1 | | | | |
2 | | Wayne and Jenny Johnston - Subdivision - Boundary Adjustment | Rural | Formally received |
3 | | Toitu Housing Limited - Land Use - Additional dwelling with State Highway 35 access | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
4 | | Mel Brooks - Land Use - Packaged food store room for Cafe. has to have raised floor to be above recommended flood level | Residential | Decision issued |
5 | | | | |
6 | | Transport Rebuild East Coast - Land Use - State Highway - re-establish existing shoulder of highway | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
7 | | Toitu Housing Limited - Land Use - additional dwelling - 147E Tawaroa Road, Opotiki | Rural | Formally received |
8 | | Forest Link (2009) Limited - Land Use - Torere Block 64 Waiaua - Forest Activities | Rural | Formally received |
9 | | Stephen John Clark - Land Use - new dwelling below flood level and non compliance with zone standards | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
10 | | Len Zeier - Two lot subdivision | Harbour | Formally received |
11 | | Canam Commercial BOP Ltd - The proposal is for land use resource consent to establish a new warehouse extension and small office which infringes a number of zone standards. | Industrial | Formally received |
12 | | Rob Emmott - Two Lot Subdivision - 38 and 38 Windsor Street, Opotiki | Residential | Formally received |
13 | | Keri Huia Ratima - Dwelling with front yard encroachment | Rural | Formally received |
14 | | Kerry Cannon - Land Use - Additional dwelling within ASCH non compliance with zone standards and maximum building height. | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
15 | | NZ Motor Caravan Association - To establish a vehicle based campground on site. No extra impervious areas being built or buildings. Signage will exceed permitted standards in the Coastal Zone. | Coastal | Formally received |
16 | | Steve Nelson - Land Use - RSE Accommodation for 29 workers | Rural | Formally received |
17 | | Kerry Eade and Tracey Verrenkemp - Consent Notice Variation | Rural | Formally received |
18 | | Toitu Tairawhiti | Rural | Formally received |
19 | | NECS application for soil disturbance associated with upgrade works at Waiotahe substation | Rural | Formally received |
20 | | NECS application for soil disturbance associated with upgrade works at Waiotahe substation | Rural | Formally received |
21 | | Landuse - Te Kohango Reo Terere Pa Road - Building Extenstion | Rural | Formally received |
22 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing Limited - Additional dwelling within rural zone positioned closer than 40m to State Highway 35 | Rural | Formally received |
23 | | GHD - Deemed Permitted Activity - A notice to confirm replacement of pole structure EDG-WAI-B0136 is deemed permitted activity under Section 87BB of the RMA 1991 - 141 Hiwarau Road, Opotiki | Ohiwa | Formally received |
24 | | St. Cuthberts College Educational Trust Board - Land Use - To establish an outdoor educational facility and replacement buildings for St. Cuthberts Kahunui Campus | Rural | Formally received |
25 | | Trade Education Properties Limited | Residential | Formally received |
26 | | Waiotahi Residential Limited - Section 127 - To amend Stage 7A and 7B layout | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
27 | | Moseal Limited - Land Use - Carwash building ancillary to a service station activity and located within the front yard | Mixed Activity | Decision issued |
28 | | Rangiemarie Trust Board - Land Use - Proposal to replace an existing single unit with a duplex unit which will exceed density requirements and results in a non-compliant daylighting plane. | Residential | Formally received |
29 | | Waiotahe Valley School Board of Trustees - Outline Plan Waiver - Learning Support Co-ordinator Space | Rural | Decision issued |
30 | | Marven and Associates Limited - Stage 7A Minor Scheme Amendment - Section 127 | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
31 | | Colin and Tanya Moore - Land Use - Pohutukawa Tree Removal - 805 State Highway 35, Tirohanga, Opotiki | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
32 | | Mata Raupo - Land Use - Authorise the establishment of one additional dwelling on a site located at 192 Omarumutu Road, Opotiki | Rural | Formally received |
33 | | Whakatohea Maori Trust - Mata Raupo - Landuse - Establish two dwellings 129b and 129C Omaramutu Road, Opotiki | Rural | Formally received |
34 | | Transpower New Zealand Limited - Land Use - Existing pole structure on the edgecumbe to Waiotahe B (EDG-WAI-B) | Rural | Decision issued |
35 | | Whakatohea Maori Trust Board - Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity - 32C Union Street, Opotiki | Residential | Formally received |
36 | | Karl Rendall Limited - Subdivision - 23 Victoria Street, Opotiki | Residential | Decision issued |
37 | | Horizon Services Limited - Certificate of Compliance - 104 Otara Road, Opotiki | Rural | Formally received |
38 | | Whakatohea Maori Trust Board - Landuse - Papakainga comprising 20 dwellings - 2116 State Highway 35, Opotiki | Rural | Formally received |
39 | | Te Huata Solar Group Limited - Landuse - Establish a solar farm - 6580 State Highway 35, Opotiki | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
40 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing Limited - Landuse - Dwelling in a coastal zone with State Highway 35 access - 5237 State Highway 35, Opotiki | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
41 | | NZ Frost Fans Limited | Rural | Decision issued |
42 | | Baird Farms Limited - Two Lot Subdivision - 27 Baird Road, Opotiki | Rural | Decision issued |
43 | | Horizon Services Limited - Land use - Timming of large Pohutukawa Tree | Coastal | Formally received |
44 | | Haley Collier - Deemed Permitted Activity - Garage 400mm from the western boundary | Rural | Formally received |
45 | | Transpower New Zealand Limited - Right of Way over Easement E | Rural | Formally received |
46 | | New Zealand Transport Agency -Matekerepu Roundabout - Wainui - Outline Plan of Works | Rural | Decision issued |
47 | | Pauline Issac - 1001 State Highway 35, Opotiki - Subdivision - Three lot subdivision | Coastal | Formally received |
48 | | NOW WITHDRAWN - Mel Books, 112 Church Street, Opotiki - Landuse - Existing building change of use to Cafe Bakery renovated and fitted out. | Town Centre | Formally received |
49 | | Kevin Couchman, 967A State Highway 35, Opotiki - Landuse - To extend the floor plan at both ends of the existing dwelling creating a bedroom area one end and kitchen area the other. | Coastal | Formally received |
50 | | Dianne and Peter Ward, 395 Verralls Road, Opotiki - Landuse - Dwelling within front yard | Rural; | Formally received |
51 | | Mata Raupo Gp - New transport dwelling on a vacant lot with access to State Highway 2 | Residential | Formally received |
52 | | Denzil Judd - Dwelling - 398 Ohiwa Harbour Road, Opotiki | Residential | Formally received |
53 | | Whakatohea Maori Trust Board - Landuse Additional Dwelling - 771 Motu Road, Opotiki | Rural | Formally received |
54 | | Te Kohanga Reo National Trust - Certificate of Complaince - 50A Te Rere Pa Road, Opotiki | Rural | Waiting for further information |
