1 | Aneesa | | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University of Technology | No | 283 |
2 | MUNEEB | | muneeb_eme@yahoo.com | CONAUTOENG | No | |
3 | Taufik | | taufik@uel.br | Londrina State University | No | |
4 | Nabeel | | nabeelabubacker@ieee.org | Government - Federal / National | No | |
5 | Roberto | | roberto.airoldi@tut.fi | Tampere University of Technology | No | |
6 | Rawan | | riialghamdi@gmail.com | King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) | Yes | |
7 | Andre | | andre@gtel.ufc.br | Federal University of Ceara | No | |
8 | Alon | | a.amar@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | No | |
9 | Kawiwat | | kiatti_m@hotmail.com | Rangsit University | No | |
10 | Amod Jai Ganesh | | amodjaiganesh@ieee.org | MathWorks | No | |
11 | Italo | | italo.atzeni@ieee.org | University of Oulu | No | |
12 | Armin | | armin_bi@tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
13 | Sergio | | sergio@infocom.uniroma1.it | University of Rome | No | |
14 | Baltasar | | baltasar.beferull@uia.no | University of Agder | No | |
15 | Mats | | mats.bengtsson@s3.kth.se | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) | No | |
16 | Emil | | emil.bjornson@ee.kth.se | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | No | |
17 | Holger | | boche@tum.de | Technische Universite | No | |
18 | Jordi | | jordi.borras@ieee.org | Universidade de Vigo | No | |
19 | Thomas | | tborsodi@rogers.com | Thales Canada Inc. | No | |
20 | Mitch | | mitchb@ieee.org | US Dept of Defense | No | |
21 | Charles | | charles@gtel.ufc.br | Federal University of Ceará | No | |
22 | Joseph | | cavallar@rice.edu | Rice University | No | |
23 | Ediz | | e.cetin@ieee.org | Macquarie University | No | |
24 | Zachary | | zchance@purdue.edu | Purdue University | Yes | |
25 | Arpan | | arpanc@ee.iitd.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi | No | |
26 | Arnold | | acyc500@gmail.com | HME ClearCom | Yes | |
27 | Hao | | haochen@boisestate.edu | Boise state university | No | |
28 | Jia-Wei | | jawaechan@gmail.com | Xidian Univerisity | No | |
29 | Jiayu | | jiayu.chen@ieee.org | Wuhan University | Yes | |
30 | Wei | | wchen@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
31 | Yan | | eecyan@uestc.edu.cn | University of Electronic Science and Tech. of China | No | |
32 | Yan | | eecyan@ustc.edu.cn | University of Science and Technology of China | No | |
33 | Zhen | | chenz.scut@gmail.com | University of Macau | No | |
34 | Zhu | | zchen2@stevens.edu | Broadcom Corporation | No | |
35 | Hei Victor | | hei.cheng@liu.se | Linköping University | Yes | |
36 | Ying-Ren | | yrchien@niu.edu.tw | National I-lan Univ. | No | |
37 | Philippe | | philippe.ciblat@enst.fr | ParisTech | No | |
38 | Domenico | | domenico.ciuonzo@ieee.org | University of Naples "Federico II" | No | |
39 | Domenico | | domenico.ciuonzo@unina2.it | Second University of Naples | Yes | |
40 | Edwin | | edwin.collado@neo.tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
41 | Huaiyu | | hdai@ncsu.edu | NC State Unviersity | No | |
42 | Tony | | tony.dale33@yahoo.com | Consultant Broadcom | No | |
43 | Rodrigo | | rcdl500@york.ac.uk | University of York | No | |
44 | Javier | | jdelser@robotiker.es | TECNALIA-TELECOM | No | |
45 | Goran | | gorandimic@ieee.org | Institute Mihailo Pupin | No | |
46 | Guoru | | dingguoru@gmail.com | PLA University of Science and Technology | Yes | |
47 | Fernando | | ferdool@iteam.upv.es | Universidad Politecnica Valencia | Yes | |
48 | Pierre | | pierre.duhamel@lss.supelec.fr | CNRS/LSS, France | No | |
49 | Ayush | | ayush.dwivedi@research.iiit.ac.in | International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad | Yes | |
