UCOP Community Safety Plan Training
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De-escalation - Enhancing Strategies for Everyday Encounters
January 2025This training program provides law enforcement with the understanding of de-escalation, both in definition and practice. This training will define de-escalation, describe common ways it is regularly used by law enforcement, aid in the documentation of officers'de-escalation efforts, and reveal how it impacts the profession and influences public perception.

The program is designed to reinforce, strengthen, and demonstrate what officers are very likely already doing, while revealing some new approaches. In addition to building on techniques and strategies that officers already use, this training program will introduce some new skills and demonstrate how de-escalation is effective for routine calls as well as high-intensity situations.
Beyond Bias: Racial & Identity Profiling Update
October 2024This course meets the Racial & Identity Profiling Update Training mandate per California Penal Code Section 13519.4.
Active Shooter Response Training
June 2024UCIPD held an active shooter response training at the UCI campus. The training consisted of live-fire range, classroom and tactics review, tactics skill stations and scenarios with the use of a variety of training aids.
Domestic Violence Response Update
November 2023This interactive training includes hearing from experts, learning about the dynamics of power and control in abusive relationships, practicing interviews while incorporating a lethality assessment, determining Penal Code violations and offering support and services to victims all while applying updates to the law.
Beyond Bias: Racial & Identity Profiling Update
November 2023This course meets the Racial & Identity Profiling Update Training mandate per California Penal Code Section 13519.4.
Active Shooter Response Training
November 2023UCIPD officers conducted active shooter response training with partners from the Orange Police Department and Orange City Fire Department. The training consisted of live-fire range, classroom and tactics review, tactics skill stations and scenarios with the use of a variety of training aids.
Office of Inclusive Excellence Certificate
QuarterlyThe UCI strategic plan Bright Past. Brilliant Future aims to mobilize the campus in the service of inclusive excellence. At the center of this vision is the imperative to expect equity, support diversity, practice inclusion, and honor free speech. The Inclusive Excellence Certificate Program advances UCI’s commitment to these principles. It equips the campus community – faculty, students, and staff at both the main campus and medical center – to appreciate UCI from the vantage point of different campus constituencies.
Mandatory Quarterly Training
August 2023Training for Public Safety Ambassadors and Public Safety Responders at the UCI Medical Center:
Crisis Prevention Institute
Mandatory Department Training
July 2023This training for officers included:
First Aid/CPR/AED
UCI Counseling Center - Assessing Psychological and Suicidal Distress
Free Speech/Constructive Engagement
Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity - Title IX and SVSH Policy
Use of Force
June & July 2023Included in briefing training. Reviewed UCIPD Policy 300 for Use of Force.
Dispatcher Training:
De-escalation - Enhancing Strategies for Everyday Encounters
Initial Response to Critical Incidents
Mental Health - Response to Individuals in Crisis
June 2023All dispatchers completed online training focused on de-escalation, critical incidents and responding to individuals in crisis.
UCI Counseling Center
May 2023The UCI Counseling Center provided briefing training for officers regarding the 5150 process.
Crisis Intervention Incidents
April 2023Included in briefing training. Reviewed UCIPD Policy 416 for Crisis Intervention Incidents.
Trauma-Informed Approaches to SVSH Investigations
April 2023Training provided by UCI Campus Assault Resources and Education (CARE) on trauma-informed practices. Presented by Dr. Mandy Mount, licensed psychologist and Founder of UCI CARE.
Disney's Approach to Quality Service
April 2023All officers, dispatchers, public safety supervisors and select front desk staff participated in Disney Institute's on-demand Disney's Approach to Quality Service course.
Sexual Assault
February 2023Included in briefing training. Reviewed UCIPD Policy 601 for Sexual Assault.
Breaching Training
February 2023This training consisted of practical application in mechanical and kinetic breaching. The goal of this training was to provide officers with the tools, knowledge and opportunity to breach a variety of obstacles in preparation for an active shooter situation or other emergency.
Crisis Intervention Training (Dispatchers)
2022This course provides public safety dispatchers with an overview of mental illness, tools to assess suicidal callers and crisis intervention techniques. Students will be involved in live role-playing scenarios in a controlled learning environment involving mental health issues that dispatchers will encounter. Instruction and scenarios encompass the intersection of crisis calls and mental health involvement, including: suicide, PTSD, depression, bipolar, dissociative identity disorder, excited delirium, developmental disabilities, Alzheimer's/dementia and substance abuse disorders. Students will be provided with a better understanding of crisis communications and how to provide intervention and assistance.
