1 | | ABBASI | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University Of Technology | No | 191 |
2 | | Adiga | aniadiga@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | Yes | |
3 | | Afify | hebaaffify@yahoo.com | Cairo university , Egypt | No | |
4 | | Albu | felix.albu@valahia.ro | Valahia University of Targoviste | No | |
5 | | Almansouri | halmanso@purdue.edu | Purdue University | Yes | |
6 | | Alsaqre | alsaqre@ieee.org | Al Hikma University College | No | |
7 | | An | chan@ucsd.edu | UC San Diego | No | |
8 | | Appaji | abhishek.ml@bmsce.ac.in | B.M.S. College of Engineering | No | |
9 | | Athaide | cnathaide@yahoo.com | Cygnet Risk Group | No | |
10 | | Bacca | jorge.bacca1@correo.uis.edu.co | Universidad Industrial de Santander | No | |
11 | | Baron | barondror@gmail.com | North Carolina State University | No | |
12 | | Barrientos | leya.barrientos@pucp.edu.pe | Pontifical Catholic University of Peru | Yes | |
13 | | Bayat | mxb871@case.edu | Case Western Reserve University | No | |
14 | | Bian | lihengbian@gmail.com | Tsinghua University | Yes | |
15 | | Blocker | cblocker+ieee@umich.edu | University of Michigan | Yes | |
16 | | Boominathan | 005476@imail.iitm.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | Yes | |
17 | | Borthakur | anupamborthakur@ieee.org | IIT Kharagpur | Yes | |
18 | | Brownrigg | d.brownrigg@gold.ac.uk | Goldsmiths University of London | No | |
19 | | Buzzard | buzzard@purdue.edu | Purdue University | No | |
20 | | Cambareri | valerio.cambareri@uclouvain.be | Université catholique de Louvain | No | |
21 | | Chakravorty | hitesh_chtvy@yahoo.co.in | Government of Assam, India | No | |
22 | | Chang | rickchang@cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
23 | | Chen | cchen10@mix.wvu.edu | Michigan State University | No | |
24 | | Chen | huaijin.chen@gmail.com | SenseBrain Technology Ltd. LLC | No | |
25 | | Cheng | lcheng5@ualberta.ca | University of Alberta | No | |
26 | | Chi | chimax.089@gmail.com | Purdue University | Yes | |
27 | | Chun | iychun@hawaii.edu | University of Hawaii, Manoa | No | |
28 | | Correa Pugliese | clavicop@udel.edu | University of Delaware | Yes | |
29 | | Cruces | sergio@us.es | Universidad de Sevilla | No | |
30 | | D | sugumar.ssd@gmail.com | Karunya | No | |
31 | | Dalla Mura | mauro.dallamura@ieee.org | GIPSA-lab, Grenoble Institute of Technology; Tokyo Institute of Technology | No | |
32 | | DATTA | sumit89@iitg.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati | No | |
33 | | Dhurairajan | vijaya1183@gmail.com | National Institute of Technology | Yes | |
34 | | Domingues | ines.domingues@isec.pt | Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra | No | |
35 | | Doshi | ashishd@ieee.org | Curtin University | No | |
36 | | Elgendy | oelgendy@ieee.org | GigaJot Tech | No | |
37 | | Esmaeili Salehani | yaser.esmaeili@gmail.com | Queen's University | No | |
38 | | Fang | fanglu@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
39 | | Fezza | sidahmed.fezza@gmail.com | National Institute of Telecommunications and ICT | No | |
40 | | Galvis-Carreno | lgalvis@udel.edu | University of Delaware | Yes | |
41 | | Gao | orangez@amazon.com | Amazon | No | |
42 | | Gardiner | b.gardiner@ulster.ac.uk | Ulster University, UK | No | |
43 | | Gelvez | tatiana.gelvez@correo.uis.edu.co | Universidad Industrial de Santander | Yes | |
44 | | Ghani | muhammadusman.ghani@philips.com | Philips Research North America | No | |
45 | | Ghosh | rajkrishanghosh@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India | Yes | |
46 | | Gokhale | tgokhale@andrew.cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
47 | | Gong | gonggh08@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
