2024 FA Step 1 Proposed Errata & Suggestions
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15Section IV Top-Rated Review ResourcesSection IV Top-Rated Review ResourcesSection IV Top-Rated Review ResourcesNoticed it while readingHello! Bringing a typo from the Pixorize section to your attention- Comparable "to to" Sketchy and Picmonic.Spelling/formatting
27Section ISection INEW FACThttps://www.usmle.org/bulletin-information/scoring-and-score-reportingYour score report will remain available on the website of the organization that registered you for your examination for approximately 365 days (not 120 days that mentioned in the book) from the date of the e-mail notification.Major erratum
313Section I Supplement (on FA Team blog)Section I SupplementSection I SupplementAccording to the previous sentencesEach block ( not subsection) consists of 200 questions to be completed within four hours.Major erratum
435BiochemistryMolecularPurine salvage deficienciesUWorldHello! Elevated PRPP amidotransferase activity is observed in Lesch Nyhan syndrome, this has been mentioned in the text but it would be helpful to have it added to the diagrams as well. UWorld has illustrated thisClarification to current text
536BiochemistryMolecularDNA replicationN/A"There are two sides to every story" - etopoSIDE and tenipoSIDE inhibit topoisomerase TWOMnemonic
640BiochemistryAbbreviations and SymbolsNEW FACTits a normal adenine bind with thymine it could not be transversionTransversion—purine to pyrimidine (eg, A to T) or pyrimidine to purine (eg, C to G).Major erratum
746BiochemistryCellularMicrotubuleSelf-studyHello! We can mention Chediak Higashi syndrome here as it is associated with microtubule dysfunctionHigh-yield addition to next year
852BiochemistryLaboratory TechniquesEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assaynoneIn the illustration for indirect ELISA, an enzyme is mistakenly drawn for the primary antibody.Minor erratum
955BiochemistryGeneticsPopulation geneticsnoneGenetic drift: chance instead of changeSpelling/formatting
1057BiochemistryGeneticsModes of inheritancePractical Genetic Counseling , Edition 7 , by Peter S. Harper . Chapter 2 Page 40 and the link below https://www.nature.com/scitable/students-page/164/#:~:text=Females%20with%20an%20X%2Dlinked%20dominant%20disorder%20can%20be%20either,daughters%20will%20have%20the%20disorder.in X-linked Dominant ; children of affected mothers each have a 50% chance of being affected . It should indicate that case in heterozygous mothers but in homozygous mothers the chance is 100%.Minor erratum
1158BiochemistryGeneticsCystic fibrosisjust a mnemonic, the book itself contains the information.the names of all CFTR modulators contains all CFRT letters: ivaCaFToR, lumaCaFToR, tezaCaFToR. You may highlight these letters or type them in capital letters or in a different color in the next FA edition.Mnemonic
1260BiochemistryGeneticsTrinucleotide repeat expansion diseasesNot neededMnemonic- "Hunt Trisha's Fragrance At Mayo clinic" 1) Hunt - HUNTington, 2) Trisha's - TRInucleotide, 3)Fragrance - FRAGile X, 4)At - friedreich ATaxia, 5) Mayo clinic - MYOtonic dystrophy.Mnemonic
1362BiochemistryGeneticsNEW FACTNot neededfamilial adenomatous polyposis. Polyp (5 letters so chromosome number 5)Mnemonic
1464BiochemistryNutritionVitamin AN/AUnder function, "all-trans retinoic acid" has "all" italicized instead of "trans"Spelling/formatting
1564BiochemistryNutritionVitamin B1https://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-of-water-soluble-vitamins?search=wet%20beriberi&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1WET beriberi causes peripheral EDEMA (excess fluid) secondary to high-output cardiac failureMnemonic
1665Section I Supplement (on FA Team blog)NutritionVitamin B5https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/multiple-sclerosis-symptoms/dysesthesia/%23:~:text%3DDysesthesia%2520is%2520an%2520abnormal%2520sensation,are%2520usually%2520painless%2520and%2520temporary.&ved=2ahUKEwj6h4vN1IOHAxWKD1kFHShtBRAQFnoECAMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2yzVFF7e8jhebGUUuc-exEDysesthesia occurs when paresthesia becomes intense or painful.Clarification to current text
1771BiochemistryMetabolismEnzyme terminologyhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphorylase&ved=2ahUKEwjx5qfS94WHAxWkEVkFHR32DwQQmhN6BAgZEAc&usg=AOvVaw1gqFNYL1lS-RnK1-kGF-_0Adding "phosphate group from" between adds and inorganic phosphate for phosphorylase enzymeClarification to current text
1874BiochemistryMetabolismGlycolysis regulation, key enzymesIt is impossible that a reaction produces ATP in two directions.The arrow pointing to 1,3-BFG should be deleted.Minor erratum
1975BiochemistryMetabolismTCA cycleN/ATo remember TCA cycle enzymes that require NADs: "I am an alpha male" (isocitrate, alpha ketoglutarate, malate dehydrogenase). To remember the enzyme requiring FAD: "Fads suck" (succinate dehydrogenase).Mnemonic
2076BiochemistryMetabolismElectron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylationN/AA mnemonic to remember what happens at each complex of ETC: Now Full Cycle Has ATP - NADH, FADH, Cytochrome C, H2O, ATPMnemonic
2178BiochemistryMetabolismDisorders of galactose metabolismNo such term as “galacitol” exists in medical literature.Under classic galactosemia “galactitol” is mentioned as “galacitol” twice.Spelling/formatting
2283BiochemistryMetabolismCystinuriaN/AA mnemonic to remember that cystine stones have 6 sides: SIXstineMnemonic
2384BiochemistryMetabolismGlycogenSupporting evidence: Page 72 of USMLE First Aid has the correct direction of glycolysis and gluconeogenesisIn the second figure, the arrows in glycolysis is going from G1P to G6P to Glucose. These should be flipped. The arrows under gluconeogenesis should be flipped as wellMinor erratum
2484BiochemistryMetabolismGlycogenNo referenceGluconeogenesis and glycolysis are wrongly labelled in the diagram. They need to be interchangedMinor erratum
2584BiochemistryMetabolismGlycogenFirst Aid pg 72 Summary of Pathways Glycogenesis/GlycogenolysisThere should be an additional arrow drawn from Glycogen to Glucose-1-P in the orange box to indicate the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase which is one of the Rate Limiting Steps. There should also be a star at step 3 to represent the other Rate limiting step.Clarification to current text
2684BiochemistryMetabolismGlycogenhttps://www.amboss.com/us/knowledge/glycolysis-and-gluconeogenesis/The arrows in the diagram are reversed regarding gluconeogenesis and glycolysis (as I have made clear in the box drawn in the attachment)Major erratum
2785BiochemistryMetabolismGlycogen storage diseasesN/ANot sure how high yield this is, but Glycogen Storage Disease type VI is knows as Hers disease, which is classified by a deficiency in Hepatic glycogen phosphorylase. Hers for Hepatic (H for H).Clarification to current text
2886BiochemistryMetabolismLysosomal storage diseasesFor Everything Else: First Aid and For Danon Disease: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/lysosome-associated-membrane-protein-2-deficiency-glycogen-storage-disease-iib-danon-disease?search=danon%20disease%20x%20linked%20dominant&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1To Remember the Inheritance of Lysosomal Storage Diseases: stoRAge-AR-Majority are Autosomal Recessive eXcept three are X-linked(Xception). Danon is X-linked Dominant(D for Dominant) and HunteR and FabRy are X-Linked Recessive.(R for recessive)Mnemonic
2986BiochemistryMetabolismLysosomal storage diseasesNot needed[Note- Only mnemonic letters are taken in capital letters] sphingolipidoses: 1) " TEXaS GANG " - Tay Sachs, hEXosaminidase, GANGleoside 2) " FACT " - FAbry, Angiokeratomas, Ceramic Trihexoside 3) " MET ARYA in CAR SUv " - METachromatic leukodystrophy, Arylsulfatase A, CERebroside (CAR) SUlfate. 4) " GALena PSYCHOlogist IN KRABi " - GALactocerebroside PSYCHOsINe, KRABbe 5) " GAUtaM LIkes GLUe " - GAUcher, Macrophages, LIpid, GLUcocerebroside 6) " NICKy in SPaIN " - NIemann piCK, SPhINgomyelin. mucopolysaccharidoses: 1) " HURt ALIson DERMATologist " - HURler syndrome, A-L-Iduronidase, DERMATan sulfate. 2) " HUNT IDriS " - HUNTer syndrome, IDuronate-2 Sulfatase.Mnemonic
3086BiochemistryMetabolismLysosomal storage diseasesSpellingSulfatides should be changed to sulfatide (Removing of plural s)Spelling/formatting
3188BiochemistryMetabolismKetone bodieshttps://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Biochemistry/Fundamentals_of_Biochemistry_(Jakubowski_and_Flatt)/02%3A_Unit_II-_Bioenergetics_and_Metabolism/16%3A_The_Citric_Acid_Cycle/16.03%3A_Regulation_of_the_Citric_Acid_Cycle#:~:text=Citrate%20synthase%20is%20regulated%20in,inhibitor%20of%20acetyl%2DCoA%20binding.Chronic alcohol overuse creates a high NADH state which inhibits citrate synthase, thus leading to an accumulation of oxaloacetate. The First Aid text states only that high NADH state leads to an accumulation of oxaloacetate and fails to explain why a buildup of oxaloacetate would downregulate the TCA cycle. Without the knowledge that NADH inhibits citrate synthase, it is not intuitive to grasp that an increase in oxaloacetate would downregulate rather than fuel further iterations of the TCA cycle.Clarification to current text
3291BiochemistryMetabolismMajor apolipoproteinshttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22028427/ (i will attach the photo of the table of apolipoproteins)IDL don't have CII apolipoprotein (only in chylomicrons, VLDL, HDL )Minor erratum
3392BiochemistryMetabolismFamilial dyslipidemiasN/AA Mnemonic to remember Type 2 Dyslipidemia: Type TWO is a deficiency in the SECOND letter of the alphabet (B100)Mnemonic
3492BiochemistryMetabolismFamilial dyslipidemiasN/AA Mnemonic to remember Type 1 Dyslipidemia: Type ONE is a deficiency in the FIRST step after VLDL synthesis (LPL/C2) bindingMnemonic
3592BiochemistryMetabolismFamilial dyslipidemiasN/AA Mnemonic to remember Type 4 Dyslipidemia: Type FOUR is getting MORE VLDL out the DOORMnemonic
3692BiochemistryMetabolismFamilial dyslipidemiashttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519567Type III Dysbetalipoproteinaemia results mostly in increased Chylomicron Remnants, IDL and a remnant form of VLDL called beta-VLDL and the resulting rise in triglycerides and cholesterol. This is because it affects ApoE, hence the lipoproteins that enter the liver are the main ones affected.The mixed rise in TGs and cholesterol is a notable sign. (Original text has chylomicrons, VLDL and TGs)Major erratum
3792BiochemistryMetabolismFamilial dyslipidemiasDOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad197Type 2 hypercholesterolemia for homozygotes the cut off is >400 mg/dL.Major erratum
3895ImmunologyLymphoid StructuresLymphatic drainage associationsSelf Made MNEMONICFor para-aortic structures we can add a mnemonic "The kid goes and falls for fun" (Kid=kidney; go=gonads(ovaries,testes); falls=fallopian tubes; fun= fundus of uterus)Mnemonic
3998ImmunologyCellularMajor histocompatibility complex I and IIself understoodIn the "DIAGRAM OF MHC II, Remove the LABEL OF SHORT AND LONG ARM", MHC-II has 2 arms of EQUAL LENGTH.Minor erratum
4098ImmunologyCellularMajor histocompatibility complex I and IISame tableIn the drawing for MHC II, instead of indicating that they are both equal sized chains, it is shown that there is a long and short one, copying the previous drawing.Minor erratum
4198ImmunologyLymphoid StructuresMajor histocompatibility complex I and IIhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MHC_class_II OR ( it's actually stated in First Aid itself above the drawing )On the drawing located in the right hand side displaying the MHC II molecule, it incorrectly states that there is a "long chain" and a "short chain". MHC II actually has two equal length chains.Major erratum
42101ImmunologyCellularB cellsBoards and BeyondThe second figure regarding B-cell activation and class switching, Binding of ‘CD28’ ( from activated CD4+ T-cell) with ‘B7’ (from B -cell).Clarification to current text
43103ImmunologyImmune ResponsesImmunoglobulin isotypesSpellingClosing quotation mark should be added after AGE.Spelling/formatting
44105ImmunologyPathologyComplement disordersDeficiency or dysfunction of C1 inhibitor (previously referred to as C1 esterase inhibitor) leads to elevated bradykinin, which causes edema due to vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. - UWorldC1 esterase inhibitor is now called C1 inhibitor.Clarification to current text
45106ImmunologyImmune ResponsesImportant cytokinesN/Afor interleukin 12, we make Th1, not 2. good way to remember what IL-12 does, aids to differentiate to Th1 not Th2Mnemonic
46106ImmunologyImmune ResponsesImportant cytokinesMnemonicInterferon Gamma induces igG isotype switching.Mnemonic
47106ImmunologyImmune ResponsesMacrophage-lymphocyte interactionNothingYou have written: Acute (IL-1, IL6, TNF-alfa), then recruit (IL-8, IL-12) in front of important cytokines but you should move it to the next line and put it in front of : Secreted by macrophagesSpelling/formatting
48107ImmunologyImmune ResponsesRespiratory bursthttps://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/phagolysosomeIn the picture, Phagolysosome should be changed with phagosome.Minor erratum
49108ImmunologyImmune ResponsesCell surface proteins1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2924742/CD 94 as a new and important marker for Natural Killer cell (NK cell) along with CD 16 and CD 56.High-yield addition to next year
50111ImmunologyImmune ResponsesHypersensitivity types1.ROBBINS&COTRAN PATHOLOGIC OF DISEASE (tenth edition) 2.RAPID REVIEW PATHOLOGY EDWARD F. GOLJAN (fifth edition) 3. BASIC IMMUNOLOGY ABUL K. ABBAS (sixth edition) (I will provide photo from the books in the file attachements section))In type III reaction Examples: Rheumatoid arthritis. But Rheumatoid arthritis is in type IV reaction (T cell-mediated diseases))Minor erratum
51114ImmunologyImmune ResponsesImmunodeficienciesN/A"GRANny's CATs keep her positive"-Chronic GRANulomatous disease has a high susceptibility to CATalase positive organisms.Mnemonic
52114ImmunologyImmune ResponsesThymusnot neededDiGeorge --> D1George is a 11q microdeletion on chromosome 22 due to failure to develop 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches (mnemonic is 1-2-3-4)Mnemonic
53115ImmunologyPathologyAntiphospholipid syndromeUSMLE step 1 First aidAnti B2 glycoprotein can be said as anti BaBy glycoprotein as it causes recurrent pregnancy lossMnemonic
54115ImmunologyImmune ResponsesImmunodeficienciesn/athe car SKIDs 2 a stop. SCID associated with IL-2R gamma defect.Mnemonic
55119ImmunologyAbbreviations and SymbolsRecombinant cytokines and clinical usesn/a"Filgrastim and sargramostim" = both have GRA and STIM in the name --> GRAnulocyte STIMulatingMnemonic
56124MicrobiologyBasic BacteriologySpecial culture requirementsFormatting"Buffered charcoal yeast extract agar with cysteine and iron" is better than "Charcoal yeast extract agar buffered with cysteine and iron" because the latter is confusing( buffering with cysteine and iron)Spelling/formatting
57126MicrobiologyBasic BacteriologyPigment-producing bacteriahttps://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/1/14/intent-in-the-genocide-case-against-israel-is-not-hard-to-prove"Israel has yellow sand" has got to go. Perhaps using a genocidal state for a mnemonic is not the best way to remember things. Why not something more along the lines of Isra-yellow-ii, to remember that A israelii has yellow granulesMnemonic
58126MicrobiologyBasic BacteriologyPigment-producing bacteriahttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actinomyces_israeliiIsrael has yellow sand. Needs to be removed, the bacterium itself was named after a German scientist, nothing to do with Israel. I also don’t like to use mnemonics that remind me of genocide thank you very muchMnemonic
59128MicrobiologyBasic BacteriologyBacterial geneticsno needconjugation (the word "conjugal" is misspelled "congugal" in the illustration)Spelling/formatting
60128MicrobiologyBasic BacteriologyBacterial geneticsAbbreviationsF stands for fertility which can be added in parenthesis.Clarification to current text
61135MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyEnterococcihttps://pro.uptodatefree.ir/show/3163, https://clsi.org/standards/products/microbiology/documents/m100/ https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/cmr.00058-18#:~:text=In%20the%20clinical%20setting%2C%20ampicillin,who%20can%20tolerate%20this%20agent.&text=Enterococcal%20resistance%20to%20%CE%B2%2Dlactams,PBP)%20designated%20PBP4%20in%20E. (under acquired antimicrobial resistance)It says ''Enterococci (E faecalis and E faecium) are normal colonic microbiota that are penicillin G resistant''. Here statement Penicillin G resistant is wrong and they are susceptible to Penicillin G though not as much as other Streptococci. In fact Penicillin (Ampicillin better) + Gentamicin is treatment of choice in sever penicillin susceptible Enterococcal infection like endocarditis. They do acquire drug resistance to Penicillin via either change in PBP or rarely Beta lactamase production, but they are not intrinsically resistant to Penicillin as implied by your statement.Major erratum
62138MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyTuberculosishttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/bone-and-joint-tuberculosis#H6; Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple, 9th ed, p 146In the miliary TB section of the figure, Pott disease is shown in the cervical vertebrae. Pott disease most commonly affects the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae. This could be made more clear by illustrating it lower in the vertebral column.Clarification to current text
63141MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyBordetella pertussisMnemonicTdap vaccine used in adulT and Dtap vaccine used in chilDMnemonic
64142MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologySalmonella vs ShigellaUWorldImportant pathophysiology of Salmonella TyphiHigh-yield addition to next year
65142MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologySalmonella vs Shigellahttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/pathogenesis-of-salmonella-gastroenteritis#:~:text=The%20typhoidal%20Salmonella%2C%20such%20as,with%20little%20or%20no%20diarrhea.It is mentioned that the spread of salmonella typhi is hematogenous while it is mostly due to feco oral transmission which is not mentionedMinor erratum
66142MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologySalmonella vs ShigellaSelf Made MNEMONIC"In order of decreasing toxin severity: S dysenteriae, S flexneri, S boydii, S sonnei" the MNEMONIC ==> "Die Flexing, Boy Son" (die=dysenteriae; flexing=flexneri; boy=boydii; son=sonnei)Mnemonic
67143MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyCampylobacter jejunihttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article%3Fid%3D10.1371/journal.ppat.1002420%23:~:text%3DCampylobacter%2520jejuni%2520produces%2520amphitrichous%2520It should be better to add "at each pole" after polar flagellaClarification to current text
68145MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyLeptospira interrogansFormattingIn "the" tropics not in tropicsSpelling/formatting
69145MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologySyphilishttps://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/Content.aspx?bookid=369&sectionid=39914797In the text, you mentioned Neurosyphilis in the section about tertiary syphilis, which can be confusing in board questions. This is because Neurosyphilis can occur during secondary syphilis, which is a common occurrence. However, students often incorrectly link it to the tertiary stage. The supportive text from AccessMedicine: The nervous system is affected early in syphilis, and 10–25% of patients have CSF abnormalities at the time of the development of the secondary stage.Clarification to current text
70148MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyRickettsial diseases and vector-borne illnesseshttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/infectious-diseases/rickettsiae-and-related-organisms/q-fever%23:~:text%3D(See%2520also%2520Overview%2520of%2520Rickettsial,no%2520longer%2520classified%2520as%2520Rickettsia.&ved=2ahUKEwjxqJHsh6WHAxW29AIHHf4nChcQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0_ngprvURVGNkZ3P1qZatuCoxiella burnetii is no longer classified as Rickettsia.Minor erratum
71148MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyRickettsial diseases and vector-borne illnessesno need"mulberrylike inclusions" is a typo, it should be "mulberry-like" or "mulberry like" + "inclusions"Spelling/formatting
72149MicrobiologyMycologySystemic mycosesSelf-studyHello! I was studying systemic mycoses and created a small diagram to help clarify the different forms fungi can take. Hope it helps!Clarification to current text
73149Photo AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsSelf-made with reference to First aid step 1, UWorld.Diagram/Image for "ORGANISMS & DISEASES CAUSED BY THEM around the world (GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION)"High-yield addition to next year
74152MicrobiologyParasitologyProtozoa—gastrointestinal infectionshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/cryptosporidiosis-treatment-and-preventionHello, first and foremost, I have to say that the edition I'm studying with is the 2023 edition, so I'm unsure if this suggested correction was already mentioned and added into the 2024 edition. But nonetheless, thank you very much for your consideration of this suggestion. In the Cryptosporidium entry under Protozoa—gastrointestinal infections, the treatment has listed "nitazoxanide in immunocompromised hosts". However, after looking online, it seems that nitazoxanide, while approved by the FDA for use in immunocompetent patients, currently has uncertain/unconfirmed findings in the treatment of cyrptosporidium in immunocompromised hosts. Whether this is something that should be changed in future additions or not, thank you very much for your consideration and for making First Aid such a helpful study source for Step 1.Clarification to current text
75156MicrobiologyParasitologyNematodes (roundworms)N/AANcylostoma causes microcytic ANemiaMnemonic
76156MicrobiologyParasitologyNematodes (roundworms)N/A"Enterobius VERMIcularis makes you SQUIRMY" (causes anal pruritus)Mnemonic
77156MicrobiologyParasitologyNematodes (roundworms)N/A"Ethyl the witch loves to luau luau" - diETHYLcarbamazine treats WUCHereria bancrofti and LOA LOAMnemonic
78158MicrobiologyParasitologyEctoparasitesThis was simply a spelling error.In the 2022 Edition of First Aid USMLE Step 1, "Cimex Hemipterus" is misspelled "Climex Hemipterus."Spelling/formatting
79161MicrobiologyVirologyDNA virusesMnemonicHepaDNAvirus is a DNA virus.Mnemonic
80164MicrobiologyVirologyParamyxoviruseshttps://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/4/4/613RSV is listed twice in the families Paramyxovirus and Pneumovirus. It looks like Pneumovirus is a subfamily within Paramyxovirus.Minor erratum
81164MicrobiologyVirologyRNA viruseshttps://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/book/3-s2.0-B9780702079597000257?scrollTo=%23hl0000318"Human pathogens from the family Pneumoviridae include RSV and human metapnuemovirus (hMPV). Both are common causes of respiratory illness, only occurring in humans and particularly in infants and young children. Previously, they belonged to the family Paramyxoviridae." This excerpt is taken from Manson's Tropical Diseases Chapter 25. Since RSV is no longer considered part of the paramyxoviridae family, I believe it would be beneficial to students to remove it from the "Paramyxoviruses" row in this table and only have it present in the "Pneumoviruses" in order to prevent confusion.Minor erratum
82164MicrobiologyVirologyRNA virusesMnemonicPicoRNAvirus is a RNA virus.Mnemonic
83164MicrobiologyVirologyRNA virusesMnemonicFlavus means yellow in Latin. (For remembering of yellow fever)Mnemonic
84164MicrobiologyVirologyRNA viruseshttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/marburg-virus-disease&ved=2ahUKEwj44MKV5K6HAxV0F1kFHYZBBi0QFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw34eeFqv9Mn-unfZwOZYa01The name of Marbug hemorrhagic fever changed to "marburg virus disease".Minor erratum
85171MicrobiologyVirologyHepatitis viruseshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/hepatitis-e-virus-infection?search=Hepatitis%20viruses%20lack%20envelope&source=search_result&selectedTitle=13%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=13#H496154696nAkEd viruses (HAV and HEV), the two hepatitis viruses that lack an envelope can be used to spell naked, the A and E in naked could be higlighted in red to help remember.Mnemonic
86171MicrobiologyVirologyHepatitis viruseshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4208707/Superinfection of HDV on a HBV is associated with high risk of sever chronic liver disease while co infection is associated with higher risk of sever acute disease and this is the opposite of what would be understood form the incubation period that is written in the book so i think that this needs to be clarified to prevent misunderstanding. Thank youMajor erratum
87172MicrobiologyVirologyHepatitis serologic markersUpToDate: Hepatitis B virus: Screening and diagnosisOn the table in the Recovery Phase the Anti-HBc should be +(IgG)Major erratum
88176MicrobiologySystemsBugs causing diarrheaN/ACauses of watery diarrhea: "VIRAL PRO TRAVELERS PReFer a DIFFerent Concierge" (VIRUSES, PROtozoa, ETEC (TRAVELER'S diarrhea), C PeRFringens, C DIFF, Cholerae)Mnemonic
89176MicrobiologySystemsBugs causing diarrheahttps://medinaz.com/blog/2022/08/24/bloody-diarrhea-causing-pathogens-mnemonic/Causes of bloody diarrhea: bloodY CASESMnemonic
90177MicrobiologySystemsCommon causes of meningitishttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/232915-overviewmeningitis has a classical triad of headache, fever and nuchal rigidity and has typical signs known as kernigs sign and brudzinski sign addition of which to the upcoming edition would be a high yieldHigh-yield addition to next year
91179MicrobiologySystemsCommon vaginal infectionsNot needed1) Bacterial Vaginosis: "Fish in Garden Call Michelle" - Fishy odor, Gardnerella, Clindamycin, Metronidazole. 2) Trichomonas Vaginitis: "Michelle Try Greek Yogurt with Fresh Fruit " - Metronidazole, Trichomonas, Green-Yellow, Frothy, Foul. 3) Candida Vulvovaginitis: "Canadian Cheese is Fabulous" - Candida, cottage Cheese, Fluconazole.Mnemonic
92180MicrobiologySystemsHerpesviruseshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/epidemiology-clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis-of-genital-herpes-simplex-virus-infection?search=herpes%20genitalis&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2%7E111&usage_type=default&display_rank=2HERPes HURTs, mnemonic to remember that ulcers caused by HSV are painfulMnemonic
93181MicrobiologySystemsTORCH infectionsuWorld Question Id: 12292Beside Sexual contact and organ transplants, body fluid exposure (eg, urine and saliva) is a major source of maternal CMV acquisition, which I think it's high-yield to add.High-yield addition to next year
94183MicrobiologySystemsNEW FACThttps://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/vector-borne-diseasesI have always need a table of the various insects that transmit pathogens. I am sure that such a table would be very helpful.High-yield addition to next year
95185MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsPiperacillinhttps://www-uptodate-com.aucmed.idm.oclc.org/contents/principles-of-antimicrobial-therapy-of-pseudomonas-aeruginosa-infections?search=Principles%20of%20antimicrobial%20therapy%20of%20Pseudomonas%20aeruginosa%20infections&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H6674980Mnemonic to help remember to use Piperacillin on Pseudomonas " Pipe down Pseudomonas"Mnemonic
96186MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsCephalosporinshttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7448666/&ved=2ahUKEwilrseWwbqHAxXAMdAFHfbIBpYQ2LwJegQIIBAB&usg=AOvVaw2r3zpY33R2xn29AMcFnqb0The name of enterobacter aerogenes changed to klebsiella aerogenes.Minor erratum
97187MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsVancomycinp136 first aidclostridium difficile should be correct to clostridiodes difficileSpelling/formatting
98187MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsVancomycinp136 first aidclostridium difficile should be correct to clostridiodes difficileMinor erratum
99189MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsTetracyclinesSpellingTeratocyClines is correct (letter C should be added)Spelling/formatting
100191MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsDapsoneMnemonicUse daPsone for leProsy and Pneumocystis jirovecii.Mnemonic
101194MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsAntimycobacterial therapyn/a"Don't Run Tu CLOse to LEopards", a mnemonic for remembering Dapsone and Rifampin for Tuberculoid form and adding Clofazimine for Lepromatous formMnemonic
102198MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsHIV therapyNot needed[Note - only mnemonic letters are taken in capital] hiv therapy 1) nrti : "ABu dhabi To EMirates towers on sheikh Zayed road in LAMborghini" - ABacavir, Tenofovir, EMtricitabine, Zidovudine, LAMivudine 2) nnrti : "DORA EFfective in RILs (Reels)" - DORAvirine, EFavirenz, RILpivirine 3) INtegrase strand transfer inhibitors : "IN BIllion Dollars" -(INtegrase), BIctegravir, DOLutegravir 4) PROtease inhibitors : "LOki AT DAllas RITual PROgram" - LOpinavir, ATazanavir, DArunavir, , RITonavir, (PROtease) 5) ENTry inhibitors : "ENTer MARta's ENgagement" - (ENtry inhibitors), MARaviroc, ENfuvirtide.Mnemonic
103200MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsHepatic encephalopathyhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hepatitis_C_virus_nonstructural_protein_5AIt is better to change the phrase of " HCV-encoded proteins" to " HCV-encoded NS (Nonstructural) proteins".Clarification to current text
104200MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsHepatitis C therapyMnemonicBolding and highlighting of Previr as well as Protease.Mnemonic
105204PathologyCellularApoptosisKumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, Perkins JA, Robbins SL. Robbins Basic Pathology. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2024. p.47. Necroptosis: Pasparakis M, Vandenabeele P. Necroptosis and its role in inflammation. Nature. 2015;517(7534):311-320. doi:10.1038/nature14191. PubMed Pyroptosis: Jorgensen I, Miao EA. Pyroptotic cell death defends against intracellular pathogens. Immunol Rev. 2015;265(1):130-142. doi:10.1111/imr.12287. PubMed Ferroptosis: Dixon SJ, Lemberg KM, Lamprecht MR, et al. Ferroptosis: an iron-dependent form of nonapoptotic cell death. Cell. 2012;149(5):1060-1072. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2012.03.042. PubMedNecroptosis: Caspase-independent cell death combining necrosis and apoptosis, dependent on the RIPK1-RIPK3 complex. RIPK1-RIPK3 signaling phosphorylates MLKL, forming pores in the plasma membrane. Pyroptosis: Induced by inflammasome activation, releasing IL-1, causing inflammation and fever. Ferroptosis: Apoptosis triggered by high cellular iron levels.High-yield addition to next year
106204PathologyCellularCellular adaptationsmnemonicon the picture, you can write - change in cell 'S'tructure - dy'S'plasia,; cell 'T'ype - me'T'apalsiaMnemonic
107204PathologyAgingNEW FACTKumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, Perkins JA, Robbins SL. Robbins Basic Pathology. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2024. p.67. Childhood progeria (Hutchinson–Gilford syndrome): Gordon LB, Rothman FG, Lopez-Otin C, Misteli T. Progeria: a paradigm for translational medicine. Cell. 2014;156(3):400-407. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.12.028. PubMed Adult progeria (Werner syndrome): Oshima J, Sidorova JM, Monnat RJ Jr. Werner syndrome: Clinical features, pathogenesis and potential therapeutic interventions. Ageing Res Rev. 2017;33:105-114. doi:10.1016/j.arr.2016.03.002. PubMedProgeria (premature aging): 1. Childhood progeria (Hutchinson–Gilford syndrome): Rare autosomal dominant disease caused by a mutation leading to progerin (abnormal prelamin A). Appears at 6-18 months with a beaked nose and bird-like facial features. 2. Adult progeria (Werner syndrome): Autosomal recessive disease due to a WRN gene mutation causing defective DNA helicase. Begins in the 20s-30s.High-yield addition to next year
108207PathologyPathologyPsammoma bodiesSame Info as FA 2024, https://www.uptodate.com/contents/papillary-thyroid-cancer-clinical-features-and-prognosis#subscribeMessageBetter mnemonic: PSaMMOMa: Papillary thyroid carcinoma, Serous Ovarian carcinoma, Meningioma, Mesothelioma, Milk( Prolactinoma)Mnemonic
109208PathologyCellularAmyloidosishttps://www.nature.com/articles/nature04533"Alzheimer disease β-amyloid protein Cleaved from amyloid precursor protein " was proved to be wrong and the main paper was retractedMajor erratum
110209PathologyInflammationAcute phase reactantsUWorldProcalcitonin is decreased in viral infections, not normal.Major erratum
111210PathologyInflammationAcute inflammationFormatting"Associated with" not "with associated"Spelling/formatting
112211PathologyInflammationLeukocyte extravasationMnemonicE-selectin released from Endothelial cells.Mnemonic
113211PathologyInflammationLeukocyte extravasationhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-selectinP-selectin is on the surface of cell, so it should be better to change "released" to "translocated to the plasma membrane".Clarification to current text
114211PathologyInflammationLeukocyte extravasationhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Integrin_alpha_L&diffonly=trueCD11a not CD11Minor erratum
115213PathologyInflammationGranulomatous inflammationN/Acaseating: Cheesy texture. Noncaseating: non-cheesy texture. C match with C, Non C match with non CMnemonic
116215PathologyNeoplasiaNeoplasia and neoplastic progressionhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18614394/"Uncontrolled, monoclonal proliferation of cells" This is not always the case. Many tumors could be polyclonal and not specifically monoclonal. It should say "Uncontrolled, often monoclonal proliferation of cells" instead to avoid any confusion.Major erratum
117215PathologyNeoplasiaNEW FACTCreated by selfDiagram to explain neoplasia (attached)Clarification to current text
118215PathologyAgingNEW FACTKumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC, Perkins JA, Robbins SL. Robbins Basic Pathology. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2024. p.67. Childhood progeria (Hutchinson–Gilford syndrome): Gordon LB, Rothman FG, Lopez-Otin C, Misteli T. Progeria: a paradigm for translational medicine. Cell. 2014;156(3):400-407. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.12.028. PubMed Adult progeria (Werner syndrome): Oshima J, Sidorova JM, Monnat RJ Jr. Werner syndrome: Clinical features, pathogenesis and potential therapeutic interventions. Ageing Res Rev. 2017;33:105-114. doi:10.1016/j.arr.2016.03.002. PubMedProgeria (premature aging): 1. Childhood progeria (Hutchinson–Gilford syndrome): Rare autosomal dominant disease caused by a mutation leading to progerin (abnormal prelamin A). Appears at 6-18 months with a beaked nose and bird-like facial features. 2. Adult progeria (Werner syndrome): Autosomal recessive disease due to a WRN gene mutation causing defective DNA helicase. Begins in the 20s-30s.High-yield addition to next year
119220PathologyNeoplasiaTumor suppressor genesMnemonicAPC stands for Adenomatous polyposis coli. So that, for remembering we can highlight and bold APC as well as C in Colorectal and AP in FAP.Mnemonic
120220PathologyNeoplasiaTumor suppressor geneshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E2FRb blocks transition from G1 to S phaseby E2F.So that it is better to change ";" to "—>".Clarification to current text
121220PathologyNeoplasiaTumor suppressor geneshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P53As p53 activates p21 directly, it is better to change "," to "—>".Clarification to current text
122220PathologyNeoplasiaTumor suppressor genesFormattingHypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha is correct. So, "a" should be changed to "alpha".Spelling/formatting
123223PathologyNeoplasiaImportant immunohistochemical stainsMnemonicPECAM stands for platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule. So that we can highlight and bold "E" in both "pEcam" and "Endothelial" for remembering.Mnemonic
124224PathologyNeoplasiaParaneoplastic syndromesFormattingRise "to" is incorrect, because it means increasing here and it will be changed with "in"Spelling/formatting
125229PharmacologyPharmacokinetics & PharmacodynamicsPharmacokineticsFormattingDistribute is a transitive verb. So, it should be changed to "may be distributed".Spelling/formatting
126232PharmacologyPharmacokinetics & PharmacodynamicsPearson correlation coefficientNoneVmax is written instead of Emax. The former is used for enzymes while the latter for drugs.Minor erratum
127239PharmacologyAutonomic DrugsCholinomimetic agentsn/a"Carbachol curtain call" closed curtains (eg after a theater performance) analagous to constricted pupils/ a lower pressure environmentMnemonic
128240PharmacologyPharmacologyMuscarinic antagonistshttps://usmle-rx.scholarrx.com/first-aid?id=490&firstAidYear=2023Duration tiotropium>ipratropium (drink tea over a long time)Mnemonic
129241PharmacologyAutonomic DrugsSympathomimeticshttps://go.drugbank.com/drugs/DB00841Dobutamine says -/decrease BP when it should be -/increase BPMajor erratum
130241PharmacologyAutonomic DrugsSympathomimeticsMnemonicWe can bold and highlight letter T in "Terbutalin" and "asThma & Tocolysis".Mnemonic
131242PharmacologyAutonomic DrugsPhysiologic effects of sympathomimeticsBecause of washing out of drugIn heart rate graph of epinephrine, the red line should be returned to base line at the end.Minor erratum
132243PharmacologyAutonomic Drugsα-blockersMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "P" in "Ptsd" and "Prazosin".Mnemonic
133247PharmacologyToxicities and Side EffectsDrug reactions—cardiovascularSpellingAntiCychotics should be changed to anti"p"Cychotics.Spelling/formatting
134247PharmacologyToxicities and Side EffectsSpecific toxicity treatmentsMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "a" in "Xa" and "andexanet alfa".Mnemonic
135248PharmacologyToxicities and Side EffectsDrug reactions—endocrine/reproductiveMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "p" in "hyperProlactinemia" and "antiPsychotic,haloPeridol,risperidone,metocloPramide,methyldoPa,veraPamil".Mnemonic
136249PharmacologyPharmacologyDrug reactions—hematologicits in the notes section. There is not a specific reference as this is a pneumonic that was created for referenceIn light of the controversy and P Diddy with domestic Abuse maybe remove the reference to him as COOMBS test and replace with Honey COOMBS as a suggestionClarification to current text
137249PharmacologyToxicities and Side EffectsDrug reactions—hematologicClarificationEpoetin alfa should be placed to the next line beside Testosterone because of same mechanism. Also add spacing between lines of Notes section related to thrombotic complications to minimize misunderstanding.Clarification to current text
138250PharmacologyToxicities and Side EffectsDrug reactions—neurologicSpellingPaclitaxTel is incorrect and T should be deleted.Spelling/formatting
139250PharmacologyToxicities and Side EffectsDrug reactions—neurologicMentioned in First Aid in Another Chapter & https://www.amboss.com/us/knowledge/idiopathic-intracranial-hypertension/"Idiopathic intracranial hypertension" add "Danazol" since this is a known cause of increased ICP.High-yield addition to next year
140253PharmacologyMiscellaneousDrug nameshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3650962/In page 253 ==> -tadine is termed h1 antagonist (Loratidine) while in reality this is actually 2nd gen! and "-tidine" is termed h2-antagonist and given example is Cimetidine, while in reality this is 1st gen!Major erratum
141256Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsObservational studieshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/glossary-of-common-biostatistical-and-epidemiological-terms?search=cohort%20study&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1A mnemonic to remember the difference between different observational studies; look at the second letter: cRoss-sectional - Right now (who has disease and risk right now). cAse-control - Already has the disease. cOhort - One day will have the disease (may have risks, see if they will One day get the disease)Mnemonic
142259Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsKaplan-Meier curveup to datein the description it is given y axis represnts event probability but in the adjacent graph y axis is represented by survival probabilityMinor erratum
143261Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsIncidence vs prevalencehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430867/Mathematical Relationship between Incidence and Prevalence. Prevalence= Incidence X Duration of the diseaseClarification to current text
144262Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsBias and study errorsN/AOne can remember the Hawthorne effect by thinking of being watched like a hawkMnemonic
145262Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsBias and study errorsGrammar"on THE basis of" is correct not "on basis of".Spelling/formatting
146263Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsConfounding vs effect modificationText is inconsistent with diagramit says "Note: Association disappeared after stratification" but the diagram shows a strong association between smokers and drinking coffee and weak/no association for non smokers who drink coffee (in the confounding section)Major erratum
147263Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsConfounding vs effect modificationNoneUnder effect modification, the examples coulumn the word Oral Contraceptive (OCP) is spelled as OPCSpelling/formatting
148263Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsConfounding vs effect modificationhttps://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/mph-modules/bs/bs704-ep713_confounding-em/bs704-ep713_confounding-em_print.htmlThe graphic for confounding should have a dashed line in the stratified analysis part with smokers, drinking coffee -> lung cancer. It looks like it was done correctly in the 2023 version of First Aid but was changed in the 2024 version.Major erratum
149263Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsConfounding vs effect modificationAccording to the content."No true association exists between the outcome and the FACTOR in some subgroups of the factor." is incorrect and "the factor" should be changed to "the exposure".Minor erratum
150263Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsConfounding vs effect modificationGrammar"with SUBJECT as their own controls" is incorrect and "subject" should be in the plural.Spelling/formatting
151265Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsOutcomes of statistical hypothesis testingno needIn the 2x2 table on the right ==> where the study says "study rejects H0" it should be "Study accepts H1" and down below where it says "Study does not reject H0" it should be "Study rejects H0". It literally says "study rejects H0, study doesn't reject H0" where this is clearly wrong.Minor erratum
152266Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsNEW FACTMyself“Watching you like a HAWk” for Hawthorne EffectMnemonic
153267Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsConfounding vs effect modificationhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4249691/#:~:text=Confounding%20depends%20on%20how%20treatment,however%20relative%20to%20a%20population.The first arrow in the confounding graph after stratification should be dashed arrow. Since this is confounding factor so that’s mean there’s no correlationMinor erratum
154285CardiovascularEmbryologyAortic arch derivativeshttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1923100-overview?form=fpf"Fight 4 your Rights" = right recurrent laryngeal nerve loops around the 4th archMnemonic
155288CardiovascularAnatomyHeart anatomyUWorldHello! The AV node is supplied by the atrio-ventricular (AV) nodal artery which is a branch of the posterior-descending artery.Posterior-descending artery origination depends on left or right dominance and so the blood supply of the AV node also depends on the dominance. The previous text of 'RCA supplies the AV node' will now be incomplete.Clarification to current text
156292CardiovascularPhysiologyHeart murmursFirst AidS3 is the sound from blood turburlence during early diastole, while S4 is the sound of the blood entering a stiffened ventricle. So, S3 is where Blod Hits Blood (3 words = S3) and S4 is where Blood Hits Heart Wall (4 words = S4).Mnemonic
157293CardiovascularPhysiologyPressure-volume loops and valvular diseaseUWorld Step 1 Qbank - Question ID 945 -> Explanation of choice (A)Under title of Aortic Regurgitation, explanation (in words) is correct, but graph is wrong. Aortic Regurgitation -> blood backflows in LV during diastole -> EDV increases -> SV increase (this is correctly written in FIrst Aid) but the graph is wrong. Due to increased SV -> Systolic pressure also increases (not 120 mm Hg).Major erratum
158295CardiovascularAnatomy and PhysiologyHeart murmursSelfRight Heart Murmurs (Pulmonary Valve, Tricuspid Valve) increase during Inspiration. I of R i ght stands for Inspiration. Left Heart Murmurs (Aortic Valve, Mitral Valve) increase during Expiration. E of L e ft stands for Expiration.Mnemonic
159310CardiovascularPathologyECG localization of STEMIhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4040874/SALIC P, Easy way to remember ecg localizationMnemonic
160310CardiovascularPathologyHeart failurehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9353029/In diastolic HF the EDV will be decrease not remain normal . The explanation of this, in patients with diastolic HF the compleince of ventricles will be low ( hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) So it will receive less blood from atrium (the cause of congestion ) so EDV will decrease (EDV proportion inversly to Ejection fraction, so EF will decrease ) and SV will decrease ( SV proportion directly to Ejection fraction ,so EF will decrease ) these make the EF preserved in Diastolic HF. (EF=SV÷EDV)Major erratum
161310CardiovascularPathologyHeart failurehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9353029/In diastolic HF the EDV it will decrease will not remain normal . The explanation of that, in patients with diastolic HF the compliance of ventricles will be low(steffness in LV /ex , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) So it will receive less blood from atrium because the size of ventricle will be less like in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the left ventricle have concentric hypertrophy growth of myocardial ,so EDV decrease (which can cause systemic or pulmonary congestion ) (EDV proportion inversely to Ejection fraction, so EF will decrease ) and SV will decrease ( sv =EDV-ESV)/ ( SV proportion directly to Ejection fraction ,so EF will decrease ) these make the EF preserved in Diastolic HF.(in diastolic HF : decrease of edv / increase in edvp / decrease sv / preserved EF) (EF=SV÷EDV)Major erratum
162310CardiovascularPathologyHeart failurehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9353029/In diastolic HF the EDV it will decrease will not remain normal . The explanation of that, in patients with diastolic HF the compliance of ventricles will be low(steffness in LV /ex , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) So it will receive less blood from atrium because the size of ventricle will be less like in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the left ventricle have concentric hypertrophy growth of myocardial ,so EDV decrease (which can cause systemic or pulmonary congestion ) (EDV proportion inversely to Ejection fraction, so EF will decrease ) and SV will decrease ( sv =EDV-ESV)/ ( SV proportion directly to Ejection fraction ,so EF will decrease ) these make the EF preserved in Diastolic HF.(in diastolic HF : decrease of edv / increase in edvp / decrease sv / preserved EF) (EF=SV÷EDV)Major erratum
163310CardiovascularPathologyHeart failurehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9353029/In diastolic HF the EDV it will decrease will not remain normal . The explanation of that, in patients with diastolic HF the compliance of ventricles will be low(steffness in LV /ex , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) So it will receive less blood from atrium because the size of ventricle will be less like in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the left ventricle have concentric hypertrophy growth of myocardial ,so EDV decrease (which can cause systemic or pulmonary congestion ) (EDV proportion inversely to Ejection fraction, so EF will decrease ) and SV will decrease ( sv =EDV-ESV)/ ( SV proportion directly to Ejection fraction ,so EF will decrease ) these make the EF preserved in Diastolic HF.(in diastolic HF : decrease of edv / increase in edvp / decrease sv / preserved EF) (EF=SV÷EDV)Major erratum
164311CardiovascularPathologyNarrow complex tachycardiashttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/management-of-atrial-fibrillation-rhythm-control-versus-rate-control?search=atrial%20fibrillation&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=2This is both an addition+mnemonic, For "Rate Control" We can use - ABCD. A- Atrial Fibrillation B- Beta Blockers, C- Calcium channel blockers D- Digoxin. It's in synchronization with it's line of treatment (BB,CCB are 1st line, Digoxin is 2nd line) we can also add in "A" , the drug "Amiodarone" as 3rd line so it's "312" "ABCD" - Amiodarone 3rd line, BB+CCB 1st line, Digoxin 2nd line.High-yield addition to next year
165312CardiovascularPathologyHereditary channelopathiesAlex Midani (myself)Roma(no)-Ward syndrome >> (no) deafness.Mnemonic
166315CardiovascularPathologyCardiomyopathieshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK582152/, https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIR.0000000000001250HCM tx: Mavacamten is myosin inhibitor FDA approved drug for symptomatic NYHA 2/3 2ndry to HCM with significant results (contraindicated in pregnancy).High-yield addition to next year
167315CardiovascularPathologyCardiomyopathieshttps://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIR.0000000000001250HCM Tx: 2024 AHA guidelines state "For most patients with HCM, universal restriction from vigorous physical activity or competitive sports is not indicated." and is a Class 3 recc. '"Cessation of high intensity athletics" in the text must be revised/removed.Major erratum
168316CardiovascularPathologyHeart failurehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9353029/ https://cvphysiology.com/heart-failure/hf006In diastolic HF the EDV it will decrease will not remain normal . The explanation of that, in patients with diastolic HF the compliance of ventricles will be low(steffness in LV /ex , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) So it will receive less blood from atrium because the size of ventricle will be less like in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the left ventricle have concentric hypertrophy growth of myocardial ,so EDV decrease (which can cause systemic or pulmonary congestion ) (EDV proportion inversely to Ejection fraction, so EF will decrease ) and SV will decrease ( sv =EDV-ESV)/ ( SV proportion directly to Ejection fraction ,so EF will decrease ) these make the EF preserved in Diastolic HF.(in diastolic HF : decrease of edv / increase in edvp / decrease sv / preserved EF) (EF=SV÷EDV)Major erratum
169318CardiovascularPathologySyncopehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/mechanisms-causes-and-evaluation-of-orthostatic-hypotension?search=orthostatic%20hypotension&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H5755741For the Diagnosis of Orthostatic Hypotension the drop in SBP should be ≥ 20mmHg and/or fall in DBP should be ≥10mmHg; it's not just ">", it is "more than or equal to". Time criteria should be "within two to five minutes of quiet standing (after a five-minute period of supine rest)".Clarification to current text
170318CardiovascularPathologySyncopehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/carotid-sinus-hypersensitivity-and-carotid-sinus-syndrome?search=carotid%20sinus%20syndrome&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E28&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H3491581588Add "Carotid Sinus Syndrome" with the following contents: recurrent reflex syncope in individuals with carotid sinus hypersensitivity when carotid sinus is stimulated (neck massage, shaving, tightening a necktie); increased baroreceptor response. Pause Heart Rate for ≥3 seconds AND/OR fall in SBP by ≥50mmHg when carotid sinus is massaged. Risk factors includes: Coronary atherosclerosis, previous history of neck surgery or irradiation, advanced age >50years.High-yield addition to next year
171319CardiovascularPathologyAcute pericarditisNot neededPericarditis causes: CRANIUMS- C: CT disorders (SLE, RA), R: thoracic Radiotherapy, A: autoimmune diseases (rheumatic fever), N: neoplasia (metastasis), I: Idiopathic or viral Infections (CoxB virus), U: Uremia, M: MI (early vs dressler’s syndrome), S: thoracic SurgeryMnemonic
172319CardiovascularPathologyRheumatic feverhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/acute-rheumatic-fever-clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosisA (add) "nonsuppurative" consequence of (remove pharyngeal) infection with Group A B-hemolytic streptococci...... Antibodies to M protein cross-react with self antigens (add Nerve and myocardial protein), often myosin due to molecular mimicry......... Under Treatment section add " a) For the Eradication of foci of infection: Penicillin V, Cephalosporin/Macrolides (if allergic to penicillin) b) For Arthritis: NSAIDs (Aspirin,Naproxen). For Prophylaxis: Penicillin G" .......... Under Mnemonics JONES REPLACE "Pancarditis" with "Carditis"Clarification to current text
173322CardiovascularPharmacologyVascular smooth muscle contraction and relaxationhttps://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/advan.00025.2003?rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed&url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.orgIn the diagram "Cardiovascular agents and molecular targets," the cell is labeled as a smooth muscle cell. Because smooth muscle is phosphorylated when contracted, decreasing the intracellular calcium levels is not enough to cause muscle relaxation. Myosin-light chain phosphatase is needed to dephosphorylate myosin light chains. On the relaxation side of the cell, it would make more sense to show PKA inhibiting MLCK rather than PKA inhibiting PLB. For starters, not all smooth muscle cells have PLB. Secondly, the main process by which Gs coupled protein receptors cause smooth muscle relaxation is by the inhibition of MLCK. Showing PLB and SERCA makes more sense if you’re trying to demonstrate effects on cardiac contraction.Clarification to current text
174334EndocrinePhysiologyNEW FACThttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6556629/Chest wall injury (via ANS) which suppress dopamine releaseClarification to current text
175335EndocrineAnatomy and PhysiologyThyroid hormoneshttps://firstaidteam.com/First Aid 2024 page 335 has numbers (1-6) for the thyroid hormone; however, I couldn't find the explanations. Could you perhaps tell me what the numbers represent, even if I'm not sure if it will be noted as a correction?Clarification to current text
176336EndocrinePhysiologyParathyroid hormonenot needed"Parathyroid is PISSed off at Phosphorus" - the end effect of PTH secretion is Inc Ca absorption and net PO4 excretion which can be recalled by this mnemonic.Mnemonic
177339EndocrinePhysiologyAdrenal steroids and congenital adrenal hyperplasias1. Laffin LJ, Rodman D, Luther JM, et al. Aldosterone Synthase Inhibition With Lorundrostat for Uncontrolled Hypertension: The Target-HTN Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2023;330(12):1140-1150. 2. Freeman MW, Halvorsen YD, Marshall W, et al. Phase 2 Trial of Baxdrostat for Treatment-Resistant Hypertension. N Engl J Med. 2023;388(5):395-405. 3. Oaks MK, Raff H. Differentiation of the expression of aldosterone synthase and 11 beta-hydroxylase mRNA in the rat adrenal cortex by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1995;54(5-6):193-199. 4. Raff H, Gehrand A, Bruder ED, Hoffman MJ, Engeland WC, Moreno C. Renin knockout rat: control of adrenal aldosterone and corticosterone synthesis in vitro and adrenal gene expression. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2015;308(1):R73-R77.Aldosterone synthase catalyzes the conversion of 11-deoxycorticosterone -> Corticosterone AND corticosterone -> AldosteroneMinor erratum
178341EndocrinePhysiologySignaling pathways of endocrine hormonesN/A"Growth Hormone makes you JAKed."-GH uses a JAK/STAT pathwayMnemonic
179342EndocrinePathologyPrimary polydipsia and diabetes insipidusUWorld Step 2 Bank is the main source. NIH Article- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470458/&ved=2ahUKEwjX2oKxrMqFAxW9UGwGHcJIDakQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2un471p9L2iNXvr_aSxqf-Patients with AVP deficiency (AVP-D) (formerly central diabetes insipidus) or AVP resistance (AVP-R) (formerly nephrogenic diabetes insipidus) have impaired urinary concentrating ability and produce inappropriately dilute urine. This name update would require major changes wherever central/nephrogenic diabetes insidious is mentioned in the book.Major erratum
180342RenalPhysiologyPrimary polydipsia and diabetes insipidusN/a (quoted this section of First Aid)Diabetes insipidus is "characterized by the production of large amounts of dilute urine... [with a] specific gravity <1.006... [and an] osmolality usually <300 mOsm/kg." In order to remember that without intervention urine remains dilute: Diabetes Insipidus, urine so clear you can take a "sip o' dis". Also, page number 342 is 2023 version of First Aid.Mnemonic
181346EndocrinePathologyHyperthyroidismSelf-studyHello! The histology of hyperthyroidism shows scalloped colloid and is frequently featured in questions. It would be helpful to have a picture reference. I have attached a similar one.Clarification to current text
182347EndocrinePathologyThyroid cancern/aFor Medullary Carcinoma's association with MEN 2A and 2B, "MEN2"llary carcinomaMnemonic
183350EndocrinePathologyDiabetes mellitushttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/molecular-features-of-food-allergens?search=glycosylation%20and%20glycation&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E117&usage_type=default&display_rank=1 AND https://next.amboss.com/us/article/lt0vd3?q=diabetic+nephropathy#Zd107f9da1c66ed0ee9bcc2ce6d1c0694"non-enzymatic glycation" is an error on wording. Glycation is Non-Enzymatic Glycosylation. Glycosylation is an enzymatic process and usually limited to intracellular environment. Glycation is spontaneos and not requiring an enzyme, which is why it happens a lot in the extracellular vasculature. pg 616 and 711 also have this error.Minor erratum
184350EndocrinePathologyHypoglycemia in diabetes mellitushttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/118361-overview#a4In the flow chart showing the mechanism of decreased available insulin in diabetes mellitus, increased glycogenolysis leads to hyperglycemia and glycosuria, not “hypoglycemia” which in turn leads to osmotic diuresis and increased plasma osmolality.Minor erratum
185351EndocrinePathologyHyperglycemic emergencieshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3047968/#:~:text=DKA%20is%20associated%20with%20various,of%20prolonged%20and%20excessive%20hyperphosphaturia.In the LABS section it reads the following “(…) Osmotic diuresis (leads to) high Potassium loss in urine (leads to) total body Potassium depletion.” I think hat there was a mistake here. that by Potassium it was meant to put PhosphateMajor erratum
186356EndocrinePathologyMultiple endocrine neoplasiasSotos JG. Abraham Lincoln's marfanoid mother: the earliest known case of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B? Clin Dysmorphol. 2012 Jul;21(3):131-136. doi: 10.1097/MCD.0b013e328353ae0c. PMID: 22504423." Abraham Lincoln is a MEN 2B" this will help the medical students to remember the important point that ppl with MEN 2B have a marfanoid habitus, and since Abraham Lincoln is known for his marfanoid habitus it will help the students remember it.Mnemonic
187359EndocrinePharmacologyDiabetes mellitus therapyhttps://youtu.be/xEkoAv2W6iQ?si=wPzwLq0K-KTLZ3QrDirty Medicine’s mnemonics are very good, 32:08Mnemonic
188359EndocrinePharmacologyDiabetes mellitus therapyhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/practice-changing-updates?search=tirzepatide&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2%7E16&usage_type=default&display_rank=1, https://www.uptodate.com/contents/glucagon-like-peptide-1-based-therapies-for-the-treatment-of-type-2-diabetes-mellitus?search=tirzepatide&source=search_result&selectedTitle=4%7E16&usage_type=default&display_rank=3,new class of dual-acting GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide [GIP] receptor agonists such as tirzepatide are growing in clinical use and relevance for patients with diabetes and weight loss.. In fact UpToDate has released a practice changing update recommending the use of Tirzepatide or semaglutide for weight loss over other medications. Tirzepatide has shown greater control for diabetes and weight loss.High-yield addition to next year
189360EndocrinePharmacologyFludrocortisonehttps://www-uptodate-com.ezproxy.lib.utah.edu/contents/fludrocortisone-drug-information?search=fludrocortisone&source=panel_search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E64&usage_type=panel&kp_tab=drug_general&display_rank=1Would add "hyponatremia" to "clinical uses", and would also add "hypernatremia, hyperchloremia, hypokalemia, and hypomagnesemia" to the "adverse effects." I think clinically speaking, the hypokalemia is the most clinically significant as it usually requires daily replacement.High-yield addition to next year
190369GastrointestinalAnatomyDigestive tract histologynoneThere is no actual arrow in the histological picture in C which should point to the Peyer patchesSpelling/formatting
191370GastrointestinalAnatomyAbdominal aorta and brancheshttps://www.ucmals.com/pseudo-nutcracker-syndrome-myths-realities-and/It would be best to add a drawing clarifying nutcracker syndrome, such as the one in the linkClarification to current text
192372GastrointestinalAnatomyPortosystemic anastomoseshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4062210/There is an error in the existing portosystemic anastomoses image because the splenic vein should anastomoses with superior mesenteric artery after inferior mesenteric to make portal vein not to paraumbilical vienMinor erratum
193372GastrointestinalAnatomyPortosystemic anastomoseshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4062210/There is an error in the existing portosystemic anastomoses image because the splenic vein should anastomoses with superior mesenteric artery after inferior mesenteric to make portal vein not to paraumbilical vienMinor erratum
194372GastrointestinalAnatomyPortosystemic anastomoseshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6428891/A label for the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) should be added in the diagram to clarify the confluence of the SMV and the splenic vein to form the portal vein. At present, the diagram fails to label the SMV, and it incorrectly shows the splenic vein draining into the paraumbilical vein.Minor erratum
195374GastrointestinalAnatomyLiver tissue architecturenot neededTo simplify the zones here's a useful mnemonic: "Zone III is FAR from the TRIad" [III equals TRI and FAR is three lettered. Can further add ''and close to the center".] Meaning that zone 3 of the hepatocyte is actually away from the portal triad and close to the center.Mnemonic
196375GastrointestinalAnatomyFemoral regionhttps://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/femoral-ring#:~:text=It%20contains%20fat%2C%20lymphatic%20vessels,below%20by%20the%20cribriform%20fascia.The opening of the femoral ring, as suggested in the diagram, does not include the femoral artery nor the femoral vein. The femoral vein is the lateral border of the femoral ring and the lacunar ligament is the medial border. The femoral ring (and subsequently the canal) only contains fat, lymphatic vessels and the lymph node of Cloquet.Major erratum
197378GastrointestinalPhysiologyGastrointestinal regulatory substancesNot neededMnemonic for the cells secreting these substances: somatostatin by D cells (somaDosDaDin), CCK by I cells (cholecystokInIn), secretin by S cells (Secretin), gastrin by G cells (Gastrin), GIP by K cells (gluKose-dependent insulinotropic peptide/ gastriK inhibitory peptide), Ghrelin by stomach (Gastric), Leptin by adipose tissue (Lipids)Mnemonic
198390GastrointestinalPathologyAppendicitishttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/acute-appendicitis-in-adults-clinical-manifestations-and-differential-diagnosis?search=Murphy%27s%20triad%20appendicitis&source=search_result&selectedTitle=3%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=3#H53459451st symptom in appendicitis is usually the pain (periumbilical shifted to RLQ) followed by nausea and vomiting(2nd symptom) followed by Fever(3rd symptom).Clarification to current text
199394GastrointestinalPathologyColonic polypshttps://accesssurgery.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?bookid=853&sectionid=49662229In Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, a notable and often emphasized diagnostic feature, particularly in board exams, is the occurrence of adult-onset ileoileal or jejunojejunal intussusception. This is a distinctive finding due to both its unique location and the age at which it occurs.High-yield addition to next year
200395GastrointestinalPathologyColorectal cancerN/ACRC presentation in "Ascending colon causes iron deficiency Anemia"Mnemonic
201395GastrointestinalPathologyMolecular pathogenesis of colorectal cancerhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6089587/Chromosomal instability pathway is more common in left-sided CRC cases, not right-sided.Major erratum
202395GastrointestinalPathologyMolecular pathogenesis of colorectal cancerhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/molecular-genetics-of-colorectal-cancer?search=chromosomal%20instability%20pathway&source=search_result&selectedTitle=3%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H6A way to remember the order of the Chromosomal Instability Pathway: During Colonoscopy, "Always Kill Polyps.": APC, KRAS, p53Mnemonic
203401GastrointestinalPathologyHereditary hyperbilirubinemiasSelf-studyHello! To ease the recall of the sequence of hereditary hyperbilirubinemias we can use the mnemonic- Go Climb, Don't Run. Each word standing for the disease- Gilbert Crigler-Najjar, Dubin-Johnson Rotor. Hope it helps!Mnemonic
204401GastrointestinalPathologyHereditary hyperbilirubinemiasN.A.It was clearly mentioned that the cause of black liver in Dubin-Johnson syndrome is "impaired excretion of epinephrine metabolites", but the reason stated for having no black "Regular" liver in Rotor Syndrome was referring to the impaired storage of DB "Due to impaired hepatic storage of conjugated bilirubin"Minor erratum
205402GastrointestinalPathologyBiliary tract diseasehttps://www.mdedge.com/gihepnews/article/140096/gastroenterology/sjogrens-syndrome-most-common-extrahepatic-pbcSjögren’s syndrome most common extrahepatic primary biliary cholangitis manifestation.High-yield addition to next year
206402GastrointestinalPathologyBiliary tract diseasehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-manifestations-diagnosis-and-prognosis-of-primary-biliary-cholangitis?search=primary%20biliary%20cholangitis&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E131&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H58137725𝐏𝐫𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐬 has been reported by 20 to 70 percent of patients and often 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐣𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐞.High-yield addition to next year
207403GastrointestinalPathologyCholelithiasis and related pathologiesnot neededCan change it to 8 risk factors (8F's) and add 'Fibrates' to the original mnemonic.Mnemonic
208404GastrointestinalPathologyCholangiocarcinomahttps://sso.uptodate.com/contents/epidemiology-risk-factors-anatomy-and-pathology-of-cholangiocarcinoma?search=cholangiocarcinoma%20and%20clonorchis%20sinensis&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H2292382571Risk factors of cholangiocarcinoma are liver fluke infections but we need to be more specific;𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐚 and not all liver fluke infections.Minor erratum
209405GastrointestinalPathologyPancreatic adenocarcinomaSelf-studyHello! For the picture reference of a tumor in the pancreatic head, It would be great if it could be enlarged and have arrow pointers similar to the ones on the Pancreatitis page to provide better understanding.Clarification to current text
210405GastrointestinalPathologyPancreatic adenocarcinomaUWorldHello again! The major genomic abnormality in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is a KRAS-activating mutation. This is referenced in the oncogenes list, but it should also be specifically highlighted here.High-yield addition to next year
211411Hematology and OncologyEmbryologyHemolytic disease of the fetus and newbornNoneIt might make sense to switch ABO hemolytic disease and Rh hemolytic disease in the table to match the above Blood groups for the students.Spelling/formatting
212414Hematology and OncologyAnatomyEosinophilshttps://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?bookid=1581&sectionid=108064598Eosinophils also produce IL-5 (which is not mentioned in the book), along with MBP, histaminase, etc. (which are already mentioned in the book). This addition will help connect the dots on IL-5 antagonist for Pharmacology section on page 706 as well.High-yield addition to next year
213416Hematology and OncologyPhysiologyHemoglobin electrophoresisIt is a mneumonicAll For Science Club will the menmonic to remember the arrangement of the HbMnemonic
214417Hematology and OncologyPhysiologyThrombogenesisNot neededEpitiFIBatide and tiroFIBan both bind on the same place as FIBrinogen i.e. at GpIIb/IIIaMnemonic
215418Hematology and OncologySystemsComplementhttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.3109/07853890.2016.1162909?needAccess=trueC1 inhibitor deficiency (previously called C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency) causes hereditary angioedema - UWorldClarification to current text
216419Hematology and OncologyPhysiologyVitamin K–dependent coagulationN/AVitamin K-dependent coagulation factors: 1972. 1(0) = Factor X, 9 = Factor IX, 7 = Factor XII, 2 = Factor IIMnemonic
217421Hematology and OncologyPathologyRBC inclusionsNot NeededAlthough the FA 2024 book divides them into bone marrow vs. peripheral smear findings. It would be great to a have a mnemonic to differentiate the findings of sideroblastic anemia as there are so many. Basophilic StiPPling - PeriPheral Smear, SideroBlasts in Bone, PaPPenHAMMER - Periphery, Iron containing (hammers are made of iron)Mnemonic
218422Hematology and OncologyPathologyAnemiasno neededAdd "Sideroblastic Anemia" to Microcytic anemia and make the mnemonics "TAILS"Clarification to current text
219423Hematology and OncologyPathologyMentzer indexhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4123424/...... between thalassemia and iron deficiency "anemia". (add anemia to iron deficiency). In the formula Mention: Mentzer Index = MCV/RBC "count in millions". Don't just mention RBC. Add Mnemonics of "I"ndex is "I"ncreased in "I"DA (highlight and bold all "I")Clarification to current text
220423Hematology and OncologyPathologyMentzer index-Mentzer index in the text can be written as MentzeR Index, as in the M for MCV and R for RBC Count and hence the formula MCV/RBC count. Capital I can mean increases in IDA.Mnemonic
221427Hematology and OncologyPathologyNonhemolytic, normocytic anemiashttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/aplastic-anemia-pathogenesis-clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis?search=fatty%20infiltration%20of%20hypocellular%20bone%20marrow%20aplastic%20anemia&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Rule of A's for aplastic anemia causing fatty infiltration of hypocellular bone marrow: "A"dipose "Arrives" in "A"plastic "A"nemiaMnemonic
222429Hematology and OncologyPathologyExtrinsic hemolytic anemiashttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/warm-autoimmune-hemolytic-anemia-aiha-in-adults?topicRef=7084&source=see_linkUnder AIHA, it is mentioned that both warm and cold AIHA are extravascular. However, both have an intravascular component in some cases as mentioned in the attached files.Clarification to current text
223429Hematology and OncologyPathologyExtrinsic hemolytic anemias1. Petz, L. D., & Garratty, G. (2004). *Immune Hemolytic Anemias*. Churchill Livingstone. 2. Hoffbrand, A. V., Higgs, D. R., Keeling, D. M., & Mehta, A. B. (2016). *Postgraduate Haematology*. 7th edition. Wiley-Blackwell.In Cold AIHA, extravascular hemolysis is listed. IgM binding primarily leads to intravascular hemolysis via complement activation and the formation of MAC.Minor erratum
224430Hematology and OncologyPathologyHeme synthesis, porphyrias, and lead poisoningSelf-studyHello! For Heme synthesis and its associated Porphyrias & Lead poisoning, I have created a simple diagram format for a more concise revisionClarification to current text
225432Hematology and OncologyPathologyPlatelet disordershttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/immune-thrombocytopenia-itp-in-adults-clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis?search=ITP&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Immune Thrombocytopenia is characterized by a production of Antibodies against any Platelet antigen. But the text makes it seem exclusively characterized by Anti GpIIb/IIIa antibodies. UpToDate quote "The principal mechanism is thought to involve specific autoantibodies (typically, IgG), most often directed against platelet membrane glycoproteins such as GPIIb/IIIa [3-7]" https://www.uptodate.com/contents/immune-thrombocytopenia-itp-in-adults-clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis?search=ITP&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Minor erratum
226432Hematology and OncologyPathologyPlatelet disordershttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/uremic-platelet-dysfunction#H73411787"In patients with renal failure, uremic toxins accumulate and interfere with platelet adhesion." add "and aggregation." --> "In patients with renal failure, uremic toxins accumulate and interfere with platelet adhesion and aggregation."Minor erratum
227434Hematology and OncologyPathologyHodgkin vs non-Hodgkin lymphomahttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-presentation-and-diagnosis-of-classic-hodgkin-lymphoma-in-adults?search=hodgkin%20lymphoma&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H2571368515Add, Both "Present with Indolent course of painless lymphadenopathy, Mediastinal mass and Hepatosplenomegaly" in clinical signs and symptoms. Additionally, for Hodgkin's lymphoma add " Pel-Ebstein fever, Alcohol induced pain at the affected Lymph Nodes and Pruritus (d/t cytokines IL-2, Il-6)Clarification to current text
228437Hematology and OncologyPathologyLeukemiashttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis-of-chronic-myeloid-leukemiaCML: I met (Imatinib) the whole gang (all myeloid cells on smear) in Philadelphia (Philadelphia chromosome 9:22)Mnemonic
229438Hematology and OncologyPathologyMyeloproliferative neoplasmshttps://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41408-018-0054-yBone marrow studies: hyperplasia of mature megakaryocytesHigh-yield addition to next year
230440Hematology and OncologyPathologyLeukemiasnot neededTRAP = T: Tartare-resistant acid phosphotase, R: Red pulp, A: Absent lymphadenopathy, P: Purine analog treatment (cladribine, pentostatin)Mnemonic
231441Hematology and OncologyPharmacologyHeparin vs warfarinN/AHeparIN = INtrinsic pathway (PTT is used for monitoring)Mnemonic
232443Hematology and OncologyPathologyTumor lysis syndromehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/tumor-lysis-syndrome-pathogenesis-clinical-manifestations-definition-etiology-and-risk-factors?search=tumor%20lysis%20syndrome&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2%7E103&usage_type=default&display_rank=2To remember that in TLS you get hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia, and hyperphosphatemia, I think "pour out the KUP." (KUP = cup)Mnemonic
233446Hematology and OncologyPharmacologyTamoxifenUWorld Q ID 581 and UptoDate: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/abnormal-uterine-bleeding-and-uterine-pathology-in-patients-on-tamoxifen-therapy/printAdverse effects of Tamoxifen include Uterine Sarcoma (in addition to endometrial cancer). This is extremely High yield.High-yield addition to next year
234452Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueAnatomy and PhysiologyBrachial plexus lesionsPrevious pageErb palsy.. deltoid, supraspinatus should be deltoid, axillaryMajor erratum
235462Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyOveruse injuries of the elbowN/Amnemonic "Mini Golf is Fun" . Medial, Golfer’s elbow, repeat FlexionMnemonic
236464Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueAnatomyCommon knee conditionshttps://www.physio-pedia.com/Valgus_Stress_TestUnhappy triad” - Valgus Force. The image is labeled correctly but the image of the leg could confuse and at first glance could be misconstrued to show a Varus force.Minor erratum
237466Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyChildhood musculoskeletal conditionsSelf-studyHello! The reduction technique for radial head subluxation- Hyperpronate or flex + supinate the forearm, is a frequently asked question. I have attached pictures for reference. Hope it helps!High-yield addition to next year
238475Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologySeronegative spondyloarthritisnot neededReplace Inflammatory Bowel Disease with " Spondyloarthritis associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease" or "IBD associated spondyloarthritis"Minor erratum
239475Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologySeronegative spondyloarthritisAmbossIn reactive arthritis , you can add a picture for keratoderma blennorrhagicaClarification to current text
240476Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologySystemic lupus erythematosus1. AMBOSS Library , 2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36774306/As per recent data, the most common cause of death in SLE patients is due to cardiovascular diseases. (Actually the current advancements in treatment of kidney diseases have led to decreased mortality due to kidney failure among SLE patients and so now, cardiovascular diseases are most common cause of death in SLE.)Clarification to current text
241477Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyFibromyalgiano needassociated with “tender points,” stiffness <== This should be changed to ==> associated with "tender points", stiffness (The comma is mistakenly placed within the quotation marks)Spelling/formatting
242477Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyPolymyositis/dermatomyositishttps://usmle-rx.scholarrx.com/first-aid?id=930&firstAidYear=2023Specific markers: Anti Jo-1, anti Mi-2, anti-SRP ; Ant Jo-1,Mi-2-ma's Syrup, Aunt Jemima's Syrup.Mnemonic
243477Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyPolymyositis/dermatomyositisNot neededPathophysiology of Polymyositis/ dermatomyositis: PDDP: Polymyositis= enDomysial inflammation vs Dermatomyositis= Perimysial inflammation. Polymyositis= muscular (8 letters) disease= CD8+ vs Dermatomyositis= skin (4 letters) disease= CD4+Mnemonic
244478Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyVasculitidesN/AFor the HLA-B51 association with Behcet Syndrome. Behcet 5yndrone.Mnemonic
245478Neurology and Special SensesEmbryologyNEW FACTNbme 26Craniosynostosis: premature fusion of cranial bone sutures. Premature closure of sagittal suture causes elongation of cranium in anteroposterior dimension. Bregma: point where sagittal and coronal suture meet. Premature closure of coronal suture= BrachycephalyHigh-yield addition to next year
246479Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyVasculitidesNot neddedDiseases with positive P-ANCA/MPO-ANCA: CoMPUterS (C: Churg strauss syndrome, M: Microscopic polyangiitis, P: P-ANCA (or MPU: MPO-ANCA), U: UC, S: 1• Sclerosing cholangitis.Mnemonic
247486Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyNeuromuscular junction diseasesPage references refer to First Aid 2021Improving with muscle use is waxing (as opposed to Myestenia gravis which has a waning effect); So the mnemonic is "You WAX a LAMborghini"Mnemonic
248489Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueDermatologyAutoimmune blistering skin disordersMinor Formatting Error"bullow the epidermis", the "bullow" on the right side of the page isn't fully bolded in redSpelling/formatting
249493Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueDermatologySkin cancerN/AA mnemonic to remember the appearance of different skin cancers: Basal cell has Bright, Bulky Borders. Squamous cell has Senter (center) ulcers (and is the Second most common type plus associated with Scars).Mnemonic
250495Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePharmacologyCelecoxibn/aCelecoxib selectively inhibits COX-2 and not COX-1. There are 2 C's in CeleCoxib, to remember this fact. 2 C's for COX-2.Mnemonic
251497Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePharmacologyPsoriasis biologicsFA 2024Mnemonic: United In Stopping Psoriasis Bothers: 12/23 and 17 are Great Relief TargetsMnemonic
252502Neurology and Special SensesEmbryologyPosterior fossa malformationsN/AA mnemonic to remember what Dandy-Walker is: Dandy-Walker malformation may cause patient to need a WALKER (No cerebellum for balance)Mnemonic
253502Neurology and Special SensesEmbryologySyringomyeliaPathoma 2023 (I’ll provide a screenshot from the book in the file attachments section)Most lesions occur between C8 and T1, but not to the extent of C2-T9!Minor erratum
254504Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologySensory receptorsN/APacinian Corpuscle: play pacman: play under pressure and controller vibrates. Meissner: tapping on a “miss’s” shoulder who’s hairless, gentlyMnemonic
255507Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyMeningesin the textbookThe image of the meninges doesnt have words written in English, instead it has boxes with x's in themSpelling/formatting
256507Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologySleep physiologyNBMEREM Sleep behavior disorder- loss of muscle atonynia during REM sleep leads to patients violently acting out their dreamsHigh-yield addition to next year
257509Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyDopaminergic pathwaysAnatomy booksThe ventral tegmental area is located in the midbrain. In the drawing, it seems to be drawn in the pons while it must be displaced quite cranially to be in its right location in the midbrain.Minor erratum
258512Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyBasal gangliaN/ARule of D's: Dopamine is Direct and wants to Dance: Dopamine stimulates direct pathway to increase motionMnemonic
259514Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyCerebral arteries—cortical distributionhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559186/#:~:text=Man%20in%20a%20barrel%20syndrome%20is%20a%20neurological%20syndrome%20involving,cord%2C%20or%20bilateral%20brachial%20plexuses.ACA-MCA doesn’t involve lower extremity weaknessMajor erratum
260516Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyCranial nerve nucleino neededRule of 4: Each of the 3 motor columns has 4 nuclei. From medial to lateral General somatic: Oculomotor nucleus (III), Trochlear nucleus (IV), Abducens nucleus (VI) and Hypoglossal nucleus (XII) General Visceral: Edinger-Westphal nucleus (III), superior salivatory nucleus (VII), inferior salivatory nucleus (IX) and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (X). Special Visceral: Trigeminal motor nucleus (V), Facial nucleus (VII), Nucleus ambiguus (IX, X) and Spinal accessory nucleusMnemonic
261522Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyCranial nerves and arterieshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534861/figure/article-19565.image.f2/?report=objectonlyIve attached the photo i'm referencing below, the diagram shows the brain, circle of willis and the cranial nerves; in the inferior to superior view, (caudal view). The grey matter in the spinal cord inidicates that the anterior spinal artery runs along the dorsal side of the spinal cord, which is not correct, its been confusing me for a while till I released it is a mistake. The gray matter should be flipped and the posterior horns should be facing the other side.Minor erratum
262522Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologySpinal tract anatomy and functionsNo need (Mnemonic)Spinothalamic tract: “pino” = pain. Thalamic = thermal (temperature).Mnemonic
263523Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyNEW FACThttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK546640/ and https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/gracile-fasciculusRule of G: The Gracile (Goll's) fasciculus carries sensory information from T6 and belowMnemonic
264524Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologySpinal tract anatomy and functionsN/AA mnemonic to remember the ascending spinal tracts: *Spinothalamic tract – *Switches *Sides and *Synapses, then ascends. It triggers when getting *Stabbed – pain and temperature. It is affected in a *Syringomyelia. // *Dorsal Column – *Directly ascends. It is for *Drummers and *Dancers – pressure, vibration, fine touch, and proprioception.Mnemonic
265528Neurology and Special SensesNeuropathologyIntracranial hemorrhageN/A. This is an original mnemonic.Classically, it is said on head/brain CT that Epidural Hematoma appears biconvex (lentiform/lens-shaped) and that Subdural Hematoma appears crescent-shaped. This is even noted in the current First Aid version. However, I had the most trouble remembering these two high yield facts (until recently) and propose we include the following mnemonic I created (which has been a game-changer for me): [Epidural: Egg-shaped. Subdural: Sock-shaped. (Epidural is shaped like an Egg. Subdural is shaped like a Sock.)] We could even go farther to address whether each condition "crosses suture lines". For example... [Epidural. Egg. Exclusive. (does not cross suture lines). Subdural. Sock. Sailor (or Surfer). (crosses suture lines).] Thanks for your consideration and for all your help with preparation for Step 1!Mnemonic
266531Neurology and Special SensesPathologySeizureshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/seizures-and-epilepsy-in-children-classification-etiology-and-clinical-featuresI think that at the beginning of the text the word "Affect" should be replaced by "Originate" because focal seizures can affect more than a single area of the brain after being originated by a single area of the brain.Minor erratum
267534Neurology and Special SensesPathologyDementiahttps://www-uptodate-com.ezproxy.ad.bcomnm.org/contents/clinical-features-and-diagnosis-of-alzheimer-disease?search=alzheimer%20mri&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H406199175Under the Alzheimer photo of affected area in brain, the Amygdala is highlighted instead of the HippocampusMinor erratum
268534Rapid ReviewNeuropathologyNeurodegenerative movement disordershttps://www.nature.com/articles/nature04533"Alzheimer disease β-amyloid protein Cleaved from amyloid precursor protein " the main paper published about this topic was retractedMajor erratum
269537Neurology and Special SensesPathologyMultiple sclerosisUSMLE RxHello! I found Lhermittes sign being asked in a couple of questions regarding MS and thought it would be helpful to reference it there.Lhermittes sign- an electrical sensation that runs down the spine when the neck is flexed, leading to the extension of the spine.The most common condition that causes Lhermitte’s sign is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)High-yield addition to next year
270539Neurology and Special SensesPathologyMultiple sclerosisN/AMs. Snow White: MS is more common in SNOWY regions (away from equator) and a defect in WHITE matter.Mnemonic
271539Neurology and Special SensesNeuropathologyNeurocutaneous disordershttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557492/Axillary or Inguinal Freckles are the Pathognomic for NF1 which is yet to be added. It’s also known as CROWE’S Sign. As the mnemonic CICLOPSS is already in the text, adding CROWE’S sign also satisfy the mnemonic, which could be of high yieldHigh-yield addition to next year
272542Neurology and Special SensesNeuropathologyChildhood primary brain tumorsSelf-studyHello! For Pineal gland tumors, the text says 'most commonly extragonadal germ cell tumors.' It can be corrected to 'most commonly occurring' or 'most common.'Spelling/formatting
273547Neurology and Special SensesOtologyOtitis mediahttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/994656-overview#a4The most common bacterial pathogen in AOM is Streptococcus pneumoniae, followed by nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella. So, it's better to put Streptococcus pneumoniae the first causative organism in the text, given being most common.Spelling/formatting
274550Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyLens disordershttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/ectopia-lentis-dislocated-lens-in-children#H8Important clinical feature of ectopia lentis: Tremoulus iris with eye movement or IridodonesisHigh-yield addition to next year
275550Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyLens disordershttps://www.aao.org/education/bcscsnippetdetail.aspx?id=0788d239-717b-4ae6-bed0-c52e26a4a847#:~:text=Cataract%20formation%20has%20been%20reported,young%20children%20have%20been%20reported.Among the systemic disease causing Cataract- Atopic Dermatitis is one of them which is missing i n current text. The photo I have attached here is of Kanski’s ophthalmologyHigh-yield addition to next year
276550Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyLens disordershttps://www.aao.org/education/bcscsnippetdetail.aspx?id=0788d239-717b-4ae6-bed0-c52e26a4a847#:~:text=Cataract%20formation%20has%20been%20reported,young%20children%20have%20been%20reported.Atopic Dermatitis is one of the systemic disease causing bilateral cataract.High-yield addition to next year
277552Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyRetinal disordersno needAfter the last topic ";Papilledema" there should be a "--------" just like other pages when a fact & the page ends. Look at the page after that "Uveitis" topic is followed by a separator "-----"Spelling/formatting
278555Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyHorner syndromenoneIt says anhidrosis is absent under horner syndrome, so does that mean no sweating is absent ? Because the word anhidrosis means little to no sweating.Minor erratum
279555Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyOcular motilityhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/ocular-gaze-disorders -table. & all anatomy text booksSR should point upward and slightly inward (adduction) IR should point downward and slightly inward (adduction) IO Should show an upward and outward (abduction) direction because its secondary action is elevation and its tertiary action is abduction. SO Should show a downward and outward (abduction) direction because its secondary action is depression and its tertiary action is abduction.Major erratum
280556MicrobiologyVirologyDNA viruseshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-manifestations-and-diagnosis-of-parvovirus-b19-infectionFor Erythema infectiosum, also called fifth disease that presents with a slapped cheek appearance. My mnemonic is, "when you slap someone, how many fingers do you slap them with? 5"Mnemonic
281557Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyCavernous sinushttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459244/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/sella-turcica-tumorImage indicating structures of cavernous sinus includes the anterior cerebral artery (ACA). Recommendation is to remove the ACA labelling, considering it is not clinically relevant here and can cause confusion. Instead, the Internal carotid branches can be labelled as intracranial ICA vs. cavernous ICA.Clarification to current text
282559Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyVisual field defectshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK558982/ and https://jmedicalcasereports.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1752-1947-6-117In the 2023 version (since the 2024 hasn't been released yet), it says next to point 6 (on Rx diagram): "Dorsal optic radiation Right lower quadrantanopia (left temporal lesion)" but it should say "left parietal lesion" not temporalMinor erratum
283559Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyVisual field defectsN/ADiagram has (4) and (7) icons misplaced, and (7) icon is overlaid on top of text.Minor erratum
284559Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyVisual field defectsnoneNumbers on the right are unrelated to the numbers on the leftMinor erratum
285562Neurology and Special SensesOphthalmologyCavernous sinusMnemonic based solely on material in page 562 of First Aid 2022 Edition (i.e. the contents of the cavernous sinus).To recall the contents of the cavernous sinus, use the mnemonic "I, TOMATO." I: Internal carotid artery TOM: Trigeminal Nerve (Ophthalmic and Maxillary divisions) A: Abducens nerve T: Trochlear nerve O: Oculomotor nerveMnemonic
286563Neurology and Special SensesPharmacologyParkinson disease therapyN/ABlocking MOA-“A”: “A”ntidepression. Blocking MOA-“B”: “B”arkinson’s treatment.Mnemonic
287564Neurology and Special SensesPharmacologyNeurodegenerative disease therapyhttps://reference.medscape.com/drug/radicava-radicava-ors-edaravone-1000140#10A new agent Edaravone, was approved by FDA in 2017 for the use in the treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. It is currently one of the only two main drugs available for the management of this condition.High-yield addition to next year
288565Neurology and Special SensesPharmacologyParkinson disease therapynot needed"dopAmine" is broken down by "mao-B" to "dopaC." (ABC)Mnemonic
289572PsychiatryPsychologyNormal infant and child developmenthttps://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-9mo.htmlpasses toys hand to hand (by 6 mo) - this is incorrect. Uptodate and CDC say that this happens at 9 months. So "6 mo" needs to be changed to "9 mo"Minor erratum
290572PsychiatryPsychologyNEW FACTSpelling Error, Provided in the PictureIn the page 572 of the latest edition, in child milestones ==> in toddler milestones (12-36 months) and in the second column there is "Recreation", "Rapproachment" "Realization" and it should be spelt "Reapproachment" not "Rapproachment"Minor erratum
291576PsychiatryPsychologyPsychosisn/a"Contrast with illusions, which are misperceptions of real external stimuli (eg, mistaking a shadow for a black cat)" is repeated twice in the same paragraph (2nd time "Contrast with misperceptions (eg, illusions) of real external stimuli")Minor erratum
292577PsychiatryPathologySchizophrenia spectrum disordershttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/schizophrenia-in-adults-clinical-features-assessment-and-diagnosis?csi=abc96e6a-5766-47ad-a641-4050dad58f44&source=contentShareWhen listing Negative symtoms making the first letter "A" red and/or capital in affect, apathy, anhedonia, alogia and replacing "social withdrawal" by "asocial" will make it easy to learn since they are listed as 5 A's in AMBOSS library and mentioned in the UPTODATE attached article/table. I hope that someone benefits from this approach!High-yield addition to next year
293579PsychiatryPathologySchizophrenia spectrum disordersN/ASchizophreniform is when Schiozphrenia is Forming (Schizophren-is-forming). Schizoaffective is Schizo + Affect (mood) problemMnemonic
294585PsychiatryPathologyEnuresishttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/nocturnal-enuresis-in-children-etiology-and-evaluationIn the definition, "Nighttime urinery incontinence" should be replaced by "urinary incontinence during sleep" because the child may have urinery incontinence during daytime sleeping and still have enuresis.Minor erratum
295585PsychiatryPathologyEnuresishttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/nocturnal-enuresis-in-children-etiology-and-evaluationIn the definition, " > 5 years old" should be replaced by " ≥5 years old".Minor erratum
296585PsychiatryPathologyNarcolepsyhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/treatment-of-narcolepsy-in-adultsIf when you laugh you're still (cataplexy), take you some modafinilMnemonic
297585PsychiatryPathologyNarcolepsyhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/treatment-of-narcolepsy-in-adults#:~:text=(See%20'Medication%20selection'%20above,and%20illicit%20use%20is%20rare.Modafinil is a first-line pharmacologic therapy for narcolepsy. So, I think in term of formatting, it should be before amphetamines.Spelling/formatting
298587PsychiatryPathologyPsychiatric emergencies""https://www.uptodate.com/contents/second-generation-antipsychotic-medications-pharmacology-administration-and-side-effects?csi=78b65234-a12d-4440-9e61-20f419a713c9&source=contentShare"" AND "https://www.uptodate.com/contents/first-generation-antipsychotic-medications-pharmacology-administration-and-comparative-side-effects?csi=19d781af-0c3e-465c-9b31-e5fa376b33b8&source=contentShare"In the causes of acute dystonia stating "typical antipsychotics" isn't totally accurate. However, saying "Antipsychotics (Typical > Atypical)" is more accurate since BOTH generations can cause extra-pyramidal symptoms kindly refrence the UpToDate articles attached proving this fact.Minor erratum
299593PsychiatryPharmacologyAntipsychoticsSelf-studyHello! Within Ani-Psychotics, the part about extra-pyramidal symptoms feels very wordy. This picture helps understand the symptoms and their timeline better, I have also added in the pharmacology to make it complete.Clarification to current text
300596RenalEmbryologyPotter sequenceUworld question ID 1752add 2 more causes fetal exposure to ACEi and PPROM at <26 weeksHigh-yield addition to next year
301599RenalPhysiologyFluid compartmentsn/aThe new mnemonic 'salty banana' is not helpful, because it doesn't distinguish intracellular from extracellular. The 2023 version 'HIKIN' was more useful.Mnemonic
302600RenalAnatomyRenal blood flowhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/anesthesia-for-living-kidney-donors?search=living+donor+renal+transplant+left+kidney+longer+renal+vein&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Rule of L's: "L"eft kidney is taken during "L"iving donor transp"L"antation because it has a "L"onger renal veinMnemonic
303602RenalPhysiologyCalculation of reabsorption and secretion ratehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/fractional-excretion-of-sodium-urea-and-other-molecules-in-acute-kidney-injury?search=fena&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E37&usage_type=default&display_rank=1FeNa us usually styled as FENaSpelling/formatting
304603RenalPhysiologyNephron transport physiologyhttps://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/14/5/10674 , https://doi.org/10.1152/ajprenal.1998.275.3.F319The UT-A1 transporter is expressed on the apical membrane of terminal inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells, not in the collecting tubule located in the cortex. I suggest removing the receptors from the figure and adding a separate section for the collecting ducts. My students often confuse the collecting duct with the collecting tubule. The collecting duct has both cortical and medullary parts, which are incorrectly mixed with the collecting tubule in the figure.Minor erratum
305604RenalPhysiologyRenal tubular defectshttps://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000333.htmUnder Fanconi Syndrome, "Growth retardation" should be updated to "Growth failure" or "Growth restriction"Spelling/formatting
306605RenalPhysiologyRelative concentrations along proximal tubuleNot neededRelative concentrations along proximal tubule {Mnemonic - Paranoid Creature In Ur Claudia Klaudia, Nana By Car Am Going} Paranoid (PAH) > Creature (Creatinine) > In (Insulin) > UR (your)(Urea) > Claudia (Cl-) > Klaudia (K+) > Nana (Na+) > By car (Bicarbonate) > Am (I'm)(Amino acids) > Going (Glucose)Mnemonic
307606RenalPhysiologyRenin-angiotensin-aldosterone systemN/AMacula densa is in the thick ascending limb (aka distal straight tubule) not the Distal convoluted tubuleMajor erratum
308606RenalPhysiologyRenin-angiotensin-aldosterone systemhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-of-the-renin-angiotensin-system?search=renin%20angiotensin%20aldosterone%20system&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H7496555The effect of systemic ANGII is to constrict both afferent and efferent to lower RBF/GFR. This diagram is showing the effect of low dose ANGII in TG Feedback, which does not belong on this diagram.Major erratum
309606RenalPhysiologyRenin-angiotensin-aldosterone systemnot neededThe image should also depict ADH stimulated Urea absorption in the Collecting ductClarification to current text
310607RenalPhysiologyJuxtaglomerular apparatusN/AMacula densa is in the thick ascending limb (aka distal straight tubule) not the Distal convoluted tubuleMinor erratum
311608RenalPhysiologyHormones acting on kidneyUworld question ID 1161About vasopressin: it increases water absorption in the cortical and medullary portion of the Collecting duct and urea passively in the medullary collecting duct. In the image, ADH (orange) is not depicting medullary collecting ducts.Minor erratum
312608RenalPhysiologyPotassium shiftssee attachmentThe transmembrane movement of K+ down its gradient is diffusion not solvent drag (which is a paracellular phenomenon unrelated to ion gradients)Clarification to current text
313608RenalPhysiologyPotassium shiftsN/ANo such thing as a H/K exchange (except for the ATPase). There is no electrochemical gradient that could support K+ uptake and H+ extrusion. This is just the appearance of H/K exchange due to alkali-stimulation of the Na/K ATPase as correctly noted in previous editions.Clarification to current text
314609RenalPhysiologyElectrolyte disturbanceshttps://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1171370/12868461-peak-your-ts-flatten-your-ps-widen-your-qrs-the-abcs-of-hyperkalemiaECG changes in hyperkalemia: "Peak your T's, flatten your P's, and widen your QRS"Mnemonic
315610RenalPhysiologyAcidosis and alkalosisnot neededFor Respiratory Alkalosis: Breathe ASAAPPP [ Breath- Hyperventilate, ASA-asprin, A-anxiety, P-Panic attack, acute Pain, Peak altitude, Pregnancy, Pulmonary embolism, Pneumonia]Mnemonic
316611RenalPhysiologyRenal tubular acidosismnemonic.Type 1: H+ defect (+ = 1). Type 2: HCO3- Defect (3-1 = 2). Type 4: Aldosterone problem (Aldosterone has 4 effect = Na, Water, K, H) and low NH4+. Type 1 and 2 hate bananas, therefore will have low serum Potassium, while Type 4 loves bananas and will have high serum Potassium.Mnemonic
317611RenalPhysiologyRenal tubular acidosismnemonic"TUBES HARD”: Type 1, 2 and 4, Bicarbonate, Stone risk, Hyperkalemia, Acidic blood, Renal tubules, Defect. T: Types (1, 2, 4). U: Urinary bicarbonate excretion issues. B: Bicarbonate (deficiency or reabsorption problem). E: Electrolyte imbalances (like potassium). S: Stone risk (especially in Type 1). H: Hyperkalemia (high potassium, common in Type 4). A: Acidic blood (metabolic acidosis). R: Renal tubules (the location of the defect). D: Defect in acid-base balance.Mnemonic
318612RenalPhysiologyAcid-base physiologyn/aThe acid-base physiology table on p612 is formatted with the compensatory response in red arrows. The majority of tables in First Aid instead format the causative change with a red arrow. It is confusing to read a table that is formatted differently, expecting the differently colored arrows to indicate the primary causative change per usual.Spelling/formatting
319613RenalPhysiologyRenal tubular acidosishttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/etiology-and-diagnosis-of-distal-type-1-and-proximal-type-2-renal-tubular-acidosis?search=renal%20tubular%20acidosis&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Mutations in the Cl/HCO3 exchanger AE1 also cause RTA1. This is not shown in the cell model on the left.High-yield addition to next year
320615RenalPathologyNephritic syndromeThe topic is discussed in UW Q 16598For membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis - it is worth adding that it is a manifestation of mixed cyroglobinemia/cryoglobinemic vasculitis. Here is a mnemonic to remember the presentation Cryo MAP" [MPGN, arthralgia, palpable purpura]High-yield addition to next year
321620RenalPathologyAcute interstitial nephritis"There are theories that the immune response may be overactive or in some cases inappropriate, and that this results in ongoing inflammation, the formation of granulomas, and in some cases, for scarring or fibrosis to occur. There is some growing evidence that this sarcoidosis immune response may also include an “autoimmune” response, with some reaction to “self” proteins. However, at the current time we do NOT consider sarcoidosis for the most part to be an autoimmune disease, like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or systemic lupus erythematosis (lupus)." https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/what-is-sarcoidosis/causes-risk-factors/ .................... ClinicalKey article for Sarcoidosis doesn't list that it's autoimmune. https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/clinical_overview/67-s2.0-c82bceae-8bdb-47ea-be2e-47472e8b0764#clinical-clarification-heading-6or autoimmune diseases (eg, Sjögren syndrome, SLE, sarcoidosis).Minor erratum
322620RenalPathologyAcute interstitial nephritisNoticed it while readingThe DRAINS mnemonic listing has an erratic bracket next to Rifampin.Spelling/formatting
323620RenalPathologyAcute interstitial nephritisNBMEI recently solved an NBME and they referred to the 'auto-immune' disorders causing interstitial nephritis as 'systemic inflammatory' disorders, this way we can still mention Sarcoidosis.Clarification to current text
324621RenalPathologyConsequences of renal failurehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/growth-failure-in-children-with-chronic-kidney-disease-treatment-with-growth-hormone"Growth retardation" should be updated to "Growth failure" or "Growth impairment"Spelling/formatting
325626RenalPathologyRenal oncocytomaN/AText indicates an arrow should exist in diagram A, but no arrow is shown.Spelling/formatting
326628RenalPharmacologyAngiotensin II receptor blockershttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/major-side-effects-of-angiotensin-converting-enzyme-inhibitors-and-angiotensin-ii-receptor-blockers?search=angiotensin%20converting%20enzyme%20inhibitors&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2%7E145&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Angioedema is second on the list of examples of ACEi side effects. Angioedema is very rare and this listing gives the wrong impression.Minor erratum
327628RenalPharmacologyAngiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/major-side-effects-of-angiotensin-converting-enzyme-inhibitors-and-angiotensin-ii-receptor-blockers?search=angiotensin%20converting%20enzyme%20inhibitors&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2%7E145&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Angioedema is second on the list of ACEi side effects. Angioedema is very rare and this listing gives the wrong impression.Minor erratum
328632ReproductiveEmbryologyImportant genes of embryogenesisN/A"Head to Butt": HomeoBox genes control segmental organization of embryo in CRANIO-CAUDAL axisMnemonic
329634ReproductiveEmbryologyPlacentahttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539704/#:~:text=HCG%20is%20vital%20in%20the,as%20the%20corpus%20luteum%20graviditatis."Hey Corpus luteum, Grow!": hCG: stimulates corpus luteum to secrete progesterone (to grow CL lining)Mnemonic
330634ReproductiveEmbryologyTeratogensN/A"Can't go WARFARING without strong BONES to march and EYES to see the enemy": Warfarin caues bone deformities and optic nerve atrophyMnemonic
331637ReproductiveEmbryologyPharyngeal pouch derivativesKlm embryologyVentral wing give rises to superior parathyroidsClarification to current text
332640ReproductiveEmbryologyUterine (Müllerian duct) anomaliesno needincorrect hysterosalpigogram correct hysterosalpingogramSpelling/formatting
333642ReproductiveEmbryologyUterine (Müllerian duct) anomalieshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK572146/#:~:text=Hysterosalpingogram%20is%20an%20imaging%20procedure,%2C%20and%20partner%2Dbased%20approach.incorrect hysterosalpigogram correct hysterosalpingogramSpelling/formatting
334643ReproductiveEmbryologyCongenital penile abnormalitieshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/hypospadias-pathogenesis-diagnosis-and-evaluation?search=hypospadias%20and%20epispadias&topicRef=4984&source=see_link#H1646088235A mnemonic to remember the Congenital Penile Abnormalities: "Penises can be HUGE." Hypospadias - Urethral Folds, Genital tubercle - EpispadiasMnemonic
335643ReproductiveAnatomyFemale reproductive anatomynot neededInjury to the ureter can be remembered as "water under the bridge" (water=ureter; bridge=uterine artery)Mnemonic
336644ReproductiveAnatomyNEW FACThttps://www.researchgate.net/figure/Layers-of-the-scrotal-wall-a-Side-view-b-Transversal-view-1-skin-2-dartos-3-external_fig1_302385033#:~:text=1%20skin%2C%202%20dartos%2C%203,tunica%20vaginalis%209%20vas%20deferensTo fully understand the anatomy and answer questions correctly, I always lacked a picture and mnemonics with the layers of the scrotum.High-yield addition to next year
337660ReproductivePathologyChoriocarcinomahttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499850/I was doing a question on TrueLearn regarding choriocarcinoma. I got it wrong, but when I went to look it up in First Aid, it said that the beta subunit of hCG is similar to the beta unit of TSH but it is the alpha subunit of hCG that is similar to alpha subunit of TSH (& LH, FSH) which is why patients with choriocarcinoma can present with symptoms of hyperthyroidism and gynecomastia. It is a minor erratum but I thought it was worth mentioning. I attached a screenshot of my TrueLearn question where it states on the right side that it is the alpha subunit as well as linked an NCBI article about this. I love this book, thank you!Minor erratum
338660ReproductivePathologyHypertension in pregnancyfrom First Aid itself (Cardiology - Pharmacology section)Change the mnemonic "Hypertensive moms love nifedipine" to "New moms love hugs" because "New moms love hugs" mnemonic is mentioned in another chapter and it's more effective (N-nifedipine, M- methyldopa, l-labetalol, h- hydralazine)Clarification to current text
339664ReproductivePathologyCervical pathologyGeneral pathology chapter of first aid and pathomadysplasia & CIS: CIN3 “severe, irreversible dysplasia”, should be written as “less likely to regress to normal” because reversibility is a feature of dysplasia that differentiates it from neoplasiaMinor erratum
340665ReproductivePathologyFunctional hypothalamic amenorrheanoneI suggest adding a table or diagram mentioning the primary and secondary causes of amenorrhea, as it is not quite obvious for the readerClarification to current text
341665ReproductivePathologyOvarian tumorshttps://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/ovarytumorsertolileydig.html; Pathoma 2020, p 147 (Female Genital System & Gestational Pathology, Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors); Mertz M, Banet N. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors: an overview of key findings. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2024 Jul 1;34(7):1111-1112. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2023-004780. PMID: 37989480.Under Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, the text states that it "Resembles testicular histology with tubules/cords lined by pink Sertoli cells." I believe the pink cells are Leydig cells, not Sertoli cells. Similar to the testes, better-differentiated subtypes of these tumors have Sertoli cells forming tubules with Leydig cells surrounding them in the stroma/interstitium. The resources attached refer to the Leydig cells as being eosinophilic and containing Reinke crystals.Minor erratum
342666ReproductivePathologyOvarian tumorsBoard and Beyond, Lina Steinrud Mørch, Ellen Løkkegaard, Anne Helms Andreasen, Susanne Krüger-Kjaer, Ojvind Lidegaard JAMA 2009 July 16in ovarian tumors it says there is decrease risk of ovarian tumors with pregnancy, history of breastfeeding, OCPs and tubal ligations. As per Boards and Beyond these fall in low risk group, people with these aren't protected against these cancers they have a lower incidence to have these cancers. Hormone replacement therapy increases risk of ovarian epithelia. Please provide clarification for OCPs increase or decrease because as per referred study from eMedicine Regardless of the duration of use, the formulation, estrogen dose, regimen, progestin type, and route of administration, hormone therapy was associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer.Minor erratum
343667ReproductivePathologyOvarian tumorsN/AA mnemonic to remember parts of Dygerminoma: LDH - Large cells, Dysgerminoma, hCGMnemonic
344669ReproductivePathologyBenign breast diseasesN/AAn easy way for students to remember mastitis: mass tits (inflammation="mass" in the breast="tits"). I apologize in advance for the vulgar slang.Mnemonic
345670ReproductivePathologyBreast cancerinformation written in Robbin’s & the Pathoma book1- it would be a good idea to emphasize that lack of E-cadherin in lobular carcinoma results in loose cells, unlike ductal carcinoma. 2- add info about the comedo type in DCIS 3- add types of invasive ductal carcinoma: tubular and mucinous, and a little information about them 4- add histological photos differentiating between how ER/PR + look with staining, and HER2+ (the former have the nucleus stained while the latter has the cytoplasm stained, which reminds the reader that the former enter the nucleus while the latter works in the cytoplasm, related to signaling molecules in the endocrine chapter) 5- I would also add a table summarizing which conditions have a movable/solid tumor, bilateral or unilateral, multifocal, etc.High-yield addition to next year
346670ReproductivePathologyBreast cancerpreviousincorrect spelling in my previous suggestion above this, 3- add information about the comedo type of DCIS, which may also help the reader understand why calcifications are seen in this type.High-yield addition to next year
347673ReproductiveEmbryologyHuman chorionic gonadotropinpage 654 of 2023 edition; Medscape article oh hcG, PMID: 10548880, and many others.Under Choriocarcninoma, it states that hCG shares beta subunit with TSH, its actually alpha subunit that is in commonMajor erratum
348673ReproductivePathologyTesticular tumorshttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjUkYHO6vmEAxWp7LsIHZmUANMQFnoECCYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com%2Ftopics%2Fmedicine-and-dentistry%2Fchorionic-gonadotropin-alpha-subunit&usg=AOvVaw3KG5I7WIkG3gm_3Cpd4rnY&opi=89978449 + was mentioned in the beginning of the chapterlast line in choriocarcinoma is incorrect. It should be ALPHA is similar, not BETA!Major erratum
349676ReproductivePharmacologySelective estrogen receptor modulatorsSelf-studyHello! For Tamoxifen v/s Raloxifene I have put it in a simple table format for better understandingClarification to current text
350686RespiratoryPhysiologyPulmonary circulationnonedelta x in the fraction is too far offSpelling/formatting
351689RespiratoryPhysiologyOxyhemoglobin dissociation curvehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/hemoglobin-variants-that-alter-hemoglobin-oxygen-affinity?search=p50%20dissociation&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1The graph displaying the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve correctly shows Hb saturation (%) on the y-axis and PO2 (mm Hg) on the x-axis. At the 50% mark, a dotted horizontal line spans the width of the graph with "P50" listed next to the dotted line. The "P50" label is in line with the 50% Hb saturation mark, implying that P50 represents a Hb saturation. Instead, it represents a pressure: specifically, the pressure at which Hb is 50% saturation. The P50 is a value of pressure, not of Hb saturation, and so should not be listed along the 50% sat. point of the y-axis, but rather along the corresponding pressure point of the x-axis.Minor erratum
352690RespiratoryPhysiologyResponse to high altitudeN/AShould be a colon after "Chronic ↑ in ventilation" indicating the following changes listed below this line only occur in the chronic hyperventilatory state. Currently reads "Chronic ↑ in ventilation." This does not intuitively appear to be a header for the information listed below.Spelling/formatting
353695RespiratoryPathologyObstructive lung diseasesnonemissing parenthesis at the end of emphysema notesSpelling/formatting
354704RespiratoryPathologyPancoast tumorhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482155/it is noteworthy to add that NSCLC is the most common cancer associated with Pancoast tumor.High-yield addition to next year
355704RespiratoryPathologySuperior vena cava syndromehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482155/Text says "Commonly caused by malignancy (Mediastinal mass, Pancoast tumor)" - Pancoast tumors are less common causes of SVC syndrome given their more peripheral location and cause ipsilateral facial flushing if the sympathetic/cervical ganglion is involved.Clarification to current text
356711Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewRapid ReviewNot neededThe entry for "Euvolemic hyponatremia in SIADH" states increased "ANB" instead of "ANP" (atrial natriuretic peptide). ANP is mentioned on page 342.Spelling/formatting
357712RespiratoryPharmacologyPhosphodiesterase inhibitorshttps://www.daliresp.com/#:~:text=DALIRESP%20is%20not%20a%20bronchodilator,is%20not%20the%20effective%20dose.Roflumilast is stated to bronchodilate, but it is not a bronchodilatorMajor erratum
358713EndocrineRapid ReviewNEW FACThttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/123577-overview?form=fpfIncrease in CAG is mentioned instead of increase in GAG in myxedema in hypothyroidismSpelling/formatting
359713Rapid ReviewPathologyHypothyroidismN/AIn the factoid "Myxedema in hypothyroidism", "GAGs" is mistyped as "CAGs"Minor erratum
360713Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewRapid Reviewself understoodSuperior Gluteal injury: hip that drops due to (remove) adductor weakness. Correction: ..... due to defective "ABDUCTOR MECHANISM"Minor erratum
361713Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewRapid Reviewhttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/123577-overview?form=fpf#a4Myxedema in Hypothyroidism, you wrote an increase in CAGs in interstitial space, it should be GAGsSpelling/formatting
362717Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewRapid ReviewnoneAging-related impaired accommodation, " likely due to primarily due to" decreasd lens elasticitySpelling/formatting
363717Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewNEW FACTOxford Practice Grammar"Presbyopia - Aging-related impaired accommodation, likely due to primarily due to decreased lens elasticity" This description should state either "likely due to" or "primarily due to".Spelling/formatting
364720Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewVitamin KFA 2024"Vitamin K deficiency - Hemorrhagic disease of newborn with aPTT, normal bleeding time" It states that bleeding time is normal, but just says aPTT. According to FA 2024 on p. 69 the aPTT would be elevated. Proposed correction would be to include an up arrow before aPTT.Spelling/formatting
365723Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewRapid Reviewhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/infections-due-to-streptococcus-bovis-streptococcus-equinus-complex-sbsec-formerly-group-d-streptococciFor "Colon cancer associated with infective endocarditis" entry, include "Streptococcus gallolyticus" as an alternative to "Streptococcus bovis" to keep the presentation consistent throughout the text.Clarification to current text
366725Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewDementiahttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/evaluation-of-cognitive-impairment-and-dementiaChorea, "dementia", caudate degeneration, "dementia" (The word dementia is entered twice in the same line)Spelling/formatting
367738Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewMisoprostolFormatting errorEvery two commonly mistaken drugs switches background color between blue and white. However, between the drugs fluphenazine and mifepristone, there is no change in background color which affects the rest of the background colors of the text.Spelling/formatting
368742Section IV Top-Rated Review ResourcesSection IV Top-Rated Review ResourcesNEW FACThttps://bootcamp.com/med-schoolAdditional high yield review resource that I was surprised not to see on the list - Med School Bootcamp. Many of the students in my class use Bootcamp extensively to learn material - it is more highly favored than B&B, plus it offers review questions after each video, in addition to USMLE-style questions.High-yield addition to next year
369747Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsART stands for absolute risk of events in the exposed or treatment group" that is mentioned on page 258.Clarification to current text
370747Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsARC stands for absolute risk of events in the control group" that is mentioned on page 258.Clarification to current text
371748Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsCH50 stands for 50% Haemolytic Complement that's mentioned on page 104Clarification to current text
372748Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsCXCR/CCR stands for C-X-C chemokine receptor/C-C chemokine receptor that's mentioned on page 108Clarification to current text
373748Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsDMARD stands for disease-modifying antirheumatic drug that's mentioned on page 168Clarification to current text
374748Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsCaspase stands for cysteine-aspartic protease.Clarification to current text
375748Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsCysLT1 stands for cysteinyl leukotriene1 that is mentioned on page 253.Clarification to current text
376749Section IV Top-Rated Review ResourcesAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsSpellingEuChromatin (not euThromatin)Spelling/formatting
377749Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsFOXP3 stands for forkhead box p3 that is mentioned on page 100Clarification to current text
378749Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsEnv stands for envelope that is mentioned on page 173Clarification to current text
379749Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsGag stands for group specific antigen that is mentioned on page 173Clarification to current text
380749Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsGLP-1 stands for glucagon-like peptide-1 that's mentioned on page 253.Clarification to current text
381750Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsHSL stands for hormone sensitive lipase that is mentioned on page 88Clarification to current text
382750Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsHib stands for Haemophilus influenzae type b that is mentioned on page 96Clarification to current text
383750Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsMnemonic5-HETE stands for 5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid that is mentioned on page 211Clarification to current text
384751Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsmyocardial VOLUME oxygen consumption (volume is missed)Minor erratum
385751Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsMCAD ( Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase) should be added because of mentioning it on page 88Clarification to current text
386751Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsMBL-MASP stands for Mannose-binding lectin--MBL-associated serine protease that is mentioned on page 104Clarification to current text
387751Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsJC stands for John Cunningham that's mentioned on page 116Clarification to current text
388752Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAcetylcholine receptorsInternal inconsistencyThe "Nm" abbreviation in the Abbreviations and Symbols section says it stands for "muscarinic ACh receptor in neuromuscular junction", but on p235, it is defined as nicotinic: "Nicotinic ACh receptors...Two subtypes: NN...and NM (found in neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle)."Minor erratum
389752Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsPol stands for polymerase that's mentioned on page 173Clarification to current text
390752Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and Symbolshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotinic_acetylcholine_receptorNm is a nicotinic receptor. So, "muscarinic should be changed to "nicotinic".Major erratum
391752Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsNK1 stands for neurokinin1 that is mentioned on page 253.Clarification to current text
392753Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsRAG stands for recombination-activating gene that is mentioned on page 102Clarification to current text
393753Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsSRP stands for signal recognition particle that is mentioned on page 113Clarification to current text
394753Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsPrPc stands for cellular prion proteinClarification to current text
395753Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsPrPsc stands for scrapie prion protein that's mentioned on page 175Clarification to current text
396754Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsRepetitionVMAT was written twiceSpelling/formatting
397758Photo AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsContents of page 154Image A on page 154 depicted schuffner stippling in RBC.Minor erratum
398805BiochemistryGeneticsRett syndromehttps://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/rett-syndrome https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/rett-syndrome/On the reference page to look up MECP2 gene page 805 it has Rhett Syndrome spelled However, on the referenced page of 60 the disorder is spelled Rett Syndrome.Spelling/formatting
399132 (in the 2022 edition)MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyGram-positive lab algorithmN/A -- self generated mnemonic"OB GγN" -- To remember the order of gram positive sensitivities in the algorithm -- "Optochin sensitivity, Bacitracin sensitivity, Growth in 6.5% saline, gamma hemolytic, Novobiocin sensitivity"Mnemonic
400xxxNeurology and Special SensesNeuropathologyCranial nervesxLower Licks the Lesion (LMN lesions of tongue deviate towards the lesion)Mnemonic
401514Neurology and Special SensesAnatomyHomunculusFirst Aid 2024The homunculus can be remembered by drawing a stick figure, the arms spread out in an 'M' shape and the 'A' drawn as legs. A circle in the dip of the 'M' to remember it as a face.Mnemonic
402267Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsPearson correlation coefficienthttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/coefficient-of-determination/&ved=2ahUKEwid0oTr_--HAxWkFlkFHQq8AEAQFnoECDsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1CLlhZWZN3RGBRlQPcl2xQThe definition of Coefficient of determination is incorrect. "Variance in the " must be deleted to become correct because it is related to explained variation/total variation not variance of x.Major erratum
403320CardiovascularPathologyMyocarditisSelf made MNEMONICFor the viral causes of myocarditis "ABC, HIV, that is six (letters) until nineteen" ==> A=adenovirus; B=parvovirus B19; c= Coxsackie; HIV; 6= HHV-6; until nineteen= COVID-19Mnemonic
404320CardiovascularPathologyMyocarditisSelf Made MNEMONICFor the bacterial causes of myocarditis: "Don't dip (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) your lime (lyme disease; caused by Borrelia burgdorferi) into cholesterol (Mycoplasma pneumoniae has a cholesterol membrane)Mnemonic
405271Public Health SciencesCommunication SkillsGender- and sexuality-inclusive history takingGrammar"who identifieS as" is incorrect and should be changed to "who identifieD as".Spelling/formatting
406749Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviationsEMR stands for electronic medical record that is mentioned on page 271.Clarification to current text
407432Hematology and OncologyPathologyPlatelet disordershttps://reference.medscape.com/article/202158-overviewwe can exclude the diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia if we found splenomegaly in the physical examinationHigh-yield addition to next year
40886BiochemistryMetabolismLysosomal storage diseasesSelf-studyMy eX was a FAB HUNTER Fabry and Hunter having an X-linked inheritance patternMnemonic
409276Public Health SciencesHealthcare DeliveryMedicare and MedicaidGrammarElderly & Disadvantaged are adjectives. So, we should add "THE" before them to make nouns and correct the meaning.Spelling/formatting
410256Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsObservational studiesSelf-studyFor better correlation, we can highlight the 2nd last letter of the word- case-contrOl for Odds ratio and cohoRt for Relative riskMnemonic
411256Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsObservational studiesSelf-studyThe "measures" of the Twin concordance study and Adoption study are the same, so they can be combined.Spelling/formatting
412526Neurology and Special SensesPathologyEffects of strokes.Addition of Weber syndrome in Posterior circulationMajor erratum
413507Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologySleep physiology.EEG waveforms for sleep cyclesClarification to current text
414431Hematology and OncologyPathologyCoagulation disordersN/aTo remember that Hemophilia C is a deficiency in factor 11, I pretend the C is a mouth and add 2 lines for eyes to make a smiley face. Something like “C=“ written out.Mnemonic
415447Hematology and OncologyPharmacologyNEW FACT1. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/lenalidomide-drug-information 2. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/multiple-myeloma-initial-treatmentSuggestion for the Addition of Lenalidomide to the Anticancer Small Molecule Inhibitors Table: I recommend adding Lenalidomide, a derivative of thalidomide, to the Anticancer Small Molecule Inhibitors table on the page. Suggested Entry: Agent: Lenalidomide Target: E3 ubiquitin ligase complex (increases ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of key transcription factors) Clinical Use: Multiple Myeloma Mantle Cell Lymphoma Follicular Lymphoma Marginal Zone Lymphoma Myelodysplastic Syndromes (low- or intermediate-1-risk with deletion 5q) Adverse Effects: Myelosuppression (neutropenia, thrombocytopenia) Infections (secondary to neutropenia) Hepatotoxicity Rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) Thromboembolic events (DVT, PE) Secondary malignanciesHigh-yield addition to next year
416285CardiovascularEmbryologyHeart morphogenesisAccording to the content.Aorticopulmonary septum in the part 3 should be bicolored as part 2.Minor erratum
417117ImmunologyImmune ResponsesTransplant rejectionN/AClinical manifestations of Graft-VeRsus-Host-Disease --> Gaundice, Maculopapular Rash, Hepatosplenomegaly, DiarrheaMnemonic
418350EndocrinePathologyDiabetes mellitusUptodateDecrease insulin cause hyperglycemia not hypoglycemia is error in flow chartMajor erratum
419289CardiovascularPhysiologyCardiac output variablesAccording to the content.In Afterload section, it is better to reverse the sequence for providing a clearer understanding of the relationship between afterload, pressure, and wall tension. So this sequence is better: Increased afterload → Increased pressure → Increased wall tension.Clarification to current text
420446Hematology and OncologyPharmacologyNEW FACTIt is a mnemonicTrastuzumab is reversible so the mnemonic is "Trust that it will reverse"Mnemonic
421291CardiovascularPhysiologyCardiac and vascular function curvesAccording to the content.In 2,4, and 6 curves, the direction of the arrow should be inverted.As these are inhibited.Minor erratum
422462Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyOveruse injuries of the elbowhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/717#!#:~:text=Golfer%27s%20elbow%20%E2%80%94%20Golfer%27s%20elbow%20is%20treated%20with,Restart%20with%20a%20lighter%20weight%20or%20fewer%20repetitions.Medial/ Golfer's elbow tendinopathy is due to repetitive elbow flexion and not wrist flexion. That is why it is an elbow overuse injury and not a wrist overuse injury!Major erratum
423462Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyOveruse injuries of the elbowhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/elbow-tendinopathy-tennis-and-golf-elbowLateral/ tennis elbow tendinopathy is due to repetitive elbow extension and not wrist extension. That is why it is an elbow overuse injury and not a wrist overuse injury!Major erratum
424188MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsAminoglycosidesN/AThe text shows "Mean" (aminoglycoside) GNATS cannot killl anaerobes. This is a typo by closing the quotes after the word 'Mean' - the memory tool continues until the word anaerobes and the the end quote should be placed there. I was confused by this pneumonic for some time because of the formatting. It should read: "Mean (aminoglycoside) GNATS cannot kill anaerobes." instead of what is shown in the bookSpelling/formatting
425624RenalPathologyNephroblastomahttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/beckwith-wiedemann-syndromeBeckWITH-Wiedemann Syndrome-- W: Wilms tumor; I: Increase in organ size; T: Tongue enlargement; H: Hemihyperplasia; And I also use the "WITH" to remember WT2 like "are you 2 coming WITH me?"Mnemonic
426294CardiovascularPhysiologySplitting of S2According to the content.In paradoxical splitting, as it mentioned the aortic valve closed with delay. So on inspiration "A2" not P2 closes layer and moves closer to "P2" not A2.Minor erratum
427294CardiovascularPhysiologySplitting of S2https://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.edu/the25/cardiac.htmlIn Figures, A2 and P2 has the same height but it is incorrect and indeed, A2 is taller than P2 because of its loudness.Clarification to current text
428455Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueAnatomy and PhysiologyActions of hip muscleshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470555/Hip extensors can be remembered by: “Go Straighten Some Legs” (G- Gluteus maximus, S- Semitendinosus, S- Semimembranosus, L- Long head of biceps femoris). Hip flexors can be remembered by: “Please Sit In Real Tight” (P- Pectineus, S- Sartorius, I- Iliopsoas, R- Rectus femoris, T- Tensor fascia lata (Imagine a person drawing knees in and flexing hips like in fetal position).Mnemonic
429642ReproductiveAnatomyDescent of testes and ovariesFirstAidAs mentioned in the section on Hernias in Gastrointestinal Anatomy, the failure of the processus vaginalis to close can lead to an Indirect inguinal hernia & Hydrocele. Therefore, we can include the mention of Indirect inguinal hernia here as well.Clarification to current text
430359EndocrinePharmacologyNEW FACThttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/sodium-glucose-cotransporter-2-inhibitors-for-the-treatment-of-hyperglycemia-in-type-2-diabetes-mellitus#H2627189083SGLT-2 inhibitors side effect: Euglycemic DKAHigh-yield addition to next year
431295CardiovascularPhysiologyAuscultation of the heartMnemonicFor remembering, in Inspiration maneuver we can use "RILE" word.(Right-sided murmurs increase with Inspiration & Left-sided murmurs increase with Expiration)Mnemonic
432444Hematology and OncologyPharmacologyAntitumor antibioticshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538187/ // https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8267727/#:~:text=Chemotherapeutic%20drugs%20can%20also%20be,cells%20%5B20%2C21%5D.Anthracyclines are listed as G2/M phase specific. However, they are cell cycle nonspecific.Major erratum
433395GastrointestinalPathologyColorectal cancerMnemonicAPC -> KRAS -> TP53 this goes in the alphabetical order, A -> K -> T/P. So if they ask whats the last step before it becomes cancer, you'll know its T/PMnemonic
434298CardiovascularPhysiologyElectrocardiogramhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507715/In pacemaker rates: atria can be between SA & AV.Clarification to current text
435365GastrointestinalEmbryologyVentral wall defects1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519010/ 2.https://www.uptodate.com/contents/omphalocele-prenatal-diagnosis-and-pregnancy-management?search=omphalocele&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E52&usage_type=default&display_rank=1FA - "Herniation of abdominal contents through umbilicus" (probably should be "through the base of the umbilical cord"). As per StatPearls: "It is a protrusion of the abdominal contents covered with peritoneum through the base of the umbilical cord" and as per UpToDate "An omphalocele is a midline abdominal wall defect of variable diameter at the base of the umbilicaal cord."Minor erratum
436301CardiovascularPhysiologyCapillary fluid exchangehttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/VenuleIt would be better to change venous end in the figure to "venule" end.Clarification to current text
437468Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueSystemsNEW FACThttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430805/I wanted to include a crucial fact that makes it easier to understand: Pagets disease: The disease can affect any bone in the body but is more often seen in the spine, pelvis, and skull. This is because of presence of red bone marrow in these regions, similar to how osteoporosis affects the same regions mainly.High-yield addition to next year
438308CardiovascularPathologyCoronary artery diseaseAccording to the content.In Unstable angina, it would be better to add "exertional" before chest pain in the phrase of intensity of chest pain.Clarification to current text
439636ReproductiveEmbryologyUmbilical cordSelf-study2 umbilical arteries can be easily remembered with the mnemonic "ar'two'ries", as 1 artery signifies an anomaly.Mnemonic
440312CardiovascularPathologyHereditary channelopathiesMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "SEN S" in "nielSEN Syndrome" and "SENSorineural".Mnemonic
44194ImmunologyLymphoid StructuresLymph nodehttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1899053-overview?form=fpf#a2I am reaching out to suggest an update for the table describing lymph node anatomy. The table initially describes the follicle, which is in the outer cortex, followed by medulla, and then the paracortex. I wanted to suggest if the table could be more consistent and follow the anatomical structure of the lymph node so cortex-->paracortex-->medulla. Perhaps also replacing the heading of "follicle" as a subheading under the heading of cortex.

I am reaching out to suggest an update for the table describing lymph node anatomy. The table initially describes the follicle, which is in the outer cortex, followed by medulla, and then the paracortex. I wanted to suggest if the table could be more consistent and follow the anatomical structure of the lymph node so cortex-->paracortex-->medulla. Perhaps also replacing the heading of "follicle" as a subheading under the heading of cortex.
442144MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyHelicobacter pylorihttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/helicobacter-pylori-and-gastroesophageal-reflux-diseaseTrick to remember which part of the stomach Helicobacter pylori colonizes in: "When you're flying in a helicopter (Helicobacter), everyone below is the size of an ant (antrum)"Mnemonic
443706RespiratoryPharmacologyAsthma drugshttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-of-budesonide-therapy-for-adults-with-inflammatory-bowel-disease?search=budesonide&source=search_result&selectedTitle=2%7E133&usage_type=default&display_rank=1In the figure on the bottom of page 706, a drug is spelled both "budesonide" and "budenoside". I believe "budesonide" is the proper spelling.Spelling/formatting
444454Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissuePathologyUpper extremity nervesn/aMnemonic for remembering which nerves are injured in different humerus fractures: surgical neck = Axillary nerve; mid-shaft = Radial nerve; supracondylar = Median nerve; the nerves injured as the breaks progress down the humerus spell ARMMnemonic
445331EndocrineAnatomyAdrenal cortex and medullanot neededCortex from Mesoderm and Medulla from Crest (M and C letters opposing each other)Mnemonic
446651ReproductivePhysiologyPhysiologic changes in pregnancyN/AIn the diagram for endocrine changes, it says “resitance” instead of resistanceSpelling/formatting
447unknownPsychiatryPsychologyMajor depressive disorderhttps://tidsskriftet.no/en/2017/04/klinisk-oversikt/what-distinguishes-prolonged-grief-disorder-depressionProlonged grief reaction is said in First Aid, but in a question stem, there is "complicated grief reaction" in this question stem? I don't see the term "complicated grief reaction" in the typical Step 1 resources. Is this a new term? Perhaps that should be mentioned in future explanations or in First Aid itself!Clarification to current text
448unknownPsychiatryPsychologyMajor depressive disorderhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK591827/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20ELNEC%2C%20there,exaggerated%20grief%2C%20and%20masked%20grief.Original comment from student: Prolonged grief reaction is said in First Aid, but in a question stem, there is "complicated grief reaction" in this question stem? I don't see the term "complicated grief reaction" in the typical Step 1 resources. Is this a new term? Perhaps that should be mentioned in future explanations or in First Aid itself! Please add to FA the 4 types of complicated grief if there is a question about it in the question bank.Clarification to current text
449263Public Health SciencesEpidemiology & BiostatisticsNEW FACThttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430882/on page 263, in the sentence of 'between OPC use and DVT among smokers, the OPC should be OCP.Minor erratum
450450Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueAnatomy and PhysiologyUpper extremity nerveshttps://teachmeanatomy.info/upper-limb/nerves/musculocutaneous-nerve/#section-66e6a5045a806it is written in the book that muscolocutaneous nerve injury would lead to the loss of dorsal forearm sensory supply which is wrong as it supplies only the lateral part of the forearmMinor erratum
451511Neurology and Special SensesAnatomy and PhysiologyBasal gangliahttps://www-uptodate-com.cmich.idm.oclc.org/contents/huntington-disease-genetics-and-pathogenesis?search=neostriatum&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E2&usage_type=default&display_rank=1Instead of saying Striatum = putamen + caudate nucleus, it should say neostriatum. This makes it less confusing as the lentiform nucleus + caudate nucleus = corpus striatum.Clarification to current text
452390GastrointestinalPathologyAppendicitishttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/management-of-acute-appendicitis-in-adultsI suggest adding high-yield content to the "Appendicitis" section to include newer management options, such as nonoperative management with antibiotics for uncomplicated cases. This reflects current clinical practice trends and guidelines. Additionally, incorporating diagnostic imaging modalities (e.g., ultrasound and CT) and providing a concise differential diagnosis for right lower quadrant pain will enhance the section's clarity and comprehensiveness. These updates will provide more value to students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 by including up-to-date information while maintaining the high-yield focus of the book. Rewritten Section: Appendicitis Acute inflammation of the appendix (blue arrow in A), caused by fecalith (adults) or lymphoid hyperplasia (children). Pathophysiology: Proximal appendiceal lumen obstruction ➔ ↑ intraluminal pressure ➔ ischemia and bacterial overgrowth ➔ initial diffuse periumbilical pain (T8-T10) ➔ inflammation extends to serosa, irritates parietal peritoneum ➔ localized RLQ pain (McBurney point: 1/3 distance from right anterior superior iliac spine to umbilicus). Clinical signs: Nausea, fever; possible perforation ➔ peritonitis. Positive psoas, obturator, and Rovsing signs (RLQ pain with palpation of LLQ); guarding, rebound tenderness. Diagnosis: Clinical presentation, ultrasound, or CT (high sensitivity/specificity). Treatment: - Nonoperative: Antibiotics for uncomplicated cases (e.g., IV ceftriaxone + metronidazole, then oral amoxicillin-clavulanate). - Surgical: Appendectomy for most cases, especially with perforation or generalized peritonitis.High-yield addition to next year
453308CardiovascularPathologyCoronary artery diseaseAccording to the content.In Unstable angina, it would be better to add "exertional" before chest pain in the phrase of intensity of chest pain.Clarification to current text
454312CardiovascularPathologyHereditary channelopathiesMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "SEN S" in "nielSEN Syndrome" and "SENSorineural".Mnemonic
455316CardiovascularPathologyHeart failureAccording to the content.In HFrEF graph, up arrow is incorrect and must be changed with down arrow.Because as it mentioned in the text above the contractility reduced in systolic dysfunction.Minor erratum
456316CardiovascularPathologyHeart failureAccording to the content.In HFpEF graph, up arrow is incorrect and must be changed with down arrow.Because as it mentioned in the text above the compliance reduced in diastolic dysfunction.Minor erratum
457303CardiovascularPathologyCongenital heart diseaseshttps://next.amboss.com/us/article/4403jT?q=vsd#UEXbE-; https://www.uptodate.com/contents/isolated-ventricular-septal-defects-vsds-in-infants-and-children-anatomy-clinical-features-and-diagnosis?search=vsd&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1%7E150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1#H37Ventricular septal defects are not only associated with LV overload. The left-to-right shunting found in VSDs results in volume overload of the right ventricle. Volume overload of the ventricles results in dilated cardiomyopathy (eccentric hypertrophy of the ventricle). The shunting of blood also increases the volume of blood being pushed through the pulmonary artery, resulting in pulmonary hypertension. If pulmonary hypertension is present, RV hypertrophy will also develop to overcome the pulmonary vascular resistance.Major erratum
458426Hematology and OncologyPathologyMacrocytic anemiasNo needMnemonic for Diamond-Black(F)an anemia; ↑HB(F)%, Cranio(F)acial Abnormalities(Tri(F)alengeal thumb). the F's should be in red color so you can memorize those more easilyMnemonic
459317CardiovascularPathologyCardiac tamponadehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482292/"Restrictive cardiomyopathy" like constrictive pericarditis can cause pulsus paradoxus.Clarification to current text
460319CardiovascularPathologyRheumatic feverhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anitschkow_cellAnitschkow cells: enlarged macrophages with ovoid nucleus and wavy, rodlike chromatin inside in.Clarification to current text
461760Photo AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsAccording to the image of page 319Page number for acute pericarditis is "319" not 320.Minor erratum
462752Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsContraction"PKA" stands for Protein Kinase A. It is mentioned in figure of page 322.Clarification to current text
463670ReproductivePathologyTesticular torsionhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559125/In the diagram P.670, testicular torsion diagram shows that the tunica vaginalis is partially covering testis, but this isn't true, in testicular torsion the tunica vaginalis surrounds testis and the spermatic cord so the testis can float freely to get torsionMinor erratum
464752Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsContraction"PLB" stands for Phospholamban . It is mentioned in figure of page 322.Clarification to current text
