please check contacts.
06/27/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you zero out these three banner ads that I just created? Thank you!PMMI Media Group9117567,855,678,656,787trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingThey are already 0
06/27/22Mikayala DelsonOtherOtherHi Jenn, I have client who has a bunch of questions regarding LinkedIn/FB's reportings. MAC felt it was best to reach out to you to see if you can better explain one of her questions. Please see screenshot attached. , Conveyor Co.trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionSent an email to Mikayla and MaryAnn
06/28/22Brian GronowskiNavigaOthernothing yetPlan is not populating the Approval link when you generate a PDFGreif8717trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe signature template wasn't selected on the campaign setup screen.
06/28/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the dateFor billing - Please move start dates to late July . Thanks!Weber76235,517,255,173.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone
06/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datepast due, cant moveplease move to July 22nd. Thanks,ServiceNow882855326trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
06/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datepassed due, cant change. Need out of billingplease move to mid july.. waiting for them to have content they want to use this item for. Thanks!HP 3D Printing845955675trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
06/29/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncIt is not showing the order contact to create the proposal.The contact is already added as Eduardo Cardenas.110722 / MoistTechtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI see him synced. If you need a contact the same day, you need to force sync the contact. Otherwise they sync overnight.
06/29/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaBilling IssuesHi Jenn, there is an internal comment within this order and I'm not sure what has to be done: "The Revenue Allocation is not in balance with the Line Items in Oct and Nov. Please correct before it is confirmed. - JF"Redzone Production Systems8938trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed... they match now\
06/29/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateMUN LIDERES tier 2 boxesThe package's products are missing the dates.TECNO EMPAQUES9129trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales RepIt's your campaign dates. The first available Enfoque is 7/13 but your dates are only 7/1-7/8
06/30/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateerror message when trying to add PAN for PEI Facebook ad for the week of the show. Thanks.Thermo9043JENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI have added it to your plan! Were you using the EXPO PACK fb ad?
Mariia DruziukNavigaOtherNaviga is not working for meALLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorSystem is working
07/04/22Anastasia CherniakLeadworksOtherLinks are not opening, get 'fatal error'alltrueYEVGENY ANANINResolvedSystem BugFixed
07/05/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaNeed to move the dateHi Jenn, I would like to move these two line items 48076, 48075 from Foxjet to Diagraph's campaign without losing the dates.Diagraph and Foxjet74,897,924.004,807,648,075.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved eblast dates to the Diagraph order. Deleted Foxjet orderWaiting for confirmation from Mikayla/Leo to cancel.
07/06/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi Jenn, can you move this start date to 7/8? Thanks!Aveva8648 n BRINKResolvedMoving DateI had to create a new line item. I moved all materials and notes to the new line before deleting.
07/06/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you please zero out this new line item? Thanks!PMMI889157037trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingIt is zeroed out
07/07/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn can you please zero out this line item? 57100PMMI889157100trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
07/08/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncIt is not showing the order contactI'm not able to build a proposalEurostar Machinery #110778trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHi Roxsy! After you create the contact, click save and then reopen the contact to add the checkmark in forced sync. The contact is in Naviga now.
07/08/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCan you also zero out this order? thanks!PMMI914757124trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone (i think you meant 9174)
07/08/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you please zero out this order? Thanks!PMMI917357123trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
07/08/22Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment-Jenn, can you remove the HCP pre-roll item for this campaign? It billed in June but isn't going to happen now, so we'll need to issue a credit, too. LMK if you have questions. Thank you!Paxxus841253888trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone... Please let Janet know there is a negative line item on 7/1 to offset the invoice.
07/08/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI am trying to add a Playbook Native ad on but when I try to create the line, I get an error that there is no availability.I didn't realize when I asked for this ad that we're full until the end of the year. Jenn said it can be used as a filler if a client doesn't provide ads on time or cancels. You can ignore for Jenn and I'll ask how she wants it in Naviga when she's back next week.PMG8606trueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an errorZanzy will post when there is room.
07/08/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateCan you add an Automation Focus for 7/15 to the plan? Can't do it because passed the deadline. Picking up materials and approved by me. Thanks.Wago9175trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeAdded
07/11/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePlaybook Conveying 2023 with no datePlease assign any date for playbook just for a reservation of space for next year. Please ignore the previous request .Eurostar Machinery9177trueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an erroradded march 2023 but that means no more rounds will run in 2022
07/11/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateIt is not allow me to book for 2023It is not showing dates for 2023. I need a date for February 2023.AUTOSTAR Machinery9177trueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an errorFor what product?
07/11/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like these two items zeroed out: 57135 in order 8605, 57140 in order 8604. Thanks!There are already zeroed outPMMI8605 and 860457135 and 57140trueZanzy BegounResolvedBilling
07/11/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherDomino Printing Mexico never received their online Lideres profile page, so can you add it as a line item so we can offer for the upcoming year as a make good? Thanks.Made special rate card for digital profile for Domino. Waiting on confirmation from WendyDomino Printing Mexico8887trueZanzy BegounResolvedMake Good
07/12/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI919057175trueZanzy BegounResolvedBilling
07/13/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksHelp with a viewI see the Mundo Content Engagement Reports for Lideres companies but there isn't any leaders category information in the reports like there is for their PW Leaders Engagement Reports. PW: VS. Mundo: a trello ticket in with baseBlueprint AutomationtrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem BugBase fixed
07/13/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateLinkedln product is not showing dates 2022It does not allow me to include this product on the proposal.United Barcode Systems9192trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving DateI added 2022 dates, try now
07/13/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdReporting IssueI was looking at the NAVIGA report for August compared to the SMA ads for August.On the attached excel doc, I've color coded ads that aren't "lining up" with each other in NAVIGA vs. SMA.August 2022 (print) Automation World SMA vs. NAVIGA comparisontrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTCombination or rate lines missing and george looking in the wrong spot.
07/14/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Need moved to tuesday august 30th. Thanks!festo810650581trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
07/15/22Bea GreanyOtherTemplate IssueEoA test: body text is unreadable in Apple Mail 13 macOS 10.15 (Dark Mode), Apple Mail 15 macOS 12 (Dark Mode) Robots-7/19/2022PMMICD220712011trueMARGARET WILSONResolvedSystem Configuration Error
07/18/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you please zero out this order? thanks!PMMI9205trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
07/18/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksLeadworks IssueMadysen is entering GP's into Media Planner but she doesn not have the Upload I/O button but I can see it. Can you adjust her permissions so she is able to close out GP MP orders?Media PlannertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone!
07/18/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentwendy can't zero out the pricing for this makegood because the order has already been confirmed.*this is a makegood due to poor performanceqproducts8242july quick hitsWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodDone!
07/19/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdReporting IssuePulled a Production Report for ProFood World's August Print Issue(only) 6 ads are missing from the SMA section of August ProFood World compared to NAVIGA. They are highlighted in YELLOW on the attached excel doc. :-)6 (six) Missing SMA ads compared to NAVIGA for August 2022 ProFood WorldtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorDone
07/19/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksTemplate IssueThe same metrics aren't shown on the facebook and LinkedIn Audience network page. Can we please add Audience Match to Facebook and Reach to LinkedIn?alltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature Request
07/20/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaReporting IssueLeo noticed that several of his accounts show zero media spend in 2022 (but bought).Examples: Do-It Corporation, Exair, Optima, and all three HP accounts. If happening for Leo, I'm assuming there are a lot more companies that aren't showing spend.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorSimone pulled in the missing data
07/21/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI'm unable to update the price of the newsletter on this plan because it is closed. Can someone change the AW Focus to $1,350. Reason is they cancelled an upcoming webinar and replacing with two eBlasts and newsletter for the same amount budgeted and approved. Thanks.Rockwell8355trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
07/21/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncIn Salesforce, Rick Elento's email address was recently updated from to but it has not updated in Naviga.NovantatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepForce Sync pushes email changes.
07/21/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksHelp with a viewRoxsy cannot see the Mundo Content Engagement Reports for any of her clients in Leadworks. I can see them but maybe her permissions need to be updated?CableveytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorRoxsy had the advertiser role attached to her account.
07/22/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaNeed to move the dateI'm unable to add the Labeling Playbook to a plan because the date needs to be moved out for the second roundNAtrueResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
07/22/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherIgnore my request...just noticed the drop down with second round. SorryNAtrueResolvedWon't Do
07/25/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item. Thanks!PMMI860457379trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
07/26/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaOtherWhile you are doing your Naviga work today and tomorrow, are the CSMs able to make any changes to existing approved orders to complete monthly billing?N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionYes... you have full access.
07/26/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaOthertried to log in and see the plan and got shut downHi JennNorgren9057trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionHey Leo! Naviga is off limits until tomorrow EOD.
07/26/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe Notify button does not change to 'Notified' after clicked. Can we make sure that the last notified date appears when we hover over that as well please?GamePlantrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorYevgeny fixed the issue
07/26/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksOtherThe link to upload Game Plan materials is blank. Along with the notify button not working. BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis was fixed by Yevgeny
07/26/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaOtherThis plan was bought but doesn't show that it was in the system8025 BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepPlan was cancelled in SF, but not Naviga. I updated it.
07/27/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaOtherThis opportunity in SF still says Finance Review but the Naviga plan says Confirmed.Here is SF Opp: BRINKResolvedSystem BugI refreshed the opportunity and it updated automatically. It is now Closed Won. Not sure why it didn't automatically change, please let me know if it happens again.
07/28/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this order. Please ignore my previous request to zero out order 9269. I created a new one, Thanks!PMMI927058473trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
07/28/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi, I'd like to zero out this order. Thanks!PMMI926958463trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingCancelled and opened a new order
07/28/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item. Thanks!PMMI917358416trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
07/28/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi again, can you please move these two dates to 8/29? I'm finishing up July billing and it did not run. Thanks! //,517,255,173.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
07/28/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi Jenn, can you please move this date to 8/12? I'm finishing up July billing and it did not run. Thanks! // BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
07/28/22Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the datenCan you change the flighting to September 1 - December 31 2022Dennis Group913856895trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone
07/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateNo content submissionPlease move/extend this banner ad campaign into august or increase impressions per monthsiemens process automation901556256trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
07/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateNo content submissionPlease move/extend this banner ad campaign into august or increase impressions per monthschneider electric628837536trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
07/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateno content submissionPlease move/extend this banner ad campaign into august or increase impressions per monthRockwell Automation884555391trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone
07/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingplease move the 8/30 to 10/2festo810650581trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone
08/01/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this order. Thanks!PMMI Media Group9279trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
08/02/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaOtherIn the Tech Minute item can you change/correct the link to the Tech Minute page in the Product HubReached out to Eric to get the shortened link (needs to be created)FPS Corp9197Tech MinutetrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
08/02/22Bea GreanyBASE/WebsitesBase/Website Issueopened a webinar registration page and noticed the image is duplicated. Checked other webinar pages and it seems that images are displayed 2x for all webinar pages.multipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugBase fixed the issue and Bea approved.Trello ticket open
08/02/22Bea GreanyOtherTemplate Issueemail template images hosted on are not rendering in emails (including sent emails), including AW, PW, OEM logos in headers and PMG logo in footers. Some images render in online view while others are still broken. and templatestrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugMaggie is fixing this
08/03/22Brian GronowskiNavigaProduct IssuenGlobal 250 Sponsorship has the wrong product description link in Naviga. It is linking to eblast page and should link to Inc929158543trueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorLink updated. You'll have to readd or refresh the product to see the updateNeed shortened link from Eric
08/03/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateIt is not allow me to select Playbook Sustainable Packaging for 2022. Need to change the date.I suggest to have this playbook on October to find more sponsors.Hybernya#8789trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales RepRoxsy was trying to select a date in the past that had closed. Need to use the date dropdown to select the future date of Nov.
08/03/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentSwitched automation focus' to eblasts per sharons requestplease adjust pricing to 4950 per eblast. Thanks!Honeywell9044585,895,859,058,591trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
08/03/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCould you add a digital only 2022 PW LIP at $0 for this orderRN Mark9297trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductDone
08/03/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksOtherWhen you look at the pie chart the number on there does not add up to the number of leads. It is much higher and not sure why that is or where that number is coming from.alltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWorking as intended.
08/03/22Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Issues-Hi Jenn, can you put a credit through for this? It didn't run in July and I missed it a billing. The date can be moved to late August for now, but it probably won't happen then either. Thanks!Cablevey781448393trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
08/03/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI'm trying to change the date for Massman's CM+P equipment edition newsletter. I'm seeing 9/9 mailing has four spots remaining, but 9/9 not showing up in the picklist. See attached screenshots below.Massman7768trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThat was the OLD product, not sure why any of those dates show, but I will work on moving them. The right product and date are there now.
08/04/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaBilling IssuesPlease see janet's request in the notes of this order for Banner ad billing. Will it skew revenue if the entire amount is placed in 1 month?Cleveland Gear928358524trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoThis is setup as a flexible campaign so billing can be set up with a schedule and production won't be affected.
08/04/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaSalesForce/Naviga sync1. Order Contact is not pulling through when I try to create an order from the opportunity: RNJet PW LIP 22. I would like Valery to be the order contactThere were 2 RN Jets in Naviga. I have removed one and removed and re-added the contact in SF... Valery is now an optionRNJettrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
08/04/22Christine SmallwoodSalesForceSalesForce/Naviga syncName format, WestRock, change was made (updating to captital R) but that format is not pulling through to Lara's production report for the Ad IndexPlease see snips (files attached x2) for visualsWestRockSF link: nametrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe name change wasn't enough to trigger the API, so I used force sync and that updated everything.
