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3 | | | Bridgeton City School District | Bridgeton SEPAG | Kristi Lancaster | Supervisor of Special Education | | | | Aquisha Livingston | Acting Director/Principal | alivingston@bridgeton.k12.nj.us | | https://www.bridgeton.k12.nj.us/departments/special_education_student_support | | |
4 | | | Bridgeton Public Charter School (Bridgeton) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Dr James | Principal | vjames@cccharters.org | | No info | | |
5 | | | Commercial Township School District | Commercial Township SEPAG | | | | | | Tyler Day | Director of Child Study team | tyler.day@commercialschools.org | | No info | | |
6 | | | Compass Academy Charter School (Vineland) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | No info | | cacsadmin@compassacs.org | | No info | | |
7 | | | Cumberland County Vocational School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Gregory McGraw | Principal | gmcgraw@cctecnj.org | | No info | | |
8 | | | Cumberland Regional School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Amy Draggoo | Director of Special Education | draggoo@crhsd.org | | No info | | |
9 | | | Deerfield Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Kelli Manski | Director of Special Education | kmanski@deerfield.k12.nj.us | | No info | | |
10 | | | Downe Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Eileen Culver | CST Director/School psychologist | eculver@downeschool.org | | No info | | |
11 | | | Fairfield Township School District | Fairfield SEPAG | | | | | | Angela Best | CST Supervisor/School psychologist | abest@fairfield.k12.nj.us | | https://fairfield.k12.nj.us/pta/child_study_team | | |
12 | | | Greenwich Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Brandon Cobb | Chief Administrator | brandon.cobb@stowcreekschool.com | | No info | | |
13 | | | Hopewell Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Kelli Manski | CST Coordinator | kmanski@deerfield.k12.nj.us | | No info | | |
14 | | | Lawrence Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Eileen Culver | CST Supervisor | eculver@myronlpowell.org | | No info | | |
15 | | | Maurice River Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Jeremy Cohen | Chief School Administrator | jcohen@mrtes.com | | No info | | |
16 | | | Millville Public Charter School (Millville) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Mrs Howell | Supervisor of Special Education | chowell@cccharters.org | | No info | | |
17 | | | Millville Public School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Stephen Matusz | Special Education Director | stephen.matusz@millville.org | | No info | | |
18 | | | Stow Creek Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Jami Leyman | | jleyman@scsssd.net | | No info | | |
19 | | | Upper Deerfield Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Germer Ledford | CST Supervisor | ledfordg@udts.org | | No info | | |
20 | | | Vineland Public Charter School (Vineland) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Mr Larson | Principal | mlarson@cccharters.org | | No info | | |
21 | | | Vineland Public School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Theresa Godlewski | Director of Special Education | tgodlewski@vineland.org | | No info | | |
22 | | 02/03/25 | Deerfield Township Elementary School | Deerfield Township SEPAG | Ms. Ashleigh Udalovas | Assistant Principal | Mrs. Kelli Manski | CST Supervisor & LDTC | audalovas@deerfield.k12.nj.us | Ashleigh Udalovas | Assistant Principal | audalovas@deerfield.k12.nj.us | | | | |