1 | | Yes | Secondary | Brenda Ryals | brenda.ryals@adph.state.al.us | Verify | Very ready to engage |
2 | | Yes | Primary | Tonya McCoy | mu.elr@adph.state.al.us | 334-206-5395 | Very ready to engage |
3 | | Yes | Primary | Morrow Toomey | morrow.toomey@alaska.gov. | | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
4 | | | | | | | |
5 | | No | Legacy | Eli Price | | | msg sent 14SEP |
6 | | No | Legacy | Amy Velazquez | amy.velazquez@arkansas.gov | | msg sent 15SEP |
7 | | No | Legacy | Andrea Bolan | andrea.bolan@arkansas.gov | | msg sent 15SEP |
8 | | No | Legacy | Ellaison Carroll | Ellaison.Carroll@cdph.ca.gov | | |
9 | | No | Legacy | Vanessa Burkhart | Vanessa.Burkhart@cdph.ca.gov | | |
10 | | Yes | Primary | Andrew Horvath | andrew.horvath@state.co.us | 3035139026 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
11 | | Yes | Primary | Nancy Barrett | nancy.l.barrett@ct.gov | 860-509-7994 | Somewhat ready to engage |
12 | | Yes | Secondary | Carl Bondeson | carl.bondeson@ct.gov | | Somewhat ready to engage |
13 | | Yes | Legacy | Uche Njoku | uche.njoku@delaware.gov | 302-744-4744 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
14 | | No | Legacy | Helen Teale | helen.teale@dc.gov | | msg sent 17SEP |
15 | | Yes | Primary | FloridaELR@flhealth.gov | FloridaELR@flhealth.gov | email | Very ready to engage |
16 | | Yes | Secondary | Josh Mitas | Josh.Mitas@flhealth.gov | email | Very ready to engage |
17 | | No | Legacy | Patrick Pitcher | patrick.pitcher@dph.ga.gov | | msg sent 15SEP |
18 | | | | | | | |
19 | | Yes | Primary | Keith Nagaishi | kozue.kobayashi@doh.hawaii.gov | 808-587-6397 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
20 | | Yes | Secondary | Jonathan Johnson | jonathan.johnson@doh.hawaii.gov | 808-587-6822 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
21 | | No | Legacy | Kathryn Turner | Kathryn.Turner@dhw.idaho.gov | | |
22 | | No | Legacy | Robert Byres | Robb.Byres@dhw.idaho.gov | | |
23 | | No | Legacy | Todd Davis | Todd.Davis@illinois.gov | | |
24 | | No | Legacy | Gautham Muddam | gmuddam@isdh.in.gov | | |
25 | | No | Legacy | Irene Jameson | ijameson@isdh.in.gov | | |
26 | | Yes | Primary | John Satre | john.satre@idph.iowa.gov | 15152290417 | Somewhat ready to engage |
27 | | Yes | Secondary | Swathi Ramasahayam | swathi.ramasahayam@idph.iowa.gov | 5156572293 | Somewhat ready to engage |
28 | | No | Primary | Jeanne Jones | Jeanne.jones@ks.gov | | |
29 | | No | Legacy | Dane Howe | Dane.Howe@ks.gov | | msg sent 15SEP |
30 | | No | Legacy | Sam Kong | Sam.Kong@ks.gov | | |
31 | | No | Legacy | Michael Lopez | Michael.Lopez@ks.gov | | msg sent 15SEP |
32 | | No | Legacy | Courtney Marshall | Courtney.Marshall@ky.gov | | mesg sent 17SEP |
33 | | No | Legacy | Sravanthi Kotica | Sravanthi.Kotica@ky.gov | | mesg sent 17SEP |
34 | | Yes | Primary | Tania Bechtel | Tania.Bechtel@LA.GOV; ELR@la.gov | 504.568.5761 | Somewhat ready to engage |
35 | | Yes | Secondary | David Burns | David.Burns@la.gov | 504.568.7474 | Somewhat ready to engage |
36 | | No | Legacy | Scott Snow | scott.snow@maine.gov | | msg sent 15NOV |
37 | | No | Legacy | Trevor Brown | trevor.brown@maine.gov | | msg sent 15NOV |
38 | | No | Legacy | Chandeep Singh | chandeep.singh@maryland.gov | 443-519-6375 | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
39 | | No | Legacy | Judie Hyun | judie.hyun@maryland.gov | 410-767-6701 | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
40 | | Yes | Primary | Sita Smith | sita.c.smith@mass.gov | 781-400-4918 | Very ready to engage |
41 | | Yes | Secondary | Adrienne Erlinger | adrienne.erlinger@mass.gov | | Very ready to engage |
42 | | No | Legacy | Deb Loniewskid | loniewskid@michigan.gov | | mg sent 15SEP |
43 | | No | Legacy | Ed Hartwick | hartwicke@michigan.gov | | mg sent 15SEP |
44 | | Yes | Primary | Srujana Japa | Srujana.japa@state.mn.us | | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
45 | | Yes | Secondary | Anthony Heaney | anthony.heaney@state.mn.us | 651-201-4983 | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
46 | | Yes | Primary | Theresa Kittle | Theresa.Kittle@msdh.ms.gov | 601-576-7725 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
47 | | Yes | Secondary | Nick Creel | Nick.Creel@msdh.ms.gov | 601-576-7078 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
48 | | No | Legacy | Joann Harbison | joann.harbison@oa.mo.gov | | |
49 | | No | Secondary | Tim Determan | TimDeterman@mt.gov | 406-444-0902 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
50 | | No | Primary | Danny Power | Danny.Power@mt.gov | 406-329-5434 | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
51 | | No | Legacy | Lindsey Roles | | | msg sent 17SEP |