55 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing Limited - Landuse - Additions to medical centre - 11 Otutehapara Road, Opotiki | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
56 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing Limited - Landuse - Additional (third) dwelling within Coastal Zone and requiring State Highway access | Coastal | Formally received |
57 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of two new dwellings and subdivision - construction of two new dwellings and subdivision - 61 Stewart Street, Opotiki | Residential | Formally received |
58 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of two new dwellings and subdivision - construction of two new dwellings and subdivision - 61 Stewart Street, Opotiki | Residential | Formally received |
59 | | Robertson - Boundary Adjustyment - 1780 State Highwaty 35, Torere - 07650-069-00 | Rural | Formally received |
60 | | Opotiki District Council - Removal of three Pohutukawa trees - adjacent to wharf development | Harbour Industrial | Formally received |
61 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of three dwellings and subdivision - 26 Princess Street - 07560-051-00 | Residential | Formally received |
62 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of three dwellings and subdivision - 26 Princess Street - 07560-051-00 | Residential | Formally received |
63 | | Craig - Two lot subdivision - 320D Ohiwa Loop Road - 07500-097-00 | Harbour | Formally received |
64 | | Shapely - Two lot subdivision - 74 Ford Street - 07570-181-00 | Residential | Formally received |
65 | | Main - Deemed permitted boundary - 50 Waiotahi Drifts Boulevard - 07520-131-45 | Coastal | Formally received |
66 | | Toitu Tairawhiti - Additional dwelling with State Highway access - 6701 State Highway 35, Te Kaha - 07660-205-01 | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
67 | | Swan - Termination of encumbrance - Lot 1, Deposited Plan 6994 | Rural | Formally received |
68 | | Gaskll - Two lot subdivision - protection lot rule and amalgamation
Cancellation of existing amalgamation condtiion (s242(3)) and s243e cancellation of ROW easement
(97 Gaskill Road) - 07610-282-05 | Rural | Decision issued |
69 | | Kaingaora - Construction of three dwellings and subdivision - 6 Windsor Street - 07570-301-00 | Residential | Formally received |
70 | | Kaingaora - Construction of three dwellings and subdivision - 6 Windsor Street - 07570-301-00 | Residential | Formally received |
71 | | Kainga Ora - Three standalone dwellings and subdivision - Windsor Street - 07570-303-00 | Residential | Formally received |
72 | | Kainga Ora - Three standalone dwellings and subdivision - Windsor Street - 07570-303-00 | Residential | Formally received |
73 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of five dwellings and subdivision - 73 Brabant Street - and 1 Balnaevis - 07560-182-00 / 07500-183-00 | Residential | Formally received |
74 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of five dwellings and subdivision - 73 Brabant Street - and 1 Balnaevis - 07560-182-00 / 07500-183-00 | Residential | Formally received |
75 | | Sherman - Consent to vary a conditions of a consent notice related to building platform, site coverage and reflectivity. - 65D Reeves Road 0- 07500-045-10 | Harbour | Formally received |
76 | | Ranginui - Additional dwelling with State Highway access - 26 Bridge Street - 07570 - 057-00 | Residential | Decision issued |
77 | | Kainga Ora - Subdivision and disturbance of contaminated soils - 17 High Street - 07560-060-00 | Residential | Formally received |
78 | | Kainga Ora - three lot subdivision and access lot - 17 High Street - 07560-060-00 | Residential | Formally received |
79 | | Kainga Ora - three lot subdivision and access lot - 17 High Street - 07560-060-00 | Residential | Formally received |
80 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of three dwellings and subdivision - 18 Beach Road - 07570-406-00 | Residential | Formally received |
81 | | Kainga Ora - Construction of three dwellings and subdivision - 18 Beach Road - 07570-406-00 | Residential | Formally received |
82 | | Pou Oranga Whai Ora - Residential Care facility - 19A Baird Road - 07530-417-03 | Rural | Formally received |
83 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing - Additional dwelling within Coastal Zone with State highway access and non-complaince with reflectivity standard - 8865A State Highway 35 - 8865A State Highway 35, Papatea | Coastal | Formally received |
84 | | McCormack - 3 lot subdivision (two additional lots) - 150 Richard Street - 07660-565-00 | Residential | Decision issued |
85 | | Opotiki District Council - Works to prune two Pohutukawa trees within public road reserve. The mass at the top of the trees is leaning the trees over the road. Adjoins 11A Kuaka Lane/ 334 Ohiwa Harobur Road | Harbour | Decision issued |
86 | | Rangiahua - Vary consent notice to enable second dwelling
Xref subdivision 2010-11 - 75 Ruatuna Road - 07500-053-01 | Harbour | Decision issued |
87 | | Rangiahua - Second dwelling within the Ohiwa Harbour Zone and variation to consent notice condition - 75 Ruatuna Road - 07500-053-01 | Harbour | Decision issued |
88 | | Horizon Energy Distribution - New notice of requirement for designation in Opotiki District Plan for the Opotiki Electrical Substation as "Substation and Associated Ancillary Infrastructure - Otara Road - 07610-025-08, 07610-042-00 | Rural | Formally received |
89 | | Thomson - Extension to dwelling below platfrom level and accessory building (garage/boat shed) with bulk and location infringments - 15 Orete Point, Waihau Bay - 07660-536-13 | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
90 | | Opotiki College - The disturbance and removal of asbestos contaminated soils from beneath block C and adjoining covered walkways - Bridge Street - 07570-357-00 | Residential | Formally received |
91 | | Sundell Developments Limited Landuse Consent - Reduce side yard to 0.5m - 9 Sundell Place - 07530-220-00 | Residential | Formally received |
92 | | Sundell Developments Limited - Subdivision and create seven residential allotments and a owned access lot and one lot to vest in Council as local purpose - 9 Sundell Place - 07530-220-00 | Residential | Formally received |
93 | | Opotiki District Courthouse - Outline Plan Waiver - Church Street - 07650-201-00C | Town Centre | Formally received |
94 | | Mountain Ridge Holdings - Two lot rural subdivision - 137 Ohiwa Beach Road - 07610-154-00 | Coastal | Decision issued |
95 | | Riverlock Land and Property Limited - Site development of the Riverlock Packhouse and coolstore facility - Pile Road - 07610-154-00 | Rural | Formally received |
96 | | Navigate Property - Residential subdivision, construction of dwellings and associated site development works - 7 Wellington Street - 07570-209-05 | Residential | Formally received |
97 | | McKenzie and Carmichael - Accommodation facility for 12 people - Glamping Resort - Whitikau Road - 07630-343-01 | Rural | Decision issued |
98 | | Transpower - New transmission line -Waiotahi Substation - Gabriel Gullys Road - 07520-036-00 | Rural | Decision issued |
99 | | Transpower - NESCS - Waiōtahe Substation - Gabriel Gullys Road - 07520-036-00 | Rural | Formally received |
