1 | Marmelo | | docmelo_abant@yahoo.com | Our Lady of Fatima University - Antipolo Campus | No | 237 |
2 | Aneesa | | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University Of Technology | No | |
3 | MUNEEB | | muneeb_eme@yahoo.com | CONAUTOENG | No | |
4 | Fauzia | | fauzia.idrees.1@city.ac.uk | City University London | No | |
5 | Fauzia-Idrees | | foz0@yahoo.com | City, University of London, UK | No | |
6 | Nabeel Koya | | nabeel@cdac.in | Centre for Development of Advanced Computing | No | |
7 | Adnan | | aalattar@digimarc.com | Digimarc | No | |
8 | Mamoun | | alazab.m@ieee.org | Charles Darwin University | No | |
9 | Awad | | aawad@ieee.org | Kyushu University | Yes | |
10 | Panagiotis | | p.andriotis@bristol.ac.uk | University of Bristol | Yes | |
11 | Ismail | | iavcibas@turgutozal.edu.tr | Turgut Ozal University | No | |
12 | Ali Ismail | | aawad@ieee.org | Luleå University of Technology | No | |
13 | Khosro | | khosro1@e.ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | Yes | |
14 | Lamberto | | ballan@dsi.unifi.it | University of Florence | No | |
15 | Claudio | | claudio_bareato@yahoo.com | Information Security Consultant | No | |
16 | Patrick | | patrick.bas@ec-lille.fr | Lagis CNRS | No | |
17 | Messaoud | | mbengherabi@cdta.dz | Centre de Developpment de Technologies Avancees | No | |
18 | Riccardo | | riccardo.bernardini@uniud.it | University of udine | No | |
19 | Deepayan | | d.bhowmik@ieee.org | University of Stirling | No | |
20 | Tiziano | | tiziano.bianchi@unifi.it | University of Florence | No | |
21 | Rainer | | rainer.boehme@wi.uni-muenster.de | University of Muenster | No | |
22 | Kean Hong | | kean.hong.boey@intel.com | Intel Technology (M) Sdn. Bhd | No | |
23 | THARUN KUMAR REDDY | | tharun.reddy@ece.iitr.ac.in | IIT Roorkee, IEEE Signal Processing Society member | No | |
24 | Dirk | | dirk.borghys@rma.ac.be | Royal Military Academy | No | |
25 | Larbi | | larbi.boubchir@ai.univ-paris8.fr | University of Paris 8 | No | |
26 | Alessandro | | alessandro.brighente@unipd.it | University if Padova, Padua | No | |
27 | Julien | | julien.bringer@morpho.com | Morpho | No | |
28 | Roberto | | roberto.caldelli@unifi.it | CNIT | No | |
29 | Hong | | hcao@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
30 | François | | francois.cayre@grenoble-inp.fr | Grenoble-INP / GIPSA-Lab | No | |
31 | Federico | | federico.cervelli@gmail.com | University of Triestre | Yes | |
32 | Herve | | herve.chabanne@morpho.com | Morpho | No | |
33 | Matthew | | mdc@ieee.org | IEEE | Yes | |
34 | Marc | | marc.chaumont@lirmm.fr | University of Nîmes, LIRMM UMR CNRS-UM2 5506, Montpellier | No | |
35 | Chang Wen | | chencw@buffalo.edu | State University of New York at Buffalo | No | |
36 | Changsheng | | cschen@szu.edu.cn | Shenzhen University | No | |
37 | CUNJIAN | | cunjian.chen@outlook.com | Michigan State University | No | |
38 | Xiao-Ming | | xiao-ming.chen@technicolor.com | Technicolor | No | |
39 | Zhenzhong | | zzchen@whu.edu.cn | Wuhan University | No | |
40 | Sen-Ching | | sccheung@ieee.org | University of Kentucky | No | |
41 | Jen-Tzung | | jtchien@nctu.edu.tw | National Chiao Tung University | No | |
42 | Arsenia | | arsenia.chorti@ensea.fr | ETIS / Univ. Paris Seine, UCP, ENSEA, CNRS | No | |
43 | Charles | | tcc@vt.edu | Virginia Tech | No | |
44 | Nathan | | nclarke@plymouth.ac.uk | Plymouth University | No | |
45 | Nathan | | nclarke@plymouth.ac.uk | Plymouth University | No | |
46 | Remi | | remi.cogranne@utt.fr | Troyes University of Technology | No | |
47 | Rémi | | remi.cogranne@utt.fr | University of Technology of Troyes | Yes | |
48 | Dinu | | coltuc@valahia.ro | Valahia University Targoviste | No | |
49 | Wilson | | wilhelmcc@gmail.com | Universidad Nacional del Altiplano | Yes | |
