City-wide Retention Schedule
GRS TitleRetention and DispositionState Reference #DescriptionDepartments
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Executive Correspondence Files
Permanent. Retain for 5 years after separation. Transfer records to the archives.1 GRS-1758Incoming and outgoing business-related correspondence, regardless of format or mode of transmission, that provides unique information relating to the functions, policies, procedures or programs of a state agency. These records document executive decisions made regarding agency interests. Executive decision makers may include the Director, Chief Administrative Officer, Public Information Officer or other internal administrators as identified by the executive office.All Departments
Transitory Correspondence Files
Retain until resolution of issue, and then destroy records.1 GRS-1759Incoming and outgoing correspondence, regardless of format or mode of transmission, related to matters of short-term interest. Transmittal correspondence, including email, is transitory unless part of another process. This correspondence does not impact agency functions. When resolved, there is no further use or purpose.All Departments
Administrative Correspondence Files
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.1 GRS-1760Incoming and outgoing business-related correspondence, regardless of format or mode of transmission, created in the course of administering agency functions and programs. Administrative correspondence documents work accomplished, transactions made, or actions taken. This correspondence documents the implementation of agency functions rather than the creation of functions or policies. Business-related correspondence, including email, that is related to a core function with an associated retention schedule should follow that associated schedule.All Departments
Local government accounts payable and receivable
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.GRS-106These are records related to monies collected, paid, or invested in the conduct of business. Information may include bank records, invoices, revenue, expenses, and related accounting records. Trust records are not included.All Departments
Purchase orders and requisition records
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1544These records document the purchase of equipment and other materials made by a governmental entity. They are used as a planning tool and for verification purposes. Information includes a description of the item being ordered, requesting agency, name of vendor, delivery and payment details.All Departments
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1678Any record of enduring value, regardless of format or platform, that is disseminated by a governmental entity for public distribution. These may include website content, printed publications, newsletters, social media posts, and similar records. See Utah Code Section 9-7-101(7)(2017) and 9-7-208(4)(2006).All Departments
Working files
Retain for 1 year after end of project or program, and then destroy records.GRS-1684These records contain unique information in rough notes or drafts assembled or created and used to prepare or analyze other documents. The information adds proper understanding to the formulation and execution of policies, decisions, actions, or responsibilities.All Departments
Information governance records
Retain until superseded or final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1713Records used in establishing and implementing records management policies, practices, and procedures. Included are inventories, finding aids, technological system data, and related information. Record destruction files, including destruction logs, are not included in this schedule.All Departments
Agency History Records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1723These records document the organization and reorganization of governmental entities. Information includes history, functional information, geographical boundaries, organizational files and related records.All Departments
Budget Records
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1856These records are used to document the intended appropriation of funds. Information may include budget requests, proposals, and reports documenting the status of appropriations.All Departments
Audited financial statements
Permanent. Retain for 4 years. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1857The budget is a plan for financial operations for a fiscal year. It documents the actual spending of a governmental entity and may be certified by a budget officer and filed with the state auditor.All Departments
Performance plans and evaluations
Retain for 3 years after separation, and then destroy records.GRS-1966This information documents an employee's performance, including awards, performance plans, and evaluations.All Departments
Disaster Plan Records
Retain until superseded, and then destroy records.GRS-2022Disaster plans for records and office operations ensure that essential government functions continue to be performed following natural disasters, accidents, technical, or attack related emergencies. Information includes plans for restoring operations and protecting facilities and resources. Disaster recovery training materials may be included.All Departments
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-2051These records are created by governmental entities compiling various items together to tell the story of their office. They include photographs, newspaper clippings, and other items pertaining to government activities, and actions and reactions of citizens.All Departments
annual or official reports
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-3These are official reports summarizing activities and accomplishments of a governmental entity or program which are produced and distributed. They may include statistics, narrative reports, graphics, and diagrams.All Departments
Fixed asset Records
Retain for 10 years after disposition of asset, and then destroy records.GRS-73These records relate to tangible assets such as property and equipment owned by a governmental entity. Information includes substantiation, purchases, deprecation, inventories, and related records.All Departments
Elected or appointed officials register
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-254Records that would fall under this schedule contain complete registers or lists of elected and/or appointed officials of government entities. They are used for reference purposes within the entity. They may include the name of the official, residence, office, date of election or appointment, beginning and ending term dates, amount of bond posted, name of sureties, remarks, and date of resignation or date of death.City Council
Constitution and bylaws
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-43These are the charters, and constitution and bylaws of governing bodies. They establish the organization and operational procedures for the board. They usually include date of adoption and amendments, description and purpose of board, membership, description and responsibilities of board's positions, meeting frequency, voting procedures, explanation of what constitutes a quorum, and the establishment of procedural rules.City Council
Open Meeting Minutes & Supplementary Materials
Permanent. May be transferred to the State ArchivesGRS-1709Approved minutes of an open meeting are the official record of the meeting of a public body. Contained in or with the minutes shall be the substance of all matters proposed, discussed, or decided, and votes taken (Utah Code 52-4-203(2014)). This retention schedule includes agendas, notices, any public materials distributed or presented during the meeting, as well as meeting packets or other documents in final form distributed to body members prior to or during the meeting in order to provide context for matters proposed, discussed, or decided. May include public and non-public materials.Airport
City Council
Community and Neighborhoods
Economic Development
Public Lands
Public Services
Public Utilities
Proposed legislation records
Permanent. Retain for 5 years. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1690Records created by governmental agencies for the purpose of proposing legislation. They contain correspondence, memoranda, research information on proposed legislation, fiscal notes, summaries, estimated cost reports, impact statements, and other information documenting the proposed legislation.City Council
Community and Neighborhoods
Economic Development
Public Lands
Public Services
Program and Policy Development Records
Permanent. Retain for 3 years after final action. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1717These records are created by executive decision-makers to document the establishment and dissemination of agency programs, policies, and procedures. Executive decision-makers may include the Chair, Director, Chief Administrative Officer, Public Information Officer, Commissioner, Mayor, or other internal administrators as identified by the executive office. Includes development and decisions behind the policy or program, and the final product (e.g., approved policies). Related correspondence and email is included.City Council
Contract and lease records
Retain for 7 years after expiration of contractual agreement, and then destroy records.GRS-1731These records document contractual agreements for property use, products or services. Records may include requirements and terms, and the signed contract. Contractor payroll records are included.Airport
City Council
Community and Neighborhoods
Economic Development
Public Utilities
Formal Opinion Records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1722These are the formal legal opinions researched, written and published by attorneys. They are necessary to maintain consistency of opinion in related matters.Attorney
City Council
Adopted comprehensive development plans
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-653These are comprehensive plans for local development adopted by the commission. The plans serve as a guide for decision-making on re-zoning and other planning proposals and as the goals and policies of entities attempting to guide land use in local jurisdictions. The plan may also include maps, plats, and charts.City Council
Community and Neighborhoods
Audit Records
Permanent. Retain for 10 years. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1727These are studies, and reports prepared and produced as a result of an internal or external audit of an entity. Audit records summarize an entity's programs, operations, productivity, performance, compliance, and can include examining and verifying the entities' financial activities for the year.City Council
Economic Development
Public Utilities
Program and project analysis records