08/04/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentChanged automation focus' to eblastsplease adjust pricing to 4950 per eblast. -Sharons request. Thanks!Honeywell9044585,895,859,058,591trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeA new order was created instead of updating existing
08/04/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateClient asked for this to be moved to start in septemberPlease move and extend to start in september and run untill 11/30Rockwell Automation884555391trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
08/04/22Reed SimonsisLeadworksOtherRockwell Automation and Rockwell automation for maverick technologies are 2 seperate companiesPlease consolidate these 2 companies across our platforms. Thanks!Rockwell AutomationN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionsent info to to Paul to see if we can merge
08/04/22Daniel SmithSalesForceHelp with a viewclicked to look at my call note from previous date and nothing shows uphi when i am in salesforce i am looking at my accounts and previous calls with them and when i click one to look at what i wrote down note wise nothing shows up, i attached what i see. thank youTeknikatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe call log was filtered to activity in the last 2 months. If you change the filter to "All Time" you can see your activities. I see the last call on May 14th.
08/05/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item. Thanks!PMMI Media Group932458684trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingdone
08/05/22Kurt BelisleNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI'm trying to add PEI Showcase with no ad to this plan. It's not giving me a date in the drop down. I know this program close date was extended to 8/18.Curtis Wright9323PEI Showcase no adtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe dates should be showing now, but i added the line for you just incase.
08/08/22Kurt BelisleNavigaOtherI'm trying to change the start date of this program to 10.1.2022 and it's not letting me. I can change the end date as I wanted but not the start date.Dataparc9055Start datetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI moved the end date out to January 2023, moved the line items from July to October and then I was able to move the start date to October. The line items being in July was what was stopping you from moving the start date.
08/08/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out these two oders. Thanks!PMMI9349 and 9350trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
08/08/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.please change to tuesday september 9th, thanks!bosch887255517trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved to 9/11... 9/9 wasn't an option/open date. If you need me to move it again, let me know.
08/08/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueSince changing her name and email address from Hannah Cater to Hannah Krause, Hannah's email clicks no longer show in LeadWorks ad campaign lead reports.Hannah Cater changed her name to Hannah Krause in July. Her PMG email was updated, systems have been updated. Revised email address is ANANINResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe Encrypted ID was typed vs. copy pasted so the number wasn't correct.This has a ticket
08/08/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdSalesForce/Naviga syncCompared NAVIGA's OEM Fall 2022 print ads to SMA. SMA is missing 5 ads.Fall SMA OEM Ads not matching NAVIGAFall 2022 OEM Print in SMAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis is fixed - the ads had old rate lines and sizes were in the wrong form
08/09/22Bea GreanyNavigaProduct IssueThis is for Naviga and eBuilder.1) Mundo event eblast – template needs to be created in eBuilder and it should be an option in Naviga. 2) Mundo industry webinar – should be an option in Naviga. It’s alreadyin eBuilder.N/AN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeTemplate is created. Ebuilder ads have been added... need HTMLJenn will do this on Thursday
08/09/22Daniel SmithNavigaNeed to move the dateTried to put the F&I Directory on a proposal and it gave me an error saying the ad close date passed alreadyTried to put the F&I Directory on a proposal and it gave me an error saying the ad close date passed alreadySullair9375F&I DirectorytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
08/09/22Reed SimonsisNavigaOtherNoneWhen I click on an attachment in Naviga, instead of opening up, I'm directed to a login pageAllAlltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI can't replicate the error... system is working as intended. Try logging out and back in?
08/10/22Christine SmallwoodLeadworksOtherConverge and Scout are not functioning for either account. Please advise.Sent email to Elizabeth & YevgenyPrintpack and Blueprint Automation and BegounResolvedSystem Bug
08/10/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueI’ve clicked on ad links in multiple emails – today’s deployments as well as test emails currently in production. All are generating the following error message “The server returned a “500 Internal Server Error”. I am able to view LeadWorks campaigns and view dashboards.Sent email to Elizabeth & YevgenymultiplemultipleN/AtrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Bug
08/10/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaOtherHey all, just seeking confirmation on expected date when 2023 Leaders/Premiere programs for all brands will be completely entered into Naviga. I am trying to begin writing 2023 proposals and some details appear not there yet.All 2023 dates should be in Naviga. Reaching out to Christine for clarificationallallall Leaders/Premiere program rate cards for 2023trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
08/10/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaOtherAttempting to add OEM 2023 Partner Leaders Program to this proposalPlease see File Upload/Snip of the error incidentB&R9336OEM Partner LeaderstrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
08/11/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI am trying to add lines 296 and 297 to Naviga campaign 9385 but it is not giving me a Rateline option to add the line items. Can you add these two print requests and zero out the order? Thanks!PMMI Media Group9385trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDoneadded lines... waiting to see if this is resolved.
08/11/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherHad my 1:1 with Roxsy today and newsletter positions came up and I asked her if she looks at the inventory prior to selecting a date. I learned that she doesn't have any links for Naviga reporting on her home page. Can someone add them for her and let me know when done? Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepJust need to click "refresh reports from naviga"
08/12/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateIt is not allow me to place Sustainable playbook on 2023 proposalNeeds a dateMultivac9396trueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an errorI don't see a 2023 date for this playbook. The next round is in November and i don't think we add the next date until the round before it launches... but I will let Zanzy look at this and get back to roxsy - Jenn
08/12/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaProduct IssueAttempting to add audience information on the Production Forms for the LinkedIn, Facebook and Banner Ads approved on this contract.Please advise when this will be fixed--just want to be sure to get this data correctly entered.Printpack938258937 + 58938 + 58939 + 58941 + 58942 + 59108trueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
08/12/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI9394trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
08/12/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdProduct IssuePulled my NAVIGA report for Oct regular PFW and compared it to SMA. Missing six ads in SMADeville, Douglas Machine, Flexicon, Hiperbaric, Stolle Machinery, Gorman-RuppOctober ProFood World missing adstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorUpdated.
08/12/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFNavigaProduct IssuePulling report for HCP Sept/OctClients in Sept/Oct HCP only get ONE ad and ONE profile. NJM should only have ONE display ad (not two). Pharmaworks should only ONE Profile, not two. Orange lines are "extra" on attached.NJM and Pharmaworks9035 and 838956363.1 and 52836.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe rep added the same product to 2 different campaigns. Not a system error.
08/12/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaNotification Issuetried to add a New Issue Alert and got the road block.Optima Corp9387trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeI was able to add the line item... need to see what steps Leo took and what date the client wants.
08/13/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherPAN shouldn't be it's own bucket and I'd like the revenue to go into the appropriate brand (PW, AW, HCP, etc.). Can that be updated in Naviga please...makes it impossible for me to look at totals. This is high priority. Thanks.Hi Wendy, We can't do that IN naviga, but I can send you a access to a dashboard I created for dave that moved that revenue where you want to see it. In 2023 this will not be an issue. PAN will fall under the appropriate brand like all other products.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't Do
08/15/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaHelp with a viewAdded Four Items for the PW brand and they combine in the view, rather than separating out into four line items as is the case with the other brands.SYNTEGON940159219 PW - Content CreationtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis should be fixed. I updated your plan for you!
08/15/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaProduct IssueWhen changing a January date for a MUNDO eblast to October, I receive attached error message.Just let me know what I am doing wrong and thank you!SYNTEGON9401MUNDOtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe rate line for that is a package only rate line. So if you need the date moved you will have to reach out to us or you will have to remove and re-add the package.
08/15/22Christine SmallwoodLeadworksProduct Issueattempting to add the 2023 Game Plan and Second Look productsSYNTEGON9401Game Plan & Second Look product items - ready for 2023?trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionI see the 2023 lines for Game Plan and second look are live for 2023... I see the rate lines.
08/15/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaNeed to move the dateI'm unable to book the restaurant guide sponsor for the showcase based on the date in Naviga...can it be adjusted please? Screenshot attached.Nercon9400trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateAdded the line!
08/15/22Bea GreanyBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueThe most recent advertiser inquiry (form submission) Mariia and I received is from August 8. We received one submission Aug 8, one submission Aug 5, one submission Aug 4, one submission Aug 3, zero on Aug 2, seven on Aug 1.We normally receive between 1 and 8 inquiries per day. The emails are not in my spam folder or Ntiva.multipleN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorWill continue to watch, but not an error
08/16/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentAdding Inside Front Covers @ rate card price x 6 ; therefore need to zero-out this $18,000 charge.Please tell me/confirm that I am adding/drawing up this program correctly. I am emailing Wendy also.WestRock940559362WENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingWendy made the change already.
08/17/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueHi, is there a way to change the CSM for Brian in Media Planner? When I send auto notifications to Brian's accounts, the emails come from Courtney instead of me.Kelly updatedBrian's AccountstrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
08/17/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaOtherIn order notes, Spee-Dee is mentioned for Liz commission but Spee-Dee is a Leo account, right?Liz EBS Tabletops9371trueZanzy BegounResolvedUser Error - Sales RepConfirmed with Jenn and moved to Leo
08/19/22Stephanie HaagOtherOtherThe number for Facebook for the Plant operations, maintenance and infrastructure is wrong operations, maintenance and infastructuretrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorLauren is updating the page
08/19/22Courtney NicholsSalesForceSalesForce/Naviga sync-Hi Jenn, Is it possible to add a second Agency to an account? EPSON is the client and while they already are connected to an agency in SF, Kurt wants to add a second one. I poked around but I don't see where I can add Zentih agency. Can you direct me? Thank you.EPSON--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionYou can't connect multiple agencies in Salesforce, but you can override the agency in Naviga. Have Kurt sync the agency like he would if he were going to attached it in SF. When the campaign is created in Navigia, he can use the dropdown in the upper right corner (same one to change the status or billing contact) and click Change/update advertiser. He should be able to search for the new agency and attach there.
08/22/22WENDY SAWTELLSalesForceHelp with a viewI'm constantly finding discrepancies in SF under media spend...for example, it shows that Frain is spending 20k with us in 2022, but it's actually over 100k. Why does this keep happening and do we have something in place to catch it moving forward? Thanks. (Frain)trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorSpend is back in Salesforce
08/22/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueI asked production to uncheck the 'Enable Permission Based Leads' box for the PMG playbook ad in the 8/24 Mundo Enfoque NL because permission will be provided on the webform landing page. I checked the advertiser LeadWorks campaign and the box is NOT checked; however the permission pop-up gate appears when the ad is clicked. Why is this?PMMI Media Group39889trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYevgeny fixed the issue.
08/22/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move closing date for PZ Showcase issue to 8-26-22Same as abovePower EngineersTBDPEI Processing Zone Showcase IssuetrueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving DateGeorge confirmed
08/22/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateWe can add an HCP eblast on Wed. Sep 28 (we can send 2 HCP emails on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays). We can add an HCP eblast on Wed. Oct 5 because I changed the send date for Serialization Countdown to Monday, Oct 3.need to create 2 new HCP eblast dates so we'll be sending 2 HCP eblasts on the same day. Pentaplast, Pharma, Health & Protection and Durables836454704, 54705trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
08/22/22Daniel SmithNavigaOthergetting the error message attached when trying to book show dailyCimon9433trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHI Daniel! Show Daily's date is 10/24... your campaign ends on 10/1
08/22/22Jake BrockNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateTried to add date and notified that it is closed.Hi, wondering if I can get approval to sell a 9/2 Automation Focus slot. Advertiser says they can get materials in ASAP. I tried to add the date this morning and send IO over but says that issue has already closed. Let me know if I need approval from anyone to open up to this new client. Thanks!ASM International933558712trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone! Sent you an email too!
08/23/22Christine SmallwoodSalesForceReporting Issuerunning total annual sales reportsPlease check out the discrepancy between the sales board and the 12 period analysis. Sales Board shows total annual sales of $2,721,404.30 (I did hit refresh)- the Naviga 12 Period Analysis shows $2,885,645. Thanks!Sales ReportinggeneralgeneraltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoSame issue sent on 9/22 - That is on Andy's list now!Asked Andy/Simone to look into why SF has a different number
08/23/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Please switch to september 6th. Was previously moved but was supposed to be moved to the 6th. Thanks,bosch887255517trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone.
08/23/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentWe are trying to add a LinkedIn for PACK EXPO (cartoning category) that is open 2-3 weeks prior to the show but Naviga is saying it is sold out.PMI KYOTO Packaging Systems9442trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorInventory is sold out.
08/23/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueWhen generating the Game Plan proof for Yamato, the logo is obstructing the product category. Is this a bug in the proof?YamatoGame PlantrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorEmailed Yevgeny. Mikayla please try now and let me know results
08/23/22Dave NewcornNavigaOtherAdded that to a plan in Media Discovery tool, clicked the link on the review plan tab, was a bad linkThe link to the hub for this line item is wrong. I think it might need an https:// or something. When you add this to a plan in the new Media Discovery Tool and click the link, it goes to a bad URL. This needs to be corrected in Naviga.N/AN/ABagging, Pouching & Wrapping Equipment Playbook - 125 leads + Full Page AdtrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
08/23/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksOtherWe had placed the lead threshold in our playbook child campaigns but that field is now blank. I am thinking it was cleared due to earlier hiccups in the leads. Examples: and this one: Playbook advertiserstrueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an errorThis was on purpose. Zanzy manually cleared them because of the filtering issues we were having in LeadWorks. I think it's safer to leave them off for now. They're monitored daily.
