1 | Dr. Meeradevi | | meera_ak@msrit.edu | M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology | No | |
2 | Aneesa | | aneesaabbasi91@outlook.com | Eindhoven University Of Technology | No | 264 |
3 | MUNEEB | | muneeb_eme@yahoo.com | CONAUTOENG | No | |
4 | Nabeel | | nabeel@cdac.in | CDAC india | No | |
5 | Alex | | a.acero@ieee.org | Apple | No | |
6 | Gilles | | gadda@limsi.fr | LIMSI/CNRS | No | |
7 | Benyamin | | ahmadnia@ucdavis.edu | University of California, Davis | No | |
8 | Felix | | felix.albu@valahia.ro | Valahia University of Targoviste | No | |
9 | Toomas | | toomas.altosaar@gmail.com | Aalto University | No | |
10 | Walter | | waltandrews@ieee.org | Raytheon BBN Technologies | No | |
11 | Afsaneh | | afsaneh.asaei@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | No | |
12 | Geraldine | | gerard.bailly@gipsa-lab.grenoble-inp.fr | GIPSA-Lab | No | |
13 | Plinio | | pabarbosa.unicampbr@gmail.com | State University of Campinas, Brazil | No | |
14 | Alireza | | alireza.bayestehtashk@mmodal.com | M*MODAL | No | |
15 | laurent | | laurent.besacier@imag.fr | LIG/University of Grenoble | No | |
16 | Anne | | anne.bonneau@loria.fr | CNRS (French National Center of Research) | No | |
17 | Hynek | | borilh@gmail.com | University of Texas at Dallas, Center of Robust Speech Systems | No | |
18 | Gilles | | gilles.boulianne@crim.ca | Centre de recherche Informatique de Montreal | No | |
19 | Ian | | iansburnett@gmail.com | RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia | No | |
20 | Carlos | | busso@utdallas.edu | The University of Texas at Dallas | No | |
21 | Asli | | asli.ca@live.com | Microsoft | No | |
22 | Milos | | milos.cernak@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | No | |
23 | Jan | | cernocky@fit.vutbr.cz | Brno University of Technology | No | |
24 | Navin | | navin.chatlani@intel.com | Intel Corporation | No | |
25 | Ciprian | | ciprian.chelba@gmail.com | Google, Inc., United States | No | |
26 | Frederick | | fwchen1975@gmail.com | Signal Systems Corporation | No | |
27 | Nancy | | nfychen@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
28 | Xin | | xin.chen@pearson.com | Pearson KT | No | |
29 | Zhixin | | zhixin.chen@intel.com | Intel Corporation | No | |
30 | Rathinavelu | | rathi@research.att.com | AT&T Labs | No | |
31 | Jen-Tzung | | jtchien@nctu.edu.tw | National Chiao Tung University | No | |
32 | Hoon-Young | | johy73@gmail.com | NCSOFT Corp. | No | |
33 | Gerard | | gerard.chollet@telecom-paristech.fr | CNRS | No | |
34 | Joon Son | | joonsc@kaist.ac.kr | KAIST | No | |
35 | Kenneth | | kenneth.ward.church@gmail.com | IBM | No | |
36 | Chloé | | chloe.clavel@telecom-paris.fr | Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Telecom-Paris | No | |
37 | Erica | | ecooper@nii.ac.jp | National Institute of Informatics | No | |
38 | Andre | | andre.coy@gmail.com | University of the West Indies | No | |
39 | Yiming | | ymcui@ieee.org | iFLYTEK Research | No | |
40 | Geraldine | | geraldine.damnati@orange-ftgroup.com | France Telecom - Orange Labs | No | |
41 | Rohan Kumar | | ecerohan@gmail.com | Fortemedia Singapore | No | |
42 | Sneha | | sned@dtu.dk | Technical University of Denmark | No | |
43 | Renato | | rdemori@cs.mcgill.ca | Mc Gill University | No | |
44 | Kris | | kris.demuynck@ugent.be | Ghent university, Electronics and Information Systems | No | |