Use of Force
December 2022Included in December 2022 briefing training. Reviewed UCIPD Policy 300 for Use of Force.
Crowd Control Management
December 2022This training prepared law enforcement officers for the changing dynamics of civil unrest. Officers were trained to mitigate injuries as well as to protect constitutional rights.
Active Shooter Training
November 2022UCIPD partnered with the Irvine Police Department and Orange County Fire Authority to train on active shooter response exercises. Officers and dispatchers participated in hands-on drills and scenarios.
Hate Crimes Investigations
October 2022This course prepares law enforcement first responders to recognize, document and investigate hate crimes. Students will learn about state and federal hate crime laws, how to support hate crime victims, and hate crimes trends in the United States. The course is inclusive of all hate crime bias motivation types including sexual orientation and gender identity.
Active Shooter Training
August 2022Officers and dispatchers participated in classroom and practical training on active shooter response.
Diversity Awareness Training Video for Police Departments/Law Enforcement
August 2022Training video covers the following topics:
1. Recognizing and addressing implicit bias
2. Diversity awareness
3. Seeing how stereotypes impact relationships
4. Effectively engaging diverse communities
Sexual Assault Investigations
April 2022This course provides first responding officers with tools to conduct more effective investigations. The tools are based on the dynamics, law, and victimization associated with these highly traumatic calls for service.

Course topics include:
Elements of Crime
Legal Update
Interviewing Victims & Witnesses
Interrogating Suspects
Investigative Steps and Evidence
Victim Dynamics & Trauma Informed responses
De-escalation & Legal Updates
January 2022Included in January 2022 briefing training
Use of Force (Perishable Skills Program)
November 2021The intent of the course is to improve the student’s knowledge of use of force laws and policies as well as critical decision-making skills. The course consists of facilitated discussion, case study analysis, and scenarios for in-service personnel.
Disability Services Center (DSC)
November 2021Campus partner training for all Sworn members of UCIPD
Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity (OEOD)
November 2021Campus partner training for all Sworn members of UCIPD
UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement
November 2021Campus partner training for all Sworn members of UCIPD
Mental Health Intervention Training
November 2021This course is designed to train law enforcement officers to handle crisis situations involving people of all ages with serious mental illnesses and developmental disabilities. Topics include crisis and suicide intervention, officer and public safety, medications, overview of mental health services, cultural and linguistic diversity, legal issues, and disposition options.
NW3C Webinar: Wellness in 2020 Policing
October 2021The year 2020 has brought an onslaught of new challenges in the criminal justice world. While officer wellness has always been an important topic, it is especially critical now. Law enforcement professionals share the importance and necessity of wellness and mental health programs for criminal justice professionals.
UCLC Managing Implicit Bias Series
2020-2021University of California Learning Center provides a series of six e-courses regarding Implicit Bias:
(1) What is Implicit Bias? (2) The Impact of Implicit Bias (3) Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias - Awareness (4) Common Forms of Bias (5) Managing the Influence of Implicit Bias - Mindfulness and Conscious De-biasing (6) Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process
UCOP Webinar - Gender Identity and Gender Inclusive Best Practices
May 2021Gender inclusive communication is evolving as people increasingly embrace diverse gender identities, pronouns, and lived names. This session helps prepare investigators and other professionals to build better rapport and to consider the nuances of respectful and clear documentation.
Investigations for Law Enforcement: A Trauma-Informed Approach
(selected staff)
2021The course introduced learners to trauma-informed approaches and attributes, creating a broader awareness of the importance and nuances of trauma-informed responsive policing in service to building trust in victims - including in marginalized communities - and increasing sexual assault prosecution and convictions. Course material made evident that when law enforcement incorporate trauma-informed core principles and strategies into investigations, these principles and strategies can become standard practice within law enforcement agencies. As practice becomes standard and departmental culture evolves, community policing efforts will become more effective, thus increasing cooperation between sexual assault victims and law enforcement.