100 | | Transpower - Outline Plan - Waiōtahe Substation - 07520-036-00 | Rural | Formally received |
101 | | Black & Gardiner - 2 lot subdivision - 33 Hiwarau Road Kutarere - 075600-131-04 | Harbour | Formally received |
102 | | Asgard Investments Ltd - Crosslease - 56 & 56A Buchanan Road - 07570-010-AA-BB | Residential | Formally received |
103 | | Muir - Deck- 27 Orete Point Rd, Waihau Bay - 07660-536-21 | Coastal | Formally received |
104 | | Dun - transitional housing - 92B St John - 07560-440-01 | Residential | Formally received |
105 | | WMTB - Dwelling in front yard - 77 Herema Road Opape - 07630-015-04 | Rural | Formally received |
106 | | Additional dwelling - WMTB- 1401B SH 35 Opape - 07630-149-00 | Rural | Formally received |
107 | | Clarke - Pohutukawa Tree Removal, 6 Whakaari Rd - 07520-061-00 | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
108 | | Te Huata Charitable Trust - Earthworks - 7303 & 7307 SH 35 - 07660-337-02 | Coastal | Formally received |
109 | | Kainga Ora - 45 & 49 Buchanan - SUB, LUC and NESCS - 07570-315-08 | Residential | Formally received |
110 | | Tirohanga Fruit Company Limited - To establish a second seasonal workers accommodation facility for up to 35 workers - 900 SH35 Tirohanga - 07610-128-04 | Coastal | Formally received |
111 | | Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou - Construction and use of shared trail - cycling, walking and horse | | Formally received |
112 | | Collier - third dwelling - 57 Omarumutu - 7630-011-03 Linked | Rural | Formally received |
113 | | Fretwell - dwelling in ASCH - 6815E State Highway 35, Te Kaha - 7660-142-06 linked | Coastal | Formally received |
114 | | KAREN POHARAMA - Subdivision - 8 Rankin Rd -07500-158-01 linked | Rural | Formally received |
115 | | Kainga Ora - 17 dwellings and subdivision - 79 Brabant St & 3-7 Balneavis Pl- 7560-174-00 Linked | Residential | Formally received |
116 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (Trinick) - 8158 SH 35 - 7660-394-00 Linked | Coastal | Formally received |
117 | | Käinga Ora - 12 site subdivision and land use - 52-54 Ford St - 7570-109-00 Linked | Residential | Formally received |
118 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing (Wharepapa) - 5438 SH35 Omaio - 7650-295-05 linked | Coastal | Formally received |
119 | | Opotiki Coastguard - new facility - 1 Wharf st - 7560-159-00 Linked | Harbour Industrial | Formally received |
120 | | J Fisher - subdivision - 70 Hukutaia Rd - 7530-401-03 - Linked | Residential | Formally received |
121 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing (Parekura) - 34 Waiorore Rd - 7660-084-00-C Linked | Coastal | Formally received |
122 | | Taylor - 80 Ruatuna Rd - Subdivision and Land use - 7500-053-07 - Linked C | Harbour | Decision issued |
123 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (Komene) - Additional dwelling - 11188 SH 35 Whangaparaoa | Coastal | Waiting for further information |
124 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (Tahere) - 114 Parekura hei - Additional dwelling - 7660-071-01 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
125 | | Sandom - subdivision - 192A Toone Rd - 7520-217-03 linked | Rural | Decision issued |
126 | | Kelly - 3 lot subdivision - 122 Church st - 7560-115-00 linked | Town Centre | Decision issued |
127 | | WMTB (Edwards) - Additional Dwelling - 76 Opape Beach Rd - 7630-149-00-C Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
128 | | Lasenby - Land use - 34 Waiotahi Drifts - 7520-131-14 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
129 | | Nelson RSE - 1734 SH2 - 7530-405-00 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
130 | | Te Wananga o Aotearoa - Education Facility - 103 Church st - 7560-211-00 Linked | Town Centre | Decision issued |
131 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (Peters) - Dwelling - 31D Omaio Pa Rd - 7650-274-00 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
132 | | Additional Dwelling - Ericksen-Hei - 108 Herema Road - No Val yet | Rural | Decision issued |
133 | | MacDonald - Dwelling within ASCH - 55 Waiotahi Drifts Boulevard - 7520-131-38 linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
134 | | WMTB - 1779 Waiotahe Valley Rd- Additional Dwellings - 7500-273-01 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
135 | | Tuoro - 4 & 6 Fisher PL - 7530-228-01 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
136 | | WMTB - Pukepuke - 282A Hiwarau Road - 7500-114-00 Linked | Harbour | Decision issued |
137 | | Whakatohea Maori Trust Board - 115 Church St - Education activity - 7560-202-00 Linked | Town Centre | Decision issued |
138 | | Jamieson - 22 Arakotipu Boulevard - Extension to dwelling below AEP - 7520-120-19 - linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
139 | | 1377 SH2 - Scammell - Shed - 7520-079-00 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
140 | | McNaull - New Dwelling - 7 Rimu Rimu Key - 7520-131-20 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
141 | | RSE accommodation- 9 Union Street - 7570-050-00 linked | Residential | Decision issued |
142 | | WMTB - (Whakatohea Maori Trust board) - Bettridge & Davis-Turia - 49 Otara Road - 7570-505-00-A linked | Rural | Decision issued |
143 | | P Lowe - 4 bay pole shed - 77 Tirohanga Road - 7610-125-18 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
144 | | Walker - 2 lot Subdivision - 17 Elliot Street - 7560-114-00 Linked | Town Centre | Decision issued |
145 | | Mountain Ridge Holdings - 137 Ohiwa Beach road - 7520-016-00 Linked - RETURNED | Coastal | Decision issued |
146 | | Kainga Ora - 6 lot SUB and LUC - 54 Bridge St - 7570-136-00 linked | Residential | Decision issued |
147 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing - Churchwood - Maraenui Pa Road - 7650-394-00 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
148 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing Limited - 6197 SH35 Waiorore - 7660-043-00 linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
149 | | Asgard - 2 lot SubDivison - 16 Wellington St - 7570-045-00 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
150 | | Asgard - 2 lot Subdivision - 56 & 56A Buchanan - 7570-357-010-AA & BB Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
151 | | McNaull Family - new dwelling - 7 Rimu rimu Key - 7520-131-20 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
152 | | A&J Taylor - 5 Lot subdivision - 80 Ruatuna Rd- 7500-053-07 Linked - Returned as incomplete | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
153 | | Hamilton-Pearce - 7707A Sh35 Waikawa 7660-035-00-A Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
154 | | WMTB (Wayne and Hannah Shaw) - 189 SH2 Kutarere - 7500-156-00 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
155 | | G&S Stilwell - Boundary Adjustment - 98C Ohiwa Harbour Road - 7500-032-50 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
156 | | Toitu Tairawhiti - 7719 SH35 - additional dwelling - 7660-035-00-A Linked- Withdrawn | Rural | Decision issued |
157 | | Tui Lodge - Commercial activity - 202 Copenhagen - 7660-277-01 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
158 | | Asgard Investments Ltd - 153 ST John street (29 High street)- Subdivision - 7560-054-00 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
