Bill Tracker 2025 - Public
BillTitleCategoryPositionDispositionCommitteeCommittee DateCommittee Time/RmVote Count
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HB 1006
repeal provisions for state assistance to persons experiencing chronic renal failure.Renal DiseaseOpposeDeferred to 41st day1/23/25 House Appropriations 9-3
02/24/25 House Appropriations 8-0
HB 1014
modify provisions related to emergency medical services personnel and to declare an emergency.Advanced Life Support SupervisionMonitorSigned by Gov1/21/2025 House Health 12-0
1/22/2025 House 66-0
02/5/25 Senate Health 4-0
02/06/25 Senate 35-0
HB 1016
revise provisions related to pharmacy.Pharmacy License FeesMonitorPassed SenateHouse of Representatives03/06/251:00 PM CST, House01/28/25 House Committee on Appropriations 12-1
02/21/25 House Appropriations 8-0
02/25/25 House 69-1
03/03/25 Senate Health 7-0
03/04/25 Senate 27-8
HB 1043
require counties and municipalities to provide emergency medical services within their jurisdictions, increase liquidated court costs, and create the emergency medical services fund and make an appropriation therefor.Rural EMSMonitorTabled01/28/25 House Local Government 8-5
02/13/25 House Local Government Reconsidered 12-0
02/18/25 House Committee on Appropriations 11-0
02/21/25 House Appropriations 7-1
HB 1044
authorize the use of a newborn safety device for the voluntary surrender of a newborn and to make clarifying changes.Newborn Safety DeviceSupportPassed House & Senate1/23/25 House Health 13-0
1/27/25 House 68-0
02/21/25 Senate Health 7-0
02/24/25 Senate 35-0
HB 1046
revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2025.Prior Year General BillMonitorActive
HB 1047
make an appropriation to reimburse health care professionals who have complied with the requirements for rural recruitment assistance programs, and to declare an emergency.Recruitment Assistance ProgramsSupportSigned by Gov01/30/25 Joint Committee on Appropriations 17-0
02/04/25 House 67-0
Senate Do pass as amended 34-0
HB 1048
require that cash be accepted for certain transactions.Cash PaymentsMonitorDeferred to 41st dayHouse Commerce 13-0
HB 1055
modify medical cannabis certification requirementsMedical CannabisOpposeDeferred to 41st day01/28/25 House Health 5-8
01/28/25 House Health 8-5
HB 1056
prohibit the preparation, sale, and distribution of certain kratom products and to provide a penalty therefor.KratomSupportSigned by Gov1/21/2025 House Health 12-0
1/22/2025 House 66-0
2/12/25 Senate Health 6-0
2/13/25 Senate 35-0
HB 1058
prohibit the collecting and reporting of medical debt in certain situations and to provide a penalty therefor.Collection and ReportingOpposeKilled on House Floor2/11/25 House Health as amended 9-4
2/13/25 House 24-44
HB 1061
prohibit a health care provider from restricting or denying a parent or guardian's access to certain medical records and other health information of a minor.Medical Records of a MinorMonitorPassed HouseSenate03/06/251:00 PM CST, SenateHouse Health 12-1
House 63-4
Senate Health 7-0
HB 1070
prohibit cost-sharing in certain health insurance policies for diagnostic and supplemental breast imaging examinations.Health Insurance PolicyMonitorDeferred to 41st day02/03/25House Commerce and Energy 2-11
02/3/25- House Commerce and Energy 10-2
HB 1071
modify practice criteria for physician assistantsPractice RegulationsMonitorPassed Senate02/4/25 House Health 9-3
02/05/25 House 54-13
02/24/25 Senate Health 7-0
02/27/25 Senate 32-3
03/04/25 Senate 69-1
HB 1077
provide for the inclusion of education regarding mental health in the South Dakota health education standards.Mental Health EducationMonitorTabled02/03/25 House Education 15-0
HB 1078
establish provisions related to the disclosure of COVID-19 vaccination status and blood donationsPublic Health PolicyOpposeDeferred to 41st day1/30/25 House Health 6-7
1/30/25 House Health7-6
HB 1097
establish and modify provisions for the temporary training of nonresident physicians.Healthcare Workforce DevelopmetMonitorPassed House & SenateHouse Health 13-0
House 59-0
Senate Health 7-0
Senate 31-3
HB 1098
