1 | Aneesa | | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University Of Technology | No | 146 |
2 | MUNEEB | | muneeb_eme@yahoo.com | CONAUTOENG | No | |
3 | Rami | | rabdall3@illinois.edu | Intel Corporation | No | |
4 | Nabeel | | nabeel@cdac.in | CDAC | No | |
5 | Afshin shoeibi | | afshin.shoeibi@yahoo.com | Azad Gonabad | Yes | |
6 | Sos | | sos.agaian@utsa.edu | UTSA | No | |
7 | Anurag | | anurag.v.agrawal@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee | Yes | |
8 | Roberto | | roberto.airoldi@tut.fi | Tampere University of Technology | Yes | |
9 | Felix | | felix.albu@valahia.ro | Valahia University of Targoviste | No | |
10 | Saad | | saldoihi@kacst.edu.sa | KACST | No | |
11 | Vincent | | valmenar@dcom.upv.es | Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) | No | |
12 | Zaid Abdi A. | | zaid.alyasseri@uokufa.edu.iq | School of Computer Sciences - University | Yes | |
13 | Dr. Veena | | veenamb.ece@bmsce.ac.in | BMS College of Engineering | No | |
14 | Shailendra | | b.shailendr@gmail.com | NMIMS UNIVERSITY | No | |
15 | Iqbal | | iqbal.bawa@tektronix.com | Tektronix | No | |
16 | Shuvra | | ssb@umd.edu | University of Maryland | No | |
17 | Satyanarayana | | bsn@tifr.res.in | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai | No | |
18 | Deepayan | | d.bhowmik@ieee.org | University of Stirling | No | |
19 | Luigi | | luigi.borzi@polito.it | Politecnico di Torino | No | |
20 | Jani | | jani.boutellier@ee.oulu.fi | University of Oulu | No | |
21 | Joseph | | cavallar@rice.edu | Rice University | No | |
22 | Ediz | | e.cetin@ieee.org | Macquarie University | No | |
23 | Chaitali | | chaitali@asu.edu | Arizona State University | No | |
24 | Debejyo | | debejyo.chakraborty@gm.com | General Motors Company | No | |
25 | Hsun-Hsien Shane | | h.shanechang@gmail.com | Novartis | No | |
26 | Chun-Fu | | n26984567@mail.ncku.edu.tw | Nation Cheng Kung University | Yes | |
27 | Cunjian | | ccunjian@gmail.com | Monash University | No | |
28 | Liang-Bi | | liangbi@bxb.tw | BXB Electronics Co. | No | |
29 | Junho | | junho.cho.jc@gmail.com | Seoul National University | No | |
30 | Carlo | | carlo.condo@polito.it | McGill | No | |
31 | Philippe | | philippe.coussy@univ-ubs.fr | Univ. Bretagne-Sud / Lab-STICC | No | |
32 | Kishore Chandra | | kishorechandra.das@rcilab.in | RCI | No | |
33 | Ajay V. | | ajayd1967@yahoo.com | DACOE karad | No | |
34 | Khaled | | kelmaleh@qualcomm.com | Qualcomm Inc. | No | |
35 | Yunus | | yemre@asu.edu | Arizona State University | Yes | |
36 | Furkan | | furkan.ercan@mail.mcgill.ca | McGill University | Yes | |
37 | Marco | | marco.faccio@univaq.it | University of L'Aquila | No | |
38 | Gabriel | | gff@deec.uc.pt | IT / University of Coimbra | No | |
39 | Robert | | robert.fasthuber@imec.be | IMEC and KULeuven | Yes | |
40 | Mrugesh | | mrugesh.gajjar@siemens-healthineers.com | Siemens Healthineers | No | |
41 | Woon-Seng | | ewsgan@ieee.org | NTU, Singapore | No | |
42 | Woon-Seng | | ewsgan@ntu.edu.sg | NTU | No | |
43 | jia | | jia.gu12345@gmail.com | University of British Columbia | Yes | |
44 | Reza | | aheidari@uwaterloo.ca | Principal Research Scientist, IGNIS Innovation Inc. | No | |
45 | Huong | | huong.ho@crc.gc.ca | Communications Research Centre Canada | No | |
46 | Quoc-Thai | | ho@emt.inrs.ca | INRS-EMT | No | |
47 | Sangjin | | snjhong@ece.sunysb.edu | Stony Brook University | No | |
48 | Siamak | | hoseinzadeh.siamak@wtiau.ac.ir | Islamic Azad University, Iran | Yes | |
49 | Yu Hen | | yhhu@wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin - Madison, Dept, ECE | No | |
50 | Xinming | | xhuang@wpi.edu | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | No | |
51 | Amir | | aivry@ieee.org | Technion/Microsoft | No | |
52 | Christophe | | christophe.jego@ims-bordeaux.fr | IMS laboratory | No | |
53 | Khaled | | khaled.jerbi@insa-rennes.fr | IETR, INSA of Rennes, University of Rennes 1 | Yes | |
54 | Pedro | | pedroliveira931@hotmail.com | Sao Paulo State University | No | |
55 | Markku | | markku.juntti@oulu.fi | University of Oulu | No | |
56 | Yoshinobu | | kaji@kansai-u.ac.jp | Kansai University | No | |
57 | Amleset | | amlikelati@ieee.org | University of Turku | No | |
58 | Srinidhi | | srinidhikv@gmail.com | Broadcom Corporation | No | |
59 | Ji-Hoon | | jihoonkim@cnu.ac.kr | Chungnam National University | No | |
60 | Harish | | kharish@asu.edu | Cochiear Americas | No | |
61 | S. Y. | | kung@princeton.edu | Princeton University | No | |
62 | Yingjie | | ylao@clemson.edu | Clemson University | No | |
63 | Hanho | | hhlee@inha.ac.kr | Inha University | No | |
64 | Heung-No | | heungno@gist.ac.kr | GIST, Korea | No | |
65 | Fengbo | | foberliang@163.com | TUD | No | |
66 | Sihao | | sihao@cs.ucla.edu | UCLA | Yes | |
67 | Yuzhe | | yliu5@nd.edu | University of Notre Dame | Yes | |
68 | Fa-Long | | f.luo@ieee.org | Element CXI | No | |
69 | Fei | | feima.0011@gmail.com | Australian National University | No | |
70 | Vishnu | | vishnu.makkapati@philips.com | Philips Research Asia - Bangalore | No | |
71 | Dr M V Rajesh | | mvrajeshihrd@gmail.com | Govt. Model Engineering College | No | |
72 | Dr M V Rajesh | | mvrajeshihrd@gmail.com | Model Engineering College | No | |
73 | Rakesh | | rmalladi@linkedin.com | LinkedIn Corporation | No | |
74 | Mohammad | | matin.mnt@gmail.com | North South University | No | |
75 | Ahmed | | ahmed.mazari@lip6.fr | Sorbonne Université | No | |
76 | Suleman | | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIKI | No | |
77 | Brian | | bmazzeo@ee.byu.edu | Brigham Young University | No | |
78 | Daniel | | menard@enssat.fr | University of Rennes I | No | |
79 | Lifeng | | lifeng.miao@asu.edu | Arizona State University | No | |
80 | Anissa | | anissa.mokraoui@univ-paris13.fr | Université Sorbonne Paris Nord | No | |
81 | Jahanzeb | | jahanzebmunawar87@hotmail.com | The Institution of Engineers, Pakistan (IEP) | No | |
82 | Samson | | mwelasj@yahoo.com | Tanzania ICT Commission | No | |
83 | Lakshya | | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
84 | Sriram | | narayanansp@gmail.com | Texas Instruments | No | |
85 | Obianuju | | ondili@scu.edu | Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Santa Clara University | Yes | |
86 | Michael | | msnewell2000@yahoo.com | L3 Harris Corp | No | |
87 | David | | davenovo@gmail.com | EPFL | No | |
88 | Terrence | | trryrrry@gmail.com | Bindura University Of Science Education | Yes | |
89 | Issa | | issa.panahi@utdallas.edu | University of Texas at Dallas | No | |
90 | Jeoong Sung | | jeoongsung@gmail.com | Santa Clara University | Yes | |
91 | Yuvraj | | yuvrajparkale@gmail.com | SVPM COE, SPPU Pune, India | No | |
92 | Shashikant | | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKM NMIMS MUMBAI | No | |
93 | Shashikant | | sspatil999@gmail.com | SVKMs NMIMS Mumbai India | No | |
94 | Swati | | swati.patil251@gmail.com | G H Raisoni Institute of Business Management , Jalgaon | No | |
95 | Maxime | | maxime.pelcat@insa-rennes.fr | IETR/INSA | No | |
96 | Devasis | | devasispradhan@acharya.ac.in | Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore | No | |
97 | Markus | | pueschel@inf.ethz.ch | ETH Zurich | No | |
98 | Fei | | qiaofei@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
99 | Meikang | | qiumeikang@yahoo.com | University of Kentucky | No | |
100 | Sridhar | | srajagop@sta.samsung.com | Samsung Electronics | No | |
