| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2 | |  | District Based |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
3 | | 01/16/25 | Academy Charter High School | no group information listed | | | | | | Matthew Matsutania | Director of Student Services | matsutani@academycharterhs.org | | | | |
4 | | 01/16/25 | Asbury Park School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Jill Garbolino | Director Special Services | garbolinoj@apboe.org | | | | |
5 | | 01/16/25 | Avon Borough School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Eileen MacDonald | Director of Special Education | Emacdonald@avonschool.com | | | | |
6 | | 01/16/25 | Bayshore Joint Commission | no group information listed | | | | | | Bettyann Monteleone | Principal | bmonteleone@theshorecenter.org | | | | |
7 | | 01/16/25 | Belmar Elementary School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Lauren Vasile | Supervisor of Special Education Services | vasile@belmar.k12.nj.us | | | | |
8 | | 01/16/25 | Bradley Beach School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Alison Zylinski | Supervisor of Special Education Services | azylinski@bbesnj.org | | | | |
9 | | 01/16/25 | Brielle Borough School District | Brielle Elementary Parent Advisory Group | Jennifer Bard | Parent Leader | Kelly Baldino | Parent Leader | Kellybaldino@yahoo.com | Nancy Pearson | Director of Student Personnel Services | npearson@brielleschool.org | | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a6mU0s0I-19bzUGM9PwBEb92No1mt1LmFz4i3TrbAA0/edit?tab=t.0 | https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1BCCeFkoy7/ | |
10 | | 01/16/25 | College Achieve Greater Asbury Park Charter School | no group information listed | | | | | | Sara Huston | Director of Special Education | shuston@collegeachieve.org | | | | |
11 | | 01/16/25 | Colts Neck Township Public Schools | no group information listed | | | | | | Richard Beck | Director of Special Education | beck@coltsneckschools.org | | | | |
12 | | 01/16/25 | Deal Borough School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Christine Salvatore | Director of Child Study Team | csalvatore@dealschool.org | | | | |
13 | | 01/16/25 | Eatontown Public School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Nicole Viola | Supervisor of Special Services | nviola@eatontown.org | | https://www.eatontown.org/page/pac | | |
14 | | 01/16/25 | Fair Haven School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Kelly Umbach | Director of Student Services | umbachk@fairhaven.edu | | | | |
15 | | 01/16/25 | Farmingdale Public School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Amanda DeSimone | Special Ed. Coordinator | amanda.desimone@farmingdaleschool.com | | | | |
16 | | 01/16/25 | Freehold Borough School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Jennifer O'Shea | Director of Special Education | joshea@freeholdboro.k12.nj.us | | | | |
17 | | 01/16/25 | Freehold Regional High School District | Special Education Advisory Council | | | | | | Jessica Howland | Director of Special Services | jhowland@frhsd.com | https://sites.google.com/frhsd.com/frhsdspecialservices/special-education-advisory-council?authuser=0 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QDe0mHJV1LgrIEsXJzgUOzju7SBzdmHm/view | | |
18 | | 01/16/25 | Freehold Township | PACE- Freehold Township SEPAG | Ellen Malloy | President | Nicole Quinn | Vice President | pace@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us | Christine Cleffi | Director of Special Education | ccleffi@freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us | https://sites.google.com/freeholdtwp.k12.nj.us/pace-freeholdtownshipsepag/home?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYkNvv8G020j39WBxV3GrFZ75YGNlXD2BOBcDR9CP53RjY3_7ZHPeENM8w_aem_NXzeWxyF8HTPPA67lmQlew | | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565075044786 | https://www.instagram.com/pacefreeholdtwpschools/# |
