1 | Shima | | abadi@uw.edu | University of Washington | No | 167 |
2 | Aneesa | | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University Of Technology | No | |
3 | MUNEEB | | muneeb_eme@yahoo.com | CONAUTOENG | No | |
4 | Monika | | maggarwal@care.iitd.ernet.in | IIT Delhi | No | |
5 | Fauzia | | fauzia.ahmad@villanova.edu | Villanova University | No | |
6 | Mohannad | | mohannadalalicom@yahoo.com | University of Missouri-Columbia | No | |
7 | André | | andre.almeida@ieee.org | Federal University of Ceará | No | |
8 | Felix | | antreich@ieee.org | Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) | No | |
9 | Afsaneh | | afsaneh.asaei@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | No | |
10 | Afsaneh | | afsaneh.asaei@epfl.ch | Idiap Research Institute | Yes | |
11 | Giacomo | | giacomo.bacci@iet.unipi.it | University of Pisa | No | |
12 | Alexander | | alexander.bertrand@esat.kuleuven.be | KU Leuven | No | |
13 | Jordi | | jordi.borras.pino@upc.edu | Technical University of Catalonia | Yes | |
14 | Jordi | | jordi.borras@ieee.org | Universidade de Vigo | No | |
15 | Remy | | remy.boyer@lss.supelec.fr | Paris-sud university | No | |
16 | Yunlong | | yunlong_cai@yahoo.com | Zhejiang university | No | |
17 | Charles | | charles@ufc.br | Federal University of Ceará | No | |
18 | Jean-Francois | | chmbrlnd@tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | No | |
19 | Shing Chow | | scchan@eee.hku.hk | The University of Hong Kong | No | |
20 | Tsung-Hui | | tsunghui.chang@ieee.org | The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shenzhen | No | |
21 | Anh | | nhat.anh.che.viet@univ-st-etienne.fr | Jean Monnet University, Saint Etienne, France | Yes | |
22 | Jiayu | | jiayu.chen@ieee.org | Signal Processing Laboratory, Wuhan University | Yes | |
23 | Yan | | eecyan@ustc.edu.cn | University of Science and Technology of China | No | |
24 | Zhu | | zchen2@stevens.edu | Broadcom Corporation | No | |
25 | Qi | | qi.cheng@okstate.edu | Oklahoma State University | No | |
26 | Ziyang | | zeeyoungcheng@163.com | University of Electronic Science and Technoloty of China | No | |
27 | Sandeep P. | | s.p.chepuri@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | Yes | |
28 | Jen-Tzung | | jtchien@nctu.edu.tw | National Chiao Tung University | No | |
29 | Praveen | | praveenpaulc@gmail.com | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand | Yes | |
30 | Domenico | | domenico.ciuonzo@ieee.org | University of Naples "Federico II" | No | |
31 | Domenico | | domenico.ciuonzo@unina2.it | Second University of Naples | Yes | |
32 | Mário | | mario.j.pereiradacosta@ieee.org | Huawei Technologies, Finland | No | |
33 | Rodrigo | | rcdl500@york.ac.uk | II | No | |
34 | Quan | | dingqqq@ele.uri.edu | University of Rhode Island | No | |
35 | Nguyen | | dnguyen16@slb.com | Schlumberger | No | |
36 | Ivan | | ivan.dokmanic@epfl.ch | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Yes | |
37 | Maha | | maha.el.choubassi@intel.com | Intel Corporation | No | |
38 | Mohammed Nabil | | m.elkorso@parisnanterre.fr | Paris Nanterre Unvi | No | |
39 | Ahmet m. | | ahmetmelbir@gmail.com | University of Luxembourg | No | |
40 | Jun | | aquarius.fang@gmail.com | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | No | |
41 | Christopher | | crf204@gmail.com | Stevens Institute of Technology | Yes | |
42 | Xiao | | xiao.fu@oregonstate.edu | Oregon State University | No | |
43 | Yongchan | | yc_gao@stu.xidian.edu.cn | Xidian University | No | |
44 | PETER | | gerstoft@ucsd.edu | UCSD | No | |
45 | Tadesse | | tadg@uw.edu | University of washington Bothell | No | |
46 | Mohammad Reza | | moreza@chalmers.se | Chalmers University of Technology | Yes | |
47 | Guillaume | | guillaume.ginolhac@univ-savoie.fr | Universite Savoie Mont-Blanc | No | |
48 | Leonardo | | lbaltar@ieee.org | Intel Deutschland GmbH | No | |
49 | Herbert | | herbert.groll@nt.tuwien.ac.at | TU Wien | Yes | |
50 | Yujie | | guyujie@hotmail.com | The University of Oklahoma | No | |
51 | Qi | | qh@eng.ua.edu | University of Alabama | No | |
52 | Qian | | qianhe@uestc.edu.cn | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | No | |
53 | Zhen-Qing | | zhenqinghe@scu.edu.cn | Sichuan University | No | |
54 | Rajesh | | rhegde@iitk.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | No | |
55 | Philipp | | pheiden@spg.tu-darmstadt.de | Technische Universität Darmstadt | No | |
56 | Eduardo | | eduardo.hernandez@ulpgc.es | University | No | |
57 | Braham | | braham.himed@wpafb.af.mil | Air Force Research Laboratory | No | |