08/24/22MaryAnn CoyleOtherOtherI am getting emails saying that our LinkedIn accounts are on hold due to billing contact being inaccurateN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionJanet is updating the credit card on file. Should be resolved today.
08/25/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateNeeds to be moved out of their q3 budgetPlease move the start date to 10/1/2022 and increase impressions per month. If this is not possible please extend the months to ad 1 one month at the end. Thanks!Rockwell Automation884555391trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI moved this to 10/1... the end date is 11/30, do you want to extend that? GAM says it can fulfill as is.
08/25/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot change due to pricing. Pricing was adjust/approved by wendy.Please move to October 20th.Rockwell Automation835557207trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
08/25/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'm trying to update pricing with member pricing, but getting an error message re: rate line. These are the prices w/ discount (59646 product is now 3900 instead of 4k so that's why it seems more than 10% discount). Proposal #9443 Line: 59529 Regular price $4,000 + 10% discount $400 = new price $3,600 Line: 59533 Regular price $3,000 +10% discount $300 = new price $2,700 Line 59540 Regular price $3,000 +10% discount $300 = new price $2,700 Line 59541 Regular price $3,650 +10% discount $365 = new price $3,285 Line 59646 Regular price $3,900 . +10% discount $390= new price $3,510Domino Printing Mexico9443trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
08/26/22Daniel SmithLeadworksTemplate Issueour brand and company logo is not loading on eblasts and NL'sThanks!AlltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoHi Daniel! After talking to the team, this would require a substantial amount of work and we don't have the man power to handle fixing all of our past sends. Moving forward those images will appear without issue.
08/29/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi...Can you move this date to 9/30? Thanks....Weber762355174trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
08/30/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move issue closing date to September 2nd, need to book a full page ad.Please expedite the above requestSchenck ProcessTBDPE-Processing Zone Showcase PagetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateGeorge approved moving the close date. Done.
08/31/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateSet too early for billing and not enough impression in the yearPlease extend to however many months it will take to fufill impressions and move start date into september for all 3 line items in this order.ADI9467596,725,967,359,674trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
08/31/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePassed DateNeeds to be moved to end of September to run. No content recieved from client.ServiceNow882856849trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
08/31/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePrice change preventing move.Needs to be moved into next month. The company doesnt know what they want to use for this as of yet.HP 3D Printing845956848trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
09/01/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksLeadworks IssueNow that jenn fixed my LW email to be a address, I was able to use Forgot Password BUT I have yet to receive the rest email. Courtney Nichols has been waiting since 5 am for that reset email.n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
09/01/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueI did not receive a Leadworks email after multiple attempts of logging in this morning. It is not in my junk or deleted inbox.MetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
09/01/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksLeadworks IssueI clicked Forgot Password and it says it doesn't recognize my email address ( BRINKResolvedSystem Bug
09/01/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI Media Group9498trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
09/01/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksLeadworks IssueConverge/ Scout says 'Internal Service Issue' for all clients. Example: et altrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYevgeny found and fixed the issue.Yevgeny will have to look Tuesday
09/02/22Brian GronowskiNavigaMaterial Submission IssuenNot pulling through linked production contactHamburg Dresdner Maschinenfabriken, USA9455trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI see Jeff there... I added him as both Digital and Print.
09/02/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi, I'd like to add two PFW Full Page Print ads for February 2023 but Naviga is giving me an error. See rows 3 and 6 in the House Ads 2023 Smartsheet: Media Group9498Need 2 line items madetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTadded - you were most likely using the 2022 rate card to add vs. 2023.
09/02/22Jake BrockLeadworksLeadworks IssueForgot password linkAfter the updates to leadworks I am unable to get logged in. Tried forget password but no link is sent to me and is not found in spam. I know there was some changes to my account when I switched from CSM to rep so not sure if that is a factor or not. Just need help getting logged back in with new password. Thanks!n/an/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis has been resolved. There was an issue in send grid. Doug fixed it.Will work on it Tuesday
09/05/22Courtney NicholsBASE/WebsitesOtherPlease reset user/PWHi Jenn - I'm unable to access base for a project I'm helping Mac with. It won't allow me to log in with my existing credentials. See screenshot. Can you advise or reset them? Thank you.---trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionI pinged your reset password.
09/06/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.please change to april 25th 2023mitsubishi electric929258550trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
09/07/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease change the THREE full page ads to be SIX One Half Page Ads; Please create an every-other-month schedule, i.e., Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov 2023.Once you make this update, will it be possible for me to change the placement month? Or do I need to fill out this form again?Blueprint Automation945459634 - Leaders in Packaging PremiumWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
09/07/22MaryAnn CoyleOtherOtherI can't figure out why the campaign says it is Active but not running: 38796 - Modular Conveyor Express - FoodBevCPG_Distributors - US - 760-75-8100Modular Conveyor Express PW LinkedIntrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoMaryAnn figured it out before I got to the problem!
09/07/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaReporting IssueThe total media revenue for 2022 says $126,396 in Naviga; however, when I run the Excel Spreadsheet, the total ad items add up to $94,316.62. What am I missing?Blueprint Automation2022 mediaNaviga Link to all 2022 mediatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe bigger number includes quoted orders.
09/07/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateIt is not allow me to add the webinar date that it is showing available in Naviga for August 2023Cablevey Conveyors9517trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepAdded!
09/07/22Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI am trying to turn this Webinar On Demand but the video is not playing.JW Player: Registration Page: BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTFixed - looked like the wrong embed code was used. It has been updated and is now playing
09/07/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYLeadworksLeadworks IssueI was trying to add a customer to leadworks and received the attached error.NANAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
09/09/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move the date to September 22nd.IAE Instituto Argentino Del Envase947259701trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
09/09/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI'm trying to look up how many PFW Global 250 sponsorships have been sold (i think one for sure) but I 'm only seeing an inactive sponsorship in Naviga. Here's the l ink to the product in the hub. BRINKResolvedQuestionGlobal 250 is under the PFW print magazine product.
09/09/22Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the datenGeorge has extended the PFW Oct close, can you update Naviga to a new close date of 9/15 pleaseVegatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoThis was already done.
09/12/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaProduct IssueThe Inside Front Cover position does not appear in this proposal-how did we miss this? Will you please add this product asap? Should be priced at $10,000 net.Filamatic7931Show Caily - Inside Front CovertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changeadded.
09/12/22MaryAnn CoyleOmedaHelp with a viewWill there be a PAN Direct Mail Base created for PEI 22?N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionDone PEI2022_DirectMail_Base
09/13/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this Annual Resource guide. Thank you!free w/ purchaseProsys789360062trueZanzy BegounResolvedBilling
09/13/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to change line item 48734 (Tech Minute) to a standard PFW White paper eBlast on 10/10 but it is saying there is no inventory. Is this possible to change still?Mikayla is going to try deleting and re-addingAptean796148734trueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an error
09/13/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaProduct IssueI'm trying to add the web sponsorship for pack expo and getting an error. see attached.mgs9543trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changedone
09/13/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksFeature RequestRE: Second Look notifications. Can you please make sure that 1. Second Look notifications are ready to go with correct due date? 2. Please make sure that when a client approves their SL in adbuilder, both the client and the CSM receive a notification with the approved version.Second Look advertiserstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changedone... just need the video
09/14/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentplease adjust these 2 eblasts to match the original IO, Sharon cannot change it.Both eblast should be adjust to 4950.00.puls power supplies95285,997,159,972.00trueWENDY SAWTELLResolvedUser Error - Sales RepWainting on wendy
09/14/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaProduct IssuePlease update the Packaging World print ads from 3 full page ads to 6 1/2 Vertical ads: January, March,, April, July, August, September,)Focke & Co: 2023 media9552leaders - moving into fractionalstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoI think this is a duplicate! I already adjusted Focke.
09/14/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaCustom Product RequestPlease add a ten category buy for Game Plan (please use the best combination of category options to achieve the best rate)Kliklok - SYNTEGON9551Game PlantrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
09/14/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaProduct IssuePlease create a Second Look package that provides a 6 category pricecurrently, we only offer a package up to five categories.Kliklok - SYNTEGON9551Second LooktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeShould be there now!
09/14/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaCustom Product Requestupdate to earlier request: for this proposal, please provide six 1/2 Verticals ODD Cycle (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov)Focke & Co: 2023 media9552Leaders fractionalstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone!
09/14/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksReporting IssueI put most of the information in for the Focke LinkedIn ad(6/10) but put the wrong Reach number in. After hitting create I tried to update but it won't save since it says the CTR is over 1. It says that the CTR is 9250% BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorDoug fixed the errorWith Doug
09/16/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOthersee attachmentNAtrueZanzy BegounResolvedFeature RequestThe packages were set up a specific way and it would be difficult and time consuming to rename and adjust everything at this point. I’m going to respectfully push back on this request and say I think we should leave as is.Meeting on this wednesday
09/16/22Brian GronowskiOtherOthernMDT, not seeing PAN 2023 options. Can you also confirm PAN 3rd party rates? I see $50 somewhere which a big increase over 2022Big dtrueALICIA PETTIGREWResolvedQuestion
09/16/22MaryAnn CoyleOtherHelp with a viewCan you grant me access to PACK EXPO LinkedIn account so I can create mockups?Joan granted accessPEI LinkedIn peepstrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
09/16/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueRiley asked the Product Hub team to change Industry Webinar headline character count max to 85; however, that is not the correct character count max for industry webinar headlines. Riley requested the change because the headline char. max in eBuilder is 85.Webinar eblasts and other horizontal eblasts (event, infographic) have a 70-character count limit for headlines. Refer to Box spec doc: BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Errorupdated for all brands
09/16/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherHi- There's no 1/2 page island option for PW Leaders issue...just horizontal and vertical. Please add. Thanks.NAtrueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
09/16/22Bea GreanyLeadworksOtherI don't think this is an error but Jenn asked to have this logged.I did not know until yesterday that an unapproved eBuilder campaign contains original advertiser links, rather than LeadWorks prospector ad tracking links. My takeaway from this new knowledge is to make sure production copies eBuilder HTML from approved campaigns; also preferably from the Upcoming Issues dashboard which only displays approved content...for exclusive mailings.alln/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe link in LW will always have the error Roxsy is seeing. The Gateway we have set up required customer ID's from Omeda to function.waiting on roxsy
09/18/22David NewcornNavigaReporting IssueSee noteDisregard previous request. Found the "Settings' setting.WestrocktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
09/18/22David NewcornNavigaReporting IssueAdvertiser Ranking reportRan advertiser ranking report. Says Westrock is $141K this year vs $231K last year. Christine told me it was much higher than $141K. Clicked on it, and the date range was 9/18/21 - 9/18/22 which makes no sense. I set the date range to 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2022 and got $191K. Why is the advertiser ranking report so off? And it doesn't appear to have a date range feature.WestrocktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
09/19/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaNeed to move the dateHi, I'd like to move this line item to August but when I try, I am receiving an errorA-B-C Packaging Machine Corp.957260215trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
09/19/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaFeature RequestIt is showing only two dates for the Linkedln posts at EXPO PACK Lideres package in MundoPlease add the third date for Linkedln post.Mexicana de Ingenieria9571trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
09/19/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaOtherTrying to save the Mundo EXPO PACK package and appear an error" You must select position"I do not know what position is referring ?Mexicana de Ingenieria9571trueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Error
09/19/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherHi- I'm not seeing the retargeted ads that are included with both PW Leaders packages. Can they be added please? Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdated the product name to Leaders Retargeting Ads
09/19/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherCan you add the fractional options for the premium Leaders package so they show up as zero on the plan. Can they say (package only) like the rest of the items so it's obvious they belong to Leaders? Thanks.NAJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoJenn or Zanzy will need to remove the FP ads and put in the fractional ads for the reps.
09/19/22MaryAnn CoyleOtherHelp with a viewThank you for giving me access to the PE LinkedIn account but I do not have permissions to create an ad (creative). Can you help?LinkedIn PE AccounttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
09/20/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)Product IssueCould we add HUB links to all the leaders and $0 line items so that when we click on the URL from the review plan tab in MDT it leads to the HUB leaders page for that brand?Use this Media Option to see what I mean when you click on the print products it goes to the HUB, but the $0 items don't have the same link?MDT quote 27 as an exampletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeI added the production links to the zero dollar line items. However, I left some of the OG items as is... they point to the pages of the actual item (Full Page ads, Profiles).
09/20/22Elizabeth KachorisMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)Product IssueUnder PW print supplements there is a "Leaders in Packaging Print Issue and Wendy/Liz didn't know what they were?Question on what a product istrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionLeaders is not its own print supplement. This is for Profiles and there are 6 1 page ads open for sale.
09/20/22Elizabeth KachorisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentNot sure what to pick for the nature of this issue, but as you know PAN is going under brands for 2023, but there is still a separate "brand" for PAN that is viewable in MDT. Can we rename that "brand" in Naviga to PAN - 2022 ONLY or some such thing to make it clear?NonetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestWe can't change the name of the brand... but I did add 2022 to each product headline.
09/20/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)Product IssueLiz and Wendy noted that it would be nice of the (PACKAGE ONLY) in parenthesis was consistent in the names for the Leaders products. You can look at the example here where sometimes it's at the end and sometimes in the middle of the product name and they wonder can it be in the same spot so that when customers see it it flows easier? BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdated where we can... the difference of in the middle and at the end are because of the nature of the product. The lines with it at the end are product line items within a product used for non-package items (Print magazine is an example).
