1 | |  | MORRIS COUNTY |
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2 | |  | District Based |
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3 | | | Boonton Town Public School District | | Linda Mauriello | | | | SEPAG@boontonschools.org | | | | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx5hthWRzrxBMPcJDLZoq8D5cU7JO14GcZvLV_UChugbe52w/viewform | https://www.boontonschools.org/Page/821 | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1635413749933999 | |
4 | | | Boonton Township School District | Boonton Township Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG) | Mrs. Eileen Brantner | | Mrs. Emilia Endean | | sepag.bt@gmail.com | Mrs. Danielle Morgenroth | Boonton Township Director of Special Services | dmorgenroth@btrvs.org | | https://www.btrvs.org/cms/one.aspx?portalid=70112045&pageid=70319368 | | |
5 | | | Butler Public School District | | | | | | | Dr. Jason Marx | Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services | jmarx@butlerboe.org | | | | |
6 | | | Chester Township School District | Chester School District Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) known as CANDO- ChildAbilities, Not Disabilities Organization) | | | | | | Jeanette Krone | Director of Student Services | Jeanette.Krone@chester-nj.org | | https://www.chester-nj.org/Page/6373 https://www.chester-nj.org/Page/2624 | | |
7 | | | Denville Township K-8 School District - PRE-K | Denville Township Schools' Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) | McKenzie Ardon | | | | mmprice84@gmail.com | Grace Johnson | Director of Special Services | gjohnson@denville.org | | https://www.denville.org/district/special_services/special_education_parent_advisory_committee___s_e_ | | |
8 | | | Denville Township K-8 School District - Lakeview School | Denville Township Schools' Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) | Chary Matisak Corinne Quinn | | | | charymatisak@gmail.com corinneaquinn@gmail.com | Grace Johnson | Director of Special Services | gjohnson@denville.org | | https://www.denville.org/district/special_services/special_education_parent_advisory_committee___s_e_ | | |
9 | | | Denville Township K-8 School District - Riverview School | Denville Township Schools' Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) | Elena Morgan | | | | krieger.elena@gmail.com | Grace Johnson | Director of Special Services | gjohnson@denville.org | | https://www.denville.org/district/special_services/special_education_parent_advisory_committee___s_e_ | | |
10 | | | Denville Township K-8 School District - Valleyview School: | Denville Township Schools' Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) | Lauren Aitchison Jennifer Blanchard | | | | Lauren.Eberle@gmail.com jennycurls1@gmail.com | Grace Johnson | Director of Special Services | gjohnson@denville.org | | https://www.denville.org/district/special_services/special_education_parent_advisory_committee___s_e_ | | |
11 | | | Dover Public School District | DOVER SEPAG | | | | | Doversepag@gmail.com | Melissa Sabol | Director of Special Services | msabol@dover-nj.org | | https://www.dover-nj.org/academics/special-services/special-education-parent-advisory-group-sepag | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064555219221 | |
12 | | | East Hanover Township School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Group of East Hanover | | | | | EastHanoverSEPAG@gmail.com | Alexis Piombino | Director of Special Services | apiombino@easthanoverschools.org | www.EastHanoverSEPAG.com | https://www.easthanoverschools.org/page/sped-parent-advisory-group-of-east-hanover | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092261012120 | |
13 | | | Educational Services Commission of Morris County | | | | | | | Marci Spadafora | Director of Special Services | mspadafora@escmorris.com | | | | |