50 | Ahmet M. | | ahmetmelbir@gmail.com | University of Luxembourg | No | |
51 | Amr | | amr.elwakeel@queensu.ca | Queen's University | Yes | |
52 | Michael | | enright@usc.edu | Quantum Dimension | No | |
53 | Furkan | | furkan.ercan@mail.mcgill.ca | McGill University | Yes | |
54 | Emmanuel Jesus | | emmanestallo@ieee.org | University of the Philippines, Diliman | Yes | |
55 | Pingyi | | fpy@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
56 | Belkacem | | bfergani@gmail.com | USTHB | No | |
57 | Jesus | | jesusfbes@tsc.uc3m.es | Carlos III University of Madrid | Yes | |
58 | Javier | | fono@gps.tsc.upc.es | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya | No | |
59 | Qian | | qgao@ee.ucr.edu | University of California at Riverside | Yes | |
60 | Javier | | jgf@udel.edu | University of Delaware | No | |
61 | Abhisha | | abhisha20@iitk.ac.in | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | Yes | |
62 | Sumit | | sumit.gautam.1990@ieee.org | University of Luxembourg | No | |
63 | David | | david.gesbert@eurecom.fr | EURECOM | No | |
64 | Irfan | | irfan.ghauri@intel.com | Intel | No | |
65 | Mounir | | m.ghogho@leeds.ac.uk | Leeds University | No | |
66 | Amitabha | | amitabhg@utopiacompression.com | UtopiaCompression Corporation | No | |
67 | Shahzad | | s.s.gishkori@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | Yes | |
68 | Claudio | | greco@telecom-paristhech.fr | TELECOM-ParisTech, TSI department | Yes | |
69 | Yujie | | guyujie@hotmail.com | The University of Oklahoma | No | |
70 | Nikhil | | nikhil.gulati@drexel.edu | Drexel University | Yes | |
71 | Brij | | gupta.brij@ieee.org | National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India | No | |
72 | Edmar | | ecandeia@dee.ufcg.edu.br | University | No | |
73 | Martin | | haardt@ieee.org | Ilmenau University of Technology | No | |
74 | Markku | | mark@kenjiva.net | KenJiva Energy Systems | No | |
75 | Andrew D. | | andrew.harper@gtri.gatech.edu | Georgia Tech Research Institute | No | |
76 | Veria | | veria.havarynassab@utoronto.ca | University of Toronto | Yes | |
77 | Kazunori | | kazuonri@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp | Kyoto University | No | |
78 | Robert | | rheath@ece.utexas.edu | University of Texas, Austin | No | |
79 | Rajesh | | rajeshhegde70@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | No | |
80 | Reza | | aheidari@uwaterloo.ca | Principal Research Scientist, IGNIS Innovation Inc. | No | |
81 | Franz | | franz.hlawatsch@nt.tuwien.ac.at | Vienna University of Technology | No | |
82 | Yo-Win | | ywhong@ee.nthu.edu.tw | National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan | No | |
83 | Jakob | | jakob.hoydis@nokia-bell-labs.com | Nokia Bell Labs | No | |
84 | Hsu-Feng | | hillhsiao@cs.nctu.edu.tw | National Chiao Tung University | No | |
85 | zixia | | zxhu@uw.edu | University of washington | Yes | |
86 | Yingbo | | yhua@ece.ucr.edu | University of California at Riverside | No | |
87 | Kaibin | | huangkb@me.com | Yonsei University, S. Korea | No | |
88 | Kaibin | | huangkb@yonsei.ac.kr | Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea | No | |
89 | Mohamed Salah | | salah@virginia.edu | InterDigital Communications | No | |
90 | Joakim | | joakim.jalden@ee.kth.se | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | No | |
91 | Hadi | | h.jamalirad@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | Yes | |
92 | Lei | | lei.jiao@uia.no | University of Agder | Yes | |
93 | Eduard | | jorswieck@ieee.org | TU Braunschweig | No | |
94 | Geethu | | g.joseph@tudelft.nl | TU Delft | No | |
95 | Markku | | markku.juntti@oulu.fi | University of Oulu | No | |
96 | Prof.Thamizhmaran | | tamil10_happy@rediff.com | Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur, Tamilnadu, India | No | |
97 | Kimmo | | kimmo.kansanen@ieee.org | NTNU | No | |
98 | Eleftherios | | karipidis@isy.liu.se | Linkoping University, Sweden | No | |
99 | Vikram | | vikram@ieee.org | Jaypee Institute of Information Technology | No | |
100 | Amleset | | amlkel@utu.fi | University of Turku | No | |
101 | Shailesh | | shailesh.vk@gmail.com | Padre Conceicao College of Engineering | Yes | |
102 | Michel | | kieffer@lss.supelec.fr | Univ Paris-Sud | No | |
103 | Hun Seok | | hunseok78@gmail.com | Texas Instruments | No | |
104 | Hun-Seok | | hunseok@umich.edu | University of Michigan | No | |
105 | Negar | | kiyavash@illinois.edu | University of Illinois | No | |
106 | Visa | | visa.koivunen@hut.fi | Helsinki Univ. of Technology | No | |
107 | Marios | | marios.kountouris@supelec.fr | Supelec | No | |
108 | Iordanis | | jordan@uth.gr | University of Thessaly | No | |
109 | Richard | | kozick@bucknell.edu | Bucknell University | No | |
110 | Thamizhmaran | | tamil10_happy@rediff.com | Government College of Engineering, Bodinayakkanur, Theni, Tamilnadu, India | No | |
111 | Navin | | navin_kum3@yahoo.com | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (University) | No | |
112 | Ranjeet | | ranjeetk@ieee.org | PDPM Indian Institute of Information Tech | Yes | |
113 | Andres | | akwasinski@ieee.org | Rochester Institute of Technology | No | |
114 | Cheng Feng Gary | | garyleecf@gmail.com | MIT | Yes | |
115 | Shuai | | lishuai8@gmail.com | Stevens Institute of Technology | Yes | |
116 | Tongtong | | tongli@egr.msu.edu | Michigan State University | No | |
117 | Athanasios | | liavas@telecom.tuc.gr | Technical University of Crete | No | |
118 | Jun | | lingjun@ufl.edu | The MathWorks, Inc. | No | |
119 | Bin | | flowice@ustc.edu.cn | University of Science and Technology of China | No | |
120 | Shengheng | | s.liu@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | No | |
121 | Ya-Feng | | yafliu@lsec.cc.ac.cn | Chinese Academy of Sciences | No | |
122 | Yuzhe | | yliu5@nd.edu | University of Notre Dame | Yes | |
123 | Mir | | mir.lodro@nottingham.ac.uk | University of Nottingham, UK | No | |
124 | Vincenzo | | v.lottici@iet.unipi.it | Universite di Pisa | No | |
125 | Philippe | | loubaton@univ-mlv.fr | Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Valle | No | |
126 | David | | luengod@ieee.org | Universidad Politecnica de Madrid | No | |
127 | Marco | | m.luise@iet.unipi.it | University of Pisa | No | |
128 | Jing | | jing.lv@tu-dresden.de | Dresden University of Technology | Yes | |
129 | Wing-Kin | | wkma@ieee.org | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | No | |
130 | Shalupriya | | shalupriyamadhiyalagan88@gmail.com | anna university | Yes | |
131 | Sina | | sina.maleki@uni.lu | University of Luxembourg | No | |
132 | Sina | | s.maleki@tudelft.nl | TU Delft | Yes | |
133 | VANI DEVI | | vani@iist.ac.in | Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology | No | |
134 | Panos | | panos@rit.edu | Rochester Institute of Technology | No | |
135 | Michail | | michail.matthaiou@chalmers.se | Chalmers University of Technology | No | |
136 | Gerald | | gmatz@nt.tuwien.ac.at | Vienna University of Technology | No | |
137 | Suleman | | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIKI | No | |
138 | Hani | | hani.mehr@ieee.org | California State University | No | |
139 | Imran | | imranmemon52@zju.edu.cn | Zhejiang University | No | |
140 | Dany | | dany.mestas@pm.me | ISAE-SUPAERO | Yes | |
141 | Richard | | ram476@psu.edu | Pennsylvania State University | Yes | |
142 | Deepak | | d.mishra@unsw.edu.au | The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, Australia | No | |
