Interest Disclosures Register
Reporting MonthNameOffice HeldMeetingMeeting DateType of InterestItem Relating to InterestMinute No.Nature of Interest
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12021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council27/01/21Proximity13.2.2 - RFT 16 of 2020 Road Construction and Resurfacing 2020/21C.4134Proposed works on Southern Brook Road travels directly pass land Cr Antonio is co-owner of.
22021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council27/01/21Proximity13.2.2 - RFT 16 of 2020 Road Construction and Resurfacing 2020/21C.4134Cr Williams co-owns property that is bounded on one side by Leschenaultia Road.
32021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr S B Pollard
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Proximity13.2.2 - RFT 16 of 2020 Road Construction and Resurfacing 2020/21C.4134Cr Pollard owns a property that has a boundary on Lyon Street which is one of the Roads involved.
42021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131The owners of the property are well known to Cr Antonio, one being a staff member.
52021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131One of the applicants is well known to Cr Williams through Council.
62021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr S B Pollard
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131One of the applicants is a staff member of the Shire of Northam and known to Cr Pollard.
72021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131The proponents are known to Cr Ryan.
82021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131One of the applicants is known to Cr Tinetti and is an employee of the Shire of Northam.
92021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr T M Little
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131Cr Little knows the proponents of 18 Fairway Bend.
102021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr C P Della
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131The applicant is an employee of the Shire of Northam and is known to Cr Della.
112021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131One of the owners is known to Cr Galloway.
122021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131Cr Mencshelyi knows one of the proponents who works at the Northam Shire who owns the subject property.
132021 - 01. JANUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council27/01/21Impartiality13.3.4 - Proposed Outbuilding – 18 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4131The applicants are close friends of Cr Girak’s daughter and known to Cr Girak. One of the applicants is a Shire of Northam employee. Minor interest and it will not influence Cr Girak’s decision in this matter.
142021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Mr K Garlett
Committee MemberNyoongar Cultural Advisory Group09/02/21Financial8.1 - Bilya Koort Boodja Centre CoordinatorNCAG.21The item relates to a job Mr Garlett has applied for
152021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee10/02/21Impartiality11.1 - Community Grant Scheme ApplicationsCCAG.12
Committee members are known to Cr Antonio.
162021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/02/2021 & 17/02/2021Impartiality13.4.4 - Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4155
Cr Antonio is a member of Northam Hockey Club who are subject (in part), to the budget review.
172021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C P Della
Committee MemberForum / Ordinary Council10/02/2021 & 17/02/2021Impartiality13.4.4 - Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4155
Cr Della is a member of Northam Hockey Club who are recommended to receive funding for lighting as per a previous resolution of Council.
182021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council10/02/2021 & 17/02/2021Impartiality13.4.4 - Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4155
Mr Whiteaker is Deputy President of the Northam Hockey Club.
192021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/02/2021 & 17/02/2021Impartiality13.4.5 - Report Rates Exemption – 9 Dr Dunlop Drive, Northam WA 6401C.4157
202021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/02/2021 & 17/02/2021Impartiality13.5.1 - Building Better Regions Fund Funding ApplicationC.4160
Cr Williams daughter-in-law is the Manager of Tourism and Events in the Shire of Northam and some of the included projects are tourism focussed.
212021 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/02/2021 & 17/02/2021Impartiality13.5.1 - Building Better Regions Fund Funding ApplicationC.4160
Cr Girak is a Liberal Party candidate for the March 13 State Election and the Building Better Regions Fund is allocated by the current Coalition Federal Government of Australia.
222021 - 03. MARCH
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum10/03/21Financial13.3.1 - RFT 01 of 2021 - Fire Mitigation ServicesC.4168The applicant is an existing client of Cr Ryan's legal practice and he does legal work for the aplicant.
232021 - 03. MARCH
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum10/03/21Impartiality14.1 - Waste Management Fee Waiver RequestC.4175The applicants are known to Cr Ryan.
242021 - 03. MARCH
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee11/03/21Impartiality11.1 - Community Grants Scheme ApplicationsCCAG.20Cr Antonio is a member of the Northam Hockey Club who may benefit from a decision made.
252021 - 03. MARCH
Cr C P Della
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee11/03/21Impartiality11.1 - Community Grants Scheme ApplicationsCCAG.20Cr Della is a member of the Northam Hockey Club who have applied for funding.
262021 - 03. MARCH
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting16/03/21Financial7.1 - Chief Bush Fire Control Officer – Paid PositionNilMr Chris Marris is the current CBFCO which is paid an honorarium. This would cease if the role shifted to the CESM or another person.
272021 - 03. MARCH
Mr N Diamond
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting16/03/21Financial7.1 - Chief Bush Fire Control Officer – Paid PositionNilMr Neil Diamond is the current Deputy CBFCO which is paid an honorarium.
282021 - 03. MARCH
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting16/03/21Financial9.1 - Chief Bush Fire Control Officer – Paid PositionNilMr Chris Marris is the current CBFCO which is paid an honorarium. This would cease if the role shifted to the CESM or another person.
292021 - 03. MARCH
Mr N Diamond
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting16/03/21Financial9.1 - Chief Bush Fire Control Officer – Paid PositionNilMr Neil Diamond is the current Deputy CBFCO which is paid an honorarium.
302021 - 03. MARCH
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/03/2021 & 17/03/2021Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Farm Shed – 39 Cook Road, Bakers HillC.4169One of Cr Williams sons works for Wheatbelt Steel who are the applicants. Cr Williams son is not a dependent and does not live with Cr Williams.
312021 - 03. MARCH
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/03/2021 & 17/03/2021Impartiality14.1 - Waste Management Fee Waiver RequestC.4175The current spouse of the applicant is casually employed by Cr Tinetti’s business.
322021 - 03. MARCH
Cr C P Della
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/03/21Impartiality14.1 - Waste Management Fee Waiver RequestC.4175The current spouse of the applicant is known to Cr Della.
332021 - 04. APRIL
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum14/04/21Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 16 March 2021N/AOwners of premise are known to Cr Galloway.
342021 - 04. APRIL
Cr T M Little
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 16 March 2021C.4184
Cr Little knows the owners of the proposed leasing property mentioned in 12.1.
352021 - 04. APRIL
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum21/04/21Financial12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 16 March 2021C.4184
Cr Galloway's wife is an employee of the owners hardware.
362021 - 04. APRIL
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 02 of 2021 – Northam Airport Runway LightingC.4190One of Cr Williams sisters and her husband are Hangar owners at the airport.
372021 - 04. APRIL
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Family Day Care – 22 Gordon Street, NorthamC.4196Proposed off-site overflow parking for the family day care is in the parking spaces alongside Cr Girak’s property at 16-18 Gordon Street (Stone Court).
382021 - 04. APRIL
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Single Dwelling – 33 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4182The applicant is known to Cr Tinetti.
392021 - 04. APRIL
Cr T M Little
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Single Dwelling – 33 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4182Cr Little knows the applicants named in 33 Fairway Bend application.
402021 - 04. APRIL
Mr C B Hunt
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Single Dwelling – 33 Fairway Bend, NorthamC.4182One of the owners is known to Mr Hunt. The Manager Planning and Environment completed the report and recommendation.
412021 - 04. APRIL
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality13.4.5 - Northam Country Club – Council LoanC.4201The club President is known to Cr Tinetti.
422021 - 04. APRIL
Mr C B Hunt
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council14/04/2021 & 21/04/21Impartiality13.4.5 - Northam Country Club – Council LoanC.4201Mr Hunt is the Vice President of the Northam Country Club. Mr Hunt was not involved in the preparation of the report.
432021 - 05. MAY
Cr T M Little
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2021/22C.4212Cr Little is a member of a group that use the Old Wundowie Fire Station.
442021 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2021/22C.4212Cr Girak is a member and the Shire representative of AVAS, based at the Northam Old Girls School, included in the draft building maintenance budget 2021/22.
452021 - 05. MAY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2021/22C.4212Cr Antonio is involved with groups that may be affected by the item.
462021 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2021/22C.4212Cr Williams is a member of Clackline Progress who lease the Clackline Hall.
472021 - 05. MAY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Proximity13.2.2 - RFT 04 of 2021 – Beavis Place Public Open Space DevelopmentC.4213This development adjoins Cr Tinetti’s business premises.
482021 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.5.1 - Review of the Community Support PolicyC.4218Cr Williams is a member of Bakers Hill, Clackline and Spencers Brook Progress Associations whose funding from the Shire will be affected. Also a School Council member at Bakers Hill Primary School.
492021 - 05. MAY
Cr T M Little
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.5.1 - Review of the Community Support PolicyC.4218Cr Little is a member of Seniors Group mentioned and past member of Wundowie Progress mentioned.
502021 - 05. MAY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.5.1 - Review of the Community Support PolicyC.4218Cr Antonio is a member of some community organisations and groups that may be affected by this.
512021 - 05. MAY
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/05/2021 & 19/05/2021Impartiality13.5.1 - Review of the Community Support PolicyC.4218Cr Galloway is President of the Wundowie Progress Association.
522021 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorStrategic Council26/05/21Impartiality7.2 - Former Withnell's Motor SiteN/ACr Girak knows Stephen Withnell, owner of the former Withnell’s Motors site.
532021 - 06. JUNE
Cr C P Della
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee01/06/21Impartiality11.1 - Community Grant Scheme ApplicationsCCAG.29
Some of the applicants are known to Cr Della.
542021 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee01/06/21Impartiality11.1 - Community Grant Scheme ApplicationsCCAG.29
Some of the applicants are known to Cr Williams.
552021 - 06. JUNE
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee01/06/21Impartiality11.1 - Community Grant Scheme ApplicationsCCAG.29
Some of the applicants are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
562021 - 06. JUNE
Cr C A Antonio
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee01/06/21Impartiality11.1 - Community Grant Scheme ApplicationsCCAG.29
Many applicants/groups are known to Cr Antonio and is a member of including Northam Country Club, Northam Ag Society (member of), Northam Photography Group and Northam Heritage Forum.
572021 - 06. JUNE
Mr Blair Wilding
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting15/06/21Impartiality6.3 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.249Mr Wilding is nominated to be a Bush Fire Control Officer.
582021 - 06. JUNE
Mr Nic Dewar
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting15/06/21Impartiality6.3 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.249Mr Dewar is nominated to be a Bush Fire Control Officer.
592021 - 06. JUNE
Mr Kris Brown
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting15/06/21Impartiality6.3 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.249Mr Brown is nominated to be a Bush Fire Control Officer which he will be voting on as a brigade representative.
602021 - 06. JUNE
Mr Jeffrey Roberts
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting15/06/21Impartiality6.3 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.249Mr Roberts is a current Fire Control Officer.
612021 - 06. JUNE
Mr Neil Diamond
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting15/06/21Impartiality6.3 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.249Mr Diamond is a current Fire Control Officer.
622021 - 06. JUNE
Mr Paul Antonio
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting15/06/21Impartiality6.3 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.249Mr Antonio is nominated to be a Bush Fire Control Officer.
632021 - 06. JUNE
Mr Chris Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting15/06/21Impartiality6.3 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.249Mr Marris is nominated to be a Bush Fire Control Officer.
642021 - 06. JUNE
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum09/06/21Impartiality13.3.1 - Request to Initiate Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 16 to Shire of Northam Local Planning Scheme No. 6 – Extension to Avon Industrial ParkN/ACr Tinetti is on the Avon Industrial Park Advisory Board.
652021 - 06. JUNE
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council16/06/21Impartiality12.1 - Community Grant Assessment Committee Meeting held on 1 June 2021C.4229
Cr Galloway’s family member is a member of Northam Youth in Emergency Services Cadets.
662021 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council16/06/21Impartiality13.1.3 - Policy G 1.20 Organisational Structure Policy & F 4.11 Budget Variation Reporting PolicyC.4235
One of Cr Williams’ daughters, Daughter-In-Law and her mother are staff members at the Shire of Northam. None of the mentioned are dependent on Cr Williams’.
672021 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council16/06/21Impartiality13.3.1 - Request to Initiate Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 16 to Shire of Northam Local Planning Scheme No. 6 – Extension to Avon Industrial ParkC.4238Cr Antonio is a board member (non-financial) of ACDF, which is mentioned in the report.
682021 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council16/06/21Impartiality13.4.4 - Lease of 87 Duke Street, Northam to Northam Community Men’s ShedC.4243Cr Antonio is a Co-Patron (non-financial) of the Northam Men’s Shed.
692021 - 06. JUNE
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council16/06/21Financial14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 27 May 2021C.4245
This matter relates to Mr Whiteaker’s employment.
702021 - 06. JUNE
Cr S B Pollard
CouncillorWorkshop22/06/21ProximityCroke AvenueN/ACr Pollard is part owner of 193 Wellington Street, Northam. Croke Avenue, a road on the proposed 21/22 program, runs along the rear of this property.
712021 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentWorkshop22/06/21ProximityDwyer RoadN/AProposed works on Southern Brook Road state work to start at Dwyer Road. Property adjacent to Dwyer Road, is owned by a company that Cr Antonio is a director of.
722021 - 07. JULY
Cr S B Pollard
CouncillorSpecial Council14/07/21Proximity13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Pollard has an interest in 193 Wellington Street and Croke Avenue runs through to the rear of that property. Croke Ave is on the road program for 2021/22.
732021 - 07. JULY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council14/07/21Proximity13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Tinetti owns a property on a corner of Gordon Street and Angus Way which is part of the footpath program.
742021 - 07. JULY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council14/07/21Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Tinetti is a member of the Northam Chamber of Commerce which received funding from the Shire of Northam.
752021 - 07. JULY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorSpecial Council14/07/21Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Ryan is a financial member of the Chamber of Commerce who receive funding from the Shire of Northam.
762021 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council14/07/21Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Antonio is a member of a number of community groups that will be affected by the budget deliberations.
772021 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council14/07/21Proximity13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Southern Brook Road is adjacent to their family’s land.
782021 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentSpecial Council14/07/21Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Williams is a member of community organisations that may benefit from decisions made in the budget adoption.
792021 - 07. JULY
Cr T M Little
CouncillorSpecial Council14/07/21Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Little is a member of some (Wundowie) community groups mentioned.
802021 - 07. JULY
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorSpecial Council14/07/21Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Cr Galloway is a member of the Wundowie Iron Festival Committee.
812021 - 07. JULY
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeSpecial Council14/07/21Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Mr Whiteaker is a member of the Northam Hockey Club, who are charged fees and Council does work on their behalf.
822021 - 07. JULY
Mr C D Kleynhans
EmployeeSpecial Council14/07/21Proximity13.2 - Endorsement of the Draft BudgetC.4249
Mr Kleynhans owns an investment property on Perina Way which is a project within the annual footpath program.
832021 - 07. JULY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council21/07/21Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Temporary Development – Co-operative Bulk Handling, Leeming Road, Grass ValleyC.4268Cr Tinetti is on the Avon Industrial Park Advisory Board.
842021 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council21/07/21Financial13.3.1 - Proposed Temporary Development – Co-operative Bulk Handling, Leeming Road, Grass ValleyC.4268Cr Antonio’s family farm delivers to CBH. Any potential changes to delivery sites could have a financial impact on the family business.
852021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council16/08/21Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Cr Antonio is a member a number of community organisations affected by the budget.
862021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentSpecial Council16/08/21Proximity13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Cr Williams co-owns property on the corner of Leschenaultia Rd and Burma Rd – Job 3121 in the Road Construction Program.
872021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentSpecial Council16/08/21Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Cr Williams is a member of several community groups that will or may benefit from funding allocated via the budget.
882021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council16/08/21Proximity13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
The Beavis Place development in the budget is next to Cr Tinetti’s business premise.
892021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council16/08/21Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Cr Tinetti is a member of the Northam Chamber of Commerce which receives funding through a differential rate raised by the Shire of Northam.
902021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr S B Pollard
CouncillorSpecial Council16/08/21Proximity13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Croke Avenue roadworks are proximate to a property at 193 Wellington St which Cr Pollard has an ownership interest in.
912021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorSpecial Council16/08/21Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Cr Galloway is a member of Wundowie Progress Association.
922021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr T M Little
CouncillorSpecial Council16/08/21Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Cr Little is a member of community groups in the West of the Shire who may benefit in some way through the budget adoption.
932021 - 08. AUGUST
Mr C D Kleynhans
EmployeeSpecial Council16/08/21Proximity13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Mr Kleynhans owns an investment property on Perina Way and this road is included in the footpath program.
942021 - 08. AUGUST
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeSpecial Council16/08/21Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4274
Mr Whiteaker is a member of the Northam Hockey Club.
952021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council18/08/21Impartiality13.1.1 - Northam Chamber of Commerce Key Performance IndicatorsC.4285Cr Tinetti is a member of the Northam Chamber of Commerce.
962021 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council18/08/21Impartiality13.1.1 - Northam Chamber of Commerce Key Performance IndicatorsC.4285Cr Ryan is a member of the Northam Chamber of Commerce.
972021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress & Community Associations 2021/2022 Budget AllocationC.4301Member of several of the committees
982021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress & Community Associations 2021/2022 Budget AllocationC.4301Unpaid Secretary of the Progress Association
992021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress & Community Associations 2021/2022 Budget AllocationC.4301President of the Wundowie Progress Association
1002021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Financial14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303I am the one wishing to purchase the property
1012021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1022021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1032021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr C P Della
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1042021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr T M Little
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1052021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1062021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1072021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1082021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Impartiality14.1 - Sale of Lot 200 Minson Ave NorthamC.4303Cr Tinetti is known to me
1092021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council15/09/21Financial14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 26 August 2021C.4305
The review relates to my position
1102021 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Ms J Jurmann
EmployeeN/A15/09/21ImpartialityN/AN/AMrs Jurmann has an association with councillor Rob Tinetti which has been declared as a result of a determination of development application (ref: P21114) for the construction of 2 grouped dwellings at Lot 116 Angus Way, Northam. No variations were proposed to the provisions of LPS6 or R-Codes. Shire's Senior Planner, Blake Eldridge, has conducted the assessment of the application and made recommendation. Blake is a new staff member and has not met or had any interactions with Councillor Tinetti.
1112021 - 10. OCTOBER
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting05/10/21Financial6.3 - Appointment of Chief Bushfire Control Officer, Deputy Chief Bushfire Control Officer and Senior Bushfire Control OfficerBFAC.255Mr Marris is the current as well as nominated CBFCO which is paid an honorarium. This would be impacted if not renominated for the role.
1122021 - 10. OCTOBER
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting05/10/21Financial7.3 - Management Of Bush Fire BrigadesBFAC.258If BFB’s shifted to be under DFES control it may impact on the position of CBFCO which Mr Marris currently holds. This position is paid an honorarium.
1132021 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr S B Pollard
CouncillorForum13/10/21Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Partial Road Closure – Bryant Street, NorthamN/AThe applicant is well known to Cr Pollard through his previous accounting business.
1142021 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr J E G Williams
Deputy President / CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council20/10/21Impartiality13.3.3 - South West Native Title Settlement – Land Base ConsultationC.4325Cr Williams uses the subject land in Bakers Hill for (passive) exercise and co-owns a property on Burma Rd, Wundowie.
1152021 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council20/10/21Impartiality13.3.3 - South West Native Title Settlement – Land Base ConsultationC.4325Cr Mencshelyi’s home is in close proximity to Lot 501 Shingle Hill Road.
1162021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.4.3 - Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire ShedC.4334One group mentioned in the report has discussed their desire to obtain the Bakers Hill Fire Shed with Cr Antonio in the past.
1172021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.4.3 - Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire ShedC.4334Cr Williams knows several of the applicants. Cr Williams was approached by Bakers Hill Out of School Hours Care to assist them find alternative accommodation. Cr Williams is a member of the Bakers Hill Primary School Board and Bakers Hill Progress Association. Cr Williams has no knowledge of the RSL’s request other than as stated in the agenda item. Cr Williams father is a retired serviceman (Australian Navy) and one of Cr Williams sons is also in the Australian Navy. Possible perception only, Cr Williams is not involved with the RSL and Cr Williams father and son are not members.
1182021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Ms C Greenough
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.4.3 - Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire ShedC.4334Ms Greenough has an association with the Secretary of the RSL Bakers Hill as he is a member of an SES unit in Mundaring.
1192021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Representation on Council CommitteesC.4342One nominee Ulo Rumjantsev is known to Cr Antonio.
1202021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Representation on Council CommitteesC.4342Cr Girak knows Cr Rumjantsev who is a nominee for the Community Safety Committee.
1212021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Representation on Council CommitteesC.4342Cr Hughes has known Ulo Rumjantsev for many years as he was a former Shire Councillor and also knows him personally.
1222021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum10/11/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Representation on Council CommitteesC.4342Mr Ulo Rumjantsev is known to Cr Mencshelyi
1232021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Representation on Council CommitteesC.4342Cr Tinetti knows Ulo Rumjantsev as a previous fellow Councillor and acquaintance.
1242021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Representation on Council CommitteesC.4342One of the nominating members of public is well known to me. Cr Williams knows this person through Council and Community Committees, not on a personal/social level.
1252021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council17/11/21Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Representation on Council CommitteesC.4342Two of the nominees are known to Cr Ryan.
1262021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.2 - Sale of A15549 Due to Outstanding Rates and ChargesC.4345Cr Williams adult, non-dependent daughter is the reporting officer for the agenda item. Possible perception only, Cr Williams does not believe her daughters current employment status is likely to be affected regardless of the outcome. Cr Williams has no knowledge of this matter beyond what is in the agenda.
1272021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.3 - Sale of A15309 Due to Outstanding Rates and ChargesC.4346Cr Williams adult, non-dependent daughter is the reporting officer for the agenda item. Possible perception only, Cr Williams does not believe her daughters current employment status is likely to be affected regardless of the outcome. Cr Williams has no knowledge of this matter beyond what is in the agenda.
1282021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.4 - Sale of A12354 Due to Outstanding Rates and ChargesC.4347Cr Williams adult, non-dependent daughter is the reporting officer for the agenda item. Possible perception only, Cr Williams does not believe her daughters current employment status is likely to be affected regardless of the outcome. Cr Williams has no knowledge of this matter beyond what is in the agenda.
1292021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
A number of the nominees are known to Cr Antonio.
1302021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
Cr Girak knows several nominees for the award.
1312021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
Some of the nominees are well known to Cr Williams.
1322021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
Some of the nominees are known to Cr Galloway.
1332021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
One of the nominees was nominated by Cr Tinetti’s wife and is an acquaintance of Cr Tinetti.
1342021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
Some of the nominees are known to Cr Hughes.
1352021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
One of the nominees is known to Cr Appleton.
1362021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr P Curtis
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
Some of the nominees are known to Cr Curtis as friends or through community groups.
1372021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
Various nominees are members of staff.
1382021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council17/11/21Impartiality14.5 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2022C.4348
Two of the nominees are known to Cr Ryan.
1392021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr P Curtis
CouncillorStrategic Council24/11/21Impartiality6.4 - Lease of Former Bakers Hill Fire ShedN/APeople of each interested party are known to Cr Curtis through work or as persons he has done business with. Trevor from RSL is a work colleague and Lisa from After School Hours Care is known to Cr Curtis.
1402021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorStrategic Council24/11/21Impartiality6.4 - Lease of Former Bakers Hill Fire ShedN/ACr Williams knows several of the applicants. Cr Williams was approached by Bakers Hill Out of School Hours Care to assist them find alternative accommodation. Cr Williams is a member of the Bakers Hill Primary School Board and Bakers Hill Progress Association. Cr Williams has no knowledge of the RSL’s request other than as stated in the agenda item.
Cr Williams father is a retired serviceman (Australian Navy) and one of Cr Williams sons is also in the Australian Navy. Possible perception only, Cr Williams is not involved with the RSL and Cr Williams father and son are not members.
1412021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee22/11/21Impartiality12.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.49Cr Tinetti is a social member of the Northam Theatre Group.
1422021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee22/11/21Impartiality12.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.44
Many of the applicants are known to Cr Antonio (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
1432021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee22/11/21Impartiality12.2 - Quick Response Grant Applications UpdateCCAG.55Members of Silver Wings are known to Cr Galloway
1442021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee22/11/21Impartiality12.1 - Community Development Grant Program Applications & 12.2 - Quick Response Grant Applications UpdateCCAG.44
Some of the people submitting applications are known to Cr Mencshelyi. Cr Mencshelyi has grand children who could benefit from application C9. Cr Mencshelyi is also Vice President of Share & Care (voluntary).
1452021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee22/11/21Impartiality12.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.49Cr Hughes is a member of the Northam Theatre Group.
1462021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr P Curtis
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee22/11/21Impartiality12.2 - Quick Response Grant Applications UpdateCCAG.55Cr Curtis has a friendship with Kaye Towle who runs Silver Wings. Silver wings is know to Cr Curtis.
1472021 - 11. NOVEMBER
Ms J Hawkins
EmployeeCommunity Grant Assessment Committee22/11/21Impartiality12.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.49Ms Hawkins is a member of the Northam Theatre Group.
1482021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council02/12/21Impartiality13.1 - Business Redevelopment Fund Application - 68-76 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4358Several of the owners are known to Cr Tinetti.
1492021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorSpecial Council02/12/21Impartiality13.1 - Business Redevelopment Fund Application - 68-76 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4358Cr Girak knows one of the property owners, Dr Marie Fox and also Simon Dickenson owner of Dickinson Construction.
1502021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council02/12/21Impartiality13.1 - Business Redevelopment Fund Application - 68-76 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4358Some of the applicants are known to Cr Antonio.
1512021 - 12. DECEMBER
Ms J Hawkins
EmployeeCommunity Safety Committee07/12/21Impartiality8.3 - Amendment to the Terms of ReferenceCSC.081Kym Edwards is known to Ms Hawkins through various involvement with Bridgeley Church of Christ - Youth Group, Carols. Kym Edwards coaches sons football team. Ms Hawkins is a non-voting member of the committee.
1522021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum08/12/21Impartiality12.2 - Community Grants Assessment Committee Meeting held on 22 November 2021N/ASome applicants are known to Cr Girak and she is a Council representative on the NACHA Committee.
1532021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council8/12/2021 & 15/12/2021Impartiality12.2 - Community Grants Assessment Committee Meeting held on 22 November 2021C.4366Cr Hughes is a member of AVAS.
1542021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council8/12/2021 & 15/12/2021Proximity13.3.1 - South West Native Title Settlement – Land Base ConsultationC.4368#14 is land Cr Antonio’s farming partnership grows crops on.
1552021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council8/12/2021 & 15/12/2021Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Alterations & Additions – St Joseph’s School (Primary Campus)C.4370Cr Ryan’s daughter is a student at the high school campus.
1562021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council8/12/2021 & 15/12/2021Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Alterations & Additions – St Joseph’s School (Primary Campus)C.4370Cr Antonio and his children attended this school.
1572021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council8/12/2021 & 15/12/2021Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Alterations & Additions – St Joseph’s School (Primary Campus)C.4370Cr Hughes daughter spent her entire primary schooling at St Joseph’s.
1582021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council8/12/2021 & 15/12/2021Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Alterations & Additions – St Joseph’s School (Primary Campus)C.4370Cr Tinetti’s granddaughter attends this school.
1592021 - 12. DECEMBER
Mr K Brown
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/12/21Impartiality6.1 - Development Services ReportBFAC.261
Mr Brown is nominated for Senior Bush Fire Control Officer.
1602021 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr P Curtis
CouncillorBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/12/21Impartiality6.1 - Development Services ReportBFAC.261
Cr Curtis is an active member of the Wundowie Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service and member of the Wundowie Bush Fire Brigade.
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/12/21Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Alterations & Additions – St Joseph’s School (Primary Campus)C.4370Cr Mencshelyi has grandchildren which attend St Joseph School.
1622022 - 01. JANUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/01/22Proximity13.2.1 - RFQ 21 of 2021 Road Sealing Program 2022C.4386Cr Hughes owns a house on Parker St where road is being re-sealed.

