1 | | ABBASI | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University Of Technology | No | 168 |
2 | | ABBASI | muneeb_eme@yahoo.com | CONAUTOENG | No | |
3 | | Achim | alin.achim@bristol.ac.uk | University of Bristol | No | |
4 | | Agaian | sos.agaian@utsa.edu | Texas University at San Antonio | No | |
5 | | Agarwal | sonali@iiita.ac.in | IIIT Allahabad India | No | |
6 | | Aggarwal | maggarwal@care.iitd.ernet.in | IIT Delhi | No | |
7 | | Albu | felix.albu@valahia.ro | Valahia University of Targoviste | No | |
8 | | Angelini | elsa.angelini@telecom-paris.fr | Telecom Paris | No | |
9 | | Antal | antal.balint@inf.unideb.hu | University of Debrecen | Yes | |
10 | | Appaji | abhishek.appaji.m@ieee.org | B.M.S. College of Engineering | No | |
11 | | Assous | sasso@bgs.ac.uk | University of Leicester | No | |
12 | | Awate | suyash@cse.iitb.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay | No | |
13 | | Bairagi | vbairagi@yahoo.co.in | S P Pune University | No | |
14 | | Balas | balas@drbalas.ro | Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad | No | |
15 | | Bardekar | abardekar@rediff.com | Sant Gadge baba Amravati | No | |
16 | | Bayat | bayat003@umn.edu | Mayo Clinic | No | |
17 | | Becerra | migb2b@gmail.com | Institución Universitaria Salazar y Herrera | No | |
18 | | Bertrand | alexander.bertrand@esat.kuleuven.be | KU Leuven | No | |
19 | | Bilgin | ccbilgin@lbl.gov | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | No | |
20 | | Blazquez | rbf@ti.com | Texas Instruments Inc. | No | |
21 | | Boubchir | larbi.boubchir@ai.univ-paris8.fr | University of Paris 8 | No | |
22 | | Burns | blburns@hrl.com | HRL Laboratories | No | |
23 | | Cahill | nathan.cahill@rit.edu | Rochester Institute of Technology | No | |
24 | | Chalakkal | rcha789@aucklanduni.ac.nz | University of Auckland | Yes | |
25 | | Chen | jawaechan@gmail.com | Xidian Univerisity | No | |
26 | | Chen | jackiekc@cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
27 | | Chen | zchen.ee@my.cityu.edu.hk | City University of Hong Kong | Yes | |
28 | | Chi | cychi@ee.nthu.edu.tw | National Tsing Hua University | No | |
29 | | Choi | hyunho0619@gmail.com | Hanyang University | No | |
30 | | Cong | cong@dlut.edu.cn | Dalian University of Technology | No | |
31 | | D | stalindavidcse@ifet.ac.in | IFET College of Engineering/Anna University | No | |
32 | | del Aguila Pla | poldap@kth.se | Biomedical Imaging Group, CIBM, EPFL | No | |
33 | | Deshpande | deshpandehn@gmail.com | Philips Research Hamburg | No | |
34 | | Desire | desire.sidibe@ieee.org | Université d'Evry - Paris Saclay | No | |
35 | | Devi | reetadahiya@kuk.ac.in | University Institute of Engineering and Technology Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra | No | |
36 | | Do | sdo@mgh.harvard.edu | Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Med. School | No | |
37 | | Domingues | inesdomingues@gmail.com | ISEC - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra | No | |
38 | | Dubey | harishchandra.dubey@utdallas.edu | The University of Texas at Dallas | Yes | |
39 | | Dubey | srdubey@iiita.ac.in | Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad | No | |
40 | | Duncan | duncand@usc.edu | University of Southern California | No | |
41 | | Eguizabal | alma.egui@gmail.com | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | No | |
42 | | El Choubassi | maha.el.choubassi@intel.com | Intel Corporation | No | |
43 | | Escudero | javier.escudero@ed.ac.uk | University of Edinburgh | No | |
44 | | Falk | falk@emt.inrs.ca | INRS-EMT, University of Quebec | No | |
45 | | Fattah | s.a.fattah@ieee.org | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | No | |
46 | | Feng | jfeng@cis.jhu.edu | Johns Hopkins | No | |
47 | | Fernandez-Maloigne | christine.fernandez@univ-poitiers.fr | University of Poitiers, France | No | |
48 | | G S | guthayakumar@outlook.com | St.Joseph's College of Engineering | No | |
49 | | Ghani | mughani@bu.edu | Boston University | Yes | |
50 | | Gu | jia.gu12345@gmail.com | University of British Columbia | Yes | |
51 | | Guness | spg23@kent.ac.uk | University of Kent | Yes | |
52 | | Hendriks | r.c.hendriks@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | No | |
53 | | Hendry | janshendry@gmail.com | Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto | No | |
54 | | Hidalgo | gabriel_hidalgo_2@hotmail.com | Universidad Nacional de San Luis | No | |
55 | | Huang | hlq@fzu.edu.cn | Fuzhou University | No | |
56 | | Humeau-Heurtier | anne.humeau@univ-angers.fr | University of Angers | No | |
57 | | Iraji | armin.iraji@gmail.com | Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS) | No | |
58 | | Islam | jislam2@student.gsu.edu | Georgia State University | Yes | |
59 | | Islam | kafiul_islam@nus.edu.sg | National University of Singapore | Yes | |
60 | | Jelfs | beth.jelfs05@alumni.imperial.ac.uk | RMIT University | No | |
61 | | Jones | edward.jones@nuigalway.ie | National University of Ireland, Galway | No | |
62 | | Karargyris | akararg@us.ibm.com | IBM | No | |
63 | | Kelati | amlikelati@ieee.org | UTU | No | |
64 | | Kher | rahul2777@gmail.com | G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology | No | |
65 | | Kiran | sounikkiran1992@gmail.com | National Institute of Technology Silchar | Yes | |
66 | | Kubatur | shruthi@alumni.purdue.edu | Berkeley Lights | No | |
67 | | Kumar | navinkumar@ieee.org | Amrita University | No | |
68 | | Kumar | ranjeetk@ieee.org | PDPM IIITDMJ INDIA | Yes | |
69 | | Lam | Technology | Technology | No | |
70 | | Lamprianidi | m.lamprianidi@gmail.com | ATEITH | No | |
71 | | Larabi | chaker.larabi@ieee.org | University de Poitiers | No | |
72 | | Lavarello | lavarello.rj@pucp.edu.pe | Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru | No | |
73 | | Law | ajlaw.84@gmail.com | National Research Council Canada | No | |
74 | | Lee | heungno@gist.ac.kr | GIST, Korea | No | |
75 | | Levin-Schwartz | yurilevsch@gmail.com | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai | No | |
76 | | Li | lijz@ieee.org | Stanford University | No | |
77 | | Lingala | lingala@usc.edu | University of Southern California | No | |
78 | | Liu | liupengufl@gmail.com | University of Florida | Yes | |
79 | | Liu | xiaofeng.liu@yale.edu | Yale University | No | |
80 | | Liu | dr.yipengliu@gmail.com | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | No | |
81 | | Lombardi | angela.lombardi@ba.infn.it | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare | No | |
82 | | Majumdar | angshul@iiitd.ac.in | Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology | No | |
83 | | Makkapati | vishnu.makkapati@philips.com | Philips Research Asia - Bangalore | No | |
84 | | Malladi | rmalladi@linkedin.com | LinkedIn Corporation | No | |
85 | | Mandal | s.mandal@ieee.org | Maxer Endoscopy GmbH and Technical University of Munich | No | |
86 | | Manjapa | rakesh@physics.iisc.ernet.in | Indian Institute of Science Bangalore | Yes | |
87 | | Manshaei | manshaei@ieee.org | University of Bonn, Germany | Yes | |
88 | | Mazhar | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIKI | No | |
89 | | Medda | alessio.medda@gtri.gatech.edu | Georgia Institute of Technology | No | |
90 | | Moghadas | h.moghadas@gmail.com | Isfahan University of Technology | Yes | |
91 | | Mohammadi | nmohamm4@ur.rochester.edu | University of Rochester | Yes | |
92 | | Montesinos | lmontesinos@ieee.org | Tecnologico de Monterrey | No | |
93 | | N | venkateswarann@ssn.edu.in | Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering(Autonomous), | No | |
94 | | Nahar | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
95 | | Ni | nidong@szu.edu.cn | Shenzhen Univeristy | No | |
96 | | Novak | novakdn@ucmail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati | No | |
97 | | Nsugbe | ennsugbe@yahoo.com | Nsugbe Research Labs | No | |
98 | | Ozkan | aytac.oezkan@tu-berlin.de | Technical University of Berlin | Yes | |
99 | | Papalazarou | c.papalazarou@tue.nl | University of Technology Eindhoven | Yes | |
100 | | PARUI | srichetap@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India | Yes | |
101 | | Patil | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKMs NMIMS MUMBAI | No | |
102 | | Patwardhan | patwardh@ge.com | General Electric | No | |
103 | | Paunwala | cpaunwala@gmail.com | Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology | No | |
104 | | Peimankar | a.peimankar@gmail.com | of Engineering and Technology | No | |
105 | | Phan | huy.phan@ieee.org | University of Kent | No | |
106 | | Pourhomayoun | mpourho1@binghamton.edu | Binghamton University | Yes | |
107 | | Puoliväli | tuomas.puolivali@ieee.org | University of Helsinki | Yes | |
108 | | Qi | qi@ucdavis.edu | University of California - Davis | No | |
109 | | Ram | sundaresh2@gmail.com | University of Michigan | No | |
110 | | Ramella | giuliana.ramella@cnr.it | National Research Council (CNR) | No | |
111 | | Rao | uk_arvind@ieee.org | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | No | |
112 | | Ravelo-Garcia | aravelo@dsc.ulpgc.es | University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | No | |
