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3 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Bridgeton City School District | Bridgeton SEPAG | 41 Bank Street | Bridgeton | NJ | 08302 | Eniola | Ajayi, PhD | Director of Special Education | 856-455-8030 ext. 2025 | | eajayi@bridgeton.k12.nj.us | | | | | | | https://www.bridgeton.k12.nj.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=419154&type=d | | | | | |
4 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Commercial Township School District | Commercial Township SEPAG | 1308 North Avenue | Port Norris | NJ | 08349 | John | Lavell | Director of Special Services | (856) 785-0840 ext 2142 | (856) 785-8021 | John.Lavell@commercialschools.org | Anecia | Henry | Parent Leader | aneciahenry@gmail.com | | | https://www.commercialschools.org/cts/Parents/SEPAG/ | | | | | |
5 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Fairfield Township School District | Fairfield Township SEPAG | 375 Gouldtown-Woodruff Rd | Bridgeton | NJ | 08302 | Angela | Best | Special Ed. Director | 856-453-1882 | | abest@fairfield.k12.nj.us | Christina | Murphy | Parent Leader | sadiem10@comcast.net | | | https://www.fairfield.k12.nj.us/pta/child_study_team | | | | | |
6 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Millville Public School District | Millville SEPAG | 2 North Sharp Street | Millville | NJ | 08332 | Steve | Matusz | Director of Special Education | (856) 327-6015 | | Stephen.Matusz@Millville.org | | | | | | | http://www.millville.org/departments/exceptional_children | | | | | |
7 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Compass Academy Charter School | no group information found | 2384 E. Landis Avenue | Vineland | NJ | 08361 | Jane | Berger | Special Ed. Coordinator | (856)899-5570 | | jberger@compassacademycharter.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
8 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Cumberland County Vocational School District | no group information found | 3400 College Drive | Vineland | NJ | 08360 | William | Briggs | Director of Student Services | (856)451-9000 ext 3307 | | wbriggs@cctecnj.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
9 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Cumberland Regional School District | no group information found | 90 Silver Lake Road | Bridgeton | NJ | 08302 | Amy | Draggoo | Director of Child Study Team | (856)451-9400 ext. 223 | | draggoo@crhsd.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Deerfield Township School District | no group information found | 419 MORTON AVENUE | ROSENHAYN | NJ | 08352 | Kelli | Manski | Supervisor of Special Education Services | (856) 451-9203 | | kmanski@deerfield.k12.nj.us | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Downe Township School District | no group information found | 220 Main Street | Newport | NJ | 08345 | Eileen | Culver | Special Ed. Coordinator | (856) 451-0472 | | eculver@myronlpowell.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
12 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Greenwich Township School District | no group information found | 839 YE GREATE STREET | GREENWICH | NJ | 08323 | Shawn | Rebman | Child Study Team Chairperson | (856) 451-6610 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
13 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Maurice River Township School District | no group information found | 3593 RT 47 | PORT ELIZABETH | NJ | 08348 | Eileen | Culver | Director of Child Study Team | (856) 825-7411 ext.224 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
14 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Millville Public Charter School | no group information found | 1101 Wheaton Avenue, Suite 220 | Millville | NJ | 08332 | Rob | Harris | Special Education Coordinator | (856) 506-8143 | | rharris@cccharters.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
15 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Stow Creek Township School District | no group information found | 11 GUM TREE CORNER ROAD | BRIDGETON | NJ | 08302 | Shawn | Rebman | Child Study Team Chairperson | (856) 451-6610 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
16 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Vineland Public Charter School | no group information found | 1480 Pennsylvania Ave. | Vineland | NJ | 08332 | Rob | Harris | Special Education Coordinator | (856) 691-1004 | | rharris@cccharters.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
17 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Bridgeton Public Charter School | no group information found - Bridgeton Charter SEPAG | 790 East Commerce Ave | Bridgeton | NJ | 08302 | Rob | Harris | Special Education Coordinator | (856) 691-1004 | | rharris@cccharters.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
18 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Hopewell Township School District | no group information found - Hopewell Township SEPAG | 122 Sewall Road | Bridgeton | NJ | 08302 | Kelli | Manski | Special Ed. Coordinator | (856) 451-9203 | | kmanski@hopewellcrest.org | Crystal | Brown | Parent Leader | crystallb22@icloud.com | | | | | | | | |
19 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Lawrence Township School District | no group information found - Parent Advisory Committee | 225 Main St | Cedarville | NJ | 08311 | Eileen | Culver | Director of Child Study Team | 856-447-4237 x5420 | 856-447-3446 | eculver@myronlpowell.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Upper Deerfield Township School District | no group information found - Upper Deerfield SEPAG | 1369 Highway 77 | Seabrook | NJ | 08302 | Germer | Ledford | Supervisor of Special Education Services | 856 455-2267 ext. 4201 | | ledfordg@udts.org | Ana | Alvarado | Parent Leader | anaalva84@yahoo.com | | | | | | | | |
21 | | School District | 08/23/21 | Vineland Public School District | no group information found - Vineland SEPAG | 625 E Plum St | Vineland | NJ | 08360 | Theresa | Godlewski | Director of Special Education | 856-794-6700 ext 2300 | | tgodlewski@vineland.org | Cindy | Weber | Parent Leader | cindymayweber@gmail.com | | | | | | | | |
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23 | | Community Based | | | Sol 4 Autism | 2695 S. Lincoln Ave. | Vineland | NJ | 08361 | Jessica | Cruz | Executive Director | 856-882-8929 | | solautismo@gmail.com | | | | | | | | https://www.facebook.com/solautismo | | | | |
24 | | Community Based | | | Family Support Organization of Cumberland/Gloucester/Salem | 3739 N. Delsea Drive | Vineland | NJ | 08360 | Lionel | Woodley | Executive Director | (856) 507-9400 | (856) 507-9401 | lwoodley@cgso.com | | | | | | | http://www.cgsfso.org/ | | | | | |
25 | | Community Based | | | Cumberland County Council for Young Children | 1038 E Chestnut Ave, Suite 235 | Vineland | NJ | 08360 | Vivian | Henry | Council Coordinator | 609-579-4093 | | HenryV@ihn.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |
26 | | Community Based | | | Regional Family Support Planning Council #8 | PO Box 5721 | Deptford | NJ | 08096 | Kyoko | Coco | Statewide Coordinator of Regional Family Support Planning Councils | 609-341-3112 | | kyoko.coco@njcdd.org | | | Co-chairs | RFSPC8@gmail.com | Sandra Backensto, Lisa Parles | | https://njcdd.org/the-regional-family-support-planning-councils/family-support-planning-councils/rfspc8-cumberland-salem-gloucester/ | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Regional-Family-Support-Planning-Council-8/133598806690565 | | | | |
27 | | Community Based | | | Parents United/Padres Unidos | 136 East Commerce St | Bridgeton | NJ | 08302 | Sara | Echevarria | Group Facilitator | 856-455-2509 | | sara@unitedadvocacygroup.org | | | | | | | | | | | | |