45 | Huiqun | | huid@ieee.org | Dolby Laboratories | No | |
46 | Keqi | | kd502@cam.ac.uk | Cambridge University | Yes | |
47 | Dimitrios | | ddim@research.att.com | AT&T Labs | No | |
48 | Mortaza (Morrie) | | mdoulaty@gmail.com | Microsoft | No | |
49 | Lukas | | mail@lukas-drude.de | Amazon | No | |
50 | Harishchandra | | harishchandra.dubey@utdallas.edu | The University of Texas at Dallas | Yes | |
51 | Khaled | | kelmaleh@qualcomm.com | Qualcomm Inc. | No | |
52 | Mounya | | mounya@jhu.edu | Johns Hopkins University | No | |
53 | Hakan | | haerdogan@sabanciuniv.edu | Sabanci University, Turkey | No | |
54 | Engin | | eerzin@ku.edu.tr | Koc University | No | |
55 | Georgios | | gevang@mit.edu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | No | |
56 | Nicholas | | evans@eurecom.fr | EURECOM | No | |
57 | Mauro | | mfalcone@fub.it | Fondazione Ugo Bordoni | No | |
58 | Mauro | | falcone@fub.it | Fondazione Ugo Bordoni | No | |
59 | Tiago | | falk@emt.inrs.ca | INRS-EMT, University of Quebec | No | |
60 | Shaikh | | s.a.fattah@ieee.org | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | No | |
61 | Quchen | | quchenfu@microsoft.com | Microsoft | No | |
62 | Sadaoki | | furui@cs.titech.ac.jp | Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago | No | |
63 | Venkata | | vegadde@cisco.com | Cisco Systems | No | |
64 | Sriram | | ganapathy@jhu.edu | IBM T.J. Watson Research Center | No | |
65 | Suryakanth | | svg@iiit.ac.in | IIIT Hyderabad, India | No | |
66 | Giulia | | giulia.garau@idiap.ch | Idaip Research Institute, Switzerland | No | |
67 | Daniele | | giacobello@gmail.com | Sonos Inc. | No | |
68 | Daniele | | giacobello@gmail.com | Aalborg University | Yes | |
69 | Diego | | giuliani@fbk.eu | FBK- Fondazione Bruno Kessler | No | |
70 | James | | glass@mit.edu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | No | |
71 | James | | glass@mit.edu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | No | |
72 | Christian | | christian.gollan@rwth-aachen.de | Nuance Communication, Inc. | No | |
73 | Diptanu | | diptanuc@gmail.com | Facebook | No | |
74 | Yifan | | yifan.gong@live.com | Microsoft.com | No | |
75 | Philippe | | philippe.gournay@usherbrooke.ca | Universite de Sherbrooke | No | |
76 | Evandro | | evandro.gouvea@ieee.org | Interactions | No | |
77 | Avashna | | AGovender1@csir.co.za | CSIR | Yes | |
78 | Rodrigo | | guido@ifsc.usp.br | USP | No | |
79 | Ricardo | | rgutier@cse.tamu.edu | Texas A&M University, Computer Science and Engineering | No | |
80 | Reinhold | | haeb@nt.uni-paderborn.de | Paderborn University, Germany | No | |
81 | Kyu | | kjhan@us.ibm.com | IBM T. J. Watson Research Center | No | |
82 | Mark | | mark@kenjiva.net | KenJiva Energy Systems | No | |
83 | Naomi | | nharte@tcd.ie | Trinity College Dublin | No | |
84 | Jahid | | jahidapee52@gmail.com | Rajshahi University | No | |
85 | Rajesh | | rajeshhegde70@gmail.com | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | No | |
86 | Georg | | heigold@google.com | Google | No | |
87 | Inma | | inma.hernaez@ehu.es | University of the Basque Country | No | |
88 | Javier | | javier.hernando@upc.edu | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya | No | |
89 | Keikichi | | hirose@gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp | University of Tokyo | No | |
90 | Wendy | | holmesw@avaya.com | Avaya | No | |
91 | Songfang | | s.f.huang@ed.ac.uk | IBM T.J. Watson Research Center / University of Edinburgh | No | |
92 | Donato | | d.impedovo@di.uniba.it | University of Bari | No | |
93 | Amir | | aivry@ieee.org | Technion/Microsoft | No | |
94 | Dr. Rajkumar | | rajjain.ce@gmail.com | Indore Institute of Science and Technology Indore | No | |
95 | Hui | | hj@cse.yorku.ca | York University | No | |
96 | Michael | | mike.johnson@mu.edu | Marquette University | No | |
97 | Denis | | denis.jouvet@inria.fr | LORIA - INRIA | No | |
98 | Denis | | denis.jouvet@inria.fr | LORIA - INRIA | No | |
99 | Samudravijaya | | samudravijaya@gmail.com | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai | No | |
100 | Alexander | | kaina@ohsu.edu | OHSU / CSLU | No | |
101 | Kaustubh | | kalekaustubh@ieee.org | Motorola Inc. | No | |
102 | Kaustubh | | kakalgao@microsoft.com | Microsoft | No | |
103 | Ozlem | | ozlem.kalinli@ieee.org | Sony Computer Entertainment America | No | |
104 | Hong-Goo | | hgkang@yonsei.ac.kr | Yonsei University | No | |
105 | Athanasios | | nkatsam@athenarc.gr | ATHENA R.C. | No | |
106 | Tatsuya | | kawahara@i.kyoto-u.ac.jp | Kyoto University | No | |
107 | Abbas | | a.khosravani@aut.ac.ir | Amirkabir University of Technology | No | |
108 | Hong Kook | | hkkim@ieee.org | Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology | No | |
109 | Brian | | bedk@us.ibm.com | IBM Research | No | |
110 | Aykut | | aykut.koc@bilkent.edu.tr | Bilkent University | No | |
111 | Constantine | | costas@aiia.csd.auth.gr | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | No | |
112 | Gernot | | g.kubin@ieee.org | Graz University of Technology, Austria | Yes | |
113 | Benjamin | | benlambert@cmu.edu | CMU | Yes | |
114 | Romain | | romain.laroche@orange.com | Orange Labs | No | |
115 | Byung Suk | | bsl@ee.columbia.edu | Columbia Universiy | Yes | |
116 | Hung-yi | | hungyilee@ntu.edu.tw | National Taiwan University (NTU) | No | |
117 | Kong Aik | | kalee@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
118 | Roch | | roch.lefebvre@usherbrooke.ca | Université de Sherbrooke | No | |
119 | Qi | | qili@ieee.org | Li Creative Technologies, Inc. | No | |
120 | Sheng | | sheng.li@nict.go.jp | National Institute of Information & Communications Technology (NICT) | No | |
121 | Zhenhua | | zhling@ustc.edu.cn | University of Science and Technology of China | No | |
122 | Chaojun | | chaojunl@microsoft.com | Microsoft | No | |
123 | Fei | | feiliu@hlt.utdallas.edu | Bosch Research | No | |
124 | Gang | | liugang.usa@gmail.com | University of Texas at Dallas | Yes | |
125 | Jia | | liuj@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University, Beijing, China | No | |
126 | Wenju | | lwj@nlpr.ia.ac.cn | NLPR, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences | No | |
127 | Xunying | | xunying.liu@gmail.com | Cambridge University | No | |
128 | Yang | | yangl@hlt.utdallas.edu | University of Texas at Dallas | No | |
129 | Liang | | liang.lu@ed.ac.uk | The Univeristy of Edinburgh | Yes | |
130 | Bin | | mabin@i2r.a-star.edu.sg | Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore | No | |
131 | Ranniery | | ranniery.maia@crl.toshiba.co.uk | Toshiba Research Europe Limited | No | |
