1 | |  | MERCER COUNTY |
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2 | |  | District Based |
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3 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Achievers Early College Prep Charter School | no group information found | 500 Smith Street | Trenton | NJ | 08611 | Osen | Osagie | Special Ed. Coordinator | oosagie@achieversecp.org | 609-429-0279 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
4 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Area Vocational Technical Schools of Mercer County | no group information found | 1085 Old Trenton Rd | Trenton | NJ | 08690 | Dana | Hice DePugh | Special Ed. Coordinator | dhicedepugh@mcts.edu | 609-438-0109 x4444 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
5 | | School District | 08/24/21 | East Windsor Regional | HEWSEPAG - Hightstown East Windsor Special Education Parent Advisory Group | 25A Leshin Lane | Hightstown | NJ | 08520 | David | Roe | Director of Student Services | droe@ewrsd.k12.nj.us | 609-443-7717 X2012 | | | | | | | HEWSEPAG@gmail.com | https://www.sites.google.com/site/hewsepag/home | http://www.facebook.com/pages/hewsepag/169435466438110 | | | | |
6 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Ewing Public Schools | Parents Educating Parents (Serving Parents and Families of Children with Special Needs) PEP | 2099 Pennngton Road | Ewing | NJ | 0'8618 | Harold | Louth | Director of Student Personnel Services | hlouth@ewingboe.org | 609-538-9800 x7176 | 609-538-0041 | | | | | | | https://www.ewing.k12.nj.us/Page/134 | | | | | |
7 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Foundation Academy Charter School | no group information found | 363 West State Street | Trenton | NJ | 08618 | Sheria | McRae | Special Ed. Coordinator | smcrae@foundationacademy.org | 609-508-7422 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
8 | | School District | 04/18/23 | Hamilton Township Public School District | Hamilton SEPAG | 90 Park Avenue | Hamilton | NJ | 0'8690 | Marta | Audino | Director of Special Education | maudino@hamilton.k12.nj.us | 609-631-4100 x3745 | | Kristin | DiPaola | | | Parent Leader | dipaolaturkey@gmail.com | | | | | | |
9 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Hopewell Valley Regional | no group information found | 425 South Main Street | Pennington | NJ | 08534 | Paulette | DiNardo | Director of Student Services | paulettedinardo@hvrsd.org | 609-737-4000, Ext. 2601 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
10 | | School District | 08/24/21 | International Charter School of Trenton | no group information found | 105 Grand Street | Trenton | NJ | 08611 | Melissa | Benford | Director of Special Education | Mbenford@internationalcs.org | 609-394-3111 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
11 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Lawrence Township Public School District | Lawrence SEPAC | 2525 Princeton Pike | Lawrenceville | NJ | 08648 | Robyn | Klim | Assistant Superintendent for Student Services | rklim@ltps.org | 609-671-5430 | | Tam | Ngo | | | Co-Chair | SEPACLawrence@gmail.com | https://www.ltps.org/Page/3369 | | | | | |
12 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Mercer County Special Services School District | MCSSSD SEPAG | 1020 Old Trenton Rd. | Hamilton | NJ | 08690 | Tammy | Lascar | Supervisor of Student Services | tlascar@mcsssd.us | 609-631-2107 | 609-570-1172 | Beth | Breden | 732-754-5620 | | | mcsssdsepag@gmail.com | https://www.mcsssd.info/sepag | | | | | |
13 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Pace Charter School of Hamilton | no group information found | 1949 Hamilton Ave | Hamilton | NJ | 08619 | Jill | Bond | Supervisor of Special Education Services | jbond@pacecharterschool.org | 609-587-2288 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
14 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Paul Robeson Charter School for the Humanities | no group information found | 643 Indiana Ave | Trenton | NJ | 08638 | Ashanti | Waters | Special Ed. Coordinator | awaters@paulrobesoncs.org | 609-394-7727 x31115 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
15 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Princeton Charter School | no group information found | 100 Bunn Drive | Princeton | NJ | 08540 | Gail | Wilbur | Special Ed. Coordinator | gwilbur@princetoncharter.org | 609-924-0575 x 2502 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
16 | | School District | 07/05/22 | Princeton Public Schools | Princeton SEPAG | c/o PPS, 25 Valley Road | Princeton | NJ | 08540 | Micki | Crisafulli | Director of Student Services | mickicrisafulli@princetonk12.org | 609-806-4206 | | Lamyaa | El-Gabry | | | Co-President | PrincetonSEPAG@gmail.com | https://sites.google.com/view/princetonsepag | https://www.facebook.com/PrincetonSEPAG | | | | |
17 | | School District | 10/18/22 | Robbinsville | Robbinsville SEPAG | 155 Robbinsville Edinburg Rd. | Robbinsville | NJ | 08691 | Georgine | Johnson | Director of Special Education | johnson.georgine@robbinsville.k12.nj.us | 609-632-0910 x4411 | | | | | | | rvillesepag@gmail.com | https://robbinsville.k12.nj.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=474317&type=d | https://www.facebook.com/RobbinsvilleSEPAG | | | | |
18 | | School District | 08/24/21 | The Village Charter School | no group information found | 101 Sullivan Way | Trenton | NJ | 08628 | Theresa | Flim | Director of Special Education | tflim@villagecharter.org | 609-695-0110 x8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
19 | | School District | 07/30/22 | Trenton Public School District | no group information found | 108 North Clinton Avenue | Trenton | NJ | 08609 | Abdel | Gutierrez | Director of Special Education | agutierrez@trenton@k12.nj.us | 609-656-4900 x5766 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
20 | | School District | 08/24/21 | Trenton Stem-to-Civics Charter School | no group information found | 1555 Pennington Road | Ewing | NJ | 08618 | Dawn | Wynn | Special Ed. Coordinator | dawn.wynn@stemcivics.org | 609-548-8707 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
21 | | School District | 10/18/22 | West Windsor-Plainsboro | West Windsor Plainsboro SEPAG | 321 Village Road East | West Windsor | NJ | 08550 | Melissa | Levine | Director of Special Services | Melissa.Levine@ww-p.org | 609-716-5550 | | Veena | Pai | 201-388-3239 | | | veenapai.0408@gmail.com | | | | | | |
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23 | |  | Community Based |
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24 | | Community Based | 07/09/18 | County-Wide | NAACP Education Committee | | Trenton | NJ | | Jonette | Smart | | getsmart1980@gmail.com | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
25 | | Community Based | 05/07/16 | Statewide- Mercer Chapter | Parents Anonymous of New Jersey | 127 Route 206 South, Suite 10 | Trenton | NJ | 0'8610 | | | | | 609-585-7666 | | | | | | | | www.pa-of-nj.org | | | | | |
26 | | Community Based | 07/30/22 | | ASPEN (Aspergers Autism Spectrum Education Network) | P.O. Box 109 | Oceanport | NJ | 07757 | | | | aspenorg@gmail.com, aspenorg@aol.com | 732-321-0880 | | | | | | | | www.aspennj.org | https://www.facebook.com/aspenorg | | | | |
27 | | Community Based | 02/08/17 | | Mercer County Council for Young Children | 690 Whitehead Rd | Lawrenceville | NJ | 8648 | Carlos | Avila | Project Coordinator | cavila@gatewaycap.org | 609-393-0250 | | Carolyn | Robinson | 609-774-5803 | | Supervisor | crobinson@gatewaycap.org | | | | | | |
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