Cr Hughes left the meeting at 5:46pm and returned at 5:50pm.
1632022 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum09/02/22Impartiality13.5.1 - GAIA - Floating EarthN/ACr Williams daughter-in-law is manager of Tourism and Communications and this concept was her initiative. No financial conflict and minimal impartiality.
1642022 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr H Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council9/02/2022 & 16/02/2022Impartiality13.5.1 - GAIA - Floating EarthC.4399Vic Williams is known to Cr Appleton outside of Council.
1652022 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council9/02/2022 & 16/02/2022Financial13.3.2 -C.4396Cr Antonio is on the board of the Avon Industrial Park and will receive travel fees to attend meetings.

Cr Antonio left the meeting at 5:44pm and returned at 5:45pm.
1662022 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council9/02/2022 & 16/02/2022Impartiality13.3.3 -C.4393Owners of the property are known to Cr Antonio.
1672022 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorStrategic Council23/02/22Impartiality6.3 - Proposed Rotary Structure - Broome TerraceN/ASeveral members of the Northam Rotary Club are known to Cr Girak. Also, Cr Girak is employed by TAFE and TAFE students are mentioned to assist with the construction of the proposed structure.
1682022 - 03. MARCH
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council16/03/22Proximity13.2.1 - RFQ 21 & 24 of 2021 – Price VariationC.4420Southern Brook Road mentioned in the report has had work done which adjoins rural property, Cr Antonio is the Director of the company who owns that property.

Cr Antonio left the meeting at 5:53pm and returned at 6:03pm.
1692022 - 03. MARCH
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council16/03/22Proximity13.2.1 - RFQ 21 & 24 of 2021 – Price VariationC.4420Cr Hughes owns a house in Parker Street.

Cr Hughes left the meeting at 5:53pm and returned at 6:03pm.
1702022 - 03. MARCH
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council9/03/2022 & 16/03/2022Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Drive-Through Modifications – McDonalds, NorthamC.4422The owners of RAH Nominees Pty Ltd are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
1712022 - 03. MARCH
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council9/03/2022 & 16/03/2022Impartiality13.4.3 - Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire ShedC.4409Several of the applicants are known to me. I was approached by BHOSHC to assist them in finding alternate accommodation (than BHPS). I have also discussed the situation with an RSL member. I am a member of the Bakers Hill Primary School Board and Progress Association. My father was a serviceman but not a member of the RSL and one of my sons is in the Australian Navy but not a member of the RSL
1722022 - 03. MARCH
Cr P Curtis
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council9/03/2022 & 16/03/2022Impartiality13.4.3 - Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire ShedC.4409Persons wanting to lease the old Bakers Hill Fire Shed are known to me.
1732022 - 03. MARCH
Ms C Greenough
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council9/03/2022 & 16/03/2022Impartiality13.4.3 - Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire ShedC.4409Ms Greenough knows one of the applicants through the SES.
1742022 - 03. MARCH
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council16/03/22Impartiality13.4.3 - Lease of former Bakers Hill Fire ShedC.4409Cr Antonio has spoken to the RSL about their application.
1752022 - 03. MARCH
Mr J B Whiteaker
FinancialForum / Ordinary Council9/03/2022 & 16/03/2022Financial14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 9 March 2022C.4432
The CEO is subject of the report.

Mr Whiteaker left the meeting at 6:18pm and returned at 6:21pm.
1762022 - 03. MARCH
Ms A C McCall
EmployeeN/AN/AImpartialityN/AN/AI have recently joined Avon Valley Showjumping and Pony Club. Jess Joy who is the owner of Lucy's Tearooms is on the committee and an organiser of events/rallies. Will exclude myself from authorising purchase orders.
1772022 - 04. APRIL
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/04/2022 & 20/04/2022Impartiality8.3 - Deputations

6.1 - Public Questions
N/ACr Tinetti’s grandson is casually employed at Dominos Pizza which is part of the discussion regarding structural engineering reports.
1782022 - 04. APRIL
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/04/2022 & 20/04/2022Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Additions – Avon Valley Beef AbattoirC.4439The owner of the business is known to Cr Antonio.
1792022 - 04. APRIL
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/04/2022 & 20/04/2022Impartiality14.1 - Housing Challenges in NorthamC.4448Cr Tinetti and his wife are building short term stay apartments in Northam to accommodate commuting workers.
1802022 - 05. MAY
Cr H Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2022/23C.4465Casual volunteers at the Northam Pound are known to Cr Appleton. Petrine Priest is Cr Appleton’s sister-in-law and Anita Corrigan is a friend.
1812022 - 05. MAY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2022/23C.4465Cr Hughes is a member of the Avon Valley Arts Society (Northam Old Girls School maintenance).
1822022 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2022/23C.4465Cr Williams is a member of the Clackline Progress Association who leases the Clackline Hall which is included on the maintenance list.
1832022 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2022/23C.4465Cr Girak is a member of the Avon Valley Arts Society and the Northam Old Girls School is on the maintenance budget list. Also some occupants of other buildings on the list are known to Cr Girak.
1842022 - 05. MAY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council18/05/22Impartiality13.2.1 - Building Maintenance Budget 2022/23C.4465Cr Antonio is a member of AVAS. AVAS’s location – Old Girls School is on the proposed maintenance list.
1852022 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of the Heritage ListC.4467The owners of some of the properties, including a fellow Councillor are known to Cr Williams.
1862022 - 05. MAY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of the Heritage ListC.4467Persons referred on the Heritage List are known to Cr Ryan personally.
1872022 - 05. MAY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of the Heritage ListC.4467Cr Tinetti knows some of the owners of the heritage listed properties.
1882022 - 05. MAY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of the Heritage ListC.4467A number of owners of property on the proposed Heritage List are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
1892022 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Proximity13.3.2 - Proposed Review of the Heritage ListC.4467Cr Girak’s residential property at 16 Gordon Street, Northam is included on the draft amended Heritage List (No. 75 – Masonic Hall (fmr)).