465753Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsContraction"SERCA" stands for SarcoEndoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase. It is mentioned in figure of page 322.Clarification to current text
466196MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsAntiprotozoal therapyhttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/chagas-disease-chronic-trypanosoma-cruzi-infectionnifurtimox (T cruzi) - uptodate and amboss but have the treatment listed as benznidazole rather than nifurtimox. I attached the uptodate article and the amboss question bank and article pictures.Minor erratum
467137MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyNEW FACThttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/treatment-of-actinomycosisNorcardia and actinomyces treatment should be SNAP'D and the D would stand for doxycycline treatment of Actinomyces with a penicillin allergy. .Mnemonic
468312CardiovascularPathologySick sinus syndromehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/sinoatrial-nodal-pause-arrest-and-exit-block#H4Sinus Pause mentioned in Image is actually a Sinus Arrest ( Dropped P wave) with junctional escape Beat and in Sinus Pause there is actually a Delayed P wave .Clarification to current text
46978BiochemistryMetabolismDisorders of galactose metabolismhttps://exchange.scholarrx.com/brick/disorders-of-fructose-and-galactose-metabolismGalactokinase deficiency typically presents with cataracts in older children (childhood or young adulthood), not infancy.Minor erratum
470343EndocrinePathologyGrowth hormoneStatpearlsLaron syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder that is due to defective GH receptor on hepatocytes (i.e. GH acts on its receptor via janus kinase pathway to produce IGF-1, which stimulates linear growth of the bone); Clinical features include proportionately short limbs and trunk; Treatment is recombinant IGF-1 supplementation.High-yield addition to next year
471343EndocrinePathologyHypopituitarismStatpearlsNelson syndrome is characterized by an enlargement of existing ACTH secreting pituitary adenoma after bilateral adrenalectomy for refractory cushing disease (due to removal of cortisol feedback mechanism); Clinical features are hyperpigmentation, headache and bitemporal hemianopia following bilateral adrenalectomy for refractory cushing disease; Treatment includes pituitary irradiation or surgical resection.High-yield addition to next year
472323CardiovascularPharmacologyAntiarrhythmics—potassium channel blockers (class III)No need just mnemonicAmIODarone is 40% IODine highlight IOD as mnemonic for IodineMnemonic
473690RespiratoryPathologyEpistaxishttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/approach-to-the-adult-with-epistaxisKiesselbach drives his Lexus with his LEGS: superior Labial artery, anterior and "posterior" Ethmoidal arteries; remove **Posterior Ethmoidal Artery as it doesn't involve in formation of Kiesselbach's plexus.Clarification to current text
474754Abbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations and SymbolsAbbreviations"TG" also stands for "Thyroglobulin" that is mentioned in the figure of page 335.Clarification to current text
475338EndocrinePhysiologyInsulinhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin&ved=2ahUKEwjIvO7e6eeIAxVuFFkFHZTxO5sQFnoECEsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1shvsn0GOvC5LJCRsIorHnIn insulin structure, it is two disulfide bond. But figure shows one sulfur in each bond. So, one S must be added to each bond.Minor erratum
476734Rapid ReviewRapid ReviewRapid ReviewNA"mamillary body" should be changed as "mammillary body"Spelling/formatting
477340EndocrinePhysiologyAppetite regulationMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "G" in "Ghrelin" and "hunGer".Mnemonic
478340EndocrinePhysiologyAppetite regulationMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "T" in "lepTin" and "saTiety".Mnemonic
479341EndocrinePhysiologySignaling pathways of endocrine hormonesFormattingIn PET CAT "in" TV, "in" isn't contraction. So it should be written in blackSpelling/formatting
480439Hematology and OncologyPathologyChromosomal translocationsmnemonict(14;18) "F"ourteen for "F"ollicular lymphomaMnemonic
481326CardiovascularPharmacologyDigoxinhttps://cvpharmacology.com/cardiostimulatory/digitalis , https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1237121/#:~:text=The%20Na%2B%2DCa2%2B,Ca2%2B%20and%20Na%2B. , 10.1007/s11897-016-0302-z , Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts, 3rd edition textbook, Published by Wolters Kluwer (2021) ,it is mentioned that Digoxin inhibits the sodium calcium exchanger indirectly , actually according to many resources and recent research , the Sodium calcium exchange activity is increased ( it's a two way pump that acts in both directions ) so it's activity actually increase so that calcium influx occurs increasing the calcium concentration inside the myocyte and so it increases it's contractility . sodium calcium exchanger pump works in both direction ( reversible ) since we reversed the gradient of sodium it will wok in opposite direction effluxing sodium out while influxing calcium , The Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) catalyzes the electrogenic exchange of Na+ for Ca2+ across the cardiac sarcolemma and is reversible, operating in either forward (Ca2+-efflux) or reverse (Ca2+-influx) modesMajor erratum
482347EndocrinePathologyThyroid cancerAccording to the content.Follicular carcinoma: "tumor" is incorrect in "invades tumor capsule & vasculature" and it should be changed with "thyroid".Minor erratum
483348EndocrinePathologyHypoparathyroidismAccording to the content.In pseudohypoparathyroidism, "inactivation" of adenylate cyclase leads to misunderstanding and it would be better to be changed with "not activation or not stimulation".Clarification to current text
48469BiochemistryNutritionAntidiuretic hormonehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507876/#:~:text=Children%20with%20kwashiorkor%20were%20found,responds%20aggressively%2C%20causing%20sodium%20retention.ADH increases not decreases in Kwashiorkor, in the book it says that edema arises from decreased ADH which I think is wrongMajor erratum
485621RenalPathologyConsequences of renal failurehttps://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/fibroblast-growth-factor-23#:~:text=Fibroblast%20growth%20factor%2D23%20(FGF23,et%20al.%2C%202006). And mentioned in UWorld in 3 different questionsNormal phosphate levels are maintained during early stages of CKD due to levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), which promotes renal excretion of phosphate(and inhibiting renal expression of 1-alpha hydroxylase). “FGF23 fights f(ph)osphate.”High-yield addition to next year
486375GastrointestinalAnatomyFemoral regionNetter - Atlas anatomyCalrification about the femoral ring in the picture, it's drawn as it including the femoral artery and vein inside, but it's really includ only femoral canal and it's contentClarification to current text
487344EndocrinePathologyHypothyroidism vs hyperthyroidismn/aIt is worth mentioning that elevated TRH induces hyperprolactinemia im primary hypothyroid patients.Minor erratum
488344EndocrinePathologyHypothyroidism vs hyperthyroidismhttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/122393-overview?form=fpfIn hypothyroidism, TSH is the most sensitive marker, as it is very sensitive to T3/T4 changes. (small changes in T3/T4 reflect large changes in TSH)Clarification to current text
489708, 56Rapid ReviewGeneticsNEW FACThttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/prader-willi-syndrome-clinical-features-and-diagnosis/printPrader-Willi Syndrome is the silencing of PATERNAL gene or loss of it, or disomy of the maternal gene, silencing of the maternal gene. Similarly the same error exists for Angelman Syndrome is the silencing of the maternal gene, or disomy of the paternal, in both the rapid review and the genetics section.Major erratum
490361EndocrinePharmacologyCation exchange resinshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_zirconium_cyclosilicate"Sodium" should be added before "zirconium cyclosilicate".Minor erratum
491640ReproductiveEmbryologyUterine (Müllerian duct) anomaliesJayaprakasan K, Ojha K. Diagnosis of Congenital Uterine Abnormalities: Practical Considerations. J Clin Med. 2022 Feb 25;11(5):1251. doi: 10.3390/jcm11051251. PMID: 35268343; PMCID: PMC8911320.I would like to point out an error in the book: The Figure A for "Septate uterus, Incomplete resorption of septum" should actually depict a bicornuate uterus. Conversely, the Figure B for "Bicornuate uterus, Incomplete fusion of Müllerian ducts" should represent a septate uterus. This is based on references provided in the 2024 editions of First Aid, specifically: Jayaprakasan K, Ojha K. Diagnosis of Congenital Uterine Abnormalities: Practical Considerations. J Clin Med. 2022 Feb 25;11(5):1251. doi: 10.3390/jcm11051251. PMID: 35268343; PMCID: PMC8911320. Please refer to the attachment for more details.Major erratum
492365GastrointestinalEmbryologyVentral wall defectsAccording to the content.The figure of gastroschisis is incorrect and as mentioned above that, intestines are right side of umbilicus.Minor erratum
493339EndocrinePhysiologyAdrenal steroids and congenital adrenal hyperplasiasnot neededAddition to the very last line of the page that says starting with 1 causes HTN, ends with 1 causes female virilization. We can add "and if contains α (i.e 17-α and 5-α) it leads to ambiguous genitalia in males".Mnemonic
494761Photo AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsAccording to the content.The ventral wall defects:Image C is related to congenital "umbilical" hernia but wrongly is written congenital "diaphragmatic" hernia.Major erratum
495367GastrointestinalEmbryologyPancreas and spleen embryologyhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancreas_divisumIn pancreas divisum, two "parts" fuse and forms single head but two "ducts" don't fuse and lead to two separate ducts(divisum). So, it should be better "parts" change to "ducts".Clarification to current text
496697RespiratoryPathologySleep apneahttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482300/#:~:text=The%20presence%20of%20hypoventilation%20during,pathology%2C%20or%20chest%20wall%20disorder.it is written that for diagnosing obesity hypoventilation syndrome the BMI is greater than or equal 30 kg/m^2 BUT according to it's new definition it should be greater than 30 kg/m^2 ( NOT equal ) and this is it's latest definition better than the one mentioned in the book " The presence of hypoventilation during wakefulness with PaCO2 more significant than 45 mm Hg in the presence of obesity (BMI greater than 30 kg/m^2) confirms the diagnosis, given that hypoventilation is not due to lung parenchymal or airway disease, pulmonary vascular pathology, or chest wall disorder. "Minor erratum
497369GastrointestinalAnatomyDigestive tract histologyhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://radiopaedia.org/articles/jejunum%3Flang%3Dus&ved=2ahUKEwjbmcbmz5CJAxW8FFkFHdgFED0QFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Tl4TJxP_BhhLBS35KszroThe jejunum has a delicate feature-like appearance. Therefore, "feathered"(having feathers) should be changed to "feathery" looking like feathers).Clarification to current text
49892BiochemistryMetabolismFamilial dyslipidemiashttps://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/585045_2; https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/126568-clinical?form=fpfFor type 1 hyperchylomicronemia, a very common ocular finding when TG levels >2500 is lipemia retinalis (Milky white retinal vasculature) and it is worth highlighting “LIPemia” coming from an Lipoprotein lipase deficiencyHigh-yield addition to next year
499355EndocrinePathologyPheochromocytomahttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/124059-workup#c13 ; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6108014/Histopathology of Pheochromocytoma is a nests of spindle or polygonal shaped cells, or a characteristic zellballen pattern.High-yield addition to next year
500356EndocrinePathologyMultiple endocrine neoplasiasnot neededA association for MEN2 is that medullary thyroid ca and pheochromocytoma both have spindle/polygonal nests on histology.Mnemonic
501235PharmacologyAutonomic DrugsAutonomic receptorshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526134/#:~:text=The%20nicotinic%20receptor%20subdivides%20into,central%20or%20neuronal%20receptor%20subtype.In the figure, include a "Nn" next to the Adrenal Gland receptor to clarify that this is a nicotinic receptor of neuronal subtype.Clarification to current text
502652ReproductivePhysiologyApgar scorehttps://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-of-the-routine-management-of-the-healthy-newborn-infant/printAPGAR scores do not predict individual mortality or adverse neurologic outcome but FA mentions "If Apgar score remains low at later time points, there is risk the child will develop long-term neurologic damage."Minor erratum
503375GastrointestinalAnatomyFemoral regionhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femoral_canal&ved=2ahUKEwiQ8MX4h5WJAxXcrYkEHWiQKcMQFnoECDIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3UiTstj3rBmfDmARStPpRFThe region referred to as the 'femoral ring' is incorrect and should be limited to the area surrounding the lymphatics.The "femoral ring" is the medial compartment of the femoral sheath.Major erratum
504135MicrobiologyClinical BacteriologyStreptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococci)https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/229091-guidelines?form=fpf , https://www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/committee-opinion/articles/2020/02/prevention-of-group-b-streptococcal-early-onset-disease-in-newbornsThis is the text regarding GBS prevention in pregnant patients in the FA book: "Screen pregnant patients at 35-37 weeks of gestation with rectal and vaginal swabs." The latest guidelines suggest screening for GBS at 36(0/7)-37(6/7) weeks of gestation. This is an important detail because the criteria for intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis with Penicillin G for GBS include a positive culture for GBS at 36 weeks of gestation, not 35. Quoting the American College of Obstreticians and Gynecologists: "All women whose vaginal–rectal cultures at 36 0/7–37 6/7 weeks of gestation are positive for GBS should receive appropriate intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis unless a prelabor cesarean birth is performed in the setting of intact membranes."Minor erratum
505539Neurology and Special SensesPathologyNeurocutaneous disordersSelf-studyThe Mnemonic for NF2 can be further elaborated to- NF2 affects 2 ears, 2 eyes, and 2 parts of the brainMnemonic
506376GastrointestinalAnatomyMyopectineal orificehttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilioinguinal_nerveThe ilioinguinal nerve does not pass through the deep inguinal ring; it only passes through the superficial inguinal ring. Therefore, it should be replaced with the "genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve".Major erratum
507366GastrointestinalEmbryologyIntestinal atresiahttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470548/Duodenal atresia can present with a gasless distal bowel, similar to how jejunal and ileal atresia can present with a gasless colon.Clarification to current text
508377GastrointestinalAnatomyHerniashttps://www.mcw.edu/departments/surgery/divisions/minimally-invasive-and-gastrointestinal-surgery/patient-care/gerd-and-gastrointestinal-surgery-program/paraesophageal-hernia-hiatal-hernia#:~:text=Sliding%20hiatal%20hernias%20can%20cause,during%20or%20shortly%20following%20eating.Paraesophageal hernia can also be associated with GERD, not only sliding hiatal herniaClarification to current text
509377GastrointestinalAnatomyHerniashttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK535449/#:~:text=A%20femoral%20hernia%20occurs%20in,ligament%20(lacunar%20ligament)%20medially.The herniated loop in femoral hernia is bordered laterally by the femoral vein.High-yield addition to next year
510375GastrointestinalAnatomyBiliary structureshttps://radiopaedia.org/articles/double-duct-signThe double duct sign is not limited to gallstones that reach the ampulla of Vater; generally, it suggests a malignant cause, such as a tumor of the head of the pancreas, until proven otherwise.High-yield addition to next year
511378GastrointestinalPhysiologyGastrointestinal regulatory substancesMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "G" in "Gastrin" and "G cells".Mnemonic
512378GastrointestinalPhysiologyGastrointestinal regulatory substancesMnemonicFor remembering, we can highlight and bold "S" in "Secretin" and "S cells".Mnemonic
513379GastrointestinalPhysiologyGastrointestinal secretory productsMnemonicThe parietal cells have "proton pumps". For remembering, we can highlight and bold "P" in "Parietal" and "Proton Pump".Mnemonic
514458Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective TissueAnatomy and PhysiologySigns of lumbosacral radiculopathyhttps://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1899031-overview#showall:~:text=Lumbar%20spinal%20nerves%20exit%20the%20vertebral%20canal%20by%20passing%20inferior%20to%20the%20pedicles%20of%20the%20corresponding%20vertebrae%20since%20early%20in%20developmentSpinal nerves in the Lumbosacral spine exit below their corresponding vertebral body level, Ex: L4 nerve root exits between L4-5 (Not L3-L4 as pointed out in FirstAid)Major erratum
515380GastrointestinalPhysiologyLocations of gastrointestinal secretory cellshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZymogenThe zymogen is an inactive precursor of an enzyme. So in the figure, "elastase" and "carboxypeptidase" should be changed to "proelastase" and "procarboxypeptidase".Minor erratum
516524Neurology and Special SensesNeuropathologyCommon brain lesionshttps://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/paramedian-pontine-reticular-formationParamedian pontine reticular formation Eyes look away from brain"stem" lesion (ie, toward side of hemiplegia).Major erratum
517705RespiratoryPharmacologyPulmonary hypertension drugsN/AThe figure under prostacyclin pathway says "arachadonic" acid. It should be spelled "arachidonic".Spelling/formatting
518386GastrointestinalPathologyGastric cancerhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2012/0715/p189.html&ved=2ahUKEwj47P_iwp-JAxVUlIkEHVPnNZsQr4kDegQIIxAD&usg=AOvVaw0Vo10NdC5OKyNCIEAIR1IJ"Irish node"-- metastatic spread of gastric cancer to the left anterior axillary lymph node.High-yield addition to next year
519184MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsAntimicrobial therapyHirakawa H, Kurabayashi K, Tanimoto K, Tomita H. Oxygen Limitation Enhances the Antimicrobial Activity of Fosfomycin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Following Overexpression of glpT Which Encodes Glycerol-3-Phosphate/Fosfomycin Symporter. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018; 9. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01950You should add a new antimicrobial which is “fosfomycin” to the list of Cell wall Synthesis inhibitors , it’s very high yield info… it’s one of the Epoxides groupHigh-yield addition to next year
520632ReproductiveEmbryologyTeratogenshttps://next.amboss.com/us/article/dm0oeg?q=fetal%20hydantoin%20syndrome#Z56ed19ac0df4634447aa69c9fcbd4eb3I suggest to add that Phenytoin can cause “Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome” (hypoplastic nails, Microcephaly, IUGR, excessive hair growth on face and body)… Mnemonic: Phenytoin & Hydantoin both have “toin”High-yield addition to next year
521391GastrointestinalPathologyZenker diverticulumAccording to the content.As it is a false diverticulum, herniation of mucosal and "submucosal" tissue occurs. So "submucosal" should be added.Clarification to current text
522602RenalPhysiologyGlucose clearanceFirst aidIn the chart, the green bar should represent normal. If it’s the range(60-120) the bar should be wider.Minor erratum
523392GastrointestinalPathologyMalrotationhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladd%27s_bandsLadd's bands attach the cecum to the retroperitoneum, so the figure must be corrected.Minor erratum
524392GastrointestinalPathologyVolvulushttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2048554-overview&ved=2ahUKEwi_ua2846mJAxWDJDQIHW3qKJwQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2Q4ADE2jepmAC5CYW4OJpDIn sigmoid volvulus, the rotation is always counterclockwise, so the direction of the arrow in the figure must be changed.Major erratum
525448Hematology and OncologyPharmacologyKey chemotoxicitieshttps://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-of-neurologic-complications-of-conventional-non-platinum-cancer-chemotherapy?csi%3Dddffafc2-482b-4d6b-8a35-a59dbc2aeb45%26source%3DcontentShare&source=gmail&ust=1729980452622000&usg=AOvVaw1HumpLMr4zKRgyQBLCSLBr&rct=iAsparaginase can cause Neurotoxicity …… the mnemonic is the Letter “A” looks like a hat on the head of the drawing so it remember us with NeurotoxicityMnemonic
526762Photo AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsPhoto AcknowledgmentsAccording to the content.The head of "Other intestinal disorders: image B" must be replaced with "Other intestinal disorders: image C" ,and vice versa.Minor erratum