Retain for 10 years after resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-1277These records document research studies, program analyses, project assessments, etc. conducted by or on behalf of governmental entities in order to inform decisions regarding proposed or existing programs or projects. Information includes working papers, correspondence, findings, recommendations, and related records. The final reports are not included in this schedule.City Council
Public Services
Operational procedure and guideline records
4 years after superseded, then destroy recordsGRS-1732These records document actions taken to achieve objectives and implement policies through day to day operations, including training material related to routine processes. Operational procedure and guideline records are related to business activities that do not impact the rights of an individual.City Council
Volunteer files
Retain for 5 years after separation, and then destroy records.GRS-1963These records are used to verify background information on volunteers prior to and during employment. These files often contain volunteer applications, letters of commendation, photos of the volunteer, background investigations, and other information relating to volunteer service activities.Mayor
Public relations records 
Permanent. May be transferred to the State Archives.GRS-1716These records, regardless of format or mode of transmission, are created for distribution to the news media or public. Records include speeches, press releases, public announcements or similar records.Economic Development
Public Utilities
Emergency response hazardous waste case files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-551These case files document the investigation of hazardous waste incidents including the cleanup, the process and the proper waste disposal. Information includes complaint, incident, spill, response, and remediation details.Airport
Liability Risk Management Case Files
Retain for 20 years, and then destroy records.GRS-2013Case files of the reporting, investigation, and settlement of liability claims filed against the governmental agency.Airport
Worker's compensation case files
Retain for 75 years, and then destroy records. OR Retain for 10 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-1938Records include forms, first report of injury, reports, correspondence, and related medical and investigative records regarding on-the-job injuries, whether or not a claim for compensation was made. See Utah Code 34A-2 for Worker's Compensation Act.Airport
Employment history records
Retain for 65 years after date of hire, and then destroy records. OR Retain for 3 years after retirement or death, whichever is earlier, and then destroy records.GRS-1965Employment history documents the application, hiring, and employment with a governmental entity of all personnel, including all records necessary to calculate benefits. Final actions taken as a result of disciplinary action are included in this schedule.Airport
Building Permit Indexes
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-439These records are a register or index of building permits issued by the county or municipality. Information includes the type of license issued, applicant, address, and date.Airport
Community and Neighborhoods
Special events permits
Retain for 1 year after expiration of permit or license, and then destroy records.GRS-692These applications are completed by persons requesting permits to hold special events (i.e., film crews, races, parades) on the right-of-way. They include application number; event type and description; sponsoring group's name; admission fee; event date; event times; promotional agency name; contract person's name, address, and telephone number; proposed location or route; whether a fee waiver is requested; estimated number of participants and spectators; authorizing signature and date; date to appear on county commission agenda; sheriff's and local health department's recommendations; decision; and authorizing signature.Airport
Community and Neighborhoods
Public Lands
Property Maintenance and Repair Records
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-111These records document service repair and maintenance of government property. Information includes the request, work order, authorization, work logs, verification of work done, and related records.Airport
Community and Neighborhoods
Public Services
Administrative Hearing Records
Permanent. Retain for 5 years. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1655Records of hearings held for various reasons including to regulate processes, change rules and policies, address the denial and revocation of licenses at the request of the public, or to discuss particular issues at the request of an executive body. Records may include meeting notices, proofs of publications, meeting minutes, the conclusions reached, and related correspondence.Airport
Community and Neighborhoods
Government construction as-built plans and specifications
Permanent. Retain until final action. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1789Final plans and specifications for approved and constructed buildings, facilities, roads, and bridges. Documents construction of new buildings, facilities, and infrastructure as well as renovation of owned buildings and rented buildings.Airport
Community and Neighborhoods
Public Services
Public Utilities
Timekeeping records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1902Information regarding hours worked, paid or unpaid permitted absence from work for family emergency, sickness, personal time, vacation, or other reasons as outlined by policy are included in this schedule.Airport
Economic Development
Payroll processing records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1903These records verify compensation data for each employee, including salary, hourly rate and type of pay. Deductions are confirmed in processing payroll before employees are paid.Airport
Traffic citations
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-365This is a copy of a citation issued by law enforcement of drivers violating motor vehicle and traffic laws. It usually includes date, time, location of violation, vehicle's license number, violation code, deputies' name, and signature of person receiving citation.Airport
Impounded vehicles reports
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-362These reports document motor vehicles impounded by the sheriff's office. Vehicles may be impounded for various reasons but usually when property or sales taxes are not paid. Information includes the impound date; the make and model, year, color, identification number, tag number, and condition of the impounded vehicle; the name and address of owner (if known); reasons for impounding; date and time vehicle impounded; vehicle accessories; description of any visible damage; any necessary remarks; officer's signature; agency name; and case number.Airport
Public Services
Request for proposal records
Retain for 6 years after end of project or program, and then destroy records.GRS-1991These records are bids and proposals to provide products or services for a governmental entity. Information includes preliminary requirements for procurement of a commodity or service.Airport
Mandated or significant training materials
Permanent. Retain until end of project or program. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1951These are materials created by an agency to provide mandated training, training related to significant dealings or interactions with the public, training that may affect an individual's rights, or training regularly given to members of other government bodies. Records include one copy of each significantly different version of training content in any format. Training materials that support routine administrative processes are not included and are covered under GRS-1732 Operational procedure and guideline records.Airport
Employee health and medical records
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1968These records document an employee's health and medical history as it relates to their employment. They may include doctor's notes, Family Medical Leave Act records, physical or psychological evaluations, or any other records related to an employee's fitness for duty.Airport
Training administration records
Retain for 6 years, and then destroy records.GRS-150These records document agency development, planning, and operation of training, instructional or outreach courses and events. Information may include curriculum requirements and objectives, program assessments, participation and evaluations, and documents relating to the facilitation of events.Airport
Staff acquisition records
Retain for 2 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1964Records related to the recruiting and hiring of employees, including candidates not hired. The resume and application of hired individuals are part of the Employee History Records.Airport
Public Services
Transitory tracking records
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records. OR Retain until administrative need, whichever is less, and then destroy records.GRS-1720These records document transitory transactions. Information tracks services rendered, movement of people, materials, and includes internet website visitor information.Airport
Public Services
Vehicle accident reports
Retain 3 years, then
GRS-317These files document traffic accidents investigated by law enforcement. The report usually includes complete information on all cars and drivers involved in the accident, accident location, damage, accident causes, date and time, accident diagram, description, and weather conditions.Airport
Public Services
Vehicle maintenance records
Retain for 3 years after disposition of asset, and then destroy records.GRS-1873These records document the inspection, repair and maintenance of government-owned vehicles. Information includes vehicle identification, usage, and related records.Airport
Public Lands
Public Services
Survey field books
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1169These books contain the original field notes of survey parties' daily survey measurements. The notes are a constant source of information for design surveys, civic improvement, benchmarks, elevations, property surveys, and for updating measurements and information on atlas plats. They include survey measurements, elevations, and grade with some sketches of the area.Airport
Public Services
Public Utilities
Daily operational log
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1122This log records daily information on plant operations such as rate of flow, chemical inventories, chemicals used, chlorine residual testing results, and turbidity amount in water. It is required by 40 CFR 130.4. An annual summary is submitted to the State Health Department.Airport
Public Utilities
Discharge monitoring and water reclamation plant reports
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1124These are monthly and quarterly reports on the daily operations of treatment plants. They are submitted to the State Bureau of Water Pollution and to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These reports are a record of the average amount of pollution discharged into the waters of the municipality from National Pollutants Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit holders. They document the daily operations of the Water Reclamation Plant such as sewage flow, grit removal, chlorine usage, residuals, digester gas products, and lab analytical results (40 CFR 122.41(j)(2) (2006)).Airport