Cr Girak left the meeting at 5:56pm and returned at 5:59pm.
1902022 - 05. MAY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council18/05/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of the Heritage ListC.4467Cr Antonio knows some of the owners of the properties on this proposed list.
1912022 - 05. MAY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council18/05/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of the Heritage ListC.4467Cr Hughes knows the owner of the Northam Tavern.
1922022 - 05. MAY
Cr P Curtis
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress & Community Associations 2022/2023 Budget AllocationC.4472Cr Curtis is a member of the Wundowie Progress Association.
1932022 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress & Community Associations 2022/2023 Budget AllocationC.4472Cr Williams is a member of the Bakers Hill Progress & Recreation Association (BHPRA) which has requested funding from the Shire in this item. Cr Williams is Deputy President of BHPRA but as the position is voluntary, interest is impartiality only.
1942022 - 05. MAY
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/05/22 & 18/5/22Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress & Community Associations 2022/2023 Budget AllocationC.4472Cr Galloway is the President of the Wundowie Progress Association.
1952022 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council18/05/22Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress & Community Associations 2022/2023 Budget AllocationC.4472Fellow councillors and other members of the Bakers Hill, Wundowie and Spencers Brook Progress Associations are known to Cr Girak.
1962022 - 06. JUNE
Cr H Appleton
Councillor02/06/22Impartiality6.1 - Occupational Health & Safety Committee MinutesAU.219Members of this committee are known to Cr Appleton.
1972022 - 06. JUNE
Cr H Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/06/2022 & 15/06/2022Impartiality13.2.1 - 2022/23 Footpath Construction ProgramC.4488Cr Appleton lives on East St near the proposed new footpaths.
1982022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Kim Hampton
EmployeeN/A29/06/22FinancialN/AN/AMr Hampton is considering purchasing property condemned by the Shire of Northam that he had done investigations into. At that stage the property was not being sold. The owner has now claimed bankruptcy and the house is being solf through the real estate. All future enquiries go though Gordon Tester as Mr Hampton has withdrawn any involvement.
1992022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Paul Antonio
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/06/22Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations – Bushfire Control OfficersBFAC.274Nominated as Bushfire Control Officer.
2002022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Robert Herzer
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/06/22Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations – Bushfire Control OfficersBFAC.274Nominated as Bushfire Control Officer.
2012022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Jason Cacic
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/06/22Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations – Bushfire Control OfficersBFAC.274Nominated as Bushfire Control Officer.
2022022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Kristopher Brown
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/06/22Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations – Bushfire Control OfficersBFAC.274Nominated as Bushfire Control Officer.
2032022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Chris Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/06/22Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations – Bushfire Control OfficersBFAC.274Nominated as Bushfire Control Officer.
2042022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Blair Wilding
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/06/22Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations – Bushfire Control OfficersBFAC.274Nominated as Bushfire Control Officer.
2052022 - 06. JUNE
Mr Aaron Smith
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting14/06/22Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations – Bushfire Control OfficersBFAC.274Nominated as Bushfire Control Officer.
2062022 - 07. JULY
Mr Chris Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting11/07/22Financial6.1 - Appointment of Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and Senior Bush Fire Control OfficerBFAC.280Mr Marris is nominated for the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer which is paid an honorarium.

Mr Marris left the meeting at 5:42pm and returned at 5:42pm
2072022 - 07. JULY
Mr Kris Brown
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting11/07/22Financial6.1 - Appointment of Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and Senior Bush Fire Control OfficerBFAC.281Mr Brown has been nominated for the Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer position which is paid an honorarium.

Mr Brown left the meeting at 5:42pm and returned at 5:48pm.
2082022 - 07. JULY
Mr Blair Wilding
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting11/07/22Financial6.1 - Appointment of Chief Bush Fire Control Officer, Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and Senior Bush Fire Control OfficerBFAC.281Mr Wilding has been nominated for the Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer (DCBFCO) and Senior Bush Fire Control Officer. The DCBFCO is an honorarium position.

Mr Wilding left the meeting at 5:42pm and returned at 5:48pm.
2092022 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/07/22 & 20/07/22Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 14 June 2022C.4497Nominated Fire Control Officers are known to Cr Antonio, including his brother (Paul Antonio – nominated as a Fire Control Officer for Southern Brook Bush Fire Brigade).
2102022 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/07/22 & 20/07/22Impartiality12.2 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 11 July 2022C.4499Nominated Fire Control Officers are known to Cr Antonio.
2112022 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/07/22 & 20/07/22Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Airbnb – 34 Broome Terrace, NorthamC.4505The owner and applicant is known to Cr Antonio.
2122022 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/07/22 & 20/07/22Financial13.3.2 - Proposed Amendment – Co-Operative Bulk Handling, Leeming Road, Grass ValleyC.4506Cr Antonio’s farming operation holds a $2 share in CBH. Cr Antonio left the meeting at 6:36pm and returned at 6:36pm.
2132022 - 07. JULY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum13/07/22Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Club Motor Sport Events – Northam Racecourse, Yilgarn Ave, MalabaineC.4507The objector to the development application is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
2142022 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/07/22 & 20/07/22Impartiality13.4.3 - Rates Exemption – 8 Frankish Road, NorthamC.4510Cr Williams daughter is the reporting officer.
2152022 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/07/22 & 20/07/22Impartiality14.1 - Airport Lease FeesC.4493Cr Williams sister and brother-in-law have a hangar at the Northam Airport.
2162022 - 07. JULY
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/07/22 & 20/07/22Impartiality14.2 - Lease Agreement for a Portion of 44 Peel Terrace, NorthamC.4513The applicant is known to Cr Ryan.
2172022 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council20/07/22Impartiality12.2 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 11 July 2022C.4497Some of the nominated Fire Control Officers are known to Cr Williams (including those nominated for positions paid an honorarium)
2182022 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Antonio is a member of the Northam Agricultural Society, Avon Valley Arts Society, Northam Hockey Club (kids play) and had a discussion with Northam Toy Library.
2192022 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council27/07/22Proximity13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Proposed works are alongside land Cr Antonio owns.

Cr Antonio left the meeting at 7:16pm and returned at 7:18pm.
2202022 - 07. JULY
Cr D Hughes
CouncillorSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Hughes is a member of the Northam Agricultural Society and Avon Valley Arts Society.
2212022 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Williams has had two car accidents on Tamma Road (East) due to condition of the road, this road is a new project on the road program.


Cr Williams has discussed one of the grants (seating) Bakers Hill Progress and Recreation Association have applied for with staff (regarding potential timing issues). Cr Williams is Deputy President of the Bakers Hill Progress and Recreation Association but in an unpaid position so minor impartiality interest only.
2222022 - 07. JULY
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Galloway is President of the Wundowie Progress Association who are seeking a grant for the Wundowie Museum.
2232022 - 07. JULY
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Mr Whiteaker is a member of the Northam Hockey Club
2242022 - 07. JULY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Tinetti is the Council representative on the Northam Chamber of Commerce. One item on the consideration list is the ‘Gathering in the Grain’ Festival for which the Chamber has applied for funding.
2252022 - 07. JULY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council27/07/22Proximity13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Tinetti's business is boarded by Fitzgerald St and Beavis Place which are included in the road program.

Cr Tinetti left the meeting at 7:16pm and returned at 7:18pm.
2262022 - 07. JULY
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Ryan is a member of the Northam Chamber of Commerce who have applied for grant funding.
2272022 - 07. JULY
Cr P Curtis
CouncillorSpecial Council27/07/22Impartiality13.2 - Endorsement of Draft BudgetC.4518
Cr Curtis is a member of the Wundowie Progress Association and have sat in on Wundowie Museum Meetings.
2282022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Financial13.3.1 - Proposed Amendment - Co-Operative Bulk Handling, Leeming Road, Grass ValleyC.4532Cr Antonio’s farming operation holds a $2 share in CBH.
2292022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Some owners of properties on the Heritage List are known to Cr Antonio.
2302022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Proximity13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Cr Girak’s residential property is on the proposed Heritage List.
2312022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537One of the property owners on the proposed Heritage List is known to Cr Hughes.
2322022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Some owners of properties on the Heritage List are known to Cr Mencshelyi
2332022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537One of the property owners on the proposed Heritage List is known to Cr Ryan.
2342022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Some owners of properties on the Heritage List are known to Cr Tinetti
2352022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Some owners of properties on the Heritage List are known to Cr Williams.
2362022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/08/2022 &
Proximity14.2 - Unauthorised Structure – A72C.4543A property Cr Williams co-owns is located across a thoroughfare from the subject property.
2372022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.1 - CBH Leeming Rd, Grass ValleyC.4532Some of the farmers affected by use of Leeming Rd are known to Cr Tinetti.
2382022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Cr Girak is known to r Galloway as another Councillor.
2392022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr P T Curtis
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Cr Girak is known to Cr Curtis
2402022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Some owners of properties on the Heritage List are known to Cr Mencshelyi. Including Cr Girak, who is seeking a decision in reference to Lot 5.
2412022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Cr Girak and the owner of the Northam Tavern are known to Cr Hughes.
2422022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Some owners of properties on the Heritage List are known to Cr Williams. One of the homes proposed to be included is a fellow councillor. She is requesting her home not be included.
2432022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Some owners of properties on the Heritage List are known to Cr Antonio. Including Cr Girak, a fellow councillor who is requesting changes to officer recommendation.
2442022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/08/22Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Review of Heritage ListC.4537Property owners on the list are known to Cr Appleton
2452022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorSpecial Council24/08/22Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4546
Cr Williams is a member of BHPRA, who are potentially receiving funding via the budget. Cr Williams also has a daughter and daughter-in-law who work at the Shire and may receive a pay rise.
2462022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorSpecial Council24/08/22Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4546
Members of the community impacted by the minor adjustments to the Draft Budget are known to Cr Girak.
2472022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorSpecial Council24/08/22Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4546
Cr Hughes is a member of the A.V.A.S.
2482022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council24/08/22Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4546
Members of community groups listed in surplus carried forward are known to Cr Antonio.
2492022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorStrategic Council24/08/22Impartiality6.2 - Old Mayors Parlour, Town HallN/ASome members of the Northam Historical Society are known to Cr Girak.
2502022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorStrategic Council24/08/22Impartiality6.2 - Old Mayors Parlour, Town HallN/AMembers of the Northam Historical Society are known to Cr Appleton.
2512022 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentStrategic Council24/08/22Impartiality6.2 - Old Mayors Parlour, Town HallN/ASome members of the Northam Historical Society are known to Cr Ryan.
2522022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/09/22Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of a Portion of 139 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4560The owner of the property 139 Fitzgerald St, Northam and some members of the Northam Town Teams Project are known to Cr Girak.
2532022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/09/2022 & 21/09/2022Impartiality13.1.2 - Lease of Wundowie Hall to Wundowie Progress AssociationC.4561Cr Galloway is the president of the Wundowie Progress Association which is mentioned in the item.
2542022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/09/22Impartiality13.1.2 - Lease of Wundowie Hall to Wundowie Progress AssociationC.4561Fellow Councillor, David Galloway, is the President of the Wundowie Progress Association.
2552022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/09/22Impartiality13.1.5 - Unbudgeted Expenditure – Supply and Install LED Illuminated Wind Indicator and Windsock at the Northam AirportC.4564Members of the community using the Northam Airport are known to Cr Girak.
2562022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/09/22Impartiality13.1.5 - Unbudgeted Expenditure – Supply and Install LED Illuminated Wind Indicator and Windsock at the Northam AirportC.4564Cr Williams sister and brother-in-law have a hangar at the Northam Airport.
2572022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/09/2022 & 21/09/2022Impartiality13.2.1 - Draft 5-year Path ProgramC.4565Path program includes works on East St, Cr Appleton’s primary residence is located on East St.
2582022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/09/2022 & 21/09/2022Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Road Names – Lucy Place & Garfield PlaceC.4567The families related to the proposed names are well known to Cr Tinetti.
2592022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/09/22Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Road Names – Lucy Place & Garfield PlaceC.4567Cr Hughes has known a member of the Lucy family for many years.
2602022 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/09/2022 & 21/09/2022Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Road Names – Lucy Place & Garfield PlaceC.4567The family related to a proposed name is known to Cr Antonio and they have mentioned the request of naming to him.
2612022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.1.1 - Review of Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4580
Cr Antonio is one of the elected members of council mentioned in this item for review of shire wards.
2622022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.1.1 - Review of Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4580
Cr Galloway is one of the elected members in this item for review of shire wards.
2632022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.1.1 - Review of Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4580
Cr Hughes is an elected member of council, and this agenda item discusses conditions effecting elected members position on council.
2642022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.1.1 - Review of Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4580
This item impacts Cr Mencshelyi’s status as an elected member of the Shire of Northam.
2652022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.1.1 - Review of Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4580
Cr Ryan is an elected member of the Shire of Northam.
2662022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.1.1 - Review of Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4580
Cr Williams has always been a vocal advocate for the retention of shire wards. Cr Williams current position of elected member for Central ward may cease to exist at the next election.
2672022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.1.1 - Review of Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4580
This item refers to elected members of council, which Cr Appleton is a part of.
2682022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/10/2022 & 19/10/2022Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Home Business - 34 Broome Terrace, NorthamC.4584Proponent is known to Cr Antonio.
2692022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.57
Applicants C12, C13 & C15 have previously talked to Cr Antonio about their application.
C14 applicant know to me.
2702022 - 10. OCTOBER
J Hawkins
EmployeeCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.57
Shire Officer Jaime Hawkins is a committee member of Northam & Districts Little Athletics Centre. The assessment of this application was made by Jo Metcalf.
2712022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.57
The Chairperson of NACHA and Earth Solutions are well known to Cr Hughes
2722022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.57
Some of the NACHA committee are known to Cr Tinetti.
2732022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.1 - Community Development Grant Program Applications

11.2 - Return to 3yr Community Event Funding Agreement

11.3 - Quick Response Grants Applications Update
A number of people associated with current, past and impending grantees are known to Cr Mencshelyi
2742022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.2 - Return to 3yr Community Event Funding AgreementCCAG.61Cr Antonio is a member of the Northam Agricultural Society, AVAS & the Northam Theatre Group.
2752022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.2 - Return to 3yr Community Event Funding AgreementCCAG.61Cr Galloway is the President of the Wundowie Progress Association, who are mentioned in this item.
2762022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.2 - Return to 3yr Community Event Funding AgreementCCAG.61Cr Hughes is a member of the Northam Agricultural Society & AVAS. He is also the Council representative of the Northam RSL Sub Branch.
2772022 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee31/10/22Impartiality11.3 - Quick Response Grants Applications UpdateCCAG.62Cr Hughes has known Peter Weatherly who leads the Avon Valley Environmental Society for several years.
2782022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality12.1 - Community Grants Assessment CommitteeC.4597
Potential grantees of the Community Grants are known to Cr Mencshelyi
2792022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality12.1 - Community Grants Assessment CommitteeC.4597
Cr Appleton has been a guest at multiple NACHA meetings
2802022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality12.1 - Community Grants Assessment CommitteeC.4597
Cr Williams is a member and/or attend progress associations that may benefit from grants
2812022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality12.1 - Community Grants Assessment CommitteeC.4597
Some of the applicants for community grants are known to Cr Girak
2822022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.2 - Council Meeting DatesC.4599Cr Girak is an Elected Member of the Sire of Northam and her decision of meeting locations can be a perceived conflict of interest.
2832022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.3 - Lease of the Wundowie Hall to the Wundowie Progress AssociationC.4600Fellow Councillor David Galloway is the President of the Wundowie Progress Association
2842022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.3 - Lease of the Wundowie Hall to the Wundowie Progress AssociationC.4600Chair of Wundowie Progress association is known to Cr Mencshelyi and a current councillor.
2852022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.3 - Lease of the Wundowie Hall to the Wundowie Progress AssociationC.4600Some of the Wundowie Progress Association Executives are known to Cr Antonio
2862022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.3 - Lease of the Wundowie Hall to the Wundowie Progress AssociationC.4600Cr Galloway is the President of the Wundowie Progress Association which is seeking lease of the Wundowie Hall.
2872022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.3 - Lease of the Wundowie Hall to the Wundowie Progress AssociationC.4600Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Williams
2882022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.4 - Review of the Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4601Fellow Councillors will be impacted by changes to the Wards and reduction of Elected Member numbers in the Shire of Northam.
2892022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.4 - Review of the Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4601The position Cr Williams currently holds may be changed or removed at the next election.
2902022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.4 - Review of the Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4601Fellow councillors known to Cr Ryan will be affected by the decision.
2912022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.4 - Review of the Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4601Cr Hughes is an elected member of the Shire of Northam
2922022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.4 - Review of the Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4601As a councillor this item affects our outcome
2932022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.4 - Review of the Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4601Cr Hayden is currently a councillor effected by ward review
2942022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality13.1.4 - Review of the Shire of Northam Wards and RepresentationC.4601All councillors, including Cr Antonio, will be impacted by any changes to wards and number of elected members
2952022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
Some nominees for the Citizen of the Year Awards are known to Cr Girak
2962022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
Most nominees for the Citizen of the Year Awards are known to Cr Antonio.
2972022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
Some of the nominees are known to Cr Mencshelyi
2982022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
Cr Hughes has known a nominee for many years
2992022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorOrdinary Council16/11/22Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
Several of the nominees and nominators are known to Cr Tinetti
3002022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
One of the nominated groups (TUIB) where supplied groceries through Cr Appleton's employer
3012022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
Various nominees are known to Cr Williams.