101 | Giuliana | | giuliana.ramella@cnr.it | National Research Council (CNR) | No | |
102 | Ashish | | ashish.rauniyar@sintef.no | SINTEF Digital | No | |
103 | Dr. Gandhiya Vendhan | | GANDHIYAVENDHAN@YAHOO.COM | Bharathair University | No | |
104 | Sankalita | | sankalita@gmail.com | MCT/NASA Ames Research Center | No | |
105 | Shailesh | | ssakri216@gmail.com | Harman International | No | |
106 | Perttu | | perttu.salmela@tut.fi | Tampere University of Technology | No | |
107 | Kuntal | | ksampat@qualcomm.com | Qualcomm Inc. | No | |
108 | Nimish | | nimishsane@gmail.com | University of Maryland, College Park | No | |
109 | Enrique | | enrique.santiago@gmail.com | Lockheed Martin | No | |
110 | Sohail | | sohailsarang@ymail.com | Hamdard university Karachi | Yes | |
111 | Aniruddha | | ansatoskar@gmail.com | Cirrus Logic | No | |
112 | Edwin | | edsha@utdallas.edu | University of Texas at Dallas | No | |
113 | Nirmesh | | nirmesh.shah@sony.com | Sony Research India | No | |
114 | Mansi | | mansisharmaiitd@gmail.com | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore | No | |
115 | Chung-Ching | | ccshen@umd.edu | University of Maryland | No | |
116 | Karthik | | ks7585@g.rit.edu | Rochester Institute of Technology | No | |
117 | Leonel | | las@inesc-id.pt | INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa | No | |
118 | Michael | | mike_sousa@yahoo.com | IEEE Signal Processing Society Member | No | |
119 | Sencer | | sencer@ieee.org | Uludag Universtiy | Yes | |
120 | Adam | | astrauss@beastbydre.com | Beats Electronics | No | |
121 | Yang | | ysun@rice.edu | Rice University | No | |
122 | Wonyong | | wysung@snu.ac.kr | Seoul National University | No | |
123 | Keith | | keith.tinsley@verizon.net | Intel Corporation | No | |
124 | Fabian | | fvelasquez@unillanos.edu.co | Universidad de los Llanos | No | |
125 | Rajavelu | | rajavelu.trl@gmail.com | National Institute of Technolgy, Tiruchirapalli | Yes | |
126 | Upasna | | vishnoiupasna@gmail.com | Marvell Semiconductor Inc. | No | |
127 | Anand | | anand4gate@gmail.com | School of Electronics, Indore | No | |
128 | Qingsong | | qingsongedu@gmail.com | Alibaba Group U.S. | No | |
129 | Marilyn | | wolf@ece.gatech.edu | Georgia Institute of Technology | No | |
130 | Dennis | | dwong@swinburne.edu.my | Swinburne University of Technology | No | |
131 | M.L. Dennis | | dennis.wong@xjtlu.edu.cn | Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | No | |
132 | Chao-Wen | | penny@bxb.tw | BXB Electronics Co., Ltd. | No | |
133 | Wu | | 1461939586@qq.com | Wuhan University of Science and Technology | Yes | |
134 | Chenrong | | xiongchr@gmail.com | Innogrit Corporation | No | |
135 | Ming | | m.yang@asu.edu | Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. | No | |
136 | Bei | | by2@rice.edu | Rice University | Yes | |
137 | Kisun | | kisun.you@gmail.com | Qualcomm Korea Ltd. | No | |
138 | Bo | | byuan@ccny.cuny.edu | City University of New York, City College | No | |
139 | Danilo | | dan.zanatta@gmail.com | aizo ag | No | |
140 | Chen | | czhang@beatsbydre.com | Beats electronics LLC | No | |
141 | Chuan | | chzhang@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | No | |
142 | Chun | | zhangchun@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
143 | Zhengya | | zhengya@eecs.umich.edu | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor | No | |
144 | Yuming | | yuming.zhu@ieee.org | Texas Instruments | No | |
145 | | | | | | |
146 | | | | | | |
147 | Rajeev | | rajeev@roboticparking.com | Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University - Jaunpur Engineering | No | |
148 | Paka Sreekar | | sreekarpraneethpaka@gmail.com | Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology | Yes | |