SCC Funding Availability & Review Timeline 2023-25
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Community Engagement Small Grants
One time funding was made available to help conservation districts pursue their community engagement goals.This one time funding has been fully allocatedOne time funding, must be expended by June 30, 2025Conservation DistrictsJean Fike,
your Regional Manager or Jean Fike
Ranking criteria include:• Proposal is clear, sufficiently detailed and realistic
• Proposal likely to help the district develop, inform or expand their engagement goals
• Proposal likely to advance the district’s current engagement goals
• Proposal likely to increase the number and diversity of constituents engaged with the district
• Proposal likely to create deeper/more meaningful community engagement in the work of the district
You will be asked describe what was accomplished with the funding, what the effect of the project was or is expected to be, and what if any next steps are planned.
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) is a joint federal and state funded program that restores streamside habitat for salmon and protects that habitat for 10-15 years. Project costs are paid for by the program. The program also provides oversight and maintenance for five years after planting to ensure that trees and vegetation grow healthy and strong. Project examples include forest buffer, hedgerows, grass filter strips, wetland restoration, pastureland wetland buffers, etc.Ongoing as long as funds are available – request funds seasonally as project work will occur. Do not request for work that will occur greater than 6 months in the future. Request made via CPDS CREP funding authorization tool.Project dependentBrian Cochrane, bcochrane@scc.wa.gov
Disaster Assistance Program (DAP) Washington State Conservation Commission has activated the Disaster Assistance Program, a short-term disaster recovery financial assistance program for farmers and ranchers who sustained physical damage to their Snohomish County agricultural operations or incurred expenses due to flooding on December 5 and 6, 2023. It may partially reimburse eligible disaster recovery expenses or fund the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) that restore or increase disaster resiliency.Timeline and review cycle are specific to each disaster for which the program is activated. Applications for the Snohomish activation are due April 15 with the potential for additional rounds if funding allows.Project dependentSee program guidelines for more information on eligibility. If you are interested in requesting activation of the program, contact Jean Fike or your regional manager to explore the idea.Bill Eller, beller@scc.wa.gov
Funding is provided for conservation districts to access professional engineering services.Initial allocations to engineering areas have been made. Remaining funding may be made available for supplemental requests pending the outcome of July 20 commission meeting.Operating funds must be expended by June 30 of each fiscal year.Conservation districtsShana Joy, sjoy@scc.wa.govGrant addendum for engineering areas: and for supplemental funding requests:
Farmland Preservation and Land Access complements the “Buy-Protect-Sell” category of FarmPAI, a program of the Washington State Housing Finance Commission. Conservation entities that have secured a loan through FarmPAI can apply to FPLA to fund the agricultural conservation easement (the second step in a "Buy-Protect-Sell" transaction.Ongoing review.Project dependentTo be eligible to apply for FPLA, applicant entities must be qualified to hold conservation easements under RCW 64.04.130 or RCW 89.08.220 and either have secured a loan through the “Buy-Protect-Sell” category of FarmPAI or be working in partnership with an entity that has secured a loan through FarmPAI.Hilary Aten, haten@scc.wa.gov
Forest Health and Community Wildfire Resiliency health and community wildfire resiliency “funding is provided for the commission to work with conservation districts to address unhealthy forests and build greater community resiliency to wildfire.” Additionally, funding from the Natural Climate Solutions Account was appropriated to the SCC for Firewise projects. “One-time funding is provided solely for the commission to provide grants to local government and private landowners for fire wise projects to reduce forest fuel loading in areas deemed a high hazard for potential wildfire."No new applications being accepted at this time.Natural Climate Solutions Account - operating biennial fundsConservation districtsJennifer Coe, jcoe@scc.wa.gov
Irrigation Efficiencies Program (IEGP) issued through the IEGP fund conservation district technicians who provide assistance to landowners and water purveyors by assessing potential water savings projects along with the design, development, and administration of each project. Technicians also write irrigation water management plans for project recipients to ensure wise management of the new practices. Monitoring is also a key element to ensuring success.The program is first-come-first-served. We review received applications monthly, as funds remain available. Projects must be completed by the end of the biennium, June 30, 2025.Project dependentConservation districtsJon Culp, jculp@scc.wa.gov development.
Livestock Technical Assistance (LTA) Technical Assistance Grants for conservation districts deliver technical
assistance services to livestock owners and producers. The maximum amount that may be applied for is $20,000 per conservation district per biennium. Depending on demand and available funding, partial funding may be awarded.
Funds are biennial.Grant awards will be valid through June 30, 2025.Conservation districtsAllisa Carlson, acarlson@scc.wa.gov
Natural Resource Investments (NRI) districts use Natural Resource Investments funding from the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) to offer local, incentive-based programs that empower landowners to voluntarily install best management practices (BMPs). BMPs advance progress toward resource objectives, such as improved water quality and habitat, and are farm-friendly.Applications are currently closed except for districts that have not yet submitted an addendum and have been working closely with their RM. Additional funds ($19,500) were made available on 1/31/24, send project information in an email to your regional manager.Capital funds, must be expended by the end of the bienniumConservation districtsMike Baden, mbaden@scc.wa.gov will be asked describe what was accomplished with the funding, what the effect of the project was or is expected to be, and what if any next steps are planned.
Office of Farmland Preservation Agricultural Easement Sponsorship, Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program of Farmland Preservation (OFP) may partner with conservation districts to sponsor applications to the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program, Farmland Preservation Account to permanently protect agricultural land for agricultural use through the purchase of an agricultural conservation easement from willing landowners. OFP can connect CDs to additional farmland preservation resources.Applications due late winter/early spring 2024. Grant cycle opens every two years. View 2024 SCHEDULE: budget, project dependentHilary Aten,
Paul D'Agnolo, pd'
Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) covers state match needed to bring millions of Farm Bill dollars to Washington for RCPP projects that unite multiple partners in solving natural resource issues. RCPP is a USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service program soliciting proposals on an annual basis.Annual or biennial basis as new funds are appropriated and/or funds returned.SCC has been designated to
pass-through required state capital match for RCPP projects led or implemented in part by conservation districts.
Shana Joy, sjoy@scc.wa.govN/AN/ARCPP's share progress reports to NRCS with SCC program lead
Riparian Grant Program (RGP) 2023, the WA State Legislature approved funding for SCC to run a voluntary riparian grant program for priority riparian restoration and protection. This opportunity provides funding for projects to restore and protect riparian habitat.

Eligible project types include:
· Riparian restoration program outreach
· Technical assistance/planning/design/monitoring
· Landowner implemented cost share
· District Implemented Projects
· Tiered incentive payments
· Maintenance
· Permanent protection
Riparian Grant Program funding will be allocated on an ongoing basis, as long as funds remain available. See below for the following deadlines:

Friday, Oct. 25 at 5 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 8 at 5 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 22 at 5 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 6 at 5 p.m.
Capital funding. The Riparian Grant Program is supported with funding from Washington’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA). The CCA puts cap-and-invest dollars to work reducing climate pollution, creating jobs, and improving public health. Information about the CCA is available at

Applicants must complete the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) Requirements to apply. Information, including instructions, resources and a letter template, can be found at
Conservation districts are the only eligible entities for this program. All other organizations, agencies, and entities are encouraged to work with their local conservation district to identify, support, and partner on riparian project implementation.Amy Martin, amartin@scc.wa.gov
Riparian Plant Propagation Program (RPPP) to address the shortage of native trees and shrubs available for riparian habitat restoration by coordinating with nurseries and restoration groups, including conservation districts, RPPP will help increase native trees and shrubs available for planting.The application window is now closed. This page will be updated when future funding becomes available.Operating funds. CD projects must be complete by June 30 every fiscal year. The nursery contract grow is based on the biennium.Conservation districts and nurseriesB'Elanna Rhodehamel, brhodehamel@scc.wa.gov
Salmon Recovery Funding (SRF) funding supports incentive programs that focus on projects with landowners that focus on the restoration of areas critical in salmon habitat, otherwise known as riparian restoration projects. All of this funding is currently awarded. The application form has been disabled.The application window is now closed. This page will be updated when future funding becomes available.Moved from operating to capital funding for FY23-25 biennium, capital funding restrictions apply. Projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.Conservation districtsAllisa Carlson,
Jean Fike,
Josh Giuntoli,
Mike Baden,
Shana Joy,
Shellfish Shellfish program uses a targeted approach to invest in best management practices (BMPs) implemented by conservation districts and landowners that build cumulative results for shellfish recovery. Examples of projects include: Manure management, livestock exclusion, stream restoration, and other projects that improve water quality in shellfish areas.Projects should be in for funding request by the end of every month. Shellfish projects are pulled from CPDS on the 5th of every month. The review committee meets later that month and awards are usually sent shortly after that. As of March 28, 2024, Shellfish Funds are currently all allocated. As projects are completed or cancelled, additional funds may be available.As of March 28, 2024, Shellfish Funds are currently all allocated. As projects are completed or cancelled, additional funds may be available. Capital funds, must be expended by the end of the bienniumConservation districts in watersheds that drain to recreational or commercial shellfish beds. For guidance on what makes a competitive project for shellfish funding contact your regional manager.Jean Fike,
Josh Giuntoli,
Shana Joy,
Sustainable Farms and Fields SFF, farmers and ranchers may receive free services — such as on-farm consultations, climate-smart farm plans, and other technical expertise — and financial assistance/ cost share to help cover the cost of eligible projects, equipment, seeds for cover crops, and other expenses. Funding now includes demonstration projects.The application window is now closed. This page will be updated when future funding becomes available.Reporting requirements will be slightly different than previous SFF funding rounds since these will use Climate Commitment Act funds allocated for SFF. Projects need to finish by the end of the biennium (June 30, 2025)Conservation districts; state agencies; colleges, universities, and extension offices; federally recognized tribes; counties, cities, towns, and other municipalities; and special purpose districts.Karen Hills, khills@scc.wa.govApplication period now closed.