50 | Lorenzo | | cozzella@uniroma3.it | Dept. Electronic Engineering | Yes | |
51 | Davide | | davide.cozzolino@unina.it | University Federico II of Naples | No | |
52 | Rony | | rony.darazi@uclouvain.be | UCLouvain | Yes | |
53 | Alessia | | alessia.derosa@unifi.it | University of Florence | No | |
54 | Konstantinos | | kdemertz@fmenr.duth.gr | Democritus University of Thrace School of Engineering | No | |
55 | Eric | | eric.diehl@technicolor.com | Technicolor | No | |
56 | Amir | | amir.djenna@univ-constantine2.dz | University of Constantine | No | |
57 | David | | david.doermann@darpa.mil | DARPA | No | |
58 | Ann | | ann.dooms@vub.ac.be | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | No | |
59 | Shiv Ram | | srdubey@iiita.ac.in | Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad | No | |
60 | Frederic | | frederic.dufaux@telecom-paristech.fr | Telecom ParisTech | No | |
61 | Alain | | alain.durand@technicolor.com | Technicolor | No | |
62 | Hakan | | haerdogan@sabanciuniv.edu | Sabanci University | No | |
63 | Zekeriya | | z.erkin@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | No | |
64 | Tiago | | falk@emt.inrs.ca | INRS-EMT | No | |
65 | Wei | | wei.fan@telecom-paristech.fr | Télécom ParisTech | No | |
66 | Farhad | | ffarokhi@unimelb.edu.au | The University of Melbourne CSIRO | No | |
67 | Sid Ahmed | | sidahmed.fezza@gmail.com | National Institute of Telecommunications and ICT | No | |
68 | Ricardo | | ftntrcd@hotmail.com | UEL | Yes | |
69 | Thierry | | fournel@univ-st-etienne.fr | University of Saint-Etienne | No | |
70 | Deivison | | deivison.franco@bancoamazonia.com.br | Bank of Amazon | Yes | |
71 | Ravi | | ravi.garg@intel.com | Intel | No | |
72 | Richa | | richa_garg05@infosys.com | Infosys Technologies Limited | No | |
73 | Musab | | mqalghadi7@gmail.com | Lab-STICC, University of Bretagne | Yes | |
74 | Oliver | | Oliver.giudice@bancaditalia.it | Banca D'Italia | No | |
75 | Thomas | | thomas.gloe@acm.org | Technische Universität Dresden | Yes | |
76 | Robert | | noeman5@yahoo.com | Kaplan University Graduate BS-Computer Crime | No | |
77 | Deniz | | d.gunduz@imperial.ac.uk | Imperial College London | No | |
78 | Onur | | guenlue@tu-berlin.de | TU Berlin | No | |
79 | Yuanfang | | eeandyguo@ust.hk | HKUST | Yes | |
80 | BRIJ | | gupta.brij@ieee.org | National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India | No | |
81 | Gaurav | | gauravg@iiitd.ac.in | IIIT-Delhi | No | |
82 | Onur | | onur.gunlu@tum.de | Technische Universitat München | Yes | |
83 | Jinguang | | jghan@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | No | |
84 | Frank | | f.hartung@fh-aachen.de | FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | No | |
85 | Chad | | chad.heitzenrater@rl.af.mil | Department of Defense | No | |
86 | Yongjian | | eeyjhu@scut.edu.cn | South China University of Technology | No | |
87 | Yingbo | | yhua@ece.ucr.edu | University of California at Riverside | No | |
88 | Yen-Wei | | huang37@illinois.edu | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Yes | |
89 | Mohammad | | mihusain@csupomona.edu | Cal Poly Pomona | No | |
90 | Tanya | | t.ignatenko@tue.nl | Eindhoven University of Technology | No | |
91 | Donato | | d.impedovo@di.uniba.it | University of Bari | No | |
92 | Sunil | | spjaiswal@ust.hk | HKUST | Yes | |
93 | Alireza | | jolfaei@yahoo.com | Griffith University | Yes | |
94 | Eduard | | jorswieck@ieee.org | TU Braunschweig | No | |
95 | Ashkan | | ashkand29@gmail.com | University of Luxembourg | Yes | |
96 | Kassem | | k_kallas@hotmail.com | INRIA | No | |
97 | Xiangui | | isskxg@mail.sysu.edu.cn | Sun Yat-sen University | No | |
98 | Muhammad | | m.khandaker@hw.ac.uk | Heriot-Watt University | No | |