Public Utilities
Municipal Appointment Files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1010These files document the appointment of persons to advisory boards and committees established by the City Council or Mayor, usually by resolution, or policy and procedure. These files may include letters of recommendation, letters of appointment, resumes, and related correspondence.Airport
(Subpoenas) Records Access Requests and Appeals
Retain for 2 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1711These records are access requests as provided under the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) (Utah Code 63G-2-204(2011)) or in accordance with a subpoena. Included with the access requests are any notices of denial, appeals or any other records related to the request.Attorney
Legal Counsel Records
Retain until resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-1721These are legal interpretations given by attorneys at the request of governmental entities asking for guidance in enforcing, obeying, and/or interpretation of the law.Attorney
Claim Petitions
Reference: Investigation Records
Loss Control Inspection Reports
Retain for 12 years, and then destroy records.GRS-199Each year a governmental entity may undertake self-inspection to identify potential hazards within their buildings or on their grounds. If the agency completes this report, they can get a 15 percent discount on their premium after a follow-up survey has been conducted. This record might also be used as evidence in defense of a claim.Attorney
Insurance Claim Records
Retain for 12 years, and then destroy records.GRS-2010These records document coverage or compensation for a covered loss. Records may include validated claims and payments issued.Attorney
High Profile Criminal Case Files
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-2031These case files document the investigation and prosecution of significant criminal cases referred to a prosecutor's office. These are cases involving corruption of public officials, cases attracting such publicity that precedents are set, and/or laws are changed, written, or rewritten, capital punishment cases, or cases wherein there is historic interest in the individuals involved.Attorney
Significant Lawsuit Case Files
Reference: High Profile Criminal Case Files and High Profile Civil Case Files
GRS-2031 or GRS-2035Attorney
Prosecuted Felony Criminal Case Files
Retain for 10 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-2032These case files document the criminal cases referred to a prosecutor's office which result in a felony prosecution. These files may include investigative information, legal pleadings and motions, correspondence, transcripts, evidence, and related records. This information is largely duplicated in court or law enforcement case files.Attorney
Prosecuted Non-Felony Criminal Case Files
Retain for 10 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-2033These case files document the criminal cases referred to a prosecutor's office which result in a non-felony prosecution. These files may include investigative information, legal pleadings and motions, correspondence, transcripts, evidence, and related records. This information is largely duplicated in court or law enforcement case files.Attorney
Civil Case Files
Retain for 10 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-2034These case files document civil court cases. Records include court filings, attorney's notes, various court pleadings and related records.Attorney
Routine Lawsuit Case Files
Reference: Civil case Files and Prosecuted Non-Felony Criminal Case Files
GRS-2034 or GRS-2033Attorney
High Profile Civil Case Files
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-2035These case files document the investigation and prosecution of significant civil cases referred to a prosecutor's office. A case may be significant due to the subject, such as natural resource ownership property redevelopment, or corruption of public officials; or because it sets precedent and/or leads to public policy or laws being changed, written, or rewritten; or because it involves individuals wherein there is historic interest.Attorney
Insurance policy contracts
Retain for 15 years after expiration of contractual agreement, and then destroy records.GRS-942These are insurance policy contracts between a government entity and private insurers.Attorney
Records access requests and appeals
Retain for 2 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1711These records are access requests as provided under the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) (Utah Code 63G-2-204(2011)) or in accordance with a subpoena. Included with the access requests are any notices of denial, appeals or any other records related to the request.Attorney
Community and Neighborhoods
Equal employment opportunity (eeo) discrimination complaint case files
Retain for 4 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-154These files document official discrimination complaints received and resolved. The files contain complaints, related correspondence, reports, exhibits, withdrawal notices, copies of decisions, records of hearings and meetings, and other records as described in 29 CFR 1602.14 (2012) 29 CFR 1602.31 (2012)Attorney
Investigation Records
Retain for 7 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-1733These records contain information necessary to undertake a complete investigation and are used to identify patterns of behavior, investigate claims, conduct internal investigations, and for other investigative purposes. Records may relate to the initiation, investigation, and disposition of cases, but do not include investigations of??criminal activities, or worker's compensation, which have separate retention schedules.Attorney
Public Utilities
High profile civil case files
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-2035These case files document the investigation and prosecution of significant civil cases referred to a prosecutor's office. A case may be significant due to the subject, such as natural resource ownership property redevelopment, or corruption of public officials; or because it sets precedent and/or leads to public policy or laws being changed, written, or rewritten; or because it involves individuals wherein there is historic interest.Attorney
Municipal election records
Retain for 22 months, and then destroy records.GRS-1019These records document primary and general elections administered by a municipality. They are used to verify that elections were held in accordance with statute. All records required in elections are included except ballots, returns, canvasses, and campaign financial disclosure statements, which have separate retention schedules.Attorney
Administrative Hearing Files
Permanent. Retain for 5 years. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1021Records of hearings held for various reasons including to regulate processes, change rules and policies, address the denial and revocation of licenses at the request of the public, or to discuss particular issues at the request of an executive body. Records may include meeting notices, proofs of publications, meeting minutes, the conclusions reached, and related correspondence.Attorney
Oaths of office
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1023These files contain copies of signed oaths required of all officials, whether elected or appointed, before entering the duties of their respective offices.Attorney
Proclamations, Declarations, and Executive Orders
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-16582These are proclamations, declarations, or executive orders issued by a governor, mayor, or other executive officer or body. Proclamations are formal public announcements related to certain matters of government. They may designate classes of cities, call special legislative sessions, publish states-of-emergency, or publicly avow or cause certain matters of state government to be made generally known. Declarations may recognize or call attention to people, groups, bodies, or actions that have a public purpose; designate special days or other time periods; or invoke specific legislative purposes. Executive orders set policy for an executive branch of government; create boards and commissions; provide for the transfer of authority; or otherwise interpret, implement, or give administrative effect to a provision of the Constitution, state law or executive policy.Attorney
Records destruction files
Retain for 7 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1689Records which document the destruction of a governmental agency's records.Attorney
Government records access and management act (grama) appeals board case files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1715These files document all appeals submitted to records appeals boards. These case files include requests, denials, appeals, decisions, and any other documentation concerning the appeals process.Attorney
Conflict of interest records
Retain for 7 years after separation, and then destroy records.GRS-1911These records include statements that are required to be filed by government employees, including elected or appointed officials, to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest. They may also include conflict of interest documentation concerning any employment or activity outside government employment that may or may not present a conflict of interest.Attorney
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-2049These artifacts are objects that have special historical significance because of their historic or evidentiary value and their association with the function and activity of a governmental entity. Governmental entities work with the Division of Archives to ensure that these historical objects are properly documented and preserved. (Utah Code 63A-12-103(10)(2016)Attorney
Campaign financial disclosure statements
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-282These are financial reports required to be submitted by all candidates and political parties running for an elected office. Information includes donors and contributions, and campaign expenditures.Attorney
Election Canvasses
PermanentGRS-284These are the official canvass of primary, general, or special elections which provde a tabulation of votes cast by combined election districts. They include the date, office, names of candidates, votes tallied by district, and totals.Attorney
Vital Records
Permanent. May transfer to State ArchivesGRS-285These records document "birth, death, fetal death, marriage, divorce, dissolution of marriage, or annulment." (Utah Code 26-2-2(20)(2014)) Documents may include registered certification or reports, applications, official registers and other similar records.Attorney