Further Interest:
One of the nominees is a fellow executive member of the Bakers Hill Progress and Recreation Association and has been known to Cr Williams for several years.
3022022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council09/11/2022 & 16/11/2022Impartiality14.1 - Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2023C.4609
One of the persons is known to Cr Ryan and is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce
3032022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorStrategic Council23/11/22Impartiality6.2 - Northam Country Club Tennis Court ConversionN/AThe current club president is known to Cr Tinetti
3042022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorStrategic Council23/11/22Impartiality6.2 - Northam Country Club Tennis Court ConversionN/AThe writer of the proposal in known to Cr Hughes
3052022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorStrategic Council23/11/22Impartiality7.1 - Councillor Payments
7.2 - Leave of Absence
7.3 - Attendance by Councillors at Events
N/AAgenda items relate to Councillor Payments and Activities
3062022 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorStrategic Council23/11/22Impartiality7.1 - Councillor Payments
7.2 - Leave of Absence
7.3 - Attendance by Councillors at Events
N/ACr Hughes is an Elected Member and this item discusses Elected Member conditions
3072022 - 12. DECEMBER
Mr Chris Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting06/12/22Impartiality7.5 - Nomination of Harvest Ban Weather Officer 2022/2023BFAC.296The individual mentioned in the report is known to Mr Marris.
3082022 - 12. DECEMBER
Mr Nic Dewar
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting06/12/22Impartiality7.5 - Nomination of Harvest Ban Weather Officer 2022/2023BFAC.296The individual mentioned in the report is part of the same brigade as Mr Dewar.
3092022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/12/22 & 21/12/22Impartiality12.3 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting Held on 06/12/2022C.4623
Cr Antonio's brother is mentioned in the report.
3102022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/12/22 & 21/12/22Impartiality13.1.3 - Lease of a Portion of Lot 1 Withers Street, Northam.C.4629The potential lessors are known to Cr Antonio.
3112022 - 12. DECEMBER
A C McCall
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council14/12/22 & 21/12/22Impartiality13.1.3 - Lease of a Portion of Lot 1 Withers Street, Northam.C.4629Horses have been placed in the paddock adjoining the Northam Airport. Owner of the horses is requesting to formalise the arrangement to use the paddock. The owner of the horses is known to Mrs McCall for over 20 years as her farrier. The Governance Officer has been dealing with this matter as a result of this interest.
3122022 - 12. DECEMBER
J B Whiteaker
EmployeeOrdinary Council21/12/22Financial13.1.4 - Zero Emission Vehicle Transition PlanC.4630Mr Whiteaker has a council vehicle in his salary package.
3132022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/12/22Financial13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632Cr Tinetti’s business owns the property that encroaches lot 202 by 2cm, totalling 1 square meter being built in 1992.
3142022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632Cr Tinetti is known to Cr Ryan.
3152022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632Cr Rob Tinetti is known to Cr Hughes.
3162022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632The prospective purchaser is well known to Cr Williams as a fellow Shire of Northam Councillor.
3172022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632Cr Rob Tinetti is a fellow Councillor.
3182022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632Cr Tinetti is a fellow Councillor and purchaser of the subject land who is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
3192022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632Cr Tinetti, mentioned in report, is a fellow Councillor.
3202022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.1.6 - Disposal of Portion of Lot 202 Fitzgerald St, NorthamC.4632Cr R Tinetti is a fellow Councillor.
3212022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/12/22 & 21/12/22Impartiality13.3.1 - Second Hand Transportable Dwelling - 10 Riverside Outlook, NorthamC.4619The developer of the subject land is known to Cr Mencshelyi. Some lots in the area were purchased by Cr Mencshelyi (purchase O & A’s) on behalf of his former employer.
3222022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.3.1 - Second Hand Transportable Dwelling - 10 Riverside Outlook, NorthamC.4619The applicant is known to Cr Hughes
3232022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council21/12/22Impartiality13.3.1 - Second Hand Transportable Dwelling - 10 Riverside Outlook, NorthamC.4619The applicant is a former Shire employee and known to Cr Ryan.
3242022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/12/22 & 21/12/22Impartiality13.3.1 - Second Hand Transportable Dwelling - 10 Riverside Outlook, NorthamC.4619One of the applicants is known to Cr Williams as he is a former Shire of Northam employee
3252022 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/12/22 & 21/12/22Impartiality13.4.3 - Department of Transport Licensing AgreementC.4636Cr Williams daughter, who is a Shire employee, is occasionally called upon to work in the licensing area. The Daughter is non-dependant, does not live with Cr Williams and licensing is not her usual position.
3262023 - 01. JANUARY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council25/01/23Impartiality14.1 - STAFF RESOURCESC.4653Cr Williams daughter is employed by the Shire and works within corporate services. Cr Williams daughter is non-dependant and lives independently from Cr Williams. Her current employment position should not be affected by any outcome of this agenda item.
3272023 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/02/23 & 15/02/23Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Lot 1 Great Eastern Highway, BurlongC.4660Cr D A Hughes' brother is a life member of the Northam and Districts Motor Cycle Club and other members of the club are known to me.
3282023 - 03. MARCH
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum08/03/23Impartiality13.1.3 - Request to operate a Gyrocopter - Northam AirportC.4689Cr J E G Williams' sister & brother-in-law are hangar owners at the Northam airport.

Potential perception of impartiality only.
3292023 - 03. MARCH
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/03/23 & 15/03/23Impartiality13.1.3 - Request to operate a Gyrocopter - Northam AirportC.4689Some members of the Northam Aeroclub are known to Cr Girak.
3302023 - 03. MARCH
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/03/23 & 15/03/23Impartiality13.1.3 - Request to operate a Gyrocopter - Northam AirportC.4689The President and several members of the Northam Aeroclub are known to Cr Tinetti.
3312023 - 03. MARCH
Ms E Benning
EmployeeN/AN/AFinancialN/AN/AMs Benning is a Tourism Officer and as part of her job she provides commissioned based art for the Shire. (Ms Benning has been advised they cannot handle their own transactions and explanation of Conflict of Interest has been provided)
3322023 - 04. APRIL
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/04/2023 & 19/04/2023Impartiality13.2.2 - Footpath Program 2023-24C.4714Cr R W Tinetti owns a business located on Fitzgerald street and this fitzgerald/CBD footpath upgrade could have implications
3332023 - 04. APRIL
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/04/2023 & 19/04/2023Impartiality13.3.1 - Shire of Northam Local Planning Strategy ReviewC.4715Cr J E G Williams co-owns a property on the corner of Burma and Leschenaultia rd in Wundowie, an area mentioned for potential land zoning use changes.
3342023 - 04. APRIL
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/04/2023 & 19/04/2023Impartiality13.3.1 - Shire of Northam Local Planning Strategy ReviewC.471550 Boronia Ave Wundowie is owned by Cr L C Biglin's self-managed super.
3352023 - 04. APRIL
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee17/04/23Impartiality6.2 - Selection of the independent panel member.C.4729
Potential independent panel members are known to Cr Williams and one owns the accountant firm that Cr Williams uses (but is not her accountant)
3362023 - 04. APRIL
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee17/04/23Impartiality6.2 - Selection of the independent panel member.C.4729
Nominees for the position of independent panel members are known to Cr Antonio.
3372023 - 04. APRIL
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee17/04/23Impartiality6.2 - Selection of the independent panel member.C.4729
Nominations of people on the list of panel members are known to Cr Ryan.
3382023 - 04. APRIL
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/04/23Impartiality16.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 17 April 2023C.4729
Mia Davies has been appointed to the recruitment process for a CEO position, Cr Tinetti is a member and office bearer of the nationals WA of which Mia is also.
3392023 - 05. MAY
2023 - 06. JUNE
Hon. M Davies
Panel MemberChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee12/05/23 & 02/06/2023Impartiality6.1 - Review of Matrix
6.1 Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Process – Selection and Recommendation of Preferred Candidate
Several of the applicants are known to Ms Davies through professional connections.
3402023 - 05. MAY
2023 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee12/05/23 & 02/06/23Impartiality6.1 - Review of Matrix
6.1 - Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Process – Selection and Recommendation of Preferred Candidate
A number of the candidates are well known to Cr Antonio.
3412023 - 05. MAY
2023 - 06. JUNE
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee12/05/23 & 02/06/23Impartiality6.1 - Review of Matrix
6.1 - Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Process – Selection and Recommendation of Preferred Candidate
Several of the applicants are known to Cr Hughes.
3422023 - 05. MAY
2023 - 06. JUNE
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee12/05/23 & 02/06/23Impartiality6.1 - Review of Matrix
6.1 - Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Process – Selection and Recommendation of Preferred Candidate
Several of the applicants are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
3432023 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee12/05/23Impartiality6.1 - Review of MatrixN/AOne of the applicants is well known to Cr Williams.
3442023 - 05. MAY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum10/05/23Impartiality9 - Application for Leave of AbsenceC.4736Cr Hughes is requestion leave of absence.
3452023 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/05/2023 & 17/05/2023Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of a portion of reserve 19542, 83 Kimberley Rd, ClacklineC.4742Cr Williams attends Clackline Progress Association and has been involved in discussions regarding the Post Office.
3462023 - 05. MAY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/05/23Impartiality13.4.2 - Request to lower Reserve price for Sale of LandC.4746The Reporting officer is known to Cr Appleton.
3472023 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/05/23Impartiality13.4.2 - Request to lower Reserve price for Sale of LandC.4746Cr Williams daughter is employed by the Shire and is the reporting officer. The Daughter is non-dependant on Cr Williams, lives away from Cr Williams and has not discussed this matter with Cr Williams in any way.
3482023 - 05. MAY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/05/2023 & 17/05/2023Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress and Community Associations 2023/24 Budget AllocationsC.4749Cr Biglin is the secretary for the Wundowie Progress Association which is mentioned in this item.
3492023 - 05. MAY
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/05/2023 & 17/05/2023Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress and Community Associations 2023/24 Budget AllocationsC.4749Cr Galloway is the President of the Wundowie Progress Association which is mentioned in this item for budget allocation.
3502023 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/05/2023 & 17/05/2023Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress and Community Associations 2023/24 Budget AllocationsC.4749Some members of the Progress and Community Associations are known to Cr Girak.
3512023 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/05/2023 & 17/05/2023Impartiality13.5.1 - Progress and Community Associations 2023/24 Budget AllocationsC.4749Cr Williams is an executive member of the Bakers Hill Progress Association and she attends the Clackline Progress Association. Cr Williams has discussed improvements to the station masters house with the Spencers Brook Progress Association President.
3522023 - 05. MAY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/05/2023 & 17/05/2023Impartiality14.1 - Rates write off RequestC.4751The requesting officer is known to Cr Appleton
3532023 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/05/2023 & 17/05/2023Impartiality14.1 - Rates write off RequestC.4751Cr Williams daughter is employed by the Shire and is the reporting officer. The Daughter is non-dependant on Cr Williams, lives away from Cr Williams and has not discussed this matter with Cr Williams in any way.
3542023 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee02/06/23Impartiality6.1 - Chief Executive Officer Recruitment Process – Selection and Recommendation of Preferred CandidateCEO.126
Some of the applicants are known to Cr Williams through Council.
3552023 - 06. JUNE
Mr M Macqueen
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Macqueen is nominated for a Fire Control Officer position for the 2023-24 season.
3562023 - 06. JUNE
Mr A Smith
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Smith is nominated for a Fire Control Officer Position.
3572023 - 06. JUNE
Mr B Wilding
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Wilding is currently a Fire Control Officer for the Shire of Northam and is nominated for a Fire Control Officer position again.
3582023 - 06. JUNE
Mr N Dewar
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Dewar is a current Fire Control Officer and is voting for the Fire Control Officer Positions.
3592023 - 06. JUNE
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Marris is nominated for a Bush Fire Control Officer position.
3602023 - 06. JUNE
Mr K Brown
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Brown is nominated for a Fire Control Officer position.
3612023 - 06. JUNE
Mr M Littlefair
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Littlefair is nominated for a Fire Control Officer position.
3622023 - 06. JUNE
Mr R Herzer
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting13/06/23Impartiality6.3 - Brigade Nominations - Bush Fire Control Officers 2023/2024BFAC.306Mr Herzer is nominated for a Fire Control Officer position.
3632023 - 06. JUNE
Mrs A McCall
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Reserve 5503, Lot 50 Suburban Rd & Lot 29 Weld St, NorthamC.4766Mrs McCall was a previous member of Avon Valley Showjumping & Pony Club and Avon Valley Adult Riders Club which are users of this facility. Mrs McCall is currently not a member of either groups however may be in the future. Representatives from the various users groups are known to Mrs McCall.