19 | | 01/16/25 | Hazlet Township Public School District | Hazlet Friends of Neurodiverse Learners | Dori Newton | Parent Leader | Leslie Ponzo | Parent Leader | hazletsepag@gmail.com | William Andersen | Director of Special Education | wandersen@hazlet.org | | https://www.hazlet.org/o/htpsd/page/special-education-parent-advisory-group-sepag | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1753088918262969 | https://x.com/HazletSEPAG |
20 | | 01/16/25 | Henry Hudson Regional School District | no group information listed | | | | | | Denise Lombardi | Supervisor of Special Services | dlombardi@henryhudsonreg.k12.nj.us | | | | |
21 | | 01/16/25 | Holmdel Township School District | Holmdel SEPAG | Jayme Lowenstein | President | Karen Mulligan | Vice President | | Amanda LaMoglia | Director of Special Services | ALamoglia@holmdelschools.org | | | https://www.facebook.com/holmdelsepac | |
22 | | 01/16/25 | Hope Academy Charter School | no group information found | | | | | | Shana Armour | Director of Student Services | sarmour@hopeacademycs.org | | | | |
23 | | 01/16/25 | Howell Township Public School | SEPAC of Howell | John Gresco | President | Kristin Kadir | Liaison | HowellSEPAG@gmail.com | Dorothea Fernandez | Director of Pupil Services | dfernandez@howell.k12.nj.us | | https://www.howell.k12.nj.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1170399&type=d&pREC_ID=1414685 | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066290875832 | |
24 | | 01/16/25 | Keansburg School District | KSEPAG | Kaylin | Flores | | | keansburgsepag@gmail.com | Tara Smith | Director of Special Education | tsmith@keansburg.k12.nj.us | | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/2849601131978801/?ref=share | |
25 | | 01/16/25 | Keyport School District | Keyport SEPAG | | | | | keyportsepag@gmail.com | Erik Mammano | Director of Special Education | emammano@kpsdschools.org | https://www.kpsdschools.org/page/special-education-parent-advisory-group-sepag | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1292627130776858 | |
26 | | 01/16/25 | Little Silver Boro School District | Little Silver Friends of Different Learners | Cate Knight | Chair | Alexis Herman | | catemknight@gmail.com | Suzanne Lazzari | Director of Student Services | slazzari@littlesilverschools.org | https://www.littlesilverpto.org/friends?fbclid=IwY2xjawH2EStleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHQMqw0IWy_7HYMfX0yNgktby1a25efa-qWBqUu0hW70pCVmN78dXGBkErQ_aem_xzGW_fab5rwGQXomj0zwPw | | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064600783099 | |
27 | | 01/16/25 | Long Branch Public School District | no group information found - Long Branch SEPAG | | | | | | Janet Lynn Dudick | Director of Special Education | jdudick@longbranch.k12.nj.us | | | | |
28 | | 01/16/25 | Manalapan-Englishtown Regional | Manalapan-Englishtown Special Education Parent Group | | | | | | Georgianna Petillo | Director of Special Education | gpetillo@mersnj.us | | | | |
29 | | 01/16/25 | Manasquan School District | no group information found | | | | | | Cindy Cimino | Director of Special Education | ccimino@manasquan.k12.nj.us | | | | |
30 | | 01/16/25 | Marlboro Township | Marlboro SEPAG | | | | | | Maryelizabeth Tirone | Director of Special Education | mtirone@mtps.org | | | | |
31 | | 01/16/25 | Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District | PoSP (Parents of Special People) | | | | | | Michael Liebmann | Director of Special Education | mliebmann@marsd.org | | | | |
32 | | 01/16/25 | Middletown Township | Middletown Friends of Diverse Learners (MTFoDL) | | | | | | Michele Tiedemann | Director of Student Services | tiedemannm@middletownk12.org | | | | |
33 | | 01/16/25 | Millstone Township | no group information found | | | | | | Laurie Hall | Director of Special Education | lhall@millstone.k12.nj.us | | | | |
34 | | 01/16/25 | Monmouth Beach Elementary School | Monmouth Beach SEPAG | | | | | | Meghan Vaccarelli | Supervisor Special Services | vaccarelli@mbschool.org | | | | |