09/21/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI know this problem was marked as resolved, but I'm still not seeing fractional options for the Leaders premium program (all 1/2 page and 1/3 page sizes need to be $0 and (Package only) included pleaseNAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoThese are already there... you will only see them when adding the initial package.
09/21/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaNeed to move the dateI'm trying to change line 60315 from August to January but I get the error message attached. I'm assuming it's because there's $0 value, but we'll need to be able to edit dates within the LIP packages.Quest9579trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI see Jan, May, Aug and Sept already... I think this one is good.
09/21/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmenttried to change the dates to April and Junegot this notification. Second time this week with this plan. Mikayla submitted my first errorA-B-C957260215 and 60217trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateBecause the rate lines aren't visible, you can't move the date. I has to be done by an admin.
09/22/22Christine SmallwoodOtherReporting Issuecomparing the 12 month analysis to my dashboardPlease note that I hit *refresh* prior to reporting this issue. The attachment shows the numbers after hitting *refresh*Salesforce - total revenue numbers not matching in two viewsPlease see attachedplease see attachedtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoHi Christine! This is something that should start with the Salesforce Form. I moved it for you:
09/22/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease adjust to the 10% PMMI Member Discount on each placement; Please adjust the Full Page Ads as follows: Inside Front Cover, Even Cycle (3 ads only and remaining three placed by other division) months: February + April + June 2023; rate = $7,300 net (less 10%) = $6,570 net eachJenn, please call me with any questions: 678-618-1949; if you'd like me to calculate each price, happy to do so. Hoping you may finalize this today.Klockner-Pentaplast Pharma, Health & Protection and DurablesNaviga #9584AllWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
09/22/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaNeed to move the datePlease change the dates for the Full Page Ad placements as follows: February, April, June 2023Jenn, I submitted another request this morning for price adjustments for this same campaign; please disregard b/c Wendy helped me.Klockner-Pentaplast Pharma, Health & Protection and Durables9584Full Page AdstruetrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoWendy helped.
09/22/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaReporting IssuePlease see attachment - the total amount of the campaign is incorrect $238kKP FIlms 95849584total Gross/Net amount of proposaltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugRe-built the plan and numbers now match. Wendy will need to make any further price adjustments
09/22/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaNeed to move the datePlease change dates for full page ads to IFC ads in August, October, March DirectoryPlease note that campaigns 9584 and 9585 constitute the EVEN CYCLE Inside Front Covers - please be sure both campaigns reflect that special position.Klockner Pentaplast, Food Packaging958560405-06-07trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateNeed Clarification on what march directory means. Wendy will need to make any further price adjustments
09/22/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentInside Front Cover, Even Cycle (3 ads only and remaining three placed by other division) months: August + October + March Directory 2023; rate = $7,300 net (less 10%) = $6,570 net eachKP FIlms, Food PackagingNaviga #9585Full Page Ads converted to Inside Front CoversWENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateWendy will need to do any further price adjustments
09/22/22Kurt BelisleLeadworksLeadworks IssueData isn't loading in the content engagement reportsee attached screen shot. Data isn't loading.Inductive AutomationtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugBase is currently working on this issue. There is a ticket open and I have been nudging it along.
09/22/22Sharon EnochsNavigaOtherN/AFor Syndicated content package, tier 2, when I try to create the lines, I get this message (screen shot). I have gotten this before, so it's not isolated to this order, there is an issue with this package. I believe it happens in tier 1 SC as well. Please reply to Sharon Enochs, not ReedServiceNow9514trueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration Errorpackage still had old syndicated native product
09/23/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksNotification IssueNot a super big deal, but I haven't received any notification from Adbuilder when my clients approve their second lookSL advertiserstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
09/23/22Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmenthouse ad deleted at request of Rich Skibinski then re-added at request of Tina Warren. Price needs to be zeroed. BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
09/24/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherIDT is buying page 5 in PW on the even cycle. Based on Nov/Dec being combined, even month position advertisers will get the same spot in the Buyers Guide (polybagged in March. Can Buyers Guide be added to Naviga? We will have the three covers and only sell full-page ads. Rates are the same as regular PW issues. There will also be a corner cut but not sure if you want to add it or if CS needs to ask for a custom product to be added. When this is added to EPI's plan, I want to make sure that the March ad is removed so no confusion. Thanks..EPI Labelers9597trueZanzy BegounResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
09/27/22Christine SmallwoodOtherReporting IssueAttempting to run accurate revenue report in Salesforce for Emerging Brands Summit Sponsorship/Media SalesPlease add accurate rep and revenue number in these two reports: and Emerging Brands Sponsors--trueAndy LomaskyResolvedFeature RequestThis is in Andy's system so closing it out here.
09/27/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaOtherAudience data entered has disappeared three times, i.e., I've had to reenter it three times. Any ideas?Jenn, please note, if you enter and/or re-enter a contract for me, please see out the audience data prior to cancelling line-items since I often add the audience data myself and it disappears if you delete/removethe line item.Klockner-Pentaplast Pharma, Health & Protection and Durables9584alltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionI see the data sticking...
09/28/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingplease move to 11/29, Thank!honeywell807950357trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
09/28/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingplease move to 10/18, thanks!puls power supplies952859971trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
09/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingHave no received materials until 2 days ago. Please move the facebook and pan native ads into October. Thanks!ServiceNow95145,999,759,998.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved the Native to November (Oct 1 is saturday and will make it hard to move the date again. Moved FB to end of Oct.
09/29/22Brian GronowskiNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentnSystem is not offering Member rate on PAN 3rd party adsFoodSafe Drains961260813trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThe rate is adjusted.
09/29/22PATRICK YOUNGOtherOtherThe price for PFW PAN Targeted Branding Campaign in MDT should be changed to $35 CPM it looks like the 2023 is $32 CPMSee aboveNANANAtrueZanzy BegounResolvedNot an error
09/29/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaOtherJust want to be sure there is no problem with the fact that the Ad Type says PACK EXPO for these two products (see attachments)Sidel9441EXPO PACK PAN products: 60755 and 60756trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoNot an issue. It falls under the PACK EXPO brand In Naviga. That ad type is tied to revenue on the backend and accurate.
09/30/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaProduct Issuecan't add "web sponsorship on 3rd party" for pack expo 2022 to the plan. getting attached error.cremer9615trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe product has been added!
10/05/22Brian GronowskiNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentnSystem still is not offering Member rate on PAN 3rd party ads. It will show member rate at the start but as soon as you add number of impressions it defaults back to non-member rateLubriplate962760958trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugI updated your campaign. I have a ticket open with Naviga to see why this keeps happening.
10/05/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice adjustment preventing change.Please move date to 10/23. Thanks!Honeywell960360640trueZanzy BegounResolvedMoving Date
10/06/22Stephanie HaagNavigaOthertrying to log into Naviga plan 9616 gives an error message and nothing is showing up when going to Campaign setup page. BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
10/06/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentis it me, or has this pricing been swapped, i.e., General should be more expensive than Targeted?see attached-I have no idea if this is the correct form to fill out. Can never remember which form is for what.General-AW LinkedIn PricingGeneral-AW LinkedIn PricingAWLINM23WENDY SAWTELLtrueZanzy BegounResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorI've updated the pricing to reflect the other brands (3,500 targeted and 7,000 general)
10/06/22Bea GreanyOtherOtherSF/Naviga/LeadWorks alignment: Körber SF account, contains link to a non-existent LeadWorks advertiser.Körber LeadWorks advertiser is:örberN?AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorEverything should be properly mapped now.
10/06/22PATRICK YOUNGLeadworksLeadworks IssueI'm getting the attached screen shot when trying the access the Converge feature LW for Charles Ross, Fristam and Air Products.Same as above.Charles RossNANAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugDoug fixed the issueasked Patrick some follow up questions... waiting on responses
10/07/22Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment-Hi Jenn, the price of this FB campaign should be adjusted o $500 per the agreement between PEY and Wendy as part of ESI's custom NL package. I know I have the ability to change the price, but I'm not sure if I should in this case or if you need to get permission again from Wendy. Let me know - thank you.ESI Group USA703761002trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
10/07/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item. Thanks!PMMI9636trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
10/07/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Need date moved to 10/27 as final confirmation of tech minute changes not approved in time. Thanks,NSK796848793trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
10/10/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksOtherTried to access clients' Second Looks in both Firefox and Chrome and security warning pops up that the cerificate is expired/invalid: NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALIDSecond Look AdbuildertrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoGlitch in the matrix! it resolved itself
10/11/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item. Thanks!PMMI9652trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
10/12/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherTrying to upload an attachment (IO) to both of these plans but when I click on select file, nothing happens and unable to select the file.Eastey & AFM9662 and 9663trueMaryAnn CoyleResolvedWon't DoMaryAnn loaded them
10/13/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI can't create a new proposal in NavigaOrder contact is not showing up.IPISAN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepDidn't force sync contact
10/13/22Brian GronowskiNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentnNot factoring in Member rate for PAN adsUrschel9671trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bugthere is something being added to the line by naviga and it is voiding the discount. I have submitted a ticket to hopefully resolve the issue. In the meantime, your plan is fixed.
10/13/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Please move to sometime in December.Thank!OPC Foundation824351982trueCourtney NicholsResolvedMoving Datedone
10/15/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherTrying to update to member pricing (9K) but I get an error message. I think this is an issue with all package pricing if I'm not mistaken. See attached pic. Thanks.Beckhoff Mexico9675trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingResolved! I added the discount.
10/19/22Kurt BelisleNavigaProduct Issuethe product isn't showing up under packagesAllied9690Trying to add 2023 tier 2 syndicated contetntrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe packages should be available now.
10/19/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice adjustment preventing change.Need to move to 11/8 as materials are not ready due to additional edits. Thanks!NSK796848793trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
10/20/22Roxsy MangianteOtherOtherI need to change the name of the companyThe client requested to update company's name to Beckhoff Automation SA de CVBeckhoff Automation MexicotrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionName was updated by Paul
10/20/22Courtney NicholsBASE/WebsitesOther-Hi Jenn, can you reset my Base password when you have a chance? It won't accept my login this morning.---trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionDone
10/20/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherI know someone is adding the 201 video series products to Naviga so wanted to let you know I just sold a couple topics under Coding, Labeling & Printing, so I'd love if that one can be added next so I can secure their spots. They want printer applicators and pressure sensitiveThanks!ID Technology9692trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThis 201 is now there.
10/20/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!DonePMMI9695trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
10/21/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherThanks for adding 201s, but still not able to add product. Getting error message attached below. Can you also re-name the one book Coding, Labeling and Printing and make sure the others are the same as we have in the hub? Thanks.ID Technology9692trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorCompletely my fault! I used a position twice and just happened to be your 2 lines. I fixed it and added them to your plan.
10/21/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherID Technology approved their 201 topics and wondering how long it will take Naviga to remove those items from the available list to purchase. I just went in and am able to buy the categories they purchased and that could cause some major problems.These will function like eblasts... so they will pull from inventory when the plan is moved to R1. the rate line will still show.ID TechnologytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestion
10/21/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!DonePMMI9699trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
10/24/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datecannot move NSK AW Technology Minute send date due to price adjustmentNew date should be Nov 8.NSK796848793trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
10/25/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksLeadworks IssueI'm trying to find this user's credentials in LW, but her name is not appearing. I checked SF and her name is there. Do I have to create a LW account for her? User: Kirtley, Renea <>CamfiltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepDone - Rep should have pushed them as a material contact.
10/27/22Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Issues-Jenn, can you please zero this out - it's a make-good that Kelly approved. Thank you.Hitachi865861058trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodDone!
10/27/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice adjustment preventing change.Please move this send to sometime late november. Got no response from client again... shocker. Thanks!Wago912256810trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone - moved to 11/30
10/27/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice adjustment preventing change.Please move to December 1st for billing purposes. Thanks,Honeywell960360640trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
10/28/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueWendy is looking for 2023 Labeling Playbook in NavigaSleeve Seal9714trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoPlaybooks have not been decided 2023 yet... once those are ready we will load to naviga.
10/31/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datePlease change "PW - Banner Ads on" End Date to 10/31/2022.Per Lauren Staley, PW Bagging, Pouching, Wrapping Playbook has finished and campaigns should be ended ASAP.PMMI Media Group860457140trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone
10/31/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCannot make price adjustmentsPlease enter this order at a value of $5,500 and Janet will apply the credit on the account.EPLAN967661453trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepAdjusted
10/31/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datePer Lauren Staley FAQ: Cybersecurity goal has been reached and campaigns should be ended ASAP.Anastasia emailed that she deactivated the campaign , but I want the Naviga campaign End Date to match. Please change "AW - Banner Ads on" End Date to 10/31/2022.PMMI Media Group932458684trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Datedone
11/01/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateMundo Conveying, Feeding, and Handling Playbook finished its run 9/1/22.Please adjust End Date for MUNDO - Banner Ads on campaign.PMMI Media Group917357123trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI moved the end date to 10/31... since there is billing attached I can't move it back any further.
11/01/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateGame Plan and Second Look show no inventoryBOIX Machinery9629trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHi Roxsy... I see the dates for both Game Plan and Second look. Are you looking for the PELV inventory Doc?