159 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (B Maangi and G Callaghan) Tawaroa Road - 7600-034-00 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
160 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (T Demant) - SH 35 Waiorere - Awanui-Haparapara 2B2A - 7660-652-00 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
161 | | Lodestone Energy Ltd - Earthworks in National Grid - 7520-229-00 linked | Rural | Decision issued |
162 | | Sargison - Land use for non-compliant shed - 23 Rimu Rimu Key - 7520-131-28 linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
163 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (Jamie Moko) - Te Anaputarua2- 8813 State Highway 35 - 7660-364-00 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
164 | | Ackroyd and Douglas- Second Dwelling and vary consent notice - 313B SH35 - 7610-062-16 linked | Rural | Decision issued |
165 | | Toitu Tairawhiti (Poihipi & Beale) - 3820 Maraenui - 7650-402-01 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
166 | | Kainga Ora - 74 ST John - 3 lot SUB & LAND USE & NESCS 7560-458-00 linked | Residential | Decision issued |
167 | | Jemsahr (Erickson) - Subdivision - 14 Parekura Hei - 7660-120-05 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
168 | | Seasonal Worker accommodation - 92B ST. John street - 7560-440-01 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
169 | | Addison - Boundary Adjustment - 224 McCarthy's rd - 7500-234-01 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
170 | | Toitu Tairawhiti - 7144 SH35 Toitu Tairawhiti - 7660-327-00-a LINKED - Withdrawn | Coastal | Decision issued |
171 | | Ernest Bros - 627 Otara - Subdivision - 7610-239-01 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
172 | | Kāinga Ora - 155 Ford street - 5 site Subdivision, Land use and NES- 7560-577-00 - linked | Residential | Decision issued |
173 | | Renall - Subdivision - 34 Coast View road - 7610-068-02 - Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
174 | | Thompsons Horticulture Ltd - 362 SH2 - 7520-213-01 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
175 | | Craig - Subdivision - 320D Ohiwa Loop Road - 7500-097-00 Linked | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
176 | | Asgard Investments - 15 Grey St - 7560-090-00 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
177 | | Cooper - 4 lot subdivision and land use - 66 Goring St - 7560-507-01 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
178 | | Hingston - to drop FFL of an attachment garage - 6 Arakotipu - 7520-120-11 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
179 | | Fraser & Bewley - s241(36) - Hawai Beach Motor Camp - 2768 Hawai - 7650-181-00 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
180 | | Boundary Adjustment Application - 71 WARRINGTON ROAD | Rural | Decision issued |
181 | | Janie Wirepa - New dwelling - (Tawaroa Road) - 7660-034-00 Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
182 | | Te Ika Pounamu Oo Te Kaha Trust - 2 Oruamanganui Drive - 7500-252-09 - Linked | Rural | Decision issued |
183 | | Toitu Tairawhiti Housing Limited (Michaela Insley) 6015 SH:35 - 7660-649-03 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
184 | | Howard - Variation to consent notice - 118 Ohiwa Harbour Road - 7500-045-27 Linked | Harbour | Decision issued |
185 | | Maru Ora - 11188 SH35 Whangaparaoa & 10407 SH 35 Waihau Bay - new dwellings - 7660-587-00 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
186 | | Opotiki District Council - Church street Lots 9 and 10 - 7560-211-00 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
187 | | new Waioeka Kohanga Reo - 48 Waioeka Pa road - 7630-378-00 | Residential | Waiting for further information |
188 | | TWOA - RC signage - 28 Elliott st - 7560-228-00-A Linked | Industrial | Decision issued |
189 | | Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust - 11124 SH35 - 21-066 New dwelling -7660-585-00 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
190 | | Kemp - Encroachment - 39 Otutehapari Road - Waihau Bay - 7660-541-28 - Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
191 | | Curran subdivision - 13 Wellington St - 7570-033-00 linked | Residential | Formally received |
192 | | Ian Peterson - 5 lot subdivision - 69 Church st - 7560-296-00 linked | Town Centre | Decision issued |
193 | | Far North Solar farms - 41 Gabriels Gully - Des Gleeson - 7520-033-00 linked | Rural | Decision issued |
194 | | Nelson properties - 97 Church St - 7560-321-00 linked | Town Centre | Decision issued |
195 | | Hay - 6609 SH35 Te Kaha - Access from SH35 - 7660-178-04 linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
196 | | Road Mountain Ridge Holding - 137 Ohiwa Beach Road - Boundary adjustment - 7520-016-00 linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
197 | | Stilwell -Land use NESCS - 98C Ohiwa Harbour Road - 7500-032-50 linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
198 | | Maru Ora (Maangi) 11543 Whangaparaoa - (Whangaparaoa 6) - new dwelling - 7660-594-00 linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
199 | | Stilwell -Subdivision 98C Ohiwa Harbour Road - 7500--032-50 linked | Coastal | Formally received |
200 | | Maru Ora - 10624 SH35 Waihau Bay - Third dwelling - 7660-558-03 Linked | Coastal | Decision issued |
201 | | Mitchell - 283 Ohiwa Rd, Bryans Beach - 2 lot subdivision - 7500-032-21 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
202 | | Rural Connectivity Group (RCG) - Telecommunication tower - SH35 adjacent Torere Pa 46 Block | Coastal | Decision issued |
203 | | Otara Kiwifruit - install 2 frost fans - 315 otara road - 7610-203-01 linked | Rural | Decision issued |
204 | | 4A Kukumoa Key - Deemed Permitted Boundary infringement - 7520-120-53 Linked | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
205 | | Proposed Seasonal Worker accommodation - 92B ST. John street - 7560-440-01 Linked | Residential | Decision issued |
206 | | Maru Ora (Callaghan) - 9747 SH35 Raukokore - additional dwelling - 7660-404-00 linked | Rural | Formally received |
207 | | D Leeder - Boundry Adjustment - 202 and 216 Gabriels Gully Road- 7520-234-00 - linked | Rural | Decision issued |
208 | | Rewa Hills Farms - Boundry changes - 96 Waioeka Road | Industrial | Decision issued |
209 | | 2022-37 - SEEKA OPAC LTD - Boundry adjustment - 36 (93) Otara Road | Industrial | Decision issued |
210 | | Opotiki College - 118 Bridge St - remodelling | Residential | Decision issued |
211 | | Antel - Additional dwelling - 10074 Raukokore SH35 | Coastal | Decision issued |
212 | | Butler - Maru Ora - 47 Tawaroa Rd - Papatea Bay Waihau - additional dwelling | Rural | Decision issued |
213 | | T Cass - 8 Thompson Road Paerata - 2 lot subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
214 | | Tramroad Consent Application to damage riparian vegetation during harvesting, Waiata Forest | Rural | Decision issued |
215 | | Maru Ora - Dwellings with access to SH35 - 6197 and 6645 SH35 | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
216 | | Maru Ora - Dwelling with access to SH35 - 6805 SH35 Te Kaha | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
217 | | Opotiki District Council - upgrade stormwater pump station Tarawa Creek | Residential | Decision issued |
