1 | |  | WARREN COUNTY |
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2 | |  | District Based |
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3 | | | Allamuchy Township School District | | | | | | | Dr. Melissa Sabol | Child Study Team Director | msabol@aes.k12.nj.us | | | | |
4 | | | Alpha Borough School District | | | | | | | Laura Newman | Director of Special Services | directorcst@apsedu.org | | | | |
5 | | | Belvidere School District | | | | | | | Ryanne Bigelli | Director of Special Services | rbigelli@belvideresd.org | | https://www.belvideresd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=3808265&type=d&pREC_ID=2464453 | | |
6 | | | Blairstown Elementary Township School District | Blairstown Elementary School SEPAG | Sasha Grossman | Chairperson | Parker Sanchez | Vice Chairperson | sepagblairstown@gmail.com | Dr. Alyssa Emili | Supervisor of Special Services | emili@blairstownelem.net | | https://www.blairstownelem.net/page/special-services | | |
7 | | | Franklin Township School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | | Ms. Kimberly Bunch | The Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services (Grades PreK-12) | kbunch@franklinboe.org | | https://www.franklinboe.org/documents/departments-and-services/special-education-services/special-education-parent-advisory-committee-(sepac)/643471 | | |
8 | | | Frelinghuysen Township School District | | | | | | | Nick Moustakas | LDTC | moustakas@frelinghuysenschool.org | | | | |
9 | | | Great Meadows Regional School District | GMRSD SEPAG | Kelly Hirsch | President | Sarah Longo | Vice President | gmrsdsepag@gmail.com | Michael Mai | Director of Special Services | mmai@gmrsd.com | https://padlet.com/swestberg2/gmrsd-sepag-w8e2wcyyumuvn3gy | https://www.gmrsd.com/Page/1069 | | |
10 | | | Greenwich Township School District | | | | | | | Tina Neely | Superintendent/Director of Special Services | neelyt@gtsd.net | | | | |
11 | | | Hackettstown Public School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) | | | | | specialed.pac@hackettstown.org | O'Leary, Kevin | Director of Special Services | koleary@hackettstown.org | | | | |
12 | | | Harmony Township School District | | | | | | | Daryle Weiss | Principal | weissd@htesd.org | | https://www.belvideresd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=3808265&type=d&pREC_ID=2464453 | | |
13 | | | Hope Township School District | | | | | | | | | | | https://www.belvideresd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=3808265&type=d&pREC_ID=2464453 | | |
14 | | | Knowlton Township School District | | | | | | | Paula Lightcap | L.D.T.C [W] | lightcapp@knowltonschool.com | | | | |
15 | | | Lopatcong Township Parent Group | | | | | | | Clymer, Nicole | CST Director | clymern@lopatsd.org | | | | |
16 | | | Mansfield Township Elementary School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | | Patti-Jo Raiello | CST Coordinator/School Psychologist | raiellop@mansfieldtsd.org | | | | |
17 | | | North Warren Regional School District | | | | | | | Diana Mai | Superintendent, Director of Special Services | maid@mansfieldtsd.org | | | | |
18 | | | Oxford Township School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | | Crystal Amey | LDTC | camey@oxfordcentral.org | | | | |
19 | | | Phillipsburg School district | F.O.C.U.S.-Parent Advisory Committee | | | | | | | | | | https://www.pburgsd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1232245&type=d&pREC_ID=1443593 | | |
20 | | | Pohatcong Township School District | Pohatcong SEPAG | Sarah Shornock | CST Supervisor | Susie Flanagan | Social Worker | sshornock@pohatcong.org | Mrs. Sarah Shornock | Special Services Supervisor | sshornock@pohatcong.org | | | | |
21 | | | Ridge and Valley Charter School (Frelinghuysen) | | | | | | | Kira Macedo | Speech/Language Pathologist | kira.macedo@ridgeandvalley.org | | | | |
22 | | | Warren County Special Services School District (Oxford) | | | | | | | James Schlessinger | Superintendent | j.schlessinger@wcsssd.org | | | | |
23 | | | Warren County Vocational Technical School (Washington) | | | | | | | Jeff Tierney | Principal / Director of Special Services | tierneyj@wctech.org | | | | |
24 | | | Warren Hills Regional School District | Special Education Advisory Council | | | | | | MaryLouise Rowlin | Supervisor of Special Education | rowlinm@warrenhills.org | | https://www.warrenhills.org/district12/special-services/special-education-advisory-council-seac | | |
25 | | | Washington Borough School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | | Mrs. Kathy Racile & Mrs. Jessica Hollander | LDT-C / CST Case Manager & School Social Worker / CST Case Manager | racilek@washboro.org & hollanderj@washboro.org | | | | |
26 | | | Washington Township School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | seac@warrenhills.org | Mrs. Caryn Kaluzny | Child Study Team Secretary | ckaluzny@washtwpsd.org | | https://www.washtwpsd.org/special-services/ | | |
27 | | | White Township Consolidated School District (Belvidere) | White Township Special Needs Advisory Council | | | | | | Michelle Rivera | LDT-C/Case Manager | mrivera@belvideresd.org | | https://www.belvideresd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=3808265&type=d&pREC_ID=2464453 | | |
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