99 | Sun | | sunae712@berkeley.edu | University of California | Yes | |
100 | Matthias | | matthias.kirchner@wi.uni-muenster.de | University of Muenster | No | |
101 | Xiangwei | | kongxw@dlut.edu.cn | Dalian University of Technology | No | |
102 | Pawel | | pkorus@agh.edu.pl | AGH University of Science and Technology | No | |
103 | Margarita | | margarita.kotti@isti.cnr.it | Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection | No | |
104 | Oleksiy | | oleksiy.koval@unige.ch | University of Geneva | No | |
105 | Christian | | kraetzer@iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de | Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg | No | |
106 | Gurudatt | | gurudatt.kulkarni@gmail.com | Marathwada Mitra Mandal's Polytechnic | No | |
107 | Nitish | | nitishkumar182@gmail.com | National Institute of Technology Raipur | Yes | |
108 | Minoru | | kminoru@okayama-u.ac.jp | Okayama University | No | |
109 | Fatih | | f.kurugollu@qub.ac.uk | Queen's University, Belfast | No | |
110 | Yingjie | | ylao@clemson.edu | Clemson University | No | |
111 | Mohamed-Chaker | | chaker.larabi@ieee.org | Université de Poitiers | No | |
112 | Riccardo | | lazzeretti@diism.unisi.it | University of Siena | No | |
113 | Frederic | | frederic.lefebvre@technicolor.com | Technicolor | No | |
114 | Bin | | libin@szu.edu.cn | Shenzhen University | No | |
115 | Chang-Tsun | | c-t.li@warwick.ac.uk | University of Warwick | No | |
116 | Haoliang | | haoliang.li@cityu.edu.hk | City University of Hong Kong | No | |
117 | Meng | | mengli@hfut.edu.cn | Hefei University of Technology | No | |
118 | Shancang | | shancang.li@ieee.org | Cardiff University | No | |
119 | Shujun | | shujun.li@uni-konstanz.de | University of Konstanz | No | |
120 | Wenjuan | | wenjuan.li@ieee.org | The Education University of Hong Kong | No | |
121 | Shiguo | | shiguo.lian@ieee.org | Orange Labs Beijing | No | |
122 | Chia-Wen | | cwlin@ee.nthu.edu.tw | National Tsing Hua University | No | |
123 | Zou | | zlingnet@163.com | South China University of Technology | Yes | |
124 | Dongtao | | dliu83@gmail.com | Google Inc. | No | |
125 | Qingzhong | | liu@shsu.edu | Sam Houston State University | No | |
126 | Yuhong | | yuhong@ele.uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | No | |
127 | Jiwen | | jiwen.lu@adsc.com.sg | Advanced Digital Sciences Center | No | |
128 | Wei | | luwei3@mail.sysu.edu.cn | Sun Yat-sen University | No | |
129 | Wei | | luwei3@mail.sysu.edu.cn | Sun Yat-sen University | No | |
130 | Ying | | ying.luo@uky.edu | University of Kentucky | Yes | |
131 | Xiaojing | | lindahust@mail.hust.edu.cn | Huazhong University of Science and Technology | No | |
132 | Emanuele | | emanuele.maiorana@uniroma3.it | University Roma Tre | No | |
133 | Hafiz | | hafiz@umich.edu | University of Michigan | No | |
134 | Sanoop | | sanoopmallissery@gmail.com | National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | Yes | |
135 | Mahdi | | Mahdi.Manavi24@gmai.com | Mirdamad Institute of Higher Education | No | |
136 | Oliveira | | mastroiannioliveira@gmail.com | Instituto de educação | Yes | |
137 | Suleman | | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIK Institute | No | |
138 | Wojciech | | wmazurczyk@tele.pw.edu.pl | Warsaw University of Technology | No | |
139 | Imran | | imranmemon52@zju.edu.cn | zhejiang university | No | |
140 | Simone | | milani@elet.polimi.it | Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy | No | |
141 | Deepak | | d.mishra@unsw.edu.au | The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney | No | |
142 | Pierpaolo | | pierpaolo.murrieri@selexelsag.com | SELEX Elsag | No | |
143 | Samson | | mwelasj@yahoo.com | Tanzania ICT Commission | No | |
144 | Lakshya | | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
145 | Karthik | | knandakumar@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
146 | Sridhar Krishna | | siris.krishna@gmail.com | Audience Inc | No | |
147 | Tian-Tsong | | ttng@ee.columbia.edu | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
148 | Huy | | nhhuy@nii.ac.jp | The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) | Yes | |
149 | Xiushan | | niexsh@sdufe.edu.cn | Shandong University of Finance and Economics | No | |
150 | Dr. Nik Mohd Norfadzilah | | nikmfadzilah@unisza.edu.my | Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, UniSZA, Malaysia | No | |
151 | Xueyan | | niuxueyan@gmail.com | Huawei Technologies | No | |
152 | Arfika | | arfi0002@e.ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | Yes | |
153 | Tobias | | oech@kth.se | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | No | |
154 | Asem | | asem.othman@mail.wvu.edu | tecnologia do ceara | Yes | |
155 | Vinod | | vinod.pankajakshan@univ-nantes.fr | IRCCyN, Nantes | No | |
156 | Vishal M. | | vishal.m.patel@rutgers.edu | Rutgers University | No | |
157 | Shashikant | | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKM NMIMS Mumbai | No | |
158 | Perrot | | patrick.perrot@gendarmerie.interieur.gouv.fr | Ministere De L'Interieur | No | |
159 | Luis | | lpfreire@gradiant.org | GRADIANT | No | |
160 | Giovanni | | poggi@unina.it | University Federico II of Naples | No | |
161 | Pedro Luis | | pedro.sanchez@forensica.com.br | University of Sao Paulo | No | |
162 | William | | william.puech@lirmm.fr | University of Montpellier | No | |
163 | Pauline | | pauline.puteaux@lirmm.fr | Univ. Montpellier, LIRMM | Yes | |
164 | Tu-Thach | | tuthach@yahoo.com | Sandia National Laboratories | No | |
165 | Tu-Thach | | tuthach@yahoo.com | Sandia National Laboratories | Yes | |
166 | Tony Q.S. | | tonyquek@sutd.edu.sg | Singapore University of Technology and Design | No | |
167 | Jean-Jacques | | jjq@uclouvain.be | UCLouvain | No | |
168 | Harini | | hariniraghothaman@gmail.com | R.M.D.Engineering College | Yes | |
169 | Sundaresh | | sundaresh2@gmail.com | University of Michigan | No | |
170 | Giuliana | | giuliana.ramella@cnr.it | National Research Council (CNR) | No | |
171 | Randy k | | pi-boson@ieee.org | Silverdraft Supercomputing | No | |
172 | Ajita | | ajita02@gmail.com | Michigan State University | No | |
173 | Mehul | | mehul.raval@gmail.com | Institute of Eng. and Technology, Ahmedabad University | No | |
174 | Wei | | weirencs@cug.edu.cn | China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | No | |
175 | Yanzhen | | renyz@whu.edu.cn | Wuhan university | No | |
176 | Christian | | christian.riess@informatik.uni-erlangen.de | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Yes | |
177 | Tony | | trodriguez@digimarc.com | Digimarc | No | |
178 | Sayed | | smsaghaian@uky.edu | University of Kentucky | Yes | |
179 | Huwida | | huwida.said@zu.ac.ae | Zayed University | Yes | |
180 | Paul | | psalama@iupui.edu | Indiana University | No | |
181 | Fahad | | mr.salamhf@gmail.com | Purdue University | Yes | |
182 | Pierangela | | pierangela.samarati@unimi.it | Università degli Studi di Milano | No | |
183 | Carlo | | carlosan@unina.it | DIETI - University of Naples Federico II | No | |
184 | Rafael | | rafael.schaefer@tu-berlin.de | Technische Universität Berlin | No | |
185 | Peter | | peter.schelkens@vub.ac.be | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | No | |
186 | Massimiliano | | msembiante@rifec.com | UBS Bank | Yes | |
187 | Mansi | | mansisharmaiitd@gmail.com | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore | No | |
188 | Chao | | shenchao.cmu@gmail.com | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
189 | Yun | | shi@njit.edu | New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA | No | |