218 | | Borland - 2-10 Stewart Street - 8 lot subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
219 | | Snelling - 335 Tablelands - 2 lot subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
220 | | Eastpack Ltd - 3 Stoney Creek Road - Land use | Industrial | Decision issued |
221 | | Craig - Encroachment - 320D Ohiwa Loop rd | Harbour | Waiting for further information |
222 | | Karirangi Holiday Park - RSE & Visitor Accommodation - Whanarua bay | Coastal | Decision issued |
223 | | N Hayes - Second Dwelling - 10654 SH 35 Waihau Bay | Coastal | Decision issued |
224 | | Peter Carter - S221 Variation - 118 Ohiwa Harbour | Harbour | Decision issued |
225 | | Wilson - 5th Dwelling - 92 Looney Road | Rural | Decision issued |
226 | | Thomsen - 3 Patuone Key - New dwelling within ASCH | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
227 | | Maru Ora Limited (J Richards and M Horua) - 9215 SH35 Raukokore - Additional Dwellings | Coastal | Decision issued |
228 | | Maru Ora Limited (Regan Hei) - 8563E SH35 - Additional dwelling | Coastal | Decision issued |
229 | | Jolarna - Establish dwelling under NESCS - 27A Paerata Ridge Road | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
230 | | Seeka Ltd - 93 Waioeka Road - Signage | Industrial | Decision issued |
231 | | Kaiaio Irrigation Limited (Keruru River) - water supply pipeline installation | Coastal | Waiting for further information |
232 | | Housing New Zealand - NES Contaminated soils - 26 Windsor St | Residential | Decision issued |
233 | | Housing New Zealand - Land use consent for 3 dwellings - 26 Windsor St | Residential | Decision issued |
234 | | Rural Connectivity Group (RCG) - Telecommunication tower - SH35 adjacent Torere Pa 46 Block | Coastal | Decision issued |
235 | | Maruhaeremuri - 6401 SH35 Waiorore - Proposed extra dwelling | Coastal | Decision issued |
236 | | Watts - Boundary adjustment - Tablelands Road | Rural | Decision issued |
237 | | RDT Pacific/Opotiki District Council - Verandahs - Church St. | Town Centre | Decision issued |
238 | | 2022-09 - Barsdell - Ohiwa Loop - 2 lot subdivision | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
239 | | Whakatohea Maori Trust Board on behalf T. Shaw - 9215 SH35 | Rural | Decision issued |
240 | | Raukokore River Water Ltd. - Water Storage Scheme | Coastal | Waiting for further information |
241 | | McGregor - 817 SH 35 - Establish garage | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
242 | | Te Whanau a Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust - SH 35 - Relocate 3 Dwellings | Coastal | Decision issued |
243 | | F. Cookson - Second Dwelling - 9A Beach Extension Rd | Rural | Decision issued |
244 | | Kainga Ora/House NZ - 26 Windsor St | Residential | Decision issued |
245 | | Waka Kotahi - Road Reserve (SH 2 RP 294/4340 LHS) - Removal of single Pohutukawa tree | Coastal | Decision issued |
246 | | Te Kura Mana Maori o Whangaparaoa - 11555 SH 35 - Outline Plan for classroom replacements | Coastal | Decision issued |
247 | | Mountain Ridge Holdings - 4 lot subdivision - 137 Ohiwa Beach Rd | Ohiwa Harbour | Waiting for further information |
248 | | T & M Cass - 8 Thompson Rd - 2 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Returned s88 |
249 | | Te Whanau a Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust - 9747 SH 35 - Fifth Dwelling | Coastal / Rural | Formally received |
250 | | Kaimai View Dairy - 11 Kutarere Wharf Rd - s127 Variation | Ohiwa Harbour | Formally received |
251 | | Kainga Maha - 8a Payne Ave - s127 Variation | Residential | Formally received |
252 | | BOPRC - 1 Wharf St - Removal of Pōhutukawa Trees | Coastal | Formally received |
253 | | M & H Bach - 6555 SH 35, Te Kaha - ASCH Dwelling | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
254 | | Te Wananga O Aotearoa - 125 St John St - Education facility | Mixed | Formally received |
255 | | C Reeve - Vedder Rd - 2 Lot Subdivision | Harbour | Formally received |
256 | | Magnus lennie - 85 Church St - New showroom/offices | Town Centre | Formally received |
257 | | Balck D&T - 21 Waiotahi Drifts - ASCH Dwelling | Coastal Settlement | On hold at applicants request |
258 | | BM Law - 74 Richard St - 2 Lot Subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
259 | | Te Whanau a Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust - 9215 SH 35, Raukokore - Additional Dwelling | Coastal | Decision issued |
260 | | ODC -13 King St - Landscaping works within heritage site | Town Centre | Decision issued |
261 | | Lodestone Energy - 9747 SH 35, Ruakaukore - Solar farm | Rural | Formally received |
262 | | Mountain Ridge Holdings - 2 Ron Smith Drive - Vary Consent notice | Coastal | Decision issued |
263 | | D & C Green (Shamrock Trust) - 3 Ron Smith Drive - Vary Consent notice | Coastal | Decision issued |
264 | | 4Sight - Tablelands Rd - Telecommunications site | Rural | Decision issued |
265 | | Mark Hyde - 45 Snell Road - Seasonal worker accommodation | Rural | Decision issued |
266 | | Karirangi Holiday Park - 8510 SH 35, Whanarua Bay - RSE & Visitor Accommodation | Coastal | Formally received |
267 | | Chris Andrews - 71 Richard St, Opotiki - 3 lot subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
268 | | Taiapa D&T - 23 Arakotipu Boulevard, Opotiki - Garage below AEP | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
269 | | Sybton Farm - 120/121 Fraser road - 6 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
270 | | COC - Vodafone - 91 St John Street (SH 35) - Telecommunications Facility | Residential | Decision issued |
271 | | RETURNED - Magnus Lennie Mitsubishi - 85 Church St | Town Centre | Returned s88 |
272 | | Dunn (Versatile) - 82 Waioeka Road - Deemed Permitted Boundary | Residential | Decision issued |
273 | | Fitzpatrick - 35 Omaio Pa Rd, Omaio - Dwelling within ASCH | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
274 | | Hutson - 969B SH2 - Boundary adjustment and amalgamation | Coastal | Decision issued |
275 | | DOC - Moanui Road - Boundary adjustment | Rural | Decision Issued |
276 | | Kāinga Maha Ltd - 8A-8C Payne Ave, Opotiki - Residential Development (NESCS Land Use) | Residential | Decision issued |
277 | | NZTA - SH 2 - Outline Plan Waiver | Coastal | Decision issued |
278 | | R Walker - 5640B SH 35 - Dwelling with SH access | Coastal | Decision issued |
279 | | M Kemara - 15 Omaio Pa Rd - Omaio Marae Upgrades | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
280 | | Brad Harris, Lisa Harris, & Legacy Trustees as Trustees of Reality Trust - 24 Rawinia Pl - Exceedance of site requirements | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
281 | | GA Hermanson & Vexala Lands Ltd - 185B Gaskill Rd - 8 Lot subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
282 | | Te Whānau a Maruhaeremuri Hapū Trust - 185 Wi Tupaea Road - Additional dwelling | Coastal / Rural | Decision issued |
283 | | Te Whānau a Maruhaeremuri Hapū Trust - 11124 State Highway 35 - Additional dwelling | Coastal / Rural | Decision issued |
284 | | Te Whānau a Maruhaeremuri Hapū Trust - SH 35 - Dwelling with SH access | Coastal | Decision issued |
285 | | Eastern Bay Concrete - 156 St John St - Industrial Operation | Mixed | Decision issued |