Mrs McCall's daughter joined Avon Valley Showjumping and Pony Club on 08 June 2023.
3642023 - 06. JUNE
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.1.2 - Licence Agreements - Northam and Districts Historical Society, Morby Cottage and Mayors Former ParlourC.4762A number of the members of the Northam and District Historical Society are known to Cr Hughes.
3652023 - 06. JUNE
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.1.2 - Licence Agreements - Northam and Districts Historical Society, Morby Cottage and Mayors Former ParlourC.4762Jefferey Pollard is the chairman of the Northam Heritage Forum on which Cr Appleton is a council representative.
3662023 - 06. JUNE
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.1.2 - Licence Agreements - Northam and Districts Historical Society, Morby Cottage and Mayors Former ParlourC.4762Some members of the Northam and Districts Historical Society are known to Cr Girak.
3672023 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.1.4 - Variation to Lease - Bakers Hill Golf Club, 43 St Georges St, Bakers HillC.4768Cr Williams has been involved in discussions with the RSL & Golf Club members about the plan.
3682023 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Tavern - 232 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4763The owner and applicant for this item are well known to Cr Antonio.
3692023 - 06. JUNE
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Tavern - 232 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4763One of the shareholders of the proposal is known to Cr Ryan.
3702023 - 06. JUNE
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Tavern - 232 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4763One of the partners in the application is a past Shire Councillor.
3712023 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Tavern - 232 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4763One of the shareholders is known to Cr Williams through Council (an ex-Councillor). Cr Williams frequents another business owned by the applicant but does not know him personally.
3722023 - 06. JUNE
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Tavern - 232 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.4763One of the applicants is a past Councillor known to Cr Galloway.
3732023 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality14.1 - Variation and Transfer of Lease Agreement - Portion of 2 Grey Street, Northam (Riversedge Cafe)C.4774Owners of both cafes are known to Cr Antonio.
3742023 - 06. JUNE
Mrs A McCall
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality14.1 - Variation and Transfer of Lease Agreement - Portion of 2 Grey Street, Northam (Riversedge Cafe)C.4774Mrs McCall knows the owner of the business who is seeking to obtain the lease (transferee)
3752023 - 06. JUNE
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorOrdinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality14.1 - Variation and Transfer of Lease Agreement - Portion of 2 Grey Street, Northam (Riversedge Cafe)C.4774Both applicants are known to Cr Tinetti.
3762023 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
A number of candidates are well known to Cr Antonio + preferred applicant
3772023 - 06. JUNE
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
Some people mentioned in the confidential attachment of this item are known to Cr Girak.
3782023 - 06. JUNE
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
The preferred candidate is known to Cr Hughes
3792023 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
The preferred applicant is well known to Cr Williams through Council.
3802023 - 06. JUNE
Cr D Galloway
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
One of the people mentioned in the report are known to Cr Galloway.
3812023 - 06. JUNE
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
The current CEO has been known to Cr Tinetti for ten years.
3822023 - 06. JUNE
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
The CEO is known to Cr Appleton.
3832023 - 06. JUNE
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality14.2 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 02 June 2023C.4775
CEO is known to Cr Biglin
3842023 - 06. JUNE
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 15 June 2023C.4778
The CEO Is known to Cr Appleton.
3852023 - 06. JUNE
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 15 June 2023C.4778
CEO is known to Cr Biglin
3862023 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentChief Executive Officer Review Committee
Ordinary Council
15/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality6.1 - CEO Recruitment Process - Update to Selection & Recommendation of Preferred Candidate & Draft Contract
14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 15 June 2023
Preferred applicant is well known to Cr Antonio - current CEO
3872023 - 06. JUNE
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review Committee
Ordinary Council
15/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality6.1 - CEO Recruitment Process - Update to Selection & Recommendation of Preferred Candidate & Draft Contract
14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 15 June 2023
The applicant is known to Cr Hughes
3882023 - 06. JUNE
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review Committee
Ordinary Council
15/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality6.1 - CEO Recruitment Process - Update to Selection & Recommendation of Preferred Candidate & Draft Contract
14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 15 June 2023
The report contains recommendations of candidates which are known to Cr Ryan.
3892023 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review Committee
Ordinary Council
15/06/23 & 21/06/23Impartiality6.1 - CEO Recruitment Process - Update to Selection & Recommendation of Preferred Candidate & Draft Contract
14.3 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 15 June 2023
Preferred Candidate is well known to Cr Williams through Council.
3902023 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 13 June 2023C.4764
Some of the nominated Bush Fire Control Officers are known to Cr Williams.
3912023 - 06. JUNE
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council21/06/23Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 13 June 2023C.4764
Some of the nominated Bush Fire Control Officers are well known (related) to Cr Antonio.
3922023 - 07. JULY
Mr B Wilding
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting25/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Appointment of Bush Fire Control Officer's to Leadership Positions 2023/24BFAC.311
Mr Wilding is nominated in the position on Senior Fire Control Officer and is a voting member of the Bush Fire Advisory Committee for Clackline.
3932023 - 07. JULY
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting25/07/23Financial6.1 - Appointment of Bush Fire Control Officer's to Leadership Positions 2023/24BFAC.311
Mr Marris is nominated as the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer which receives an honorarium.

Mr Marris left the meeting at 5:38pm and returned at 5:39pm.
3942023 - 07. JULY
Mr K Brown
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting25/07/23Financial6.1 - Appointment of Bush Fire Control Officer's to Leadership Positions 2023/24BFAC.311
Mr Brown is nominated for a Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer position which gets an honorarium.

Mr Brown left the meeting at 5:39pm and returned at 5:40pm.
3952023 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/07/2023 & 19/07/2023Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Former Bakers Hill Fire Shed to Bakers Hill Out of School Hours CareC.4805Cr J E G Williams has spoken about the lease with members of the Bakers Hill Out of School Hours Care Committee previously & members of the committee are known to Cr Williams.
3962023 - 07. JULY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/07/2023 & 19/07/2023Impartiality13.1.3 - Renewal of Lease for a portion of 33 Wellington Street, Northam – Avon Valley Arts SocietyC.4807In previous years Cr M I Girak was a Council Representative on the Avon Valley Art Society Committee and many members of the AVAS are known to Cr Girak.
3972023 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/07/2023 & 19/07/2023Impartiality13.1.3 - Renewal of Lease for a portion of 33 Wellington Street, Northam – Avon Valley Arts SocietyC.4807Cr C R Antonio is a general member of the Avon Valley Arts Society.
3982023 - 07. JULY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/07/2023 & 19/07/2023Impartiality13.1.3 - Renewal of Lease for a portion of 33 Wellington Street, Northam – Avon Valley Arts SocietyC.4807Cr D A Hughes is a member of the Avon Valley Art Society and is also the Shire representative to attend committee meetings.
3992023 - 07. JULY
Cr A J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023C.4813
Candidates mentioned in the minutes are known to Cr Appleton.
4002023 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Ordinary Council
19/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023

Some of the applicants are known to Cr Antonio.
4012023 - 07. JULY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023C.4813
Some of the candidates are known to Cr Biglin.
4022023 - 07. JULY
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023C.4813
Some of the candidates are known to Cr Galloway.
4032023 - 07. JULY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023C.4813
Some of the candidates are known to Cr Girak.
4042023 - 07. JULY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Ordinary Council
19/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023

Some of the applicants are known to Cr Hughes.
4052023 - 07. JULY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Ordinary Council
19/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023

Some of the candidates and panel members are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
4062023 - 07. JULY
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Ordinary Council
19/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023

Some of the applicants in the report are known to Cr Ryan.
4072023 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Ordinary Council
19/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Appointment of Chief Executive Officer

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2023

Some of the applicants are known to Cr Williams.
4082023 - 07. JULY
Hon. M Davies
Panel MemberChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee19/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Appointment of Chief Executive OfficerCEO.136
Some of the applicants are known to Hon. Davies.
4092023 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality15.1 - Placement of decommissioned armoured vehicle in NorthamC.4817Mr D Beresford was a previous Councillor and known to Cr Antonio. Mr Beresford also discussed the request with Cr Antonio prior to making a deputation to Council.
4102023 - 07. JULY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality15.1 - Placement of decommissioned armoured vehicle in NorthamC.4817The deputation was made by Mr Beresford, who is a friend of Cr Girak, but this will not influence Cr Girak's decision in this matter.
4112023 - 07. JULY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality15.1 - Placement of decommissioned armoured vehicle in NorthamC.4817Mr Beresford is known to Cr Hughes.
4122023 - 07. JULY
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality15.1 - Placement of decommissioned armoured vehicle in NorthamC.4817Mr Beresford is known to Cr Ryan.
4132023 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/07/23Impartiality15.1 - Placement of decommissioned armoured vehicle in NorthamC.4817Mr Beresford, who made a deputation at the Forum on 12 July 2023, is known to Cr Williams as a former Councillor at the Shire of Northam.
4142023 - 07. JULY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council06/07/23Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget Overview 2023/2024C.4782Cr Tinetti has a relative residing on Beering Rd, which is included in the proposed roads program.
4152023 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council06/07/23Proximity13.2 - Annual Budget Overview 2023/2024C.4785
Roadworks mentioned within the report planned to go past land (farm) that Cr Antonio has an interest in.

Cr Antonio left the meeting at 5:56pm and returned at 5:58pm.
4162023 - 07. JULY
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council06/07/23Impartiality13.2 - Annual Budget Overview 2023/2024C.4785
Cr Tinetti owns a business premises on Fitzgerald Street which is included in this program to be confirmed.
4172023 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorSpecial Council06/07/23Impartiality13.2 - Annual Budget Overview 2023/2024C.4785
Cr Williams is a member of community groups & school boards / councils that may benefit from the budget.
4182023 - 07. JULY
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Special Council
12/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Terms of Reference and Selection Panel for Chief Executive Officer Recruitment and Selection

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 12 July 2023

Mia Davies recommended to the committee is well known to Cr Antonio (independent panel member).
4192023 - 07. JULY
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Special Council
12/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Terms of Reference and Selection Panel for Chief Executive Officer Recruitment and Selection

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 12 July 2023

Ms Mia Davies is known to Cr Ryan as his Local Legislative Assembly Member of Parliament and is a consideration of the CEO selection panel.
4202023 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Special Council
12/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Terms of Reference and Selection Panel for Chief Executive Officer Recruitment and Selection

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 12 July 2023

The nominated independent panel member is known to Cr Williams.
4212023 - 07. JULY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Special Council
12/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Terms of Reference and Selection Panel for Chief Executive Officer Recruitment and Selection

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 12 July 2023

Mia Davies is known to Cr Hughes.
4222023 - 07. JULY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee
Special Council
12/07/23Impartiality6.1 - Terms of Reference and Selection Panel for Chief Executive Officer Recruitment and Selection

14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review Committee Meeting held on 12 July 2023

Independent panel member is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
4232023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee02/08/23Impartiality6.2 - Appointment of Temporary CEOCEO.143The applicant for the position of temporary CEO is known to Cr Williams through Council.
4242023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee02/08/23Impartiality6.2 - Appointment of Temporary CEOCEO.143The officer acting as temporary CEO is known to Cr Mencshelyi
4252023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee02/08/23Impartiality6.2 - Appointment of Temporary CEOCEO.143The officer recommended as temporary CEO is well known to Cr Antonio.
4262023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee02/08/23Impartiality6.2 - Appointment of Temporary CEOCEO.143Mr Chadd Hunt is known to Cr Hughes.
4272023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality13.1 - Annual Budget AdoptionC.4819
Cr Williams is a member of community groups & school boards which may benefit from the budget adoption (the schools, not the boards)
4282023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The recommended temporary CEO is well known to Cr Antonio.
4292023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The applicant for acting CEO is known to Cr Appleton.
4302023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The applicant is known to Cr Biglin.
4312023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D J Galloway
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The temporary CEO is known to Cr Galloway.
4322023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The nominated temp CEO is known to Cr Hughes
4332023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The person nominated to the CEO role is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
4342023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The applicant is known to Cr Ryan.
4352023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The interim CEO is known to Cr Tinetti.
4362023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality14.1 - Chief Executive Officer Review and Selection Committee Meeting held on 2 August 2023C.4826
The nominated temporary CEO is known to Cr Williams.
4372023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality15.1 - Northam Army Camp Heritage Association (NACHA) - Multicultural FestivalC.4818Cr Appleton has attended NACHA meetings and members of NACHA are known to him.
4382023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorSpecial Council09/08/23Impartiality15.1 - Northam Army Camp Heritage Association (NACHA) - Multicultural FestivalC.4818Some of the committee members are known to Cr Hughes.
4392023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/08/2023 & 16/08/2023Impartiality12.2 - Special Bush Fire Advisory Committee held on 25 July 2023C.4836The nominated Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers are known to Cr Williams.
4402023 - 08. AUGUST
Mr J B Whiteaker
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council09/08/2023 & 16/08/2023Financial13.1.2 - Governance PoliciesC.4839Mr Whiteaker is leaving the Shire of Northam and the gift policy may impact Mr Whiteaker.
4412023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council09/08/2023 & 16/08/2023Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 03 of 2023 - Provision of Tree Management ServicesC.4841One of the tender submission owners is well known to Cr Antonio
4422023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/08/2023 & 16/08/2023Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 03 of 2023 - Provision of Tree Management ServicesC.4841The owner of Tree Management Services is known to Cr Hughes.
4432023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/08/2023 & 16/08/2023Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 03 of 2023 - Provision of Tree Management ServicesC.4841The owner of the successful tender is well known to Cr Tinetti.
4442023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/08/2023 & 16/08/2023Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 03 of 2023 - Provision of Tree Management ServicesC.4841The business owner of one of the tendering businesses is known to Cr Williams.
4452023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council16/08/23Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 03 of 2023 - Provision of Tree Management ServicesC.4841The owner of the successful tender is well known to Cr Ryan.
4462023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council09/08/2023 & 16/08/2023Impartiality13.3.1 - Multiple Dog ApplicationC.4844Cr Tinetti’s residence is one house away although on a different street
4472023 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorStrategic Council23/08/23Impartiality6.4 - Bakers Hill Overnight RV ParkN/AAs a member (executive) of Bakers Hill Progress Association Cr Williams has advocated for the development of an RV stop in Bakers Hill.
4482023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/09/2023 & 20/09/2023Impartiality13.1.1 – Lease of Reserve 41081 to Grass Valley Progress AssociationC.4856Cr Antonio is a member of the Grass Valley Progress Association
4492023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/09/2023 & 20/09/2023Impartiality13.1.1 – Lease of Reserve 41081 to Grass Valley Progress AssociationC.4856Members of the Grass Valley Progress Association are known to Cr Girak
4502023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/09/2023 & 20/09/2023Impartiality13.3.2 – Proposed Ancillary Dwelling – 383 Northam-York Road, MuluckineC.4851As the applicant is well known to Cr Antonio as a building contractor and a prior employee now working for Akron is known to Cr Antonio.
4512023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/09/2023 & 20/09/2023Impartiality13.3.2 – Proposed Ancillary Dwelling – 383 Northam-York Road, MuluckineC.4851Jacobus was previously employed by the Shire and therefore is known to Cr Hughes.
4522023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr R W Tinetti
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/09/2023 & 20/09/2023Impartiality13.3.2 – Proposed Ancillary Dwelling – 383 Northam-York Road, MuluckineC.4851As the applicant from Akron Pty Ltd is known to Cr Tinetti as a previous Shire employee.
4532023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/09/2023 & 20/09/2023Impartiality13.3.2 – Proposed Ancillary Dwelling – 383 Northam-York Road, MuluckineC.4851As the consultant (Akron) owner is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
4542023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council20/09/23Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Reserve 41081 to Grass Valley Progress AssociationC.4856The President/Chairperson of the Progress Association is known to Cr Williams
4552023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council20/09/23Impartiality13.3.2 – Proposed Ancillary Dwelling – 383 Northam-York Road, MuluckineC.4851The author of the report for the application for Akron is a former Shire employee and is known to Cr Ryan.
4562023 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council20/09/23Impartiality13.3.2 – Proposed Ancillary Dwelling – 383 Northam-York Road, MuluckineC.4851The consultant working for the applicant is known to Cr Williams.
4572023 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/10/23 & 18/10/23Impartiality13.1.2 - Disposal of a Portion of Killara Adult Day Care and Respite Centre, 2 Burgoyne Street, NorthamC.4865The Reporting Officer is known to Cr Appleton.
4582023 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/10/23 & 18/10/23Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Scheme Amendment 19 – 264 Chedaring Rd, WundowieC.4867The applicant is known to Cr Biglin.
4592023 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/10/23 & 18/10/23Impartiality13.3.2 - SW Native Title Settlement – Land Base ConsultationC.4868Cr Williams is a resident of the Carlin Valley subdivision, which this land abuts, Cr Williams & family & friends use this land for recreational purposes.
4602023 - 11. NOVEMBER
C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/11/23 & 15/11/23Impartiality14.1 Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2024C.4898
Many of the nominated persons and groups are known to Cr Antonio.
4612023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/11/23 & 15/11/23Impartiality14.1 Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2024C.4898
Some of the nominees are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
4622023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/11/23 & 15/11/23Impartiality14.1 Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2024C.4898
A number of the nominees are known to Cr Appleton.
4632023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/11/23 & 15/11/23Impartiality14.1 Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2024C.4898
One of the nominees is known to Cr Biglin.
4642023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/11/23 & 15/11/23Impartiality14.1 Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2024C.4898
Several community members nominated for the awards are known to Cr Girak.
4652023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/11/23 & 15/11/23Impartiality14.1 Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2024C.4898
A number of the nominees are known to Cr Hughes.
4662023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/11/23 & 15/11/23Impartiality14.1 Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2024C.4898
Some of the nominees are well known to Cr Williams.
4672023 - 11. NOVEMBER
C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.1 Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.64Applicants are known to President Antonio.
4682023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.1 Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.64Members of the Bakers Hill RSL are known to Cr Mencshelyi
4692023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.1 Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.64Cr Biglin knows some of the members of the RSLWA Bakers Hill Sub Branch
4702023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.1 Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCCAG.64Some members of the Northam Country Club are known to Cr Hughes
4712023 - 11. NOVEMBER
C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.2 Application for 3 Year Community Event FundingCCAG.65Many of the committee members of the applicant groups are well known to President Antonio.
4722023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.2 Application for 3 Year Community Event FundingCCAG.65Some members of NACHA are known to Cr Mencshelyi
4732023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.2 Application for 3 Year Community Event FundingCCAG.65Members of NACHA are known to Cr Appleton
4742023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.2 Application for 3 Year Community Event FundingCCAG.65Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Appleton
4752023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.2 Application for 3 Year Community Event FundingCCAG.65Cr Biglin is the secretary/treasure of the Wundowie Progress Association
4762023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.2 Application for 3 Year Community Event FundingCCAG.65The President of NACHA is known to Cr Hughes
4772023 - 11. NOVEMBER
C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.3 Quick Response Grant UpdatesCCAG.66Many of the respondees are well known to President Antonio.
4782023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.3 Quick Response Grant UpdatesCCAG.66Some of the Organisation & club members are known to Cr Hughes
4792023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Ms J Hawkins
EmployeeCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.3 Quick Response Grant UpdatesCCAG.67Ms Hawkins son was awarded a Quick Response Grant for travel assistance.
4802023 - 11. NOVEMBER
C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.4 Update on Previously Awarded Community Development GrantsCCAG.67Some of the recipients are known to President Antonio
4812023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.4 Update on Previously Awarded Community Development GrantsCCAG.67Members of NACHA are known to Cr Appleton
4822023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee20/11/23Impartiality11.4 Update on Previously Awarded Community Development GrantsCCAG.67Some members of the Associations & clubs are known to Cr Hughes
4832023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Ms E K Hoek
Committee MemberCommunity Safety Committee21/11/23Impartiality7.1 Nominations for Community Representatives on the Community Safety CommitteeCSC.110Ms Hoek was the nominee for the Community Representative in this item's information & recommendation as declared at the meeting.
4842023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorStrategic Council22/11/23Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/AFootball club committee members are known to Cr Biglin.
4852023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorStrategic Council22/11/23Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/AThe Football Club Caretaker mentioned is a fried of Cr Williams and they have discussed this matter previously.
4862023 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorStrategic Council22/11/23Proximity5.4 Carlin Valley SubdivisionN/ALocation to subdivision. Cr Poulton's parents own property near the area.