143 | Marouan | | marouan.mizmizi@polimi.it | Politecnico di Milano | No | |
144 | Rami | | rami.mochaourab@tu-dresden.de | Dresden University of Technology | Yes | |
145 | Marc | | marc.moonen@esat.kuleuven.ac.be | University of Leuven | No | |
146 | Lakshya | | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
147 | Arumugam | | nallanathan@ieee.org | King's College London | No | |
148 | Asoke | | a.nandi@liv.ac.uk | University of Liverpool | No | |
149 | Michael | | msnewell2000@yahoo.com | Harris Corp | No | |
150 | Xueyan | | niuxueyan@gmail.com | Huawei Technologies Co Ltd | No | |
151 | Tim | | oshea@vt.edu | Virginia Tech / DeepSig Inc | No | |
152 | Shuichi | | ohno@hiroshima-u.ac.jp | Hiroshima University | No | |
153 | Daniel | | palomar@ust.hk | Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology | No | |
154 | Ubaidulla | | ubaidulla@ieee.org | IIIT Hyderabad | No | |
155 | Ashish | | ashish.p@philips.com | Philips | No | |
156 | Mani Bharathi | | mpandia@ncsu.edu | NC State/Qualcomm | No | |
157 | Shashikant | | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKMs NMIMS University Mumbai | No | |
158 | Sofie | | sofie.pollin@esat.kuleuven.be | KU Leuven | No | |
159 | DEVASIS | | devasispradhan@acharya.ac.in | Acahray Institute of Technology, Bangalore | No | |
160 | Yue | | yqi@villanova.edu | villanova university | Yes | |
161 | Hua | | qianh@sari.ac.cn | Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS | No | |
162 | Jiaming | | jiamiflying@gmail.com | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
163 | Tony | | qsquek@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | A*STAR | No | |
164 | Tony Q.S. | | tonyquek@sutd.edu.sg | Singapore University of Technology and Design | No | |
165 | Anandhu | | anandhurnair@ieee.org | College of Engineering Trivandrum | Yes | |
166 | Michael | | michael.rabbat@mcgill.ca | McGill University | No | |
167 | Reinhardt | | r.r.rading@ieee.org | EatonTowers | No | |
168 | Muhammad M. | | mahboob.rahman@ee.kth.se | KTH | No | |
169 | Raj Thilak | | rajan@astron.nl | ASTRON, TUDelft | Yes | |
170 | Raj Thilak | | r.t.rajan@tudelft.nl | Delft university of Technology | No | |
171 | Abha | | akrajpoot@gmail.com | Sharda University,Greater Noida | No | |
172 | David | | ramirezgd@gmail.com | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | No | |
173 | Bhaskar | | brao@ucsd.edu | University of California, San Deigo | No | |
174 | Ashish | | ashish.rauniyar@sintef.no | SINTEF Digital | No | |
175 | Meisam | | razav002@umn.edu | University of Minnesota | Yes | |
176 | Adeel | | adeel.razi@ieee.org | The University of New South Wales | Yes | |
177 | Phillip | | regalia@cua.edu | Catholic University of America | No | |
178 | Mariana | | mariana_guez@ieee.org | University of Veracruz | Yes | |
179 | Sandra | | sanrova@iteam.upv.es | Universidad Politecnica Valencia | Yes | |
180 | Damien | | damien.roque@isae-supaero.fr | ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse | No | |
181 | Luca | | rugini@ieee.org | University of Perugia | No | |
182 | Hamid | | hamid@soe.ucsc.edu | University of California, Santa Cruz | No | |
183 | Brian | | brian.m.sadler6.civ@mail.mil | Army Research Laboratory | No | |
184 | Yessica | | yessica.saez@neo.tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
185 | Onur | | onur.sahin@interdigital.com | InterDigital Inc. | No | |
186 | Mohamed | | mohamed.sahmoudi@isae.fr | École de technologie supérieure Engineering School | No | |
187 | Mohamed | | mohamed.sahmoudi@lacime.etsmtl.ca | University of Toulouse | No | |
188 | Pierluigi | | pierluigi.salvorossi@unina2.it | Second University of Naples | No | |