58 | Koichi | | koichi@ynu.ac.jp | Yokohama National University | No | |
59 | Julie | | juliejackson_ee@yahoo.com | Air Force Institute of Technology | No | |
60 | Hadi | | h.jamalirad@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | Yes | |
61 | Xue | | xuejiang@sjtu.edu.cn | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | No | |
62 | Eduard | | jorswieck@ieee.org | TU Braunschweig | No | |
63 | Amleset | | amlkel@utu.fi | University of Turku | No | |
64 | Saiveena | | saiveena.kesaraju@ieee.org | Infineon Technologies | No | |
65 | Rob | | rob@kluver.com | Sensor Array and Multichannel | No | |
66 | Lalan | | sok.lalan@gmail.com | IIT Delhi | No | |
67 | Navin | | navin_kum3@yahoo.com | Amrita University | No | |
68 | Eva | | eva.lagunas@upc.edu | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya | Yes | |
69 | Bo | | paul.bo.li@rutgers.edu | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | Yes | |
70 | Weichang | | lwc@alum.mit.edu | ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research | No | |
71 | Bin | | binliao@szu.edu.cn | Shenzhen University | No | |
72 | Chun-Lin | | chunlinliu@ntu.edu.tw | National Taiwan University | No | |
73 | Dehong | | liudh@merl.com | Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs | No | |
74 | Shengheng | | s.liu@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | No | |
75 | Wei | | w.liu@sheffield.ac.uk | University of Sheffield, UK | No | |
76 | Peter | | peter.ly@dsto.defence.gov.au | Defence Science and Technology Organisation | No | |
77 | Mounira | | maazaoui@telecom-paristech.fr | Telecom ParisTech | No | |
78 | Rabinder | | rabinder.n.madan@gmail.com | Office of Naval Research | No | |
79 | Alimorad | | a.mahmoudi@scu.ac.ir | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | No | |
80 | Julio | | jcesarmv@gmail.com | Pontifical Catholic University of Peru | No | |
81 | Zihuan | | mzh@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | Yes | |
82 | Panos | | panos@rit.edu | Rochester Institute of Technology | No | |
83 | Oscar | | oscar.martinez@csic.es | Spanish National Research Council | No | |
84 | Michail | | michail.matthaiou@chalmers.se | Chalmers University of Technology | No | |
85 | Suleman | | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIKI | No | |
86 | Tilahun | | tiluxscho@gmail.com | École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) | Yes | |
87 | Deepak | | d.mishra@unsw.edu.au | The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, Australia | No | |
88 | Marouan | | marouan.mizmizi@polimi.it | Politecnico di Milano | No | |
89 | Nasim | | nasim.moallemi@uoit.ca | University of Ontario Institute of technology | No | |
90 | Arash | | marash@cse.yorku.ca | York University | Yes | |
91 | Athanasios | | mouchtar@ics.forth.gr | FORTH & University of Crete | No | |
92 | Ali | | alistair.moussa@protonmail.com | The University of Sheffield | Yes | |
93 | Amitav | | amitavmukherjee@hotmail.com | Nokia Research Center | No | |
94 | Venkateswaran | | venkateswarann@ssn.edu.in | Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering | No | |
95 | Lakshya | | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
96 | Santosh | | santosh.nannuru@iiit.ac.in | IIIT Hyderabad | No | |
97 | Juan | | juanluis.navarro@ulpgc.es | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | No | |
98 | Juan | | jnavarro@dsc.ulpgc.es | Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | No | |
99 | Sridhar Krishna | | siris.krishna@gmail.com | Audience Inc | No | |
100 | Esa | | esa.ollila@aalto.fi | Aalto University | No | |
101 | Piya | | ppal@ece.umd.edu | University of Maryland, College Park | No | |
102 | Issa | | issa.panahi@utdallas.edu | University of Texas at Dallas | No | |
103 | Antonia | | papandreou@asu.edu | Arizona State University | No | |
104 | Matteo | | matteo.pardini@dlr.de | German Aerospace Center | No | |
105 | Yongsung | | yongsungpark@ucsd.edu | University of California San Diego | No | |
106 | Frederic | | frederic.pascal@supelec.fr | Supelec | No | |
107 | Shashikant | | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKMs NMIMS MUMBAI | No | |
108 | Dibu | | dibujphilip@ieee.org | Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology | Yes | |
109 | Gema | | gpinyero@iteam.upv.es | Polytechnic University of Valencia | No | |
110 | Mohammad | | mpourho1@binghamton.edu | Binghamton University | Yes | |
111 | Tuomas | | tuomas.puolivali@ieee.org | University of Helsinki | Yes | |
112 | HENG | | heng.qiao@sjtu.edu.cn | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | No | |
