1 | | | Mortenson Family Foundation - Expanding Opportunities for Children and Families |
| Affordable Housing Community Development Human Services | Foundation | up to 20% of your organization’s operating budget | 03/28/25 | https://www.mortensonfamily.org/explore-partnership/ |  |  |
2 | | | MN Department of Agriculture - Produce Safety Mini Grant |
| Environmental Sustainability | State | up to $800 | 03/22/25 | https://www.mda.state.mn.us/minigrant |  |  |
3 | | | SAMHSA - Circles of Care for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) organizations |
| Cultural Heritage Health Human Services | Other | up to $350,000/year, max 3 years | 03/17/25 | https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-25-016 |  |  |
4 | | | PrarieCare Fund - Student Mental Health |
| Children Health Pediatric Care | Other | up to $25,000 | 03/17/25 | https://www.prairiecarefund.org/grants.html |  |  |
5 | | | Arrowhead Regional Arts Council - Art Project Grant for Individuals |
| Arts/Culture | Foundation | up to $4,000 | 03/16/25 | https://aracouncil.org/individual-artist-project-grant |  |  |
6 | | | Northwest Minnesota Foundation - Welcoming Grant |
| Community Development Human Services Immigrant/Refugee | Foundation | up to $10,000 | 03/16/25 | https://nwmf.org/grants-scholarships/grants/ |  |  |
7 | | | MDH - Mental Health Cultural Community Continuing Education |
| Cultural Heritage Health Human Services | State | up to $7,500 | 04/01/25 | https://www.health.state.mn.us/facilities/ruralhealth/funding/grants/docs/mhccceirfp.pdf |  |  |
8 | | | Mankato Area Foundation - Community Impact Grants |
| Community Development Workforce Development | Foundation | Unspecified | Ongoing | https://k5g.977.myftpupload.com/nonprofits/nonprofit-grant-opportunities/grant_opportunities-community-impact-grants/ |  |  |
9 | | | Bush Foundation - Community Innovation Grant |
| Community Development | Foundation | Unspecified | ongoing | https://www.bushfoundation.org/community-innovation-grants |  |  |
10 | | | MN Office of Higher Education - Hunger Free Campus |
| Education Health Human Services | State | $500,000 maximum | Ongoing | https://www.ohe.state.mn.us/mPg.cfm?pageID=2492 |  |  |
11 | | | Walmart - Local Community Grants |
| Community Development Cultural Heritage Education Environmental Sustainability Health Human Services | Private donor | $5,000 maximum | Ongoing | https://walmart.org/how-we-give/local-community-grants |  |  |
12 | | | MN Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation: Various grants |
| Cultural Heritage Nonprofit Management Workforce Development | State | Varies | Grant cycles opened July 1, Ongoing | https://mn.gov/irrrb/grant-resources/ |  |  |
13 | | | Wells Fargo: Local Community Grants |
| Affordable Housing Environmental Sustainability Nonprofit Management | Other | Varies | LOI Ongoing | https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate-responsibility/community-giving/local/ |  |  |
14 | | Nonprofit Management | Other | $10,000 | Ongoing | https://bizrecycling.com/grants/ |  |  |
15 | | Human Services | Other | $500-$2,000 | Ongoing | http://www.kars4kidsgrants.org/ |  |  |
16 | | | Chef Ann Foundation: Salad Bars to Schools |
| Education | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | http://www.saladbars2schools.org/get-a-salad-bar/schools/ |  |  |
17 | | Health | Other | Varies | Ongoing | https://www.goodsports.org/apply/ |  |  |
18 | | Human Services | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | https://www.fluor.com/sustainability/community/fluor-giving |  |  |
19 | | | National Indian Health Board: Community Changemaker Grants |
| Health | Other | $250 | Ongoing | https://www.nihb.org/for_youth/changemaker_grants.php?utm_campaign=fyi_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery |  |  |
20 | | | The Teagle Foundation Grants |
| Education | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | http://www.teaglefoundation.org/Grants-Initiatives/How-We-Grant |  |  |
21 | | | Charles Stewart Mott Foundation |
| Education | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | https://www.mott.org/work/grantseekers/ |  |  |
22 | | | Borealis Philanthropy: COVID-19 Collective Fund for Trans Communities |
| Affordable Housing COVID-19 Community Development Human Services | Foundation | $2,000 to $10,000 | Ongoing | https://borealisphilanthropy.org/ftg_covid19_rapidresponse_funding_2021/ |  |  |
23 | | | The Bush Foundation: President's Innovation and Partnership Fund |
| Nonprofit Management | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | https://www.bushfoundation.org/presidents-innovation-and-partnership-fund |  |  |
24 | | | Russell J. Efros Foundation: Sprout Fund |
| Arts/Culture | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | https://rjefoundation.org/sproutfund/ |  |  |
25 | | | Tennant Foundation: Cleaning Equipment Donation |
| Nonprofit Management | Foundation | In-Kind | Ongoing | https://www.tennantco.com/en_ca/about-us/corporate-citizenship/tennant-foundation-grants.html |  |  |
26 | | | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity |
| Community Development Health | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/funding-opportunities/2021/evidence-for-action--innovative-research-to-advance-racial-equity.html |  |  |
27 | | | MN DEED Training Grant Programs - Partnership Program |
| Education Workforce Development | State | Up to $400,000 | Ongoing | https://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/training-grant/partnership/ |  |  |
28 | | | MN DEED Training Grant Programs - Pathways Program |
| Workforce Development | State | Up to $400,000 | Ongoing | https://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/training-grant/pathways/ |  |  |
29 | | | MN DEED Training Grant Programs - Job Training Incentive Program |
| Workforce Development | State | Up to $200,000 | Ongoing | https://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/training-grant/jtip/ |  |  |
30 | | | MN DEED Training Grant Programs - Low Income Worker Training Program |
| Workforce Development | State | Up to $200,000 | Ongoing | https://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/training-grant/liw/ |  |  |
31 | | | MN DEED Training Grant Programs - Automation Training Incentive Program |
| Workforce Development | State | Up to $35,000 | Ongoing | https://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/training-grant/atipp/ |  |  |
32 | | | Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundations: Management Improvement Fund |
| Nonprofit Management | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | https://www.spmcf.org/nonprofits/grants-for-nonprofits/management-improvement-fund |  |  |
33 | | | DHS: providers of acute care hospital inpatient treatment for mental illness |
| Health | State | Varies | Ongoing | https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/grants-rfps/open-rfps/?id=1053-531077#/detail/appId/1/id/446234 |  |  |
34 | | | University of MN Medical School: Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - COVID-19 Micro Grants Program |
| COVID-19 | Other | $100 to $2,000 | Ongoing | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FlC9kMICDA1b4-hHirqCt43ydRNHkB4Qct5_aCHpnTc/viewform?edit_requested=true |  |  |
35 | | | MLB-MLBPA Youth Development Foundation |
| Education Nonprofit Management | Foundation | Varies | Ongoing | https://www.baseballydf.com/youth-development-foundation/apply |  |  |
36 | | | MN DEED: Small Cities Development Program |
| Community Development | State | $600,000 | Ongoing | https://mn.gov/deed/government/financial-assistance/community-funding/small-cities.jsp |  |  |
37 | | | Borealis Philanthropy Fund for Trans Generations: Rapid Response |
| Social Issues | Foundation | Up to $10,000 | Ongoing | https://borealisphilanthropy.org/fund-for-trans-generations/ |  |  |
38 | | | HUD: Thriving Communities |
| Community Development | Federal | Varies | Ongoing | https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=xSRVYekizUuokxGApT_HskmeQ38sMnZGgeeydNhZcMVUMzYzUDYzSEJVTzdNOEJFTlg2TDJLMVc3Uy4u |  |  |
39 | | | Best Buy Foundation: Event Sponsorship |
| Arts/Culture Community Development Education Nonprofit Management Workforce Development | Foundation | Varies; event sponsorship | Ongoing (submit at least 90 days prior to the event) | https://www.cybergrants.com/pls/cybergrants/quiz.display_question?x_gm_id=6228&x_quiz_id=7520&x_order_by=1 |  |  |
40 | | | GRID Alternatives and the National Tribal Program: Tribal Solar Accelerator Fund |
| Environmental Sustainability | Foundation | Up to $25,000 | Ongoing as funding allows | https://tribalsolar.org/grants/plan-grant/?bbeml=tp-pck9Q6QNPEiuBt3JmyTokQ.jTTyXCb1ykkupF-wvomurqw.rtOqD0eyNxU-CopvzHbXKpg.lvxvxUBq6HE-9Y8N7O2jZ1g |  |  |
41 | | Community Development | Other | $1,000 | Ongoing; awarded monthly | https://northsideawesome.org/about/ |  |  |
42 | | | | | | | | |