189 | Stephan | | stephan.sand@dlr.de | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | No | |
190 | Ignacio | | i.santamaria@unican.es | University of Cantabria | No | |
191 | Akbar | | akbar@engr.wisc.edu | University of Wisconsin-Madison | No | |
192 | Anna | | ascaglione@ucdavis.edu | University of California, Davis | No | |
193 | Phil | | schniter@ece.osu.edu | Ohio State University | No | |
194 | Mathini | | m.sellathurai@qub.ac.uk | Queen's University of Belfast | No | |
195 | Aydin | | aydin.sezgin@uni-ulm.de | Ulm University | No | |
196 | Chintan | | chintan.shah@ncl.ac.uk | Newcastle University, UK | Yes | |
197 | Bhubneshwar | | bhubnesh86@gmail.com | BCET Under Jammu University | No | |
198 | Anish | | anish.shastri@unitn.it | University of Trento | Yes | |
199 | Ashish | | ashish.sheikh@ieee.org | Cisco Systems | No | |
200 | Chao | | wwellday@gmail.com | Beijing Jiaotong University | Yes | |
201 | Cong | | cong@virginia.edu | University of Virginia | No | |
202 | Zhou | | shengli_zhou@hotmail.com | University of Connecticut | No | |
203 | Osvaldo | | osvaldo.simeone@njit.edu | New Jersey Inistitute of Technology | No | |
204 | Gwendal | | gwendal.simon@imt-atlantique.fr | IMT Atlantique | No | |
205 | Dirk | | slock@eurecom.fr | EURECOM | No | |
206 | Dr.China | | prof.cvsonagiri@gmail.com | Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad-Telangana, India. | No | |
207 | Houbing | | h.song@ieee.org | West Virginia University | No | |
208 | Yi | | yis@qualcomm.com | Qualcomm | No | |
209 | Ruoyu | | sunxx394@umn.edu | University of Minnesota | Yes | |
210 | Sumei | | sunsm@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
211 | Youngchul | | ysung@ee.kaist.ac.kr | KAIST, Korea | No | |
212 | Himal | | himalsuraweera@sutd.edu.sg | Singapore University of Technology and Design | No | |
213 | Gaurav | | g.sureka@dbspectra.com | dbSpectra | No | |
214 | Abbas | | taherpour@ikiu.ac.ir | Imam Khomeini International University | Yes | |
215 | JOHN | | buildingasset@gmail.com | Signal Analysis Systems | No | |
216 | Chee Wei | | cheewtan@cityu.edu.hk | City University Hong Kong | No | |
217 | Meixia | | mxtao@sjtu.edu.cn | Shanghai Jiaotong University | No | |
218 | Laxman | | tawadelaxman@rediffmail.com | Vidya Pratishthana's College of Engineering, India | No | |
219 | Wee Peng | | wptay@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | No | |
220 | Cihan | | cihan@asu.edu | Arizona State University | No | |
221 | Lakshmi Narasimhan | | lnt@iitpkd.ac.in | Indian Instiute of Technology | No | |
222 | Zhi | | ztian1@gmu.edu | George Mason University | No | |
223 | Antti | | antti.tolli@oulu.fi | University of Oulu | No | |
224 | Lang | | ltong@ece.cornell.edu | Cornell University | No | |
225 | Le-Nam | | nam.tran@ucd.ie | University College Dublin | No | |
226 | Jitendra | | tugnajk@eng.auburn.edu | Auburn University | No | |
227 | Dr. Nataraj | | ursnatraj@gmail.com | REVA University | No | |
228 | Palghat | | ppvnath@systems.caltech.edu | California Institute of Technology | No | |
229 | Shahrokh | | valaee@ece.utoronto.ca | Toronto | No | |
230 | Luc | | luc.vandendorpe@uclouvain.be | Universite catholique de Louvain | No | |
231 | Gregori | | gregori@gps.tsc.upc.es | Technical University of Catalonia | No | |
232 | Gonzalo | | gvazquez@gts.uvigo.es | University of Vigo | Yes | |
233 | Kirty | | kvedula@qti.qualcomm.com | Qualcomm | No | |
234 | Vijay | | vijay.venkateswaran@alcatel-lucent.com | Bell Labs, Alcatel Lucent Ireland | No | |
235 | Elettra | | evenosa@projects.sdsu.edu | San Diego State University | No | |
236 | Francesco | | f.verde@unina.it | University of Naples Federico II | No | |