35 | | 01/16/25 | Monmouth County Vocational School District | no group information found | | | | | | Joseph Senerchia | Director of Special Education | jsenerchia@ctemc.org | | | | |
36 | | 01/16/25 | Monmouth Ocean Educational Services Commission | no group information found | | | | | | Nandieta Itwaru | Director of Special Education | nitwaru@moesc.org | | | | |
37 | | 01/16/25 | Monmouth Regional HS District | MRHS SEPAG | | | | | | Corey McCook | Special Ed. Coordinator | cmccook@monmouthregional.net | | | | |
38 | | 01/16/25 | Neptune City School District | Woodrow Wilson School SEPAG | | | | | | Michael Haynes | Director of Student Services | mhaynes@neptunecityschool.org | | | | |
39 | | 01/16/25 | Neptune Township School District | Neptune Supporters of Diverse Learners (SODL) | | | | | | Kathleen Skelton | Director of Special Education | kmskelton@neptune.k12.nj.us | | | | |
40 | | 01/16/25 | Oceanport School District | Oceanport SEPAG | | | | | | Lauren Malaney | Supervisor of Special Services | lmalaney@oceanportschools.org | | | | |
41 | | 01/16/25 | Red Bank Borough Public School District | no group information found | | | | | | Jenny Hurd | Director of Student Personnel Services | hurdj@rbb.k12.nj.us | | | | |
42 | | 01/16/25 | Red Bank Charter School | no group information found | | | | | | Kristen Martello | Special Ed. Coordinator | k.martello@redbankcharterschool.com | | | | |
43 | | 01/16/25 | Red Bank Regional HS | RBR SEPAG | | | | | | Erin Pinto | Supervisor Special Services | epinto@rbrhs.org | | | | |
44 | | 01/16/25 | Roosevelt Borough School District | no group information found | | | | | | Karen Barry | Special Ed. Coordinator | barryk@rps1.org | | | | |
45 | | 01/16/25 | Rumson Boro School District | no group information found | | | | | | Michael Snyder | Supervisor of Special Education Services | msnyder@rumsonschool.org | | | | |
46 | | 01/16/25 | Rumson- Fair Haven Regional High School | no group information found | | | | | | Lauren Malaney | Supervisor of Special Education Services | lmalaney@rumsonfairhaven.org | | | | |
47 | | 01/16/25 | Sea Girt Borough School District | no group information found | | | | | | Jeffrey Russo | Supervisor of Special Services | jrusso@seagirt.k12.nj.us | | | | |
48 | | 01/16/25 | Shore Regional HS District | Shore Regional SEPAG | | | | | | Jon Warner | Supervisor of Special Education Services | jwarner@shoreregional.org | | | | |
49 | | 01/16/25 | Shrewsbury Boro School District | no group information found | | | | | | Roseann Ansell | Director of Child Study Team | ansellr@sbs-nj.org | | | | |
50 | | 01/16/25 | Spring Lake Boro | no group information found | | | | | | Natalie Levine | Supervisor of Special Services | nlevine@hwmountz.k12.nj.us | | | | |
51 | | 01/16/25 | Spring Lake Heights School District | no group information found | | | | | | John Spalthoff | Special Ed. Coordinator | jspalthoff@slheights.org | | | | |
52 | | 01/16/25 | Tinton Falls School District | TF SEPAG | | | | | | Kerri Walsifer | Director of Student Services | kwalsifer@tfschools.org | | | | |
53 | | 01/16/25 | Township of Ocean School District | Township of Ocean SEPAG | | | | | | Kristen Hanson | Assistant Superintendent | khanson@oceanschools.org | | | | |
54 | | 01/16/25 | Union Beach Public School District | no group information found | | | | | | Alyson Nechamkin | Director of Special Education | anechamkin@unionbeachschools.org | | | | |
55 | | 01/16/25 | Upper Freehold Regional School District | Upper Freehold Regional School District SEPAG | | | | | | Margarita Baldeo | Director of Special Education | Baldeo.margarita@ufrsd.net | | | | |
56 | | 01/16/25 | Wall Township Public School District | no group information found | | | | | | Kelly Bond | Director of Special Education | kbond@wallpublicschools.org | | | | |
57 | | 01/16/25 | West Long Branch School District | no group information found | | | | | | Suzanne Olimpio | Supervisor of Special Education Services | solimpio@wlbschools.com | | | | |