1 | |  | CAMDEN COUNTY |
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2 | |  | District Based |
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3 | | | Audubon School District | Audubon SEPAC (Special Education Advisory Committee) | | | | | | Noelle Bisinger | Director of Special Education | nbisinger@audubonschools.org | | https://www.audubonschools.org/departments/child-study-team/sepac | | |
4 | | | Barrington School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Renee Gonnella | Director of Special Education | rgonnella@barringtonschools.net | | No info | | |
5 | | | Bellmawr School District | Bellmawr SEPAG | | | | | | Shannon Kemp | Director of Special Education | skemp@bellmawrschools.org | | https://www.bellmawrschools.org/page/child-study-team | | |
6 | | | Berlin Borough School District | Berlin Borough SEPAG | | | | | | Ashley Power | Director of Special Education | powera@bcsberlin.org | | https://www.bcsberlin.org/Page/190 | | |
7 | | | Berlin Twp School District | Berlin Township SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) | | | | | | Kristin Braidwood | Special Education Director | kbraidwood@btwpschools.org | | https://www.btwpschools.org/child-study-team/parent-advisory-committee | | |
8 | | | Black Horse Pike Regional | Black Horse Pike Regional SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) | | | | | | Erika Silich | Special Education Director | esilich@bhprsd.org | | https://www.bhprsd.org/domain/50 | | |
9 | | | Brooklawn School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Patricia Moulton | Director | pmoulton@alicecostello.com | | No info | | |
10 | | | Camden City School District | No active SEPAG | | | Christine Nemeth | Senior Manager of Special Education | cnemeth@camden.k12.nj.us | Tishara Landi | Acting Supervisor of Special Education | tlandi@camden.k12.nj.us | | No info | | |
11 | | | Camden County Technical School District (Sicklerville) | SEPAG | | | | | | Leo Lampman | Special Education Director | llampman@ccts.net | | https://gloucester.ccts.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=262153&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=506168 | | |
12 | | | Camden Prep, Inc. | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Kristen Newhart | Director? | kristen.newhart@camden-prep.org | | No info | | |
13 | | | Camden's Promise Charter School | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Melissa Hocko | Special Education Director | mhocko@camdencsn.org | | No info | | |
14 | | | Cherry Hill School District | Cherry Hill SEPAG | Meredith Levin | Parent leader | | | cherryhillsepag@gmail.com, | Caitlin Mallory | Special Education Director | cmallory@chclc.org | | https://www.chclc.org/Page/1249 | | |
15 | | | Clementon School District | Clementon SEPAG | | | | | | Meghan Gifford | Special Education Director | giffordm@clementon.k12.nj.us | | https://www.clemsd.org/Special-Education/SEPAG/index.html | | |
16 | | | Collingswood School District | Collingswood/Oaklyn SEPAG | Ali Haegele | Parent leader | | | colls.sepag@gmail.com | Dr Elizabeth Whitehouse | Special Education Director | ewhitehouse@collsk12.org | | https://www.collsk12.org/article/772895 | https://www.facebook.com/p/Collingswood-and-Oaklyn-Schools-SEPAG-100090324309703/?_rdr | |
17 | | | Eastern Camden County Regional School District (Voorhees) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Suan Roth | Director of Special Services | sroth@eccrsd.us | | No info | | |
18 | | | Gibbsboro School District | Gibbsboro SEPAG | | | | | | Kristin Ternowyj | Supervisor of Special Services | kternowyj@gibbsboroschool.org | | https://www.gibbsboroschool.org/departments/special-services/special-education-parent-advisory-groupsepag | | |
19 | | | Gloucester City School District | Gloucester City SEPAG | | | | | | Jennifer Connell | Director | jconnell@gcsd.k12.nj.us | | https://www.gcsd.k12.nj.us/Page/107 | | |
20 | | | Gloucester Twp School District | Gloucester Township SEPAG | | | | | | Violet Martin | Director of Special Services | vmartin@gloucestertownshipschools.org | | https://www.gloucestertownshipschools.org/page/special-services | | |
21 | | | Haddon Heights School District | Haddon Height School District SEPAG | | | | | | Jocqueline Renner | Special Education Director | rennerj@gogarnets.com | | https://www.gogarnets.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=550285&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=1055977 | | |
22 | | | Haddon Twp School District | Haddon Township SEPAG/SEPAC | | | | | | Dana Cotter | Special Education Director | dcotter@htsd.us | | https://www.htsd.us/departments/special-education/sepag-special-education-parent-advisory-group | | |
23 | | | Haddonfield School District | Haddonfield SEPAG | Ellen Woodcock | Parent Leader | Earlene Sorrento | Parent Leader | haddonfieldsepag@gmail.com | Dana Blair | Special Education Director | dblair@haddonfield.k12.nj.us | | https://childstudy.haddonfieldschools.org/ | | |
24 | | | Hi Nella - Stratford School District | Stratford Special Education Parent Advisory Committee | | | | | | Devon Shafer | Special Education Director | schaferd@stratford.k12.nj.us | | https://www.stratford.k12.nj.us/m/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=88755&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=657527 | | |
25 | | | Hope Community Charter School (Camden) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Jennifer Smith | Chief Executive Officer | smith@hopecommunitycharter.org | | No info | | |
26 | | | KIPP: Cooper Norcross, A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Ken Calemmo | Principal | kcalemmo@kippnj.org | | No info | | |
27 | | | LEAP Academy University Charter School (Camden) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Tugba Hoguet | Director of ESL & Special Services | Tugba@leap.rutgers.edu | | No info | | |
28 | | | Laurel Springs School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Deborah McLaughlin | CST Coordinator | dmclaughlin@laurelspringschool.org | | No info | | |
29 | | | Lawnside School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Carmen Henderson | Special Education Director | chenderson@lawnside.k12.nj.us | | No info | | |
30 | | | Lindenwold School District | Lindenwold SEPAG | | | | | | Adrienne McManis | Special Education Director | amcmanis@lindenwold.k12.nj.us | | https://www.lindenwold.k12.nj.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=35 | | |
31 | | | Magnolia School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Karen Macpherson | Special Education Director | kmacpherson@magnoliaschools.org | | No info | | |
32 | | | Mastery Schools of Camden, Inc. | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | No info | | SPECIALIZED.SERVICES@MASTERYCHARTER.ORG | | No info | | |
33 | | | Merchantville School District | Merchantville SEPAG | | | | | | Scott Strong | Chief Admin Officer | strong@merchantville.k12.nj.us | | https://www.merchantvilleschool.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=554447&type=d | | |
34 | | | Mount Ephraim School District | Mount Ephraim Special Education Parent Advisory Committee | | | | | | Christina Battiato | Special Education Director | cbattiato@mtephraimschools.com | | https://sites.google.com/mtephraimschools.com/mount-ephraim-special-services/sepag | | |
35 | | | Oaklyn Public School | Collingswood/Oaklyn SEPAG | Ali Haegele | Parent Leader | | | colls.sepag@gmail.com | Dr Elizabeth Whitehouse | Special Education Director | ewhitehouse@collsk12.org | | https://www.collsk12.org/article/772895 | https://www.facebook.com/p/Collingswood-and-Oaklyn-Schools-SEPAG-100090324309703/?_rdr | |
36 | | | Pennsauken School District | Pennsauken SEPAG | | | | | | Michael McGovern | Director of Student Support Services | mmcgovern@pennsauken.net | | No info | | |
37 | | | Pine Hill School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Amy Francis | Director | afrancis@pinehillschools.org | | No info | | |
38 | | | Runnemede School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Gladys Hubbard | Director of Special Services | ghubbard@runnemedeschools.org | | No info | | |
39 | | | Somerdale School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Greg Cesare | Director of Special Education | gcesare@somerdale-park.org | | No info | | |
40 | | | Sterling Regional School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Debra Sukinik | Supervisor of Special Education | dsukinik@sterling.k12.nj.us | | No info | | |
41 | | | Stratford School District | Stratford Special Education Parent Advisory Committee | | | | | | Devon Shafer | Special Education Director | schaferd@stratford.k12.nj.us | | https://www.stratford.k12.nj.us/m/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=88755&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=657527 | | |
42 | | | Voorhees Twp School District | Voorhees Special Education Parent Advisory Committee | | | | | | Melody Alegria | Director of Special Education | alegria@voorhees.k12.nj.us | | https://www.voorhees.k12.nj.us/Page/407 | | |
43 | | | Waterford Twp School District | Hammonton, Waterford, & Folsom SEPAG | | | | | | Amanda Magenta | Director of Special Education | amagenta@wtsd.org | | No info | https://www.facebook.com/SEPAGHammonton/ | |
44 | | | Winslow Twp School District | Winslow SEPAG | | | | | | Robert Riccarro | Director of Special Education | riccarro@winslow-schools.com | | https://www.winslow-schools.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=324524&type=d&pREC_ID=611547#:~:text=Special%20Education%20Parent%20Advisory%20Group,concerning%20students%20with%20special%20needs. | | |
45 | | | Woodlynne School District | Woodlynne SEPAG | | | | | | Amy Collins | CST Supervisor | acollins@woodlynne.k12.nj.us | | https://www.woodlynne.k12.nj.us/page/sepag | | |
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47 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |