| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Absecon School District | no group information found - Absecon Advisory Group | 800 Irelan Ave | Absecon | NJ | 08201 | Lindsay | Reed | Director of Special Education | 609-641-5375 x 1033 | | lreed@abseconschools.org | | | | | | abseconsepag@gmail.com | https://www.abseconschools.org/domain/250 | https://www.facebook.com/groups/406573919810587/ | | | | |
4 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Atlantic City School District | Atlantic City School District SEPAG | 1300 Atlantic Ave
6th Floor | Atlantic City | New Jersey | 08401 | Pamela | Hennelly | Director
Student Services and Special Education | 609-343-7200 EXT 5016 | | phennelly@acboe.org | Maria | Bernard | | | Parent Leaders | mariabern54@gmail.com | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/592292111510994/ | | | | |
5 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Atlantic Community Charter School | no group information found | 112 South New York Rd. | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Dr. Steve | DiMatteo | Director of Special Education | (609)428-4300 | | sdimatteo@atlanticcommunitycharter.com | | | | | | | | | | | | |
6 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Atlantic County Vocational School District | Atlantic County Institute of Technology SEPAG | 5080 Atlantic Ave | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 | Suzanne | Pulman | Child Study Team Department Chair | 609-625-2249 ext. 1214 | | spulman@acitech.org | Tatsiana | DaGrosa | 609-214-9872 | | Parent Leader | tatsianadagrosa@comcast.net | https://www.acitech.org/pf4/cms2/view_page?d=x&group_id=1611734687808&vdid=i21d2v9rm12c8 | https://www.facebook.com/groups/2825734707515225/ | | | | |
7 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Brigantine Public Schools | no group information found | 301 East Evans Boulevard | Brigantine | NJ | 08203 | Lisa | Glick | Special Ed Coordinator | (609)264-9501 | | lglick@brigantineschools.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
8 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Buena Regional School District | no group information found - Buena School District Special Education Parent Advisory Group | 1501 Central Avenue | Minotola | NJ | 08341 | Amy | Sack | Supervisor of Special Education Services | 856-697-8080 ext 6201 | 856-697-8087 | asack@buena.k12.nj.us | Lori | Jones | (856) 899-9737 | | | wishnstar@comcast.net | | | | | | |
9 | | School District | 09/28/21 | chARTer~TECH High School for the Performing Arts | Special Education Parent Advisory Council | 413 New Road | Somers Point | NJ | 08244 | Michelle | Cori | Supervisor of Special Education Services | 609-652-7118 | | mcori@chartertech.org | | | | | | | https://www.chartertech.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=341577&type=d | | | | | |
10 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Egg Harbor City School District | Parent Advisory Group | 730 Havana Avenue | Egg Harbor City | NJ | 08215 | Dr. Gina | Forester | Special Ed. Coordinator | (609)965-1034 ext 143 | | gforester@eggharborcityschools.com | | | | | | | https://www.ehcs.k12.nj.us/cms/lib/NJ02207385/Centricity/Domain/12/Egg%20Harbor%20City%20Public%20Schools%20SPED%20Parent%20Group%20Information.pdf | | | | | |
11 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Egg Harbor Township School | EHT Special Education Resource Group | 2499 Spruce Avenue | Egg Harbor Township | NJ | 08234 | Raymond | Dorso | Director of Special Education | 609-646-7911 x1020 | | dorsor@eht.k12.nj.us | Lisa Vargas | and Kim Minshall | | | Parent Co-Chairs | lmc912@yahoo.com; kimmyminsh@gmail.com | | https://www.facebook.com/pages/EHT-Special-Education-Resource-Group/176052228324 | | | Parent/Teacher/Staff Special Education Resource Group helping parents and children in the school and community | |
12 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Estell Manor School District | no group information found | 128 Cape May Avenue | Estell Manor | NJ | 08319-1735 | Joelle | Tenaglia | Director of Child Study Team | (609)476-2267 | | jtenaglia@estellmanorschool.com | | | | | | | | | | | | |
13 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Folsom Boro School District | Folsom/Hammonton SEPAG | 566 Old Forks Road | Hammonton | NJ | 08037 | Amanda | Petersen | Chairperson of Child Study Team | (609)561-8666 ext. 118 | | APetersen@folsomschool.org | Jessica | Comunale | (609) 214-1612 | | Parent Leader | HammontonSEPAG@gmail.com | https://hammontonsepag.weebly.com/; https://www.folsomschool.org/Page/176 | https://www.facebook.com/SEPAGHammonton/ | | | The Hammonton/Folsom SEPAG is a group of individuals working together to improve the programs within the Hammonton and Folsom School Districts. The group meets 4 times a year. | |
14 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Galloway Township Public Schools | Special Education Parental Advisory Committee | 101S. Reeds Road | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Jennifer | Baldwin | Director of Special Education | 6097481250 x1612 | | Baldwinj@gtps.k12.nj.us | | | | | | | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/214930126530399/ | | | | |
15 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Greater Egg Harbor Regional School District | Special Education Advisory Council | 1824 Dr. Dennis Foreman Drive | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 | Meg | Gawalis | District Supervisor of Special Services | 609-909-2600 ext. 2719 | | mgawalis@gehrhsd.net | | | | | | | | | | | | |
16 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Hamilton Township School District | Hamilton Township SEPAG | 1876 Dr. Dennis Foreman Drive | Mays Landing | NJ | 08330 | Marylynn | Stecher | Supervisor of Special Education | 609-476-6313 | | stecherm@hamiltonschools.org | | | | | | | http://www.hamiltonschools.org/curriculum___programs/special_education/newsletter_and_information_links_for_parents/ | | @HTSDspecialed | | | |
17 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Hammonton School District | Hammonton SEPAG | 566 Old Forks Road | Hammonton | NJ | 08037 | Sharon | DeNafo | Supervisor of Special Education | 609-567-7000 Ext. 343 | | sdenafo@hammontonps.org | Jessica | Comunale | (609) 214-1612 | | Parent | HammontonSEPAG@gmail.com | https://hammontonsepag.weebly.com/ | https://www.facebook.com/Hammonton-SEPAG-551675848633252/ | | | The Hammonton, Waterford & Folsom SEPAG is a group of individuals working together to improve the programs within the School Districts. The group meets 4 times a year. | |
18 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Linwood City School District | Student Support Parent Advisory Committee (SSPAC) | 2015 Wabash Avenue | Linwood City | NJ | 08221 | Susann | Tahsin | Supervisor of Special Education Services | (609) 926-6709 | | susanntahsin@linwoodschools.org | Melissa | Duffy | | | Group President | melkit716@aol.com | http://www.linwoodschools.org/; https://linwoodsspac.weebly.com/ | https://www.facebook.com/SSPACLinwood/ | | | | |
19 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Mainland Regional School District | no group information found - Special Education Parent Group | 1301 OAK AVENUE | Linwood | NJ | 08221 | David | Jacobs | Director of Special Education Services | (609)927-0825 | | djacobs@mainlandregional.net | | | | | | | | | @MainlandRegHS | | | |
20 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Margate City School District | Margate City SEPAG | 8103 Winchester Avenue | Margate City | NJ | 08402 | Ryan | Gaskill | Principal/Director of Special Education | 609-822-2080 ext. 300 | | rgaskill@margateschools.org | Angie | Sciarillo | | | Parent Chairperson | angie.sciarillo@me.com | https://www.margateschools.org/domain/26 | https://www.facebook.com/MSSPAC | | | | |
21 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Mullica Township School District | Mullica Schools SEPAG | 500 Elwood Road | Elwood | NJ | 08217 | Nellie | Aponte | Supervisor of Special Education/Child Study Team Chair | 609-561-3868 x130 | | naponte@mullicaschools.com | Erin | Keiser Szabo | 609-594-7556 | | Parent Leader | mullicasepag@gmail.com | http://mullicaschools.com/sepac/ | https://www.facebook.com/Mullica-SEPAG-102237981887022 | | | | |
22 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Northfield School District | Northfield Community School
Parent Advisory Committee | 2000 New Road | Northfield | NJ | 08225 | Cynthia | Hegerman | Child Study Team Chairperson | 609-407-4014 | | chegeman@ncs-nj.org | Missy Mooney | and Bridget Downey | | | Parent Co-Chairs | misbranca@gmail.com; bdowney72@yahoo.com | https://www.ncs-nj.org/Page/1366 | https://www.facebook.com/SSPACNorthfield/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf | | | | |
23 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Pleasantville Public School District | no group information found - the NANA group: Never Alone, Never Afraid | 801 Mill Road | Pleasantville | NJ | 08232 | Karen | Farkas | Director of Child Study Team | 609-383-6800 X 2240 | | farkas.karin@pps-nj.us | Edna | Long | 609-383-9140 | | NANA group President | ednam0567@gmail.com | | | | | | |
24 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Port Republic School District | no group information found | 137 Pomona Avenue | Port Republic | NJ | 08241 | Carmine | Bonnani | Director of Special Education | (609) 652-7377 | | cbonanni@portnj.org | | | | | | | http://www.portnj.org/departments/child-study-team/ | | | | | |
25 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Principle Academy Charter School | no group information found | 6718 Black Horse Pike | Egg Harbor Township | NJ | 08234 | Benita | Kluttz-Drye | Dean of Special Education | 609-498-6356 | | benitakluttzdrye@principleacademycharter.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
26 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Somers Point School District | Somers Point SEPAG | 121 W. New York Avenue | Somers Point | NJ | 08244-1408 | Dr. Michelle | CarneyRay-Yoder | Director of Special Services | (609)927-2053 ext 3207 | | drcry@sptsd.org | | | | | | | https://www.sptsd.org/Page/1717 | | | | | |
27 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Ventnor School District | no group information found | 400 N. Lafayette Avenue | Ventnor City | NJ | 08406 | Alison | Ricciotti | Supervisor of Special Education Services | 609-487-7900 x5080 | | aricciotti@veccnj.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
28 | | School District | 09/28/21 | Weymouth Township School District | no group information found | 1202 Eleventh Avenue | Dorothy | NJ | 08317 | Maria | Palmieri | Supervisor of Special Education | (609)476-2412 | | mpalmieri@weymouthtsd.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
29 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
30 | | Community Based | | | Parent Business Network | 607 Jerome Ave | Margate | NJ | 08402 | Nina | Stolzenberg | Director of Vocational Services, Jewish Family Service of Atlantic & Cape May Counties | (609) 822-1108 x135 | | nstolzenberg@jfsatlantic.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
31 | | Community Based | | | Atlantic Woman's Group | P.O. Box 311 | Northfield | NJ | 08225 | Samantha | McManus | Counselor/Case Manager | 609-601-9925 ext. 459 | | samantha.mcmanus@acwc.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
32 | | Community Based | | | 21 DOWN Family Support Group | PO Box 205 | Northfield | NJ | 08225 | Pam | Ginet | Treasurer | 609-390-5645 | | info@21down.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
33 | | Community Based | | | Atlantic Cape Family Support Organization | 950 Tilton Road, Unit 108 | Northfield | NJ | 08225 | Rob | Schoder | Executive Director | 609-485-0575 ext 102 | 609-485-0467 | Rob@acfamsupport.org | | | | | | | | https://www.facebook.com/acfso | | | | |
34 | | Community Based | | | Faces 4 Autism | PO Box 2341 | Ventnor | NJ | 08406 | Isabelle | Mosca | Executive Director | 609-412-3750 | 609-926-9727 | facesgroup@comcast.net | | | | | | | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/FACES4Autism/ | | | | |
35 | | Community Based | | | Regional Family Support Planning Council #9 | 6550 Delilah Road, Suite 101 | Egg Harbor Township | NJ | 08234 | Mary Ann | Philippi | Chair | 609-641-1877, cell 609-334-0344 | 609-641-2842 | maryphilippi119@comcast.net | | | | | | | https://njcdd.org/the-regional-family-support-planning-councils/family-support-planning-councils/rfspc9-atlantic/ | | | | | |
36 | | Community Based | | | Atlantic County Council for Young Children | 42 S Delsea Drive | Glassboro | NJ | 08028 | Nicole | Kammer | Project Coordinator | (609) 402-2320 | 856-881-5508 | nkammer@robinestinc.org | | | | | | | http://atlanticcountycyc.org/ | | | | | |
37 | | Community Based | | | Mental Health Association of Atlantic County | 4 E Jimmie Leeds Rd, Ste 8 | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Victoria | Phillips | Executive Director | 609-652-3800 | 609-652-3801 | vphillips@mhanj.org | | | | | | | http://www.mhaac.info/index.html | | | | | |
38 | | Community Based | | | Atlantic Center for Independent Living | 4 E Jimmie Leeds Rd, Suite 7 | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Donald | Campbell | Executive Director | 609-748-2253 | | dcampbell@atlanticCIL.org | | | | | | | | | | | *Group located in basement classroom. When in parking lot looking at back of church, go in the door to the furthest left (closest to Marvin Ave), and take the stairs downstairs. | |
39 | | Community Based | | | Depression Support Group | Central Methodist Church, 5 Marvin Avenue | Linwood | NJ | 08221 | Carolyn | Quinn | | 609-652-3800 ext. 303 | | cquinn@mhanj.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
40 | | Community Based | | | Anxiety Support Group | AtlantiCare Behavioral Health, 501 Scarsboro Dr., 3rd floor | Egg harbor Township | NJ | 08234 | Carolyn | Quinn | | 609-652-3800 ext. 303 | | cquinn@mhanj.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
41 | | Community Based | | | Student Stress Relief Group | Stockton University, Wellness Center, College Walk, Room J-204 | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Jaime | Angelini | | 609-652-3800 ext. 308 | | jangelini@mhanj.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
42 | | Community Based | | | Free PEER-LED Coping Skills Group | 4 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 8 | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Jaime | Angelini | | 609-652-3800 ext. 308 | | jangelini@mhanj.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
43 | | Community Based | | | Grupo de Apoyo Para La Salud Mental | 4 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 8 | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Carolyn | Quinn | | 609-652-3800 ext. 303 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
44 | | Community Based | | | Free PEER-LED Bipolar Support Group | 13 N Hartford Ave. | Atlantic City | NJ | 08401 | Carolyn | Quinn | | 609-652-3800 ext. 303 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
45 | | Community Based | | | Speak of the Spectrum (SOS) LGBTQ Discussion Group for 18+ | 4 E. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Suite 8 | Galloway | NJ | 08205 | Carolyn | Quinn | | 609-652-3800 ext. 303 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
46 | | Community Based | | | National Federation Of The Blind Of NewJersey South Jersey Shore Chapter | | | | | Anthony | Lanzilotti | VicePresident | 609-361-3038 | | tti777@gmail.com | | | | | | tti777@gmail.com | nfbnj.org | | | | Advocating and empowering the blind,to live the lives they want. | |