11/01/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYLeadworksLeadworks IssueI've had a problem with Pregis and Sharp in Leadworks for years and no one seems to be able to help. Pregis is in Leadworks and so is Sharp Packaging Systems. Sharp was purchased by Pregis in 2018. Sharp is now a Pregis produch line, but for whatever reason, we haven't been able to get the accounts merged in Leadworks. Even though pregis is the customer, all the reporting is under Sharp, no pregis. How do we get these accounts merged in leadworks under Pregis so they can see everything in one place? Thanks!Pregis/Sharp Packaging SystemstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoThis is with Andy's team. There isn't much we can do without the merger in salesforce.
11/01/22Brian GronowskiNavigaOthernI'm not seeing the EBS billing in my Naviga report BRINKResolvedQuestionSent an email showing Brian where this revenue lives.
11/01/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot change due to pricingPlease swap these 2 line item dates. 11/13-12/1, connected with jenn on this matter.Copia/Honeywell92,169,603.005,727,960,640.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
11/01/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaBilling IssuesWendy placed our price (5197.50) into this order but she should have placed the price as 5080.56 per their PO. Both she and I missed this and they are contesting that item in thri Invoice7330. Is this something Janet handles on her end?Anritsu866955800trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingI added a credit line of 116.94. Janet should be able to apply it to the invoice
11/01/22Roxsy MangianteNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI need dates for two webinars: March 22nd and August 16th.TNA North America9726trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDates were added
11/02/22Lara KriegerNavigaOtherLooked at Jan print view and these two clients are not pushing to Send my AdLenze America and MRP Solutions9735 and 964461929.1 and 61105.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI see MRP in there (it just doesn't say Mold Rite). I forced Lenze over but since it was signed via the portal, it was waiting on Reed to push it to R2 to move to SMA
11/02/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateI'm unable to add the CP+M Annual Resource Guide to their plan because a line item with date is missing and when I try to add it, it doesn't work. It should be in the December issue. Thanks.Nercon9736trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis is fixed. You should see a date now.
11/02/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherSorry if I'm just not seeing this, but I can't seem to add fractional ads to a leaders package at no charge. For example, Nercon wants to but premium and include six 1/3 vertical ads. Only option I find includes the price, so I manually updated to zero dollars. Please add for all sizes or let me know where to find in Naviga. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionWe are working on a way to make those available to the reps without releasing the ratelines. Additonal packages were added to account for the different sizes.
11/02/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherCan someone add PAN direct mail for 2023 please? Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe Targeted Direct Mail should be there for 2023. They are now brand specific not one general PAN product.
11/03/22Brian GronowskiNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentnNot factoring in Member rate for PAN adsPaxton ITW966562261trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThis was fixed... there is a ticket in with Naviga.
11/03/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item. Thanks!PMMI9747trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
11/04/22MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksNotification IssueMy client Linda Anderson and myself just received about 10 notification about her Second Look approval. See screenshot.AagardtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThese were kicked out when working on notification in Media Planner.
11/04/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThis is a re-run of an eblast due to an error on our end and approved by Wendy and Leo. Can you please zero out this item? Thanks!Multi-Conveyor975862295trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodWendy adjusted.
11/04/22Courtney NicholsNavigaCustom Product Request-Just remembered I should put this request in the form, not email. See attached for detailsESI Group9755-trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductEmma created products needed and updated plan
11/07/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueAAG changed eblast template from PW Product Update TO PW Supplied HTML. Madysen created a new LeadWorks campaign rather than changing the template in the Naviga-generated campaign.Please move Naviga campaign ID 9711 and Line item ID 61700 from LW campaign 40525 to LW campaign 40449. Delete LW campaign 40525.AAG 5007#40449 (PW Supplied 11/11/2022) and #40525 (PW Product Update 11/11/2022)trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTMoved.
11/07/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease move date to 11/16 for final move if no approval. Thanks!NSK796845793trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
11/08/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datePW Nov print and PW Dec print will be combined into a single issue in 2023. PW New Issue Alert product needs to be updated to reflect this.Currently, Naviga published dates for PW New Issue Alert NL include Nov 17 and Dec 15. These dates need to be removed and Dec 1 needs to be added. (I've blocked 2 PW eblast positions on Dec 1 to allow for a Dec 1 PW NIA). I cannot remove the existing Nov & Dec published dates because advertisers are booked into each date. Robatech campaign 9397; Reynolds Co. campaign 9643; Lubriplate Lubricants campaign 9634.PMMI Media GrouptrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
11/08/22Bea GreanyNavigaBilling Issuesall line items should be $0PMMI Media Group9498trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
11/08/22Bea GreanyNavigaBilling Issuesall line items should be $0.PMMI Media Group9385trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
11/08/22ELIZABETH TIERNEYOtherProduct IssueI'm trying to add a 201 video to a media discovery tool plan and I'm getting an error. see attached screenshot.all packaging machinerytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorYevgeny was able to fix the issue.Waiting on Y's feedback
11/09/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this line item. Thanks!PMMI9794trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
11/09/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaCustom Product RequestPlease add as many retargeted impressions we have for case packing/cartoning. Depending on how many we have I might reduce some of the PW impressions, unless you tell me I need to do so either way (be honest with is what it is).Delkor9799trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductAdded and plan is already confirmed :)With Jen K for pricing
11/09/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherNot a big issue, but the links to the 101s & 201s do not connect to the correct pages in the hub. Thanks.AagardtrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been completed.
11/10/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateMonique Scott requested an extension of the OEM flexi ad banner campaign, 2023 PELV Exhibit Sales. We need to extend the End Date to Jan 6, 2023PMMI927058473trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone! I moved it out in GAM too
11/10/22WENDY SAWTELLOtherOtherI don't have access/permissions to open the Inventory smartsheet for 101 videos on the Hub under the sales info tab. See pic below.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionI gave access to you, Jake, Leo, Patrick, daniel and liz. Brain and Christine were already there.... does anyone else need it?
11/10/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Hi Jenn, can you move this date to 12/2? If I re-enter the product I still need to have you change the price to $2100, so if you can just move the date that would be great. Thank youInductive Automation820451841trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
11/10/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherSome items still show up in MDT even though they are turned off in Naviga...couple examples would be a few playbooks and the women in packaging product.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorPlaybooks should be removed with the next update Women in packaging was added back.
11/14/22Reed SimonsisSend My AdOtherDouble checked order had production contacts and was QC'dLara mentioned this order did not flow into send my ad. Thanks!Schenck9761trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been fixed! The profiles now live in SMA.Need to send this to Naviga. PFW's leaders program isn't pushing
11/14/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueFor some reason this 11/3 newsletter is not showing up in Brian's view but i see it in mine. Is there a reason why he's unable to see it in Leadworks? See screenshot attachedCleveland Gear928358525.2trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionIt isn't showing for brian because there weren't any leads generated. Reps and clients can't see campaigns with 0 leads.
11/15/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherClicked to generate a proposal and got an error message (see attached)Nercon9736trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugSeems like the connection timed out. Wendy was able to move forward.
11/15/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThis is a make good eblast that Brian would like to re-run. Can we zero out this order? thanksCleveland Gear983463111trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMake GoodDone
11/15/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherHey- Technology Minute link sends to eBlasts page in Hub and should direct to Tech Minute page. SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been completed
11/16/22Jake BrockNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentn/aThis client running 1/2 page or larger in all three CMP issues, profile in annual resource guide should be free in that case. Just need a price override on that line item to $0.Romark Logistics983563148WENDY SAWTELLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductWendy took care of this one.
11/16/22Bea GreanyNavigaOtherNaviga is not working for meThis is Mariia Druziuk. I used Bea’s name because I couldn’t find mine.ALLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoMariia was able to get in
11/17/22Reed SimonsisNavigaBilling Issuescannot change pricePlease zero out items as this is an approved make good order. Thanks!copia97876,253,562,536.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
11/17/22Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment-Good morning, Jenn, can you please adjust the 11/18 PFW FB price to match the others @ $2100 (22% discount). I added the line for PFW and removed the AW FB since it's a PFW project they are promoting. LMK if you have any questions. Thank you.Inductive Automation820463213trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
11/17/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueEmail preview links in the Upcoming Issues dashboard are broken. I've checked multiple campaigns. This is not affecting individual campaigns. I can open a campaign to enter ad materials.Screenshot of error message is attached. This affects the link provided to copy writers for SL/PH requests and also affects production's ability to copy the HTML for Omeda production.allN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bugfixed!
11/18/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherCan a column be added that indicates the total dollar amount on each plan? For example, If I'm looking at the attached pic I'd like to know how much Lee is putting in each proposal at a glance. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestThe Price column is now live :)
11/21/22Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-please move July to August - thank you.WLS976462343trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
11/21/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueLeo is trying to add PW LIP Pro to order and gets the attached error. Not sure if it has to do with him chaging print date to April?A-B-C9572trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe package has been added successfully
11/22/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaBilling IssuesI picked January on the plan and it shows up as Feb.The two free print issues should be January and AugustMettler Toledo987173736trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe start date of the campaign was 1/2/2023, so the Jan print issue didn't show/stick. I updated the start and moved the feb ad to Jan.
11/22/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherThe new Leaders packages are not "working" in MDT. It seems that we need to add three installments for each program, but not all installments showing up. See screenshot. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUI ClarityEmma posted the how to in chatter. This isn't an error, just a miscommunication on our part.
11/22/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaNotification IssueTried to Add Premium with 1/2 horizontal and got errorTried to make 1/2 page ads Jan, april, aug and noivKaufman9872trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere is a bug in Naviga blocking the reps from adding the packages to the plans. I have filed a ticket and put a workaround in place. Reps should be able to add these plans now.
11/22/22BASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueBad text wrap on image in article.This is a limitation of the new skin. Base sent over some tips on how to avoid the issue. Jen K and I also gave the recommendation to avoid an image in between those 2 ad slots if possible.FuseneoURL: # 22565299trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
11/23/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherFinalized 2023 plan for Aagard and wanted to point out a few things. 1. There are two forms asking for the same info...the LIP categories form is under installment #1 and #2. We only need one. 2. Unable to add dates to the four LinkedIn posts included with Leaders...would be helpful if we could just add the four months they are thinking so there's a reminder for CSM. 3. Therre are four forms for the free LinkedIn posts asking for categories but these are not category based and organic posts on PW's LinkedIn page so they can be removed. There are no forms to provide the mini-directory categories. I put LinkedIn and mini-directory categories in the notes for now. Thanks.9875- AagardtrueEmma SatchellResolvedFeature RequestThis is resolved by using the form I created, if that doesn't work, let me know and we can work on additional solutions. - Emma Satchell
11/23/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherOne of the installments for LIP is $5999.99 and the other two are 6k. Can you update so all three are 6k?Thanks!NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoWe can price adjust the 5999.99 installment on a case by case basis, but the reason for the wonky price is how Naivga does math.
11/28/22Brian GronowskiNavigaCustom Product Requestnneed to add 6x cover tip ad and rate $9200 call to discussvdg9882trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductRateline added
11/28/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaNeed to move the dateAm I able to move this to 12/2? It's part of a package.Squid Ink764446369trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone - I had to create a new line item... since this is flexible the line is locked as soon as date passes.I moved it to 12/9 to give you more time in the system. If you do want it 12/2 I can move it when you have materials.
11/28/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaOtherI'm getting an error message when trying to enter a PW 1/2 H Premium Package. See attached screenshotI need to create a media plan for mk North America for a PW LIP 1/2 page H premium package. Themk North AmericaOpp # 9841trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere is a bug in Naviga blocking the reps from adding the packages to the plans. I have filed a ticket and put a workaround in place. Reps should be able to add these plans now.
11/28/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaNotification IssueTried to save the plan with my 4 print ad dates and got the error warning.I have a call with CAMA in one hourCAMA9877Leaders Premium 1/2 page verttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere is a bug in Naviga blocking the reps from adding the packages to the plans. I have filed a ticket and put a workaround in place. Reps should be able to add these plans now.
11/28/22Lee AshcroftNavigaOtherHusky's IO needs to be addressed to their legal name...can someone change it for me? Here's what it should say. The IO will need to be addressed to legal name Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. Please re-send me the final . Thanks! SarahHusky9881trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoThis request need to start in Salesforce. I will file the ticket with Paul Shraga for you! the change was made.
11/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePlease movve into next monthPlease move into december.Service Now951460819trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
11/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateMost likely will be cancelled as it has been move all year.Please move into next year sometime. Idk who will make the decision what will happen wit this campaign.wago798849094trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved to December 23rd.
11/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateNo content submission, need new datePlease change to late december. Thanks,Service Now882859783trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved to 12/16. Needed to make a new line item because this is a flexible campaign and the date was locked on the OG line.
11/29/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease move facebook to December 16th. Thanks,schneider electric906056555trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
11/29/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe advertiser LeadWorks campaign for 12/2/2022 HCP Quick Hits NL is missing/does not existNaviga campaign ID 9698; line ID 61600MHI - Maruho Hatsujyo InnovationsLeadWorks campaign does not exist; Naviga campaign 969861600trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugDoug is working on a fix for the problem, but i was able to find this campaign and fix the date.
11/29/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaBilling IssuesLooks like Installments #1 and #3 are both scheduled for January 2023. This does not appear correct.Please take a look at the date for Installment #2 and make sure all three installments are scheduled for the correct dates.Packaging Distributors, Inc.989364144 + 64145trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepUpdated
11/29/22Courtney NicholsOtherRate Line Addition/Adjustment-Jenn, I kind of made a mess of Weber's final FB/LI package. Can you help me fix it for November billing? In trying to move the dates to December without bugging you I deleted the FB portion and then realized the pricing would be off. It's a 5-15k audience. Sorry for the mess, let me know if you have any questions.Weber762356177 and 64101trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDouble check that what is did was right, but this is done.