286 | | Kāinga Maha Ltd - 8A-8C Payne Ave, Opotiki - Residential Development (Land Use) | Residential | Decision issued |
287 | | C McKenzie & K Humphrey - 233 Paerata Ridge Rd - 3 Lot subdivision | Rural | Returned s88 |
288 | | St John New Zealand - 11 Otutehapari Rd - Emergency Services Facility | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
289 | | K & D Bevage - Ohiwa Harbour Road - s221 Consent Notice Variation | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
290 | | MoE - 11555 SH 35 - Outline Plan | Coastal | Decision issued |
291 | | KW McCallum, EJ Tingcombe, Likikimoni Trustees Limited - 44 Paerata Ridge Road - Dwelling Below Site Requirements | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
292 | | RA Pol Family Trust - Takaputahi Road - 2 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
293 | | Albertland Orchard Ltd - 858 SH 35 - 2 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
294 | | S Erickson - 5 Matchitts Road - RSE Worker Accommodation | Rural | Waiting for further information |
295 | | Carlson - 42 Arakotipu Boulevard - Dwelling Below AEP | Coastal Settlement | Returned s88 |
296 | | Collins Maintenance Ltd - 130 Ford Street - 3 Lot Subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
297 | | ODC - SH 35 Te Kaha - Pohutukawa Removal | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
298 | | Tuoro - 4-6 Fisher Place, Opotiki - Additional Dwelling | Residential | Formally received |
299 | | Tirohanga Fruit Company - 918D SH 35 - RSE Worker Accommodation | Rural | Formally received |
300 | | P Scheyvens - 149 Gow Road - Road Boundary Encroachment | Rural | Waiting for further information |
301 | | Motu Trails Ltd - 138 St John Street - Visitor Accommodation | Mixed Activity | On hold at applicants request |
302 | | D Green - Ohiwa Beach Road - Subdivision Consent Notice Variation | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
303 | | C & Howard - Ohiwa Harbour Road - Subdivision Consent Notice Variation | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
304 | | ODC - Proposed Cycle Trail Extension to Motu Trails | | Decision issued |
305 | | Whitebait Inn - 102 Verrals Road - Boundary Adjustment | Rural | Formally received |
306 | | Tuoro - 4-6 Fisher Place, Opotiki - Additional Dwelling | Residential | Returned s88 |
307 | | Raukōkore River Water Ltd - Ruakokore River - Water Supply Pipeline | Coastal / Rural | Decision issued |
308 | | Kāinga Maha Ltd - 8A-8C Payne Ave, Opotiki - 46 lot subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
309 | | Omarumutu Marae - Omarumutu Road, Omarumutu | Rural | Decision issued |
310 | | Ohiwa Cove Ltd - Ohiwa Harbour Road, Ohiwa - Boundary Adjustment | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
311 | | Ministry of Education - Whangaparoa School - Outline Plan | Coastal | Formally received |
312 | | 4Sight Consulting - 1250B State Highway 35 - Telecommunications Facility Certificate of Compliance | Rural | Decision issued |
313 | | Kaimai View Dairy Ltd - 11 Kutarere Wharf Road - 4 Lot Subdivision | Ohiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
314 | | Hayes Trust - 8A & 8B Pohutukawa Drive - Boundary Encroachment | Rural | Decision issued |
315 | | Delta Contracting Ltd - Amokura Road - Gravel Processing | Rural | On hold at applicants request |
316 | | Beeson - 27 Waiotahi Drifts Boulevard - Dwelling within ASCH | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
317 | | Te Whanau a Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust - 9747 SH 35 - 4 Additional Dwellings | Rural | Decision issued |
318 | | Te Whanau a Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust - 9747 SH 35 - Additional Dwelling | Rural | Decision issued |
319 | | Whenua Honey Ltd - 159 Church Street - Commercial Activity | Residential | Decision issued |
320 | | Hayes Trust - 8A & 8B Pohutukawa Drive - 2 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
321 | | Versatile Homes - 98 Goring Street - Deemed Permitted Boundary | Residential | Decision issued |
322 | | Nelson - 1998 SH 2 - Additional Dwellings | Rural | Withdrawn |
323 | | Neilson Builders - Wairuru Marae - Multiple Use Shelter | Coastal | Returned s88 |
324 | | Te Whanau a Maruhaeremuri Hapu Trust - 9747 SH 35 - Additional Dwellings | Rural | Formally received |
325 | | Zeier - 51 Arakotipu Boulevard - Garage Boundary Encroachment and Relocatable Dwelling | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
326 | | Bustop Orchard - 580 Paerata Ridge Road - 3 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Waiting for further information |
327 | | Tall Poppies - 29 Stewart Street - Additional Dwellings | Residential | Decision issued |
328 | | Opotiki District Council - Duke Street - Dog Impound Facility | Rural | Decision issued |
329 | | Osborne - 19 Waiotahi Drifts Boulevard - Dwelling within ASCH | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
330 | | Breezemere Farms - 25 Walker Road - Boundary Adjustment | Rural | Decision issued |
331 | | Abbott - 19b Baird Road - 2 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Withdrawn |
332 | | Cass - 8 Thompson Road, Opotiki - 2 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Returned s88 |
333 | | S Keeley - 181 Paerata Ridge Road - Shed Boundary Encroachment | Rural | Decision issued |
334 | | Rural Connectivity Group - State Highway 35, Whanarua Bay - Telecommunications Facility Certificate of Compliance | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
335 | | Kite - 6925C State Highway 35, Te Kaha - Garage within ASCH | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
336 | | Eastern Orchards - 186 Parkinsons Road, Opotiki - 2 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
337 | | Tall Poppies - 29 Stewart Street - Additional Dwelling | Residential | Returned s88 |
338 | | Phares - 6514 State Highway 35, Opotiki - 3 Lot Subdivision | Coastal | Withdrawn |
339 | | Rural Connectivity Group - State Highway 2, Kutarere - Telecommunications Facility | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
340 | | Donkin - 29 Stewart Street - Additional Dwelling | Residential | Returned s88 |
341 | | Prince - 166 State Highway 2, Kutarere - 3 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
342 | | K & D Lowe Family Trust - 85 Church Street - Multiple Plan Zones Land Use Consent | Town Centre | Returned s88 |
343 | | Douglas & Ackroyd - SH 35, Opotiki - Dwelling within ASCH & State Highway access | Coastal | Decision issued |
344 | | Versatile Homes - Maraenui Pa Road - Dwelling within ASCH | Coastal | Decision issued |
345 | | Bannan - SH 35, Te Kaha - Dwelling within ASCH | Coastal | Decision issued |
346 | | James - SH 2 Nukuhou - ROW | Rural | Decision issued |
347 | | Jumblebar Holdings Ltd - Sundell Place - ROW | Residential | Decision issued |
348 | | K & D Lowe Family Trust - 85 Church Street - Multiple Plan Zones Land Use Consent | Town Centre | Returned s88 |
349 | | Pohatu - State Highway 35, Omaio - State Highway access dwelling | Coastal | Decision issued |
350 | | Open Ocean Whakatohea Mussels - 36 Otara Road & 93 Waioeka Road - 2 Lot Subdivision | Industrial | Decision issued |
351 | | B & G Douglas - 1A Tirohanga Road - Dwelling within ASCH | Coastal | Decision issued |