Cr Poulton left the meeting at 6:22pm and returned at 6:47pm.
4872023 - 12. DECEMBER
Mr C B Hunt
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality12.2 Community Grants Assessment Committee Meeting held on 20 November 2023C.4910
Mr Hunt is currently president of Northam Golf Club, one of the applicants for a community grant.
4882023 - 12. DECEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926The executives of the Wundowie Progress Association associated with this request are known to President Antonio.
4892023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926The author of the report is a fellow Councillor.
4902023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926Lisa Biglin is a fellow Councillor.
4912023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926Cr Biglin is the secretary/treasurer of Wundowie Progress Association.
4922023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926Members of the Wundowie Progress association are known to Cr Girak.
4932023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926The writer of the letter requesting approval to erect a museum on Council land is a fellow Councillor.
4942023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926Cr C M Poulton knows the submitter, Cr Lisa Biglin.
4952023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Ryan.
4962023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality13.5.1 Wundowie Museum RequestC.4926Members of the Wundowie Progress Association Executives are known to Cr Williams through SoN Council.
4972023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality14.2 Application under F4.8 Rates Hardship – A16154C.4928The Rates Officer mentioned in the agenda item is known to Cr Appleton.
4982023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality14.2 Application under F4.8 Rates Hardship – A16155C.4928Cr Biglin is known to the person.
4992023 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/12/23 & 20/12/23Impartiality14.2 Application under F4.8 Rates Hardship – A16156C.4928Cr Williams daughter (the Rates Officer at the time) is mentioned in the attachment to the report.
5002024 - 01. JANUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council24/01/24Impartiality13.5.1 - RFT 07 of 2023 - Northam Bike Hub UpgradesC.4935 &
Members of the club are known to President Antonio. One spoke to President Antonio today (24/01/24) at a random encounter in Perth.
5012024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2024Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Appleton.
5022024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2024Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Cr Biglin is the Secretary/Treasurer of the Wundowie Progress Association.
5032024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2024Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Several members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Girak.
5042024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2024Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Some members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Hughes.
5052024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2024Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Cr Poulton knows members of the Progress Associations.
5062024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2025Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Some of the Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Williams. Cr Williams is an executive member of the Bakers Hill Progress Association which currently leases the Bakers Hill Recreation Centre (Mentioned in this agenda item).
5072024 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2024Impartiality13.3.1 - Proposed Outbuilding - 91 Gillett Road, NorthamC.4949The neighbours opposed to the application are known to President Antonio.
5082024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/02/2024 & 21/02/2024Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Gymnasium, Child Care Centre & Group Dwellings - 380 Fitzgerald St West, NorthamC.4950One of Cr Williams children owns and resides in a property close to the proposal (Fitzgerald St)
5092024 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council21/02/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Executive Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to President Antonio.
5102024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council21/02/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5112024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/02/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Wundowie Progress Association – Review of Lease: Wundowie Hall (47 Boronia Avenue, Wundowie)C.4948Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Poulton
5122024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.1 - Organisational Capacity & StructureN/AOne of Cr Williams daughters-in-law is currently employed by the Shire.
5132024 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.4 - Feasibility Study - 58 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamN/AOwners of the block are known to President Antonio.
5142024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.4 - Feasibility Study - 58 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamN/AThe owners of 58 Fitzgerald Street, Northam are known to Cr Girak.
5152024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.4 - Feasibility Study - 58 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamN/ACr Hughes has known the owners for many years.
5162024 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.5 - Leases - Northam & Districts Historical Society & Heritage ForumN/AMembers if all societies in report are known to President Antonio.
5172024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.5 - Leases - Northam & Districts Historical Society & Heritage ForumN/AMembers of Northam Heritage Forum are known to Cr Appleton.
5182024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.5 - Leases - Northam & Districts Historical Society & Heritage ForumN/ACr Girak has been a Council Representative on the Northam Heritage Forum and Northam Army Camp Heritage Association (NACHA) Committee, and Cr Girak is a member of the NACHA.
5192024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.5 - Leases - Northam & Districts Historical Society & Heritage ForumN/AMembers of the Historical Society & Heritage Forum are known to Cr Hughes.
5202024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.5 - Leases - Northam & Districts Historical Society & Heritage ForumN/ASome of the Northam Army Camp Heritage Association members are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5212024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.5 - Leases - Northam & Districts Historical Society & Heritage ForumN/AShire Rep on Northam Army Camp Heritage Association (NACHA) Committee group. NACHA & Heritage group members are known to Cr Poulton.
5222024 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorStrategic Council28/02/24Impartiality5.5 - Leases - Northam & Districts Historical Society & Heritage ForumN/ASeveral members of the organisations mentioned are known to Cr Williams.
5232024 - 03. MARCH
Debbie Terelinck
EmployeeChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee13/03/24Financial6.1 - Chief Executive Officer - Interim Key Performance Indicator - Progress Update

6.2 - Consideration of Quotes from consultants to assist with CEO Performance Review

6.3 - Draft KPI's for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 for consideration
Ms Terelinck's role is the Chief Executive Officer and she is paid by the Shire of Northam.
5242024 - 03. MARCH
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentChief Executive Officer Review & Selection Committee13/03/24Impartiality6.1 - Chief Executive Officer - Interim Key Performance Indicator - Progress Update

6.2 - Consideration of Quotes from consultants to assist with CEO Performance Review

6.3 - Draft KPI's for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025 for consideration
The Chief Executive Officer is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5252024 - 03. MARCH
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Members of community groups requesting funding are known to President Antonio.
5262024 - 03. MARCH
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Members of community groups mentioned in the budget review are known to Cr Appleton.
5272024 - 03. MARCH
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Cr Biglin is currently the secretary/treasurer of the Wundowie Progress Association Committee.
5282024 - 03. MARCH
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Members of community organisations mentioned in the mid-year budget review are known to Cr Girak.
5292024 - 03. MARCH
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Members of Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Mencshelyi and there is an allocation for Wundowie Museum.
5302024 - 03. MARCH
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Members of mentioned community groups are known to Cr Poulton.
5312024 - 03. MARCH
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Wundowie Progress Association are requesting unbudgeted funding & members of the association are known to Cr Williams, including one as a fellow Councillor.
5322024 - 03. MARCH
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.4.2 Review of Local Planning StrategyC.4972Cr Biglin is the owner of a lot in proposed rezoning area.
5332024 - 03. MARCH
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/03/24 & 20/03/24Impartiality13.4.2 Review of Local Planning StrategyC.4972Cr Poulton’s family has a business and land in the area.
5342024 - 03. MARCH
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council20/03/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Reserve 3303 and 11596 - Northam Harness Racing ClubC.4965Cr Hughes is a member of the Northam Harness Racing Club.
5352024 - 03. MARCH
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Members of community groups requesting funding are known to Cr Hughes.
5362024 - 03. MARCH
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorOrdinary Council20/03/24Impartiality13.2.1 Mid-Year Budget ReviewC.4966
Members of Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Ryan.
5372024 - 03. MARCH
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorN/A20/03/24ImpartialityH 6.9 Trading on Throughfares & Public Places (Policy Workshop)N/ACr Hughes daughter owns a coffee vending trailer and sells at events in the Northam Shire.
5382024 - 03. MARCH
Mr Aaron Smith
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting26/03/24Impartiality6.4 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.323
Mr Smith is a current Fire Control Officer.
5392024 - 03. MARCH
Mr Blair Wilding
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting26/03/24Impartiality6.4 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.323
Mr Wilding is the voting member for Clackline Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade and is currently a Fire Control Officer.
5402024 - 03. MARCH
Mr Chris Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting26/03/24Impartiality6.4 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.323
Mr Marris is nominated as a Bush Fire Control Officer.
5412024 - 03. MARCH
Mr Paul Antonio
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting26/03/24Impartiality6.4 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.323
Mr Antonio is a current Fire Control Officer.
5422024 - 03. MARCH
Mr Robert Herzer
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting26/03/24Impartiality6.4 - Bush Fire Control Officer NominationsBFAC.323
Mr Herzer is a Fire Control Officer that is being nominated in this item.
5432024 - 03. MARCH
President C R Antonio
PresidentStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/AMembers of the Wundowie Football Club, as mentioned in the reports, are known to President Antonio.
5442024 - 03. MARCH
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/AMembers of the Caretakers Committee are known to Cr Appleton.
5452024 - 03. MARCH
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/AMembers of the Wundowie Football Club are known to Cr Biglin.
5462024 - 03. MARCH
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/ASeveral members of the Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee are known to Cr Girak and two members named as attendees in the attached 2022 AGM minutes are Cr Girak's personal friends.
5472024 - 03. MARCH
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/AA committee member is known to Cr Hughes.
5482024 - 03. MARCH
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/AProponents or people mentioned in these items are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5492024 - 03. MARCH
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.1 Wundowie Football Club Caretaker Committee Lease - Reserve 24266N/ACr L Biglin is known to Cr Poulton.
5502024 - 03. MARCH
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality5.3 - Wundowie Swimming PoolN/ACr Appleton has previously been hired for an event held at the Wundowie Pool.
5512024 - 03. MARCH
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.1 - Wundowie Community HubN/AMembers of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Appleton.
5522024 - 03. MARCH
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.1 - Wundowie Community HubN/ACr Biglin is a member of the Wundowie Progress Association.
5532024 - 03. MARCH
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.1 - Wundowie Community HubN/AProponents or people mentioned in these items are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5542024 - 03. MARCH
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.1 - Wundowie Community HubN/ACr L Biglin is known to Cr Poulton.
5552024 - 03. MARCH
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.2 - Golf at Bert Hawke OvalN/AProponents or people mentioned in these items are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5562024 - 03. MARCH
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.3 - Drone RacingN/ACr Ryan is known to Cr Biglin.
5572024 - 03. MARCH
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.3 - Drone RacingN/AProponents or people mentioned in these items are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5582024 - 03. MARCH
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.3 - Drone RacingN/ACr M Ryan is known to Cr Poulton.
5592024 - 03. MARCH
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorStrategic Council27/03/24Impartiality6.6 - Kerbside Waste Collection ServiceN/AChris Marris is known to Cr Appleton & the item has been discussed with him in the past.
5602024 - 04. APRIL
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 26 March 2024C.4991
Recommended Bush Fire Control Officers listed in report are known to President Antonio, including his brother Paul Antonio.
5612024 - 04. APRIL
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 26 March 2024C.4991
Members of the group are known to Cr Appleton.
5622024 - 04. APRIL
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 26 March 2024C.4991
Some of the Bush Fire Officers are known to Cr Hughes
5632024 - 04. APRIL
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 26 March 2024C.4991
Members of the Bush Fire Advisory Committee are known to Cr Poulton
5642024 - 04. APRIL
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting held on 26 March 2024C.4991
Members of brigades nominated as Bush Fire Control Officers are known to Cr Williams
5652024 - 04. APRIL
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Request for Fee Waiver - Wheatbelt Futures ForumC.4995Members of the Northam Chamber of Commerce who are requesting fee waiver are known to President Antonio
5662024 - 04. APRIL
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Request for Fee Waiver - Wheatbelt Futures ForumC.4995Members of the "Northam Chamber of Commerce" are known to Cr Appleton
5672024 - 04. APRIL
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Request for Fee Waiver - Wheatbelt Futures ForumC.4995Members of the Northam Chamber of Commerce and the Wheatbelt Business Network are known to Cr Girak.
5682024 - 04. APRIL
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Request for Fee Waiver - Wheatbelt Futures ForumC.4995Minimal - Some Chambers members are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5692024 - 04. APRIL
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Request for Fee Waiver - Wheatbelt Futures ForumC.4995Members of the Chamber of Commerce are known to Cr Poulton.
5702024 - 04. APRIL
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Request for Fee Waiver - Wheatbelt Futures ForumC.4995Cr Williams is the Shire Elected Member representative on the Northam Chamber of Commerce Board. The Chamber is requesting the waiver.
5712024 - 04. APRIL
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality13.3.1 - Review of Health & Building PoliciesC.4997
Policy H6.9 Trading on Thoroughfares & Public Places. Cr Hughes daughter has a coffee van and trades at events throughout the Shire of Northam.
5722024 - 04. APRIL
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Impartiality14.1 - A72 Unauthorised Group DwellingC.5003The person is known to Cr Biglin.
5732024 - 04. APRIL
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/04/24 & 17/04/24Proximity14.1 - A72 Unauthorised Group DwellingC.5003Cr Williams' husband and she jointly own property in the direct vicinity of the subject property.

* Cr Williams left the Forum meeting at 5:57 pm and returned at 6:11 pm.