237 | Josep | | josep.vidal@upc.edu | Technical University of Catalonia | No | |
238 | Tiago | | tiago.vinhoza@ieee.org | Instituto de Telecomunication | No | |
239 | Azadeh | | azadeh@ece.rochester.edu | University of Rochester | No | |
240 | Kun-Yu | | kunyuwang7@gmail.com | National Tsing Hua University | Yes | |
241 | Xiaodong | | wangx@ee.columbia.edu | Columbia University | No | |
242 | Yiyin | | yiyin.wang@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | Yes | |
243 | Yue | | yue2.wang@samsung.com | Samsung Research UK | No | |
244 | Zhaohong | | zwang25@csuchico.edu | California State University, Chico | No | |
245 | Zhengdao | | zhengdao@iastate.edu | Iowa State University | No | |
246 | Kainam | | ktwong@ieee.org | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | No | |
247 | Jinsong | | wujs@ieee.org | University of Chile | No | |
248 | Qingqing | | qingqingwu@um.edu.mo | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | No | |
249 | Qiong | | ethan.wuqiong@gmail.com | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
250 | Xuebin | | bangbangbear@gmail.com | LSI Corp | No | |
251 | Yik-Chung | | ycwu@ieee.org | The University of Hong Kong | No | |
252 | Xiang-Gen | | xxia@ee.udel.edu | University of Delaware | No | |
253 | Wei | | wei.xiang@usq.edu.au | University of Southern Queensland | No | |
254 | Zhengyuan | | xuzy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University, China | No | |
255 | Peng | | peng.xue@samsung.com | Samsung Electronics | No | |
256 | Jun | | yangjun@mail.ioa.ac.cn | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Yes | |
257 | Ye | | yeyang@mail.xidian.edu.cn | Xidian University | Yes | |
258 | Yiwei | | Telinstruments Inc | Huawei Technology | No | |
259 | Li | | lyou@seu.edu.cn | Southeast University | No | |
260 | Wei | | weiyu@comm.utoronto.ca | University of Toronto | No | |
261 | Syed Ali Raza | | s.alirzaidi@gmail.com | University of Leeds, U.K. | Yes | |
262 | Danilo | | dan.zanatta@gmail.com | aizo ag | No | |
263 | Huazi | | zhanghuazi@huawei.com | Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. | No | |
264 | Jun | | eejzhang@ust.hk | The Hong Kong University of Science and | No | |
265 | Lili | | lily.zhang@tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
266 | Shuowen | | shuowen.zhang@polyu.edu.hk | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | No | |
267 | Xinliang | | xzhang4@villanova.edu | Villanova University | Yes | |
268 | Yimin | | ydzhang@temple.edu | University | No | |
269 | Yunchuan | | yunchuan.zhang@kcl.ac.uk | King's College London | Yes | |
270 | Yunchuan | | yunchuan.zhang@kcl.ac.uk | King's College London | No | |
271 | Qing | | qzhao@ece.ucdavis.edu | University of California, Davis | No | |
272 | Ziping | | zipingzhao@shanghaitech.edu.cn | ShanghaiTech University | No | |
273 | Meng | | zengm321@neo.tamu.edu | Texas A&M University | Yes | |
274 | Mu | | m.zhou@tudelft.nl | Delft University of Technology | Yes | |
275 | Shengli | | shengli.zhou@uconn.edu | Universit of Connecticut | No | |
276 | Qiping | | qzhu005@ucr.edu | UCR | No | |
277 | Wei-Ping | | weiping@ece.concordia.ca | Concordia University | No | |
278 | Qiyue | | eqyzou@gmail.com | Marvell Semiconductor, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA | No | |
279 | Zoran | | zoran.zvonar@mediatek.com | MediaTek | No | |
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290 | ABHISHEK | | agrawal.tech@gmail.com | Meta Platforms Inc | No | |
291 | Miroslav | | skoric@uns.ac.rs | Radio Club "Novi Sad" | No | |
292 | Shijian | | shijiangao@hkust-gz.edu.cn | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou | No | |
293 | Juan | | juan.vidal_alegria@eit.lth.se | Lund University | No | |