14 | | | Florham Park School District | Florham Park School District Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | | Melissa Picciano | Supervisor of Special Services | Melissa.Picciano@fpks.org | | https://www.fpks.org/cms/One.aspx?portalId=213213&pageId=22607166 | | |
15 | | | Hanover Park Regional High School District | | | | | | | DEBRA STRAUSS | Director of Special Services | dstrauss@hpreg.org | | https://www.hanoverpark.org/o/hphs/page/parent-resources | | |
16 | | | Hanover Township School District | Hanover Township Schools Parent Advisory Group for Children with Special Needs | | | | | | no contact information found | | | | https://www.hanovertwpschools.com/Page/2604 | | |
17 | | | Harding Township School District | PPEC | | | | | | Dr. Christopher Magno | Director of Special Services | cmagno@hardingtwp.org | | https://www.hardingtwp.org/page/student-services | | |
18 | | | Jefferson Township Public School District | JTSEPAG | | | | | JTSEPAG@gmail.com | Juceyka Figueroa | Director of Special Services | JFigueroa@jefftwp.org | | https://www.jefftwp.org/Page/414 | https://www.facebook.com/JTSEPAG | |
19 | | | Kinnelon School District | | | | | | | Danica Davidman | Supervisor of Student Services | davidmand@kinnelon.org | | | | |
20 | | | Lincoln Park School District | Lincoln Park NJ Special Education Student Advisory Group-SEPAG | | | | | LPNJSEPAG@yahoo.com | Deirdre Mastandrea | INTERIM DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES | mastandrea@lincpk.com | | | https://www.facebook.com/LPNJSEPAG | |
21 | | | Long Hill Township School District | | | | | | | Geraldine Colon | Director of Special Services | gcolon@longhill.org | | https://www.longhill.org/parents | | |
22 | | | Madison Public School District | Madison SEPAG | Leslie Scott | Co-President | Kris Nolan | Co-President | madisonsepag@gmail.com | Susie Budine | Director of Pupil Personnel Services | budines@madisonnjps.org | https://www.madisonsepag.com/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2rCC0Ra9LeVM9ccFn2nAP4kMinHQHZi3NLjNlW8nV3r1Ww7txp4HPJA8U_aem_hHYc1SJCpRmQWinDgVSxKQ | https://www.madisonpublicschools.org/page/parent-community-groups | https://www.facebook.com/MadisonSEPAG | |
23 | | | Mendham Borough School District | PARENT COUNCIL FOR EXTRAORDINARY CHILDREN | | | | | | Mrs. MaryAnne Collins | | collins@mendhamboroschools.org | | https://www.mendhamboro.org/o/mendham-borough-school-district/page/parent-council-for-extraordinary-children | | |
24 | | | Mendham Township School District | SEPAG - Mendham Township Schools | Sabrina Littman | Co Chair | Megan Renze | Co Chair | sepag@mendhamtwppto.org | Dr. Robert Koroski | Director of Special Services | rKoroski@mendhamtwp.org | | https://www.mendhamtwp.org/academics/special-services/pacss-parent-advisory-council-for-special-services | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561466930624 | |
25 | | | Mine Hill Township School District | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
26 | | | Montville Township School District | | | | | | | Erica Cerilli-Levine | Director of Special Services | erica.cerillilevine@montville.net | | https://www.montville.net/page/sepag | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1363952634370082 | |
27 | | | Morris County Vocational School District | | | | | | | Athena Borzeka | Director of Student Services and Special Education | borzekaa@mcvts.org | | https://www.mcvts.org/departments/support-services/special-education-parent-advisory-group-sepag | | |
28 | | | Morris Hills Regional School District | | | | | | | Boye, Sonya | Special Services District Director | sboyer@mhrd.org | | | | |
29 | | | Morris Plains School District | | | | | | | Megan Gropp | Director of Special Services | mgropp@mpsdk8.org | | | | |
30 | | | Morris School District | MSD SEPAG - Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | msdsepag@gmail.com | Diana Pinto-Gomez, Ed. D. | Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Services & Bilingual Ed: | diana.pintogomez@msdk12.net | https://msdsepag.org/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0y01sIVnWJn0QJNGOTjIQ_BgoT15pc2PZIQqvCY1K8wykmIDXl8gZ0__c_aem_4ITw3RBgw2F8xWf1Ccj9Hg | https://www.morrisschooldistrict.org/offices/office-of-pupil-services | https://www.facebook.com/groups/msdsepag | |