* Cr Williams left the Ordinary Meeting at 5:50pm and returned at 5:59pm.
5742024 - 04. APRIL
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/04/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Request for Fee Waiver - Wheatbelt Futures ForumC.4995Cr Ryan is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and has been the President of the Chamber of Commerce.
5752024 - 04. APRIL
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council17/04/24Impartiality13.3.1 - Review of Health & Building PoliciesC.4997
An operator of a number of mobile food venders are known to Cr Appleton.
5762024 - 04. APRIL
President C R Antonio
PresidentN/A29/04/24Impartiality3.1 - Economic Factors Affecting the Budget & 3.2 - Long Term Financial Plan & 3.3 - Council PlanN/AGroups that President Antonio is a member or volunteer of may be affected by any budget decision.
5772024 - 04. APRIL
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentN/A29/04/24Impartiality3.1 - Economic Factors Affecting the Budget & 3.2 - Long Term Financial Plan & 3.3 - Council PlanN/AGroups that have members known to Cr Mencshelyi may be affected by any budget decisions.
5782024 - 04. APRIL
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorN/A29/04/24Impartiality3.1 - Economic Factors Affecting the Budget & 3.2 - Long Term Financial Plan & 3.3 - Council PlanN/AItems on the agenda such as Bakers Hill Progress & Wundowie Progress consist of people known to Cr Poulton.
5792024 - 04. APRIL
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorN/A29/04/24Impartiality3.2 - Long Term Financial Plan & 3.3 - Council PlanN/AMembers of progress Associations mentioned in the workshop are known to Cr Appleton.
5802024 - 04. APRIL
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorN/A29/04/24Impartiality3.2 - Long Term Financial Plan & 3.3 - Council PlanN/AAs a member of Progress Associations (Bakers Hill & Clackline) Cr Williams has been involved in discussions regarding projects in both plans. Cr Williams is currently Chairperson of the Shires Community Safety Committee (a number of actions are from this committee). Cr Williams also has a daughter-in-law (non-dependent) who is employed by the Shire.
5812024 - 04. APRIL
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorN/A29/04/24ImpartialityUnknown – All of 2.3.8; 3.2.8; 3.2.6 – W.P.A ItemsN/ACr Biglin is the secretary / treasurer of the Wundowie Progress Association, non-paying position.
5822024 - 05. MAY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rates - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Members of the Northam Chamber of Commerce are known to Cr Appleton.
5832024 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rates - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Members of the Northam Chamber of Commerce and proprietors of Wheatbelt business impacted by differential rating arrangements are known to Cr Girak.
5842024 - 05. MAY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rates - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Members of Chamber are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5852024 - 05. MAY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rates - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Cr Ryan is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
5862024 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rates - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Cr Williams is the Council delegate on the Northam Chamber of Commerce board & this matter has been discussed.
5872024 - 05. MAY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases for Community HallsC.5021
President Antonio is a member of various Progress Associations who are mentioned in report for lease renewal.
5882024 - 05. MAY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases for Community HallsC.5021
Members of the Progress Associations mentioned in the agenda item are known to Cr Appleton.
5892024 - 05. MAY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases for Community HallsC.5021
Cr Biglin is current secretary/treasurer of the Wundowie Progress Association, and it is a non paying position. Members of the Bakers Hill Progress Association are known to me.
5902024 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases for Community HallsC.5021
Members of Progress Associations mentioned in this item are known to Cr Girak.
5912024 - 05. MAY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases for Community HallsC.5021
Some members of the Progress associations are known to Cr Hughes.
5922024 - 05. MAY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases for Community HallsC.5021
Minimal – A number of people on community hall committees are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5932024 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases for Community HallsC.5021
Cr Williams is an executive member of the Bakers Hill Progress & Recreation Association & a member of Clackline Progress Association, who are both subjects of this agenda item. Members of other Progress Associations are known to Cr Williams.
5942024 - 05. MAY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Club & Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Appleton.
5952024 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Club & Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Members of Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Girak.
5962024 - 05. MAY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Club & Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Some members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Hughes.
5972024 - 05. MAY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Club & Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Members of Progress Assoc are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
5982024 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Club & Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Members of the Wundowie Progress Association are known to Cr Williams. WPA are a subject of this agenda item.
5992024 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Shire of Northam Bush Fire Brigade Local Law 2024C.5027 & C.5028Cr Girak is a Council Representative on the Bush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting and some members of the Shire of Northam Bush Fire Brigades are known to Cr Girak.
6002024 - 05. MAY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.4.3 - Adoption of 2024/25 Schedule of Fees and ChargesC.5034President Antonio is a member of various Progress Associations who are mentioned in report for hire of hall fees proposed to be regulated.
6012024 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.4.3 - Adoption of 2024/25 Schedule of Fees and ChargesC.5034Cr Williams is a member of Bakers Hill & Clackline Progress Associations, who will be affected by new community hall hire fees proposed to be introduced. Members of other Progress Assoc’s are known to Cr Williams.
6022024 - 05. MAY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017President Antonio is a member of various Progress Associations who are mentioned in report for annual budget requests.
6032024 - 05. MAY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Members of community groups mentioned in the report are known to Cr Appleton.
6042024 - 05. MAY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Cr Biglin is current secretary/treasurer of the Wundowie Progress Association, and it is a non paying position. Bakers Hill and Spencers Brook Progress Association, some members are known to Cr Biglin.
6052024 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Members of Community Progress Association applying for funding are known to Cr Girak.
6062024 - 05. MAY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Some members of the Progress Associations are known to Cr Hughes
6072024 - 05. MAY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Members of Chamber & N.W.I.B are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
6082024 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Cr Williams is a member of Bakers Hill Progress Association, who have applied for funding from this budget. Members of other Progress Associations are known to Cr Williams.
6092024 - 05. MAY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Leases For Community HallsC.5021
Progress association members are known to Cr Poulton.
6102024 - 05. MAY
President C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Court and Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Members of Wundowie Progress Associations who are mentioned in report are known to President Antonio, with one executive being a fellow council member.
6112024 - 05. MAY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Court and Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Cr Biglin is current secretary/treasurer of the Wundowie progress association and it is non paying position.
6122024 - 05. MAY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Wundowie Tennis Court and Club Room LeaseC.5025 & C.5026Members of Wundowie progress associations are known to Cr Poulton.
6132024 - 05. MAY
President C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rate - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Members of Northam Chamber of Commerce mentioned in report are known to President Antonio. Have discussed the differential rate with members in the past.
6142024 - 05. MAY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rate - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Some members of the Northam Chamber of Commerce are known to Cr Hughes.
6152024 - 05. MAY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rate - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Members of Chamber of Commerce are known to Cr Poulton.
6162024 - 05. MAY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.4.6 - Differential Rate - Chamber of CommerceC.5018Cr Ryan is a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
6172024 - 05. MAY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Members of Spencers Brook Progress are known to Cr Biglin.
6182024 - 05. MAY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017Progress association members are known to Cr Poulton.
6192024 - 05. MAY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council08/05/24 & 15/05/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Community Progress Association Annual Budget RequestsC.5012 & C.5013 & C.5014 & C.5015 & C.5016 & C.5017As a previous member of Spencers Brook Progress Associations Cr Williams had serval conversations about the station master's house and potential lease with other members.
6202024 - 05. MAY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Proximity14.1 - Location of Council ChambersC.5038Cr Girak residence is across the road of the back of Lesser Hall considered in the agenda item.

* Cr Girak left the Ordinary Council Meeting due to a "PROXIMITY" interest at 6:47pm and returned at 7:12pm
6212024 - 05. MAY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorOrdinary Council15/05/24Impartiality14.1 - Location of Council ChamberC.5038Cr Ryan is a member of Bridgely Church of Christ who has a fierce and possible adverse possession claim which is being discussed with the CEO and the Senior Pastor.
6222024 - 05. MAY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorStrategic Council22/05/24Financial6.1 - Post Bill PayN/ACr Biglin is a current licencee of the Bakers Hill Licenced Post Office.

* Cr Biglin left the meeting for the item.
6232024 - 05. MAY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorStrategic Council22/05/24Impartiality6.1 - Post Bill PayN/ACr Biglin is known to Cr Poulton.
6242024 - 06. JUNE
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting04/06/24Financial6.2 - Fire Control Officer - Leadership PositionsBFAC.329 & BFAC.330Mr Marris is nominated for the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer role, which receives an honorarium
6252024 - 06. JUNE
Mr K Brown
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting04/06/24Financial6.2 - Fire Control Officer - Leadership PositionsBFAC.329 & BFAC.330Mr Brown is nominated for a Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer role.
6262024 - 06. JUNE
Mr B Wilding
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting04/06/24Financial6.2 - Fire Control Officer - Leadership PositionsBFAC.329 & BFAC.330Mr Wilding is a voting member for Clackline and a nominated person for Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer.
6272024 - 06. JUNE
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting held 04 June 2024C.5047 & C.5048 & C.5049Mr C Marris is known to Cr Appleton.
6282024 - 06. JUNE
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting held 04 June 2024C.5047 & C.5048 & C.5049Some members of the Bush Fire Advisory Committee are known to Cr Hughes.
6292024 - 06. JUNE
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting held 04 June 2024C.5047 & C.5048 & C.5049Members of the Bakers Hill and Wundowie Bush Fire Brigades are known to Cr Poulton.
6302024 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality12.1 - Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting held 04 June 2024C.5047 & C.5048 & C.5049Some members of the Fire Brigades are known to Cr Williams.
6312024 - 06. JUNE
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054President Antonio is a member of Southern Brook Community Association, which is mentioned in the report.
6322024 - 06. JUNE
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054Members of Progress Associations mentioned in the agenda are known to Cr Appleton.
6332024 - 06. JUNE
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054Cr Biglin is the secretary/treasurer of Wundowie Progress Association and members of Clackline Hall and Bakers Hill Recreation Centre/Pavilion are known to Cr Biglin.
6342024 - 06. JUNE
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054Members of Progress Associations mentioned in this item are known to Cr Girak.
6352024 - 06. JUNE
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054Some members of the Progress Associations are known to Cr Hughes.
6362024 - 06. JUNE
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054Some of the members of Progress Associations administering the community halls are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
6372024 - 06. JUNE
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054Members of Bakers Hill and Wundowie Progress Associations are known to Cr Poulton.
6382024 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Fees & Charges – Community HallsC.5051 & C.5052 & C.5053 & C.5054Cr Williams is on the Executive Committee of Bakers Hill Progress Association, one of the Shire’s Halls lessees mentioned in the item. Cr Williams is a previous member of Clackline and Spencers Brook Progress Association and members of all other Progresses are known to Cr Williams.
6392024 - 06. JUNE
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Members of the Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to President Antonio, and he has discussed this item in the past.
6402024 - 06. JUNE
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Members of the Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Biglin.
6412024 - 06. JUNE
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Members of the Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Girak.
6422024 - 06. JUNE
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Members of the Spencers Brook Progress are known to Cr Poulton.
6432024 - 06. JUNE
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council12/06/24 & 19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Cr Williams is a previous member of Spencers Brook Progress Association and has discussed this matter with the previous Progress President & Provided letters of support to the current President with regards to obtaining external funding to restore the Station Masters House.
6442024 - 06. JUNE
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Cr Appleton met with members of the Progress Association at the Station Masters House on 18/06/24.
6452024 - 06. JUNE
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Cr Biglin met with the President to view the Station Masters House on 18/06/24.
6462024 - 06. JUNE
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget Request (UPDATED)C.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Members of the Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Girak, and some members of the Progress Association , including the President were Cr Girak's work colleagues and one member is a current work colleague. As a Councillor, Cr Girak was invited to visit the Station Masters House and attended one Australia Day breakfast in the past, hosted by the Spencers Brook Progress Association. Occasionally Cr Girak keeps in social contact with the President of the Progress Association as a friend. Cr Girak's interest in this item is impartial and will not compromise her decision.
6472024 - 06. JUNE
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Cr Hughes visited the site and was shown around by the Spencers Brook Progress Association on 18/06/24.
6482024 - 06. JUNE
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorOrdinary Council19/06/24Impartiality13.5.1 - Spencers Brook Station Masters House – Budget RequestC.5044 & C.5045 & C.5046Cr Poulton met at the Station Masters House with members of the Spencers Brook Progress
6492024 - 07. JULY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorWorkshop03/07/24Impartiality3.2 - Considerations for 2024/2025 BudgetN/AMembers of NACHA are known to Cr Appleton.
6502024 - 07. JULY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorWorkshop03/07/24Impartiality3.2 - Considerations for 2024/2025 BudgetN/ACr Girak is a member of the Northam Army Camp Heritage Association (NACHA) and involved in discussions and planning the 2024 Northam Heritage and Multicultural Festival subject for funding consideration in the budget.
6512024 - 07. JULY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorWorkshop03/07/24Impartiality3.2 - Considerations for 2024/2025 BudgetN/ASome members of the Town Team are known to Cr Hughes.
6522024 - 07. JULY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorWorkshop03/07/24Impartiality3.3 - Combined BudgetN/ACr Williams is the executive member of Bakers Hill Progress & Recreation Association, who lease the Bakers Hill Recreation Centre from the Shire. Budgetary considerations are listed for the Recreation Centre.
6532024 - 07. JULY
Ms D Terelinck
EmployeeSpecial Council10/07/24Impartiality6.1 - Proposed Change of Use - 143 Fitzgerald StreetC.5063The owner of the business is known to Ms Terelinck.
6542024 - 07. JULY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/07/24 & 17/07/24Impartiality13.1.1 – Live Sheep Export BanC.5072A number of sheep farmers, shearers & shed hands and people carrying out work in the sheep industry are known to Cr Hughes..
6552024 - 07. JULY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/07/24 & 17/07/24Impartiality13.1.1 – Live Sheep Export BanC.5072Cr Poulton knows people that farm sheep in the community.
6562024 - 07. JULY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council10/07/24 & 17/07/24Impartiality13.4.3 – Rates Exemption Application – 375 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.5077Operators of the business are known to President Antonio and have discussed this request in the past.
6572024 - 07. JULY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council10/07/24 & 17/07/24Impartiality14.1 – Application under F4.8 rates Hardship – A11595C.5084The applicant is known to Cr Hughes.
6582024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorSpecial Council14/08/24Impartiality6.2 - Adoption of the 2024/2025 Annual BudgetC.5087
Cr Biglin is Secretary / Treasurer of Wundowie Progress Association, regarding community budget approvals, also some of the other Progress Association members are known to Cr Biglin.
6592024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorSpecial Council14/08/24Impartiality6.2 - Adoption of the 2024/2025 Annual BudgetC.5087
Cr Williams is a member of community groups & school boards that are subject of grants from the Shire. Cr Williams is a board member of the Northam Chamber of Commerce and her husband is a member.
6602024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Northam Airfield Rules of OperationC.5099One of Cr Williams' brothers-in-law has a hangar at the airfield. Hangar owners are mentioned in the report.
6612024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Financial13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103Cr Biglin left the Forum Meeting at 5:51pm and returned at 5:59pm.

Cr Biglin left the Ordinary Meeting at 5:55pm and returned at 6:00pm.

Cr Biglin is part owner in 50 Boronia Avenue that is owned by their Self-Managed Superannuation Fund.
6622024 - 08. AUGUST
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103The applicants for this submission are well known to President Antonio, with one of the applicants being a fellow Councillor on the Shire of Northam.
6632024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103Lisa Biglin is a fellow Councillor.
6642024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103The landowner of the proposed scheme amendment is a fellow Councillor. Cr Girak’s interest is minor and it will not impact her decision in this matter.
6652024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103The owners of the lots to be rezoned are known to Cr Hughes.
6662024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103The proponents are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
6672024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103Lisa (Landowner) is known to Cr Poulton. With regard to the matter in item 13.3.2, Cr Poulton discloses that he has an association with the Landowner mentioned in the report. This association is impartial.
6682024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103One of the owners of the subject property is known to Cr Williams and is a fellow Councillor. Cr Williams husband has previously done work for another owner (over 12 months ago).
6692024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 22 – 51 Jocoso Rise, WundowieC.5104Residents and some staff at Jocoso Rise are known to Cr Biglin.
6702024 - 08. AUGUST
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.4 - Variation to Alfresco Dining Permit – 190 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.5105The applicants of this submission are well known to President Antonio.
6712024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.4 - Variation to Alfresco Dining Permit – 190 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.5105The owner of 190 Hotel is known to Cr Hughes.
6722024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council14/08/24 & 21/08/24Impartiality13.3.4 - Variation to Alfresco Dining Permit – 190 Fitzgerald Street, NorthamC.5105The owner of 190 Fitzgerald Street is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
6732024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorOrdinary Council21/08/24Impartiality13.3.2 - Proposed Scheme Amendment No. 21 – 50 Boronia Ave, Wundowie.C.5103The Land owner is known to Cr Ryan and is a fellow Councillor.
6742024 - 08. AUGUST
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorStrategic Council27/08/24Impartiality5.5 - Shire of Northam Records at the Town HallN/AMembers of the Northam and District Historical Society (N&DHS) and the Northam Heritage Forum (NHF) are known to Cr Girak as she was a Council Representative of the NHF in the past. Cr Girak declares that her interest is impartial, and that she will consider the matter on its merits and vote accordingly.
6752024 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/09/24 & 18/09/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Former Bakers Hill Fire Shed, Lot 217 Great Eastern Highway, Bakers Hill (Reserve 22421)C.5117Members of the Bakers Hill RSL are known to Cr Biglin.
6762024 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council11/09/24 & 18/09/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Former Bakers Hill Fire Shed, Lot 217 Great Eastern Highway, Bakers Hill (Reserve 22421)C.5117Some members of the RSL are known to Cr Mencshelyi and Cr Mencshelyi is considering associate membership.
6772024 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/09/24 & 18/09/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Former Bakers Hill Fire Shed, Lot 217 Great Eastern Highway, Bakers Hill (Reserve 22421)C.5117Several members of Bakers Hill RSL & BHOSHC are known to Cr Williams & Cr Williams has been involved in many discussions with both parties (& others) about this lease/property.
6782024 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorWorkshop18/09/24FinancialTrading in ThoroughfaresN/ACr Hughes daughter owns a coffee trailer & trades in the Northam Shire area.

