1 | AIS Chapter Germany Reception | 18 | | | maximilian.schreieck@uibk.ac.at | https://communities.aisnet.org/aisd/home |
2 | AISWN College Reception | 21 | | | sam.zaza@mtsu.edu | Email sam.zaza@mtsu.edu |
3 | (VIRTUAL) AISWN International Research Workshop on Women IS, and Grand Challenges | | 17 | | dawn.owens@utdallas.edu | Email dawn.owens@utdallas.edu or jacqueline.corbett@fsa.ulaval.ca |
4 | (VIRTUAL) Bright Internet Global Symposium (BIGS) 2023 | | 44 | | dan.kim@unt.edu | http://brightinternet.org/bigs2023 |
5 | Digital Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Transformation (DIET) Forum | 22 | | | Lsiyer@uncg.edu | https://icis2023.aisconferences.org/digital-innovation-entrepreneurship-and-transformation-diet-forum/ |
6 | (VIRTUAL) Doctoral Student College - Annual General Meeting | | 26 | | long.the.nguyen@wsu.edu | https://icis2023.aisconferences.org/events/doctoral-student-corner/ |
7 | Doctoral Student Corner - Faculty Panel | 47 | | | long.the.nguyen@wsu.edu | https://icis2023.aisconferences.org/events/doctoral-student-corner/ |
8 | Doctoral Student Corner - Faculty Roundtable | 55 | | | long.the.nguyen@wsu.edu | https://icis2023.aisconferences.org/events/doctoral-student-corner/ |
9 | Doctoral Student Corner - Student Hangout & Conclusion | 52 | | | long.the.nguyen@wsu.edu | https://icis2023.aisconferences.org/events/doctoral-student-corner/ |
10 | Doctoral Student Corner - Welcome Reception | 54 | | | long.the.nguyen@wsu.edu | https://icis2023.aisconferences.org/events/doctoral-student-corner/ |
11 | Georgia State University: Computer Information Systems Reception | 10 | | | rjames11@gsu.edu | Email Bala Ramesh at bramesh@gsu.edu |
12 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS) Reception - EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS ONLY | 7 | | | yolande.chan@mcgill.ca | Email yolande.chan@mcgill.ca |
13 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS) Reception - OPEN TO ALL CONFERENCE ATTENDEES | 140 | | | yolande.chan@mcgill.ca | Email yolande.chan@mcgill.ca |
14 | KrAIS Research Workshop | 17 | | | elina7@uw.edu | www.krais.org |
15 | Mid-Caeer Faculty Workshop | 16 | | | maung.k.sein@usn.no | Email maung.k.sein@usn.no |
16 | MISQE and SIM Academic Workshop on Cybersecurity | 28 | 0 | | mary.b.sumner-1@ou.edu | Email MISQE_SI_Cybersecurity@MIT.edu |
17 | SIG ADIT: DIGIT 2023 Workshop | 27 | | | Hamed.Qahri-Saremi@colostate.edu | https://www.sigadit.net/digit |
18 | SIG BD: International Workshop on Real-Time Big Data Analytical Applications (WRBDA) | 16 | | | mkomarov@hse.ru | https://communities.aisnet.org/sigbigdata/home |
19 | (VIRTUAL) SIG BIT Workshop on Web3 Technologies and Ecosystems | | 11 | | hdaning@gmail.com | http://2023.sigbit.org/ |
20 | (VIRTUAL) SIG CNOW - Changing Nature of Work: Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies | | 25 | | louf@itu.dk | https://communities.aisnet.org/sigcnow/13th-hyderabad |
21 | (OFFSITE) SIG DSA | 31 | | | matta@ohio.edu | https://preicis2023.sigdsa.org/home.html |
22 | SIG EBIZ: Workshop on e-Business | 32 | | | abhishek_kathuria@isb.edu | https://2023.ebizworkshop.org |
23 | (IN-PERSON) SIG ED: International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research (ICISER 2023) | 7 | | | rosetta.romano@canberra.edu.au | More information at: https://ais-siged.org/ |
24 | (VIRTUAL) SIG ED: International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research (ICISER 2023 ONLINE) | | 12 | | rosetta.romano@canberra.edu.au | https://ais-siged.org/conferences/siged-2023-conference/ |
25 | SIG GlobDev: 15th Annual SIG - ICT and Global Development Workshop | 21 | 2 | | antonio.diaz@uia.no | Email the workshop chairs: Jolanta Kowal (jolanta.kowal@uwr.edu.pl) or Antonio Díaz Andrade (antonio.diaz@uia.no). |
26 | SIG GTM: Grounded Theory Workshop | 41 | | | tanya.beaulieu@maine.edu | Email tanya.beaulieu@maine.edu |
27 | SIG GREEN: Workshop | 15 | | | jacqueline.corbett@fsa.ulaval.ca | https://communities.aisnet.org/siggreen/workshops/cfp |
28 | SIG HCI: Workshop on HCI Research in MIS | 25 | 13 | | e.t.lim@unsw.edu.au | https://sighci.org |
29 | SIG ITProjMgt: 18th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management | 8 | | | gaurav.shekhar@utdallas.edu | Email gaurav.shekhar@utdallas.edu or visit https://communities.aisnet.org/sigitprojmgmt/cfp/irwitpm-icis2023 |
30 | SIG SEC: Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP) | 30 | | | smho@fsu.edu | Email smho@fsu.edu https://cybersecurity.fsu.edu/wisp/ |
31 | SIG Social Inclusion: using technology for a sustainable development and humanitarian world. | 14 | | | sam.zaza@mtsu.edu | Email sam.zaza@mtsu.edu |
32 | SIG SVC Workshop: "Intelligent Agents and their Interplay within Service Ecosystems" | 22 | | | christian.bartelheimer@upb.de | https://www.linkedin.com/company/sig-svc/ |