31 | | | Mount Arlington Public School District | | | | | | | Jennifer Ochoa | Supervisor of Special Education | jochoa@mtarlingtonk8.org | | | | |
32 | | | Mount Olive Township School District | Mount Olive Sepag | | | | | mtolivesepag@gmail.com | | | | | | | |
33 | | | Mountain Lakes Public School District | Mountain Lakes SEPAG | | | | | | Kerry DiGiacinto | Director of Special Services, District Affirmative Action Officer, Title IX Coordinator | kdigiacinto@mlschools.org | | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/646988597458135 | |
34 | | | Netcong School District | | | | | | | Amy Henry | LDTC/CST Coordinator | ahenry@netcongschool.org | | | | |
35 | | | Parsippany-Troy Hills Township School District | | | | | | | Mr. Keith Cortright | Executive Director of Pupil Personnel Services | kcortright@pthsd.net | | https://www.pthsd.k12.nj.us/page/sepac | | |
36 | | | Pequannock Township School District | Special Education Parent Advisory Council - SEPAC of Pequannock Twp | | | | | Pequannock.sepac@gmail.com | | | | | https://www.pequannock.org/academics/special-services/sepac-parent-advisory-committee | | |
37 | | | Randolph Township School District | | | | | | | Walter Curioni | Director of Special Services | wcurioni@rtnj.org | | https://www.rtnj.org/special-services/leadership-team | | |
38 | | | Riverdale School District | Riverdale SEPAG | | | | | | DiLorenzo, Stacy | School Psychologist/Supervisor of Special Services | sdilorenzo@rpsnj.org | | https://www.rpsnj.org/departments/c_s_t/special_education_parent_advisory_group | | |
39 | | | Rockaway Borough School District | Parents Reaching out to Parents | Beth Anne Donald | | | | | Marie Giantomasi | Consultant to Special Services | giantlearn@gmail.com | | https://www.rockboro.org/Page/32 | | |
40 | | | Rockaway Township School District | Rockaway Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) | | | | | | Ms. Brianna Bird | Administrative Assistant to Special Education | bbird@rocktwp.net | | https://www.rocktwp.net/o/rockaway/page/special-education-parent-advisory-committee | | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1717127131864841/ |
41 | | | Roxbury Township School District | Roxbury Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) | | | | | | Ms. Amy Gallagher | Director of Special Services | agallagher@roxbury.org | | https://www.roxbury.org/domain/571 | | |
42 | | | School District of the Chathams | Chatham SEPAG (Special Education Parent Advisory Group) | Kathleen Ryan | Chatham SEPAG Officers | Aimee Reali | Chatham SEPAG Officers | ChathamSEPAG@gmail.com | Dr. Emily Sortino | Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services | esortino@chatham-nj.org | https://www.chathamsepag.com/ | https://www.chatham-nj.org/o/chathams/page/student-support-services | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1336918599783260/ | |
43 | | | Unity Charter School (Morristown) | Unity’s SEAC | | | | | | Jennifer Carcich | | Jennifer.Carcich@unitycharterschool.org | https://sites.google.com/unitycharterschool.org/unitys-seac/meeting-dates-workshops | https://unitycharterschool.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=4385198&type=d&pREC_ID=2592462 | | |
44 | | | Washington Township School District | Washington Township Special Education Parent Advisory Group | | | | | seac@warrenhills.org | Mrs. Caryn Kaluzny | Port Colden Secretary | ckaluzny@washtwpsd.org | | https://www.washtwpsd.org/special-services/ | | |
45 | | | West Morris Regional High School District | West Morris Regional High School District SEPAG | | | | | | Celeste Bonura | Director of Pupil Services | cbonura@wmrhsd.org | | https://www.wmrhsd.org/page/sepag | | |
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