48 | | Greene | joeg18@bu.edu | Boston University | Yes | |
49 | | Gungor | alpergungor@windowslive.com | Aselsan Research Center | No | |
50 | | Gupta | ee17s021@smail.iitm.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | Yes | |
51 | | Gurbuz | gurbuz@ece.msstate.edu | Mississippi State University | No | |
52 | | He | hekuan625@gmail.com | Northwestern University | Yes | |
53 | | Hegde | chinmay@iastate.edu | New York University (previously, Iowa State University) | No | |
54 | | Hezekiah | jamesdevakoresh.h@kpriet.ac.in; jamesdevakoresh@gmail.com | KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | No | |
55 | | Hong | dahong67@gmail.com | University of Michigan | Yes | |
56 | | Hou | jh.hou@cityu.edu.hk | City University of Hong Kong | No | |
57 | | Huang | chao.huang@hologic.com | Hologic Inc. | No | |
58 | | ikramulla | fikramulla@ieee.org | ieee / university | Yes | |
59 | | Ingle | ingle.atul@ieee.org | University of Wisconsin-Madison | No | |
60 | | Jaiswal | jaiswalsush2@gmail.com | Guru Ghasidas Central University | No | |
61 | | Jayaraman | ram.kumar537@gmail.com | SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulatur, Chennai | No | |
62 | | Jha | a.jha@wustl.edu | Washington University in St Louis | No | |
63 | | Julin | mailtoedel@gmail.com | ANNA UNIVERSITY | No | |
64 | | Kadak | ugurkadak@gmail.com | Ugur Kadak, Mathematics, Gazi University | No | |
65 | | Kao | gyalpp@gmail.com | Apple Inc. | No | |
66 | | Karak | amitava.del@outlook.com | Valparaiso | Yes | |
67 | | Kellman | kellman@berkeley.edu | UC Berkeley | Yes | |
68 | | Kher | rahul2777@gmail.com | G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology | No | |
69 | | Kim | donghwan.kim@dartmouth.edu | Dartmouth College | No | |
70 | | Kinnunen | antti.kinnunen@protonmail.com | University of Vaasa | Yes | |
71 | | KOLEKAR | mahesh@iitp.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Patna | No | |
72 | | Kubatur | shruthi@alumni.purdue.edu | Berkeley Lights | No | |
73 | | Kulkarni | kimayakulkarni1998@gmail.com | VIT Pune | Yes | |
74 | | Kumar | singh.bhuvneshkmr@gmail.com | Synopsys Inc. | No | |
75 | | Kumar | nitishkumar182@gmail.com | National Institute of Technology Raipur | Yes | |
76 | | La Manna | marcolmn@gmail.com | KMB Telematics, Inc. [startup] | No | |
77 | | Larabi | chaker.larabi@univ-poitiers.fr | University of Poitiers | No | |
78 | | Lee | gwoglee@gmail.com | National Cheng Kung University | No | |
79 | | Lee | heungno@gist.ac.kr | GIST, Korea | No | |
80 | | Lee | yel031@eng.ucsd.edu | UC San Diego | Yes | |
81 | | Li | lidingyi@mail.ustc.edu.cn | University of Science and Technology of China | Yes | |
82 | | Li | fengqiangli2015@u.northwestern.edu | Northwestern University | Yes | |
83 | | Li | li1463@purdue.edu | Purdue University | Yes | |
84 | | Li | lijz@ieee.org | City University of Hong Kong | No | |
85 | | Li | xiangguoli@gmail.com | Henan University of Technology, China | No | |
86 | | Li | yanjun.li.thu@gmail.com | UIUC | Yes | |
87 | | Lin | cwlin@ee.nthu.edu.tw | National Tsing Hua University | No | |
88 | | Liu | liudh@merl.com | Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab | No | |
89 | | Liu | liu.hsiao-chuan@mayo.edu | Mayo Clinic | No | |
90 | | Liu | ljdbit@gmail.com | Chinese Academy of Science - Opto-electronics | No | |
91 | | Liu | fanglin_liu@berkeley.edu | UC Berkeley | Yes | |
92 | | Liu | yliu12@mit.edu | MIT | Yes | |
93 | | Liu | liuyebin@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
94 | | Liu | yipengliu@uestc.edu.cn | university of electronic science and technology of china | No | |
95 | | Lu | ninglu@umich.edu | University of Michigan | Yes | |
96 | | Luo | adrianlem@gmail.com | Facebook Inc. | No | |
97 | | Machnio | julia.machnio1999@gmail.com | AGH University of Science and Technology | Yes | |