make an appropriation to the Department of Human Services for reimbursing the cost of respite care services for caregivers of individuals with dementia and to declare an emergencyFunding for CaregiversMonitorTabled02/04/25 House Health 11-0
02/07/25 Joint Committee on Appropriations 17-0
HB 1099
modify the community paramedic endorsementParamedic EndorsementMonitorPassed House & SenateHouse Health 13-0
House 69-1
Senate Health 7-0
Senate 35-0
HB 1101
repeal provisions related to medical marijuana.Medical MarijuanaMonitorDeferred to 41st dayHouse Health 7-6
HB 1102
require the submission of medical, dental, and pharmaceutical claims data to the Division of Insurance and to establish a health care data system.Healthcare Data ReportingMonitorTabled2/7/25 House Commerce 12-0
HB 1110
make an appropriation to the South Dakota Board of Technical Education to provide a grant to Southeast Technical College for the purchase of the healthcare simulation center.Healthcare Education DevelopmentMonitorTabled02/21/25 Joint Committee on Appropriations 13-3
HB 1111
make an appropriation for grants to support the purchase of telehealth kiosks.Telehealth KiosksMonitorTabled02/06/25 Joint Committee on Appropriations 12-0
02/21/25 Joint Committee on Appropriations 15-1
HB 1112
require the coverage of biomarker testing in certain health insurance policies.Health Insurance PolicyMonitorDeferred to 41st day02/05/25 House Commerce and Energy 13-0
HB 1137
establish provisions related to the treatment of pain with non-opioid drugs.Pain TreatmentMonitorDeferred to 41st dayHouse Health 12-0
HB 1139
allow individualized investigative treatments for patients with life-threatening or debilitating diseases or conditionsInvestigative TreatmentsMonitorPassed HouseSenate03/06/251:00 PM CST, Senate2/11/25 House Health Passed 13-0
2/12/25 House Do Pass 68-0
03/05/25 Senate Health 7-0
HB 1141
provide an exception for employers to acquire and distribute opioid antagonists that are available over the counter.Opioid AntagonistsMonitorPassed House & Senate2/18/25 House 65-5
02/26/25 Senate Health 7-0
02/27/25 Senate 35-0
HB 1144
adopt the dietitian licensure compact.Dietitian LicensureSupportPassed House & Senate2/18/25 House 65-5
02/24/25 Senate Health 7-0
02/25/25 Senate 35-0
HB 1146
require hospitals to implement drug testing programs.Drug TestingOpposeTabled02/06/25 House Health 12-0
HB 1152
prohibit the enforcement and implementation of directives from the United States Centers for Disease Control and intergovernmental organizations, and to provide a penalty therefor.Government Authority & Public Health PolicyOpposeKilled on House Floor2/12/25 Do pass as amended 8-4
2/18/25 House 32-37
HB 1209
repeal authorization for the use of medical cannabis by a probationer or paroleeMedical CannabisMonitorWithdrawn
HB 1210
prohibit a hospital from reporting medical debt for collection in certain situationsMedical Debt ReportingOpposeKilled in Committee2/11/25 House Health 10-3
HB 1219
require counties and municipalities to provide emergency medical services within their jurisdictionsEmergency Medical ServicesNeutralDeferred to 41st day
HB 1221
make an appropriation for victim services provided by nonprofit organizations.Appropriation for Victim Services & Nonprofit SupportMonitorPassed House02/19/25 Joint Appropriations 13-0
02/26/25 Joint Appropriations 15-3
02/27/25 House 68-2
03/04/25 Senate 33-1
HB 1223
provide for conscience exemptions from certain medical treatments.Health Care ExemptionsOpposeKilled on House FloorHouse Health 7-6
House 34-36
HB 1225
update and repeal provisions related to the reporting of hospital charge informationHealth Care ReportingSupportPassed CommitteeSenate03/06/251:00 PM CST, SenateHouse Health 12-1
Senate Health 7-0
HB 1248
clarify informed consent requirements for the provision of prenatal and postnatal care to a minor.HealthCare & Minors' RightsMonitorWithdrawn
HJR 5001
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, conditioning the requirement of expanded Medicaid on the level of federal medical assistance.Medicaid ExpansionOpposePassed House1/17/2025 House State Affiars 11-2
1/21/2025 House 59-7
02/26/25 Senate Affairs 7-1
03/03/25 Senate 31-3
HJR 5003
Proposing and submitting to the voters at the next general election an amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring a constitutional amendment receive an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes cast before the measure is enacted.Constitutional AmendmentsMonitorPassed HouseSenate State Affairs03/06/2510:00 AM CST, Room 4641/17/2025 House State Affairs 11-2
1/22/2025 House 61-5
SB 019
repeal the expiration date for the 911 emergency surcharge increase.911 SurchargeMonitorTabled1/23/25 Senate Judiciary 7-0
SB 035
modify substances listed on the controlled substances schedule and to declare an emergency.Controlled Substance ListMonitorSigned by Gov1/22/25 Senate Health 7-0
1/23/24 Senate 34-0
02/05/25 House Judiciary 12-0
02/06/25 House 65-3
SB 037
revise and repeal provisions related to the 911 emergency surcharge and the 911 Coordination Board.911 Surcharge and ReportingMonitorPassed House & Senate01/23/25 Senate Judiciary 6-1
01/24/25 Senate 33-2
02/26/25 House Judiciary 13-0
03/03/25 House 69-0
SB 060
to expand the access and investigatory authority of the state auditor.Investigative AuthorityMonitorPassed House & Senate01/27/25 Senate State Affairs 9-0
02/06/25 Senate 35-0
02/26/25 House Affairs 13-0
02/27/25 House 70-0
SB 076
repeal reporting and testifying requirements to the committees on health and human services regarding nursing facilities and long-term healthcare needsLong-Term Care Reporting RequirementsMonitorPassed House & Senate01/24/25 Senate Health 7-0
01/27/25 Senate 34-0
02/27/25 House Health 12-0
03/03/25 House 68-1
SB 077
update terminology related to ambulance operatorsEmergency Services RegulationsMonitorPassed House & Senate01/29/25 Senate Health 7-0
01/30/25 Senate 35-0
02/03/25 House Health 12-0
03/03/25 House 68-1
SB 086
expand eligibility for the rural recruitment assistance program to include chiropractors and optometrists.Chiropractor and Optometrist RecruitmentMonitorTabled02/05/25 Senate Appropriations 6-0
02/18/25 Senate Appropriations 8-1
SB 087
address preauthorization requirements for certain health care services and utilization review requirements for certain health benefit plans.Prior AuthorizationMonitorActive
SB 099
make an appropriation for purchasing, storing, and distributing sexual assault kits.Health Resources AllocationSupportPassed House & Senate02/06/25 Joint Committee on Appropriations 7-0
02/21/25 Joint Committee on Appropriations 13-3
02/24/25 Senate 30-5
02/26/25 House of Representatives 69-1
SB 102
revise provisions related to the practice of physician assistantsPractice RegulationsMonitorDeferred to 41st day02/07/25 Senate Health 4-3
SB 110
revise licensure and supervision requirements for physical therapists and physical therapist assistantsLicensing and RegulationMonitorPassed House & Senate02/10/25 Senate Health 6-0 Placed on Consent
02/12/25 Senate 35-0
02/27/25 House Health 12-0
03/03/25 House 68-1
SB 113
provide protections for parental rights.Parental RightsMonitorPassed SenateHouse03/06/251:00 PM CST, House02/07/25 Senate State Affairs 6-3
02/11/25 Senate 30-4
03/05/25 House Affairs 10-3
SB 133
repeal enforcement provisions and modify requirements related to the fluoridation of public water supplies.Water FluoridationOpposeKilled in Committee02/07/25 Senate Health 6-1
02/10/25 Place on Calendar pursuant to JR6F6, 12-22
SB 154
prohibit pharmaceutical manufacturers and wholesale drug distributors from interfering in contracts between 340B entities and pharmacies and to provide a penalty therefor.Pharmaceutical Regulations / 340B ProgramSupportPassed House & Senate02/19/25 Senate Health 6-1
02/21/25 Senate 30-3
03/04/25 House Health 8-5
03/05/25 House 65-5
SB 158
address preauthorization requirements for certain health care services and utilization review requirements for certain health benefit plans.Preauthorization RequirementsMonitorDeferred to 41st day02/19/25 Senate Health 4-3
SB 194
classify nicotine products as tobacco products, to increase tax rates on cigarettes and tobacco products, to create the healthcare workforce development fund, and to make an appropriation therefor.Healthcare Workforce Development FundMonitorTabledSenate Taxation 5-0