Proof of publication files
Retain for 6 years after completion of publication or report, and then destroy records.GRS-46When a statute, court order, or judge requires publication of a document or notice in a local newspaper (UCA 78B-5-613 (2009)) evidence of the publication may be given by the affidavit of the publisher along with a copy of the document or notice and specification of the dates of publication. These files may contain proof of publication affidavits, copies of actual newspaper notices and related evidence of the publication.Attorney
Local government ordinances and indexes
Permanent. May be transferred to the State Archives.GRS-49These ordinances are rules, laws or statutes adopted by a local legislative body. Records include codified ordinances and indexes.Attorney
Utility license agreements
Retain for 6 years after expiration of contractual agreement, and then destroy records.GRS-698These are agreements between the county and public utilities allowing them to extend or replace existing lines across the county right-of-way. They include date; grantee's name; purpose; location; length; contractor's name and address; engineering firm's name; agreement's conditions including protection of traffic, restoration of existing pavement, reconstruction of highway, and liability; notarized grantee's signature; and authorizing county signature.Attorney
Street/alley vacating records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1058These records pertain to the removal of a portion of the public right-of-way and deeding the property to the adjacent property owners. The records may include copies of petitions, investigative reports by city staff, Planning Commission minutes, the report from Planning Commission to City Council, City Council minutes, ordinances, and legal description.Community and Neighborhoods
Municipal intersection case files
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1155These files record data on all municipal streets. They are used by traffic engineers and technicians when investigating a particular intersection to determine appropriate traffic regulations. They contain traffic volume (counts taken either mechanically or manually), requests or complaints received which required a study and response concerning specific intersections and work order outline to be done at specific intersections, and a traffic accident history.Community and Neighborhoods
Right of way records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1996These records document both the acquisition of property for the purpose of right of way projects and the sale of surplus property after project completion. Information may include a description of the property, property appraisal, offer to purchase, statement of compensation, copies of contracts, agent log, payment closing statements, maps and plat.Community and Neighborhoods
Commission agenda files
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-252These files document the public notification of regular and special commission meetings. The files include agenda (containing date, time, location of meeting, items to be discussed) and completed forms requesting items to be included on the agenda.Community and Neighborhoods
Residential Building Plans
Retain for 1 year after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-441These are the blueprints and specifications submitted by building contractors or owners when applying for a building permit for the construction of residential buildings. The specifications are compiled by the architect for use by contractor to complete detail work providing type, grade, brand of materials to be used employed. They also identify the temporary facilities, job cleanup, security, time limits, deadlines, and responsibilities of the architect, owner and contractor. They are used for determining code compliance and the enforcement of building codes. They are usually arranged by permit number or address.Community and Neighborhoods
Demolition Case Files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-445These case files document government ordered and privately initiated demolitions of substandard and/or hazardous buildings. They are used for research and litigation purposes. They are usually arranged by address.Community and Neighborhoods
Board of adjustment case files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-655These case files document the zoning activities of the Board of Adjustment. They are used to document the cases brought before the Board of Adjustment and its decisions. They contain the original application; findings and order; correspondence; and any exhibits such as plot plans or elevations.Community and Neighborhoods
Rezoning Records
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-661These files document applications to rezone property within the governmental entity. They contain the original application, review forms, maps of areas involved, copies of investigative reports, copies of planning commission minutes, notices of hearings, development agreements, and related records.Community and Neighborhoods
Subdivision review case files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-663These case files document the developmental history of subdivision plans submitted to the Planning Commission for compliance review with applicable development ordinances and standards.Community and Neighborhoods
Signalized intersection records
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-690These records are registers, card files, and similar records providing an inventory of all traffic signs, signal equipment and the timing set-up of each signalized intersection. They are used to determine compliance with safety guidelines and as a record of changes on a historical basis. They include information concerning poles, signal head information, and signal control.Community and Neighborhoods
Traffic signal conflict-monitor log
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-696This is a log showing when each conflict-monitor was serviced (a safety device that functions to avoid two opposite green lights showing at the same time). It is used for maintenance purposes. The information is maintained at the intersection. The log includes location, type of conflict monitor and date serviced.Community and Neighborhoods
Permit and Licensing Records
Retain for 3 years after expiration of permit or license, and then destroy records.GRS-1724These records document individuals and businesses given permission to build or work within the consenting government's jurisdiction. Records include applications, certificates, registrations, permits, licenses, and related records. Indexes of building and business permits are historical and follow other general retention schedules.Community and Neighborhoods
Economic Development
Public Services
Grant records
Retain for 7 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1859These records document grants received or awarded by governmental entities, which may contain applications, notice of award, reports, correspondence, and related records.Community and Neighborhoods
Economic Development
Public Lands
Public Services
Community development block grant administrative records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-666Community development block grants (CDBGs) are allocated by the federal government to provide resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. These projects include both direct grants and regrants. The records document the administration of projects and include the preliminary reports, audits, certificates, maps, and related correspondence.Community and Neighborhoods
Economic Development
Unsuccessful Grant Application Files
Retain for 1 year after resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-1746Rejected or withdrawn grant applications, memoranda, correspondence, and other records relating to the decision to reject the grant proposal.Community and Neighborhoods
Economic Development
Business License Registers and Indexes
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-289These records are a register or index of licensed businesses operating within municipal or county boundaries. Information includes the type of license issued, applicant, address, business name, and date.Community and Neighborhoods
Enforcement Case Files
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-446These case files document housing and zoning complaints. They are used to document actions concerning the complaints and for reference purposes. They are arranged by address or name of complainant.Community and Neighborhoods
Public Services
Capital project status report
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.GRS-670This is a monthly report of all current capital improvement projects. The report includes information on funding (comparing amounts), extra work orders, and over-run authorizations for each project.Community and Neighborhoods
Public Services
Cartographic records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1747Cartographic records which contain the officially designated record copy of maps created by an agency. These records document unique cartographic information about the state of Utah. They may include maps, charts, geospatial data sets , aerial photographs, globes, models, and raised relief maps. These are a graphic representation of the earth's surface drawn to scale.Community and Neighborhoods
Public Services
Trouble control report
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1171This report is generated by telephone calls from private citizens or police departments concerning traffic signals that require repairs. Report is necessary for verification in litigation cases. It includes location, name of person reporting, date, time, report of trouble, description of trouble found, repair made, by whom, time arrived and time completed.Community and Neighborhoods
Public Utilities
Real property files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1403These records document the transfer of ownership of real estate to or from a governmental entity whether by trade, sale, acquisition, transfer, donation, or other means.Community and Neighborhoods
Public Utilities
Easement files
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1016These files contain documents executed by property owners granting the city rights of access to their property for public works or other municipal purposes. They include the names of parties, purposes and terms of access and terms of easement. They are used to provide legal access to enter or modify private property.Community and Neighborhoods
Nonresidential Building Plans
Retain for 7 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-442These are the blueprints and specifications submitted by building contractors or owners when applying for a building permit for the construction of commercial, industrial, or apartment structures. The specifications are compiled by the architect for use by the contractor to complete detail work providing type, grade, brand of materials to be used and general conditions which govern the methods to be employed. They also identify the temporary facilities, job cleanup, security, time limits, deadlines, and responsibilities of the architect, owner and contractor. They are used for determining code compliance and the enforcement of building codes.Community and Neighborhoods
Community development block grant historical records
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-667Community development block grants (CDBGs) are allocated by the federal government to provide resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. These records document the application and completion of projects funded under this program and include both direct grants and regrants. Records include the initial application, yearly reports, and all final reports.Community and Neighborhoods
Encroachment agreements
Retain for 6 years after contract expires, and then destroy records.GRS-680These are agreements between the county or municipality and property owners allowing them to extend fences or plants (bushes and trees) within the right of way. The agreements include date, licensee's name and address, agreement terms, licensee's notarized signature, and signatures of the commission chair and clerk.Community and Neighborhoods
Deed records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-735These records are deeds and conveyances of real estate owned by governmental entities. Included are the original deeds, titles, insurance and tax information.Community and Neighborhoods
Internal committee records
Retain until resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-1725These records document meetings of boards, committees, or teams that have no statutory authority to make public policy decisions. Information includes implementation of projects, programs or operational matters.Community and Neighborhoods
Executive internal committee records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1726These records document meetings of boards, committees, or teams that have no statutory authority to make public policy decisions, but do have authority to make internal policy decisions. Information includes the determinations and actions of the meeting.Community and Neighborhoods
Bank daily totals
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.GRS-1797Daily report from bank that is used for reconciliation.Economic Development
Reimbursement files
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1833These records document payments made for the purpose of reimbursing travel, transportation, equipment, service, training, tax abatement, and other reimbursable costs. Records may include correspondence, forms, travel reservations, travel authorizations, per diem vouchers, transportation requests, hotel reservations, invoices, itemized expenses, participation verification, and other supporting records used to validate reimbursable expenses.Finance
Vendor list
Retain until superseded, and then destroy records.GRS-190This is a list of vendors providing goods and services to the governmental entity. It usually includes names of vendors, addresses, phone numbers, and descriptions of goods or services provided.Finance
Collection case files
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-219These case files document the prosecution of all actions for the recovery of debts, fines, penalties, and forfeitures accruing to the county (Utah Code 17-18a-501(2018)). They include various court filings, attorney's notes, and final judgment.Finance
General obligation bonds
Retain for 1 year after resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-57These issued bonds are not payable solely from revenues other than those derived from ad valorem taxes. They constitute a full general obligation of the governmental entity for the prompt and punctual payment of principal and interest. The revenue derived from the sale of bonds shall be applied only to the purpose specified in the order of the legislative body (Utah Code 17-17-1 (2019)).Finance
Tax redemption records
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-732These records document the payment of delinquent taxes. Information includes taxes and penalties owed and paid, and related records. These are not legal evidence of property ownership.Finance
Bond anticipation notes
Retain for 1 year after resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-782These are notes used by local government agencies pursuant to an appropriation resolution for bonds in anticipation of payable ad valorem taxes and constitute a full obligation of the entity.Finance
Municipality bond issue files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-783These files document the implementation of significant municipal bonds (i.e., revenue or special bonds), but not general obligation bonds. These files include authorizations supporting financial data, contracts or sales agreements, destruction certificates, and sample copies of bonds sold as evidence of municipal indebtedness.Finance
Bond redemption and destruction certificates
Retain for 3 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-787These are certificates sent to the municipality by the paying agent which track pay and destruction of bond coupons.Finance
Employee wage history records
Retain for 65 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1905These records document employee cumulative salary for employees needed for retirement purposes. Information includes employee details, department and position information, earnings, deductions, and related records.Finance
State treasurer's pooled investment reports
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-827These are reports issued by the State Treasurer no less often than quarterly to each entity that deposits monies with the State Treasurer to be invested, per the State Money Management Act (Utah Code 51-7-9 (1984)). The reports detail deposits made by the participating entity as well as the activities, investments, and performance of the State Treasurer's office on behalf of that entity.Finance
Public Services
Customer request or complaint records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1783These records document customer complaints or requests for service received and answered by the governmental entity. Information includes requester or complainant details, description of the request or problem, and actions taken by the agency.Finance
Public Services
Public Utilities
Assessment roll records
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-734These records document real property assessments and payments.Finance
Public Utilities
Fire code inspection records
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1220These files document the fire inspection of all businesses and apartment buildings. They are used to determine compliance to fire codes for fire prevention purposes. They include correspondence, copy of business license, brief history of building, notices of violations, citations, inspection of reports, and various inspection forms.Fire
Dispatch logs
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1221This is a daily log maintained on all dispatch activity. It is used for budget and planning purposes and to document activities of the dispatch office. It includes names of personnel working, time, shift, and a summary of daily events.Fire
Fire investigation reports
Retain for 6 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1234These reports are completed daily and monthly on all fire investigations. They are used for investigative purposes and for identifying trends in arson incidents. They include date and time of investigations, fires investigated, cause of fire, whether arrests or convictions are made, time spent in court and/or special investigations, training received, flammable liquid and hazardous chemical incidents, tank inspections, consultations, and any special assignments completed.Fire
Exposure Reports
Retain for 30 years, and then destroy records.GRS-454This report is completed when a fire fighter is exposed to toxic fumes, smoke, or chemicals during the course of fire fighting. It is used to verify exposure in case of illness. It includes employee's name, position, station, address where injury occurred, name and type of occupancy, date and time of exposure, incident number, description of exposure, duration of exposure, symptoms present, date and signature of employee, and date and signature of supervisor.Fire
Hose test reports
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-456These reports record tests required by fire departments of all fire hoses. They are used to determine whether hoses are in good working condition. They include test date, date previously tested, apparatus number, hose diameter, conditions found, service date, defects corrected, and officer's signature in charge of test.Fire
Non-fatal fire investigation case files
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.GRS-459These case files document all non-fatal fire investigations. They may include various report forms, interviews, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other information as necessary to undertake investigation.Fire
Tank applications and permit records
Retain for 6 years, and then destroy records.GRS-463These files contain applications received by the fire department and permits issued to individuals desiring to store flammable liquid or liquid petroleum. Permits are only issued after inspection and approval of tanks. They include an application form, permit, a sketch or diagram of location along with tank dimensions, and an inspection report.Fire
Utah emergency medical services (ems) incident report
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-465These report forms record both statistical and patient information on all EMS calls received by the fire department. They serve as the medical chart for all persons treated by the department's paramedics.Fire
Fatal fire investigation case files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-469These case files document all investigations into fires causing fatalities. They may include various report forms, interviews, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other information as necessary to undertake a complete investigation.Fire
Initial contact incident reports
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1107These reports are prepared by officers engaged in public patrol or response duties and describe initial actions taken. These records may include a description of the incident, the identifying information of parties involved, the general scope of actions taken by public safety personnel, and the nature of any injuries and damages sustained (Utah Code 63G-2-103(14)(2019)). These records may also include dash-cam recordings, copies of citations issued, warrants issued, DUIs issued, and driver and witness statements. Fatal crashes and violent felony records including homicide and sexual assault are not included in this schedule.Fire
Evidence tracking records
Retain for 10 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-374These records track the procurement and disposal of evidence. Information includes the case number or owner of evidence received, the list of evidence items, the reason for the collection of evidence, and the name of the officer submitting the evidence. Information also includes disposal area to which evidence is released, and date and authorization of release. Violent felony records including homicide, sexual assault and fatal crashes are not included in this schedule.Fire
First responder activity records
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-2025These records document the on-duty actions of those designated or trained to respond to emergencies, and the situations they encounter. Information includes vehicle details, officer details, and other work shift-related records.911
Dispatch and patrol records
Retain until resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-2027Records document the actions of dispatch and law officers on duty. May include audio recordings, dashboard-mounted cameras and body-worn cameras not part of a larger case file.911
Wage survey files
Retain until superseded, and then destroy records.GRS-142These files contain wage survey reports and data, working papers and related correspondence pertaining to area wages paid for each employee class; background papers establishing need, authorization, direction, and analysis of wage surveys; development and implementation of wage schedules; and development of specific rates (excluding authorized wage schedules and wage survey recapitulation sheets).HR
Americans with disabilities act (ada) accommodation requests
Retain for 5 years after separation, and then destroy records.GRS-1434These requests are made by individuals for disability accomodations. They include medical data about the person, accomodations made, denials, appeals, and other information about accomodation requests from service, program, or activity recipients, including applicants, employees and volunteers.HR
Equal employment opportunity (eeo) compliance case files
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-153These are compliance files containing background papers and correspondence relating to contractor employment practices.HR
Payroll post processing records
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1904This schedule is for payroll reporting. Each payroll period is closed out when disbursement information is verified using payroll reports.HR
Worker's Compensation Case Files
Retain for 75 years, and then destroy records. OR Retain for 10 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-1938Records include forms, first report of injury, reports, correspondence, and related medical and investigative records regarding on-the-job injuries, whether or not a claim for compensation was made. See Utah Code 34A-2 for Worker's Compensation Act.HR
Drug test positive results
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1958These are records of employee drug or alcohol tests which were found to be positive and any records that demonstrate rehabilitation. Information may include the functions performed by each employee who failed the test, the prohibited drugs used, the disposition of the employees (e.g. separation or rehabilitation), the person or entity performing the test, and the date and location of test.HR
Drug test negative results
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.GRS-1959These are records of employee drug or alcohol tests, the results of which were found to be negative. Information may include the identity of the person performing the test and the date and location of the test.HR
Verification of employment eligibility
Retain for 3 years after whichever is greater: after date of hire, and then destroy records. OR Retain for 1 year after separation, and then destroy records.GRS-1970This background documentation is used to verify employment eligibility. Information may include background checks, fingerprints and requirements under the Immigration Reform and Control Act. The resume and application of hired individuals are part of the Employee History Records.HR
Emergency and other personal leave files
Retain for 4 years, and then destroy records.GRS-889These records show the name of employee, dates of absence, explanation of emergency, signature of employee taking emergency leave, and signature of supervisor.HR
Promotional tests
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-923These are tests taken by municipal employees to determine eligibility for promotion. They include the actual tests, answer keys, individual test scores, and the results from oral interviews.HR
Temporary employees personnel files
Retain for 1 year after separation, and then destroy records.GRS-172These are files maintained on temporary employees which were provided no benefits by the governmental entity. They include copies of correspondence and employment forms. They do not include personnel records created for specific federal programs.HR
Public Lands
Public Services
Employment history records
Retain for 65 years after date of hire, and then destroy records. OR Retain for 3 years after retirement or death, whichever is earlier, and then destroy records.GRS-1965Employment history documents the application, hiring, and employment with a governmental entity of all personnel, including all records necessary to calculate benefits. Final actions taken as a result of disciplinary action are included in this schedule.HR
Public Services
State employee financial disclosure reports
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1923Reports and related documents submitted by individuals as required under the Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics Act.HR
Labor-management relations files
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-161These files document the relationship between management and employee unions or associations. They include correspondence, memoranda, and reports.HR
Grievance records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1967Initial documentation responding to working condition grievances that result in any type of investigation for possible personnel or administrative action.HR
Complaint investigation files
Retain for 7 years after separation, and then destroy records. OR Retain for 7 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-1969Initial documentation of complaints that result in an investigation of an employee but do not result in disciplinary action.HR
Telecommunications service records
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1754Telecommunications general files including plans, reports, and other records pertaining to equipment requests, telephone service, and other similar services.IMS
Computer utilization and billing reports
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1766Records showing computer use by each agency and any charges for space or time.IMS
Feasibility studies
Retain for 5 years after completion of report, and then destroy records.GRS-746These records are created and used in the development, redesign, modification of, or migration of data from, a technological system or application. Information includes project management records, status records, status reports, scope of work, analyses, and related records.IMS
Justice Court
Firearms disposal records
Permanent.GRS-1080These files contain records of firearms that have been disposed of either through sale, trade or destruction. They include the manufacturer's name, serial number, model, caliber, disposal method, disposal date, name of business purchasing firearm, and bid number.Police
Firearms inventory cards
Retain for 2 years after
disposal of firearms, then
GRS-1081These card files list all firearms in the law enforcement entity's inventory. Cards contain name of manufacturer, serial number, model, caliber, to whom issued, by whom issued and date. Files also show illegal weapons that cannot be resold, and guns not serviceable which are used for training purposes.Police
Substance use disorder records
After case is closed,
retain for 10 years; then
destroy records.
GRS-1734These records document the planning and treatment of substance use disorder clients. Information includes assessments, evaluations, clinical and physician notes, employment records, visiting arrangements, and related records.Police
Misdemeanor and felony investigation files
Retain for 5 years after case is closed, and then destroy records.GRS-2023These case files are created as a result of an investigation. These files may include the investigative report, original arrest report, supplemental reports, photographs, correspondence, officer's notes, and pertinent laboratory tests and related records.Police
Homicide, violent felonies and sex crime investigation files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-2024These case files are created as a result of an investigation. These files may include the investigative report, original arrest report, supplemental reports, photographs, correspondence, officer's notes, and pertinent laboratory tests and related records. Violent felonies as defined by Utah Code 76-3-203.5(1)(c)(2019) are included in this schedule.Police
Suicide investigation files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-2026These case files are created as a result of a suicide investigation. These files may include the investigative report, supplemental reports, photographs, correspondence, officer's notes, and pertinent laboratory tests and related records.Police
Arrest records
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.GRS-2028These are records of prisoners confined in jail. They include the prisoner's name, alias, sheriff's office number, booking number, offense, address, arresting officer's name, date committed , term of sentence, and discharge date.Police
Mug shot records
Permanent. Retain for 75 years. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-2029These are photographs and descriptions of arrested individuals which provide complete name, alias, physical description, date of arrest, and offense committed. Booking information and index may be included.Police
Civil service of process records
Retain 5 years, then
GRS-323These records document civil papers processed and served by the law enforcement agency. They generally include names of plaintiff(s) and defendant(s), fees paid, addresses, and type of civil paper served (subpoena, warrant, etc). Two copies are created with one filed by defendant's name and the other by docket number. These records are traditionally know as the civil day book.Police
Crime analyses files
Retain for 2 years, then
GRS-326These records document criminal activity in a given jurisdiction. They are used to analyze trends and forecast potential problems.Police
Criminal history disseminating log
Retain for 1 year, then
GRS-327These logs document the dissemination of criminal histories and other law enforcement information to other agencies or criminal information systems.Police
Dui (driving under the influence) reports
Retain 2 years if not part
of case file, then destroy.
GRS-332These records are used for reporting persons arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They detail first contact in response to incidents, supplemental information gathered by the police department, and may include investigative reports.Police
National crime information center (ncic) records
Retain until final action, and then destroy records.GRS-355These records document the entry and removal of information by law enforcement into the NCIC system, which is maintained by the FBI. Information is used to trace stolen articles, missing or stolen guns, wanted persons, and missing juveniles.Police
Sex offender records
Retain for 10 years after separation, and then destroy records.GRS-360Records maintained by state and local law enforcement agencies in order to document dex offenders living within their jurisdictions, as required by federal and state law.Police
Impounded vehicles reports
Retain 3 years if not part
of case file, then destroy.
GRS-362These reports document motor vehicles impounded by the sheriff's office. Vehicles may be impounded for various reasons but usually when property or sales taxes are not paid. Information includes the impound date; the make and model, year, color, identification number, tag number, and condition of the impounded vehicle; the name and address of owner (if known); reasons for impounding; date and time vehicle impounded; vehicle accessories; description of any visible damage; any necessary remarks; officer's signature; agency name; and case number.Police
Warrant records
Retain until resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-370Warrants issued by a court to a law enforcement agency for specific purposes, including to search property, arrest a person, track a vehicle, collect DNA for testing, or other reasons. Information may include purpose of issued warrant, directions from court, required person and location details, logs of served warrants, and related records.Police
Evidence tracking records
Retain for 10 years after
final action, then destroy
GRS-374These records track the procurement and disposal of evidence. Information includes the case number or owner of evidence received, the list of evidence items, the reason for the collection of evidence, and the name of the officer submitting the evidence. Information also includes disposal area to which evidence is released, and date and authorization of release. Violent felony records including homicide, sexual assault and fatal crashes are not included in this schedule.Police
Employee and program productivity records
Retain for 2 years after resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-1698Reports documenting work productivity of employees or an office. Includes weekly activity or production reports, monthly activity reports, etc.Police
Public Utilities
Recreation registration records
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-649These forms are used to register for recreational programs. They include registrant's name, address, and telephone number; program name and date(s); parent's/guardian's name if registrant is a minor; may also include information on attendance at previous training sessions; and a signed liability waiver statement.Public Lands
Reservation records
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.GRS-648These files contain the actual request forms submitted by the general public. They are used as a record to schedule park facilities and/or sports facilities (e.g., baseball, softball, football, soccer). The files include the request form (date of request, name of group, number of people, name, address, and phone number of requesting person, area and park requested, time, date, and amount paid).Public Lands
Public Services
Concrete maintenance records
Retain for 7 years, and then destroy records.GRS-673These records document the replacement of concrete maintenance necessary when the county is responsible for damage caused by county vehicles (e.g., garbage trucks, snow plows) or problems caused by storm damage or other acts of nature. Maintenance may either be done by the county or contractors through the bidding process. These records are used for budget purposes and indicate the completion of the project. They include a card file, copies of receipts, pay vouchers, contracts, bids, correspondence, extra work orders, estimates, sketch or diagram, photographs, council district information, and proof of mailing estimate.Public Lands
Public Services
Hazardous household waste disposal records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-631These records document the disposal of hazardous household waste including empty chemical containers at disposal facilities. Records may include hazardous household waste (HHW) manifests, hazardous waste disposal reports, and other documentation of household hazardous waste disposal.Public Lands
Public Services
Public Utilities
Equipment inventories files
Retain for 1 year after superseded, and then destroy records.GRS-1302These files contain the annual inventory of equipment, supplies and other items owned or administered by the governmental entity.Public Lands
Public Services
Street name and house number files
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1167These files contain records relating to street dedications, street closings, the assignment and alternation of street names and house numbers and similar records. They provide official control of the naming and numbering of municipal streets and roads.Public Services
Vehicle ownership records
Retain until final action, and then destroy records.GRS-16558These records document ownership, registration, and operation of government-owned vehicles.Public Services
Non-secure area access logs
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-2019Registers or logs used to record names of outside contractors, service personnel, visitors, and employees admitted to non-secure areas in government offices and facilities.Public Services
Recorded surveys and index
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-384These are recorded surveys, drawings, maps, and narratives that establish private property, rights-of-way, and boundary monuments. Information may include monuments, state plane grid coordinates, surveyor's notes, and related records. Indexes are included in this schedule.Public Services
Drainage system repair list
Retain until superseded, and then destroy records.GRS-678This is a list of all drainage facilities in the system. It is used to prioritize which drains need maintenance. It includes size, type and condition of drainage pipe, type of clean out box, location of facility and condition, depth from flow line to top of lid on road surface, and a brief description of the problem.Public Services
Special assessment plats
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-691These plats show the location of properties that are affected by special assessments. Plats are used for reference and for compilation of the tax roll. They include footage, actual property lines, township and range, rights-of-way, monument markers, lot measurements, blocks, subdivision names, and color coding to indicate properties being assessed.Public Services
Vehicle assignment records
Retain for 1 year, and then destroy records.GRS-116These are assignment logs, reports, authorizations, and similar records relating to the assignment and use of vehicles by employees or officials.Public Services
Public Utilities
Fuel records
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-112These are logs, reports, or similar records documenting mileage and gasoline, oil, and diesel fuel purchased or used.Public Services
Refund requests
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1824These are forms signed by customers requesting a refund of monies paid to the entity.Public Services
Bacteriological quality analyses reports
Retain for 5 years after superseded, and then destroy records.GRS-1110These forms record water samples taken from various locations throughout the distribution system and sources of supply (raw or processed) for bacteriological tests. They include location, date of collection, name of person taking sample, type of sample taken, date of analysis, name of lab, person responsible for performing analysis, analytical method used, and results of the analysis. The State Health Department receives copies of these test forms and retains them for 40 years.Public Utilities
Cross connection control survey files
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1118These files monitor potential or actual water system health hazards within specific premises. They are used to determine compliance with state laws, schedule surveys, and to write reports. They include various reports, surveys, and related correspondence.Public Utilities
Utility customer account records
Retain for 3 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1119These are applications and agreements between a customer and government agency regarding utility service. They include account information collected by the agency in order to establish, provide, and bill for service.Public Utilities
Daily filter log
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1121This log records a daily instrument table of information regarding filter operations required by UCA 26-12-1 et. seq.Public Utilities
Ditch flow daily records
Retain for 7 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1125These records report the daily amounts delivered to various water companies. The amounts are summarized monthly and annually. They are used for litigation purposes and to verify amounts delivered. The records include name of company, date, amount of water delivered, and amount required.Public Utilities
Environmental protection agency (epa) grant files
Retain for 3 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1126These are project files maintained for monies granted to the state of Utah and then distributed to individual local government entities. The files document the expenditures of these funds. They include a detailed listing of disbursements, receipts, grant modifications, related correspondence, and a copy of the original grant (40 CFR 30.501). The State Health Department's copy is maintained permanently.Public Utilities
Sewage flow charts
Retain for 6 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1128These charts monitor the weekly flow of raw sewage coming into treatment plants and effluent water from the plants.Public Utilities
Meter reading records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1130These records document the readings of utility meters by municipal or other government employees to ascertain customer utility usage. They are used for billing purposes as stipulated by a service agreement. Information may include name of employee reading meter, meter readings, date read, account number, billing code, final reading, reasons for turnoff, if meter was pulled or reinstalled, and meter charges.Public Utilities