98 | | Majee | smajee@purdue.edu | Purdue University | Yes | |
99 | | Majumdar | angshul@iiitd.ac.in | Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology | No | |
100 | | Malarvel | mmkmtech@gmail.com | Chitkara University | No | |
101 | | Martens | olev.martens@ieee.org | TalTech | No | |
102 | | Mazhar | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIKI | No | |
103 | | McGaffin | greyhill@gmail.com | Apple Inc. | No | |
104 | | Mehrubeoglu | ruby.mehrubeoglu@tamucc.edu | Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi | No | |
105 | | Mishra | kvm@ieee.org | United States DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory | No | |
106 | | Mohammadi | nmohamm4@ur.rochester.edu | University of Rochester | Yes | |
107 | | Mohan | adityakadri@gmail.com | Lawrence Livermore National Lab | No | |
108 | | MOKRAOUI | anissa.mokraoui@univ-paris13.fr | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord | No | |
109 | | Molinero Mingorance | nataliamolinero@ieee.org | Universidad Europea de Madrid | No | |
110 | | Moustafa | hossam_moustafa@ieee.org | Mansoura University -Faculty of Engineering | No | |
111 | | Murray-Bruce | johnmb@bu.edu | Boston University | No | |
112 | | Nadir | znadir@purdue.edu | Purdue University | Yes | |
113 | | Nahar | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
114 | | Noor | norliza@utm.my | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | No | |
115 | | Oktem | figeno@metu.edu.tr | Middle East Technical University (METU) | No | |
116 | | Onhon | onhon@tau.edu.tr | Turkish-German University | No | |
117 | | Oruganti | moruganti.phd2019.ece@nitrr.ac.in | NIT Raipur | Yes | |
118 | | Ozkan | aytac.oezkan@tu-berlin.de | Technical University of Berlin | Yes | |
119 | | Patil | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKMs NMIMS Mumbai | No | |
120 | | Paunwala | cpaunwala@gmail.com | Professor and Dean R&D | Yes | |
121 | | Pediredla | adithya.k.pediredla@rice.edu | Rice University | Yes | |
122 | | Pedross-Engel | andreas.pedross-engel@ieee.org | University of Washington / ThruWave Inc. | No | |
123 | | Pinilla | samuel.pinilla@correo.uis.edu.co | Universidad Industrial de Santander | Yes | |
124 | | Pinilla | samuel.pinilla@stfc.ac.uk | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK | No | |
125 | | Portilla | javier.portilla@csic.es | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas | No | |
126 | | Qi | guojunq@gmail.com | Huawei Technologies | No | |
127 | | Qiao | qiaofei@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
128 | | R | reji.r@carmelcet.in | Carmel College of Engineering and Technology, Punnapra, Alappuzha, Kerala, India | No | |
129 | | Rajwade | ajitvr@cse.iitb.ac.in | IIT Bombay | No | |
130 | | Ram | sr2255@cornell.edu | Cornell University | No | |
131 | | Rama | ramarao@ieee.org | SRMIST | No | |
132 | | Ramella | giuliana.ramella@cnr.it | National Research Council (CNR) | No | |
133 | | Rannow | pi-boson@ieee.org | Silverdraft Supercomputing | No | |
134 | | Rapp | jrapp@bu.edu | Boston University | Yes | |
135 | | Rashed | essam.rashed@nitech.ac.jp | Nagoya Institute of Technology | No | |
136 | | Ren | david.ren@berkeley.edu | UC Berkeley | Yes | |
137 | | Rengarajan | urapvr@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | Yes | |
138 | | Rueda-Chacon | rueda@udel.edu | University of Delaware | Yes | |
139 | | S | GANDHIYAVENDHAN@YAHOO.COM | Bharathiar University | No | |
140 | | Sahoo | sujit@pmail.ntu.edu.sg | National University of Singapore | No | |
141 | | Santini | juan94santini@ieee.org | UNSL | Yes | |
142 | | Saunders | cs13@bu.edu | MathWorks | No | |
143 | | Seelamantula | chandra.sekhar@ieee.org | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore | No | |