Cultural Diversity
2021This training helps students understand how biases, stereotyping, and cultural humility concepts impact present-day policing practices. By increasing cultural humility, dispelling myths about common stereotypes, and understanding implicit biases, participants will improve community relationships and increase officer safety. Students learn principled policing techniques and communication strategies to effectively interact with diverse populations to gain greater voluntary compliance.
Implicit Bias & Racial Profiling
2021This training outlines differences between racism, racial profiling, and criminal profiling. Attendees analyze how implicit bias, stereotypes, and racial profiling impact individual interactions and overall trust within the community. Attendees will be able to apply strategies and perspective to dispel common stereotypes and biases about certain populations to increase officer safety, while using principled policing techniques to gain greater voluntary compliance. Course identifies relevant legal, ethical, and community considerations when working with diverse populations.
Critical Incident Response, Use of Force & De-Escalation
2020-2021Attendees will learn the most important elements of responding to and safely resolving critical incidents. Topics covered in class: use of force, threat analysis, de-escalation, command and control, perimeter tactics, ICS, active shooter, hostage/barricade, officer involved incidents, media relations, critical incident stress debriefing, and after action protocol.
Building a Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Workplace and Community
September 2020The goal of this training course is to provide participants with knowledge, awareness and skills in order to build a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace and community. It is an interactive training that will cover the following topics: implicit bias, fair and impartial policing, ethical and responsible decision-making, de-escalation, cultural diversity/human relations, critical thinking, and social and emotional competencies.
CARE Briefing Training
July 2020Advocates from Campus Assault Resources & Education (CARE) provided training for officers on what options and resources they can provide to victims.
Bias & Racial Profiling
June 2020The goal of this training was to provide law enforcement with an understanding of historical contexts and how they affect law enforcement’s ability to serve. This training reviewed the idea of history as it relates to racial bias and community perceptions, review potential ways biases may affect decision making, reveal how bias and profiling impact the profession and influences public perception, identify various communities’ perspectives and concerns, and reflect on diversity within law enforcement agencies.

Officers were guided through scenarios based on the following four topics:
1. History and Why It Matters
2. The Importance of Community
3. Understanding Bias and Profiling
4. Recognizing Diverse Cultures & Populations
Crisis Intervention &
2020This course will update officers on use of force changes from AB392 emphasizing de-escalation techniques, implicit bias, cultural awareness, and respecting the dignity and worth of human life. The training is also designed to enhance officer response to persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities, mental illness, and/or substance use disorders. It is an interactive course where, through group learning activities, participants will practice effective communication techniques to increase voluntary compliance and defuse tense situations. Students will participate in discussion, demonstrations, and role plays.
Sexual Assault for First Responders
Varies - all officers attendThis course provides first responding officers with tools to conduct more effective investigations. The instructional team includes a law enforcement officer, a prosecutor, and an advocate, all of whom have extensive experience handling sexual assault crimes.
Domestic Violence for First Responders
2020This course is for patrol officers and supervisors responsible for the preliminary response to domestic violence calls. This interactive training provides students with skills necessary to safely and successfully handle these calls for service. A dynamic and multi-disciplinary team of instructors provide case examples, facilitate discussion around common challenges and provide strategies for overcoming those issues.
Trauma Informed Interviewing
December 2019This was a training provided by UCI Campus Assault Resources & Education (CARE). The training reviewed how trauma affects the brain and other physiological effects of trauma. Officers were also trained on best practices when interviewing survivors of sexual assault.
Unconscious/Implicit Bias Performance
October 2019A theatrical performance about implicit biases by Pure Praxis, a social theater group dedicated to cultural change. This was a performance hosted by the Office of Access and Inclusion.
Mental Health Videos Briefing Training
October 2019Officers watched four videos relating to law enforcement response and handling of mental health issues in the field.
LEO Autism Awareness
October 2019This was an online training for autism awareness. It provided training for best practices for law enforcement officers responding to individuals with autism.
UCI Disability Center Briefing Training
March 2019The Disability Services Center (DSC) trained officers during briefing about the role of the DSC, the disabilities officers may come into contact within the campus community, both visible and invisible, and best practices for officers during calls for service.
UCI LGBTQ+ Resource Center Briefing Training
September 2018The LGBTQ+ RC held a briefing training for officers to provide an overview of the LGBTQ+ community, its history on campus, and the resources the center provides. The training also addressed the use of pronouns and how officers can better serve others during calls for service.