352 | | D McCready - 122 Waioeka Road - Deemed Permitted Boundary | Rural | Decision issued |
353 | | Riverlock - Pile Road - Coolstore Construction | Rural | Decision issued |
354 | | Shane Hanrahan - 428 Tirohanga Road - 3 Lot Subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
355 | | M & L Randrup - 11 Orete Point Road - Boat Shed Construction | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
356 | | D White - 27 Paerata Ridge Road - 3 Lot Subdivision and Boundary Adjustment | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
357 | | H & N Ngamoki - 23c Omaio Pa Road - Additional dwelling | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
358 | | Maraenui A2 Ahu Whenua Trust - Farm Shed - State Highway 35 | Coastal | Decision issued |
359 | | Apanui School, Te Kaha - Outline Plan (Staff Accommodation) | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
360 | | Apanui School, Te Kaha - Outline Plan (School Buildings) | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
361 | | RA & MG Crowley - 6 Takaputahi Road, Toatoa - 3 lot subdivision | Rural | On hold at applicants request |
362 | | Walton Mountain - Whakaari Road, Waiotahi Beach - Stage 2 Subdivision | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
363 | | 3 Kukomoa Key, Opotiki - Tree removal | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
364 | | Mahar - 181 Paerata Ridge Rd, Opotiki - 2 lot subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
365 | | Sandra Gee - 51 Sedgewick Rd, Opotiki - Retrospective home and visitor accommodation | Residential | Waiting for further information |
366 | | Tawaroa Station Rd, Raukokore - Relocatable house | Rural | Decision issued |
367 | | J Thompson - 28 Windsor St, Opotiki - 2 lot subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
368 | | 27 Sedgewick Rd, Opotiki - Garage construction | Residential | Decision issued |
369 | | Copenhagen Rd, Te Kaha - Telecommunications site | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
370 | | State Highway 35, Omaio - Telecommunications site | Coastal | Decision issued |
371 | | St John St, Opotiki - Tree removal | Residential | Decision issued |
372 | | 747 Tablelands Rd, Tirohanga - Car shed | Rural | Decision issued |
373 | | 4912 Whitianga Bay, Omaio - Relocatable house | Coastal | Decision issued |
374 | | 165 Clarks Cross Road subdivision/boundary adjustment | Rural | Decision issued |
375 | | Whakatohea Mussels Factory | Industrial | Decision issued |
376 | | Ohiwa Cove - Shed - Front Yard Encroachment | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
377 | | Sybton - 2028 Torere - ROW | Coastal | Decision issued |
378 | | K Watson - Cancellation of amalgamation condition - 660 Waiotahe Valley Road | Rural | Decision issued |
379 | | - Waiotahi Residential Limited - Land use consent for buildings within the ASCH | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
380 | | McNaulty Family Trust - remove 2 pohutukawa trees | Coastal | Decision issued |
381 | | Taylor - 80 Ruatuna Road - New dwelling | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
382 | | Rose Garden Preschool - 87 Ford Street | Residential | Decision issued |
383 | | 199 Redpath ROW | Rural | Decision issued |
384 | | Sherman ROW - Ohiwa Cove | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
385 | | Te Kani - 6915 SHW35 Te Kaha | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
386 | | Kat Trustee - 140 Gaskill Road - ROW | Rural | Decision issued |
387 | | OP Developments - 103 Hukutaia Road - s127 variation application | Residential | Formally received |
388 | | 103 Hukutaia Road subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
389 | | Anstis Dairies - 233 Woodlands Road subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
390 | | K&M Meichtry - close in ground floor and new decking - 809 Tironhanga | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
391 | | 61 Nelson Street subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
392 | | 15 Rimu Rimu Rise - Relocate House | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
393 | | Subdivision - 137 Ohiwa Beach Road | Coastal | Decision issued |
394 | | Mountain Ridge Holdings - s127 variation application | Coastal | Formally received |
395 | | Mountain Ridge Holdings - Ohiwa Beach Road - s127 Variation to Consent Conditions | Coastal | Decision issued |
396 | | Te Kura o Torere - changing facilities | Coastal | Decision issued |
397 | | ODC - reduced min floor level - Lot 10 Church Street | Town Centre | Decision issued |
398 | | Martyn Dickie - ROW - 8343 SHW 35 | Coastal | Decision issued |
399 | | Boggiss & Pearson - Pool at 207 Ruatuna Road | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
400 | | Gardiner - Black - Additional dwelling at 33 Hiwarau Road | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
401 | | Opus - Opotiki Courthouse - Outline Plan Waiver | Town Centre | Decision issued |
402 | | Walton Mountain Limited - Whakaari Road - 3 lot Subdivision | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
403 | | Aurecon (Spark) - Telecommunication facility - 66 Waioeka Road | Rural | Decision issued |
404 | | Kampshof - 147 Toone Road - 2 lot subdivision (boundary adjustment) | Rural | Decision issued |
405 | | Motu Trails Charitable Trust - Tirohanga Conservation Area - Dune shelter structure | Coastal | Decision issued |
406 | | Torrens - 831 State Highway 35 - Relocatable dwelling | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
407 | | Coastie Developments Ltd - 106 Hukutaia Road - 8 lot subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
408 | | Waiotahi Residential Limited - Waiotahi Drifts - Section 127 application in relation to RC2003-10 | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
409 | | A Apirana - 28B1 Block SHW35, Te Kaha - Additional dwelling to site | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
410 | | Te Kaha Nui-a-Tiki - 6998B State Highway 35, Te Kaha - Change of use to temporary Kohanga Reo Educational Facility | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
411 | | Ohiwa Cove Ltd - Ohiwa Harbour Road - Earthworks | Harbour | Decision issued |
412 | | Arcus - 7492 Waikawa - 4th dwelling to site | Coastal | Decision issued |
413 | | Whakaatu Whanaunga Trust - 134 Ford Street - 7 dwellings | Residential | Decision issued |
414 | | Whatnall & Chamberlain - 837 State Highway 35 - Dwelling in ASCH line | Coastal | Decision issued |
415 | | EastPack - Stoney Creek Road - Extension to lunchroom | Industrial | Decision issued |
416 | | W Schutz - 12 Te Papa Place - 2 lot subdivision | Residential | Decision issued |
417 | | Nicholson & Lewis - 95 Ohiwa Loop Road - New dwelling | Harbour | Decision issued |
418 | | Erickson & Hale - Opape - 2B5, SH35 - 4 dwellings and a garage | Rural | Decision issued |
419 | | GA Redpath Trust - 119 Warrington Road - 2 lot subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
420 | | Moana Jamieson - Te Ruinga Road - 14 lot subdivision | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
421 | | Webster - 9 Ohiwa Cove Rise - Variation to consent notice | Harbour | Decision issued |
422 | | Baklavich Livestock Ltd - 30 Thompson Road - 2 lot subdivision | Rural | Decision issued |
