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2 | |  | District Based |
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3 | | | Clayton School District | Clayton School SEPAG | | | | | | Greg Esposito | Supervisor of Special Education | GEsposito@claytonps.org | | https://www.claytonps.org/page/child-study-team | | |
4 | | | Clearview Regional School District | Clearview Regional High School SEPAG | | | | | SEPAG@Clearviewregional.edu | Nathan Barnes | Director of Special Services | nbarnes@clearviewregional.edu | | https://clearviewregional.edu/district/child_study_team/special_education_parent_advisory_group | | |
5 | | | Delsea Regional High School District | Delsea Regional High School SEPAG | | | | | | Mary Beth Warfield | Director of Special Services | mwarfield@delsearegional.us | | https://delsearegional.us/child-study-team/ | | |
6 | | | Deptford Twp School District | Deptford Township SEPAG | | | | | | Shana Barnes | Director of Special Education | barnes.s@deptford.k12.nj.us | | https://www.deptfordschools.org/m/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=402931&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=745194 | https://www.facebook.com/deptfordsepag?_rdr | |
7 | | | East Greenwich Twp School District | East Greenwich SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) | | | | | specialedparentgroup@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us | Beth Ann Godfrey | CST Supervisor | godfreyb@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us | | https://egsepac.weebly.com/ | | |
8 | | | Elk Twp School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Jackie Scerbo | Supervisor of Special Services | Scerboj@auraelementary.us | | No info | | |
9 | | | Gateway Regional School District | Gateway Group SEPAG | | | | | | Kristy Green | Director of Special Education | kgreen@gatewayhs.com | | https://sites.google.com/a/gatewayhs.com/gatewaygroupsepag/ | | |
10 | | | Glassboro School District | Glassboro SEPAG (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) | | | | | | Catherine Torbik | Director of Special Education | ctorbik@gpsd.us | | https://www.gpsd.us/Page/109 | | |
11 | | | Gloucester County Special Services School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Janette Perez | Director of Special Services | jperez@gcenj.org | | No info | | |
12 | | | Gloucester County Vocational School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Karen D'Orazio | CST Director | kdorazio@gcecnj.org | | No info | | |
13 | | | Greenwich Twp School District | Greenwich Township SEPAG | | | | | | John Tricio | Director of Special Education | jtirico@gtsdk8.us | | https://www.gtsdk8.us/childstudyteam | | |
14 | | | Harrison Twp School District | Harrison SEPAG | | | | | | Lori Hynes | Director of Student Services | hynesl@harrisontwp.k12.nj.us | | https://www.harrisontwp.k12.nj.us/district/child-study-team/district/child-study-team/2024-sepag-community-fair | | |
15 | | | Kinqsway Regional School District | Kingsway Regional SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) | | | | | | Charae Whetstone | Director of Special Services | whetstonec@krsd.us | | https://www.krsd.org/for-parents/sepac | | |
16 | | | Logan Twp School District | Logan Township SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) | | | | | logansepac@gmail.com | Laura Flynn | Director of Special Services | lflynn@logantownships.org | | https://www.logan.k12.nj.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=272908&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=648654 | | |
17 | | | Mantua Twp School District | Mantua Township SEPAG | | | | | | Stephanie Logan | Director of Special Services | slogan@mantuaschools.com | | https://www.mantuaschools.com/apps/events2/event.jsp?eREC_ID=2155646&d=2018-02-01&id=0 | | |
18 | | | Monroe Twp School District | Monroe Township SEPAG | | | | | sepag@monroetwp.k12.nj.us | Alex Nonnemacher | Director of Special Services | anonnemacher@monroetwp.k12.nj.us | | No info | | |
19 | | | National Park Borough | Gateway Group SEPAG | | | | | | Kristy Green | Director of Special Services | kgreen@gatewayhs.com | | No info | | |
20 | | | Paulsboro School District | Paulsboro SEPAG | | | | | | Stacey DiMeo | Special Services Director | sdimeo@paulsboro.k12.nj.us | | https://www.paulsboro.k12.nj.us/specialservices | | |
21 | | | Pitman School District | SEPAG Pitman | | | | | | Chris Morris | CST Director | cmorris@pitman.k12.nj.us | | https://www.pitman.k12.nj.us/departments/special-serviceschild-study-team/sepag-pitman-special-education-parent-advisory-group | | |
22 | | | South Harrison Elementary School District | South Harrison SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) | | | | | | Laura Flynn | Supervisor of Special Education | flynnl@shsd.us | | https://nj01001796.schoolwires.net/Page/802 | | |
23 | | | Swedesboro-Woolwich School District | Swedesboro-Woolwich SEPAC | | | | | swsepac@gmail.com | Heather Worrell | Supervisor | hworrell@swsdk6.com | | https://www.swedesboro-woolwich.com/sepac12 | | |
24 | | | Township of Franklin School District | Parents for Positive Change Special Education Advisory Group | | | | | | Barbara Dobzanski | Supervisor of Special Services | bdobzanski@franklintwpschools.org | | https://www.franklintwpschools.org/page/special-services | | |
25 | | | Washington Township School District | Washington Township SEPAG | | | | | wtpssepag@gmail.com | Christina Battiato | Director | cbattiato@wtps.org | | https://www.wtps.org/domain/2591 | | |
26 | | | Wenonah School District | Wenonah SEPAC (Special Education Advisory Committee)/Gateway Group SEPAG | | | | | | Kellie Frost | Special Services Supervisor | Kfrost@wenonahschool.org | | https://www.wenonahsd.org/special-services/sepac/ | | |
27 | | | West Deptford School District | Unknown if there is a SEPAG | | | | | | Kim Seifring | Director of Special Education | kseifring@wdeptford.k12.nj.us | | No info | | |
28 | | | Westville School District | Gateway Group SEPAG | | | | | | Kristy Green | Director of Special Services | kgreen@gatewayhs.com | | https://sites.google.com/westvillesd.com/parent-resources/special-education/sepag?authuser=0 | | |
29 | | | Woodbury City School District | Woodbury City SEPAC/SEPAG | | | | | | Jefferey Adams | Director of Special Services | jadams@woodburysch.com | | https://www.woodburysch.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=552413&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=1058809 | | |
30 | | | Woodbury Heights School District | Gateway Group SEPAG | | | | | | Kristy Green | Director of Special Services | kgreen@gatewayhs.com | | https://www.woodburyhtselem.com/child-study-team/sepag | | |
31 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |