1 | |  | SALEM COUNTY |
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2 | |  | District Based |
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3 | | | Alloway Township School District | Alloway Township SEPAG | | | | | | Kari Foote | Special Education Director | FooteK@allowayschool.org | | https://www.allowayschool.org/atsd/Special%20Education/What%20is%20SEPAG%3F/ | | |
4 | | | Creativity CoLaboratory Charter School (Elmer) | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Walter Kappeler | Principal/Superintendent | WKappeler@c3school.org | | No info | | |
5 | | | Elsinboro Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Cindy Angel-Leon | CST | cangelleon@elsinboroschool.org | | No info | | |
6 | | | Mannington Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Cindy Angel-Leon | CST | cangelleon@elsinboroschool.org | | No info | | |
7 | | | Oldmans Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Christine Cacchioli | Case Manager | ccacchioli@scsssd.net | | No info | | |
8 | | | Penns Grove - Carneys Point Regional School DIstrict | Penns Grove-Carneys Point SEPAG | | | | | | Lynn Booth | Special Education Director | lbooth@pgcpschools.org | | https://www.pgcpschools.org/page/sepag | | |
9 | | | Pennsville School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Alicia Romolini | Special Education Director | aromolini@pv-eagles.org | | No info | | |
10 | | | Pittsgrove Township School District | Pittsgrove Township SEPAG | | | | | | Michele Deaver | CST Director | mdeaver@pittsgrove.net | | https://www.pittsgrove.net/departments/child_study_team/parent_advisory_committee | | |
11 | | | Quinton Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Kimberly Bonora | School psychologist | kbonora@quintonschool.info | | No info | | |
12 | | | Salem City School District | Salem County SEPAG | | | | | | Megan Taylor | Special Education Director | taylorm@salemnj.org | | https://www.salemnj.org/board_office/child_study_team/s_e_p_a_g | | |
13 | | | Salem County Special Services School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Meggin Wentzell | CST Director | mwentzell@scsssd.net | | No info | | |
14 | | | Salem County Vocational School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Jason Helder | Principal | jhelder@scvts.org | | No info | | |
15 | | | The Lower Alloways Creek School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Michael Lucchesi | Chief Administrator | mlucchesi@lacschool.org | | No info | | |
16 | | | Upper Pittsgrove Township School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Kristin Williams | Director of Special Education | kwilliams@manningtonschool.org, kwilliams@upsmailbox.net | | No info | | |
17 | | | Woodstown-Pilesgrove Regional School District | Woodstown-Pilesgrove SEPAG | | | | | | Sage Schmidt | Director of Special Education | schmidt.s@woodstown.org | | https://www.woodstown.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=581067&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=1117813 | | |