Sustainable Farms and Fields: Carbon Farm Plan Template Conservation District (SCD) is looking for other Washington conservation districts interested in assisting them in the next phase of the carbon farm plan template development. (Only conservation districts are eligible to apply.) must be completed by June 30, 2024.Conservation districtsKaren Hills, khills@scc.wa.gov
Sustainable Farms and Fields (Proviso): Climate-Smart Livestock Management - Anaerobic Digesters Anaerobic DigesterSFF staff are working on an estimated timeline for RFP release in early 2024, with more details forthcoming. Updates will be sent to the SFF GovDelivery list and posted on SFF webpage.Because this is Climate Commitment Account funding, SCC needs to complete a community engagement plan before it is available. In the meantime, we are pulling together an advisory group to work on RFPs for anaerobic digesters and larger scale alternative manure management projects.N/AKaren Hills, khills@scc.wa.govN/AN/AN/A
Sustainable Farms and Fields (Proviso): Climate-Smart Livestock Management - Alternative Manure Management objective of this funding is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with manure handling systems from baseline levels at dairy and livestock farms in Washington through grants to conservation districts and other public entities for implementation of projects.
Projects must occur on livestock operations where manure is stored in anaerobic (liquid)form and may include multiple components of a manure handling system, associated upstream and downstream components needed to accommodate the change to the manure management system, including transporting manure for eventual field application.
No new applications are being accepted at this time.Climate Commitment Account funding.Eligible applicants will apply on behalf of a livestock operation where manure is stored in
anaerobic (liquid) form. The lead entity in proposals must be one of the following:
• Conservation districts
• State agencies
• Colleges, universities, and extension offices
• Federally recognized Tribes
SCC Funding Opportunity
Alternative Manure Management - Jan. 2023
Page 2
• Counties
• Cities, towns, and other municipalities
• Special purpose districts
Karen Hills, khills@scc.wa.gov
Sustainable Farms and Fields (Proviso): Climate-Smart Livestock Management - Research and Demonstration seeks to fund applied research and demonstration projects that will result in increased adoption of climate-smart livestock management practices and/or improved accounting of the impacts of climate-smart livestock management practices in agricultural settings in Washington. Preference is for projects focused on NRCS-approved practices, including practices aimed at reducing enteric methane emissions and manure management or application. Other proposed practices will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.The application window for the current round of review will close on July 1, 2024. Application pulls will occur on the first Monday of each month while funding remains. All projects must be completed by June 30, 2025.Climate Commitment Account funding.The lead entity in proposals must be one of the following:
• Conservation districts
• State agencies
• Colleges, universities, and extension offices
• Federally recognized Tribes
• Counties
• Cities, towns, and other municipalities
• Special purpose districts
Karen Hills, khills@scc.wa.gov
Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) supports monitoring and projects that support agriculture while protecting the five critical areas; wetlands, frequently flooded areas, aquifer recharge areas, geologically hazardous areas, and fish and wildlife habitats. Examples of projects include monitoring, riparian plantings, irrigation efficiencies, shrubsteppe, grazing management, field borders, nutrient management, cover cropping, high tunnels, groundwater testing, heavy use areas, fish screens, etc.Capital funding round will be held this fall. Applications due into CPDS by Oct. 29 for consideration. See newsletter: projects (funded with capital or operating funds) must be completed by June 30, 2025.Counties, conservation districts.Sarah Wilcox, swilcox@scc.wa.gov Capital Funding GuidelinesCPDS
WA Shrubsteppe Restoration Resiliency Initiative (WSRRI) aims to benefit wildlife and communities by coordinating and delivering resources
and services at a landscape scale by supporting: 1) wildlife habitat restoration; 2) wildlife friendly
fencing; and 3) deferred wildland grazing.
Wildlife Friendly Fencing project funding has been allocated and is on 'pause.' There is a chance additional funding will become available later on in FY24, and we will announce this opportunity if it does become available.
We encourage ongoing submission of applications to allow WSRRI to thoughtfully piece together resources for compelling projects. Deferred Grazing programs will be implemented dependent on the needs
that arise each wildland fire season, as determined by the steering committee. Deferred
grazing funds come from WDFW under a contract with SCC.
Operating (restoration and deferred grazing) and capital funds (wildlife friendly fencing)Private, public, and tribal landowners apply through conservation districtsAllisa Carlson, acarlson@scc.wa.gov