52 | | No | Legacy | Mike Nuss | mike.nuss@nebraska.gov | | msg sent 17SEP |
53 | | Yes | Primary | Karen Felicetta | kfelicetta@health.nv.gov | 7756844254 | Very ready to engage |
54 | | Yes | Secondary | | elr@health.nv.gov | | Very ready to engage |
55 | | Yes | Secondary | Erica Ruud | eruud@health.nv.gov | verify? | Very ready to engage |
56 | | Yes | Primary | Gerald Bardsley | gerald.s.bardsley@dhhs.nh.gov | 6032710548 | Somewhat ready to engage |
57 | | Yes | Secondary | Jamie Ratliffe | Jamie.E.Ratliff@affiliate.doit.nh.gov | 7707801241 | Somewhat ready to engage |
58 | | Yes | Primary | Jenizah Melendez | jenizah.melendez@doh.nj.gov | 609-913-5314 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
59 | | Yes | Secondary | Michael Firkser | NJELR.admin@doh.nj.gov | 609-913-6013 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
60 | | Yes | Primary | Jordyn Dinwiddie | Jordyn.dinwiddie@state.nm.us | 505-467-9319 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
61 | | Yes | Secondary | David Corderman | dcorderman@syncronys.org | 505-938-9911 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
62 | | Yes | Primary | David DiCesare | David.dicesare@health.ny.gov | 518-402-5528 | Very Ready to Exchange |
63 | | Yes | Secondary | Charlie DiDonato | charles.didonato2@health.ny.gov | 518-474-2734 | Very Ready to Exchange |
64 | | Yes | Primary | Karla Norsworthy | karla.norsworthy@dhhs.nc.gov | 919-413-3265 | Very ready to engage |
65 | | Yes | Secondary | RJ Kelly | robroy.kelly@dhhs.nc.gov | na | Very ready to engage |
66 | | No | Legacy | | | | |
67 | | | Northern Marianas Islands |
| | | | | | |
68 | | No | Legacy | Bill Storm and Team | ELR@odh.ohio.gov | | |
69 | | No | Legacy | John Hubbard | johnathan.hubbard@odh.ohio.gov | | |
70 | | No | Legacy | Lori Walker | loriye@health.ok.gov | | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
71 | | No | Legacy | Secondary Team | elronboarding@health.ok.gov | | Not ready to engage at this time, but could be in a few months |
72 | | Yes | Primary | Cody McNeese | CODY.E.MCNEESE@oha.oregon.gov | 971-420-5154 | Very ready to engage |
73 | | Yes | Secondary | Heather Crawford | Heather.x.crawford@oha.oregon.gov | | Very ready to engage |
74 | | Yes | Primary | Mark Dittman | mdittman@pa.gov | | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
75 | | Yes | Secondary | Kirsten Waller | kwaller@pa.gov | | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
76 | | No | | | | | |
77 | | Yes | Primary | Jason Garrett | jason.garrett@health.ri.gov | 401-222-7537 | Somewhat ready to exchange |
78 | | Yes | Primary | Greg Fowler | fowlergk@dhec.sc.gov | 18038981416 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
79 | | Yes | Secondary | Richard Krause | krauserg@dhec.sc.gov | 8037282152 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
80 | | Yes | Secondary | Amanuel Petros | Amanuel.Petros@state.sd.us | 6057735712 | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
81 | | Yes | Primary | John Shmulsky | John.Shmulsky@state.sd.us | 6057736894 | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
82 | | Yes | Primary | TDH ELR Support Inbox | Ceds.Informatics@tn.gov | 615-253-3562 | Very ready to engage |
83 | | Yes | Secondary | Kate Goodin | Kate.Goodin@tn.gov | 615-253-5496 | Very ready to engage |
84 | | No | Legacy | | | | |
85 | | No | Legacy | Rocio Ramos | rramos@utah.gov | email | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
86 | | No | Legacy | Teri Bills | teribills@utah.gov | email | Very ready to engage; Willing to set up exchange with at least a few partners starting now |
87 | | Yes | Primary | Andrew Gross | Andrew.Gross@vermont.gov | Email | Somewhat ready to engage |
88 | | Yes | Secondary | Katie Jones | Katherine.Jones@vermont.gov | Email Preferred | Somewhat ready to engage |
89 | | No | Legacy | Merylyn Huitz | Merylyn.huitz@vdh.virginia.gov | | |
90 | | No | Legacy | | DIISMessaging@vdh.virginia.gov | | |
91 | | Yes | Primary | WA ELR Production Team | ELRProductionTeam@doh.wa.gov | 360-890-6639 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
92 | | Yes | Secondary | Phill Lowe | phillip.lowe@doh.wa.gov | 360-236-4261 | Somewhat ready to engage; Could set up exchange with a few partners within a span of no more than a few months |
93 | | No | Legacy | | | | |
94 | | Yes | Primary | Mary Wedig | mary.wedig@slh.wisc.edu | 16082244274 | Very ready to engage |
95 | | Yes | Secondary | Kyle Sadler | kyle.sadler@slh.wisc.edu | 608-221-0483 | Very ready to engage |
96 | | No | Legacy | Cody Loveland | cody.loveland@wyo.gov | | msg sent 15NOV |
97 | | No | Legacy | Lindsey Roles | lindsey.roles@inductivehealth.com | | msg sent 15NOV |