113 | | Reina | g.anthony.reina@intel.com | Intel | No | |
114 | | Ribalta Lorenzo | pribalta@nvidia.com | NVIDIA | Yes | |
115 | | Richiardi | jonas.richiardi@epfl.ch | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland | No | |
116 | | Ruiz | v.f.ruiz@reading.ac.uk | University of Reading | No | |
117 | | S | GANDHIYAVENDHAN@YAHOO.COM | Bharathair University | No | |
118 | | Sakoglu | sakoglu@uhcl.edu | University of Houston - Clear Lake | No | |
119 | | Sakoglu | sakoglu@uhcl.edu | University of Houston - Clear Lake | No | |
120 | | Salama | psalama@iu.edu | Indiana University | No | |
121 | | Salehinejad | hojjat@ieee.org | Mayo Clinic | No | |
122 | | Sanchez | victoria@ugr.es | Universidad de Granada | No | |
123 | | Saxena | ishansaxena45@gmail.com | MANIT Bhopal | Yes | |
124 | | Schlotthauer | gschlott@bioingenieria.edu.ar | Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios | No | |
125 | | Seelamantula | css@iisc.ac.in | Indian Institute of Science Bangalore | No | |
126 | | Sejdic | esejdic@ieee.org | University of Pittsburgh | No | |
127 | | Selvaraj | js0740@srmist.edu.in | SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur | No | |
128 | | Shaban | mshaban@southalabama.edu | University of South Alabama | No | |
129 | | Shahbakhti | mohammad.shahbakhti@ktu.edu | Kaunas University of Technology, Artinis Medical Systems B.V. | Yes | |
130 | | Shahnaz | celia.shahnaz@gmail.com | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) | No | |
131 | | Sharma | gaurav.sharma@rochester.edu | University of Rochester | No | |
132 | | Sharma | mansisharmaiitd@gmail.com | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore | No | |
133 | | Sheet | debdoot@ee.iitkgp.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | No | |
134 | | Sinha | gr.sinha@iiitb.ac.in | International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIITB) | No | |
135 | | Sivarama Krishnan | ks7585@g.rit.edu | Gen Nine Inc | No | |
136 | | Sreehari | suhas@alumni.purdue.edu | Wells Fargo | No | |
137 | | Thahir | khadeejathahir@ieee.org | University of Sri Jayewardenepura | Yes | |
138 | | Trombini | marco.7t@gmail.com | Università degli Studi di Genova | Yes | |
139 | | Vinjamuri | rvinjam1@umbc.edu | University of Maryland Baltimore County | No | |
140 | | Wang | wangchangmiao@cuhk.edu.cn | The Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen | No | |
141 | | Wang | albertcharleswang@gmail.com | The Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen | No | |
142 | | Wang | wangwnezhe@zju.edu.cn | Zhejiang University | Yes | |
143 | | Weller | d.s.weller@ieee.org | University of Virginia | No | |
144 | | Williams | sydneynw@umich.edu | University of Michigan | Yes | |
145 | | Woo | jwoo@mgh.harvard.edu | Harvard Medical School | No | |
146 | | Wu | auweiwu@scut.edu.cn | South China University of Technology | No | |
147 | | Wu | wuxia@bnu.edu.cn | Beijing Normal University | No | |
148 | | Xia | yxia@nwpu.edu.cn | Northwestern Polytechnical University | No | |
149 | | Xu | kelelel.xu@gmail.com | National University of Defense Technology | Yes | |
150 | | Xu | xxu@bwh.harvard.edu | Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital | No | |
151 | | Xu | xuxueyuan@mail.bnu.edu.cn | Beijing Normal University | Yes | |
152 | | Xu | redkisses121@gmail.com | Baidu.com | No | |
153 | | Xu | ziyue.xu@gmail.com | Nvidia | No | |
154 | | Yang | g.yang@imperial.ac.uk | Imperial College London | No | |
155 | | Yang | chadyang.hc@gmail.com | Ph.D Student | Yes | |
156 | | Yang | yangjianlong@nimte.ac.cn | Chinese Academy of Sciences | No | |
157 | | Yao | jianhua.yao@gmail.com | Tencent | No | |
158 | | Yu | rongshanyu@ieee.org | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
159 | | Zanatta | dan.zanatta@gmail.com | aizo ag | No | |
160 | | Zhan | liang.zhan@pitt.edu | University of Pittsburgh | No | |
161 | | Zhang | z4zhang@ucsd.edu | University of California, San Diego | Yes | |
162 | | Zhao | zhaobouiuc@gmail.com | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Yes | |
163 | | Zhao | juz017@eng.ucsd.edu | University of California, San Diego | Yes | |
164 | | Zhao | yitian.zhao@nimte.ac.cn | Chinese Academy of Sciences | No | |
165 | | Zhu | ywzhu@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
166 | | Zong | cxz121430@utdallas.edu | University of Texas at Dallas | No | |
167 | | | | | | |
168 | | Mishra | kvm@ieee.org | United States DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory | No | |
169 | | Narayanamurthy | Vigneswaran.narayanamurthy@rajalakshmi.edu.in | Rajalakshmi Engineering College | Yes | |