113 | Tony Q.S. | | qsquek@ieee.org | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
114 | Reinhardt | | r.r.rading@ieee.org | Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg | No | |
115 | Raghu | | raghu.raj@nrl.navy.mil | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory | No | |
116 | Raj Thilak | | r.t.rajan@tudelft.nl | Delft university of technology | No | |
117 | David | | ramirezgd@gmail.com | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | No | |
118 | Ashish | | ashish.rauniyar@sintef.no | SINTEF Digital | No | |
119 | Gabriel | | aravelo@dsc.ulpgc.es | University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | No | |
120 | Poreddy | | raghu.43212009@gmail.com | JNTUH | Yes | |
121 | Uri | | urogers@ewu.edu | Eastern Washington University | No | |
122 | Tirza | | tirzar@ee.bgu.ac.il | Ben Gurion University of the Negev | No | |
123 | Pierluigi | | salvorossi@ieee.org | Dept. Electronic Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology | No | |
124 | Geoffrey | | geoffrey.sanantonio@nrl.navy.mil | Naval Research Laboratory | No | |
125 | Ignacio | | i.santamaria@unican.es | University of Cantabria | No | |
126 | Aurora | | aurorasc@ece.cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
127 | Christopher | | cbsmith@ieee.org | Southwest Research Institute | No | |
128 | Xiufeng | | xiufeng.song@gmail.com | LSI Corporation | No | |
129 | Axel | | axel.plinge@tu-dortmund.de | TU Dortmund University | No | |
130 | Shunqiao | | shunqiao.sun@delphi.com | Delphi Electronics & Safety | No | |
131 | Shunqiao | | shunqiao.sun@ua.edu | The University of Alabama | No | |
132 | Shunqiao | | shunqiao.sun@ua.edu | The University of Alabama | No | |
133 | Wee Peng | | wptay@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | No | |
134 | Koby | | kobytdros@post.tau.ac.il | Tel-Aviv University | No | |
135 | Nguyen Linh | | linhtrung@vnu.edu.vn | Vietnam National University, Hanoi | No | |
136 | Kuniaki | | uto@pms.titech.ac.jp | Tokyo Institute of Technology | No | |
137 | Faruk | | f.uysal@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | No | |
138 | Rajbabu | | rajbabu@ee.iitb.ac.in | IIT Bombay | No | |
139 | Naveen | | naveen.venkategowda@liu.se | Linköping University | No | |
140 | Francesco | | f.verde@unina.it | University of Naples Federico II | No | |
141 | Javier | | jvia@gtas.dicom.unican.es | University of Cantabria | No | |
142 | Jordi | | jordi.vila-valls@isae-supaero.fr | ISAE-SUPAERO/University of Toulouse | No | |
143 | Jing | | ecejwang@ieee.org | Bradley University | No | |
144 | Pu (Perry) | | pwang@ieee.org | Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) | No | |
145 | Chirag | | chiragwarty@ieee.org | University of Mumbai | No | |
146 | Fuxi | | wenfuxi@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | No | |
147 | Fuxi | | wenf0001@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | Yes | |
148 | Stefan | | wijnholds@astron.nl | ASTRON | No | |
149 | Nathan | | nathan.wilkins@us.af.mil | Air Force Research Lab | No | |
150 | Kainam | | k.thomas.wong@gmail.com | Beihang University | No | |
151 | Yuntao | | ytwu@sina.com | Wuhan Instiute of Technology | No | |
152 | Feng | | xifeng@njust.edu.cn | Nanjing University of Science and Technology | No | |
153 | Jingmin | | jxin@mail.xjtu.edu.cn | Technology | No | |
154 | Jun | | jun.yang@ieee.org | Queen's University, Kingston, Canada | No | |
155 | Jun | | yangjun@mail.ioa.ac.cn | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Yes | |
156 | Zai | | yangzai@xjtu.edu.cn | Xi'an Jiaotong University | No | |
157 | Sarod | | yatawatta@astron.nl | ASTRON, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy | No | |
158 | Li | | lyou@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | No | |
159 | Jun | | jun.zhang@du.edu | University of Denver | No | |
160 | Wen | | wen.zhang@nwpu.edu.cn | Northwestern Polytechnical University | No | |
161 | Yao | | zhaoyao431@163.com | Guangdong University of Technology | No | |
162 | Ziping | | zipingzhao@shanghaitech.edu.cn | ShanghaiTech University | No | |
163 | Mu | | m.zhou@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | Yes | |
164 | | | | | | |
165 | Maxime | | maxime.ferreira@centralesupelec.fr | CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay | No | |
166 | Michael | | mike.phillips@ieee.org | USAF | No | |
167 | Linlong | | linlong.wu@uni.lu | University of Luxembourg | No | |
168 | Miguel Ángel | | mavazquez@cttc.es | Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya | No | |