144 | | Sharma | mansisharmaiitd@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | No | |
145 | | Shedligeri | ee16d409@ee.iitm.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | Yes | |
146 | | Shekkizhar | shekkizh@usc.edu | University of Southern California | Yes | |
147 | | Shukla | drsangeeta9432@gmail.com | RGPV, BHOPAL | No | |
148 | | Siddiqui | hasibs@qualcomm.com | Qualcomm | No | |
149 | | Singh | raghuvanshimona531@gmail.com | Banaras Hindu University | Yes | |
150 | | Singh | rsi2018002@iiita.ac.in | Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad | Yes | |
151 | | Sivarama Krishnan | ks7585@g.rit.edu | Gen Nine Inc | No | |
152 | | Sreehari | suhas@alumni.purdue.edu | Wells Fargo | No | |
153 | | Srivastava | apoorva.srivastava@research.iiit.ac.in | CVIT Lab, IIIT Hyderabad | Yes | |
154 | | Su | guanmingsu@gmail.com | Dolby Labs | No | |
155 | | Sun | hesun@caltech.edu | California Institute of Technology | No | |
156 | | Sun | ysun@ccny.cuny.edu | The City College of City University of New York | No | |
157 | | Sun | ysun@ccny.cuny.edu | The City College of New York | No | |
158 | | Sun | sun.yu@wustl.edu | Washington University in St. Louis | Yes | |
159 | | Tan | C190022@e.ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | Yes | |
160 | | Tawiah | thomastawiah@hotmail.com | University | No | |
161 | | Thiagarajan | gana@ieee.org | MMRFIC Technology Pvt. Ltd., | No | |
162 | | Ubale | rubale@ets.org | Educational Testing Service | No | |
163 | | Uhlmann | uhlmann.virginie@gmail.com | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Yes | |
164 | | V | vusankar@yahoo.com | SRM University Andhra Pradesh | No | |
165 | | Vadathya | av57@rice.edu | Rice University | Yes | |
166 | | Vargas-Garcia | cavargar@udel.edu | University of Delaware | Yes | |
167 | | Vasu | subeeshvasu@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Madras | Yes | |
168 | | Vera | esteban.vera@pucv.cl | P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | No | |
169 | | Wang | guanhuaw@umich.edu | University of Michigan | Yes | |
170 | | Wang | hf.wang1@siat.ac.cn | Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences | No | |
171 | | Wang | wanghao6@mail.ustc.edu.cn | Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics | Yes | |
172 | | Wang | jianwan2@andrew.cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
173 | | Wang | lzwang@bit.edu.cn | Beijing Institute of Technology | No | |
174 | | Wang | wang1698@purdue.edu | Harvard University | No | |
175 | | Wang | z.winston.wang@outlook.com | Northwestern University | Yes | |
176 | | Wen | bwen2@illinois.edu | UIUC | Yes | |
177 | | Wilson | wilsonjohnpat@hotmail.com | Lockheed Martin | No | |
178 | | Xia | fx43@cornell.edu | Cornell University | Yes | |
179 | | Xie | jianwen@ucla.edu | Akool | No | |
180 | | Xiong | rqxiong@gmail.com | Peking University | No | |
181 | | Xu | guowen.xu@uestc.edu.cn | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | No | |
182 | | Xu | xumoran34@gmail.com | Southeast University | Yes | |
183 | | Yang | yangyou@ieee.org | Huazhong University of Science and Technology | No | |
184 | | Ye | yed@purdue.edu | Purdue University | No | |
185 | | Ye | donghye.ye@marquette.edu | Marquette University | No | |
186 | | Yekkehkhany | yekkehk2@illinois.edu | UIUC | Yes | |
187 | | Yekkehkhany | byekkehkhany@gmail.com | University of Calgary | Yes | |
188 | | Zamzmi | alzamzmiga@mail.nih.gov | National Library of Medicine, NIH | No | |
189 | | Zhao | eachzhao@126.com | Dalian Maritime University | No | |
190 | | Ziabari | ziabariak@ornl.gov | Oak Ridge National Lab | No | |
191 | | Zou | zou00080@umn.edu | University of Minnesota | Yes | |
192 | | | | | | |