Cr Hughes left the Workshop for this discussion.
6792024 - 09. SEPTEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentWorkshop18/09/24ImpartialityLeasing of Halls to Progress AssociationsN/APresident Antonio is a member of various Progress Associations: Southern Brook, Grass valley & Quellington.
6802024 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorWorkshop18/09/24ImpartialityLeasing of Halls to Progress AssociationsN/ACr Biglin is the current secretary/treasurer of Wundowie Progress Association. Cr Biglin knows members of the other Progress Associations.
6812024 - 09. SEPTEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorWorkshop18/09/24ImpartialityLeasing of Halls to Progress AssociationsN/ACr Williams is a member (deputy president) of bakers Hill Progress & Recreation Association, one of the associations mentioned in the report that lease a facility.
6822024 - 10. OCTOBER
Mr C Marris
Committee MemberBush Fire Advisory Committee Meeting08/10/24Impartiality6.2 - BRMC Report & BRMP UpdateBFAC.336Some identified cultural risks identified are located on Mr Marris's property.
6832024 - 10. OCTOBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148President Antonio is a member of a number of the progress associations mentioned within the report.
6842024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148Members of associations mentioned in the policy are known to Cr Appleton.
6852024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148Cr Biglin is current Secretary/Treasurer of the Wundowie Progress Association and members of the other Progress Association are known to Cr Biglin
6862024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148Members of Progress Associations impacted by the changes to the policies are known to Cr Girak.
6872024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148Members of various Progress Associations are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
6882024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148Members of Progress Associations are known to Cr Poulton.
6892024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148Members of the Progress Associations mentioned in the report are known to Cr Hughes.
6902024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council07/10/24 & 16/10/24Financial13.3.1 - Review of H 6.9 Trading on Thoroughfares & Public Places & 6 - Public Questions (OCM)C.5152Cr Hughes daughter owns a coffee trailer and operates in the Shire of Northam.

* Cr Hughes left the Forum Meeting at 5:44pm and returned at 5:50pm.

* Cr Hughes left the OCM Meeting during Public Questions at 5:48 pm and returned 5:52 pm.

* Cr Hughes left the OCM Meeting at 6:09 pm and returned at 6:11 pm.
6912024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council16/10/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Governance PoliciesC.5148Cr Williams is secretary of Bakers Hill Progress Association, current holder over one of the relevant leases, members of other progress associations are known to Cr Williams.
6922024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council16/10/24Impartiality13.1.4 - Northam Airfield Rules of OperationC.5151Cr Williams' brother-in-law owns a hangar at, and utilises, the Northam airfield.
6932024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council16/10/24Impartiality13.3.1 - Review of H 6.9 Trading on Thoroughfares & Public PlacesC.5152A fellow Councillor's child owns a business affected by this policy, the Councillor & his wife are associated with the business, even if not financially.
6942024 - 10. OCTOBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council16/10/24Impartiality14.1 - Disposal of 33 Wellington St, NorthamC.5157
Cr Williams & family attend these premises as their medical practice.
6952024 - 11. NOVEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentCommunity Grant Assessment Committee13/11/24Impartiality10.1 - Community Development Grant ApplicationsCGAC.69Persons associated with the Western Australian Working Sheep Dog Association are known to President Antonio
6962024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencheslyi
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee13/11/24Impartiality10.1 - Community Development Grant ApplicationsCGAC.69Some of the nominees are known to Cr Mencshelyi
6972024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee13/11/24Impartiality10.1 - Community Development Grant Program ApplicationsCGAC.69Some members are known to Cr Biglin
6982024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee13/11/24Impartiality10.3 Update on Previously Awarded Community Development GrantsCGAC.71Some members are known to Cr Biglin
6992024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencheslyi
CouncillorCommunity Grant Assessment Committee13/11/24Impartiality10.3 - Update on Previously Awarded Community Development GrantsCGAC.71Members of R.S.L are known to Cr Mencshelyi and is also considering associate membership
7002024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/24Impartiality13.1.1 - Lease of Part of Reserve 3303 + 11596 - Northam Harness Racing ClubC.5180Cr Hughes is a member of the Northam Harness Club.
7012024 - 11. NOVEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Building Insurance Charges - Northam Men's Shed + Northam Toy Library, Portion of 87 Duke Street, NorthamC.5176Members of both groups are known to President Antonio.
7022024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality13.1.2 - Building Insurance Charges - Northam Men's Shed + Northam Toy Library, Portion of 87 Duke Street, NorthamC.5176Fred Singleton is known to Cr Appleton.
7032024 - 11. NOVEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality13.4.3 - Budget Variation - RFT 07 of 2023 Northam Bike Hub UpgradesC.5186Members of the MBX club - associated with this track - are known to President Antonio.
7042024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality13.4.3 - Budget Variation - RFT 07 of 2023 Northam Bike Hub UpgradesC.5186Members of the Northam BMX Club are known to Cr Appleton.
7052024 - 11. NOVEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality14.3 - Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025C.5190Many, almost all, of the nominees are known to President Antonio.
7062024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality14.3 - Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025C.5190Nominees are known to Cr Appleton.
7072024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality14.3 - Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025C.5190Some of the nominees of the Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025 are known to Cr Girak.
7082024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality14.3 - Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025C.5190Some nominees are known to Cr Hughes.
7092024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality14.3 - Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025C.5190Some nominees are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7102024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council13/11/24 & 20/11/25Impartiality14.3 - Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025C.5190Applicants / Nominees are known to Cr Ryan.
7112024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council20/11/24Impartiality14.3 - Australia Day Council WA - Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2025C.5190Several Nominees are known to Cr Williams, one is one of her children's neighbours.
7122024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorStrategic Council27/11/24Impartiality5.1 - Strategic Human Resources BriefingN/AOne of Cr Williams daughters in law is employed by the Shire of Northam
7132024 - 11. NOVEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorStrategic Council27/11/24Proximity5.2 - Unauthorised Dwelling at 4 Hovea Cresent, WundowieN/ACr Williams co-owns property across the street from the subject property.

* Cr Williams left the Strategic Meeting at 6:05 pm and returned at 6:30 pm.
7142024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Lease Agreement for Reserve 25785, Bakers Hill Adult Riding ClubC.5202Members of the Bakers Hill Adult Riding Club are known to Cr Williams.
7152024 - 12. DECEMBER
Mrs A C McCall
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.2 - Lease Agreement for Reserve 25785, Bakers Hill Adult Riding ClubC.5202Members of the Bakers Hill Adult Riding Club are known to the Reporting Officer. The Reporting Officer has also participated in events held by the Bakers Hill Adult Riding Club and may participate in future events.
7162024 - 12. DECEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Avon Community Development Foundation – Mortlock GardensC.5203President Antonio is an unpaid board member of Avon Community Development Foundation
7172024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Avon Community Development Foundation – Mortlock GardensC.5203Members of Evoke Living are known to Cr Appleton.
7182024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Avon Community Development Foundation – Mortlock GardensC.5203Some members of the Avon Community Development Foundation are known to Cr Hughes.
7192024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.3 - Avon Community Development Foundation – Mortlock GardensC.5203Members of the Avon Community Development Foundation are known to Cr Williams.
7202024 - 12. DECEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.4 – Lease of Reserve 49380 to Spencers Brook Progress Association (Inc)C.5196Members of Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to President Antonio.
7212024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.4 – Lease of Reserve 49380 to Spencers Brook Progress Association (Inc)C.5196Members of Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Appleton
7222024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.4 – Lease of Reserve 49380 to Spencers Brook Progress Association (Inc)C.5196Some members of Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Biglin.
7232024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.4 – Lease of Reserve 49380 to Spencers Brook Progress Association (Inc)C.5196Members of the Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Girak and some members are Cr Girak’s personal friends.
7242024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.4 – Lease of Reserve 49380 to Spencers Brook Progress Association (Inc)C.5196Several members of Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7252024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.4 – Lease of Reserve 49380 to Spencers Brook Progress Association (Inc)C.5196Members of Spencers Brook Progress are known to Cr Poulton.
7262024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.1.4 – Lease of Reserve 49380 to Spencers Brook Progress Association (Inc)C.5196Cr Williams is a previous member of Spencers Brook Progress Association & members are known to Cr Williams.
7272024 - 12. DECEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 04 of 2024 – Cleaning of Shire of Northam Public toilets & Outlying AreasC.5204President Antonio is a member of various Progress Associations.
7282024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.2.1 - RFT 04 of 2024 – Cleaning of Shire of Northam Public toilets & Outlying AreasC.5204Cr Williams is an executive member of Bakers Hill Progress Association, who lease the Bakers Hill Recreation Centre.
7292024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Proximity13.3.2 - Wundowie North West Precinct Structure PlanC.5206Cr Biglin’s property is adjacent to one of the lots albeit with a small bush reserve between them.

* Cr Biglin left the Forum Meeting at 6:19 pm and returned at 6:22 pm.

* Cr Biglin left the Ordinary Meeting at 5:55 pm and returned at 5:56 pm.
7302024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality13.3.3 - Proposed Amendment - Rally SchoolC.5207The proponent is known to Cr Ryan.
7312024 - 12. DECEMBER
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality15.1 - Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road & 51 Olive Road, WundowieC.5215Owners of adjacent properties are known to President Antonio.
7322024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality15.1 - Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road & 51 Olive Road, WundowieC.5215Residents adjacent to the pedestrian access are known to Cr Biglin.
7332024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality15.1 - Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road & 51 Olive Road, WundowieC.5215An adjoining land owner is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7342024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council11/12/24 & 18/12/24Impartiality15.1 - Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road & 51 Olive Road, WundowieC.5215The owner of one of the adjacent properties is known to Cr Williams.
7352024 - 12. DECEMBER
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentForum / Ordinary Council18/12/24Impartiality12.1 - Minutes of Community Grants Committee - Members of Bakers Hill RSL Are Known to MeC.5197
Members of Bakers Hill RSL are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7362025 - 01. JANUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelNominees for the Selection Panel are well known to President Antonio.
7372025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelPotential EOIs are known to Councillor Appleton.
7382025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelSome of the EOI are known to Councillor Biglin.
7392025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelSome of the nominees are known to Councillor Girak.
7402025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelA number of the applicants are known to Councillor Hughes.
7412025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
Deputy PresidentOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelSome of the nominees are known to Councillor Mencshelyi.
7422025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelCouncillor Poulton knows people on the EOIs received list.
7432025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelCandidates proposed are known to Councillor Ryan
7442025 - 01. JANUARY
Cr J E G Williams
CouncillorOrdinary Council22/01/25Impartiality13.1.2 Walk of Fame Selection PanelSeveral nominees for the panel are known to Councillor Williams. The report was written by Councillor Williams Daughter in law.
7452025 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.1.1 Licence and Lease Agreement – Bert Hawke PrecinctPresident Antonio was the prior president of Avon Hockey Association. Hockey is mentioned in the report.
7462025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.1 Proposed Local Planning Policy No.27 – Tree RetentionCr Biglin knows individuals on the submissions register.
7472025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.1 Proposed Local Planning Policy No.27 – Tree RetentionMembers that have provided comments are related to Cr Poulton.
7482025 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.2 State Significant Development Application – Proposed Hydrogen Plant & Extension to Solar FarmThe owner of the land is known to President Antonio.
7492025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.2 State Significant Development Application – Proposed Hydrogen Plant & Extension to Solar FarmThe owner is known to Cr Biglin.
7502025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.2 State Significant Development Application – Proposed Hydrogen Plant & Extension to Solar FarmThe applicant is known to Cr Ryan.
7512025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Mr C B Hunt
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.2 State Significant Development Application – Proposed Hydrogen Plant & Extension to Solar FarmMr Hunt was included within the public consultation undertaken by the State Development Assessment Unit.
7522025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Proximity13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteCr Biglin is part owner of the area for the requested amendment.
7532025 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteApplicants are known to President Antonio, with one applicant being a fellow councillor.
7542025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr H J Appleton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteA person mentioned in the agenda is known to Cr Appleton.
7552025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteThe proposed Scheme Amendment application is submitted on behalf of fellow councillor Biglin who has land in the amendment area.
7562025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteThe owner of the property is a fellow councillor who is known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7572025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr A M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteCr Biglin is known to Cr Poulton.
7582025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteThe applicant is known to Cr Ryan.
7592025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.4 Request for Extension – Spencers Brook Station Masters House Management PlanSome of the Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Biglin.
7602025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.4 Request for Extension – Spencers Brook Station Masters House Management PlanSome members of the Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Girak, and the previous Chair Person of the committee is a past work colleague, and a personal friend.
7612025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr A J Menchsleyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.4 Request for Extension – Spencers Brook Station Masters House Management PlanSome of the committee members are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7622025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr C M Poulton
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.3.4 Request for Extension – Spencers Brook Station Masters House Management PlanMembers of Spencers Brook Progress Association are known to Cr Poulton.
7632025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum19/02/25Indirect Financial13.3.5 Proposed Shed – 4 Atkinson Street, NorthamN/A (Withdrawn)The applicant is known to Cr Ryan’s business.
7642025 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum19/02/25Impartiality13.3.5 Proposed Shed – 4 Atkinson Street, NorthamN/A (Withdrawn)President Antonio went to school with the owner mentioned in this report for 10 years in Northam, if same person.
7652025 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.4.3 Rates Waiver Request – Northam Country Club A11234Country Club executive and members are known to President Antonio. They have mentioned this request to President Antonio prior.
7662025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.4.3 Rates Waiver Request – Northam Country Club A11234Some members of the Northam Country Club are known to Cr Girak.
7672025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.4.3 Rates Waiver Request – Northam Country Club A11234Some members of the club are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7682025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Mr C B Hunt
EmployeeForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality13.4.3 Rates Waiver Request – Northam Country Club A11234Mr Hunt is a board member of the Northam Country Club.
7692025 - 02. FEBRUARY
President C R Antonio
PresidentForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality15.1 Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road and 51 Olive Road, WundowieSome property owners in this vicinity are known to President Antonio.
7702025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr L C Biglin
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality15.1 Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road and 51 Olive Road, WundowieProperty owners adjacent to Brown & Olive Road are known to Cr Biglin.
7712025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr A J Mencshelyi
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality15.1 Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road and 51 Olive Road, WundowieCr Mencshelyi is the mover of the motion to change and nearby neighbours are known to Cr Mencshelyi.
7722025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M P Ryan
CouncillorForum / Ordinary Council19/02/25 & 26/02/25Impartiality15.1 Motion to Change Council Decision C.3222 – Pedestrian Access Way – Adjacent to 16 Brown Road and 51 Olive Road, WundowieResidents near the lane are known to Cr Ryan.
7732025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council26/02/25Impartiality13.1.1 Licence and Lease Agreement – Bert Hawke PrecinctSome members of the Hockey Club & Cricket Club are known to Cr Hughes.
7742025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council26/02/25Impartiality13.3.3 Scheme Amendment 21 – Wundowie Rural TownsiteAs the owner of the Property is known to Cr Hughes.
7752025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council26/02/25Impartiality13.4.3 Rates Waiver Request – Northam Country Club A11234Some members of the Club are known to Cr Hughes.
7762025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr D A Hughes
CouncillorOrdinary Council26/02/25Impartiality14.1 Application under CP.29 Rates Hardship - A10706The Applicant is known to Cr Hughes.
7772025 - 02. FEBRUARY
Cr M I Girak
CouncillorOrdinary Council26/02/25Impartiality13.3.2 State Significant Development Application – Proposed Hydrogen Plant & Extension to Solar FarmCr Girak was a member of the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) considering previous versions of the Hydrogen Plant & Extension to Solar Farm applications mentioned in this agenda item.