190 | Ajay | | ajay.shrestha@usask.ca | University of Saskatchewan | Yes | |
191 | Steven | | steven.simske@hp.com | Hewlett-Packard Labs | No | |
192 | Sanjay | | sanjay.singh@ieee.org | Manipal University | No | |
193 | Satish Kumar | | satish432002@gmail.com | IIT Allahabad | No | |
194 | Shailendra | | shailendrasingh@ieee.org | Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, Bhopal | No | |
195 | Shailendra | | ssingh@nitttrbpl.ac.in | Govt. of India | No | |
196 | Christopher | | cbsmith@ieee.org | Southwest Research Institute | No | |
197 | Matthew | | mcstamm@umd.edu | University of Maryland, College Park | No | |
198 | Jiande | | jd_sun@sdu.edu.cn | Shandong University | No | |
199 | Yan | | yansun@uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | No | |
200 | Zhiyuan | | z.tan@napier.ac.uk | Edinburg Napier University | No | |
201 | Amel | | amel.tuama@lirmm.fr | Montpellier2, LIRMM | Yes | |
202 | Wee Peng | | wptay@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | No | |
203 | Juan Ramón | | troncoso@gts.uvigo.es | University of Vigo | No | |
204 | Amit Kumar | | aktyagi@pec.edu | Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai Campus, Chennai, 600127, Tamilnadu, India. | No | |
205 | Jayakrishnan | | jay.unnikrishnan@epfl.ch | EPFL | No | |
206 | Barreira | | vlbarreira@gmail.com | Universidade Paulista | No | |
207 | Avinash | | avinash.varna@gmail.com | Intel | No | |
208 | Luisa | | verdoliv@unina.it | University of Naples Federico II | No | |
209 | Anthony | | avetro@merl.com | Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs | No | |
210 | Javier | | jvia@gtas.dicom.unican.es | University of Cantabria | No | |
211 | Joao | | jpvilela@dei.uc.pt | University of Coimbra | No | |
212 | David | | dvazquez@gts.uvigo.es | University of Vigo | Yes | |
213 | Kaixi Wang | | kxwang@qdu.edu.cn | Qingdao University | No | |
214 | Zhaohong | | zwang25@csuchico.edu | California State University, Chico | No | |
215 | Chirag | | chiragwarty@ieee.org | University of Mumbai | No | |
216 | Chau-Wai | | cwwong@terpmail.umd.edu | Origin Wireless, Inc. | Yes | |
217 | Hanzhou | | h.wu.phd@ieee.org | Shanghai University | No | |
219 | Di | | xiaodi_cqu@hotmail.com | Chongqing University | No | |
220 | Lizhi | | lzxiong16@163.com | Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology | No | |
221 | Chang | | changxu1989@gmail.com | University of Sydney | No | |
222 | Dong | | dongxu@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | No | |
223 | Guowen | | guowenxu@cityu.edu.hk | City University of Hong Kong | No | |
224 | Yafei | | yafeiy@qualcomm.com | Qualcomm Inc. | No | |
225 | Chang D. | | cdyoo@ee.kaist.ac.kr | KAIST | No | |
226 | Shui | | syu@deakin.edu.au | Deakin University | No | |
227 | Yujin | | eeyjzhang@gmail.com | Shanghai University of Engineering Science | No | |
228 | Yao | | yzhao@bjtu.edu.cn | Beijing Jiaotong University | No | |
229 | Quanyan | | qz494@nyu.edu | New York University | No | |
230 | Daphney-Stavroula | | dzois@albany.edu | University at Albany, State University of New York | No | |
231 | | | | | | |
232 | Onur | | onur.gunlu@liu.se | Linköping University | No | |
233 | Hatef | | hatef.otroshi@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | No | |
234 | Prosanta | | p.gope@sheffield.ac.uk | University of Sheffield | Yes | |
235 | Kumar Vijay | | kvm@ieee.org | United States DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory | No | |
236 | Parag | | parag.rughani@gmail.com | National Forensic Sciences University | No | |
237 | Li | | li.lu@zju.edu.cn | Zhejiang University | No | |
238 | Guowen | | guowen.xu@uestc.edu.cn | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | No | |