Meter location records
Retain for 1 year after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1131These records contain information about all meters (water and electric). They are used to locate meters for service and billings. They include address, work order number, size of meter, contractor, owner, plumber and date installed.Public Utilities
National pollutant discharge elimination system permits
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1133These are permits issued under the Clean Water Act permitting the discharge of specific pollutants under controlled conditions (40 CFR 122.28 (2008)). This applies to municipalities with a population of 100,000 or greater.Public Utilities
Water flow weekly recorder charts
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1134These charts are taken from recording stations in streams or wells for weekly periods. They are used to determine water flows. The charts include water flow according to gauge flows, height, or level of aquifer in well, during a weekly period.Public Utilities
Sewer main location plats
Retain until superseded, and then destroy records.GRS-1136These are plat drawings of each municipal street detailing all sewer mains in the municipality system by area number. They are used to locate sewer mains. The plats include drawings of all sewer mains in municipal system showing depth of sewer mains, percentage of grade, location of lateral connections and sewer manholes, and size of lines.Public Utilities
Water consumption monthly reports
Retain for 1 year after completion of publication or report, and then destroy records.GRS-1138These reports consist of monthly statistics of daily water consumption. They are used for research and litigation purposes and to assist in predicting future flows and peak demands. The reports include water consumption in million gallons, and cubic feet from treatment plants, springs, artesian wells, pumped wells, and reservoirs along with precipitation amounts.Public Utilities
Water main charts and indexes
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-1139These charts show the locations of all water mains, valves, hydrants, and water services to property owners in a given area.Public Utilities
Water stock purchase records
Retain for 10 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1140These records document municipal purchase of water stock from irrigation companies and/or individuals. Each year the municipality is billed for the annual assessment of water stock. These records are used to verify purchase and for yearly assessment purposes.Public Utilities
Water treatment plant operational reports
Retain for 5 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1141This is a copy of a monthly report submitted to the State Department of Health verifying drinking water standards (40 CFR 130.4)(1989). They are used to monitor compliance with water quality standards and to verify standards were met. The reports include daily and total monthly amounts, minimum , maximum, and averages for filter operation, filter rate in gallons per minute, length of filter run; filter head loss; and minutes of backwash; amounts and kinds of chemicals used. The State Health Department maintains their copy for 10 years.Public Utilities
Bond official transcripts
Permanent. Retain for 5 years after final action. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-1799Official files regarding authority to issue bonds (general obligation or revenue). Records may include Indenture of Trust, leases, authorizing resolutions, offering documents, certificates, specimen bonds, etc.Public Utilities
County official records
Retain permanently. Transfer records to the archives.GRS-305These are copies of all official records recorded with the county recorder including deeds, mortgages, mining records, military discharges, etc. Upon payment of fees for the same, the recorder must record in the "Official record' book all papers, documents, records, and other writings required or permitted by law to be recorded. In some counties all recorded instruments are compiled together as part of the "Official records", while others compile each type of instrument separately (See Deed records, Mortgage records, Mining records, Water records, etc.)Public Utilities
Hydrant maintenance card files
Retain for 1 year after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-457These card files (or other similar discrete media) document the maintenance of fire hydrants. They are used to locate fire hydrants and to verify annual inspections which document they are functioning properly. They include location, notations and dates of annual inspections indicating physical characteristics, operations, flow check, pressure and leakage.Public Utilities
Pump test records
Retain for 2 years after resolution of issue, and then destroy records.GRS-461These files contain the results of tests conducted on pumping equipment. These annual tests are used to certify pumping capabilities and to check equipment for stability and endurance. They include apparatus number, date tested, station number, where tested, manufacturer's name and number, test results, time taken, and remarks.Public Utilities
Indemnification agreements
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-47Indemnification or hold harmless agreements involve the assumption of liability through contractual agreement. A party intending to use, ride in, or otherwise occupy government property, agrees to eliminate any liability on the part of the governmental entity in the event that any accident of injury occurs while they are using, riding in, or occupying government property. An example is a "hold harmless agreement" which passengers fill out when they ride along with deputies in police department vehicles.Public Utilities
Inland water records
Permanent. Retain for 1 year. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-723These geospatial records contain information pertaining to the hydrologic features. These are lakes, streams, ponds, and watersheds.Public Utilities
Location records
Permanent. Retain for 1 year. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-724These geospatial records contain information pertaining to geodetic networks and control points. They include latitude and longitude coordinates.Public Utilities
Special assessment books
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-950These books record the levy and assessment of special taxes. They contain extension number, address, plat or subdivision; block and lot numbers; name of owner; address; number of front feet; amount paid on principle; interest; when paid; total amount paid and principal interest.Public Utilities
Non-approved redevelopment plans
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1196These are project area plans in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code 17C-2-103(2019). The agency is required to conduct examinations, investigations, and other negotiations regarding the plan. The plan "is consistent with the general plan of the community in which the project area is located and show that the project area development will conform to the community's general plan".RDA
Preliminary plans and specifications
Retain for 3 years after final action, and then destroy records.GRS-1788These records are related to the plans and specifications of approved and constructed facilities, road or bridges. Information may include preliminary designs, specifications, planning, surveys, analysis, renovation, preservation and construction.RDA
Interlocal agreements
Retain for 6 years after expiration of contractual agreement, and then destroy records.GRS-686These are agreements between the county and municipalities within the county to provide public works services. They include date, city's name, provisions of the agreement, payments to be made, and signatures of county commission chair, county clerk, and city representatives.RDA
Appraisal project records
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-700These records are used to investigate a project's viability, determine costs, and negotiate for purchase of real property. Records may include evaluations of properties and structures within proposed projects; financial and architectural assessments, and destructions of the condition of involved structures.RDA
Facade project files
Retain permanently. Records may be transferred to the archives.GRS-704These files document the regranting of funds to restore exteriors of architecturally important structures in project areas. These grants are totally funded grants made to individual property owners for separately assessed structures. The files include a work contract, photographs, and related correspondence.RDA
Housing and urban development financial records
Retain for 3 years, and then destroy records.GRS-705These files document the granting of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds for the rehabilitation of homes. These projects concern historic preservation, employment survey, and environmental review. They include financial reports, preliminary reports, and all other financial records (24 CFR 58?? (1993)).RDA
Owner project files
Retain for 4 years after end of project or program, and then destroy records.GRS-708These project files document both successful and unsuccessful negotiations and ongoing agreements for the purchase of property for redevelopment projects. The files include copies of agreements and related correspondence.RDA
Local government resolutions
Permanent. May be transferred to the State ArchivesGRS-50Local legislative bodies may exercise administrative powers by issuing resolutions. Records include formal opinions, decisions, and authorization issued by resolution.RDA
Driver and route check list
Retain for 2 years after until separation, and then destroy records.GRS-1153These files contain an annual evaluation form completed on each garbage truck driver to show driving ability and knowledge of street routes. They include name of driver, date, vehicle number, route number, list of vehicle equipment to be checked before starting engine, list of items to be checked at completion of shift, results of road test, and comments concerning attitude, cooperation, route appearance, etc.Sustainability
Monthly weight reports
Retain for 2 years, and then destroy records.GRS-1156This is a graph showing amount of refuse collected per day, week, month, and the percentage of time used for collection. The graph is used for budget purposes and evaluation of tonnage for each route. They include frequency of pickups at scalehouse, time estimated, arrival time, and total tonnage collected per month with average collected per truck.Sustainability