11/30/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherwon't let me approve Mundo eBlasts. says I need rate cardHuskytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI added the line. I couldn't replicate the issue, so please let me know if it happens again. Thanks!
11/30/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaNeed to move the dateHi Jenn, I would like to move this PAN campaign to 12/1/2022-3/31/2023. Can you assist? I am receiving this error in the screenshot attached.added new line and a production note for Ana.Dennis Group913856895trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
12/01/22Brian GronowskiNavigaProduct Issuenplease refer tp plan 8148 and items 51106 and 51108. need to recreat for pelv 2023vdg9919trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductDone!
12/02/22WENDY SAWTELLMDT (WENDY USE ONLY)OtherI'm not seeing the Lideres packages in MDT/can't figure out how to add them...Basic, pro and EXPO PACKNAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoWendy figured it out
12/06/22Brian GronowskiNavigaOtherncmp enewsletter dates not appearing available and all show up as test companyPSSI9956trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't Do
12/06/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueI tried opening the Submit Materials tab to check the mail. But it doesn't open. It just loads. This tab does not work in all campaigns. I already logged out, but that didn't help.This is Mariia Druziuk. I used Bea’s name because I couldn’t find mine.ALLtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYevgeny was able to fix the issue with ebuilder
12/06/22WENDY SAWTELLLeadworksOtherI noticed that there's no export button on Nita's converge/Scout page.Nita LabelingtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorThe button only shows on Enhanced Advertisers. Nita is currently not an enhanced advertiser.
12/08/22PATRICK YOUNGNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncPlease connect KSS to Naviga. I need to create/close a $15,000 orderSee below error messageKoch Separation SolutionsNANAJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThis has been pushed. The issue was the zip code... it was missing the leading 0.
12/08/22Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueHey Jenn, when I try to generate a PDF proof for Second Look and GP ads, it is now generating. So If you click View Ad and generate proof, nothing happens: I tried this in both dashboards and even looked up the advertiser manually in Leadworks,Game Plan and Second LooktrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis is fixed... it does take A LONG time to come up, but it does generate eventually.
12/08/22Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Contact not pulling throughtried to push it through with mac but it's not workingMesse9845 9846trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe contact type didn't push as it should have. I can't replicate it, but I was able to fix it.
12/09/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaOtherpicked the dropdown, selected my 3 full page issues and it just goes back to the pick issues screenAbout to quit and grab a BEER! I picked the other 3 items fine.Texwrap9494Leaders Premium full pagestrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepAdded the package to the plan using dates provided by Leo!
12/09/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaNotification Issuetried check dates and got two different alertsTried to ad 3 video eBlasts 2/9, 7/13 and 10/26Dorner10015eBlaststrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoLeo figured it out before I saw this ticket!
12/12/22Stephanie HaagLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe Start and End date are not showing up despite it being filled in in all the correct places. BRINKResolvedSystem BugDoug fixed the error. Doug
12/13/22Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datewant to change HCP Focus send date #1 of 2 from Jan 4 to Jan 12. The resend will remain on Jan 18Messe Dusseldorf Advertiser ID 101414984563207trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI moved the issue date to 1/12 and moved Messe into it.
12/13/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaNeed to move the datePlease move the currently scheduled September Print Ad (LIP) to August 2023. Please confirm.This is simply an incorrect date selection on my part, learning that the PACK EXPO 2023 issue is August and not September.Printpack938259107JENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateThis is done :) And I thought the show issue was Sept too for a little while!
12/13/22Kelly GreebyNavigaOtherN/ACan you please send an informer report to Trey and Claudia weekly that lists ALL the upcoming webinars we have on the books - only things that are sold not things in reserved or proposals -- thanksN/AN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestI set up 2 reports. A weekly digest of all upcoming and a daily confirmed yesterday email that will only send if there is a sold webinar.
12/14/22Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentwhen the facebook was moved the pric was removedupdatedschneider electric923257368trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CST
12/14/22David NewcornNavigaOtherN/ADave mentioned he had asked you for a report last week that was a report by leaders type. Basic, Premium and Pro - please include company name and how much they paid for it. We ALSO need a report that shows anyone that is running in Leaders that is NOT running in the January issue. Can you get to this this week please. Thx - KN/AN/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorSent the report... attached here for future reference
12/14/22Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks Issuesubmitted by Anastasia1) Dec 14 PW Packaging Insights – Nita Labeling: PMMICD221206012 Omeda mailing created Dec 6 via Base API – Quality Check/Approval: Dec 9 2) Dec 15 AW Mitratech Supplied HTML: PMMICD221213003 – Omeda mailing created Dec 13 – Quality Check/Approval: Dec 13 3) Dec 16 AW PROFINEWS: PMMICD221208003 – Omeda mailing created Dec 8 – Quality Check/Approval: Dec 12 4) Dec 16 PW New Issue Alert – PAXTON: PMMICD221212011 – Omeda mailing created Dec 12 via Base API – Quality Check/Approval: Dec 14multiple36682, 42305, 37437, 37382N/AtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorDoug fixed the issue and IDs are now sticking as they should
12/14/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10065trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
12/14/22Lara KriegerSend My AdProduct IssueNot moving to Send my Ad- client sent materialsMesse Dusseldorf North AmericatrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an error
12/15/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncresolvedITW Hartness9633resolved - it finally workedtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoChristine resolved her own issue
12/15/22Christine SmallwoodNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncWhen I click on the proposal to open the Naviga proposal, it spins and does not open. Please see if you can kick into gear on your end. I'm in limbo.ITW Hartness9633trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't DoChristine resolved her own issue
12/15/22Stephanie HaagNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThe client wants to change their PW 1/2 page vertical ads to 1/2 island ads. BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
12/15/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherTried changing the date to June 5th, but got the attached error message.Columbia Machine991767200trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
12/16/22PATRICK YOUNGLeadworksLeadworks IssueThe Content Engagement Report is not appearing in LW for Assured AutomationSee aboveAssured AutomationNANAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe needed IDs were entered and the data is now there.
12/19/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherThere are a few straggler PAN items showing up under PAN Sales for 2023...can they be adjusted and put under the correct brand? See screenshot below. Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeYep... I am already in the middle of it. I am splitting the campaigns and making notes as I go :) - I think I got the rest of them... let me know if anything else pops up!
12/19/22Stephanie HaagNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThe client is moving their LinkedIn to January and price needs to be increased for 3690. BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
12/19/22Stephanie HaagNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentThe client wants to change their PW full page ads to 1/2 island ads. BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
12/19/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaProduct IssueNeed RFP Status added to LIP LinkedIn Product for production: Flexpack978163289trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature Requestadded the workflow status
12/19/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI would like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10142trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
12/20/22MaryAnn CoyleNavigaBilling IssuesLast billing request for 2022! Please discount NBE's PW Native Ad $400 since there was an error in their October Native ad which they were charged for in full.National Bulk916057066trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
12/20/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherThis is wonky. Tried to book 201 video series under labeling using the category roll-fed labels. I got the error message letting me know inventory is not available so figured it was sold recently and the inventory doc wasn't updated. When I ran a report to see who bought it, it shows up that ID Technology bought it, but they bought pressure sensitive and printer/applicators. See screenshots. I'd like to offer Sleeve Seal roll-fed labelers.ID Technology/Sleeve Seal9692/10156trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI fixed the ID campaign and added the 201 video to sleeve seal.
12/20/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaOtherI pick the Pro, set the two print dates, hit save and it just clicks back to the package. Naviga does not take it. This is the second time this glitch has happened.Leibinger10153Leaders ProtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorI missed changing the issue close date on the Buyer's Guild Product ad product setup.
12/20/22Reed SimonsisNavigaBilling IssuesClient wants all to bill in january instead of monthly.Please move both Pan banner ads to a January full billing.coperion k-tron98086,284,962,850.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepShould have been entered as a flexible campaign.
12/20/22WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOthererror message when tried to add the Women's Supplement inside front cover. See screenshot attached.Delkor10159trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis should be fixed! The size wasn't assigned on the ratecard.
12/20/22MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueIs there a reason why these items do not show up on Shemesh profile? They are related correctly in Base and there is only one Shemesh company.1. 2. 3. Automation (Base Id: 21194982)trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorArticle type wasn't mapped. P1 fixed it
12/21/22LEO GUENTHERNavigaOtherCould not change the print dates in the poanPlease make the dates January, March, April, July, August, November/DecemberSIKO10087trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
12/22/22Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10174trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
12/22/22Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateThis is the Wago order that hasnt run from wago. The facebook is in december while everything else is in next year.Please move facebook to January (Hopefully this order even runs) Thanks,Wago798849094trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved to Jan
12/22/22Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateHad issues with the creatives and have no recieved new creativesPlease move into mid JanuaryService Now882864372trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved to Jan
12/22/22FLAVEL SHURTLEFFBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI've uploaded my digital editions using BASE and Zesty but they are not updating on the Sales Rep Center of the HUBHCP/OEM, PFW digital editions on the HUBtrueEric AshbrookResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorAmber/Eric fixed the issue.
12/29/22Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentall prices need to be zeroed; these are house adsAdvertiser ID 101726 PMMI10180alltrueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingThanks for submitting your request! This has been completed.
01/03/23Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the date-Jenn, I may have accidentally selected 1/18/22 as the date for this eblast reschedule...can you switch it to 2023? I'm unable to: Thank you.Inductive Automation820451726trueEmma SatchellResolvedMoving DateHello, thank you for your request! This has been completed. Please let me know if you have any questions.Hi Jenn - I had some trouble with this one. I looked at the history of changes, and it appears this indeed a campaign that was accidentally scheduled for 2022 when updated. However, it won't let me change the date. Do I need to delete it and then add a new line item for 2023?
01/03/23MaryAnn CoyleLeadworksHelp with a viewMadysen does not have Audience Network Admin view/permissions in Leadworks to see the PAN Master Campaigns Dash.AlltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorHello, thank you for your request! This has been completed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
01/03/23MaryAnn CoyleBASE/WebsitesMaterial Submission IssueOn-site Native ad submission links have not been entered in production notes for January's ads and need them created asap if possible. Thank you!Hello, I've been informed that this has been resolved. Please follow-up via email if I am incorrect.National Bulk9886 and 995764017 and 65283 respectivelytrueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorHello, I've been informed that this has been resolved. Please follow-up via email if I am incorrect.
01/03/23LEO GUENTHERNavigaProduct IssuePut in Leaders in Packaging but it would not allow me to choose the January IssueFeb was the first option.Allied Flex10182trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThanks for submitting your error! This has been updated and one of the package's full page ads have been moved to January.
01/04/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHello, I'd like to zero out these two house order. Thanks!PMMI10195 and 10196trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingHello, thank you for your request! This has been completed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
01/05/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueFor some reason two of the images are not displaying. I tried to upload them on my own and it still does not display even after it is published. The two images that won't display are attached. BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTLooks like the images are now showing. I changed the format and was able to upload and see all images.Hi Jenn, Apologies, I couldn't figure out a fix for this one
01/06/23LEO GUENTHEROtherOtherScoutDid Glenroy ever get contacted for the Scout Beacon to be added to their site.GlenroytrueMikayala DelsonResolvedQuestionThe beacon is functioning on the Glenroy site and i am seeing scout activity in their campaign.
01/09/23LEO GUENTHERNavigaOtherTried to Add Maryann Boese as the Print and digital materialGot an error attachedShurtape9963Production ContacttrueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - Sales RepHello, thank you for your request! This has been completed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
01/09/23Courtney NicholsNavigaSalesForce/Naviga sync-Hi Jenn, Happy New Year. In Naviga Paige Howarth is appearing with an email address ( that doesn't match what's in SF. Can you take a look at why I can't pull in her correct email address as the Standard-Knapp production contact? Thank you.Standard-Knapp10141-JENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorI manually updated the email address. Reaching out to Simone to see why it didn't update when it was adjusted in Salesforce.
01/09/23Stephanie HaagNavigaOtherIn the campaign production forms for both Game Plan and Second look the second category of Form/Fill/Seal - Horizontal is not staying. It keeps turning blank.Kliklok BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorIt looks like there were too many characters. I removed a couple spaces and now they are sticking.
01/10/23Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the dateno errorNeed to move the January PW New Issue Alert NL deployment date and all advertisers (Robatech) to Jan 30 (issue close was extended and delayed production of the Jan print issue).Robatech USA Inc.939759163trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
01/10/23Brian GronowskiNavigaMissing a date/Need a datencan you open the date for the 1/23 hand picked. Customer wants to purchaseHiperbaric10237trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
01/11/23FLAVEL SHURTLEFFNavigaReporting IssueThe SALES report for Feb 23 ProFood World is 8 ads less than the PRODUCTION reportProFood World 2023 sales vs. production reportstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTUpdated Settings
01/12/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, Uline canceled their PW and AW LIP program but Leo said to keep just their print ads in the magazine. Do I have to delete these two line items or should they be zeroed out?Uline9126 and 914756825.1. and 56990.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionDone - Mikayla deleted the lines.
01/12/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out both house orders, thanks!PMMI10254, 10255trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
01/12/23Hannah CaterBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI searched for the Advertiser company using their short base ID and the "GraphQL error" was there right away. When I tried to schedule PW Leaders 2023, the "Base4 REST API error" showed up.AXON (13276286)trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugThere was an issue with schedules. P1 fixed the error and the schedules are liveTrello ticket open for this one.