132 | Andreas | | andreas.maier@fau.de | University Erlangen-Nuremberg | No | |
133 | Jean | | jean@maillard.it | University of Cambridge | Yes | |
134 | Brian | | mak@cse.ust.hk | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | No | |
135 | Arindam | | marindam@gmail.com | SRI International | No | |
136 | Sukanya | | sukanya@ieee.org | Capgemini | No | |
137 | Tomoko | | tmatsui@ism.ac.jp | Institute of Statistical Mathematics | No | |
138 | Suleman | | aicoursegiki@gmail.com | GIKI | No | |
139 | Alan | | alan.mccree@ieee.org | Johns Hopkins HLTCOE | No | |
140 | Kannu | | kannumehta@gmail.com | IIT Roorkee | Yes | |
141 | hamed | | hamed.mirsmaeili@gmail.com | tehran | No | |
142 | Vikramjit | | vikramjitmitra@speech.sri.com | Speech Technology and Research Lab, SRI International | No | |
143 | Aanchan Kumar | | am@malaspina-labs.com | Malaspina Labs | No | |
144 | Athanasios | | mouchtar@ics.forth.gr | University of Crete / FORTH-ICS | No | |
145 | Emily | | emilykmp@umich.edu | University of Michigan | No | |
146 | Ludek | | muller@kky.zcu.cz | University of West Bohemia | No | |
147 | Edris | | edris@ieee.org | National technical university of Ukraine | No | |
148 | Lakshya | | lakshyanahar@gmail.com | Ramaiah Institute of Technology | Yes | |
149 | Mahesh Kumar | | mahesh.nandwana@gmail.com | SRI International | No | |
150 | Mohammad | | nasiruddin@uap-bd.edu | University of Asia Pacific | Yes | |
151 | Eva | | eva.navas@ehu.es | University of the Basque Country | No | |
152 | Shekhar | | ee13p1008@iith.ac.in | IIT Hyderabad | Yes | |
153 | Sridhar Krishna | | siris.krishna@gmail.com | Audience Inc | No | |
154 | Oliver | | niebuhr@isfas.uni-kiel.de | General Linguistics, University of Kiel, Germany | No | |
155 | Elmar | | elmar.noeth@fau.de | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg | No | |
156 | Alfonso | | ortega@unizar.es | University of Zaragoza | No | |
157 | Mari | | mo@ee.washington.edu | University of Washington | No | |
158 | Zhijian | | ozj@tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
159 | Sham | | siham.ouamour@ieee.org | USTHB University | No | |
160 | Sibel | | soyman@apple.com | Apple | No | |
161 | Mukund | | mukund@rentec.com | Renaissance Technologies | No | |
162 | Hamid | | hamidpalangi@ieee.org | Microsoft Research | No | |
163 | Vishala | | p.vishala@research.iiit.ac.in | IIITH | No | |
164 | Vijay | | parsa@nca.uwo.ca | University of Western Ontario | No | |
165 | sarangarajan | | sarangp@microsoft.com | Microsoft | No | |
166 | Hemant | | hemant_patil@daiict.ac.in | DA-IICT Gandhinagar | No | |
167 | Shashikant | | sspatil@ieee.org | SVKM NMIMS | No | |
168 | Antonio | | amp@ugr.es | Universidad de Granada | No | |
169 | Thomas | | thomas.pellegrini@gmail.com | University of Toulouse III | No | |
170 | Shiva Kumar | | shivakumar.pentyala@salesforce.com | Salesforce AI | No | |
171 | Michael | | picheny@us.ibm.com | IBM TJ Watson Res Ctr | No | |
172 | Eric | | eric.plourde@usherbrooke.ca | Université de Sherbrooke | No | |
173 | Parag | | paragvpuranik@gmail.com | Nagpur University | Yes | |
174 | Yao | | yaoqian@microsoft.com | Microsoft | No | |
175 | Chao | | cqin@ucmerced.edu | University of California, Merced | Yes | |
176 | Long | | long.qin@mmodal.com | M*Modal Inc | No | |
177 | Long | | lqin@cs.cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
178 | Ravi | | ravi@rowan.edu | Rowan University | No | |
179 | Shivesh | | shivesh.ranjan@utdallas.edu | University of Texas at Dallas | Yes | |
180 | Spyros | | spy@ilsp.gr | Institute for Language and Speech Processing / Research Center "Athena" | No | |
181 | Steve | | s.renals@ed.ac.uk | University of Edinburgh | No | |
182 | Manuel Sam | | sam.ribeiro@ed.ac.uk | The University of Edinburgh | No | |
183 | Giuseppe | | riccardi@disi..unitn.it | University of Trento | No | |
184 | Luis Javier | | luisjavier.rodriguez@ehu.es | University of the Basque Country | No | |
185 | Masoud | | mrouhizadeh@gmail.com | Johns Hopkins University | No | |
186 | M. | | sahidullahmd@gmail.com | Inria | No | |
187 | Tara | | tsainath@google.com | Google, Inc. | No | |
188 | Shailesh | | ssakri216@gmail.com | Harman International | No | |
189 | Giampiero | | giampiero.salvi@ntnu.no | giampiero.salvi@ntnu.no | No | |
190 | Victoria | | victoria@ugr.es | University of Granada | No | |
191 | Abhijeet | | abhijeet.sangwan@utdallas.edu | The University of Texas at Dallas | No | |
192 | Murat | | muratsaraclar@ieee.org | Bogazici University | No | |
193 | Ali | | sarafnia@gmail.com | Concordia University | Yes | |
194 | Aniruddha | | ansatoskar@gmail.com | Cirrus Logic | No | |
195 | Halim | | halim.sayoud@gmail.com | USTHB University | No | |
196 | Thomas | | thomas.schaaf@ieee.org | Multimodal Technologies Inc. | No | |
197 | Nicolas | | nicolas.scheffer@ieee.org | SRI International | No | |
198 | Ralf | | schlueter@cs.rwth-aachen.de | RWTH Aachen University | No | |
199 | Armin | | sehr@beuth-hochschule.de | Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin | No | |
200 | Deep | | dsen@ieee.org | Qualcomm | No | |
201 | Nirmesh | | nirmesh.shah@sony.com | Sony Research India | No | |
202 | Koichi | | shinoda@cs.titech.ac.jp | Tokyo Institute of Technology | No | |
203 | Sajad | | shirali@cs.toronto.edu | Google | No | |
204 | Suwon | | swshon@csail.mit.edu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | No | |
205 | Satyendr | | satyendr@gmail.com | BML Munjal University, Gurgaon | No | |
206 | Sabato | | marco.siniscalchi@unikore.it | Università degli Studi di Enna Kore | No | |
207 | Berrak | | berrak_sisman@sutd.edu.sg | SUTD, Singapore | No | |
208 | Man-hung | | msiu@bbn.com | Raytheon BBN Technologies | No | |
209 | Sunil | | sunil.sivadas@gmail.com | Institute for Infocomm Research | No | |
210 | Raymond | | r.slyh@ieee.org | Air Force Research Laboratory | No | |
211 | Dr.China | | prof.cvsonagiri@gmail.com | Institute of Aeronautical Engineering | No | |
212 | Jayesh | | jsoni@fiu.edu | Florida International University | No | |
213 | Axel | | axel.plinge@tu-dortmund.de | TU Dortmund University | No | |
214 | Thippur | | tvsree@iisc.ac.in | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-12 | No | |
215 | Stefan | | stefan.steidl@fau.de | Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg | No | |
216 | Andreas | | stolcke@icsi.berkeley.edu | Amazon, ICSI | No | |
217 | Yannis | | yannis@csd.uoc.gr | University of Crete | No | |
218 | Xie | | xie.sun@nuance.com | Nuance Communications | No | |
219 | Zheng-Hua | | zt@es.aau.dk | Aalborg University | No | |
220 | Antonio | | ajst@ua.pt | University of Aveiro | No | |
221 | Cristian | | cristian.tejedorgarcia@ru.nl | Radboud University | No | |
222 | Zhongwei | | zhongwei.teng12@gmail.com | Duolingo | No | |
223 | Fabio | | fabio.tesser@gmail.com | MIVOQ S.R.L and Fairmat S.R.L | No | |
224 | Samuel | | sthomas@us.ibm.com | IBM Research AI | No | |
225 | Michael | | michael.tjalve@microsoft.com | Microsoft | No | |
226 | Yu | | yu.tsao@citi.sinica.edu.tw | Academia Sinica | No | |
227 | Vivek | | vivek1900us@gmail.com | IBM Research India | No | |
228 | Raphael | | raphael.ullmann@idiap.ch | Idiap Research Institute | Yes | |
229 | Cassia | | c.valentini-botinhao@sms.ed.ac.uk | University of Edinburgh | Yes | |
230 | Rogier | | rcv25@cam.ac.uk | University of Cambridge | No | |
231 | Sebastian | | sebastian.varges@gmail.com | University of Trento | No | |
232 | Ravichander | | ravichander.vipperla@gmail.com | University of Edinburgh | Yes | |
233 | Stephen | | svoran@its.bldrdoc.gov | Institute for Telecommunication Sciences | No | |
234 | Dong | | wangdong99@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn | Tsinghua University | No | |
235 | Hsin-Min | | whm@iis.sinica.edu.tw | Academia Sinica | No | |
236 | Longbiao | | wang@vos.nagaokaut.ac.jp | Nagaoka University of Technology | No | |
237 | William Yang | | yww@cs.cmu.edu | Carnegie Mellon University | Yes | |
238 | Yongqiang | | yw293@cam.ac.uk | Cambridge University | Yes | |
239 | Christian | | welleken@eurecom.fr | Institut Eurecom | No | |
240 | Chao | | cweng6@gmail.com | Tencent AI Lab | No | |
241 | Luis | | weruaga@ieee.org | Khalifa University of Science, Technology & Research | No | |
242 | Donald | | williads@indiana.edu | Indiana University | No | |
243 | Zhizheng | | wuzz@ntu.edu.sg | Nanyang Technological University | Yes | |
244 | Lei | | lxie@nwpu.edu.cn | Northwestern Polytechnical University | No | |
245 | Xuesong | | xuesongyxs@gmail.com | Amazon Alexa Speech | No | |
246 | Dongsuk | | yook@ai.korea.ac.kr | Korea University | No | |
247 | Dong | | dongyu@microsoft.com | Microsoft Research | No | |
248 | Kai | | kai.yu@sjtu.edu.cn | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | No | |
249 | Ilija | | ilija@research.att.com | AT&T Labs - Research | No | |
250 | Chao | | cz277@cam.ac.uk | University of Cambridge | No | |
251 | Chi | | handsomechi@gmail.com | Appen Company | No | |
252 | Le | | lzhang@bbn.com | Raytheon BBN Technologies | No | |
253 | Peng | | pzh@ieee.org | Amazon | No | |
254 | Xiao-Lei | | xiaolei.zhang@nwpu.edu.cn | Northwestern Polytechnic University | No | |
255 | Yi | | yizhang62@gmail.com | CSR plc | No | |
256 | Yongxin | | yongxin.zhang@ieee.org | Qualcomm Inc | No | |
257 | Zhengyou | | zhang@microsoft.com | Microsoft Research | No | |
258 | Xu Fang | | xufang.zhao@gmail.com | General Motors Company | No | |
259 | Yunxin | | zhaoy@missouri.edu | University of Missouri | No | |
260 | Ziyue | | ziyue.zhao@tu-bs.de | Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute for Communications Technology | Yes | |
261 | Thomas | | fzheng@tsinghua.edu.cn | Center for Speech and Language Technologies, Tsinghua University | No | |
262 | Xinhui | | zxinhui@umd.edu | University of Maryland, College Park | No | |
263 | Xiaodan | | xiaodan.zhuang@gmail.com | Raytheon BBN Technologies | No | |
264 | | | | | | |
265 | | | | | | |
266 | | | | | | |
267 | | | | | | |
268 | Harshal | | harshalshah40@gmail.com | General Motors | No | |