423 | | Jackson - 50 St John Street - Deemed Permitted Boundary Application | Residential | Decision issued |
424 | | Rachel Morris - 6805 SHW 35 - Occupation Order | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
425 | | McKenzie - 215 Ohiwa Beach Road - Increase in size of accommodation facility | Coastal | Decision issued |
426 | | Nukutere Land Trust - Section 348 LGA 1974 Opape 28 Block | Rural | Decision issued |
427 | | Tovey - 4 lot subdivision - 58A Copenhagen Road | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
428 | | OPAC - New offices and box plant - 93 Waioeka Road | Industrial | Decision issued |
429 | | McNaulty - Boatshed - 10730 SH35 Waihau Bay | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
430 | | MacDonald - 31 Waiotahi Drifts Boulevard - Dwelling within ASCH. | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
431 | | Heath - 91 Bridge Street - Change of use to Eastern Bay Chiropractic | Town Centre | Decision issued |
432 | | Waiotahi Residential Ltd - 120 lot subdivison - Waiotahi Drifts | Coastal Settlement | Formally received |
433 | | Foundry Consultants Ltd - Proposed subdivision of 1402A Waiotahi Beach Road | Rural | Decision issued |
434 | | Transpower New Zealand Ltd - Installation of pole for communications purposes that exceeds District Plan permitted activities height limit | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
435 | | Leslie Teddy - Pre 1970's dwelling to be relocated onto site | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
436 | | LD and HL Stowell Limited - New boat house extension to existing dwelling, garage and workshop on ground level | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
437 | | Whakatohea Maori Trust Board - Change of use from retail to training facility | Town Centre | Decision issued |
438 | | Gull - Self service petrol station - Bridge Street | Residential | Decision issued |
439 | | Rob and Ann Sherman - Earthworks and proposed change to consent notice conditions | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision issued |
440 | | T Ngamoki - To construct an additional habitable building at 45 Ōmaio Pa Road | Residential | Decision issued |
441 | | Mark Hyde and Ming Hu - Consent to allow accommodation for 11 RSE Workers | Residential | Decision issued |
442 | | Donald and Gail Hudson - Create two new (one additional) residential properties in accordance with drawing 3752/1 | Residential | Decision issued |
443 | | Honor Ross - Council report on occupation order | Rural | Decision issued |
444 | | Paora Lewis - Council report on occupation order | Rural | Decision issued |
445 | | Te Whānau-a-Apanui-Area-School - Relocate 2 classrooms from Te Whānau-a-Apanui Area School to Ōmaio School. Establish the two classrooms includijng decks, steps and ramp. | Coastal | Decision issued |
446 | | Mr Soul Toa & Mrs Cheryl Toa - Change of use of the existing dwelling and flat to a Hostel | Residential | Decision issued |
447 | | Anthony Trinick - Erection of a further 12 dwellings on site | Coastal | Decision issued |
448 | | Nicolas and Maree Scammell - Build a shed/garage | Residential | Waiting for further information |
449 | | Alan Rogers - Subdivision of a 2.7ha property and apply for an existing use certificate for the dwelling which was removed and replaced by a new house to be constructed | Rural | Decision Issued |
450 | | Ōpōtiki District Council - To remove a Pohutukawa tree from the north corner of the Coastguard building | Coastal | Decision Issued |
451 | | Stainton - Occupation order | Coastal | Decision issued |
452 | | Hone Stainton - Stainton Occupation Order | Coastal Settlement | Decision issued |
453 | | Ann Fletcher & Alan Walker - New shed (6.6m x 6.6m) / 3.0m from Paper Road Boundary retrospective | Rural | Decision Issued |
454 | | Jared Hori Tuoro - Relocation of second hand dwelling pre 1970 to 19 Victoria Street, Ōpōtiki | Residential | Decision Issued |
455 | | Thomas Colin Lamont - Boundary adjustment and two lot subdivision | Residential | Decision Issued |
456 | | Steve Gordon Nelson- Provide visitor and seasonal worker accommodation for 40 persons (20 additional) | Rural | Decision Issued |
457 | | McAbam & McCracken - Extension to existing sleepout | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision Issued |
458 | | Ōpōtiki District Council - Proposed redevelopment of the existing Ōpōtiki Library facility | Town Centre | Decision Issued |
459 | | M Horsley - move caravan onto site and connect to existing service | Coastal Settlement | Decision Issued |
460 | | Thornton Park Cottage - Variation - Staged Construction | Rural | Decision Issued |
461 | | Boggiss & Pearson - Extend existing dwelling | Ōhiwa Harbour | Decision Issued |
462 | | Amy Hennessy - Application to approve shed | Residential | Decision Issued |
463 | | Woodlands School - Outline plan waiver from Ōpōtiki District Council in relation to wroks to Blocks D & E at Woodlands School | Rural | Decision Issued |
464 | | McHale & Southern - New Dwelling | Coastal Settlement | Decision Issued |
465 | | Ann Fletcher and Allan Walker - Retrospective application for shed | Residential | Formally received |
466 | | Amy Hennessy - Application to approve shed | Residential | Closed |
467 | | Ōpōtiki District Council - Signs that do not meet the permitted or controlled criteria | Mixed Activity Zone | Decision Issued |
468 | | Eastpack - Breach of front yard daylight recession plane. | Industrial | Decision Issued |
469 | | S Nelson - Sign associated with an activity with resource consent. | Rural | Decision Issued |
470 | | OPAC - Construction of additions to existing kiwifruit packing and coolstore development. | Industrial and Rural | Decision Issued |
471 | | C Garland - Construction within 100 m of an NZAA identified archaeological site. | Coastal Settlement and Coast Residential | Decision Issued |
472 | | J Hamilton-Pearce - Consent for an additional dwelling on the site. | Coastal | Decision Issued |
473 | | J Ball - Adjustment of the boundary between two boundaries in the rural zone. Assessed as two lot subdivision and amalgamation with the adjoining allotment. | Rural | Decision Issued |
474 | | B Young - Boundary adjustment between lots in the Rural zone. Going from 3 to 2 allotments. | Rural | Decision Issued |
475 | | Linan Investments Limited - 4 lot subdivision in the residential zone on the corner of SH2 and Ford Street. | Residential | Decision Issued |
476 | | Hutson and Arnold - Vary consent notice to remove minimum floor levels of all buildings to be 3.4 m MD and make rule for non-habitable buildings in line with the ODP. | Coastal | Decision Issued |
477 | | S Nelson - Take away / drive thru coffee shop in the Mixed Activity Zone | Mixed Activity Zone | Decision Issued |
478 | | W Shutz - Boundary adjustment between two allotments in the Rural / Residential zones | Rural Zone | Decision Issued |
479 | | Trade Education Properties Limited - 11 Lot subdivision in the Residential Zone | Residential | Decision Issued |
480 | | PF Olsen - Incidental damage to indigenous vegetation during forestry on the block. | Rural and Coastal | Decision Issued |
481 | | Parry - Earthworks and proximity to archaeological sites for a relocatable building in the Ōhiwa Harbour Zone. | Ōhiwa Harbour zone | Decision Issued |