01/17/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot change due to pricingPlease change to March 1st, Thanks!standex938358957trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/17/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datecannot change due to pricingPlease change the march date to and august print date!Thanks,igus1019368429trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/18/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, I'd like to make these 1/2 page horizontals 1/2 verticals instead. thanks!Mamata Enterprises, Inc.1014568794, 68795, 68796trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedCustom ProductDone
01/18/23WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherTried to cancel the plan because I put the CM+P stuff on their full plan that was approved, but I get the error message below. Seems like it thinks the plan was approved.Columbia/Okura8588trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepI was able to cancel. I think you just needed to go through all the warnings! Just wanted to make sure you were really sure :)
01/18/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueThe client would like the two articles in the Company News section deleted. I couldn't find where to remove them. See screenshot,LIP Profile: States Industrial (CSI)LIP ProfiletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionShowed Mikayla how to remove them from our site.
01/18/23Reed SimonsisBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueTried to add category schedule to base and got error.will not allow me to schedule and categories for leaders 2023.--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugNeed to know what the actual category for coding/lableing/printing should be.
01/19/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like these house orders zeroed out, thanks!PMMI Media Group10289, 10290trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/19/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, I would like to zero out this house order. Thanks!PMMI10287trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/19/23Jake BrockNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateTried picking date but got error that it was closed. Got approval from Wendy and Reed to sell with Jan 27 date since client says they can get materials on Tuesday next week.Cient wants two Facebook ads but wants first to start on Jan 27th and confirmed they can get materials by Tuesday. Reed says that should work and also spoke to Wendy. Tried to enter in Jan 27th for first FB ad but got error that issue is closed. Are we able to open it back up to close this order?Slideways1026768930trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
01/20/23FLAVEL SHURTLEFFNavigaReporting IssuePulled a sales report for February 2023 PFW, then a separate sales report for same issueThere are 23 companies that are on the production report that are NOT on the sales report (see text fle)February 2023 Production vs. Sales Report PulltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTWorked with George to update settings
01/23/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueHi Jenn, the client and I tried to replace some the images within the featured products, when i go to approve the changes, the images all look correct. once i approve the changes and refresh the digital profile page, the image do not save correctly. In the first screen shot it shows the images that i want to replace. The second screenshot is the LIP page after i approved the changes. the images are completely in the wrong order and the wrong images.Glenroy Inc.LIP ProfiletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - ClientRecreated product ads for clientNeed images from Mikayla... reached out and waiting for her to send them.
01/24/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Please move to Febuary 7th! Thanks,boston Dynamics Inc1025268896trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI am assuming you mean line 68869 and its done :)
01/25/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncHey Jenn, I'm trying to change the billing contact to Jaime Schultz in this Naviga campaign. I see he is in SF under billing contact and I pressed force Naviga sync. Is there a reason why I am not seeing him under the billing contact dropdown in Naviga after I refreshed the page?Spee-Dee10330trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepThe agency needed to be removed so the client was billed directly.
01/25/23Brian GronowskiNavigaReporting IssueSearched for available inventory for OEM Standard eblastThe report has some weird data. 999ReidtrueEmma SatchellResolvedQuestionComplete
01/25/23WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherTried to raise the price of the Show Daily back Cover to $12,376 and got the attached error message that I've never seen before.MG America10335trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorFixed.
01/25/23Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Issues-Jenn, 2 LIP installments are scheduled for January in this order and I'm unable to fix it. Can you move one of the January installments to August?Bell=Mark984765494-5trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
01/25/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!DonePMMI10328trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
01/26/23Lara KriegerNavigaOtherNoticed this was in SMA but not showing in Naviga until l clicked on the "Reserved orders" but this is a valid new order from this morning.Miura America Co., Ltd.1021568529.1trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales RepSent the link to the hub to download the form
01/26/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!pmmi10340trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
01/26/23Courtney NicholsNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustment-Jenn, can you please move this billing date to February, so it bills when the syndicated items start? Thank you.Allied Elec.969067647trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
01/27/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, can you adjust this PAN campaign rate to $1750? Thanks!Viking Masek Global Packaging Technologies1021469148trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone!
01/27/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, I think I need a revenue adjustment to this webinar plan... I'm forwarding you this email thread with Brian and Trey.Aptean10046trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionResolved
01/27/23Christine SmallwoodNavigaOtherAttempting to add the actual category to the Production Form - but form not availablePlease add the Production Form for an "Additional Category" product - in NavigaMassman1005469151trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedQuestionSuggested using the OG category/leaders form.. update with the new category and load it to the new plan.
01/27/23Mikayala DelsonOtherProduct IssueHey Jenn, Gleroy was installing Scout and ran into this error. Can you assist? See screenshot attached.Glenroy Inc.ScouttrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThe beacon is functioning on the Glenroy site and i am seeing scout activity in their campaign.Reached out to Joan to see if she has come across this error. This is a new one for me.
01/30/23WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherThere's some EXPO PACk items that are falling under PE revenue and need to be moved to Mundo. Cama- plan 10076, Heat & Control- plan 9867 (2 items), Sidel - plan 9441, Valco Melton plan 8986NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeFixed
01/30/23Courtney NicholsNavigaNeed to move the dateHi Jenn, can you please move this Jan full-page to March? Thank you.Allied Electronics969067617trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved to March
01/30/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease see the attached File. It has all the moves that are needed on an excel sheet with all their data with it. I hope this is easier to sort out versus 4 million entries. Thanks!Multiple Jim ClientsMultipleMultpipletrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
01/30/23Christine SmallwoodOtherOtherMy Media Opportunties are now showing all reps opportunities and not just mine. I'd like the view to show only my opportunities.My Media OpportunitiestrueAndy LomaskyResolvedSystem Configuration Error
01/31/23Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks IssueHey! Leadworks doesn't track me. I tested this on two campaigns. But it seems that Leadworks does not see me at all. I've already tried to log out and in again, but it doesn't help.This is Mariia Druziuk. I used Bea’s name because I couldn’t find mine.As for now, these campaigns #43911 #43902trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
01/31/23WENDY SAWTELLLeadworksOtherUnder dashboards and reports we have the Game Plan/Second Look with full list and one by category. The one by category is not working and that is a key selling tool to be able to show all the Labeling advertisers when selling to a Labeling prospect. Can someone look and see if it can be fixed? Thanks.NAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Bug were working in December. Yevgeny is working on a fix
02/01/23Claudia SmithNavigaNeed to move the dateNoneCan you move the Universal Robots webinar that was slated for March 20th to April 11th in NavigaUniversal RobotsWebinartrueEmma SatchellResolvedMoving Date
02/02/23Roxsy MangianteNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncIt is not showing the Order contact to create a proposalHeidelberg ID # 111746trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - Sales Rep
02/03/23Bea GreanyNavigaProduct Issuereaching out to Jenn Brink, miracle worker, to get this issue resolvedLiz Tierney's client, CCL Healthcare, want to buy HCP Quick Hits for 5 consecutive weeks. Naviga HCP Quick Hits product is not structured in a way that allows Liz to sell 5 consecutive newsletters. Liz needs the following dates: Feb 17, Feb 24, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17. Each of these Quick Hits dates should be priced at $1050 net. All dates are currently unsold.101454 CCL Healthcareneeds to be createdtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/03/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHey Jenn, Leo originally had a couple campaigns that were in Dec 2022. Janet put an internal note comment for me to change the dates, so I changed a couple start dates to February instead of Dec 2022. Now Janet is saying the revenue is still showing in Dec 22 and Jan 23 and both issues are closed. I'm not sure what to do in this situation, are you able to assist?Heat and Control9869trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CST
02/03/23Riley PhoenixNavigaOtherI opened the materials for Shemesh and it had Tawi banners I uploaded earlier, and now the Tawi record has the Shemesh materials. Somehow the Tawi materials are linked to both campaigns.Shemesh & Tawi10058 & 998466685.1 & 65571trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTThe same material record was added to both campaigns... Looks like MaryAnn added it on accident.Emailed Riley... Looks like MAC attached a material record from another company.
02/06/23LEO GUENTHERNavigaOtherThe plan is sitting in Contract Signed Stage for weeks nowThe plan is still in Contract Signed. ????Heat and Control9869trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CST
02/06/23Brian GronowskiNavigaNeed to move the datenCraft Brew is scheduled to close on 2/13 but naviga has 2/1 and not allowing for us to close out orders. Can update close date to 2/13Tel-Tru10393trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
02/06/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10392trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
02/06/23Bea GreanyNavigaNeed to move the datedigital edition link will not be ready due to materials extension for Feb PFW.Please change February PFW New Issue Alert date from Feb 16 to Feb 24Industrial Magnetics, Cleveland Gear, (Astec Industries - quote)9905, 9283, 929666066, 58522, 58581trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
02/06/23Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentProduct insights changing to automation skills in May.. needs to be adjusted priceplease update this line item to be 4,250 per the original IO. Thanks!NSK1021069457trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/07/23Claudia SmithNavigaNeed to move the dateNoneNeed to move the Universal Robots webinar date to April 27Universal RobotsWebinarJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
02/08/23Bea GreanyNavigaProduct Issueeblasts were booked as VIDEO but they should be SUPPLIED HTMLIAE advertiser ID 110025947059696, 59697trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Changechanged the type of eblast to supplied for both lines. Price increases $300 per send, is that an issue?
02/08/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI Media Group10408trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
02/08/23ELIZABETH TIERNEYNavigaProduct IssueWhen trying to add the Premier Suppliers package, to a plan, I get the error in the screenshot attached.CCL Healthcare10407trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/08/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10392trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
02/08/23WENDY SAWTELLNavigaOtherKurt originally built this opportunity, but Liz closed the sale. We need to update the rep and who is getting paid on this so Kurt doesn't get credit/commission for this sale. I don't have permissions to make the updates. Thanks.Fortress9793trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorI see Liz as the rep, waiting for wendy to confirm.
02/09/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10424ResolvedBilling
02/09/23FLAVEL SHURTLEFFSend My AdNeed to move the dateChecking ad status for HCP Spring 2023Need to reflect Send My Ad with the new issue close dates for 2023. (attached)HCP close dates in 2023 for SMAtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateThese have been updated. I have pushed all the regular ads. I am working on why the profiles didn't push over
02/09/23LEO GUENTHERNavigaNotification IssueNeed to open up OEM LeadersKondracki Group10419trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeOEM Leaders close has been pushed to EOD tomorrow.
02/09/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10418trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
02/13/23Kim OverstreetNavigaReporting Issuen/aIs it possible to set up some sort of reporting so that when a "Sustainable Packaging Explained" video sells, Kim Overstreet receives a notification? Kelly mentioned that an Informer Report might be the best option, but I leave it up to you! (This request was sent in by Emma Satchell, on behalf of Kim Overstreet)n/an/an/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFeature RequestAdded the product to existing daily sends.
02/13/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI Media Group10431trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
02/14/23MaryAnn CoyleSend My AdOtherCould you push PakTech's Craft Brew 1/2 island into SendMyAd? Lara is aware.PakTech1044269812JENNIFER BRINKResolvedNot an errorDone
02/15/23Madysen FastNavigaBilling IssuesThis line item needs to be deleted but I cannot adjust the billingViking Masek1004367094trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangePlan has been updated. I reduced the August installment.
02/16/23Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentCannot change date due to pricingPlease adjust price of 69900 to 4,250 to match 68950. Please delete 68950 after the price adjustment. Thank you!Laird Connectivity102706,895,069,900.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
02/16/23LEO GUENTHERNavigaProduct Issuecan not find Pre-Made Plastic Bags or Pre-Made Plastic Suppliers for the 101 series in NavigaPac Machinery10463trueDominique CarmonaResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeThe product was added to Naviga
02/17/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentneed to have native ad 4/1 and 5/1 line items zeroed out for this house ad requestPMG ID #1073711040869962 & 69963trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone
02/17/23Christine SmallwoodNavigaReporting IssueResolved: Please disregard-attempting to download the signed contract - no report available; please let me know when report is available.Please see attached screen shot.Sidel10443 - please disregard-resolvedn/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't Do
02/17/23Christine SmallwoodNavigaReporting Issueattempting to download the signed contract - no report available; please let me know when report is available.Please see attached screen shot.Sidel10443n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedWon't Do
02/20/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentHi Jenn, I have two requests. First, I would like to zero out these 3 house campaigns. Second, when I created 10473 and 10474, the production contacts automatically populate to Meredith and Lara. How do I remove Merideth and only have Lara auto populate as print contact?These have been adjusted. I think I fixed the production contact thing too!PMMI10473, 10474, 10475trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
02/21/23PATRICK YOUNGNavigaNeed to move the datePlease change the start of the program and campaigns to March 15th. WS has approved the $35 CPM pricingThis a time sensitive request.Sealstrip103024 PAN LinestrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateDone
02/21/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMG10476trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingdone
02/23/23Claudia SmithNavigaNeed to move the dateNoneChange date to April 13HUSKYtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved!
02/23/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the datePrice change preventing move.Please move to sometime early May! Thank you.B&R Automation1035869395trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved... Please add it to the AW move sheet.
02/23/23Anastasia CherniakLeadworksTemplate IssueAll 3 advertisers have separate campaign for 3/9 PFW focus. They all should be included to 1 template.Lubriplate Lubricants, SEW-EURODRIVE, Cleveland Gear CompanytrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugYevgeny fixed this issue :)
02/24/23Reed SimonsisNavigaNeed to move the dateCannot change date due to pricingPlease move date to march 1st. Thanks!Temposonics1034669342trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateMoved... Please add to the AW move sheet
02/27/23PATRICK YOUNGNavigaOtherPlease change the impression number in the 2 PAN campaigns from 33,000 to 50,000See above. Naviga would not allow me or Wendy to make the make the impression change.ESI Group USA10488PANtrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date Change
02/27/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesBase/Website IssueI'm trying to add this YouTube channel to the Company Details > YouTube Videos section but I keep receiving an error.YouTube Channel: Safe DrainstrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - ClientThe reason it wasn't pulling through is the system needs the actual channel ID and what was provided is their handle. I used inspect on their youtube channel and found it in the code.
02/27/23Kelly GreebyNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateN/AWe have a close date of 5/23 on the Hub for the Women in Packaging Supplement -- Can we make the date the same as the July book sales close, which is 6/6? Likely need to confirm with Lara - would just be a lot more clear if there weren't two different dates but she may need more time for the WIP book.N/AN/AN/AtrueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeHello, we need to keep the close date 5/23 for the WIP supplement, as editors have to go through and edit all advertiser provided material for the supplement. I've changed the date back in Naviga. - ESJenn updated Naviga - Emma please update the hub when you have a moment.
02/27/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI10496trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
02/28/23Reed SimonsisOtherLeadworks IssueTrying to update the stats in Addaptive Campaign on Leadworks. Everytime i save it deletes all my information and will not updated.Please input the attached stats to this campaign: - or let me know how i can!Dennis grouptrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTDone. When you load stats in these reports, you can't use comma's!
02/28/23Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePassed date, cant moveSchnedier still has not provided material. Please move to sometimes in may or april and let me know the date so i can log it for EBM. Thanks!Schneider Electric1017568254trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI had to delete and re-add a line because its flexible billing.
02/28/23Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePrice change preventing move.Part of sydicated content, Just need moved to early March, materials ready to go.Service Now882869458trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateI had to delete and re-add a line because its flexible billing. I didn't see materials to move, so you will need to upload the materials to the new record.
02/28/23Reed SimonsisNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePrice change preventing move.This is the old facebook that is running repeat materials, Just need the facebook and 3rd party ads moved to next month. Facebook early next month so we can run it before the switch.Wago79886,825,561,698.00trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving Date
02/28/23PATRICK YOUNGNavigaOtherPlease change impression count from 50,000 to 25,000 for their 2nd PAN campaign.See aboveES Group USA104887011trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeDone
03/01/23Courtney NicholsNavigaBilling Issues-Hi Jenn, can you adjust this line so the remainder of billing doesn't start until 4/1? They should not be billed for February - the banners are not running currently.Thank you.Ulmann1018368348trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBillingDone!
03/02/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!This house order has been zeroed out! Have a great day!PMMI10524trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
03/02/23Stephanie HaagBASE/WebsitesBase/Website Issuewhen you click on the view products button on the data card it leads to an error page and the URL isn't right. The URLs work when you are in the profile just not trying to go from the card to the profile. I have tried editing the Url but it doesn't work SatchellResolvedNot an errorStephanie needed to clear cache and it solve the issue.
03/02/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'm trying to switch the PW PAN campaign (65703) to a PFW. I added the PFW PAN (70346) but I am unable to delete the original PW PAN. Can you switch the PW to PFW 3rd party banner ads for me please?Perfex Corporation999765703trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingThis campaign has been updated accordingly.
03/01/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksTemplate IssueI'm trying to create a Scout LW Campaign but i keep receiving a 404 error. Can you confirm if the campaign was created properly? Their beacon was also installed yesterday but I am not seeing it populate in their Leadworks.AZO, Inc.trueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem BugFixed.Issue with LW, Yevgeny was able to fix it.
03/02/23Mikayala DelsonBASE/WebsitesTemplate IssueHey Jenn, I had a request from Brian regarding Leaders in Base. Is it possible to update/correct the headings in the Leaders upload portal to mirror what is appearing on the site. We have run into this a couple of times with advertisers not understanding where to update because we label it differently. Modify Product Promotions is Featured Products on the live site. Description is MORE INFO ON XXX on the live site. I'm not sure if this is doable since it is Base, but let me know if you have any other suggestions. Thanks!(General)trueEmma SatchellResolvedQuestionHello Mikayla, I've been informed by Jen Krepelka that we are unable to change the fields (as they are controlled by the platform, Base). If advertisers continue to run into this as an issue, please let us know.
03/02/23Bea GreanyNavigaRate Line Addition/Adjustmentno error, just need prices zeroed for these house ad campaigns, and the campaigns moved along in the review process.I successfully fixed campaign 9599 (without bugging you) by adding the $0 OBC rate line for Women in Packaging and deleting the $$ full-page ad line entry (which was wrong).PMMI & PMG house campaignsmultiple. PMMI: 10524, 10254, 10196, 10180. PMG: 10287trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingHello, these orders have been zeroed out and they're moved to R2 or later. One is in R2 (waiting on Courtney) and the rest are confirmed.
03/23/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this new EBS campaign. Thanks!PMMI Media Group10608trueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingUpdated! Thanks Mikayala!
03/22/23Brian GronowskiOtherOthernMDT is linking to an old Show Daily page. SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeLink has been updated and will be reflected in MDT first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks for catching this, Brian!
03/22/23Mikayala DelsonLeadworksRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!PMMI Media Group10606trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedBilling
03/28/23Bea GreanyLeadworksLeadworks Issuead links are broken. I'm getting the “500 Internal Server Error” message when clicking on any/all advertiser links in emails tests and deployed emails. I've checked email tests sent today plus Editors' Picks NL deployed at 9:30 am today,. Also clicked in yesterday's PW supplied HTML Messe Dusseldorf eblsat and Hand Picked NL.editorial links function as expected.allalln/atrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Bug
03/28/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentI'd like to zero out this house order. thanks!Updated!PMMI Media Group10624trueEmma SatchellResolvedBilling
03/28/23Stephanie HaagNavigaProduct IssueThe wrong webinar eblast was used. It needs to be switched to industry webinarepac SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeUpdated
03/29/23Reed SimonsisNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPatrick tried entering eblast dates for PFW Standard eblast but it was not popping up and could not ad ratelineI noticed that the PFW Standard Eblast line item is inactive in Naviga and cannot be added to any order or dates looked up. Can we get this back active to add to orders?Saftey Chain Software10626N/AEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has been fixed! Apologies for the error.
03/29/23Brian GronowskiMediumOtherOthernMDT link is broken to GP and SLSataketrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorLinks have been updated and will be reflected in MDT first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks for catching this, Brian!Yes
03/30/23PATRICK YOUNGMinorNavigaOtherThe NBK order was closed in MP but the added revenues are not showing up in my dashboardsame as aboveNBK AmericaOPP 10484trueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - Sales RepPatrick followed up - he needed to wait for the inventory to be added, now visible to him.
03/29/23Riley PhoenixLeadworksLeadworks IssueThere is no LW campaign/record for this 4/14/23 Mundo video eblast. The confirmed date in Naviga is 3/3/23. SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorPlease double-check to make sure the correct LW reporting was created, but it should be there now! Thank you for your patience, Riley!Needed external ID on line item
03/29/23MaryAnn CoyleMajorLeadworksReporting IssueI would like some insight into the desparity between omeda send PMMICD230312005 and the leads that landed in Leadworks. I understand why some of the clicks wouldn't reach Leadworks report like pmmi emails or suppliers but when looking at the click report in omeda, there are some end-users that look like they clicked but didn't make it into Leadworks. I have attached the Omeda Click report.Not super urgent but client and I are in discussions about these results.Portland KettleWorks SatchellResolvedQuestionKelly Greeby said this ticket was resolved. Please reach out to her if you have further questions!Yes
03/31/23Lee AshcroftMajorNavigaCustom Product RequestNo errors. Just need help adding as I am not authorizedBradman-Lake were late to the table this year but they really want to be in Leaders asap. They are prepared to pay for the 15k pro level on a similar deal to Nuspark. Meaning, everything will be the same but their two full page ads will be later in the year and then we will double their retargeted ad impressions to 40k instead of 20k to make up for the lack of buyer’s guide etc.. Also, for the last few years, Christine gave them a free Leaderboard banner for three weeks on in exchange for signing up to LIP and they wanted to get that again. Are we able to go into their Opportunity for Leaders in Naviga and add: Leaders Pro level with 40k impressions and 2 full page ads running in May 1st and September 1st issues Leaderboard ad for October 1st – October 21st on As far as their category selections and LinkedIn dates, I am expecting the form back from them soon and will relay this info on to you asap. In addition to Leaders, they are also purchasing GamePlan and 100k impressions in 3rd party banner ads, so it’s a good spend amount 😊 Thanks so much for your help! Let me know if there’s anything else you need from me!Bradman-LakeWENDY SAWTELLtrueEmma SatchellResolvedBillingYes
03/31/23WENDY SAWTELLMinorNavigaOtherIssue adding an attachment to the plan...the "+" sign is not working. Attachment below if someone can add.Error with document itself. Please follow up should this error occur again.Bradman-Lake10631trueEmma SatchellResolvedUser Error - Sales RepYes
03/31/23WENDY SAWTELLCriticalNavigaMissing a date/Need a dateThis is super urgent because it's a repeat and Reed is going to load this to Facebook to start today (if I can get signature in time). BUying two targeted FB campaigns and need to add one for PFW that starts today, March 31st.Added3-A Sanitary10638trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeYes
03/31/23Roxsy MangianteMinorNavigaMissing a date/Need a datePlease add the start dateIt does not allow me to build the proposalHigh Tek106363901trueEmma SatchellResolvedProduct Update/Close Date ChangeCompleteYes
04/03/23Bea GreanyNavigaOtherI cannot get into Naviga. logged in the page just spins - refer to screenshotOthers are also having issues with Naviga access. System appears to be down.allallalltrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem BugNaviga was down for a few moments. Came back up before I could click send on my ticket.
04/03/23Jen KrepelkaProduct HubUpdate Content Creation Product for Design Services Turn Around Time.Under the Content Creation Product for all brands can we please add some updated language that says for all design services you must reach out at least 2 weeks prior to the desired completion date.trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorContent Creation language has been updated. Please let us know if you would like further updating.
04/03/23Brian GronowskiMinorNavigaOthernThe order was approved over 2-weeks ago and not yet Closed Won statusPSG Wilden10466trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
04/03/23Mikayala DelsonNavigaSalesForce/Naviga syncI'm trying to figure out why PSG Wilden order #10466 not at closed won stage yet. It was client approved on March 16PSG Wilden10466trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration Error
04/04/23Mikayala DelsonOtherReporting IssueIn Addaptive, I'm unable to pull the Last 30 Days metrics for this campaign: PW_65604_MaterialTransfer_BulkHandling_010123_thru_123123When I try to pull the metrics for last 30 days, it says N/A. See screenshot attached.Material Transfer998765604JENNIFER BRINKResolvedUser Error - CSTSent the report to Mikayla
03/31/23Christine SmallwoodMinorOtherReporting IssueRefreshing my Opportunities Report - but Specialty Equipment is not appearing as a line item.Naviga Proposal 10628 (Opportunities List)10628n/atrueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorHi Christine! I am closing this out here since Ryan is on the case!YesJenn: I checked and the company is correct in both SF and Naviga. Christine is assigned to the company in SF. What else should be done to have this opportunity show up for her? Ryan is looking into why this isn't on her view. Waiting for him to confirm this is fixed.
05/03/23Stephanie HaagMinorLeadworksLeadworks Issuethere are not any categories that show up for the engagement reports for Mundo Leaders.rysontrueEmma SatchellResolvedSystem Configuration ErrorThis has now been fixed! question to Elizabeth, also reached out to Lauren to see if she is PMing Líderes
11/03/23Christine SmallwoodMinorNavigaRate Line Addition/AdjustmentPlease send Ronchi the proposal to sign for Naviga 11471; CM&P Newsletter for CPA members - they requested date March 8, 2024; 3/8/2024. Please confirm.Ronchi11471CM&P Newsletter for 3/8/2024trueDominique CarmonaResolvedNot an errorAdded!
02/27/24ELIZABETH TIERNEYMajorNavigaProduct IssueI need a linkedin targeted campaign ASAP for 3M. They'd like it to go out next Friday, but that has already closed and there isn't inventory again until May 10th!

Audience is food and bev end users, sustainability, e-comm, bagging/pouching wrapping.

We are investigating whether we can accommodate this request, depending on the audiences currently running in March for PW LinkedIn. Please note, PFW LinkedIn is fully available if you'd like to run under PFW instead of PW.

UPDATE: We (Jenn/Emma) will update you with whether we can accommodate this request.
3M12074trueEmma SatchellResolvedNot an errorPFW linkedin was added to the plan.
04/15/24Reed SimonsisMinorLeadworksLeadworks IssueCampaign clean up for Webinar. Please transfer leads to from Please delete the old campaigns once finish.Slack me with questions (jenn)Hexagon--trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedFixed!
06/17/24WENDY SAWTELLCriticalOtherNeed to move the dateMadysen told me she could deploy this ad on June 28th, but I'm unable to select the date in Naviga. Can someone add the date, so I can get the order signed today so they can get us materials asap? Thanks.SC&H12350trueJENNIFER BRINKResolvedMoving DateOssid is marked rescheduling... moved to 7/5 and gave wendy the 6/28 date.